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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1905)
tiii: cr: zz:i .daily -'jour. rC.TLMlD. I.OIJDAY ZVZUIV.O,. SCPTCMSZH 3, 1CC3. 'fclCERliOg ft 1118 PEBuil. Inspector Finds He Was Chiefly ; to Blame In Collision With- 't.?'7i 'Dalies City. , ,' DETAILS OF DECISION; iOCAL BOARD UPHELD ; Master of Dalles City, o Received V Equal Puniahment, Vis , Relieved From Farther Penalty by Official , ' DecreeText of the Ruling. ' . - i On the occasion of the collision be tween the steamers Charlee R. Spencer .and. . the Dallea Citjr, Supervising 4a- ixcior cirramiium noius int conduct, of Captain Bpencer waa unjustl Sable and eonseqaently he permitted the -deolslon of the local Inspectors In sue- pending' his master's license for six -.months to stand." A typewritten copy of .ithe decision i of the supervising; Inspec- tor arrived this morning from Ban .. Francisco and. in. part. .Is aa follows: . . "After a careful consideration of the ' oral arguments and briefs presented by -' the learned counsel on behalf of their . respective t clients, end 'also .after .careful study of the : testimony taken before the United Btatee local Inepee tore of ateemveasels at Portland, Ore gon much of which testimony Is con r fllctlng -I have reached the conclusion that-tnno-way"waa-the conduct of Cap tain 8pencr on that occasion Justifiable, even If Captain Bcammon had so navi- ' i gated the bailee City ae testified to by .'. Captain Bpencer, in such a manner aa to .prevent -the Bpencer from passing her. ' Ample steam to Vee. . '-'-;..: "There IS apparently ample room for .1 'the safe navlaatlon. side by eldei of halt "'a dosen steamers such aa the Charles . . R. Spencer and the. Dalles City In the ehlp channel of the Willamette river, '' over the courses steered ,by both ves- sets from 16 to 15 minutes before the JL collision joccurred.. .When the , danger . elgnal- waa given by' Captain 'Bpencer ' - the etem of the Bpencer waa practically -in contact with the guard- of the Dalles , City.. ". ' amf-liepinlonUiat '-Capt4 ' Bcammon did not put his helm to star . . board for the purpose or preventing the Bpencer from passing hint, after be ex changed starboard paaalng signals with thatveesel. eo' he must have known' 'that such a procedure on his part would ; . not only endanger the safety of the Dalles City and the lives of some-oi , thoee on board both " vessels. - but It "would also render him liable to punish ment. If - reported. - as he - naturally .' ahould have been, to the United Btatee local Inspectors of steam vessels at Portland, Oregon. , -.- . - --. t:. Spencer Wo JotrtlfleeV ' " .' "Assuming for a moment that Captain 8cammon did starboard his helm with evil intent. Captain Bpencer waa In no ' way Justified in running into and push' (Ing the Dallea City around with her .head up atream, aa he did. to the danger '.of Ufa and .property. ,. He could have if. stopped - the. .Spenoer, even after - he V touched the guard of the Dalles City, X and. by so- doing have averted, the a. ,rioue results above referred to. . "I look upon the act of Captain fipen-,..-eer on that occasion aa a premeditated .; but In Justice , to him I do not '.think that be contemplated, the dlsaa - troua consequences which followed, but rather desired to exhibit the superiority of hie vessel, the larger and faster of -.the two. . 7 '. ; 't in In doubt as to my authority to Increase the penalty imposed by that local board in the case of E. W. Bpen cer; tnerefore, I will give him the bene fit of each doubt, but must approve the '. -findings of the' lower court In hie ease. and it la so ordered. "in trie cane oi captain b. h. soam- "rn6ri,T'have reached the conclusion that Jua offense on that occasion did not Jus- whuui i; Csretl by a Don Itsc-dy. , 50,000 BOXES tlfy the locl board in' suspending his license for eo long a period aa they did; therefore. It ie hereby ordered that the euapenslon of hie license by tbst board be modified td terminate this date." ;':'.. " ' - - ' TELEPHONE WINS RACE. Leads Spertee? a Idle In Ban to Oaeoade X-scks and Sepeate Victory. The river steamers Telephone and Charles ILJJpeneer raced, from Portland to Cascade Locks and back yesterday; the Telephone won by a mile both on the up trip and on the return. - y It waa t o'clock when -the Telephone pulled away from the dock at the foot ef Oak street; It' passed the draw bridges, which closed for a minute or two, and then opened In order for the passage of the Bpencer and the Bailey Oatsert. . . . .' . The Telephone observed the eight-mile speed limit within the harbor lines, and permitted the Bpencer and the Oatsert to draw, up to her, ao that when they steamed away from the last buoy they were cloea together. It waa soon appar ent that the race was to be between Che Telephone end the Bpencer. ' Captain . Cochran of the Telephone gave his -engineer. Instructions, -and the boat drew steadily away' from the Bpen cer until there -was about ' a mile be tween them, and at that distance ahead aha aet the pace to Cascade Locks, which waa reached at 1:10 o clock. ' The boats left for the return trip at the same . time. Mile after mile the two steamers raced down the Columbia, the Telephone from 1,000 feet to a quar ter of a mile ahead. Until the Willamette river waa reached, when the lead waa in creased to a mile, and the Telephone steamed up to the Oak street dock with a new broom mounted in place on tne Jackataff.- - . ."'..:" lTHISTlE.WELLLOAPE0.- Witt Beoord Lumber Oarfe Bark Will 7' "l sMTontonow. r ..; Aeeordtng to her tonnage the Brit isbbark ThlsUe, Captain Englend. will leave for the sea . tomorrow with -the hlggeat lumber cargo ever' taken from the Columbia river. The vessel is ox 1.19- tons net? register and she has on board S.170,000 feet of lumber, repre senting nearly 1,000 feet for every ton of - her , csrrytng capacity. Heretofore about a ton. Is all that a ship has taken from- here. . With' thla cargo aha , will not drew, much ; more than It feet, of water., v '.;' 1 ' , The Thistle will clear down for Port Plria, Australia, and la being dispatched by J. J. Moore eV Coi Hercrew. . wae. Tslted" this "morning, and If atowboat can be secured aha will leave down at daylight In- the morning. The bark baa been In port since July 11. .. INCREASE COAST FLEET. B-Ibnrn Soon to Take r, laneVlMaoo Bon. Iri a dsy or two the local agent says he aspects to receive word that the steamer F. A. KUburn will be in shape to resume service between Portland and Ban Franolsoo, She arrived at the Bay City a weak ago from Marshfleld 'to un dergo repairs. The steamer is badly needed, aa there la more - freight ' for shipment, down-tha- ooaat than can be handled by tha fleet now In commission Even with the chartering of n num. her of sailing . vessels there le not enough tonnage to take cars of the wheat which la intended for ehlpment te California porta. . It Is believed that more, wheat' will be sent down the coaat from Portland thla rear than ever be fore. '. ,y,-y id . ' " - - - Reic4 rriccs. ; If you have been looking for a really reliable used piano, you'll be able te nna some tiling thoroughly to yqujr, Ilk' ing in thla. list. These, pianos -com from tha best homes, most of them hav ing been received by us in part payment for new Baby Grands, and new Pianola Pianos during the special exhibition and sale now going on at KlleroJPiano Houee. While these out prices, at which the used planoa are now offered are to be cash, we ean arrange with any city or out-of-town buyer to pay for a piano or organ on the moat convenient terms of payment for the mere simple Inter est, not on ths whole amount, but on tne unpaid balance. - This Is a partial, list: 1200. Emerson, in excellent condition, oak , .tow. J. A C. Fischer, very handsome ebony case, u. :.,..- Wing Son, walnut eaae, 14S. , Draper Brothers, oak case, till. Weser Orchestral Grand, mahogany va-e, qve peoajs, ftlB J. P. Hula, roaawood eaaa. 111- Ludwlg largMt slae, oak case, 1 13. . F. O. Letch t, mahogany ease, looks like new. lt. Jacob Doll, mahogany ease, - three pedala. lll. ... etarr piano, very fancy walnut eaae; new, t2U. i '. Vose olano. Ilka new." fane nihit-. any, S-SS ; another Vose, dark case, 1141. .vers, at foqa, lancy walnut, largest else, tlt- Kancr. nearlv new.- Hacklev TJnrlaht yuno,- ten on sale, flee. - , wton uprignt, in good order, e.- And these used organs. In good order: ' Bears-Roebuck, mahogany, piano eaae. Mollne. -lovely cabinet ton. . fanev varTvti wuoui case. sv. una or -the popular Pacific Queans, made with special reference to PaclAo eoaet climate, quarter-sawed oak case. wiin isrge mirror, onjy . --r ' Peloubet reed nine, with five full aata reeds; walnut- case, cost f lf0, goes, for iuie is a great pargain. Chicago cottasre. walnut case. beau. Another Chicago Cottage, net a year oiq, ianoiest oaa case, witn targe mir ror, A beautiful Kimball. In walnut panels of satin walnut, absolutely arood Another fine KlmbalL largest else. satin wamui case, w. Bears-Boebuck, quarter-sawed fanciest style, tit. ttey.. Holltt- walnut eaa- lis. ' Great Western, cannot be Inli from new, .o. , Mason Hamlin, in perfect condition. Another Inducement .r Anr Of these instruments will ha taken back by tie toward payment of any new niKa-sraae piano, ana we will allow tne full amount paid to date of return at any time within two years from date of purcnaae. . jgvery instrument guaran teed by ua Just as represented, pay ft to tt down, and IS. It or IS a month. according to price of Instrument Bee tnem or write us at one. Ellere Piano House. IS1 Washington, enrnar r-ara iiugoin; sireer. - , - TAKE OFF FERRY. Webster .Will :Be Bepalred . .. Beat Mda TAndlnr Bftedfed, ; The "Alblna ferry, Lionel R. Webster will soon have to -be taken off the route so that the repairs ordered - by the United Btatea steamboat Inspectors may be made, and whlla It la on the ways It le probable that a grest deal of dredging Will be done et Ite east aids landing. :sTK6TK!nrT HO feet of the vessel projected 4ntottoo SPRITED RALLIES EUD CONGRESS Thrss Big Mass Meetings Ysstsr ' . day Clossd Tempsrancs ' r Convention. T V .' Vi' NATIONAL EVILS ALL V V" ARE DUE TO SALOONS channel, and. when landings were made the. swift current carried the boat out of position and In the dlreotlon of the pile guards. At low tide the ferry ex tended even farther Into the channel. mm. While aalnvallt from Kbeumstlitm, when nothing In the world would svea relieve me, I succeeded In coin- bialog fire harralett Ingredients Into a eom poundwhtch complete- plkfoirmUy ! thtkandtin 0 he prsdlctlont of Vr , - - ' - my aoetor. . i men xttmmvttm. , tried this reined r on ' ray friends and neltrhbore tuirerlng from rheu--tnatlsm, alio on hospiui patlentf with such won derful remit! that even prominent physicians had to admit that ny remedy waa n posture Since then the remedy has eared hundreds of decrepit persons who eould neither cloths nor . feed themselves, among them persons of 70 and N year of age who had suffered more than 40 years. Bo positive am I what thla remedy will do. that I bare set aside 0,0OO Baxes for free dlsft-K ; batten so that other unfortunate lunerere msy profll by sny good lock. It Is a wonderful retne y and there la no doubt Hist 1 1 will euro all . ' eases given up by doctors and hospitals. Remember that I ask yon for roeaey, simply send your name and address lor free trial box. and should you want more you ean navel I at a small eott. Itliootmylntentlontoaceuinu. . lateablgfortnneoutof my discovery, but what I want Is te relieve misery and torture. Address John A. Smith ei77 Gloria Bid-.. Milwau kee, Wis. Bend NO money or sumpe. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. In tow of the Oeklahama the schooner Nokomls la en route up the river from Astoria; aha will receive a lumber cargo for a California port. Thla afternoon tha work of loading the steamship Arabia will be oompleted snd tomorrow eha will' sail for Hong kong and way porta. - She will take out an unusually big cargo. of wheat, flour and machinery.' - 4 Tomorrow the - eteamer . Despatch - la due from Ban Francisco with a cargo of general merchandise. - Tha Aberdeen of the, same Una has been engaged to bring a shipment of tanbark to Portland from Needle Rock, California. - Repairs are being made to the boiler of the ateamer Alllancs by the Willam etta Iron Steel works; tha vessel will not be ready to sail until Wednesday wgnt. Tbie afternoon1 the bark Star of Ben- gal will complete her lumber cargo at the Eastern Western mill arid will leave down the river tomorrow bound for 8aii Francisco. t - . - Big crowds of visitors were on board the - Swedish ship Clan MacFarlane. moored at the foot of Pine street yester day. . The most of thsm were Swed ish residents "of ' Portland and the offi- cere aay that 1,000 people called on them during the dey. .. MARINE NOTES Astoria, Sept ' tt. Arrived' down at I a, re., ateamer South 3ay. Left up at 4 a. m., schooner Nokomlej Arrived al ill a. m., steamer Despatch, from Ban -Francisco. Balled --at a.11 m., steamer Roanoke, for- Port Los Angeles and way porta - - r- . t-. 4 Astoria, Sept, H. Arrived down -et mm 13 .MBBeaBBBBBBBBmi A , ' I I . I ,3URB wm3 .13 and aalled at t a.m., steamer Col urn ,oia. for Ban Francisco. 'Arrived down at and sailed at I a. m., steamer Aurella, for San Francisco. Arrived down at i a. m., ateamer Roanoke. ' Left up at t a. m.. steamer Asuncion. AatoTla, Sept. tt.--Left Up at t p. m., ateamer Redondo. Arrived down at T:30 Vp. m4 schooner Dauntless, in tow of tug Dauntless. - Arrived 'at 7:10' p. m.. ateamer Asuncion, from San Francisco. Astoria, Sept 2t.-Condltlon of - the ber at' I a. m, rough; wind southeast; weather atormy.. . . r v'hbi i ' i .ggB" -e Purely vegetable, they are nature' prodnct and should be in every house hold. They cure constipation arid H Aitorder of the stomach, liver and bowel r ' ...z- ,, 100 Wafcfs 25 CcnUi t il. ikMmnrel r..' Prafsiats, 1ST Tslrd It., gal Asals me rortisad. Or. . - . ' ' "r Noted Speaker Tell Young Men and ' Women of the City of the Work of the Prohibition Party John P. St John Delivers Addreeies.' A mass meeting for men In the Mar quam theatre and another for women at the White Temple yesterday were . the closing features of ths temperance eon- greaa that haa been in aession In thla city since last Tuesday. The men's meeting waa held under the auspices of the Young Men e Christian association. Clinton N. Howard addressed ths meet ing on "Ten American Problems." At ths women'e meeting ez-Oovernor John P, St John spoke en 'Women'e Connec tion With Reform." He urged that wom en should be given the opportunity to vote in order to fight the saloon. Mr. Howard declared that the 10 great problems, before the American people are the saloon. Increase of crime, mob law, divorce, social Impurity, gambling, sui cide. Insanity, idiocy . and murder. . : Hie remarka were directed chiefly agalnat ths saloon, which, he said, waa the chief source of the other evils and consequent ly the moat' Important The aaloon must bs legislated out of existence; -ha wetd.-end that can be ac complished only by church people com bining -and directing their efforts to that end. He declared that the most lncon slstent man on earth la the church mem ber who saye he Is opposed to the saloon and votes for Its continuance; He In tsredrthar the mayor of Portland should close all saloons on Sunday and that the executive waa derelict In ula outy in not doing eo. . " ' ' In the evening at the Taylor street church Mr.' St John" spoke again to both aexee. and at thla meeting standing room could not be, bad,, for late ar rivals. Mr. St John dwelt at length upon the political situation of tha Prohibi tion party. - Hs recalled the fact -that before the civil., war there wero pro slavery Democrats, and alnoe the war there wero aa ardent Democrats, but they i had eliminated. .their slavery doc trines. With this basis for comparison, Mr. St John noted that the prohibition workers -were despised, called crssv snd cranks, but how they were coming to be recognised as tha best, workers ; of the land, and. at some time in the near future there would be a rush to get In and claim credit for being among the flrat workers In thla cause. The speaker dwelt at length upon law enforcement In Kansas, where he said temperance laws were put In execution more rigidly than any. other kind ef laws. Tha final fteurea or the children's parade ehow that there were 1,100 chil dren In the parade, and I.60O temper ance workers on . the grounds at 'the fair. There wero 1.100 children In the parade under It year of Me.. All par- At the White .Temple last night Dr. J. WMtcomb Brougher spoke on "Society and the Punch Bowl." Ha denounced the social custom of drinking as tha most pernicious of evils. . Many young men, he said, who would otherwise have with stood the temptations of ths saloon have beceme drunkards by taking their, first drink at a social function. , Tht liquor men know that they must . " ... . . ' '. ' ' ...... 4 . ... ... .. . . WiU fcc clojd Satvnlay next, Sept 50 -All ovr employes and their Ilamilie-bcprcsentcd ; with souvenir tickets. Join ustinr a flood time and malce the day a great access. P&trons " o!i " and new are requested to do their buyia, durb3 the wceK bctorc Saturday. r . VI Cravenettes f t .1- r- .' . ' w-,. a-i-n "n ar m -r a -r-: o - -r --r - m mm Overcoats and n;. Eases&ect Cept v :. Children's Suits X2.15 tn SL XT. .Tz ' T' Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest. Youth's Svhs i $5.35 to $7 . Overcoats - $2.85 to : ; ' .". -.'Main Floor- ; Children's SuitsC i - $5 to $10 w 'j ...a ; Youth's Suits Cravenettes $10 to $20 $9to'?I7iO THE CHIC JTOK-AUTnint ( 3 The Shoes we show this fall possess all tha alamants ens dealras sheas to poisaas; quality, - a Mn. aryie, u j j J. J, One of tha Ohie Styles ' '' , '-;:-'(' "S -'''. IPHIS Shoe is patent colt with ' A. dull flnlah kdi tops. PoUy toe, waited spade soles, y A niannlsh stylish- -4--.-jq SSaslO0 nee eene sai eaae ems a isi tjpmm tow owa to Toma nn to strr ststosa nu 1 7-U-Irls-iHa- 28345 U0EEI80II ST I WERM 18 A fliaiRa mm create appetites, or their buslnesa will fall'- he-eald. "It -Itr thla-flTat- drink that begins the creation of. an appetite and leads to ruin. Society should realise that ths punch bowl and aplked' lemon ads' are the devil's best methods for the creation of liquor appetites." . .' en." Blue eyes, brown ' eyee, black eyes. rrar eyee, eyes of all colore, smile st vou in the Mellln'S Food Exhibit, Lewis dc Clark Rxpositlon; tne eyee oz nappy, healthy Mellln'e rood babies, all raised On Mellln'e Food; that's why they are nappy and neaitny. wniie mere asa tne attendants sbout the te pictures which era numbered. - The Mellln'e Food Ex hibit ie In the Agrloulture Bldg. - JAY Villi FOREiE JKD TITLE-IH EN Company Is Organized td Estab tish Australian Claimant as Duks of Portland. - (Jearasl Special London, Sept -A very determined attack la to be made soon to wreot from the Duke of Portland, hie title and vast estates. So atrong la considered the cass of 'the claimant George Holamby Dines, that a limited liability company with a capital of ISJ.000) haa been reals-tared- at Somerset house -tinder-the; tttle of "O. H. Druce, Limited." , Druce came to England from Australia In May. Hot. and from that time has been busy with his solicitor gathering every posslhls shred of evidence " that bears on his famous claim. - Everything a now in order for reopening- legal pro ceeding-In support of the claimant's contention. - '- . . . ' ' Dmoe e case briefly la that' the holder lMjMMeMM eMet t. tpi B1 G&fe rdTAstoria and Ocean i Beaches nmne The Day Boat Dowp the Columbia Leaves dafly'from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. M. :h Can op MAIN 613 tttttttttttttttttttttssssseesesesssessseeeeeeeeeteeeseseeeeeseeessessssesess Everybody come to flic Fair on Portland Day , The attractions will be the p-eatest ever seen at anjr exhibition on the Pacific coast. Come with your wives, daughters, cousins and uncles! Bring the children along I Come and seeTthe) :? r 7' greatest show on earth ! ' Ride to the city on the - :,, -v: Mill v THE SMARTEST STEAMBOAT YOU EVER SAW. , f V She's a flyer from Flyyille a runner from Runvillea hustler from Hustletown. ; To Astoria at $2.25 for the round trip. Tickets good till October 30 - - There is ginger in every revolution of her wheel. .-. , -,.; DOCK FOOT OP ROUND TRIP EVERY DAY BUT FRIDAY. Boat leaves at 7:30 a. m, Sunday 8 a, m. Re turning leaves Astoria at 2 p. m., arriving in Portland at 8 :30 p. m. PHONS MAIN 165. 1 ' ' ' "SSS5SBg5SgBggJggggj3jSjQsJ r-. Jr ": :srrr r jl AN EXCURSION EVERY DAY 1S8 Mile Ride to the $4,000,000 Caecade'Locluon th fastest ot all the crack river boats, the new'' . i: ' . : .:.' J-. ., Tulrn ITnTTn-TlTTTTmfNRTTTt- Bright as a pin and capable of showing her heels to the quickest boat that ever touched the" -Vv '"' . -; ', , '" waters of our two great rivers. . : - ' v : r ii, The Telephone l)o And she makes the round trip every day except Friday at only ''"',' V'j $i;00for theRfdc to the Locks and Return ' ' ' ' : 7"-' . ' - ' - -- - -f,- ' She ii the newest bbartharruns7the TastestTdat that runs, the lest furnished boat that runsT y and safe as any craft that ever carried a cargo of human freight, i y . - - ' She Pierces lie Heart of lie KIshly Beass&c Ctsctit Uoaslslas v"- V : The most picturesque region on the continent of America. It has no superior in all the earth. cz mmm Vm Curs Any Caw of IIIDNCT or DLADOCH DIOH. Not Dayond the Ileach of Ilcdlno l 1 ' WOOPARP. CLARKE a CO. AND 8. Q. gJCIDUCCS tt CO. (I of the title ana -estates ee-rle4 from the third son to the tblr duke., while rrtioe clarms It directly descended from th first eon te the third duke, and be 'fr, in f who 1j rl l ' m. ' on 4f the T.fih duk. tt tava dlel unmar ' -'IS. V r- -( ht Cf I . Irnior" " merits hnvt .it t . , t