tks czzzzu cu::day jsut.::ai; tohtland. ' sundAy noniniio. szptemdzii t u CZr'ATiD rO.l.FLCU.1 F.'.O.M T',Z CZ'.ZUT r:r.z czr:) co ::avy low C;:V ALL4 C?v Ti.I L.ILt3 ARiv CU3Y. HITAr.- IC53S. . OF" WORL MILLERC C-fV.Afs'D rC.T VVl :iA7 ovzr- Ti:s ; couriTRY . n - i:r ths' prices very nr,M k:d ci. ALL -THE ORIEilT A DUiER OF FIG .-'?. "1: : : ''Purchases ' During the t Week V; ' BreeJc All Records and Mij v lers Are Very Duty. - - WHEAT MARKET FIRM . ; : : J AT A SMALL PREMIUM , New Wheat Flour . Prices Open Firm J Generally Thirty Cents Lower Than the Old Product Poultry Mafket .-."v the fence. V' - V - 1 : vr ;: :-: j Froat Street, Sept. M. p. m-Thm prto, elpel featurss ef th nkUiM f " hsts th psst reakrsrst ' . I nwul strength to' floor. ' Wkt market etrongsr 1M1 vf. . '" Good crop of vkwl to assured.-, ' Poultry market oa the rence. ' , A Eggs advaae with amad errtvals. - -" Potatoes ana an ftodln outlet. v - On loo market remslns -alow. .... '.,.' ; Maw wheat floar prices ar lower. . : Catra of aalmoa email to Ooramblu. . '' . Ursa do kattar with aaiaU stock. (loud peach eupplle lata to wssk. - , - Toaistae drop: iacalta Increase. M Oata Market rtrm but utrt. Sudden drop sBsmallii ' Creesiery batter values are cot- --' a. Supplies of chose somewhat lamer. - Saver dec 11 a to aucar aootatlona. '' rsst ttraaetk la Ortoatal flaw OaJJ. . rn Mh.l annua to call that tat lireak s to aU racorda to flour selling to the" Pacific , northwest. Tha niajor portion at theaa auu . pile ara twine haWht la tha Portlaad tarrt 1 torjr tha reaaaa that earlier dellrerlaa eaa he nana a that artraa arf tiifW hatier tkaa alaewbara. - Dartac tha aaa week ' the fanUra Mntna renaa tlx orient veered heaetet ' 1ha area tha tooat aaaavtoa ailllera aA dared to aatletoata and tha reault .uii aow i prartlraUr every "IU to thla terrMorr to tlHeJ ; ta arartlowlBa with ardera tor Tloar that will keep tha ' teetltnrloaa runatnf -txr am ttaia. Tta met' taetatent deaiaad eoawa fron the V Jtaaaiaaa. bat It la .bellarae teaerallj by the ' trade ' that a lanra percentage ot the ardera ; fma that direetlon ara ta reaHtr tor Chbarea aee. - Ordera from Baaataa awrenanto ara eo- -Im anlh Mrelr to tao totarlar oiaort ail I la. mat of the ralli from that empire bf In ll- irllwtefiiinona manr pillla for Ibe rnwilhit luaolan lera VIUi (lie fWll PIS M w cared earlier.. The reaaoa . foe tlile aaddea -andTewarkabhy orOeilm ot floar hy-both-ilapaa and Bnaato very appareat to thrae an the to- Mm mt tha altoatloa.. Mover elare the orient Be- "ram a breaaeattna, .eommaalty aaea. atorka of floar been ee tow aa at ptTaent. Tba rar- '. acea of war. Improper tranett rarllltlea and a treat torreaaa to, tba eoaauvpttna all haea a ' brartnr apna tha preeent altoatton. ' Uw-ailr .tba flonr warliet; la , e,olte firm. Thla wwrk , aew wheat ftoor pVlcea , were opened by the laraer atlllera. the a.nntatioBa aetoa abnn M rente k barrel nader the preeent raloea on old - crade. California baa - a Ian been aa Inalatent f- pnrrhaaar of floor to ho Wit f nurihoeat dor- - las the week on aecnont of tbo alawat failure of tha crop of wheat ta that etate. . . .' '-. - ; Wheat. Market On than rtrmaeea. t Thete la a eery food oerrea of atreiurth In j tbo-hx-al wheat altuattnn.' The aaarket tank on p rtnjrtoa ttW'a-lhrWnul demand hatieaia aa baarr and to many eaara millera aud export era are reported to be perm a email I : nremtam ever preeent nrtatad notatlana In ordcr-J to et anppllea to flit tbetr eoatracta ta time. . Tlie what crop to the mclfle aorthwoat haa now been practically tethered and every day the ' reporte tell ot better yield. The followm fte- area af . tha crop of- t rarlfle aortlnreat pr roanrlea la given by Leo Petereoa. editor of the Commercial Review of thla city In thelateet man mt that BobUratlOB. ' - f-. ORKGOX" '--Si Vmttfr.r . 7 .V.-,. .r.tqff. MXl.OlKl S.V),(0 :::::::::::::: t Hewton h , ' V).0liO v6.0n0 lamhlll ' Una ......,...... , lna Pelk .-...J........... teawi aad Jitpa tiarkamaa Sno.ono OO.0l0 TS.OliA Harney looiov) rtJraaf -ino om Wheeler . Wallowa t'matllla toiermaa (illllam . . Morrow Vnton Waaca Baker . Total , TK.niio JfW.llOO .....,. t.TM,ord I.JVI.W10 7.10.0II0 ftavono T.Vl.onO 900,000 .rtV... H.TOO.000 WABHINQTOIf.' fWmtlea. . Baahekt, Whll man .. B.MMi.ono 77 ono.O'io Walla Wall Ademe ..... limiglaa .. ' Frank lla ... f'olnmbla .'(larfleld ... , Klickitat .. , Aaotln . .... nnkan ..... , Yakima .... Benton ... .. - Klttlta . . Btevena .... a.Tno.ooj 4.rt0.000 l.Tno.Ono ................. I.IWW.OIIO 7BO.0O0 l,0l0.0l 700.001) ................. TOO.0IM) .4 1.MIO.0II0 TOO.0H0 ' 00.0ll - ano.flttt - .ton.ota) t Total ... . rountlea. 'ea Perce . 1-aUh ...... Bhoahon . ' Ideho Kootenai , . ...4.34,100,000 IDAHO. .d. Bnehele. ..... 3.2.nn0 .... l.mlo.nno ..... 7V).nno ...... WIO.OliO ..... 400.000 Total ..:.:...,. B.vOO.OHO An eetlmete of the 1003 crop of wheat male by The Jonrnal abort time ago placed the , flvurea . betweeo !4. 000,000 , and 60.000,01 K) ' boebela. ' Poultry Jfarkal la od tha renoa. - To' all autelile appearance tha ponltry market waa very atrong dnrlng the paat week. Receipt 'j , proved more liberal than dealera had anttclpetedJ f yariier out vTvrjiiiing imi urn. w iiifp at tti a price quoted. The latter part of the .' week, however, ahowed more of aa tadtffr-rent tone. Betallera nooght anppllea almoat aa qnlck 1 aa aver bat there waa more danoalttnn to quib ble over ' (he price. If receipt are heavy ' the'remln week tl general predlrtlona ara that the market will drop. otharwlae dealer hnh for a continuation at preeeot eorHHtfcme. ' The egg market remained quite atrong all , through the' week on a deereeee In the receipt. Demand for. the local freh'a now ao good that dealera experienced but little difficulty In ' advancm quotation. The heavy , atorka of eastern and local cold tor re ear remain the only ohetael to the way jof heavy advaac to value, - OraaaMry Butter tell fat teee.". - r Receipt! of creamery batter ere con Mere lily Increased aver Ihqee of the prevkme week. Peed ' to more pleatlfnl and row are producing UKiee and hatter' milk. - rity . ereameriea that ad vanced their quotation to 83 4 rent are r. t ported to be aclllng' moat of their anpplle at.M cent, for beyond that vamo the era and atord. Along Frmft etreet tU market la very . weak, and very aeidom ooea . a nea bar- mae aale brer 17 4 'rental ewe . Hi" rami mm wwn rountry ator -hotter ba geod ton owing to the good demand from Ja -enota. , laeoee re ceipt arc growing aad the mafyt. to eaaler at ackanged valuea. w : Petotoaa Bew TUdlng Ovtlet. ' ' The fltet oar ef lens Oregon- potatne la ped Ing no Ite wey to Artaana. The ear waa eoli! by MrKlnley Mitchell or thla lty. Preeent value ruling for nominee In the anutliweetern marketa do not admit r mnch profit to tocal dealere for thla eeeeon. They are forced more than over to nmnte Wit the cheap river of I'ellfnrnla. . The fnliowtng outline of tlie attnattna to given by W.' H. Mcnnrqnndal of Mceiaadal tt Heoveri "Thee .were very beery local arrlvala of potataea thn 11 af .thla week. There la no dement axeept for extra fine quality, watch mnnt be thnrooghly ma tnred. Dlcclng la now on ra-aom of the potat.i aecttoe. hot ea fr there le neaettcally no toqtilrte tat O- a' pvtatoea. Wa kdvla f rower to- grade tbelr potatoea. better, a poorly grade4 aux'k eaa hardly be flvea, avar, aeeciaiiy at lule tliua." a.i.a Itoeitaaa to hnt Karkat. Twa decllneai af 10 rente per hundred aoanda vara were reooroea. m toe eager uaraet wiium t hoare of each other early to tha. wark. llila artloa had barn anticipated to eutaa exteut by the trade on acoeuat or the aaar fruit aea ava tkU year and the feet tuat WU nlKi ara , ruaaiiere4 exceaalve; - Oatek af taliaea hull ta tha Celambla. - Contrary ta general eapertattone of tha flailing trade the catch bf aalaian to Uut I o- hUHbla duruvt the "paet wee haa proved alatoat a fallore.- Tba aoiiptlaa aaenma.aa email that at tuweavthe local aiarketa were entirely wlthuat atorka and were foreed to ornd. to tha eutalde in oroer y eapply their trade. ' Sudden Prop ta Teal Tainan. rt - neavy arrlvabi of veal elong rrant etreet the middle of the week foreed price doan "Ite aoddealy) quotations on aa arerag da elined eae and two eant a pound. Akm tha etreet there wea a good demand for oreeaed koga all through . els. daya. Boeelpta arer comparatively , r - J.' y - weed Peeoh apUaa Xata y, Weak. ' ' - Lata ta the week there waa "a good tacreaat to tba receipt af peachre. Arrlvala from local potato beranM ulte a bit large a did tuoae from California. Heavy atorke of toajatoa vera tecelved thla work and after an-early- ad ranee- on account of ararclty the market OTopped-'o SO and 23 rnt hoi- far beet. . . ood peara were acarc rtile week aad enld torn a frnlt brouht top valuea. ' uraae or all kutd foaad -hotter deaund the paat. few day an arnooat. of entailer er- rtvala from both local pmoa and: The' followlnc nnotatlana were oald hv ! retail "hade for chokw quality la round lota. nvKv prm aro an apeciiara: -y . t '''' wrato. Fton ami read..-' ' WHBAT Maw club. Wet Bad' tnMn a..! klneetem. TSer valley. Tie. BARLBJ-feed. l2l.mid.e0( rolled; tXXH aavvi awwana. e.m . iun wnoia. ih.w cracaeo. K.v per taa. KYK I.M per wt. - - OATg Piodaxerr or Ice Vo- 1 white, tn m ajo.i: array. m-wou " rTyCirrl H(t.- enter Otvao 'pa tenia, a am fwao.w, vtpww, - e- ruiicy, faiai . rya. sua, fo.oo be 're, 2 T5. ' MILL8TIIFFB Bran. 1S.0B nar tout m,iA. aiinga. nporta, coaatry. IJUMOl city, 119.00: erop. 118 00. r: ma i tToanotre- pnra TTmemy. TfUlimette vauey, taaey. ii.ooill.fln! ardinary, fa ooej 10.00: eaetarn Oracon. tM.OOai&.OO: mlwJT tS.o0O.00; clover. 00Q10.00; grata. U vrv. . w l, fa.wa ct.iwj.i Setter. Egg and Pealtiy. -. BDTTBB FAT Bwoet. SI aonr. (be. BUTTER C'lty creamery, heat. u. aeoaad grade. lOVie: ooteMe fancy. XTVte; ordil J- " 4oyioMOi iuuornia faacv, KOQg No, I froah Oregon, candled. X7a tTVtc; cold etorag and aaatera. KMr. ' toon America, ItHOUc: eheddar. Mvie. ranty bena, 14He per if: rooatera, old. (HQlOe r" ' .A v m' nroiiera, ue per Mtlnc per lb: tnrkeya. lCMc per lb: dreaaad. ttmxc par lb: aonaba. z.eo)S.M per' dlav 9nfi--vjraj-na -wiar1 HOPH 1U -.Oregon. ISc- w.ehln ao lie: 1IW4 rroo. U for choice. 19. t. mwtA n.uttiii. . ' . . . . t" . WOOI iitoa clip, verier, oaaree to Bedlam. - - mohair nominal, aoane. ' HEEPSKIK Skearloa. IBIn WWaoe; medlam wool, lOejaoe; Wu Octttl.OO each. . . V . JjVref OBl K. B 9 t'HITTlM.BARrr TUtlle bet rr-3nr HIDBtflrt. bliW Ik. f 1. Ik. --. wuxnws ner ib mrw mm m,. a. . . tc, w j nu, no. i, nnoer ma. leaf I Ac: or; mllad bldoa. f eM- aoaii an k. - mu. He; to ta 0 Hm. 8Het unaer x toe aad , (! rani aa ran. aeona. nUTri La. 1 in na Um m.i u. . u as. j He: calf, aonnd. nder 10 Iba tHaitot greea (aeeltrd). I a per lb We', eulle. le per to teeet Boraehldea. aalted. each. l.rl.TS: dry, each. l.0Odjl.M celt bWtoa. each, tftdjauei toat akin, anmeaon. eech. lOf.laci A agora. wim. weoion.. earn, saegygl. , rralta aad Vueetablea, "POTATOES Beat Anna. &7Sc ear lota. no aack; ardlnary, 0)d0c; awaot, t aacka. ONIO.No Mew' Oreron vallnw miKri. 11.00: ear Iota, POci Walla Valla. 8Mi gu-Ue. Itjlti . racBH F RriTS Applee. Oregon. 11.004)1.50: toney, 1 T6yi UO; crabapplee, ll.W; oraagea. lata TaleneTM . XA 11, K.n.B.a Ne lh- leason. choice. a4.50ti.TB w boat fancy. M.00 r .. am r nine i I lao i i t an i rrr 00; pine pp tea, 14.00 per doa; poachee, fahcy. TS6c: ordinary. aOdtnttc; plume, T5c(lll.O0 per cruie; enntaioapea, TOcflll.OO per crate; natermelon wle ner evri: eeranea. Oreaou. 10qi7V; Oononrda. 16Ue baaket; California. IV till BO box: neara. Bartlett. 11.21 oer box; Winter' Nellie. ll.tS per box; black ber rlea. Mcttll.OO; caaahaa. fZ.0OCz.60 doa; freeb r i per in; pornegraaataa, ll.W per oox. VKT.ETABLW1 TnrBlna. new, 11.0V per nacki (arrote. I.OO0l. per each; tweta, l.O0 l per-ark; Orefho raaihr"- em deal eebhag. Oregon. ll.Ooai.x par ewt; reea pepper, Xfte per box; Inral tomatoea, SOarz'ie: paranlpa. f I MlaTl M; - etrtaf beana, 1Hec eaallflower, Tlriffll.W do; rbnbarb. te lb: ncreeradlah. 10c R; artlcbokea. , 401 head tottuce. 40c per do; greea onjona, ) par doa; aplnach. o per Ib; greea eara, Toe par aack; peaa. le per lb; roeaaibera, TSe Per aack; celery. voewaoa, ooc; meal, TSttiioe -per tggplent. 11.00 per eratet anmpklna. Hie DRIRD PRUrTS Ann lea. avanoratad. TOV pee lb: anrlcotn. Hfrlle per lb:, uaek. H per Ib lee: nucha, a ell to nor lh: pear. per Ib: eranee. Italian. tVtf4t.e oer Ib: French. per Ib: fha. Callt'orala black. I !, tier lh: California wait. nee Ib: alum, alt ted. per lh; data, golden. aar lb, tarda. 11.10 oer 11- bag. aVvavllBaTiMa V tTtS aVvaS. BrOAR Bark baala Cube. tM; powdered 15.15: fruit aranulated. ta.U: drv araaulatcd 15.2S; Coaf. A. 6.0; beet' granulated. 15.16: extra C. 14.T5: colde C. Vt.aft: D yellow. M 55: bbla, 10c; H bhm, S5c; box B0 advance en aack naam. lee XM per ewt tut ana, la day: mnle, 14rll5 net to. -IIONKY 13 per crate. COrrEB Package brand, f I1.T8, - RALT rtoe Bale, la. la. 4a. 1. 10a. Sl.f: table, dalrv. BOa. (11.00: looa. lle.TB: lm ported Liverpool. B0. 1VT.0 100. 11..V: H4. ll 00i extra fine. ' bhle. to. a. 10. 4 50eT5.oC: balk. 130 lb. HJDCGiJUO. aacka. C. cnoMe. . LT Coaree Half -Vtoub. tOha.' cor ton. 17 00: (Oe. nr ton. VT.H0: Mveraool htm rock. 111.10 per font 60-th rock. IT .Obi mm. ad.TB. (Above prlcoa apply to a lee at -a than car lota. Car lot at asocial price aabjeet ta fltwtnatlonal. CRAIB BAOR-Calcatt. TU. ft I OB tmnerUI Jimb Mo. .. Na. I. lite: New Orleea bead, CV4l A lax. 4a: Cr tBBANR Bmall white. IVfttMe: brcaVhlte. u,t: pink. IttniUet bayo. dlaa: fJmaa. Iecn red a. , i HDT-Peannta. TUrt tamhan. lUe -per mt raw. ael lOe per fht roaateri. t rocnannt. netOOr per dcxt walnnta. 14flBc per lb: pin nut. lOQitue per lb: hickory not. lOe per rt efceetrmra, eafeo. 1 541 toe per Ib; Braxll lint, 16 par R: tllberta. ItatKe par lt: fancy oeraaa. 14 jtlVi -wnrln. H1V oar lh. . ratota. Ooal Oil. Bta BOPaWPore Manila. 14c: etiadard. U14t mt. 10 c: title bread aleaL . COAL Olle Peerl or Aatr!. Cc. 1AU oer cnlt water white, h-na bhm, -itte pat In oe aalt .headlight. ITO-dva. aaar. S3ue per ral. (linuNt B der. eaaea. Me Per gait troa bhla. Mc per gal: etaveo. canaa. 14 H par U iron ntm. in per gal. BEriB -dec. ee. xsa aee cat: rren able. lUe oer cel. " TCBPBMTINB I eaeee. tic par gall wooden bbn. Hr per yal. - - WHITB LBAO To lot. Te nor R; 100-lb lot, leper Ib: leea tote. He par Ib. Wlrirf NAII.S Preerat baae t IX TO. I.IKir.BO OIL Pure raw. to a-bhl lota. Me: l-hfil lot. Me; raaea, 4c per ; genalne kettle boiled, caeee, tola per gnl; e-bbl bit, 0c; I tml lot, die per gal: groan d rake, ear kt,.00 , die per gal: groan d rake, ear )Pta,. i ton; to tba car lots. 130.00 per yon. meat. rth and Praililina.' . nnn xtnax -met aeeeet ft ltI Ac nerlbi pork." BWfc, BilHAe w r id; pare- era. Pe per lb; bull. 4t5e per lbl cow. with' eel ta, BHVde Per lh: veal, extra. Tel ordinary. c per lb; poor, l!He per lh. ' HAain. r'B. arii:. roriian perk 'Mean Kama, 10 to 14 TV 14e per lb li to 11 .ha. I3e per Ibt II to SO Iba, live per lh: anttag. a pee ttl breakfaat bneon. lflS 1H per ml ptrnle. be. oer Ibt regular hort eleera. an atnoked. II per lh; emobed, 12e per lb; clear back v ninokd, H)4c lb; nmoked, ll per Ihi Union butia. 10 ta 11 Iha, aoamoted. ner lb; mokd Sf per Bit clear hallto. amokeil. II per lbi aroked. la par lb; eheul orr. Ue oer to. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, fla. lr per Ib: Be, llicner lh; po-tb tin. 11 We par lb, learn reodered. 10. 10e pec lb; 6a. 10n avr ie. ruuHtft llfUA C t- - a m. ..n. i.eiij a-in lk a. i"j fancy, l-ie Ilata, U lb faacy flam, feaer 1 lh avala. iK); talis t leek a tail, rlak. dStiMhii red. 1140; temlaai : tall. 11 00, v V . WIHU Hock cod, T f Ibt fleandota. M t yK - V ' V .... :;: ' . . r" T t V II 7?njnrilll - IVf I r 1 . TT " .1 IIJFLUEflCECOLIES FROf.1 LOtlDOf Statist Say That, New, York Will J Be Able' to : Get ! All:ti.e v 2 5 : