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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1905)
:zz-- c z:.: rszir: jcjt.::al. rcTL.:o. i:o::day nvEini:o, cz?Ti::-:i:zn cs. t niMiri ajrenaoum. J W.rqaaai Orssd. ........... Itelaaee ...... .star trwls "Oa the Qui Bak-s .,...... Muetaal Bur url-so, Lyrlt.... Dr. Jekjrll sad Mr. H-de" Kmplre .-"Tha ta-tct'a lsns-trM Uraad ............. h j... ......... Yasdv-llls 4Hsf ............ V.uda-Ule The Hebrew school synagogue .was Lflojiogted yesterday afternoon, and Rab , bl Masker conducted the services In the " orthodox 1 manner. . Members of tha iy Softool cava Hebraic responses to-ths chanting of Instructor Metaog. The cornerstone of tha structurs was laid about sl weeks ago.' Tha dedication sermon waa praaohed by Dr. S. el. Wise, and tha building waa turned over to tha v congregation by M. . Hochf laid of the building committee and waa accepted by J. Nudelman, president of tha con gregation. "V Addreaeea ware made by Isaac Swett, D. B. Cohen and Dr. W. , W finer. A solo waa given by Mr. Shape. ; -Judgment waa .allowed t United States Lnsinct Attorney r rancia j. ieney mis morning In tha damage autt that was ' filed agalnet him by Attorney Charles ' F. Lord. '. Lord waa indicted by tha fed eral grand Jury several months ago. Heney waa sued by " the attorney for IKO.OOS damages for alleged defamation of character. Several weeks ago a de murrer te' Lord 'a complaint- waa ' aus- - talned.,;- An amended complaint waa filed, and the demurrer to It waa alao austalned In a declajpn handed down September- II. .-' TV'. ;..'-.,. ', Sf ra. Huldab'J- Darling, one of ttle pioneers of Oregon, . died yoaterday morning at her noma. 141 East Second atreet. She waa tha wife of Henry I .Darling. She waa born In Jowa In 1144 and crossed tha Dial na with bar varanta. She 1a survived by a husband and four children. FuneraV services will be bald at the residence -tomorrow- afternoon at I: JO and burlaIwlHbe made In "Lone Fir cemetery.- ." ,. 1 , ' The Oregon Tacht club haa Isemed In vitations for a' reception and '. dance Wednesday evening In- the parlora Oof - their n "elubhouee at - th north and '- ef the Oake. - Tha reception committee oenalata of W. J. Clemens, W. A. Knight, r' Prank Toung.' C. A. Ncleeri, W. H. Chapln." H. H. Haskell, W. C Kelm. H. H. Hoyt, Arthur W. Orton and Ralph iiahn. .; . j :;('-,; Printed" copies of the' official repert of the Portland session of th Trane- Mississippi congress ara ready for dis tribution. Ths report Is a book of 19 Francis,- and contains an. account of tha . proceedings,- with all resolutions adopt--. ed, reco-nmen4atioae tar eongreea, and many other matters of general Interest. l The lxth anniversary of tha founding of tha-' Seaman's Institute will .be fit . tlngly observed at the Institute - next Frldsy evening. - An excellent musical "and literary prorrara will be-arranged for .tha occasion and apeecbes will be ' mada.