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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1905)
" i daily J3u::at. rcr.T:i.TD. l:c:iday evening, septet-iees w. i::3. 7: personal:' MO DRUGS, jm operation; Prof. Dana give osteopathy Bad magnstM treatment, reduso : your flub, relhe eupprssssd monthly Irres nlarltlee. Coneultatloo bw. Office, Ug "x OoodnousB bldg. LADIES: Or. Turner' Sexlne Tablet Just .what m want; safe and absolutely sure TjraTataHa nee Iiaw he mail nliln-pannM fit ats bote, IS. bad. ' i : . . ' .1 -r rr . i.r , u. a. vnemicw uo., t-ort. KATE Am poeltlr now) did Just what yon eussreted, aad find It aran woraa tbaa I ana. Peeted; I am rarely wrong whan It come ta humaa aatara; understood your massage. PA. LOST powern Motored by tb great Da. bmi'i Nra Tunic Tablata; Steper box, . bozo tor ll.SB. Writ or call at Eysasir 1 Pharmacy, til Morrison. bat. 1st aad So. ' MANLY rigor raatorad br Pr. ' . Globule. Ona month' tra Booert Net-re trsatmsnt. SI: a .' month. 8; neat securely esaled hy mstL. Agent. Woodard, Owii A Co.. Portland, Or. BOOKSl Here ther an: Decameron," "Hep . tameroa." "A Hot Taroala," "Feney Hill," , "Tweejty Tear a Fkr," 'Forbidden Frolt," :' Ma eachl lute free. , A. Irk mala. S Ft rat at. WANTED Te aoafar with tboaa eeatempla. Ins a boilnaaa eouree; to your penuaal aad naaieui utereet to--aiigaie. J 48, aara Journal, t , UCZ Wbaa yon br from tba parano la wboat yon took so much Interest . it wUK ba a aur- prlee: maybe I will look ron np Wednesday , myseir. m. u - 1 a ROW, i bur and aril flnerns; H acta warth - gSO.OOO? bit book that teHe all a boat It, poat paid M eanta. E. T. Atwau, WO Uaur. Kan. aa CUT, Mo. JOOREriBU) Tarkh and atoara bath. aaH , alow, ainbrat balba: rhmmatlata aim apaelal atrantlon; fraa trial traatmaaU IWVk Uzt!w . Paclflo tTO. , . - , I LAD IKS Toa appsar , SO 7 aara roaaaar, ra Ibr aatnr I aaowa au wnoaiaa, aara Mia lis a rairai Orafoa Oral apa kla rood. Paeaa MEN! WOMEN 1 Raraaond'a pllta poatttralr aad lark af Tttality: ai. 4 bozaa . plaasasar Oraf Oa JM Third. MOTHtR WU.LIA Vf . .ib - rlalrToraat. madlnm: lalla troato dlaaaaaa. S1SM Waablnctoa. ' - OIN8ENO. Iff a aaoaay-makar Plant aow Srtrallat for aaad and planta oa appUeatk. . W. Klblr,,Taaoaa Waak. ... WANTED Man with aoma nosay for proapaet lor trip, gold and aoppar. Call araalng, . .16SH Morrison at., room 11. ' CLEARANCE aala all kind of waists, klssaoaa, aaalln aadarwaar, ate, baknr anaC RIM Ckoaa Co., Mt Morrison at. ' LILLIAN R. CRAM Chiropodist, aaanlmrktc . sod abaaspoolnc. Parlor 434 Abteftaa bids, PortUad. Or. Black tM. -s - i MIX -BERTHA MARTIN Room $X Allskr bldr. BUmpInc and fiaa aasdlawork; rasa in tlaa.vv . -. - , r.. . , . i. DR. ATWOOD 19 RnaaaL bldf ., eor. 4th Mor rlaoa. Dtsaaaaa at woawa. Conaaltatloa fraa. WANTED A nod noma for a bor to da rac aad ga to acbool. Addraaa aa, Joaraaa. VRER aantpla aara. banlaa and wart ears. B arts, ta Daaav dap. E. Taaataa, Maaa, -,. ; mT XBNOBIA'B barba. root and barka aara - aU disassaa. Rooms 1224 AIM bM(. DR. PLETOHER'E rhiropodr narlnrs, tl AitskT blda efflea practlaa. siaa ISO. .feXPRRIENCED draaaraakar wiO auka asgiaa aaaata In famUlaa. Ualoa A T. T. C No mora fan. M. ATTORNEYS. - OBBOON LAW COLLECTION CO. 41T Fan . ' ton MorhT CollacUoaa mada tbroafboat tba v ITnitad Bfataai baskrapter mat tars a anocteltrs "T 1 badttraaata aetad; rrnn eollectad and fan- . ' aral law baalaaaa; notary pablle. t..rrNgW:ittorHyftrjffWihmif Baeoad aad Wash Ins toa am.-Pboaa Main MS. B. T. TAOOART. attoraar aad aoaaaaUof at law. 414 Cbambar af Cammarea bids. ART EMPORIUM. PROP. RICHARD MAX VKTER-Portrstt sod '. landaeapa art lit: atntloa la all palatine, watar color, at., aad drawing; art aallarr ; eoanaetad with stadlo) plctaraa tor aala aad fraalag to order, bad Alder sC Pbona 160. THI LATEST FAD" 60 bara a pra aad Ink r. akatek of roorsalf from photo or It fa. Pay King, waa Ran-is a at., naar ann. at, car. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWE. DAVIB KILHAM. 104-111 Baeoad at. ., Blank book mannfaetnrm: ageata for oaee . fmororod Looaa Leaf Was era: ase the new Eureka leaf, tba beat oa the market. BATHS MASSAGE. TUB" Palace Massage, Parlore I tba aelr place r ta get a nice InTlnoratlng bath or mseasget ponng lady. (1 jreere old, with asslstsot, recently from -New York. Btark at,, betweaa i Third aad renrth. Tba Taeoins, roema U-Sa. - THE 8NOWDEN BATHS Lad atteadaata, ' S8TH Alder at., tab and vapor bathe, manage aad electrlrltr. Phone Mala 598ft. BICYCLE DEALERS.! COLrMBIA. TRIBUNE AND CRKSCWNT. , SPORTINU OOOIIII. EXPERT REPAIR1M0. P. P. KEBN ANr THI T. BIRDS. -MRS. a. UJ FRITS. SO Grand are., beaatlfol Imported canary biro a, reeeonable: all good i fingers, aad aatktfsctloa guaranteed, asssssaaassssssasssssa iiiiii ii ii 1 1 acsaasamssqt BOTTLING WORKS. a. M. BOTTLINO CO.. bottler of fine car bonatrd beTerafee: family wlnaa and liqaora a epeelalty. IB Ualoa are. Phoaa Beat 186. V CAFES. THS OFFICE SM Waanlngton it.' TT1. Bamnal 'Vlsneani. Mala 'CARPENTERSANDnBUILDERS. : AUTHORS WOO O, carpenters, balldara: re pairing and obblng; store and office ftitarea built. Shop (fclumbla. Main 5gT. CARPET-CLEANINO. ' BTANDARD Carpet meaning Co.. largest plant . an tba roaat, Lnring and Harding eta., t.le phone Bast SSO Csrpam cleaned, refitted, ' .sewed and laid) botb steam and lateet aom r .., 4 ais precem; reno rating matttmn aad t feather a specialty. - HAVB your wslla cleaned:, w ebma papered - and painted walls i setlafactloa gnarnnteed; prices raaeoaahlaj refcreaeea. Red SBgS. SANITARY carpet cleaning, taction tad ones. sriaax air eaMasi easpata aiaaaea oa u Wlthont reaMTaL Mala Sos4. East SD04. CARPETS cleaned m the floor: we reloe aast. raoaa lay aai. rrea wemenarraiiew. HUNTER Steam carpet and wattree Cleaner. SM Jefferaoa. Phoaa Mala 114. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. CHAS. H. CARTER CO.. cement contractor, . ad East Twentieth It. f9M JUtl lei. A4 rut (OatauM.J, ciiinorcc:;T3. IF y feet Bra out af orcSr, go to Dr. Worley P- am, neren H 1 biark, t foot (pe ri r-one a e'a. cciim: ..on nzncnAKts. DAV OP0PT BROS, O-neral commission m ) trait and prow see; ewansaiaeat an- lie ilea; promps retaros. loo sroui au IP poa want to get good returns for roar aroauoe. snip to vs: psv atsse! prie uf egg f. a. b. . P. Kalar m Co. . ETERDINO At PAR 'LL. aradnas and Ion mercbants. IwJ front at., Portia ad. Or, Pnone Main 1TB. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. E8BF.HO-GLN8T CO. uisu-imiUNr or ' - P1NB CIOARB. Portland. Ore toa. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MILLIB LEE Gifted child from birth, now ta , rortlaaa and wui glee teat reaaiag ibr sac four Bunner of readingi lorstee mining aad "Si does tra as ore, noom p. m irau t GYPST BKNOBIA, Talla peat, present end futur.- Wo matter -what rou troablas are aba win BelD yea. U sVosat Sea AUy bid., sturrlaoa ana Third. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clalreoysat, . palnrlet. - esrd reader; I glra facts reliable and Impor taut oa all affairs af real Vfe.Baadlaga asnv M Sereatb St., near Oak. MRS. PALMER, clalrroyant and tranc me. dtam, eontlnae to giya kr surretoas read ings. 186 Morrisoa. ' ' '- COAL AND WOOD. CHURCHLET BROS., fcara ramored loot Darla at. ta 4 'At Kearney at., near 11th: I now tba largest woedyard la the city, carry. ing au BiBas or wsoa ana oosi. aiata soi. 0RE00BT MORRIS, anereasora ta Cals a ' McKana, dealera In wood and cos) at lowest prices; sat la fiction gnarsnteed. Cor, Test ana ir.ius. rmvom sasjn osiv. WESTERN fasd Fsel Co., an Front, betr Ollaaa and Uoyt., dralara ta all kind of boasa coals aad blank amlth eaaki. Phoaa lttlsVx--- . ALBINA PC EL Ca Dealer ta aordwood. aoal ana greea ana dry aisDwooa. h. b. ana ai bin are.,' S block aaat af ferry. East 674. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO. Dealer to coal, card wood aad dry elabwood. Phone East 4114. OREGON FUEL CO. All klad of coal aad au Aider st, rnaa stsin ss, KIRK HOOTER, SIS Water it., wood and ooai. Phono. Main 46S6. CLEANING AND DYEING. pnn-rt.iKn aTiiy nimiNn A dvkino 1 Works; practical bsttw Is. anenartloa ; laatbar Doaa as a puniaa ciaanaa ana curiea wuw pert. iu roarta. Pbona Clay ISA. UP-TO-HOW CLBANIC40 Jk. - PR EsWi aU.-X)e.4-r praaaaa. Mj panis,.aso. Phoaa 40 Anhsny at. CLOTHES cleaned and nreaaed 11 par month. Calaue Tailoring Ca., S4T Wasbtagton at. H. W. TTJBNEB, professional dyer and aleaaar. 606 Jefferson st, pbona Main Stla. COLLECTION AGENCY. DORS anybody ewe yea aay money? Wa collect wages, notes, ream, ooererniis ana osa aents ef all kinds: gsrnlahaea aerred: old Jodgmenu collected; no charge onlaaa aaccesafnl. Office ' hoar a. a. to BP- m.; Sundays. 9 a. m. to . IS m. Nortbwestera Law A Collection Co., 123 Graad ara reesa IS, awaccitlssn bank. DOBS aaybody aw yen any money? Wa col lect bad debta or 11 kind from II ap. US Grand aa.. 12. Cut thai eat. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and tTUaaware. PraaL Hrt'ie 1 uo.. IW to inn ntta. cor, niara at. DENTISTS. BET CHURCHMAN, dentist. SS4 Mar-roam bids.. Sixth and Morrison. Phone Main 170. DET. ETECTI VES. DETECTIVE or secret aarilss workl atrlctly confldaatlal: Blfflcalt cases sotlcttsoW 14. Washington -blag. DOG 'AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB.C.B.BROWrf.D.V.S .D.C.M Dog. Horse bo. pttel. g7Jnrnalds. Phones: MaTn4Ua;)aatno DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash silk, mad for r w wiw,- e"'".. ew " 1 st. Phone East S2S1. DRESSMArTING Strictly IP to dsts) latest de- -A... ftK aMsaa . ELECTRICAL WORKS. WSaee ' 11 "i esi.nacjr NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, m Btara u, rerxiaaa. u, n.. ror Ms'ls-'8i3L'B fh 'trt Ha. Pnon PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO-Englneera, coo tra c- tnrs. repairers, siectn wmng, anppuea. - sa First, eor. Stark. Mala R. H. TsU, mgr. FURNACES. A, SANDS TROM mskee a apedalty cat proased DT1CS BSSateie, asruil.1 wrwt wiua v ftreplac. Sea da tram will fia It; balld the only relnfcreed Dutch bake area. M Wll Usm !., Portland. Or. Pbona Scott 64TT. BOTNTON warm-air fnraacea faL t. C Bayer tarnacoi.. ana aaenaastsjawei ' . FURNITURE FACTORIES. Ii: ' OREGON Furniture MasoTartartng Oompaay Manniaciurera os inrBiisra sua tea ueuw. Portland, Or. - - . t - rt'RNITDRB amaafactarlng and special or dart. u. Horensay rarnitar iseiorr. aro rroot ai. GROCERS." iWADHAalS 6 CO.," factarera and and Oak ata. - ALLEN LEWIS, eommlsaion and produce ater. chants. front ana lura aw., foriaoow. HAIR AND SCALP SPECIALIST. J. J. BORO.maaafaeturec af humaa hair rolls. etc 428 Eatt Mtnu. raone nasi rail. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. aollotu opporrnnltTM quote price, lap let at., eor. Aiqer. siais isoa. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendleton. Prndlatoa. W.A. Brown, nurr. HOTEL Portland, Amortaaa plan; $2, $8 par day. HOTEL St. Genrr, randleesnt leading boteL BELVEDERE: Bompean plan; 4th and Alder t. INSURANCE. t aBlaessWesWA ISAAC L. WHITE, Or insurance, S00 Prkaai LAMBERT, WHITMER, CO. Fira Inauranca ad real aetata; orileee ivt-iiai naanora owa. Mala 1000; dept. 404 Bast Alder. Beat 40l. JAR Met. WOOD. amBtnyer nabiHty and la. dividual accident en rat T nonoa ai an aiane. Pbona 4T. M McKsy bldg. B, F. BARTEIS COMPANT Fire InseTanc. saa aneriocB ping, "uregon rnoa t lay 0--Q. I' " - MUSICAL. COI'RTNBY'Pl MrSICfSTORB, SO Fiftb at unoa line or snort music iwj guitar, sianne II ne 1-A lee . than nanal prloti Columbia 26 i-, , - PIANO tuning, t; per fart work gaaraateed. L0c::r:iTir. asseeab.ssesissaasaeia'ssa asB t. H. r"" 3ARts"-. eirt lr-k and k' walthi gene, i reualrlr., csstuoa t aslna: t wo- c guar-,ied. Suo I ourtk St. . ksoo Haul litJ. I aenersl let. IwssmTtk; e -a pron' s.y 1... '; "! Miller key Ices tav-a, - Y. a-s. BBOWNB'S IN .TOWN Br- lock ami is, and bicycle repairing. . XMO rt. uay papas. Clay S?l; p'ebt phone. B. MONZY TO LOAl unKiriTO LOAM e Oa Ian pro red city .property or fa building purposes. Any amount oa from S to 10 year' time, with prlrlUese to repay all or pert of kwa after ona yea; Loan ap proved from plans and money adrancod aa building prugrimidi . mortgagse taken Bp aad reujscea. i sUED Hi STBONO, Fittsnclal Agent, 141 atark Street. THE STAR LOAM'' CO. Any salaried employe, wsg aarnsr. ana fat ea bis not, without mortgsge Month. Vk Moatn. Week Repay to aa tia.m or f or fs.16 la.oo Repsy ta aa S 8. do or MM fl- M-UO-t-Bapay to aa I 4.00 or 12.00 or l.M . 110 McKay blag. . MONEY to ba. salaried neonle. teamsters, etc. without aeeurityt easy payments; largest baetneea In 40 principal aittaa.- Tolmsa, ICM ' Ablngtoa bldg. Pbona Msln 0467. MONET ta lean oa real, peraoaal and collateral security; apodal sneation ta cnstiet mort. gases wtsa booaht.,. C W PsiltU aXrt-i Psuton blag.. 84 SUtb at. HIOHLT respectsbls place where ladle and seat csa borrow money on diamond " sad Cweiry. . toiisisrat wsi vsaa, ami aaai gton at ' Pbona Black Tl. . - S LOANS and. upward on all kind of security or W aeisrrau Kvya, wa uwar aw. , lUHm rates; no publicity, no daisy. BIS Ablngtoa - biog. rnoa aiea vim. CHATTEL loan In amounta ranting from $2S . . to 16,000; roomlng-boasr a speclslty. New - Era Loan m Trust Co., SOS Ablngtoa bldg. WB make aU kind of loan oa good security at lowest rates; special attention glean to chattel loans. 183 Morrison at. MONET to loan la en ma of from 16,000 to 6,000; tcrma to nit tne aorrewer. - SoO-lO. Commsrctal bib. - MONET to loan In Urgvor small amounts an gooa srcurity, wwei nua rr iiiisiu w, Beck. SOT t'sUlng bldg. ... , - THE ' CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loans from three .to els mentba; eonnaasusl. 217 Orsgoalsn. . . . . MONET to loan aa Clsckama countr landa. aVJV aod Pr B." HtUyr-OOd Chamber of Conv PORTLAND REAL ESTATB LOANS. B and per sent. Wm. Dennolm.-226 railing bldg, LOWEST rates aa furniture and pis no. Bsst ua eew b bar iocs wag. may aaa. 11.000 TO loan on city property, rison. Pbona Eaat 626. 404 Xsst Mot. MAGNETIC HEALING. MBS. L. B. HART treats an diseases, atom trouble, uai tuusnass aad faactisnal waaka Conaattatton free. SSOVb Park. ear. Jeffeai MILL FINISHINGS. BOXWOOD aad planer trimming alwaya an nana at raa man aara wooa uo. . raono nasi ' 2316. Foot of Bsst Pine at. OVERALLS.' BOSS OP THE BOAD OVERALLS and me- ehanlc- clothing; anion -snada. Nauatadtar Bros., masufscturers, Portland, Or. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIX N0RTHBDP; 416-14-1T, Dekam bids'.. Third aad Wssbhigtsn ats. Pkoss - Mala S40. Examlnstioos (res. DBS. OTIS 4V MABEL AKIN, 40S Macleay bldg. CUy TrS. Baa. M. 2161. Consultation fraa. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS.- F. B, BEACH CO. The Ptoaaer paint Co.; wiadow-glaaa aad glaalng. 186 Firs at. rsone las. RASMUBSEN 00 Jobber, patnta, oil, glass, sssh aad doors. Sanneid aad Taylotv PLUMBERS.- DONNEBBEBO RADEMACHEB. aaaltary plumber. 84 Fourth at. Both phones. FOX CO., sanitary pi amber. 21 Second, bet. Msln sad Balmon, Oregoa Pbona Main 2001. PLATING. thf irr T'" tv""' r?i t Inaton aL Pbona 26TS. Polishing, plating nnd lacquering. PRINTING. ANDERSON DCNIWAT COMPANY, printing. mnograpaiug, oiana boobs, rnona main IT. Alder at. - , . . . ROOFINOTr----4 TIN BOOFINO, sttartng, repairing aad gansral lobbing. J. Lost II. 212 Jefferson at, V' RUBBER STAMPS. - 1 n ST iud wADtt aea tu u Mala TIO; robber etampe, ata la. a tend la. gags, trade cheeks; send for catalogue. SPIRITUALISTS. LOETTA Spiritualist, medium and healer. The . - acknewledsed leader, btsrrsloos core. Bps ciauy rneumatio ana STUDDara ait sears, xoar adrauUga to small me. Boom 10, 224H let MRS. STANLBt, spiritual madram, retnrsed from aVaalda. Clay 87. A, 1071b rourtb. Pbona ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAOH CO. Coraaf sag wortarap sts., t-artMao, wr SAFES. DIBBOLD Manganaaa as feel fir and bargler- precr wori; )ali and prison wort: lockouts opened:- repairs. J. B. Darta, 06 Third at. SHOWCASES ' AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af oeaey deeerlptleai nan, bar ad a tore Sxtarra made to order. Tea Letae slansfartarlng ca,, Portuaa. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettartag. eleth be aaoaomleal electric dsns aad atsns a klnda made qelckly. .footer STlEtPAVINia. WARREN Construction Ca,, (treat paring. M waUa aad ' talks. TIB uragoaiaa eag. ' 1 ' - i ton early this weoa; ana win mane a THKTrlrjdad Asphalt rpjtjm.lg-trx- Clearwater river to in. TALKINO MACHINES. GIRSON CO..' S49 Washington at, Complet etork of Columbia grsphopboaea sad records. TRANSFER AND HAULING. " SAFES, readr ftaan fad faraltora mored, pscksd tor saianii aad shipped; au trorl guersBtsedl IsVas, Bator ry, erica, nre-proei Offlc 12S first at, warebsus far storage. Offl -O. Mr Oleear- Pbisa Main 441 a O. PICK, ofce SS First St., between Stark ad Oak eta., pbona Ml plaooa aad raraltara mored and packed ror asiipini brick wareboa. Front OBBOON TRANSFER CrM. IM Bert Btirk. Phoaa Mala 60. Hoary hauling aad storage. SEN Boea M. plnmeser bant torsgsi rtr proof; - eu. rate S!t Thrrd at. - Phono Mate SOS, POST SPBCJAL DBLITERT , tO ,Wss bhjtoa V thorn Mala HS, . TOWEL SUPPLY." C1"AN TOW TLB- DAILY Coath, wee, (osa, . bl per a. Lswreeo Bros.' Towel Sup Co.. I a sad Coevr. " Fsoee 4iaV, VIOLINS. I. A. WEdCO. TtoMnHnat-er and repairer trark ai awes, an stasssn ansj., au end wallpaper: MOBGAN WALI.PAPEB CO.. U4-1M at., b-t, las-ill aad Taylor. Portland. FINANCIAL. POkTLAWD TRUST DOMPABT Of OREOOB. Xna Oldeat Truat Company la Oresoa. BKOOUBCBS OVEB (1,000,000. .. General banking buslnea oanductsd.' Baring deposlta recelTed lime, rertlncetes leaaed, 2 to d par ceat e pedal eertlflcatae (not sadar 9600), 1 14 to 4 per cent on abort call. Call foe bonk ef ILLCBTRATI0N8." Phana Main 100 Third St. BENJ. L COHEN.,...! President H. 1L PTTTOOK Tko-Preeldent B. LEE PAOBT..... Secretary J. O. GOLTBA. Aaeutaat Secretary U BITES STATES RATTOBAt BANK 07 PORTLAND. OREOOB. BOBTrrWXal 00 B. THIRD AMD OAK ITS. Timssaets n BeaeraA Banking Busiaeea. . . DRAFTS IBSUED AraUabla In All title af the United Stats . ana narops, Hongkong and corxxcnOBI iudx ok fatorablb txbms President.. ..J. C. A1NSWOHTH ?lco-Preeldent W. B. ATER " wBBsBkufi- ejajajaajara a; a a LEA BARMS Cashier A....,....,...B- W. BCHMEBB Asalatant Cashier A, M. WRIGHT Aassstsat Caablar .W. A, HOLT FIRST RATIONAL BANK OP POBTLAXD, 0BESOsT. Dsatgnstsd Dspoaltory and Flaandal Agent of -the United Stats. Prealdeat... A. L. MTLIB ueaier. ................ Asslatsat Csshlsr.. W. C AF.VORD Second Asalatant Cashier. ......3. F, STEVEN! Latter af Credit beoed A reliable la Europe . aad tba Rastera Statea. . - Eight nebs nre. and Tsrearaphla Treasfera old on Mew York. Boston. Cblossa, St. Leal a St, Paul, Omaha. Ban Francises aad . tba principal points la fh Northwest. Sight (Bdalma- bUla drawn la antra to salt on London. Parts,! Berlin. Prank fort -I a-t se lf a In, Hongkong, Tokohana. Copsnnsgea, Cbrlatlanls. Stockholm. St, Pstereburg. Ms SOW, EurlcS. Honolnhv , Collections Made aa Faeorabl Tares. LADD B TIL TON, BABSCZBS. . ' - (IstaUIsbed ht WS Tissasiil a General WanVrg Busmesa. '"" CeUsctlooa mado at all polpta ea fseorabht torms. Lettsr af credit leased available ta En rope and all aotats In the United States. Sight . Bzrhanad aad Telegraphic eaafer sold ea Kaw lor. Wssblnerto-K Cbleago, St. Leaia. - Dearer. Omabs, Sea fresxlaae and Montana aad British Colombia. Exchange, sold ea London, Parrs, Bar lis, Vankfort. Boogkong, XokobanSs, Manila aad M'OHaBTn" VATTOBAX BANK. Ifl POBTXAKD. OBZOOB, J. FRANK WATSON. ..............r.Preeldeni B, L. DITRHAM VtoV-Presldeat "i. wJOTT , . Peak lee OKORObTW. HOTT ..Asatstaat Ceehier Traaaaets n B antral Basking Business. Drafts aad Letters af Credit Issued AeslUbta , . . , , to All Part of the World. CoUoetloaa a Specialty. SXCTJXJTT SATTNOS S TRTJtT COMPART. SM Morrison St.. Portland. Or, . Traaaaets a General Banking Business, ...... SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, lataraat Allowed on Ttmo and Bering Deposit. Acta Tmete for Estatsa. Drafts and Letter of Credit AraUabla la AB Part af the World. 0. r. ADAMS .....President U' A. LEWIS First !ee-preaideat A. L. MILLS ...Second Vice-Pros! deal R. 0. JVBITS .-. Secretary GEO. p. BCSSELL. Asalataat Seeretary MORRIS BROS. US first St. Portland, Or. Off Gilt-Edge Tareetment ta Municipal and Railroad Boada.. Write or CalL MORTOAOE LOANS Oa Portland Baal Batata at Lowest Ratsa, Tltlss Iaaursd. Abstracta Purnlsnod . . TITLE O0ABABTF.B TRUST OO. SM Washington St.. dor. DR. HAYNES PLEADS ; BEFORE CONGREGATION fSpscul Dispatch to The JeareaLt f Seattle, Sept. 15. Rev. , Myron' W. Haynaa, accused of unfair dealing in connection with a ecu ring transportation over railway lined by tha Western Pas senger association, mada a plea, before his congregation at the First Baptist m church here yeaterday to be allowed aasMiank of Rogue river, three miles east of opportunity io prove nis . irustworyni neaa. Ha said In part: - to accept the advice of our honored ITT president, Mr. Roosevelt. . and - give Vrnry (nan a aquara 4al.k That la-all I aak. I am willing to lot tha record of my I yaara of 'minatry bo for naught I am willing; to a tart anew. 11 I aak of you 'la that you lot ma do so, under tha name old flag. In the name country andi. mlnletarinr to the aame people. The poople wbo have known me for- Id-- yoara and the church which I hare served for ulna yaara doe not criti cise me, but It waa not to be expected that people who bad never known me could have the same confidence. Otv me chance." . .,... LARGE CROWDS ATTEND r- CHELAN COUNTY FAIR (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) ' jrnattf.Ke Wash. flant 9 K TVi Chelan county' fair ta being held In thla city thla week. Tha fair buildings have been .enlarged and otherwise put tn sbnpe, tha race track haa been rolled and put In ahape and exhlblta hkva ar rived In large quantltlaa from all over the county. Many eavternera have been attracted to Wenatch through the ad vertising If has received through the medium of the Portland fair. The are arriving In the city on every train and are atopplng off here ' , Friday, September 19, will be Grand Array day at tha fabvand aenators.An- keny and 1-ilea will be here on that day to address, the soldiers."- . - - SNAKE CHANNEL CLEARED FROM SALMON TO ASOTIN ' ' (Spedst Dtspatch to The Journal.) "Uawlston. Idaho, Sept 35. Captain 8. V. Wlnslow, In charge of the govern ment. Improvement work on the Snake liver, arrived .yeaterday, having com pleted the wofk between"!) mouth of Salmon ' flverf and Aaotln. Captain Wlnalrrar ronrtrta thai eraannel eleatreMl of all obatructtona between these pofnta. Tha work-of Wearing the channel be twoon Lwlatorr an4 Aaotln will bo fin ished In a few days. Engineer David B. Ogden Is expected to reach Lewls- - a JUSTICE ARRESTED FOR SHIPPING GAME-BIRDS '" (Special Dtapatch te Tha Journal. I Colfax. Wash., ScpL II. For shipping ISO prairie chickens to Davenport's res taurant In Spokane, 'John Hair; - Justice of the peace of ESndlcott preetpnt. Is in custody ef -Sheriff Canute Ho had packed ?he;chlckr)hr"lil R-trOTik-BTid b teldscope vaflee and taken them to Wi nona,' to bef checked through to Spo kane ss baggage when he wag arrested and the chickens confiscated. Sheriff 'Canutt Is game warden of Whitman Bounty. The penalty la from 19 to t00 fine for each bird ehtppetl. BTefenod took Oanaeg ooa, AUea Lewis Best Braxd. eHBlTCOPPME S1I00J : OHECED . Queen of Bronze atTsJcilma Rich In Oxldee ahd r Native .' Red Metal, i V; NEW ORE BODY OPENED f IN RAISE FROM TUNNEL Grade So Rich That It Is Mixed With Inferior Or From Near 8urface to Get Oood Averace Working Percentage of Copper. : ' VT v : Grant Pas, Or., Sept. SI. Thd Strlk reoently mad tn tho Queen of Bronso I tnlno f Waldo la tha rloheat ' find of copper made in southern Oregon, :. The Queen of Bronse la the individual prop erty of Charlea L. Tutt. who is at the mine directing operations, , - Tha dlsoovery was made., in a raise from a tunnel. The tunnel had attained a vertical depth of 100 feet, and from the raise the minora have drifted in all directions from 40 to SO feet, aa yet finding no. walls on thla level. The orev la a black osldd and has stringers of native copper. No shooting ta required in atoplng. as the ore-is broken down with picks easily. ' Tha rock from the new strike is so rich in copper that it is smelted with an Infe rior grade, from near the surface, The surface ore is taken from open cuts and mixed In the ore bins with the richer grade. - i ' The ore from the new shoot- is said to assay as Digit aa '4t per cent in the main work dona on It. The Takilma Smelting company, be tween July 1 and September -1, haa shipped t ears of matte and received in that time about SO cars of coke. Llm for flux, when needed. Is secured In tht vicinity of tha mine.- MININQ NOTES. Tom C Gray, manager of the Valley Queen rnlnlng property, near Sumpter. has been visiting the fair, leaving laat evlnlng. Mr. Gray recently acquired the water' rlghta in Baldy lake, near the Valley Queen, which )a the moat pic turesque crater lake in the Blue moun tains. The lake is a deep crater, with one side eroded down, and situated near the summit of Baldy mountain, at an elevation of mora than 1,000 feet, and will be .used as a storage reservoir to tide over the dry season. The Cable Core Power- company, haa been- organ ised to erect a plant on the stream flow ing from thla lake. Tha power com pany Is being financed by Wheeler at Ca of New York, who have control, of several properties of the district. . in cluding the Valley Queen. Electric en ergy Is to be furnished ' the mining properties of Cable Cove and such of the Wheeler 4V Co. properties as are within reach of the Dlant. one of tha number being the new Sheridan group, below the Monumental, where sinking operations nave just neen inaugurated. The site chosen for a power olant will be but four to flv miles from Cable Cove, and less than IS miles from the Cracker Creek mines. The management of the Imperial nag already agreed to take tba Dower when it la offered to tha public, and assurance is had that other cable Cove properties will do likewise. Grants Pda. Or., 8ept. 15. Dr. W. B. Williams, aeoretary of tha Rogue River Mlnlna-. Smeltlnsr a Pnr enmnenw who went east, is expected to return Monday. His mission la said to be suc cessful, and active -operations in Install ation will be commenced immedtatelr. Tne pianr. is to d located on the north Grants aPasa. JOllanil. Or..-Sept, 81, Manager t Fowler of the Gold Pick, hear hereTnas completed packing the email a tamp mill into that property. Reduction work la to be commenced moon, aa tha manager had the property ready for tha stamps whenthey arrived. , . . ' C. H. Fenner, tha former Oregon en gtneer, who is located at Goldfleid, Nevada. Is in tha city after a short time Ion Puget sound. ' He will remain here a few days and then proceed southward, as the hot weather of the desert is prac tically past for tha season. . TROUBLES OF COLFAX : FAMILIES RENEWED (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Colfax, Wanh..)Sept, 2S. Martha J, Steward haa filed suit for divorce from Alexander X. Steward, and tha troubles of tha Steward and Canutt families are again before the public. The Stewards were married In Moacow, Idaho, June 9, 1881, and have one son, now 21 yeara old.- January, 1104, she aays her hus band wrongrutly accused her of un faithfulness. : She asks for divorce, a title to a homestead, which she clalma la her separate property, and all of the community personal property. Steward waa sent to .the asylum at Medical Lake in April. 104, and re leased last fall. He made a vigorous fight against the re-election of Sheriff Canutt. whose chief deputy he had been prior to his commitment to the asylum, and . his charges were art Issue, in. the campaign which reeulted in the re-election of Sheriff Canutt, Then Steward brought ault for $10,009 againut Oanntt. We treat suocesafuny all private fer vous and ehronlo diseases of mom alas) bloods stomach, heart, liver, kldnsy and throat troubles. We cure STPHIUS f without mercury) to stay cured for- ver. Wi remove STRlCTURm. wlth-j. out operation or pain. In II daya. Wa stop drain, night losses and spermatorrhea by a new method In a week. We can restore the aeaual vigor of any man under 10 by meana of local treatment peculiar to our sol res. - Wi Cure Qonorrhoea K , in a Week The o-oelor of this Institute sre all resrular eraduates. have Bad veam errjerlencev have been kno Portland fop IS yaara have a reputation wn wn m ana wui 11 nn.ri. m na ammm unless cartels, sure can be effected. t We guars n toe a rure In every eaae are ndertake or charge no fee. Consulta tion froa. Letters confidential Instrue tire BOOK FOR MEN mailed free is plain wrapper. ; .We euro the worst ease of piles la t tion'. Cure guaranteed. If you cannot anil at offloe write for eessful. , Offlee hours. IUI and t to X luM DR.W.NC "TC V Offlcea la .Vaa'Noy Ca? IN TRAKSrOSTATION. CCD RIVER Fa? Dally Byroad Trip te Onawada XVooka STEAMER BARLEY GATZERT Leaves week days I:t0 a. m. Sundaya. .- a.- m. Arrtvag back. S p. m ROUND TRIP $1.50 Through stearner for .The Dalles and way points leave daily 1 su m.. Wharf foot of Alder street. Phone Main 114. ALASKA t, FAST AND POPt'LAB BTCAaiSBIPS Lears Brattle 0 a. m. Jsf'ereen," SeptHBi,., y, jr. tT. 1 "Dolskls,7' September S. IX XX CAiXINO AT . KKTCrTIKA. JUSBAU, ' DOTOLAS, HAINES, SKA0WAT. Connects with W. P. A T. route for A til a, Dawson, Tanana, noma, etc ' - . I'OB AU, SOUTmtASTtBJf ALASKA S. X "Tarslloa,' September d. 90. ... : ' X X "Dirige," September IS. 2S. CaH -or send- ier-'THp -to Wotidetfnl Alsaka," . "lsdlaa . Baskstnr," . 'Totem roles." rmm Alaska t. x oo. ' . Frank - Watlaty Co., - Agent. - r IBS Osk St. Portland. Or. C.OEEWO The Great Chinese Doctor ) . Form any ' lee ted si BS ' Aide et, Coras , Third, ;.. Has -Moved- To the larm hrlck building (II. C. corset - Kntranoa ' . -first Street Dr. 0. Ooe We, the Great Cklseas Deeter, hi well known and fsmana thrnuhout tha U. X hacauaa hi wonderful tad marTelone ears have been heralded broadcast throushoat tba length nnd breadth ef this ooustry. 11 trsatt any and all dlssaees with powsrful Cbiaee roots, herb, bods, hark and resstsbles thel are entirely ankaowa to medical dense In thli aoaatrr. aad tbraush the use of theea harmlee ra ma alas hs guarantses te ear catarrh asthma, lung trouble, rheumatlam, nereeaanass, atomaah, Urer, kidney, female troubles and all prlrat lirraaa This famous doctor rare wtthoat th aid of the knife, without using poison or aruga, Hundred ef teeUmouUI on rite at hi since. Call and ere htm. Cnsrses moderate. . , OOBSTJXTATI0B TtXM. Pitlsata eat of tho etty wrlu for blank and circular. Inclose 4 stamp.- Address Ta 0. Be W Chinees Medicine Co las 1st Bl, ear. stertisaa, Faruaaa. or. P lease mention this paper. - ' CHESTERFIELD .' sfsyebla sfalmlss aad OlalrvoyaatX l ten or cnanges tnat are in store ft. ill 1 k - for ypu, succeasex failures, mar riages, ' divorce. lawsuits, travels, deaths, diseases, talents, home and heart affaire, and queationa that per tain to tne zuture. Palmistry taught. meaiumiatio per sons dovelorxd, I accent no fee In advance. "If ydil are not satiafled, you pay me nothing. I am permanently lo cated at the Hotel Butler, 409 Waan lngton street, above Tenth. Hours from 8 tot, dally and Sunday. Fee. too and 11.00. ; 11 I ir iuu mn iu AU.tniic . IN NEWSPAPERS! ; AjrfWrlERB AT ANYTIH8 . ' . r . ' Call aai a Write 1 lc she's iDransnc. igeici t ! 1x4 Saomt street for-alienation 'of the affection of Mrs. Steward, but the Jury decided in favor of the sheriff. Sheriff Canutt has since filed suit for divorce. In her answer. Mrs. Canutt charges that Canutt in In love with Mrs. Steward and is seeking a divorce to marry her. Bednoed Bates to Sitae mpnag. The Southern paclflo company has placcdon sals afrits ' Portland offices round trip tickets to snasta springs at a- rate -ax . iuv ueautirui, ' uiustratea pamphlets desoriptlve of this resort can ba secured from any Southern Paolfle agent. 1 . wo or three treatment, without par, sraaetlon blank. , Bom treatanaat soa sys and liolldaya, IS tall : J RAV r C: ; T J" 18 A f gug ; & )($)) : if s many v J , wn in t r 2 Xb" tka:: r;--:r 3--Train$ to the East Di.Iy3 ' Thrsogb Pullman stsadard had teartat staew hts-csr dally to Omabs. Chicsaa. Sooke toarlat aleeplnossrs dally to' Ksaass Curl through Pullmaa tourbrt sleeplnasr (person. ally conducted) weekly to Chicese. Rcuslag aneircar (aaats rreel UN lO DKPOT. Arrte CniCAOO-PORTLANU IPPffit. - IS a. a. Dally. p. I Dally. - For the Kaat tin Huat- mctnn. SPOKANB F1.TBR. For. Ea.tarn Washlas ton. Wall WaUa. Law S:ISB Dally.. . :00 a, toB. Ooew d'Alene DaU ana (.reel Bortnorn points. , - . ATLANTIC BXPBBSXl Ser the kstt tie Heat- S.1S a. m. Daily. T:1S a. m. Dally. , . . instoa. Colombia -Blear Dtrtsloa. Ma . vvi n . . - ' .viuwa ana way plot, eonnectlng with :00 am. rwti About 1 4:00 a. ss. - "' to uwaoa aad s. Sundi Bortk Beach, stmr. Bas. Saturday ssln. A ah -st. dock. ,l0:00 p. a. Sunday. ex. BasdseV Tarn hill Brrar Bee to. PO nirrna City aad Tamhill Hear Point, strnrs. Bsth aad TrOOe. a. Dally, w. Sunday. T:S. sV Dally, as. Suadsy. moooe. Aaat. dock. (Water permit tin. Snake Blenr Be FOB LBWISTON. Ida., tad war points from Blparla, Wask etmrs. Spoksne aad Lewlatoa, TICKXT OFFICB. Thtr4 ..a A. Is 0BAJO. Snsral Passaaget AganL EAST SOUTH ON ton OBPOT. 0TBBLAND BZPBESX Trains, for Salem. Boao-I burg. AstalsBd. Saere., S:80a.m. N.O0p.a. TiSOa. sv 4:60 B. aa. meato, Ogdea, gaa Fraa ctsco, Stockton, Loo An sa lea, Bl Pies? New Or fdSd.s. ' leans sBOraae asst. . Morals train sects at Waodnura dally except Bundsy with treta - ne Mt. Asset. SIlTsrtsa. Brewasrille, Spring field. WmdUng aad Natron.. ' Si a, av. Bngone asieag eosJ ecta st Woedburn with M:s.s lit. Angel ton local. and Sltrer-I . Corral II sai f flop, n S:28. '11:110 p. a - Sheridan naeaanair IIP 8 p i Forest Grora passenger. D.llr. - IIDally sacapt Baaday. '. '- , - " " " "' ysrtlaad-Oswegs SaVnrbaa IsW aad TsankDl DlTislon. Depot foot of Jefferson street, v Leeee Portland dally for Oewego 7 : B. m t 10. S:0S. 4.00, B:S0. 0:00, 4:fo. T:4S, 10.1S J. m. Dally (.leapt 8unda. 140. 4:30, XSa. 0:19 1. m.1 4:00. 1140 p. m. BatUf enly, S:00 s. m. Returning from flewege, arrlre Pnrtland dalle S:S0 s. m.1 1:60. :0. 4:M. :, T SJV, JS. 11:14 n. m. Dsily (ate-at Sunday). d kS, :. :0. 10:10. 11:40 a. m. Except Mood, U:ki p. m. Sander enly. 100 a. nr. ... LMee-fmm aame deoot for Dause aad Inter. medlste points daily :oe p. m. arm i land 10:10 a. a. - Te Inerieaan-sfonejKiatb BOB operate dally to Moo month sad Atrlla, eoa. nectlna WatB Southru Padfl eempany' track at Dallas snn inoepeaaracs. Ptret-clses fare from Portia Bd lepenacnce. rrom Portland to' Ssci ssMato $20, berth $11: tn4 lias class berth SXsn, nd San Frandaeo : .m SIS ria Ticket to Eaat cm poiare sen r.nrosvi aare Janen, Olln. Honolala and AaatralU. City Ticket Ofnce cornee Third aad Wan leslim Ml tla.HWWr ajj! 0. W. BTIBOEB. City Ticket Agont,- TIME-CARD OP STRAINS Portland! DAILT. UNION DBFOt Depart. - I Arriee. TatiMttuM ' ar-Bas- ntiJL Louis Spe cial for CbehauB, Oea tralla. Olympla. Oraya d:Bn, nr., irbor. acuta aa. Seattle. Lewtston. Butte, BI1V- ttiem. Denrer. Omehs. Kansas City. St. Leela snd ssathsast, North Coast Limited. eltctrle Ufhted. for Ta- 1:00 p. to rOn. a. coms. Bcattla. spjkase, Butte, MlnsMnoha, St Paul tad tha Bast. -Paget Sound Limited, for Ibaballs. Centralla. Tscom , and SaatU only. - ' diSOgass. lOBI g. a. Twin cite e TaeoBsa, SeatUa,' Spo-I aaoe, niwil, mutts, Trllewetea Park, sfln Bespolls. St. ' Paul and th Bstt. i 11:4SB. to. lathi i -v ' . A. D. CHAhtTOM. AsatstaBt Oeneral Passseger Agana S36 aforrmoB at., ear. Third. , . - Portland Oregosk - r Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Ca ;rrV" i . . . I Arrlrea. -Lssssav, LWION pgrvT. Arrreee. t --.-- - ' S-CO a. Ss, For Mergers, Balaler. 11 :t a, Ba Dally. Clatekaale, Westport. Dally. CHrtoa, Aatorrs.- War- : reotoa, Flaeel, Rast- - asond. - Fort Sterras, Jr - - - - Oeerbart Park, hesslat, ' 1 Astoria aad Seaahor. r - . ' . -' Biptee daily. S KOaav TrO0B to. ;. Dally.. . IIDally. Attorla tipresa. , J. 0. MAIO. 0. P. and P. A.. Attorla. Or. C A, STBWART. fmaaetrlel Agent. Sad As .treat. Phoaa Mala tux nokad Onto MS Third Si. Pkose ( ) . Trnnaioontlnsnntr I . jSt XrIrvai Lt: y fact 7ir: V v, ,rr onnsnei , rooue mam sals - . :j: J:.