- V V i .V.. ...-J,' :w - . J i. mm A i u v. ..w,v-.V .:y:v,. - 'tMB U"s cOTCSA,'J:: ( Hfc Ml ; j a 4 1 - - t ru n I w inni w--- v - - 1 1 ' 1. A o ' V V Li nisi Pi Announces ' T?? If5) W M M V? 10) . ,." V .' ff 1 '"). v : t 1 3 6:6 n (3 , A , i, . .f i.J mo And talces this opportunity to ask rthe hearty co-opcratiorrof cyry business Xmant and srorrian---e very , individual ; jfi tthe City and State to make Portland A iv-Lh Dav" a memorable one. An attendance oi iuu,uuu is tne goai :tno, rcpuia- r tion , Oi our city ana rxpusiuon ucurauus iu ; vvc tiic ui pwmwu w demonstrate, tp the world buif loyalty, enthusiasm and appreciation of the : magnificent support given the Le wis and Clark Centennial Exposition by ( the whole United States.'; Do your share and next Sunday's papers in every-- dity and town ; the length and breadth of the land will give Portland and - Oregon a priceless advertisement- vr r: 'l f' ' ' r" v''""' v" . ...4 ; - - ; ,. .Vt.'... t' "'-r ! -t ill ThePbrtland Chainljeiof Gomiherce -1 Portland DootkII T Portland Cbmmerclal Club - Jill Moniifactucro ' Azzsthtdn V 7 V 4 ' 1 r n. U U 1 ' . I