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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1905)
C3.Fuie03.fflO 13 STOCII I r . Chemical Analysis Fails to Chow That Mrs. Harriet HvHad.'e j l Died by. Foul Means." i iJji.Jlt.irtuc MADE OF CLEAk ARGENtHJE NUTRIA ii;t oupyiii;. .. Purchase Lease to Building and Fixtures for Seventeen iirtrrxAino m J .1 11. Ii o ..." United States Prepared in Case Steamer Oceano Pulled Off v of Serious Disturbance ,7'': io Restore Order. J Sand Spit at Astoria by Aid ' ' of Three Tugs. : Thousand Dollars. RIOTING NOT SERIOUS STRUCTURE 13 TO CE SHIP LITTLEi INJURED CANNOT HOLD HU53AND ; , FOR SUSPECTED CRIME v BUT MAY CZCOME SO ENTIRELY REMODELED - BY HER EXPERIENCE Crisis Not Yet Retched bu$ I Ex Playhouse In Future Will Bt Con ' ducted . on . Legitimate Lines by - Lessee-1-Plana Are Outlined - by Tug Astoria Ground WWle "Pulling ' - Big Boat, but j Float Off Electro Man of Many Marriages Allowed to ; Fade From the Attention of the! Police Two Wives Died in Mys terious Manner. -1 - i pected Shortly No Special Prep i arations Necessary Army and and Tatooeh Assist in the Rescue Navy Ready to Act. . j F1004 St Keating. . r . x Work. ,. 'v-. tt . ' - UtSSEL IS 'FLOATED ...FT .. . .., ;;f. '! a. 9 f v . r t , (Special Dtepatek by iMMd Win to Tk .orasl - Washington, Sept II. No orders to the armr md navy ar contemplated "'. because of the election trouble In Cuba, but the hither offlclala iter are keep- lng a watchful ejre on the events now transpiring In that Island. '.That It ta only a question of time however, when . the United Bute will feel failed upon to step in . to maintain adequate any-eminent 'there la admitted by prafetlcally '' every on In Authority here, but , the crisis does not appear 'to have . been . reached and U 'la certain . that no word baa, yet been received frora President , , ftOOVll . V ''i ;' V ;- v From an authoritative eouroe at the war department, thia atatement waa ; ' made today: . ? . ' . V. "No aneclal reparations would have to be mad by the department to deaj with any situation that might arise In .'.Cuba. We have the troops v and the '; facilities to transport as many thou aanda of them aa may be requlreed. and a sufficiently large force oould be ; thrown lntoth laland without any d ' whatever. i.i-. Y.'- J T ' ' ' WMUm Aa B4y. 5 -' Of course this posalbll contingency ' has been taken Into account net because ' It waa felt that tba United States would , 'be compelled to Intervene In the near '. future, but In order that any emergency which might arise should be adequately ' met,.. We cannot rush In simply because : there has been a riot. . W have riots la ' our own country. . Should occasion re-' ; quire, however the president would tiot hesitate to deal with the altuatioa with firm hand." . . -.' Acting Secretary of the Navy Darling ; and, Admiral Converse, chief of -the . .. bureau of navigation, bad a conference thla morning but It was said to have no bearing on the Cuban matter. . The feeling-at the navy department Is but a i -duplicate of that among army official a ,, and It Is admitted that th present po lit leal, feeling among the Cm ban and ea- yeclaUy at Cienfuegos, la so high aa not unllkely :to lead to serious results though such development are . ooV yet .In tlbU , ; , . , c. ; Admiral Bradford's flagship, th plympla, -ls at- Guantanatno, but It is explained that Admiral Bradford's re i n cent activities have been in connection X with San Domingo and not with Cuba. - As he -has aeven vessels under his oom - raand In the West Indian squadron, and ' i there are ill others' In Admiral Evans". .yftet scatter along the Atlantic, coast, '..there would be tio -difficulty In -seeding ' X many ships to suoDort the array la any . idemonstratldh "against 'Cub that might I. bo determined