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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1905)
oeo for P0RTL10D DAY IS CflOl'JDLISTEDSIO OEIT CiTJTiiL HIE GREATEST- FT03TY rG0 :r T '' . PABEGOBItl cr" bzbzi to rzi' it sleep. Ttzzs 'dr' rItC3 Jace Davja ;. Pronounce San -tnc 6h H.'legOrden f Success of the City's ' Special Prosecutor Closes Argument Us Lytle Interests Will Probably viscid a FEW iminTO Event at the Fale Is As; . aured Even Nowl Ing no Oratory or Invective . . but Only Facts. Take Hold of Nehalem v Tillamook Road. at Vale. f:r- Tiin ortcon daily jouHNAU xcrTLArn ::c::oay :nyr-:r:o crrTZ "-uiiLiliraiF v . -r :''-:. v; f- !'-' v . . ; CHILDREN'S TESTIMONY it' ;;-;r;. . xjft' Doomed Mm to' ExpUu Critn at " ; Salem Expressee Wish toDi on II Anniversary of . Day Wu , Bonu'i",.,V;J;;V;;.f:':V,'j'';i ' ' Vale. Or., Sept. tt. Circuit court for Malheur eunty adjourned Saturday. Judge Davis sentenced Hollver Megor den, convicted of murder In the first degree, to be hinged at the atate prison In Salem. November it. -. ' . : The crime for which Megorden must nay the death penalty waa the brutal murder of his wife at the Megorden home near Nyssev Oregon, the even? tog of March IS, 110. . . t Jt seems the Megordena had not lived happily together for some .. .time , and had finally agreed to a separation. The cause of the trouble, it appears, was in sane jealousy on the part of Megorden. The-murdered woman" was held in the highest esteem by all her neighbors, who allege that Megorden bad no grounds for Bis suspicions. . . . - -. On the day of the tragedy Megorden Tlslted Vale, and It la alleged purchased the gun, a SI ' American bulldog re- .velver, with which weaport the deed was committed. Upon his return home In thee evening a family row ensued, and It-year-old son of the couple Interfered In his mother's behalf end. In hex. defense truck the father with a club. . The en raged father fired three shots at - the boy,-none of" which" took" effect. 7 The Jad having- eluded his. father, Megorden turned on his wife, who was fleeing to neighbor's house for safety.,' He overtook her In the wood, and as the defenseless woman turned to plteously plead for her life, he shot her dead, the bullet entering the fight breast, pene trating the right lung. Two of the little children, a boy and a glrL loaded their dead 'mother Into a wheelbarrow and at' tempted to convey the remains to neighbor" house. - : ,-,-, -V ''" J. HANEY WANTED TO 7& IVHIPHIEF-CAMPBELL Because the firemen of truck eompany wo. l refused to give an exhibition drill for the benefit of James Jlanax. res; " day, lie became angry and spit In the face of Captain Stokes at fire headquar ters. He was cuffed and thrown down - a stalrwayv-.ri'- : Hancy was arrested and sent to the city prison. This morning he was fined 110 for disorderly conduct by Police Judge Cameron.' It waa brought out that when Haney committed the offense he waa looking for Fire Chief Camp : bell, no give htm a good licking.".. , ROOSEVELT. WOULD NOT . fx ACCEPT REN0M1NATI0N ' Washington, Sept. 25. Congressman Prince of Illinois today said that the "president had reiterated In a letter to an Illinois editor written sinoe the peace conference his unalterable determina tion not to accept a r nomination. The president said: "Seven consecutive year ere equivalent to two terms: more .then this no one should serve in the presidency.. , ., CUILDING COLLAPSES . . SEVEN MEN BURIED J Buffalo. . N Y., Sept t$--A brick building on West Perry street this eft- .ernoon collapsed. Injuring twenty work men, two probably fatally." Seven are missing, and It la be lie red t h e y a re ' buried intheTUlne.'T' - ionolukv EKcuraionj The S. & Alameda saUs Sept 10th. nsietsd isle, fui