- James LAtdlaw. British oortaul at Portland, end fhalrmnn of thelnatl- tuta committee, will prealda. Tha Women's Union Labor league will ' ' bold an open meeting In Alleky hall, - roooj 499, at -o'clock tomorrow -even-; Ing. Mlaa Laura Clay of Lex la (ton. ;A Kentucky, will speak on woman's labor and Mlaa Oregg of Omaha on child labor. There -will be jnualo and after tha pro- - gram cards -will be tha amusement. ; , .rsetj . -ac- M r if- ----- tu;X Bubeoa Mombort af Mills City. Marion roanty land Clyde Jarrett of Bole. Idaho, two boys- arte wore awaiting an . xamtnat1on before the Juvenile court, j aacapad from the receiving borne of the : Boys' and Girls' Aid society this morn ing. The aorloty offera a reward of ft for tha capture of each. ; . - ' V deal re to thank the ' numerous , f rlenda at Joe Sam honrard. near Inde- . pendanoa. Or., especially Mrs. Sim of I aislem and Johnny Walla of Indepan . dance,' for many acts of klndneaa shown at tha time of tha death of our little daughter Oladesa. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. . Boy, Crabtree, Or. -r Edith Super, agM Hyrsr dled yea A.ia!IRI0rn lrat.iheM t. Mt. Tsbor home I :ofheirweniri Super, after a two-weeks' Illness. SheT"''0 wWS'-mse Proa at reemi c suffered with a compll-atlon of spina; , meningitis with tubercular tendencies. Hov. Arthur Leonard Wadsworth. A. M.. f -frJouth Pasadena, California, field represents tlvs of the Pacific Baptist. arrive in the city Saturday and will . remain several wees - working . in the ;: Interest of tha paper. , - Tourists, aa wan aa city people, flnaa elally smbarraaaad. will And tha Port. ' land Losa Of flea, 74 Third street, tha . aareat and most reliable plaoe to trans act their business. Rates raasonabla ' your credit Is good. Wi have added ' to our buainaas an tnetallment depart. ment. You can-buy- watches," diamonds. - jewelry on weekly paymanta Mauger aV " Co, jewelers, optlclsns, it Sixth st - .; ; ' After reconaJdratlon. I will close my : Store all day September 10, Portland - day. aa I want no division In tha unan imous success of that day for ths Lew la and Clark fair. P. g. Burns. -. - s Ton save a walk of a mils in visiting ' ths stock show by riding on tha Favor. !te -Boating - company's Isunchea from . 4 he upper, (right-hand) side of Morrison - street bridge. TL Main 40J. - ' ' Taooma.Wasngtonl whttru hitmn of- flriats during the coming Jewtah holt. days. Ha will -return about October II. " Mrs. Bloch will accompany him. . Tha off Icerf-of the British steamahlps Imaura 'and Ketvlnbank will give - a ; . vocal and lnatrumantal concert at tha Seamen's Institute, , 100 North Front ' street, Wednesday evening. - . t J.. Quitman waa sentenced this morn Ing to serve . six months- In tha penl lentlary for attempted larceny from the CHANGE OF ll.tS: "T SAIX tTEAMUl .' f, , ChaSe Ra:Spcnccr Seglnslng-. Knaday, Sm ,-! It, will les-e her dek, fnot ef Wsahlnatna street, at f s. si.r for Th Dalles and way points, a Maaaar, Wadsaaday and TrMtT. Ba tnrnlnc will 1st Tba Dallas ea Teasaay, Thnraday- and Saturday st T s. a., for Portland aad way selsts.. V V 'ON SUNDAY.. - Tae Bpanfer will atafee tke rimnd M e raarade Leaks, las-las foot at Weehlaftos treat at a, St., arrMsg keete st 0 St. ' RoanJ Trip $ 1 .00 ' Sae tie OetamMa Ulror Maaatalaa, peats, melts, Mk canyon, gorfs, tarfalle (Maltsnaoak, Mo fo.iV, -mr-a as4 tnr-ata froaa the daeka ef thle the faataet stasaiboat plying th wttara et tkeas Ht-t. Talapaeae atala lt ' "'. " ", 'r-f-s. w. STUIOSK, .- i j ..'Oeaaril Jrff'i r'--"l C-. ; yii I ...... w I - """Ml T"7. ,,... l...t IULI II Render '. Patriotic Melodies in Cear English Diction After Dog , Feast-' " " Igorrotes like applause. That ap plause moans approval -of their efforta, sndthelr; flrnces - and trthT perform' ances are given with, even more than tha usual spirit when . there Is thunderous applause. Perhaps -no single -feature of the-entertainment . aurprlses mora than tha singing by AntarqJ Fei-en-gao and U -gooey of English songs. These three are the only ones who were ever In this country before, and they at tended tha government . school at tha J I Antero, the Igorrote, Wbo Sinft in " " Englialt. "7r:::,X Philippine reservation in St. Louie an hour and a half each .day for about five months. They . were alao taught alng Intf by a young woman who became in. te rested - In them, and -their repertoire covers "America," " 'Way Down . Upon tha ' Bu wanes River." "My - Old Ken tucky Home." . "Meet- Ma-tn St. Lou la. Loula," "I've Got a Feelln' For Too," and several other popular and patriotio aonga. Tba alra are. carried well by the youngatera, and their enunciation la re markably dear,, and in "tha esse of An tero, there ara really aaet tones, -r - person. On 'August ." while mingling In a crowd on the exposition grounda, Outtman attempted to steal tha puree of Mrs. Tllla Moor of Baattle. - George Harlburt, brother of TK. TL Hurlburt. and Mra Hurlburt ara - In Portland from Roxbury, Connecticut, en a vlalt to relatives and ths fair, their nrat trip to tae coast. .-. Oreat chance for largo profit without Krisk guaranteed mining stock. Write for Information, National Financing company,-Ml - Marquam bulldng, Port land. Oregon. '.. ' - Ill-It, Tha Falling. Third and Washlng- ton xtreeta - Phone Main tot Profeaaor Ringlet's physical -eultura school and dancing academy. SOI Alder atreet. Class ' snd jrWatejJUjatMcUojiJ rat people reauceo. : r , Fall millinery opening of French pat tern bats will ba- dlsplsyed - tomorrow at ths Shanedllng Slaters, 111- Grand avenue. . . . -. -- ..- , , Antique mahtrgsny furniture, old bra as. bronse and pewter; rare old colo nial antlquaa; to sell. 31 .Washington, School BSbks, new and second hand, large atoclt low prices, at tha Old Book Store, TafjhlU street, below Second. Launches for 0rman warship from Merrill's , boa thou se. north . side of Morrison street bridge. . -v - Cloth signs made. snd hung quickie Foster Klelser, phone Ex. 64., Try a meal without meat at the Yege tanan aaxa, its Bixtn atreet. , Fritx'a taraalee ar the beat WhenJnSeattJs- - Oo to the Rathskeller, a hlgb-claaa plaoe to eat. . Baa foods, eastern meats, large orchestra dally. . "TnMilwwilleCountry Club. Eastern and Seattle races.- Take Sell- wood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. . ,';-. ,-- ... . -.T n v . ,; Y. M. Ca A. NIGHT SCHOOL READY FOR NW YEAR Tohlghran-ioVclock in the Tl M. C. A. auditorium will occur tha opening exercises or . tne association s night achool. " Educational - Director I, U Rhodes and the educational committee of tha association have made larger plana for this phase of. the, association's work titan aver before.-Mr. W. M. Ladd, president et the. association," will pre side., Tha - work for the coming year win no outlined ana classes and elub for tha season organised. During the paat few' years mora young men have been registering In the educational work of this association than -In aay other school In the ststa. The association management attributes thla to the large variety of eubjecta . offered, especially along practical linea, and also, because each student Is alipwed to select bis edursevxu v-. . ' 1 ' Round Trip Dally to Astoria. ' Excursion steamer Telegraph makes rennd tripe dally (except Friday).