upon. - - -s-- --- . - Qoiet ta .Ous Today. . .;' . ' 'j The only advices received" ty "in : ' state department today regarding tba - disorder at Cienfuegos .was a eabiegran) irom vnarge a Allaire-nraeper ar na 'vana. Who confirmed the press dls- orders at Cienfuegos the forerunner of - - . oiner ana mors serious aisiurDances. ' Th eondltlona cause much concern r ; here especially In view of th attitude . ' of th Liberal party ukoward th United States. Governor - Miguel Oomes, th , . Liberal candidate for president of Cuba, 'mad hi whole campaign agalnat th Piatt " amendment, which give - th United SUtee the right to ' internet . . i when life and liberty are In jeopardy or ; If the Cuban government contracts . debta beyond Its ability to pay. - ' The feeling aglnsthiacountry- far s the Liberals are concerned . la very, bitter and a. Liberal victory would 'mean trouble with th United Bute. HUMORIST OFFERS PRIZE '1 FOR POLITEST NEWSBOY .I ' r 8pecUl Dlssetch byUssed Win to The Xesrael) , I Denver, Sept. , tt. For about two t-weeks Denver residents , and vtsttors .will. be treated to an . unprecedented ' exhibition of courtesy and neatneas on part of newsboys. i Oeorg Ad, th writer, yesterday i telegraphed $160 to Judge Ben .B. Llnd . . aey of the Juvenile court to be dls i t trlbuted In various amount among th ' t newsboys. . Politeness, cleanliness and good be , ri havolr, In addition to their Juvenile : .court records, .wllL count most In the , f distribution of the awards, and" the wln ' " ners will be chosen by the vot of their " ' . supporters. The $ 1 00 will be divided i' Into SS prises of different amouate. " - - ; . '. j ii sorway . oav w. ..- . J (aperlat Dlapateh by lwi Wire te Tb Journal) j. Biocanoim, eepi. ji. 1 government ; : refuses to atate the terms of the agree 1 ' ment with Norway but permit the In j ference that the Norwegians have with- j ; drawn from their position on almost : every disputed point. We Score a Touctidoivii By having th . assorted stock F00TMI1 CLOTfJKG in tti city. ; ;.S - All the newest snd best In genuine KHAKI. MOLESKIN and CAN VAS, ranging In prlc from lOo up to $.00. Shoulder Pads Knee Pads, Nose Ouards and Head Harness. Special prices and dlacounts to clubs. JUST RECEIVED FROM 'FACTORY, 'a fin stock " of BOXINC GLOVES and PUNCHING BAQfl. ATHLETIC SUPPORTERS. . - VISIT THE .t'P-,TO-DATE BICTCLH .-AND STORTINO '" CIOODS STORE: ' '';'- , -. ,' ,' i Agsata foe Sua ai Saa ataaiarla' dor aa4H)Ul Spotting uhU Co? cm Evc.r:ss After negotiation extending over a period of six weeks. Flood Keating, proprietors of the Lyrlo-theatre, bought outrtght laat night lh "leas ? of : the Orpheum Amusement company to - th Orpheunt theatre. Fourth - and Stark atreeta. The price paid was 117,000,-and th leaae wa signed at she office of IL W. Hogue In the Sherlock block. The Orpheum, .which is 'one of the handsomest structures of its kind In Portland, wasl erected a little more, than a year ago and baa been conducted prac tically as a concert hall sine that time. Owing to th policy. Introduced by Sheriff 'Word 'and continued -by "Mayor Lane. It baa for some time proved a losing proposition and the , company therefor waa not joatta to accept the proposals of th theatrical men. -- Th ground la owned by th Rosen blatt estate and the building was erected by the company, then composed of W. A. Simons, manager; Jamee. McDevltt and T. M. Carson. Tba leaae haa four year yet to run., but JfcDevItt disposed of his interest a few weeks ago to the Welnhard atat. By th term of th aale of the leas Flood Keating take possession of the theatre, including Its fixtures, October . r It Is announced that th new owners of th theatre will conduct It aa a clean vaudeville house. All the attractions on the old Baker theatr circuit , Will, be played, and negotiations have already been opened for tb best talent obtain able. The building will be remodeled and refitted In every particular- and made .to conform generally to the pur pose for which It . is designed. 