HHS'triP" ll?81her and beck. jBet particulars atOffJce,J6 Bt, Ban rranclsoo.. SCHOOL PYS KOW C0i!ES THE BOYS SCHCOtSUl "r7?2CP0SITI0N , Strangs bey If as doeent seed ' ekool elotkae. Waea yea see a bey haaglmg by bis tromsera on a U or ieacewaad ,.he -sseeeers - ea tip or tea, he's wearing eae ef tu acaool smlta. . : '' Peraaps yea have heard yea , asaffkbo U3M a boat the - excel- , leaeo of oaf aohool clothes. Brlag la the boy aad let as at him oat, thea yoa aaa test eu bind.. - Coys' Panb : Sdb HM to $6.50 Coys';lcj Pcnb . Si!s$US to J12.CQ I telfe or School Supplies free II"! dOTir.'S CO; Outnttera to Men and Boyg aiaa Third, BTeee 1 FATKSR CONVICTED ON MANY FEATURES WILL - ENTERTAIN THE THRONG Thousands of Tickets Have Already Been Sold and Official Think That the Hundred Thousand Mark Will Doubtless Bt Easily Reached. : I Arrangements are ""practically com- nleted for the celebration of Portland day, the greatest Of the exposition, nest Saturday.- - .: The first feature of the day wm be the firing of a salute of Bt guns at 1 a. m. In honor of -tna th- year -of the Incorporation of the- city of Portland. . At 10T' clock De Caprio'a Admlnlstra tlon band will begin a special concert at the -bandstand vn amy's boulevard and one hour later the airship race between Baldwin's "8lty of Portland" and Tom Masons "Gelatine wlU take place, ' : . P" Salute to Oregon, At noon there will be a salute of 14 guns in honor or Oregon, the thirty fourth state admitted Into the-union. At this hour, too, a regiment of troops from Vancouver barracks will give an exhibition drill on the government pen Insula. - ' - ' At t-e'clock the airship City of Port land will make a long-distance . flight. conveying a messsgs to Vancouver bar- racka andeturnlng an. answer. An Australian boomerang thrower win give sn exhibition at t o'clock at the foot-ofXakavlew terrace. ... Cilery's band will play at :! o'clock. At o'clock the parade .'will take place It will include gayly decorated floats, typical of the principal clues of the coast and the states participating In the exposition ... '.. ,..-.-- ' Other reaturee ef the Say. Other features of the day will In clude the following: , . 4 p. m. Display of Japanese day flre- orka .-' - p. m. National salute of St guns. T:I0 p. m. Special concert by the Ellery Royal Itallaa band. Gray boule vard. -.....!-.. : . i . V ' ; ,-, 1:10 p. m. Sujerb display of fire works p. m. -Mammoth, reproduction of the hlsterle wavaX battle of. Manila bay. 1:I0 p. m-BUtrlbonjlMOO In casa prises. I c'Thag faf Over M0 tickets have been sold Jn large lots for Portland day. Olds, Wortman King took 1.000. Meier A Prank 1,000, and the Portland General Electrlo company 1,000. . " SMch holder of a paid admission tlckst on Portland day is to receive a button upon entering the grounds. ' The sou venir will be appended to Beat . ribbons and will bear on one aide the slogan. Portland points the way," aad on the other the yell, "Portland great! Portland fine! : Five hundred thouaand la l0t" At the request of .Postmaster Mlnto, the poatofflce department has declared Saturday, September 10, a legal boll-1 day.:. E. WILL PASS VERY pet i;;EYi.:oo;r Goes to Alaska Post to Be Only Woman in Three Hundred Miles. , Deputy United States Marshal Rus sell S. Bates wss married this afternoon to Miss Barrett, formerly of Los An reles by Justice of the -Peace Wlllam Reld. Mr. Bates U stationed at Nusha- Alaska, one of theJojjeesUWluUa. wueie uie goverpment meintalns a civil keeper. of the peace. The couple .t t ""til vrhtrs they will take an Alaska steamer October 1. Mr. Bates taking tola bride-to. a town where there Is only one white woman within 160 miles and the next nearest woman neighbor resides too utiles away.,: . . . -'i . "My town contains about 1,000 peo ple in the summer time but only lto during the winter." said Mr. Bates. 'It Is the center of the Bristol Bay salmon fisheries- There are only three malls a year there, but one can have lota of fun snowballing and killing polar bears.'' . Miss Barrett met the deputy marshal while on a visit to Alaska three years ago. . ,, , Three deputies from the office of United States Marshal Reed, - U C. Drlggs. P.; A. Clark and 8. Z. Hender son, attended the wedding and- pre sented the bride with a handsome bou quet. :.- -. ' HIGH CHINESE OFFICIALS " A --- BLOWN UP BY BOMB Hearaal Special gerr!e.t Peking, Sept. . A bomb was exploded kJ.h JPek.,n rellwautation-yeaterday as one of the four missions ordered abroad to study foreign political methods wss leaving. Four minor officials were killed and M ether persons wounded. In cluding Prince Teal Tone, who Is the bead of the. most1 Important missions. ad Wu Tlnr Panr, n-mlnlsler to the united States. -The . perpetrator of the outrage was blown, to pieces. The mis sions wers appointed to study foreign systems of government, as ths dowsger empress Intended to tfksue a decree, on the new year to establish a parliament U years hence. The crime was ths deed of aa anarchist. ...ijj ..-i. - DEPUTY DROWNS WHILE- il r PURSUING CRIMINAL V (ftpeeUi fnipetek to Tse' jrarasLT " lJ" Aberdeen, Wash., Sept. 14. Deputy Sheriff Hoover, a logger of Monteaano, was drowned yesterday in an effort to eaten EmU Wilde,. whaatab bed . MflTtln Pearson, in a fight at Monteaano.-. Pear son Is seriously If not fatally -Injured. When en attempt was mads to arrest Wilde he started to run for he Wy aoochee , river. . Deputies Hoover and Winter caught him on tht river bonk but after a tussle he broke away and atsrted to swim the stream. Hoover started td cross the river In his effort to catch Wilde but was drowned. Wilde escaped. r- : r7---- : Ooart teaograpkera Messed. "' . C H. Sholes and W. B. Mitchell were this morning appointed official stenog raphers for the local circuit courtev' WEEPINO WOMAN IS ONE OF LISTENERS She It V Relative of One ot the, De- fendante Defense) Be(lns tha- Prt enution of Its Case This Afternoon WUUamaonHard Hit . For nearly three hour Congressman J.N. Williamson and his fellow-defendants listened this morning to District Attorney Heney's powerful ' address to the Jury which s tq determine the ques tion of their Innonenee or guilt. Without resort to Invective or abuse, without at tempt at oratory or - declamation, the prosecutor marshalled the faexs. driving home his" arguments by constant refer ence to the testimony given during the trial. -,. v; " -.' . Throughout his address the district at tomey was followed with .closest atten tlon by every one In the crowded courtroom.- Prom time "to time the defendant turned to study the faces of the Jurors as If to learn there the fate that la In store for them. Against the wall in the farther end of the courtroom- sat a wom an, a relative Of one of the defendants, weeping bitterly. - - . '. . ' '1 Bef ease .'Began. ' Mr. Heney concluded his argnmsnt shortly after - It o'clock. Counsel for the defense "beganthe presentation of their case at J o'clock and It is ex pected that they will occupy most of tomorrow. -The closing argument win be made by the prosecuting attorney. Instructions to the Jurr-wUt-be given by the court and then for the third time the Issue of the case will be deter mined behind the guarded doors of the Jury-room. It is not likely that the case will reach the jury before Wednes day.. :-, - ;.- -V- - Over. and over this morning; District Attorney Heney hammered home his contention that Congressman William son was the head and front of the al leged conspiracy. - Williamson, the bheepman of II years' experience, was the 'one - who planned the scheme and whose brain guided it to consummation. Gesner had never been on the range until May . 