' " "''"'"''l7T""'j'M" -""'""p'p ejmas- i -. J.: THE beat manicure of to-day work -In so alraple a I aahlon that you ; often look at the roar. polished nails after tbey ara through vlth rou And wonder how It a. 11 eamo about. -t la tha Mm with carina; (or tb nana fourseir, ioo many women V hnach of an operation of It) too berolo rtraatmajrt -mlmmrrmama 75 wowaa Who ta wttlln, ta dayota a , bia bour oaca a waab and flva minutaa arr d y caav. hava attraetlra-looklng , f a-jma, of eouraa, ara Uaa ra- a to ireatmant than othara, but tu la booalaaa. Soma nalla ara too,, ia, whick eauaaa tham to,braak, and e.- - aara too soft, and band In an an. bianner. Tnla tj r raed aa emollient Jf you can, eonauit rv. a. wba will adrlaa yi 4 1 li nr vAur nartlaular caae. Vara until ou find a Drenaratloa that Is tnefii:iai, and then paraavare In Using It foul your naiia are In a healthy, aor tnM aonuition. 'iha beauty of tba nails dependa upon tbraa pointai tba Shape, color and aatlnr mcaUinaa. Long, pink nails, beauti fully r"'hed, wltb a moon-shaped eurva M Lae MUM, are greatly to bt da Ired. After tatting your nalla m a naaitay V."nL S""' wruahapad. fashion at breaent daoreea that the)'): fealla ahould foUow tha cunra of tha. nd of tha flager, and thla la much tha rrattlaat and most aenalbla way. For and pumloa treatment, duj ahaplng tha nalla emery boards ara thtbo euucla should be rald and a mua - kaaf. T?un ka KnrH nuiwl tha out.. . an Id creant DUBbsd Under It! and at least line of tha nana and shape thara aa prettily aa poaalblai . than let. than auona. . . Constant antpplng with CTirved arla : bora la responalbla tor many a" mla haped nail. Tha -cuticle ehouM- next Ijecelva attention. There la so poaalbla zcuse for using aoisaors upon - tha cuticle, and tba sooner the woman who la doing bar own ma nitrating learns HEALTH THROUGH HYGIENE INDUCING " By Dr. Bmma B. Walker , ffeyyrlgnt. WW. by A. a Baraea Co.. ;' T 1QUT,' moderate czardaa for a I . r abort period will bava vary little - j effect In reducing flean. If you '.' bava allowed yourself to become , awkward and heavy, it wlU take very ' avrtoua atuntloa on your part ta reduce ' tbla auparnuoua tat. It la only through ' Vigorous exercise and profuse perapura , Jlon that thla can be acoompUahecL - ' Aa aetreaa famoua for bar beauty, and ' : now approaching middle Ufa, baa solved ' thla Important problem by ewathlng la ' - fa nee i tha overdeveloped parte and V - throughout aa bour'a vlgoroua exercu. ' ' drinking freely of not water. These ara ' legltlmata alda In reducing flesh. , Choose a few axerciaea and practice thea faithfully, constantly Increasing.. tna number of repetitions and you will . be rewarded by a return of aymmetry ., nod alaganca of figure. -To make tba waist small and flexible ' try this exercise of body raising. Stretch . out on top of a table face down. With '. tha feet held, or caught at one and of . tna table, bend tha body at tha hlpa. over the opposite end of the table. Now, . wltb feat firmly bold, bands at back of : , tha nck,: albowa well back and head . 1 lip, chin In, brtnr tha torso to a horl- , aontal position; bend downward toward the floor, then backward to hoiiaoatal - position ln: repeat three times. Do , ' riot practice thla esarclsa If you find -. It strains tha muscles of tha back, as acrioua resulta may ensue ' without ' '. prpper precautions. Alwafa bava aa at- ; MRS. SYMES' BEAUTY RECIPES Ruddy Nose Weeld rou kindly ai the followlari I am n yaars eM an am trouBiM wita skin arama to be cleat. It Is nfr ea mr poee that the plmplaa oome, and tbay rnaae any aoaa ea red that I am aahanwd to I -LT KL you be auwi enouaa to s car .!. ao knany in ivrnai aiiiicu,... bauaa hls disfigurement that It la Brat neceaaary to find tba origin. ' r"oor cir culation, dlgesUva trouble, acidity of the otomach, tight clmbpa. ato.