- De parta from Alder street dock 7:0 a, m. FrotnAatorta -.m.' Arriving Portland l:S0.gv..m'- Sundays-leaves- Portland I a, m. Arrives Portland p. to. " a r - - - - ' Ll.....ii..iJliULU :jimoa Northwest Association Spends Pay. In Discussing . Better Methods of Work, v A HUNDRED DELEGATES ATTEND THE SESSIONS This Evening Banquet at ths'Com- " mercial Club Will Close the Meet : ing Hw Better Conditions the Chief Theme.' " Northwest laundrymen are holding convention today In Portland. One nun dred of -them are bora. - They bold two seaalona today In the auditorium of the Chamber -of Commerce building, and thia evening a banquet will be held in the eaeme room. . - ; : ... The eonventlon met this forenoon at 1 o'clock, committees' were named and standing committees reported. .- Tha last meeting was held is Seattle. Several citlea want next year's convention. . Tba officers ara A. J. Jacobson, Seat tie, president;' R., C Warlnnar, Fort land, vice-president; Frank T. MOCul loch, Spokanai -secretary-treasurer; John JT. Robinson, Pendleton. John Tatt, Port land, and Louis C Jaeger, executive committee. .' - Methoda of handling thatr work moat economically and means for tha most effective collection and, distribution of customers' . clothing andh.oueeb.Qld Ihinas will be discussed. "Tha buainaas - haa bean much - 1m. proved In tha laat .few years," said one of tha members i of ths association to day, -doe largely te te installation of expensive machinery in moat laundries. Tha -days of band labor In elaanaing garments has passed. -. Nowadays ths modern laundry la aaulppad with ma chinery costing seldom lesa than Hi, 000, besides the . budding, which " must be a convenient and well-located structure of good sine. "Tha object of this association Is to raise the standard of work and Improve tha buainaas methods, and ths meetings once a year are of great benefit to tha members. ..... At noon' tha members partook of After- the: lunch tha convention reas sembled and - closed Us work for the session. , :.'',.:.-s " f-i :" BOTH LEGS CUT OFF BY FALL FROM TOP OF CAR - fSnavtal IMaaat-h to Tha Journal. Aahland, Or- 8ept. 26. Frank Greg ory, a prakeman employed by the South ern Pacific Railroad company, fall from the top of a boxcar, which waa being switched from an extra rreignt train at Diets, near Upton. California, -yesterday. - Tha wheels cut oft both legs, one above and one below the knees, and he was alao terribly bruised about the head and aide. A apeclal train was lm mediately made up and tba injured nan taken- to the emergency noapitai at Dunsmulr. where,, after an operation, the doctors say ba has only ellm chanoee for hie life. He haa a wife and" family In Aahland, which . has been his resi dence for a long time. lie was formerly an employe of the Welle-Fargo Express company, running south from roruana. Takes the burn out; heals the wound: cures the psln. - Dr. Thomas' Eciectric Oil. the houaehold remedy. , . Steamer Telegraph for Astoria. Round trie dally (except . Friday) Leaves Alder atreet dock f : a. as. Re t timing lea -rea Astoria Inn Arriving Portland t:S0 p. m. Sundays leaves Port land a. nv. Arrivae Portland e p. aa. fe cxaTTS FBr TAILS wasTssjr sruTATnr omAX- BU ABTD DITCXSmS. Will handle your dirt tor a seats