1001, six weeks before the first of the timber 'entries were made. ajwOiaklummoi about raising sheep.' T. warn Judge Bennett now." contin ued the district attorney, "that If there Is any attempt on his part to represent to you that Newt Williamson's testi mony Is truthful and consistent, Z shall show . every Inconsistency and " every contradiction both tn his testimony and In that of Gesner and of Biggs." Heney dwelt upon the faot that on June It, 1102, the same day when Oco nee wrote to tha clerk of the state land board, inclosing ISO la part payment for school land purchased in the name or hla - sister,, Mrs, Gerowe. Williamson wrote also, remitting a check for In terest that toad accrued on notes given for the purchase, of school land a by Mra. Williamson. - The district attorney drew a picture of Gesner sitting on ons side of the table ana Williamson on the other. While each wrote bis letter. and be declared that In thus seeking to acquire school lands from ths state the defendants were carrying out one phase of the scheme to drive out the rival sheep Arm from the range. "The testimony shows clearly that Wakefield, the- partner ef Williamson A Gesner; should have been Indicted with them, and it Is a .significant fact that they have not dared to put htm on the stand." , . -v - ' - , .. . FEATURES OF TUESDAY'S EXPOSITION PROGRAM The order of events at the exposition for tomorow will be as follows: 1 1 " ta 1 10 1 K." IB. concert. ! IJelXBnSTTbtUerly opposing the suggestion, in Administration . band, Transports tlon building bandstand. . ' 19 to it a."Tn.-conoert, mi led Btatee Artillery band, livestock arena, Lewis and -Clark horss aad eattleshow. - . 10 to It m. Concert. Administration band, California building. 11 a. m. Sacramento Valley day. ex ercises, California building. 11 a. m. -Airship flight. Aeronautic concourse. r . . t to 1:30 p. m. Concert, Administra tion band, California building. t p. m.-Blanket weaving by Alaska Indians, Alaska exhibit: 2:80 p. m. Grand concert, Ellsrys band, bandstsnd. Gray boulevard. -2:t p. m. Organ recital. Professor r. W. Goodrich, Forestry building.'. - 2:10 to 1:80 p. m. Concert,' United States Artillery band, livestock arena, Lewis and Clark horse and cattle show. 1:10 p. m. United States Ufesavlng tervlce exhibition on lake. ' I p. m. Sacramento Valley day recep tion, California . building. - 1:80 p. m. Timber-testing exhibition, forestry building, government exhibit. 1:10 to C p. m. Concert. Administra tion band, Washington building. 4 to I p. m. Concert, United States Artillery, band. Government terraoe. -v f iU. . m.-rrQrand ope ratio ooncerV-ia- rslfy's "Carnival of Venice" company, on rustic steps.- .. ( p. m. Government exhibit closea . V p. m. Exhibit buildings close. 7:10 p. m. Grand concert, Ellerys band, bandstand. Gray boulevard. (In event of Inclement weather thla concert will be given In the Auditorium.) I p. m. Grand electrical Illumination, II p. m. Gates close. : 11:80 p. ,m.--Trsll closes. EX-MAYOR STEWART IS ILL IN CALIFORNIA L (Special DlspaUa ta The learns!.) ..San Jose,. Cal BepL . 2&.-.Ux-af ayor Stewart of East -Portland, who was taken to the county Infirmary, Is In a se rious condition. -Dr, --Gates eel levee, however, that. he will recover without an operation. s .. 1 ; y , Maoarsioa Sates to VewporC V The Soufberir Paclfhr company has placed on sale at all "- TorUand offices round trip t(eketa te Newport at rate ef l. limited to October 10. 