-all theso will ludama tna rwae. Heat aitd co d bava an Immediate affect, both roddenlng. ao that a parson with a red tiose should use only tepid water on the laca." taxing core-that no-bot -vatar-or-" L M nid toucneo It. Tha lot ton for kimnlH formula. wlU be beneficial, for wmcn x aw 1 ' ogMtl Crgam for Plmplo. faaaiial grama; eweel almond oil, arams, suipnur yr-uiyiiai., iim-i wa.-w el alas. In grama; aaM-acx oi diopa. Apply a very Ut a aach pUupia, r, : To Remove Pitting J : f ye Mnaiy give me lermaia ror n, . tamoval or emeai-i n ! .uuut""- fur r I i a. viu. aan.- ; I -amala an ALihtntXP. - yuu vaaea. I am afraid treatment by a akin spa-, aliat would bd tba only way of rowing- tb soars and pittlngs. How .r. you can. no doubt. Improve tha ranr of your face by rereonal . t. Maaaag every bight with tha a haaal cream and uao asiva for Tin M 0 mm thig the better for thd PP?r ?' bar bandg. After Booking tha Angara In warm w.t.r, push tha cutlcl. g.ntly back with bit ol aott TurfcUeh towel ing. If It ta slightly. ob.Uo.te. baea 11. Ti. mu raajn on an orangewood atlck vary gently and with muck l', ",. .i and cauaa tba rooona to appr. "rVff-Sm'ui of avary .alL and f"',"nf,u , t"''".?'" TCh l BrUUantly poUa bad nau a ar a w atyla, and I illik uff " Joltabad make than look Hka ppiianaa ra Ufvea. ti..ah than If there ar any talna. tn Sniv Dowdared purntc ovr - thm, ormp.nPtha Suffer SlighUy and din it In r. 'rr. " i Thu take off any 1 1 .& aAilt iZaKnSi Tlnd Vrapra thaTnaU lor tha oTpollahmt. tha buffer and one of the good -powdera rhatcoma for thla burpoaei and t la moat Important that Sou get a good one. otherwise you may Injure the nalla beyond redemption. Tha VlJ.i il.u .hm.M K riven by DUttlnc a th-of tba hand and rubbing tha nalla ewlftly across tna palm. ' , wl' . i rOnce a wf' iko general ahaplng, removal or auina onca a day the nalla ahoold be briekly niiahad with tha Dowder and buffer. - Many wrongly believe that manual of ' dVmcstlo work dooms tba nalla to utll- ; mas, but thla la not so. Tha treatment - advised above will bring out all tha nat ural ahell tlnta of tha nalla and preserve their .beauty Indefinitely. But they must - bava regular attention, or their beauty , .. will disappear. .?.,...' FLESH tandant whan thla exercise la taken. Do ' pot take It alone. Tba waist will bo much amaller when the trunk la uplifted and tha Internal organa nerd blghj- In proper position, than It ta when they ara allowed to aag. - Tha wearing of corsets la not tba way to ' reduce tha waist naturally. Following a almple exercise will ao -torn plis h thla' within hyglenlo llmlta. , Take standing position, slightly advanc ing tba right foot; away tha body welt forward, throwing tba weight onto tba " forward toot; raise tha arms upward, bold well back, at the name time in, baling tha breath gently and alowly, un til, by tba time tha arma ara fully as- -tended upward, tha lungs will be fully ' Inflated. Hold this position for a mo ment, then exhale tha breath quietly, al lowing tha arma to descend to their normal position, at tba same time re laxlng the muscles. , ' Ta reduce 'the' double chin. Tba va- ;' rloua neck axerciaea ara a wonderful help In reducing a double chin, Stretob the bead first to one alda as far aa poa- aible, and then to tha other. Extend It backward aa far aa possible first ui- " rectly back and then twisting the bead .at varioua anglea. All of these move menu put the flabby muscles of this part on tho stretch and help to tuna mem up. "V .' ' - ... '. ' ....i' f.,i V . . ' V?c"' " praotica wltb a broomstick, Ualng It aa a wand. Keep It alwaya behind tba back: raise and lower it jump with It In your hands, twlat and turn and awing It, alwaya working with It behind you. acara, for wblcb . I am giving you for mi'la. , ; ', . .. - . witch Easel Cold Craam, ; On 'ounce Web of white was and spar- . . . . ti v vft wii w t.iiui.uB. at. ik. pour inte a mortar wlilok baa v hamtod oy Doing . immeraea aoma time la bolllna water. vry radcally add t ouncea of loeewater and I eunca of witch haul, and eaalduouelv stir tho mixture until aa omul elon la formed, and alteiward until the mixture la nearly cold. Thla eream is par titular ly uaaful te keel sure ar stretched skw. ,..'.. . - . . r Scan, v ; v" tAnoMa. I drama; etntment of bhtlodlde at , mercury, a .aramv. 'day. Huh la well onus a ' To Restore Gray Hair': .. used the henna socordlng te yeur dire- "flon, and ll maue no Impression, sly hair la gray. Wirt you pieaaa tail me if ther Is a or thins ilka alouhol te be put In It te heap lit 1 have tried H faithfully end can- not seem t make It work. 1 kave beea veins a tint for five years, but It la toe much trouble,, and think It la Injurious, I would like anmething harmlaae and easy te ' i kf.pV glv j art awnt browa shade, ' Mrs, LA, f. Henna la not a dye for gray hair. It la a ataln to produoe an auburn or reddish tint In the hair. I advise you to try the Physician's Remedy for re-. etortng gray hair to Its natural color, formula for which 1 am giving you. . To Roatora tha Hgtural Color of .'. thd Hair. ' , i Ui A phyelelaa'e preeorlatton;) .' Buaar of lead, H sune: lae auiphar, H ance; aasrass eg bargaaMt, auoos; ajoo , nowa piainiy mat win a '"" w- i Bnl- f of aome aort. bolio acid to a tumbler of wa W1' I a reliable manli wltb tha orangawood V'c.,p&t.. " ott lust what win into Uia "m-'' . ,r.,2 a k .a am axn 1 1 n ina nMiiga r u u sat iiitia onrcori sunday ;ouau rcn . Vonr V y , 'Gently hrfi ;372 OremQe-roHerSticK ; !. H gill, giyovrin, X uvncj tinoturv wf aantharluam, vt eunve; amtnoDia, H ounce. Mlx all in one pint o( eutt water. Apply to the reeta af the hair, which must be Jl'e ilve should never be applied If there 'It to the roofs ef the hair with a em in, peat war io u aur l.ih .ki". ... bruh-a toolhbruh will aaawer f the DutDiiHi than sorted It eveniV w ihrouak the uimh with aa ardlaary onisa To Remove fFrtnklet ' Will yoa kindly tall 'roe what your aa- tnnsant lotion a . I road In last week a , paper of ie Jublfajnt whe has uaad your lotion, and would be very thankful Indeed . if you will repeat It. .mrtNl. . jumon tax jrrematuxa Wiuitw Alum, grains: almond milk (tank). Mi auncaa- roeawatar, t ouncaa. . . Disaolve the alum la tho roseweter, then . pour gently Inte the almond milk wllk coa , a taut agltaUoa. . ". . , ... "Worried hi Superfluous Hair 7 Havlns read ee muck ef too ood you have done for othora, 1 nave Ukte. the liberty of writing te yoa. hopl ig ou will -help me. too. If you caa. 1 ;. troubled and rorried about superfluous hair. i( avblsh am a Alotlm. and havtag read where roll mentioned pumloa atone treatment. I win be very grateful to yoolf yoa will pub flih as soon as poaalbla how to treat with