per yard. " AUBOBA AITS AtrSTXM SXTBO, WAOOaTS Most modern mad: models ot - simplicity; no complications to bother; one chain and one arbor;, doors In center, lap, preventing leakage of load; special devices, obtained by yearo of ' experience and covered by patente. In vee ti gs te. toaey-MaJtlnr I.aVor-av1ny. TJOXBTTI TAAOTIOV, Tltm, Weertera Sams Can. ' Crashers, Stoed 4eradare aad Oon- traotora Supplies oar BpeelalMee. Bat ALL & CO. ': , sal aTawtboraa Ava Portlaaa, Or. ffiflh Rent Hlflh Prices stands to reason why Ue same ' "grade and the very eama style , of'a nian's or , youth's Suit or Overcoat coats at other stores SI. :o andltl. our price f IO, ' 913.50 and 915. The Identical , grade ot Pants. Hats or Shoes from 10 cents to 11.00 lesa In price .comparison ' with other atores' prices. The reason Is be-. cause thatr rent la almost double . In comparison to .ours. Whan you aee It. you will; John Dellar, at two atoree away J from the high rent district. We ' are eorase First satd- TamhlU aad Third and Seels. - . . . Xt WIZJC. FAT TOV TO aVOOX ; "tTS-ITlV 1 Portland Auction Rcoiris Pay Highest Casta Prices for all kinds of furniture. Also sell goods on commission. Auction eelee at private realdenoea our specialty. Sll FTmST STSSS. "" Faeae ICala eoaa. A. SeAaaaaa, Faoft. Pcrtlsnd Aucticn Rcoms r. a a r a'.a .' " ' . ''' ......UUFtfiiJ IT-iiiiiii AWondcrfully -Complete Exposition That Marks ran Epoch in -Musical .. Life. . r''"-- v A Most Comprehenalvs Display of the Pianola, and of ths Weber, 5teck, Wheeiock and Stuyres- nt Plano4aPlanoa, ,of Orcbes- ! t relics and oT Aeriolas. Which - Make Musiciane of Everybody Two Weeks at Ellers Piano A few years ago an Instrument made its appearance at Ellers Piano ' House wnicn naa a one mors toward me asvet opment of muaical tests, muaioal educa tion and musical appreciation than baa been -accomplished by any other agency. It la needless to say ethat - this is tba wonderful Pianola, which with lta sev eral kindred inatrumenta of more recent data make poaalbie tha rendition of tha choicest of muslo to any- and ovary member of tha household, tba unskilled and untutored mualo lover being aa. much at home with tha Pianola, a Pian ola Piano, or an Orchssfrelle, as the most arriOmpHahsd miialcln. KMrly nm thousand of thaaa Instruments ara now to be found In tha bomee of refinement, culture and wealth of tha Paclflq north west, ail f than supplied by tiia houae Of EUara. .". - ,. . "...,'. Tha Pianola Piano, as Its name Indi cates, Is a combination of a piano and a Pianola in one- complete, compact in strument." . . " The Pianola Piano has been aptly styled "Tha Ftrat Complete Piano," for tha reason that It ill tha first piano avar produced which can be played with artistic affect by everybody, irrespective of any previous study or knowledge of music, in 'the light of this twentieth century creation, all previous planoa. sagulriaig .a long and tedluqs"perloabf Itwactlee befuiti ilmfr-trwnsfa" 6 uld make uaa ox them, seem incomplete. ; ' A Few Prices - In Stnyvoaant. planoe we offer for the first time the choicest Instruments in mahogany, oak and walnut cases with. Metrostyle at f 600, . on , terms of $60 down and til a month. ." " The Wheeiock Metrostyle Pianola Planoa are alao represented by one or more - specimens of every 'Catalogue atyla, including ' the new French or dull flniahed Circassian walnut case. Pricea are f 060 : and $700. Terme $(( -down and 111 monthly.