110. and for tt Saturday te Monuay -- tickets. Ample hotel secommodatlons at reason able rates are provided et this popular resort. ' r ' . ' Xndlotmentc Staad. -MoUohi made last week in the federal court te quash the Indictments against W. N. Jones, Thaddeua Potter, Ira Wsde snd Herman Finch for frauds In the Sllets Indian reserve were overruled to day by Judge Hunt PRESENT BACKERS ARE ; 7",-; UNABLE TO CO AHEAD Construction Waa Started but ' Lack JF.HndiReited,!BJ5oppins; ef Work After Ten Miles Wera .(Sfaded..,,, V- V Tv-'''' The Portland, ,l?ehalem A Tillamook railroad will probably be built forth with by men who have strong financial backing and are ready to assume the task which so long has proven to be toe beavsfor, its promoters. Indica tions -today are that - tha project will be taken up by JB. E. Lytle, ex-prealdent of the Columbia Southern railroad, and men . associated with binu ' ." .. ' It has. been for some days reported that Mr. Lytle had connected himself with the undertaklna-to build a rail road from Hillsboro - to Nehalem. and Tillamook. Mr. Lytic declines to. con- firm or -deny tBe report, but saye that something deflalte may be announced wirnin a xew says. The PortUnd Tillamook at Nehalem Railroad company, of which Henry -B. McCrakea Is president. . William Held Is secretary, and H. I Plttock , and others are directors, has a tight of wsy from Hillsboro 10 miles to Buxton and extending toward the divide, and the first 10 miles out of Hillsboro Is graded. The work had proceeded that far. when the Atlas Contracting A Supply eom pany. under contract with the railroad company to complete the first SO miles by December. 10. got lot deep waters financially, and , construction ' ' work ceased. " . , Controls : The road Is capitalised for 11.000.000. and a controlling Interest la the com mon ctock is vested In Secretary Wil liam Reld, trustee. The road was to be financed by an English syndicate, which agreed to take the company's bonds and SO per cent 'Of the stock,-and furnish ths money when 10 miles of ths line bad been built. ' Under this arrangement the Atlas Contracting A Supply company contracted to build the first 20 miles, for which It was to receive one half of the stock. The withdrawal of Erickson A, Peterson .from the Atlas .eompany, Edward Records alone to xarfy tha" enterprise forward.-rendered fulfilw ment of the 'contract impossible., Rec ords carried It along aa far as he could on credit, and In construction . of the first 10 miles' Issued certificates In lieu of cash for materials and part of the labor. . These certificates now outstand ing amount to about $12,800.'. . -, , . :",Uahffltlcg Are Small... . -In financing; the preliminary arrange ments the promoters bad required $8,000 ready cash, and to raise thla money had Issued 200 shares of preferred stock at $1$ a share. This stock "waa taken by 48 local men, who advanced smalt sums of money to carry on the preliminaries. By the terms 'of ths .board's' resolution Secretary Reld la to vote the common stock as directed by the msjortty of the preferred stockholders until ' such time as the $6,000 advanced is repaid and the preferred stock canceled.. This preferred stock, together with the 111.800 ot-eer-tlflcatea Issued by the Atlas company, constitutes what is said to be the total liabilities' of the Portland. Nehalem A Tillamook Railroad company at tble time, . . v. , ' Whea Mr. Lytle a week ago attempted to buy the certificates from their hold ers Mr. Reld ssnt Chief Engineer Davis along the line aad notified the holders that they would receive face value for the certlflcatea If they would wait a short time and allow him to pay the elelme. ; 1 rr"" . '"" ' Secretary Reld claims to have no ob jection to an alliance between the pres ent oompany and Mr. Lytic, notwlth- tn,lntJbejrQLlhaUejrntejkistter the fsee of repeated failures and delays