It. and If yoa kave to vae It eonatantli te keep hair from coming back. If vou will do te, you will obltse V.. r. i-unilce: Ireatuieiit for BuparHuoub " r. : f Hair. .......ju , Oat an ordinary g-eent cake . ef pumiee Itone. This Is not pumice eosp, but .tb-; .ruler eiufaahlond numlce stone. To ia mova h hair rub the ekla affllcUd wltk the aupernuoua growth and the pumice atone will wear the 'hair off. Be caraful not t be too heroic and Irritate the akin, la rase tha arma ar made red oy inia ir.t ment, uaa a imi coa ciwm. mi vumu ateae la beat used at night before retiring. f h last given ad mm for week's paper I sa what vou ksd vtca tn the naner for Dumloa tr.at- fnant for superfluous hall. Will vou pieaea tell me how roe uea tha punice atone end rf you Uee tne powdered or ether, and If snV eharra ror earner Baa gnawer to "t. T. J I , Skin' Too Oily "WIT! yoa pmaae recommend something for , Mackbeade and ally akint . t aquaea mjr ' face to try to remove the blackneada, and t, makes mv face all rM. and I am trying' " a rubber brush, will you tall me If a rub-; ' b" hruab l any goodr - riAKU ' Try tho lotion fur blackboada which I 1 'W 1 .aaaev - n - 1 . g aV aaLe aaak. ' M f r M t . m ' I i r MM ajarwaWAay Pal AW Wi -BXw i 1 r ' " - .'... V - ' k . ' ii j'y- y?$ A y is m-K :mSH f " aaVal "T.. ' l- ' ' ' M : : " aS. V ' 1 ..dill " . . AT l , .. t mm rBs.v II lll4 'rV ' V ? JW - AlaTa "arSl pS5r.ilc III tb. furm III I ll' 2- ' , V'V' '.-. 'A. VitT "- ' .l',uld fees l'lf''k.,L.?J'1S? ' III III tJi iV- "-'iV V 'Aar . . of I yeare too old be Bnnte4 ay ii , w i ' . i t i t x mm v - II 9;' .h; x WW" , wyV5C-v,A X-. II ,. I.-i a." . , lll - ""c ii : ; v ,.!,' a " in s - scarnancz , v -. .n . .t.r -ha is aieep- no ... .lit.. ' - -v. , 4 1 III"-" ' av-:J.. ii i .wo, la-aHIl !?.., ;' Ok- tJ 7 A U MM . . , . JTT ' v . v ...... - - - - . . . ' llr '-' ' r- - -11 ivuai Ol , ; im -Wa .'. ' '' ";t J ' 1-" ' J V V III. J OVN M . V IS Jw" kJT- am giving you. and abstain from eating rich, greasy foods and sweets. There ara excel lent ruDDer brushea . on i r . ... market. ." . ' Slackbeadg of the) Skin. Borscla acid. I drama: aleobol. oanessl Vae with frlotioa twtoa a day sua ene Shamtaa ta Lirhten Hair I have keen aa Interested reader ej ye-r aoluma for some time, and at kwtkak your '. adv'ce. Can you aive me the t"lZ an ea shampoo whlck will make the hair i would Ilka to knoweif Pr. fbeemaker a bleach la a good skm bleach. I preeome I can get any of your reolpee dlled at say . reliable drug atora. oaa I not? A. y,u alii nnd the ekg shampoo given below excellent, I think about onca In three weeka la often enough to shampoo the hair, unless It Urvery oily. In which case it may ba dona mora frequently. Dr. Shoemakers bleach la Intended mora especially for the removal of tan and freckles. For ordinary purpoaea. I think paroxlda of hydrogen la a good '....'?' Efg Shampoo, - . " ' Tolk af I eaa: 1 pint of rainwater ket) 1 ounce of roetmary eptrlta. Beat the mixture thoroushlr tin aad use ft warmj rubulng It well into the ekln oi auaae in savor vtum v.,.-. Used Formula With Success A few weeks ago 1 read ia your eohima a proscription to make tha hair dry and auburn.. Have ueed eatne, with good re ilte. Would you please have It in ageia, w It. anil aa I have been unfortunate te Io wnuia ee very grateful ta reuk as Jt. s very troodt " , VIOLA, Louod for Oily, Damp Haxr, . Tat greasy, moist hair, the following Is aa cellent drvlna lotion, 11 need dally It xcellent dryln dally It a and aa . temie ta pruduce a crispy ceaditiea i auburn .haa.i anaaei red blcarboncte ef soda. fowaarea Dicarmmcte ev Borate of Sods da ci ialso powdered), H ounce of each; au dlocne, 1 fluid eunoei alouhol, t fluid ounces; tincture tf cochineal, k Aula ounwa; dletllled water, d ounces. Mix aad agitata untu. saluUea at aoabT Mother Wants Help t hxv akea an tateren hi four Kealtk and Ueauty Column. 1 will ask you to glva a formula ox aumeinina tnst win sill lice 'K3 SiZ tha bead. My little girl has soms tlms. I Bne-oomb snd waeh herl head every day, but without sue sees. I sm st a lose what to do, therefore appeal to you. ANXIOVg MOTH EH. Curo for jraraaitaa. ' Oct cabs of bichloride ef mercury roes . (the imported Is the beet) and cut ft nt "" ,"'t;7,i. ,",T M" ""a aita, ; j lilesolve It In boiling water. You may eatr ine mixture on uun, eioe over a sentie eat if yoa choose. You should have enousk vater o form a Jelly-like mixture whan he mixture on than, atove ever sxmu. w... nia ... tn. nair tnoroushlr wUh clear, warm water, then rub the eoap mixture - Into the hair, taking care that every particle of tha scalp u thoroushlr saturated with the soap mixture, uiva the bead a good shampoo with this mixture ' and rlnee several time. If you follow theee directions turnout If ' the result will ba auoceeeful. r Gray at 30 Cat yna tell 'me why at a year havo aay aumow x sour mnr It lAhard io tawhat causes premo- ... ai 1 eaama tO ' be hereditary. Kaaplna-tha acalp and ( nair in perfect condition wm " . toward retarding tha appaaranoa of gray . . balre. Keep up tha clrcJlaUon of tho ' oealp by friction with a good to"AnS ' beep tha ende- of tho hair trimmed or alngei Am giving yoii for mula raquaatad. Let your boy pt a wear an oar cap whenever Tie la sleep- l-W-ffl-JOtiyie tara aet eloaa to tha bead. . . . . . . JTor WWtemtof tha Iklt-i ui ; - y, .;' . Powdar. ';.'. y - 'V '-. Pura exMe of atna. 1 eoaeo: alyoarm, ! dram: roaewater, ouaoea; iwenro af rose. . gift the rlaa. dlaeetva It ta fust enough rwster ta cover It. thea add tka mat tha ramainder af the rose- at the ti glyeerla. Bhake well and eooiy wltb a aoft sponge sr aa antiaantia nuu-Th, face must he well wiped off before the Mould dries a i wiu aa streaked. To Stop Hair From Falling I would esteem N a favor to a reader of "oar na ter if vou would alva axe a for mula to stop falling hair. I am M yeare , fid and my father and grandfather wore oaia Derore me. My hair w tailing em v.t faet. and seame to be very dry and brittle. : noniag yoa eaa relieve me aa you aav a'nerm, . . v. n. a Vormulc, for Iry, TaUlrtf Hair. . Ootoa-aa. ouncoe; tincture ef cantbartaea. 1 ounce; oil of Xnallah ia vender, all of rosemary. gram each.. Apply to the roote of the hair one or - twice a day. It la positively accessary that the. acalp should be kept clean, ahaiapoe at least ease a week, . , r ; Wart on Chin ' I bare been a reader of your eolumaf tor reare. and have received many bleaeinxa from them. Will vou Dleask be kind enou.a ir te aell how to eat rid of a aatrv wart nn my chin. I pull the halri out and put am- monla on It, and It ia killing out tbeiair . soms. but lbs wart Is still there, f arked my family dnetor about It. He Sdvi.ed me not to bother It for fear of turolng it Intd a cancer i but doctors don't always . " know shout these things. I thought of try. , Ing yeur formula tor warta, but thoaght ' f beet ti ak yonr advice Aral. II, c, " "" ' 'rom your deacrlption, I think It prob- ' . puis iiiai mi arvwin va your cnin IS a - inola instead of a wart, in that case It .can only bo removed permanently and , . aawy.Dy a specialist. - 'i To Fatten Arms and Neck What km food is the baft to use to fat- iZ: u,k wm ...; h..'