--. - : ' - Columna of praise and commendation could be written about the beautiful Weber . Metrostyle Pianola Piano, but suffice It te say that the moot painstak ing, careful workmanship and the moot costly and. moat desirable material ie lavished upon and embodied In the con struction of these Webernv Prices $(00 for the email style. $1,000 for the larg- eet (so-called) orchestral upright grand. Payments, $100 cash, snd $16 monthly. Three advance etylee of the Stock Pianola Plane will also be ahown. Price $800 and I860. Also several Aeolian Pianola Planoa, including a duplicate of tne one selectee by Lieutenant Peary for the Roosevelt on its Polar expedi tion. The latter ie e elx-octave Instru ment and coats $550. complete - with Metrostyle,. . The Metrostyle Pianola " The pianola la a cabinet containing a mechanism by means of which It Is poa albie for any one to play upon the piano, whether or not he knowe one note from another. n the music roll used In nlavtne the TTIai ahoTa are ruarkfiig rhdt?iiTfh whnf The Metrostyle Is ths name alven to a device for Indicating the phrasing or the time for each individual note upoajne music roll. In form the Metrostyle la a colnter. attached to the time (or tern do I lever of the Pianola, with which the operator roil a we a rea line wnicn tins - been marked upon the roll by an authoritative pianist, a Hoffman, a Paderewakl and even the irreat composers themselves. With theee devicea nvunlo or the blch eat order, expressive and acceptable to severest critics, may be produced by the mereat novice. . Special attention haa been paid In or. imnisins; tne preeeni won a a rair-eia- filay to show Pianolas of latent pattern n all tha different shadings of finishes. that every style or piano, from tha dark old-time ebony rases to the varloua shadea of latter-day mahogany, walnut and fancy oaa can be . aupplled .to match. V Planolaa with Metrostyle coat 12S or lioa. splendid library racllltlea, glv Ins acceaa to all that la beet and da alrable In muster are- furniehed our pa trone at J9 per annum. "? The Orchestrelle There Ie after all no maslc com oar- able to that of tha modern orchestra. The Orchestrelle embodies In one In ment, plays b1eand "con trollablebyT one person, the . beauty and wonderful variety of tone found "heretofore only In tha complete orchestra. The -repertoire of the Orchestrelle la practically a catalogue of the orchestral music of the worlev and- aU-4al mualo may be played by the owner of an Or oheatrelle. even . though he be en tirely lacking Ie muaical education or knowledge. The mualo rolls for the orchestrelle are marked similarly to those for the pianola, so that tha proper interpreta tion may be Imparted to a composition. Interesting descriptions of these or chestral numbers are publlahed and sup plied to Orchestrelle owners. During- this exposition, Orfheatrelles will be shown from the simplest forms costing 150 .through a vast army of choice Instruments In oak, mahogany and fancy walnut casings at 1300. 