170:.U!I HELD PRISONER FOR WEEKS Oil PRAIRIE Kefjftn' Lonely Spot by Former Husband Seeking, to Force , ; Possession of Children. a (Special Dispatek by Leased Wlretje The Jooraal) Denver, Colo.. Seat- J3. Charges that she waa Leld a prisoner for. two weeks In a tent' on th lonely prairie south of Denver.- for; th purpose- of' forcing her to give VP her ' two children to her divorced- hud band, James Clark, are made by Mrs. Sarah Curtis f this city, through bee attorney. B. V. Lawrenoe. Th Clarke weee married four year ago and divorced October, 1904. , , November, 1904. abr married her present husband In Cheyenne, and they came to Denver. Ever since then. Attorney Lw reriue say. Clark baa followed the wom an to. gain possession, of the children. Two weeks ago he la alleged to. have induced Mra,. Curtis to take them to bis sister, Mrs. JC Metser, In. the south end of th city, so that he might see them occasionally. ' When ah attempted to 'return home she was- coerced by threats to remain until her' husband chose': to. let her g or she would have to give' up the chil dren. Bhe ''finally escaped .Thursday night,, ah .says, and rmmedlajoly sought her attorney. She declares that Iter hus band and bis slater engaged In a plot to. blacken 'her reputation . by false re ports, put the children . In an orphan ksyium, adopt them and transfer them back to Clark, - a " . ' NOME OFFICIAL OUT ACCUSED OF, GRAFT (Special DUpstrb to The JenrsaL) Seattle. Sept. 21. Th Noma Cham ber of Commerce haa dismissed Frank W. Oowan from th position, of secre tary. Oowan waa charged with attempt ing to blackmail Mos Rosencranta, th owner of property in the restricted dis trict recently devastated by fir. , ' The chamber waa considering th re moval of thf district outside the city limits, and Oowan, it la alleged, offered for . 1500. to Influence th chamber against' taking such action. : 1 " Rosencrants preferred charges against Oowan for blackmail and supported his accusations with the evidence of a wit ness' who had overheard OSwan's offer. The chamber" of commerce, after a thorough Investigation, removed Oowan from office. . i . ' ' -j, 'i'V aUbany Delegates. . ".' "'.' (Special btspatvs The, Jm'ira.l.) s Albany. Or.. Sept.', 21. Th . Albany Commercial club tonight named the fol lowing delegates to the Willamette Val ley league: E. W Lana-don, J. L. Tom llnson, C. E. Boxy 8. N. Steele, F. J. Miller, Q. A. Westgate. M. II. Ellis. , largeat and beat of : 122 CaANa) AVENUE : ' (Special Dispatek te The Journal) ' ' Astoria. Or., Sept. 21. The- big Brit ish steamship Ovaano waa floated at S -o'clock tonigh-ftr having- laid) on the sand spit, near the quarantine ta tlon for S hours.: The feafof floating th' vessel was accomplished without nearly aa much difficulty aa bad been anticipated. thN big' freighter ; coming off readily, once she started. ' i'- Tb tide was not high, until I o'clock, but by o'clock the tug Tatooah.had a line ' out l astern. . , While th tug strained, water ballaat waa pumped from one of her tanks, lifting th Oceano about 10 Inches.' The tug Astoria had come around from ' Oray's- harbor to assist,, but hersVlf grounded while ma neuvering to get a line to' the steam ship. The ' Astoria floated within a short "Hlme. however, and tb line waa passed to her. The quarantine steamer Electro atuck her nose Into th side of the Oceano and at a given signal all three steamers put on a full head of eteam. --Instantly th Oceano began to swing, and then wltl),, rush eh alld. off th spit Into deep water.- - :-., -. . .v.-., ; The Kedge anchorhad been placed out forward from the steamship to hold up her head and when this was picked up the' Oceano waa towed to deep water a short distance below the quarantine sta tion. The vessel seemed to ' be afloat amidships and evidently has not been damaged. -- . .' - p -. ' DENVER JUDGE'S CRUSADE AGAIIIST. GJOLEliS - - - . - .. Jurist Ohders All Policy Shops and FarfrnSames to Close ',.. - .Next Monday, ;-. - (Special mapatrs-by tease Wire to The Jearaal) Denver. Sept. , 21. Every gambling house and policy shop In Denver, all of which have been running wld open for a long timer-will becloaed by Monday night If the orders of District Judge Frank T. Johnson to Sheriff Niablt end Chief of Polio Delaney are carried out. When the five district Indues met en banc yesterday only Judges MaUn and Johnson agreed that it '-waa In their power .to - act. - Today Judge -Malone was asked what ha would do to enforce the law. and replied . "Judge Johnaon haa seen fit to antlcl pat me byV sending for the sheriff and chief of police. I suppose I shell have to wait untlr he has concluded. On being shown this statement. Judge Johnson said "I don't know whether Judge Bobth Malona's opinions have changed from tnoae or District Attorney jsootn Ma- ion but I hop to uoo tney nave. ' Thlawas apropoa, the Judge explained. of an Incident several yeara f.go, when inrormaiiona were cnargea ana atter aome Jockeying an outside Judge was called to Denver and the district at torney promptly quaahed all the prose cutions, t Judge Johnson-went on to ssy that th gambling looses weris In a combine, supported by Mayor Sptor. the saloon. brewery and half-world Interests,' but he proposed to make a bonflra of the rou - let te ana laro table. POLICE RAID SALOON' AND BREAK UP GAME y. r ' i 'n'V'. A' cordon of nolle officers surround red a saloon at Third and Couch streets laat night, while a detachment of of ficers raided a poker game In. the base ment. Aa a result, 1. Japan gamblers and two -whit men war ar rested artd lodged In the central atatlon. The raid was made by Sergeant Hoge- boom, orricara Kay, Burke, Evans. Hell yer and Lister. Aa they broke sudden ly through the door, the lights were quickly extinguished by on of th men at the poker-table and the place waa In total darkness; in tne males that fol lowed on Jap escaped. Othera tried to get away, but the officers formed barricade at the door and finally suc ceeds in arresting the entire number. The whit men gave th namea of Frank Smith and Jamea Donnell. They are said to nav been conducting the game. ; ,. : . ' OFFICERS ARE CHOSEN BY TEMPERANCE UNION I SBSSMBSSSBBBBSB1BBMSBW (Special Dlepatrs to The Jos rut I ;- Walla Walla, Wash., Sept. 23. The East ' Washington - Women's - Christian Temperance union, - which has, been In aesalon here since Wednesday, brought the convention to a close yesterday after noon by electing officers for the ensuing year. Mrs. E. C. Bodwell. who haa held the office of president for th past six year, was unanimously re-elected; Mr. Maude. M. Carr of Spokane was re elected recording, secretary. Mrs. Jesses E. Atkinson, of Spokane corresponding secretary and Mrs. Lena .D. Gilbert of Rock ford treasurer. , WILHELM MARKS WILL : - V EXPLAIN TO COURT '- . ' .. Wllhelm Marks has been orderM to appear before County Judge L, . Web ster and explain what has become of th money he Is said to have received from the ealq of several milch cows which were owned by his Iste wife, Anna Marka, and also th whereabouts of f 1.000. which Mrs. Marka 1 said to have left at the time of. her death. The demand for the,fexrlanatlons waa made by J. C. Marks', administrator of th estatf . t , rysr ., . , f a. (SeM WP1 hiLeaMl Wire M Tie Jeanfe!) Cleveland, Ohio. Bept. IS. Mayor Tom L. Johnson waa renominated to the office he-now holds by acclamation today at the Democratic convention. The opposi tion to the mayor had made. boasts of Its nower.'