-.r.'"? maae tnem larger, w net la the oranae ttower cream IO Whiten the ekm Is It a skla foodf J. M. C. anaw oi no owner aain iooa man tha orange flower, cream. Although it la not a meacn, it tonus to wniten tne skin, Bxerclsa la tha beat poaalbla method of enurging tna legs. A gymnaatla feat wblcb la aald to ba a oartaln enlarger for tha lower limb la to atand on one foot and wltb tha other leg bald out aa near ly at a right angle to the body as uoa- .Ikl. .h. .a taiMth Ka bnaa n . V. . . Rubbing with akin foed-vr olive oil la also fattening. r- , . . - .. Troubles df a Blonde ' t am a eonetant reader of your advice. and you help as mssy others that 1 want ye to neip in. . am a uiHiiimmn niooaa I sm k dlaapuolnted I . aad niv hair M a very ualy color. I went ' alva something In the psper that will tura (Olden color, sua i wien tnst you woul either a llgnt er a g"iea sotor, . i I v Shampoo yotir hair frequ-ntiy with the following mixture and keep tha acalp la goad condition by maaaaga. Thla treat ment will beep your hair light aad glva It a lustra... . , ; v-. IhAmpoo. -' .i.',' rHssolva ball a cake ef white goatlag ' soap tn a quart of bulling water. tit It almmer half an hour ever a slow firs . Disaolve g tablaapoonral of washing soda In a quart of boiling water. Add it - to tba soap mixture. Btlr gn-ethar and let cool, fee es a shampoo, runes always la foar ar five clear patag 0 shampoo mix tare. ,. .till o o CORRESPONDENTS ANSWERED J otu ta CUaf the ComtUxio I am ta attec deaoalr aver the aetUltlea , my taeeTs Isl All the lower part le cov ered with little plmplM, which mm t? , adsr the shin, but wbea yea BMab bJS ' yea get a little white eubetance. hl5 : coates out afipo-t like a bttleworaa. AM thea some S Jthena ee We festarewhlck kave to be nfukedand nuiahed JrT "J ' antl therbaal. I Wave tha 1 1 toBlo wl tk Iron m It. aid bathe my face every alsht with warm water aadeastMc .oP, kaing. ' a bniak sad than have rubbedTlt va1"..?; . preparation af eJcoholaad glyeerla, I use akin food ea It. but was sirald i It "f snaaa It woiaa. th s k ii , Itl. ti.aA la k.J fn. W.V ft as T am autie thla. Poea It nee or wi. i - liM Iaa awMt V The iV aal la is WW yea klnoTr eome to nr help and UU hew te irvai wir bew te w think for a aood one. to ee te eleat the eoraplekloaf fcy fee a.- umiiiiu far months, out I vtoue to that had kood eomplexlon. Da you think the buet meM waaia bava aay efleot ea me it my lu"f, week, and am thin in . I will appreelate your advlee sa mo-m-, , To Improve th appaaraii JLl complexion, abstain from rte."""0 , Set. A almpl old-fashioned edy for buat development wi.i ' your lunga In any way. Try deep hraain Ing: It will gtrangthoo lun danully. : - '-- : ,';;. ' Pimtles on Fact : Being very much Interested In your beaoty i brlmktagTut'oTmy face. Moe. tha pi- piee are on mr inima. . kl-.- Sad around the aoee. I also hare biaca aAnd. ld-f. untu nowT have had .".U,V fLTutoh'ii1 I welsh It pound."! am rather Vfl ln general, ElV,'" wTth now arid the. a severe oeld. I am ouuj. very eerily In the least utile . that about three or or . had dlDhtberla. that was I i eloknees I have Zrm,.7. pun wnw. wii i have aot -artttea - awe new EDITH. xoo mocn. w r. jroiiow aonca given w - - r-.- ' ; , '".' w- ' . ' '-' -T.- ; Hat? Growing Dark ,i r have been a constant reader af yeur -.lunu for torn, time and have aaed aev- era! preparations with good resulta. 