1300, lion, 7bg,- itu, ii.xvo, ii.feoe. ana up to $1,600, . . -The; Pianola's Sister Another recent addition to the Pianola family la tha "Slater of the Pianola," the Aerlola. . Thla little instrument will be found most desirable where consid erations of price must be taken Into ac count. No other ptano-pleylrrg dwvlce not made by the Aeolian company la superior to the Aerlola, ann. It costs lf&, 10 or $1&. according) to case, ttelog regular Pianola rolLet-rUtr library privflsges same es the other a IM not rait te aee tnia interesting ex hibit. Recitals of a mare or less Im promptu. and Informal .character wlU 4e f iven osny at Kiiere r-isno nouae, en ranee til Vt'ashlnstoa street "Port land's quarter block of fine planoa," where every muaical want la aupplled. Ellera Plane House baa other stores St, Spokane, -Seattle, Walla- Walla, Washington: Boise and Lewi-ton, Idaho; San FreneisMi - Stockton -and Oakland. California; pendlaton. The Pallea, Ks- lem, Kugena. Urania raaa and Astoria, Orsgon. , , . -, i I gjmj rnJ jy "J fT enfi1? feayps C "i ' ' ' ivaed' an' tlmy wnen tn P)-ai ehould be 3JjjYi 1, fjjVrf" VlHL!li..l.l! j mm mi SERVICEABLE, well msde dresses for child - r rert 4 to 14 years old---made of all wool materials, in many solid , colors and fancy mixtures. Just the dress for school wear. Priced -low . and sold , on very easy ,J ; payments of, say 1 "--. CAWEEK No Extra Charges A Bbepplag at The Caatera akasld ikaoU V Oar. ge te I M as esse eersrs aataraay. selves sad tsmUtss will Vts eaaasitiea rartla State elssss- aU say ouTFrrnNGCo the Stare Where Year. Oiwiit Is o . SS9 1YASCIKGT0?! STREET BBVOATZOaTSX. PEOSONAi. ?JWSTQlJCTC0N HOMB STUDY. EVENING SCHOOL- A SCHOOL fOR EMPLOYED MEN Tke Teasg Jfaa's Ckrtstlsa Slgkt S-keal Thirty Taaeaere Farty Oiffaraat aabaksrTMV'"rU Saglas lta Meets t Mo. Itm. Alrhrs asm Asi.rraa Oor.rnra.nt Arctitt-crnral Drawtag Arlthml- 1.00 .tut. -..-. 1 I OO I.OO Carsentrr 6 oa .U hfilrt CI (dm saa.l.. I Oa CoaiBmrlal Law t.oe : ElrctrtHty 00 EnlnfTln. Matbesutlce ....... J.M Rncllah Orasinsr 3.00 yorratry 6 00 , Preaband Drawing ........ TOO Oocrapby t.OO GaoOMtr- ........... (.00 0-rtnaa 4.00 Intwio. Decorating Ineurane T 00 ..... llachln Dla-a ............ 4.00 Mandailln. Guitar (.00 Manual Training . Mff-hanlcal Drawing ............ (.00 . M-rhanlca 100 Jtftneralosr ,6.00- Mlslnc M.tbods asd kfarhlaary.. I Ml Pannanabtp PlnmMnc TOO twfcu 8p-.ln 00 ' Kalfii asd Spelling .......... S.U0 . Rhetoric .., , t oo ' aisnwrtM- .-.t.T.-.-;; soo Shnrttiasd 4.00 Bpaslak ' ........ 4.00 fttaani Rnclnaerlsg .......If... t 00 TVI-nnmr.try S.00 Trnewrltlng 4.00 ' Vocal Minlc (al.BMntarjr) ...... 1M) - Wooeosrving (.00 ' -Tse Anneal ats-bnhh F-e far nlrr-s-bnol atuoVnts has hs rds-d from (T te (3. Tall at AaanHatlon- (hillOlns. enriwr ronrth and tsaiblll jtaiorjQ. Inatratad t'atalosae. Jur.p ovcrtho Cc'eeHtcr Pwetaia4.WwaTh4.leeaaitpaaal .!! tlMMkiMtM nM., Hi .. Sj. -iin-aaup..ii. MaTuoAVkM. t.e.e. TeeahaaSa siaka k aaay Si. bm alja4y at wwk I fc.sairn By Mall - , Bh-Me. a-4 smi sa- rtt .1 .1.1.1. a...i.i a. .. ant..fi4Waieis-. - wm. ioir iH. toimV.- ei rae, a ... e. Ot eau et write oar loeal repreeesta. tlve, Oeere-e 'rases?, reoaa S, ill (d St, ? r LOUIS H. BOLL riAxo att nio how ope-i poa ri'PiL.. rarktra ( aad 10. (U Washlagtes at. MSTEKRI ; j:;- J2UM GRANP AVENUE, rtr - - IN THE LAST GRAND RUSH FOR THAT SCHOOL .OUTFIT, COME HERE, AND SAVE.-.. ...... , . BOTH TIME AND MONEY. : ; , ; , School Doolis, Supplizs end Comp!:t2 School Outfits for Doys end Girls The greatest possible value at the least possible price. BOYS' SUltS-f 2J50, S3. 00, $350,' M-00. - VI LBOYS!SiIOES-lUM;-1514MVf y--U-ri. .