be still asserts the road can and will aays Utters and cablegrams have been sentiohe English, fapltal lets wlth whom bo Is dealing and they have been asked to advance .a proportionate amount of the promised money when the first 10 miles of ths line is com pleted. Instead of holding back the en tire amount until 20 miles Is dona He aid: v ,...,... . r. ; .LS.yj.i - . Bold Mot Opposed. - "We will complete the first 10 miles within 40 days, and I have no doubt the English backers will advance a part of the money after that la dona "If Mr. Lytle will guarantee that he will make an equal trafflo agreement between the Southern Paclfte and the Northern Pacific, to exchange business with these companies at Hillsboro, I think there would be no trouble In sdopting ths plan proposed." It is stated that, should Mr. Lytle and his associates desire to gain control of the -enterprise they would have only to secure a majority of the $5,000 pre ferred stock. . -'hrtert--x4M-toJoceaa. X'"; - The Portland, Nehalem A Tillamook will, whan completed, be much the short est line to the ocean. ' It will tap a great country between Portland and the coast,. with untold resources, In timber, coal . and agriculture, now practically undeveloped. Should Mr. Lytle within the next few days complete arrange ments that will enable hlrfi to dominate the enterprise, the road will be com pleted and In operation to the coaat within the next-yssr. ' . THREE MEM KILLED IN NORTHERN PACIFIC WRECK i lpeelf DUpeUk U Tae" JtoernatV Missoula. UonU Sept IS Three men were kUled in a wreck on th Northern Paclflo near A rlee, Montana, last Sat urday night.- They -heve been Identified as J. W. Salor of Ballard, Wash.. Chsa E.. Tetters of . iJayton,. Ohio, and Joe Harrington of Spokane. Operator Car ter, who is alleged to be responsible for the disaster, hss disappeared. ' . i -i . There , Is no , peppet; .. In Schilling's Best ginger; there' nothing wrong in Schilling's Best anything. " , .. . ' ; Money backe , ' tbssr" wison." Tlw dsSrltioa cf "-rrsctio fa! "A inedicba vshieh relieves pai : I t, 'ivMcnn " - rna.n'' - tfTiaAer Cici'nat peraut-OTwE ' 1 - ' 1 ;0 at '4 ' Hnewas3iiw aw . , 1. csaaosa or uzza ... liiwi; THEIR LABORS Oregon - Conftrenc at Albany v, Conctudet lt Annual .., rV-'l'; Session.''': :C:'.l (KpeeUI Dtopatch te The 7oarasLI Albany,-Of-. Septr . The Oregon Methodist conference concluded Its an nual session last night whea Bishop- Mo- ments for the coming year. Dr. J. H. eolemsn, president or Wil lamette university delivered anT address laat night on "Education.' a plea for his college. A gift of $1,000 'from R. A. Booth for tbe ssalstanoe of needy stu dents was announced." '-' Bishop McDowell stated that the ar rangements of districts had been changed so as to unite the city cf Portland and create the Klamath rails mission. The following are the esslgn msnts: . ' - - v - East Portland district Presiding el der, B. F. Rowland; Albany, J. W. Me DougaU; Bridal Veil. . J. HTWood; Brooks. Wilfred Smith; Corvallls. Q. H. Prise; Canby, F. S. Clemo; Canby elroutt, John Sanderson; Clackamas and Oswego, W. B. Moorei Damascus and Pleasant Valley, to be supplied; Estacada, H. Mays; Oreaham, J. C. Greg ory; Jefferson, O. Oscar Ollvari Leb anon, Alfred Thompson; Msrquam, Henry epeiss; atensms, c 11. Reese; Lincoln, H. J. Adams; Montavllla, j P. Parmer; Mount Tabor,. James - Monroe: 'Mullus end Clerks, Thomas Wiles; Oregon City, R. C. Black well; - pleasant Home and Trffutdale, E. S. Sox; Portland Centenary church, W. H. Heppe; Arleta Park and Lent, to" be supplied; Patton church, M. T. Wire; Sellwood, C. A. Lewis; Trinity church, Harold Oberr;' Sunnyslds, T. B. Pord; Woodstock. W. T. Kerr; Balem, First church, W. H. 81 leek; Salem. Les lie