- but It made no effort to op- I pose lb Johnson party today. . apeeUlDlssatrhyLesstdW1rtsTs Jearaal) - San Francisco. Sept. IS. City Chemist Bothe haa completed his analysts of the stomach- of -the-lat Mr. Harriet H. Hadiay .and-' tea reported that he haa found no trace of poison. Notwithstand ing his report, which seems to Indi cate. that Mrs. Hadley died front natural causes, it la the opinion of th police that tfxf circumstances of the deatk should be looked Into. Chief of Pollc Dlnan Is In receipt of a telegram from Superintendent of Po lice John J. 'Downey, of .Detroit, which reads: . . , ' - . . "George O. Hadley will bear thorough Investigation, at. your hands." . Acting Captain of Detectives . Rey nolds stated today, that In -lew of the report of Chemist Botbe, a further In vestigation by the police of thta city would be futile. Bo Hadley, the mas of many marriagaa, will be allowed to fad from th attention 'of th police. - Mrs. Hadley died at th Bon Air apart ments on September -14, and Dr. Botha, who waa summoned to attend her.' found her In a dying condition and frothlng'at tb mouth. It waa at his suggestion that th stomach' wa removed, and examined for poison. , When Mrs. Yates Hadley 'of Detroit passed away at the Clara Barton hospi tal In thla city on April Sa she was suf fering from uremia. Dr. Both states that Mrs. Hadley, who died September 15, bad a uremic heart. Physicians of this city say that 'uremia may be In duced by the administering of drags. Hadley and his valet. Putnam, ar still In "th city. Tbey wUl probably remklnhere until after the coroner'e hvruest. the date of whlck has not yet been set. According to the story told bit Had ley. he baa, been married three times. There ar those who say that he wa married four 'time, and that on wife I now . living. . Hadiay saya that he waa married SO yeara ago. - The records show that Hadley mar ried Mra. John Tatea In Monroe. Michi gan, In March, the day after aha was divorced from her huaband. -.- . Thla woman died at the Clara Barton hospital on April Si In a comatose con dition. On July 21 Hadley married Mrs! Harriet Hoes of Los Angeles, who bore a striking resemblance to tne lormer Mra. Tatea. ..' -...: . - She la the on who died at the Bon Air apartments.. A woman In thla city atatea that Hadley baa a divorced wlf now living in Fen ton. Michigan. - TElililS FU1ALS Oil THE .... . . ."" i Matches in the Two Weeks' Toirney Are Finished and Trophies Presented. The ; Irviiigton tennis - tournament ended yeaterday, and the successful racquets were presented with cups last evening by President Qoes, - In presenting the trophies President Oos spok upon th success of th affair and espreased the wish that now. so long aa Irvlngton is a member or 1 th-norttrwet assoclauon. a state tour- nament would be. the prise to capture next year. - , - The finals yeaterday: ' In the mixed doubles Mr. Morse and Mlaa Fog de feated Mr. Durham and Miss Josephl. -4, -l. Mr. Durham waa. not In vary good form, having been 111 for several days. " ' - . lit the mens doubles Mr. Herdman and Mr. Ewlnj defeated Mr. Wilder and Mr. Konr -, -, -love, - ana s-iov. Mr. Rohr's playing waa not u,p te cue tomary form. , Ladles' doables: Miss Josephl and Wetdler played a ateady game and de feated Miss Ford ham and Miss Morrl son - HUNT CLUB HORSES :i , ,WIN AT THE SHOW Award were made mk follows at Vhe horse ahow held at the Lewi and Clark exposition yesterday under the direction of the Portland Hunt club: saddle horses, 1H hands and over, walk, trot and canter Mr. Brook's Joe Jewett first. Miss Flanders' Johnnie Moore second; Mr. Laaarua'.Morengo, third; Mr. Campbell s Wllla, fourth; Mrs, Norton Unci Paul, fifth. Saddle borses under II H hands, walk. trot and canter Miss Lawrence's Sun day Mack, first; James Nlcol's Raatua, second;. Mr. .Metsgefa Cricket, - third; Mr. Nlcol's Tom, fourth, and Mr. Wlns- '.jws Maud, fifth. , AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost, si ht : st S5 - PC. Philadelphia J.. SI Chicago ii.. 0 .20 .01 Cleveland 79 .14 Btaton ....... t .S44 .100 New York Washington ,41 Bt. Loula .160 Yeaterday' SUsnlte. At New York New York 1. Chicago . At Bostoh-P-Flrst same: Boaton T. Ht. Louta t. At Philadelphia rirst same: Phila delphia S, Cleveland 2.