-Tvr-' ; $xx, $a..&u, . '..u v B0YS'.CAPS-35e, 35e, SOe...-- . 1 Doys' Sivcctcrs, CVSMrts. Coys -SCHOOLlHQSXERYFOR-BOYSNn:GIRLS---.10e,- " 12yt, 14af 19f , 25e. GIRLS' CAPS, NEW LOTS 50, 75e, 81J25. - - - GIRLS' SHOES f 1.00, 81.25, fl,50, S1.75, 2.00,. S5, - NEWGASTLENUTr :1M J ' AUSTRALIAN, ROSLYN, J PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS, FRANKLIN I V LOW PRICES ON THE PACIFIC COAST CO. CHAS. H GLEIM, "Agent ' M 249 Washington St S. w. T. Aae-w. a Belltg. Praa. eth sad tea. TONIGHT AT 8t20 O'aOCK Tessas. Wedsasdar. Theradsy Klghta, aaierlsa'i Oalehrasai Oasssdlsaae, T ' Thst Knberaatly Mlrtkral Persoa, . .. 1Y1 AV e Wltbts-j IRWIN Vmfly Itutnaa, TrttafMTraTSJTtr' naa. slack is back.' Seats ar sew selllsg for ths tsar per. LYRIC THEATRE WXXX STaaiTjrS bTOVSAT, SII-Ta-MBia St Dr. Jekyll n:d r.!r.IIydc -rrK rrBo-ot1ral IntaMttj." , S. S. atUtAJI, lS '-Dr. I.kyll and Mr. HrcV." R-peertsd ay th. tnensapsraM Lyrte (teak tWpmr.' . ' ArtMIMioN. 101 K-aiv Seats. SO. Don't Mate a Mistake And buy some piano -that . son one trlea to eell you Just because -they make a big profit, regardless Of the reputation of the Inatrn. ment. Buy a HIGH-QRADB from ua, as we do not ask as much for . them aa you hare to pay for lota of CHEAP . TRASH elsewhere.' , DUNDOSE PIANO CO. Sketaway aa4 OiU TUaoa. SSS WASMUrOTOST ST. l?DTJ smimonoaiiKf rrty-eaventh aoholsstle year be (Ins Tuesday, September (. 10(. Fis(.claae boerfiins gBa ' day school for girl. . . 4 r " r- ,'g -y " i"ti"o lv75r ?2.0 $ZU - If ay be sent by mail, telephone or messenger, all and any 'of which will receive prompt attention. , The . Coals that "we sell are of best grades, and pricea are very - lWGASTLE - LU OTHER COALS Telephones 229 and 23? Dtlasco Thcstrc mZ7n , 14tk aat Wash. Betasea a atayee. rresa ith wm sclasoo rrrxTt co. , BEATS TWO WEEKS lit ADTAKCE. T0510HT MATI5EES SAT. ASD BU5DAT. frasT rocs is n stock f W. at. CMner-e Oreet Oetaedy Seeessa. Svga. SSe a TSes stats.. Sat, Sae, ts ta Bss. To Clareqont Tavern j-L-'Z -iul- tAjfxfofj jTom ...'. .? Maryland Chtclcaan '. OeauUfu! U-njn: As.e laaTSS Ciasroai WnSjsl aea-mlas aa The IHitlaad, 8, 4. S, ; S, M a. at. aaUy. RcandTrip, $LC3 DA HE IX TIIEATRC OSKOOX THEATKB CO., LmSIES. U.U, L. BAKER. HA-ittIt.ti' Phone Mala 1BOT. THS RIMS OP M18ICAL SrUtSOtrS. . . Tnalaht and S-rf Night Thtj Wk. Sneelal Baiiipd.. Nfht eMA.i..iM. . Sargata aUtlaee WdnwUy, ts All Farta ef th " r Wlias, Idol l&n&zu Ct. ! nS-aiDaa. OssH-4 sad l-l-t Sh-W - All. The tw That Ksver . Brnae a PromMNK. rSICsTaRvveia-. w... .. gn.. and TBa Satnrday atatln, 15. 3n ln sad Bne. , Meat weak Baai Da-an a Owe Shew. Mala 117. . MILTOrt W. 8BAUAX. afaaager. PR I CM Mrt. 18c. JBe. (Be. Bn. MsS- . 10c, 1b. aa. ' - Pack to th Dears Both Tinas Tarraay. . Toelsht. Tnesday ssd Wadnadar Klghts, The Oraat Five-Art MaMraais, THE CONVICT'S DAUGHTER Rnt.i ar... (9iDd CoaiBsnr, Tkrse Klght and St.r4.r Matin, B(issla ' TsarMaj. epr.nMr an. , - . ., ., Leal - Beaaoe'e Big Bwnsa. -'-i1- - - - S W6BT" CLOVER" 1 Bsbm Ceapaay That PUed the Msrejsasj , . . - . .. . ttra-d. THE sfXR Tint warn Toet. aiomAaDe amd aicaUSM, wilxtb. , - :- Twg BtLSfTB. . .. ., BTlTtOB TklO. v raAkALis corra. THE (TABOSCOFS. aral sdail-akia. 1 ata. gnslaas i 0 s-. dare and fcotlo.;. Ba.rd erata na gn rnn: be ata. te ms. I nr, aistti in eete te esy at avt a.-. th n an .-v. r