church, E. Olttens; Sllets Indian mis sion, te be supplied; Bllverton, A. D. Wagner; Turner, C. B. Craadall; Toledo, to be supplied; Violet J. J. Patton; Woodburn, D. H. Leech. Eugene district presiding elder, M. T. Wire; Ashland, E.. T. Zimmerman; Brownsville, A. J. Hqjllngs worth; Can yonvUle, C M- Bryan; Central Point, O. L. Burbank; Coburg and Wendllng. W. H. Myers, Coqullls snd pandon. WBJF". Browne; Cottage Orove, S. E. Meminger; Cottage Qrove circuit, to be supplied; Crawfordsvllle, to be supplied; Creswell, A, . x- Stratf oraVPreUv V- Br-Lockharl Elkton, W. B. Pepper; Eugene. L. S. Rockwell; Gardiner, - W. 8. Gordon; GfanU Psss, C O. Beckmsn; Halsey snd Harrlsburg, J. H. Skldmore; Jackson ville, , Arl J. Armstrong? Junction City, H. J. Harblt; Marshf laid, J. L. Beatty; Med ford, CP. McPhtrson; Monroe, E. C. Alford; Myrtle Point, W. P. Rogers; North Bend, Amos P. Boyd; Roseborg. W. C. Reuterp Shedds, D. TU Plaids; Springfield, W. M. Ersklne; Ten-Mile, J. M. Sweney; Tiller circuit, to be sup plied; Wilbur, B. A. Bristol; Wlders Villa and Althouse, George Clarke. 1 West Portland district Presiding el der. W. B. Holllngsheadi Amity, T. U Jones AstoiisW W. S. Jones u Bearerton. J. W. Exona; Clatskanls, Paul J. Ever ett; Cornelius ta be supplied; Dallas, A. C; Bracken bery; -Dayton. M.'C Dixon; Dllley and" Lafayette. W. S. Holcemb; Fella City, O. F. Round: Forest Grove. L. r. Belknap rBilleboro, C U HamUton; , L ae ti (naamef ETHODISTS ""' r r rwei y a mortis" rntzlJ'Ft. rri-n v' Bps," eta. Yea tot ;to yczr cL-ircn TOiict you cr . . " e ms mnATtti . -t Mftitl OAir . Dr. f W. Ty ifrtm reayst taw I all fsatf -r-3s Tle are tUjitea." tf. Aerr ' e CVaa. Cde, seeSed yoaf (,se ss-rc s"v-r 1 re1 -..aiaa Qw San srOgr - " ' - - - I t.j.yr;jmmfatoM,.mrii TmtWr .endorse your Castorla. J a4. Uttia' '. JL Vt el rde!ph!B, Pa-tayM n hrrt aeedyeur Ospmrn aa f -ela I . e t tor-yeare paswwUh the ateet happy suest, sad -mMmtem eae n. ., v- 'X - a, eieaisgj 4evMet4 I ft. J. J. Y- 4 PoWyn. . X. eayet' 7 r-dir rw Cartorfa ta es 1 JT M'wsml MMnt em eV efcsasajf VjPsVilai8emSBmwfcW"mm,Bj4x I Df, nr7m at Few Xeitri v ay Jfiai vn WW eaumiS 1 'trcncaa ClClSTpRIA awayo -' TSJ ..eeiisyjfc The Kindlon HaiBAlways - In Oct For Over CO Ycsra. -J: Independence, K. W. Elayer: K nappe, to be supplied; MeMlnnvllle, J. K. Hawkins; Nehalem and Bay City, to be supplied; Nswberg, Hiram Gould; North Tamhlll, R. B. W 11 kins; Portland Central church. J. T. Abbott; Chinese mission, Chan Sing Kat; Epworth church," H. T. Atkinson; First Church, F. Burgette Short; Grace church, Clarence True Wilson; St. Johns, F. L. Young: University. Park,- D. ' A. Watt era; Woodlawn. S. H, Dawart; Rainier. H. C Kemo: Seaside, C A.- Hon- set; Sheridan, E. H. Bryant; Tlllamooki' C. A. Stock well; Warren, to be supplied. Klamath Mission district R. E. Dun- lap,, presiding elder snd pastor at Klam ath pans; LAksvisw, cantor a snyaer; Port Klamath, to be supplied; Paisley, D. L. Bhroude: Bonansa, to be supplied. t.ii rm iinimiAmni "a Uuk. mlHlA... Jnhn Parsons; missionary to I Alaska. L H. Peterson; superintendent- of Utah mis- slotvH. T, Talbotsecretari ot Japa&eae city missions on Facirio coast, A. N. Fisher; agent of Oregon Anti-Saloon f Kallspeir (Montana), mission, C E. Cline. . .-. ; ... TRAGEDY OFAUSKAFI IYILDS REVEALED BY LTUSICIAII ': :-7T :'-"'"v; Woman Prospector and Physician v Found to Have Died of Starv " "7 vatlon In Interior. I ' ' . Jonraal Special service.) ""' Juneau, Alaska, Sept S (.A tragedy of the Alaska wilderness has been re vealed by Prank Hewitt, a cornet player who has spent tbe summer In search of hie sister .who disappeared slxyears ago- ' ' '" " : ' Hewitt's ' sister waa . well known throughout- Alaska as-Dr. - Chambers. She practiced medicine, being a graduate physician. She came toXlaaka to. pros pect and wore men's garb. - Six years ago the doctor started alone from Cir cle City to Fairbanks upon newe of a strike at the latter place. From records found by Hewitt. It is evident that ehe became ' lost. - While starving, she scratched on several trees' an acebunt of her sufferings.. : - Hewitt. In his wanderlnga In tha Good pasture district of interior Alaska, ran serosa Ruaalan - Bill, a trapper, who guided him to the spot where the body lay... ELL DOBBINS OF MUTUAL BENEFIT COMPANY; HERE ' B. L. Dobbins, vice-president ef the Mutual Benefit Insurance company one of the oldest life aesursnce concerns In the country, Is at the Portland hotel with his family.' They are visiting the exposition today, and Mr. Dobbin is also calling on the local agency of hie com panyr Hie home la In Morrlstown, New Jersey. - - BELASC0 COMPANY ' DRINKS TO MAYER "it. alKayer ef Belaaco "Mayer." own ers and manager of the Seleses theatre, celebrated his fifty-second birthday yes terday. Just before the matinee he called the eompany together and asked then to drwk hla health.;5 v'; r, ""-- .. xl to Chase He Fletcher. " - T taw year Casbarta aa4 advise Its t "I bve tiearMatfy pra pieaaaat'VvOMdy M eUidre.' "A. medleme ee earsaNe aad bene ' the Uaeet praise, 1 aad it la bee it nlBBOcra that X ive eea it wita esesMeat nm 1 ei w vt (IllO;i DOLLAR BLAZE BIJTTE BUSINESS REGIOIl Eight Men ; Injured : . Fighting- Flames Many Blocks yr'ftAn ' DwttToyede';; ' - (Jeoraal Special Berries.) - Butte, Mont.. Sept. 15. Fire destroyed the entire business portion of Butte ly- ahaw allay, on tbe south side of West CHy, eayff 7t OfjtJitei Te et year"t.rrBw t at '-t. -e ebmsMa srp .)-. Bought jl :' -1)""" '- ,T v . . iV -. Park street, yesterday and partially de- -etroyed the pnbllo library, The loss, aeeordina to revised eetlmataejla ba.. - twn t 00,0011 anar$ T" . The nre was discovered about $:$0 a. en jl "waa) under control at p. m. Thoae "Injured " areJohif "Neal,v-PTanlt7 Harrington, . Robert Simmons, Mell Pearl (colored). Jack Curley, W. D. Tra eey, Frank Robertson aad Chief of Po lice Mulholland. . - - . The flamea threatened for a time to destroy the entire buslnsss section of the city. Assistance wss summoned .. from the surrounding mines and, by It . o'clock every piece of fire apparatua In Sliver Bow county waa fighting the flames. The fire department of Anaconda made a Il-mllf run to thla city m 1$ minutes, .-.-. The principal blocks destroyed were Simmons' store. Maule and Tork blocks, loss $!00,000r library building, $70,000; 1 Wslkovsr Shoe company,-1 10.000; Ogden ' block, $78,000; Atlantic ailoon. $11,000; Barrett block. Woodward block and the Rocky - Mountain Bell Telephone com , anit-i hnlldlna-. .." :. , 1 1 . -"''.. L Late thla afternoon blocks of debris . still gave out a volume of smoke. Fire, men are still working. - Twelve - business houses . were - oe. stroyed and numerous others seriously damaged. Fires were Started tn many buildings Mocha .from the . scene of tha fire, but prompt work of the firemen everted a spread of the flamea. The . origin of the . fire remains a mystsry." It ie believed It wag due to. the explosion of coal gas in the bolters. NORTHERN PACIFIC PAYS -L TAXES OF UNION PACIFIC ". . . , ."-...'); (peel! Dispatch te Tae Jeerasl) ' ' dympla. Wash., Sept. U. Al back taxes on tbe old Union Pscifle railway grade and all delinquent tax certificates a .1.. ... n.f here tttav he Jay sMole--representin the North era Pacific. .:. .' .. -. :"-. - When doctors fall, try Burdock Blood Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, oonatipatlon Invigorates the wnoie rstem. rT 10 A ;3iJiw ' '-r-f :- t. - L" - , j ' a. ' 'V . V T '