1 have Uxht hetr. but It ia last turning lata a darker shade. I am young and wian (or my hair to eta ltxht. aa 1 have a very fair complexion end light blue i ye I bava and I think vera in. .i . - - . 7 ; . -. . ventr ra my par , . . , t X inai wvwa in v ,.ia 1 ao not care to uaa perux ann.ld.red Inlurtoua te the shade lighter Ide. "lsnTt It 1 hairT Is pyrogallle acid used for tura. halr Mshtert If so, please tell me T . . sa Wneaw bmiiH In usBAa in, trisk iiB.tr Hxtnivrf 11 " t riid la one of the papers something about this add. but you did aot In that cer-. f?l? one give "the ormula. WIU It Injur my hair or cause It ta fall eutf 1 do not ' want to de anrthlna that would make It fall out. and If you caa belp me, you have : my grateful ttonha - . , my . Ii off ooU - SfJim- . Tha only way Of keeping tna hair light , .k.-innolnl It IB to bleach 1U anolvlng peroxlda or any other bleach and tnl i OO nut uma. ai, I iuiij yourself, aa you ma.. f"T Juch treatment ahould only be given by M'M m... u.nina? tha hair too fTauntly . will causa it to vr-vvrm u(f a viiwa. I r'J ..all ia aubailtuta a dry shanv mo aometlmea. Tako the flneet ground KTn.. ,.rnmaL add a little powdered orria root, and eprinkle tha powder througV i tha hair. Massage thaaealp ' and rub tha powder over It, Bhak lb SSwder through tha Jong hair, lotting It femattt for half an hour.. Remove from rood for keeping the hair light, . - the nair oy oru.uina. ---.aa. ; Hair on Face and Arms' 1 am indeed sorry to bother yoa with my euesllona. - But km greatly troubled with k-.'. vaur fore uetns would like tn sak If one would have ta use 11 oiien r - ami 11 aivir uaina 11 -cava any noticeable mark at el! 7 Ale a snoa cream lor i ai iw wi.i ooes . i, not form ths growth ef kelr.- M. O. , . iepilatoriea do not prmanauy re- move superfluous hair, and tha treat ' mcnb.must ba repeated whan tba hair reappears. Par tha hair on your arma,. try the pumice treatment. Electrolysis ' Is--the most aatlefactory treatment for - tha permanent removal of superfluous ' hair from tba fae. and If you possibly. ra.uv.t j, -; - curlnebatV uu.ruuoue hair ea my face and arms, t - i - tleroxld but. as 1 ,nsv pimples oa my .in L .... trl.rf vour rectlie ai ammonia and. 11. tna . , lace. It la vary peiiuui ana eova not seen a k.ln ma much. llf hair la varv Sara. '" fhave your recipe for depilatory, but be- ' wwbxVa'.'-" lvlM 'ou trr rrf-th . Bo guro to go to raUablo apaclafiat. - tTT . a should only ba admlnUtartd by aa ;wpe Wants Brown Lashti 1111 you kladly Ml nte If the e ataln you give IChlaeee) will la a Injure their srowth. sad alee eouii the eyelaah la day way - ilea eould you ' elvo ma aa aau.llw .SM.UM mi. la inm kam ana. laekee .harmlasa that would be browa Instead ef blaokt mmt'-JriVh't..." brows, wltb aoaoa Couid yoa tali ma aoaMWaab that would make It B de not want any dye or anything pajfculy Inlure ft, that oould Ir oaturaiiy tx - tnai couia .,?i',-Cluo.'"? y'h ataln wiirnot' In t.leW.lJB,UWl. the laahea. - x0 caa brfn ftaln by sleeping walnut 0!2l,fJ.V!&"'mT "hould bo taken jot to gat tba minutest portion Ip tho i-taf;"" " v"10'' tal which tSihl rStuc wdh "us tint ' .Horn io Get Slim 1 have read year advtoa to ether people. . 6 1 thoaghtl would ash yea to advlie me. Well, what would I do to set all ml I doa't , ue say remedl-e out t theuahl l ooujd .sugieet soajethingr f am sot , ?.rT.".'L. " VV tH ,.!B are too fat. I thlak. and what could I An tar a Slomach Is very hlgb. Bulag for tho BoducUon of Jf'lakh. ; Avoid all starchy and sweeteaed feed, ail (eraale. Voaetablea oontaTnlna sugar ej i? T- beena. . corn, potatoes, . - -. ..a.w nwaatiam mrin.ia VIIB aalt inaiead of outter. Milk, I regret . ' eey. If It be pur and sood. la tmtteuTng. klmmed milk may be dranlb Hot water To KaV?. ,.5tu?!ui.t?. ..er Uoulda, to It, If vou choose. Lin mm at taa at Tea must take oxerolaa. aii you."1,M,ot t least gva mllee a ay. and da not wheel So to one of the laatltutione where mechanical maaaaga ia glvan. Keverai of my oomapeadaau r. poft eacelioat results from this method eg frttiKg the vlgoroua exercise they require, ha eystem Is theroux hlr wholeseme aad rot expaulve. In reducing geah the eaa fact to reoolleot la that lat la aarhon xygen deetrore ar bums aJt eulm. tar a. muet eon.ume the carbon by the oxrsen yea i ' . -iiinift a ii. more aaer. Troubled With LJandruW A.I. atraetlua af fat 1. ik. . . lu. ,kh.i - the only revere . Tbe more starch and sugar Peel eat, tho 7 1 never eat v avere oarsoa to aura away. ir. Vit have a . - : ' I Kindly give tba recipe for deadrutr that Lcoaia" 'an aaa ao beaegtad her. and 1 Oblige . - C To BomoTg JHnAntt Tincture of cantharldes. 1 01 lUrutd auncel -' ef ammonia. 1 dr.mi glyeerla. . oi tnyme, w a ram. . - Mix all together with six ounces of roes water. Rub the scalp thoroughly with. this pi operation until no further vldenoe oi dandruff ta noticed. ' , .-..- - Brown Spots on Hands Will yoa kindly tell me a recipe for re moving brown spots (rem the backa of tk -bands f - K. A. P. ' iry tba lemon and glycerin lotion for frecklee ao Often pubUshed In thlg do ' pertinent , ; .;,,.;--. : :. ', '' I '.'"Sallow. Oilr Complexion ,f I aoUoed sa many remeuiee lo eiaea- ; beaas. I nave trie, some, vm w , seem te du me much good. I . hereby wua , to deasrlba my easa: The blackheads I bava iV -.ature oTTai go and small onea. and after soma time they turn iota smee-tnat ! . te. they ulcerate. How. II you would be ao : kind and publUb a good remedy In next week's paper. , . 'j,.fr - r. a Mr t . n, . nllv. ; 't ciear your eomplrjtlon and banish Aiafa.1 l I a.lalad aa-JW Inu. fn h Ua .,.nin nvmr Ext nientv of whdieeoma Sinio living, cat. picmy vi .uvinvui, ood, with fresh fruits and vegetabiea; rlna eight glaasea of water avary day between meal a: taka a full bath dally; - take dally exerdee; abstain from pus tries and highly seasoned, greasy foods, ttaa tha lotion for blackheads given In h... a Paarl ' and every nlaht ' night ' hafnx retirlna wash your face with aoaa and hot water, and rlnao thoroughly, , Skin Peeling Off ' . wlll yoa kindly. Inform m of a remedy . foTmy eklnf It le constantly peeling oft eepecially my nnaa, and haa for a long tlms. I bavs tried several remedies, but ' they have failed to nm it. 0.0. , I think it quit poaalbla that you ar - I nara water, wuivn causes jtmr to b dry and peel, . If poeaible, lise ', rainwater for a while! If you cannot Srocure this, put a pinch of borax In tha alar to gotten It. , , ao-taxaaxex 1 f ".',,"'. Permanent Remedy ? , Will you pleese say II the Vsucatre ' traauaent Id permanent f A-recipe for a r-.a cream with which to maaaaga and rleaasa the face. I rater ta the kind that mii. aut ara In. dirty. My skin Is coarea. vellow sa nroww nieooioraiiona, ana nog . it 1 snd enlsfred pores. - O. K. Tna Vaucalre treatment produces per. pianent raaulta Orange-floWer cream, published frequently in thla d.artment, la excellent for massaging and cleansing tha akin. ... - - .. v,..( v. i