- - , At wasnington rirat game: Wash ington s, ueirou . . SURVEYING LINE FROM INDEPENDENCE TO SALEM ("PM-Ial mtpatrh to The Jnwasl.l ' Independence. Or., Sept. tt. Mr. Van Orsdel. county surveyor of Polk county, Is In the field with a corps of ssalst snts surveying s line for a railroad from this place to Salem, to connect at Derry. Jt la underatood th matter Is th Joint plan of th Southern. Pacific, L. Oerlln- ger and H. lUrechberg. snd It built would art as a feeder to th .Southern. Pacific. tH4 a mVana of an outlet for Oerllnger sfrth his ..mber to Salem. Th Us will be eboutelght miles In length. .......... t .. S '7 ,'THE makinj f a hat, Is not the simple affair It mijht seem. Thirtyseven dif I ferent processes are" required to transform a double handful of light, fluffy fur into a stylish derbyi and in each of the processes through which a Knapp-Felt , ; , hat passesi!something is done a little better than in any. other hat-. ' - ' The fur of the nutria, a UtUi animal found only in the River de la Plata, is used : exclusively in Knapp-Felt DeLuxe hats because it is the strpngest and best of hatters' furs. ; "i y !. . Shellac a gum exuded by an insect in India to attach her eggs to twigs, ia used , for stiffening, and only the, choicest grades are used; in Knapp-Felt hats; t . i 'A-SlBLcr ot CorrwaDondlnr cellnr If thm rMle 1. r ; , Kcrpp-Fclt DcLcsa Hsu tr 156.00. ; Kcp-Pc!t Hstt en $4.00 . 'y: oU ACXNTS WOOL tOXTLAtC.1 OULGCM " ; ROBINSON GOe Hotel Perkins Hit. :-: -: ' - x-'f .---rw,--! .,.i,,-.v;.:'-.-.....v' No Pain No Pain NICE TEETH f Wa are the discoverers and orlalnat ors of the only rellabl and eclentioe system ol rainless uentiatry. w ex tract, crown, fill and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee an wora ror ntieen years. uur wora la th best, our prices, th lowest con sistent with flrsf-claas work. EXAM INATION PREB. ,Our platea are unde tectable from th natural teeth and ar guaranteed te flt. teed te flt TSs end wn8 fsiee ork is.oe NATURAL TEETH.... SS-ee F1LL1NUS GOLD CROWN8 BKIOOB WORK FULL SET Open for bmstasss mU S : e'eleek rrmiBg Boston Painless Dentists S1H Btorrlsoa SV, Owe. M . HOURS 1:10 a. m. to t p. m Bun day, 1:10 a. m. to 11:10 p. m. $1 Pep Weill Por SO weeks, with opportunity to se cure 3 suit at 1 to $10. Meetings every Wedneaday evening. Investigate Johnston Suit Gub 111 Wasfcissa Street O. A. Okas, 141 B. 11th at., secured the t suit in the J. H. Johnston Suit club, (04 Washington street, Wednes day evening, September 20. NEGRO PREACHER ACCUSED OF DOZETI CRIMES Wife Alleges He Is Guilty of Big amy, Embezzlement, "Aban X. donment 'and Forgery. (Special Dlspetck te Tke JTawsaL) 'Jt. Seattle, Sept. IS. If the charges made agalnat Dr. J. E. Tranaue. .formerly pas tor of the Ethiopian Methodist church at Oakland, by hia wife,-now residing at Ballard, a auburb of Seattle, are half true, h will b excommunicated. 1K,S letter to Bishop J. W. Smith of North Carolina, Mrs. Trsnsu alleges her hus band Is guilty of bigamy, embesilement, abandonments forgery and trying te se cure Insurance upon her Ufa. Prior i tothree years sgo she waa happy 1n her Oakland home,- The Kate Sinclair was engaged for housework. The wife ' clalma aha discovered her husband In adultery with the woman. To square himself. Dr. Transue la al leged to hav aent his wife and her daughter on a visit to Ballard. When I hey left, she charges, h eloped with tha Sinclair woman. '. A year ago, ah cnargea, h forged her daughter'a nam So a latter atating that Mra. TraAau ws dad and pre venting mis ieur to.Bisnop emitn se cured permission to marry th Sinclair woman,' Sh chargea that he took ! belonging to her daughter when he eloped-"-.-. . . . .". To cap all. ahe claims he presented th forged- letter to an Insurance com pany which carried . a S00 policy on her life end attempted to secure the money. Transue Is now preaching In Ar kansas. , V. To BaterwU eetaaaaa.', '- (Special Dispatek te The fearsal.t Astoria. Or., Sept 11 Th Oerman cruiser Palk will stop-her one day ea Itccr-Fc tsUltrt csi fa a sixfSckst vtristy ct ttylcs to cssn fcr every run bscoaias ? ine exquisite venum rinish of these hats is produced by the use of nutria fur, but even with the best' of materials, the workmanship must be ar 7 m -ww mm wmm-m m BSirOATZOaTAX. - DA AND NIGHT ucrrcstt Sc&ool U Tceaday.Wednesday and iYiiav avea. fy saeiav nu f n-say tVfjfl iss froa 7 to 9:30. Oscn tha as day: same teachepa 'ri-f- V- :e,V.,. - In charge. :fv' STZAANS scncoi( OPENS We Teach r,'..V Bookkeeping ;. . - ;i. Commercial law ' Business Arithmetic LettefVWriting I PUin Business . Writing Business English . .Rapid Calculations ' Gregg Shorthand r' Touch Typewriting . Business Forms Office. Methods Our Tuition Is Less by One Third : 4 ' Than Other Schools Visit the MULTNOMAH BUSINESS INSTITUTE -l-L,- ' Before Enrolling . for, a. ; Commercial Course, 6, Sixth St. SEPTEMBER 25, 1905. Hl Military Academy ktrfW a .... r sTweaiM v-tni r . A Meat tmt Snsretsf Bcseel ear Ben. Haseal Trtls- . las. MHIUrf Dtset. suss. 'Oellrse Pres- sratlea. Psreat sad aaMtlone C rnatk ea ss vtwnea. neve f ssr, ass adsiltteS t aar -UsM. rJl Term OpeM Sept. SS. ' tm4 for Ulaatrated eetategse, eestaislsg fall latsrsMUsa, Mraia,ete. Hill Military Aemdmf - NMURD, OSIOON. Oregon v Portland SL Helens Hali A Girls School of the high est class. Corps H teachers, location, building, equipment the best. i Send for catalogue. , a v S 1 I m s . sngra hr return " from Portland M"r Kur prnant will apnoint a reo"i"n com miMe i a h.r will be givJ la. onor of t. i t v ' - V - - 1 .. mm ef t"0 aSVOATzOVAaW ia eession od Monday. BLOCK ' - Skrta aayj HCMl STUDY Assoaowl saicci. A SCHOOL FCS EMPLOYED I'lX The Yeasg Usa' OkHstlaa ht Behest Tslrty Tesakere fertv Biffemt wmyu xssgai ran Tens - '- Pee. ' SeMtets .. IMixTira. Alebra ...$3.00 Amrma Oovrasnnt .......... SO ArrtaltM-tnrsl Drawlag ......... S.OO Arllhoume S.OO Bookkrevlog ........... ....... S.OO Csrpeiitrr 0 CItII Svrtee Cleans (per sm.).. S O ComsierHal Law ................ S.0 CleFtrlcttr ......a Rnalnenliis. MatbeSMtles t 00 Ensllsk Oraasiar .............. 1 no romtrr see Prwaand Drawl n to Oenfripkr , So. OMBtetrr (.00 Omnia 4 00 ' Int.rlor Deeeratlng T.O . Inesrasc ...................... S A Marhln DmI 4.0 Masaolln. Outtar S.M ' Manual Training IM MMantml Drawing ............ I.o Mnaai4e ,.,,....... s.oo Mlsvralocr 1 00 Mining al.tssos asd MatkUMey y.. i eo ...J i i fee aaaois .... ....... PhimMns ......a. Public SpMklng IM R-adlttff ss4 Spelling .......... loo Rbetorle Slsnwrltlng ......, .- S.0O RbnHhaae 4.0V Speslak 40 . as Knglneerlsg ............. Tromriiiln -,- TV.Trr, 4H Voflal llnale (elestestsrj) ...... ''. Woaorarnag slrtO.. i,; f" Tke Annnal Nrmkerskl Fa lee s. srksnl atadrals kaa k.e T4nr4 fmaa .? t ta Call at AaaoHatle Saia,. enrnar rnin ana iisdiu sua., aw u liratratetl CauWoa. roarxAjro, esaosr. rorty-aevwnth scholastic year bag: Tuesday. Septeenber . 10. ' , 1 , rirst-clas boardln aaJ gay sc. for girls. rmirae of elementary. aeconAar c higher dueatloeMt .' Con r aiorise r jnusio sag art. rwr Baal Tw," all m we-wlutittl-. nr.'. i mm . as . j -'.'. ' . ' : ' . i ' .. n '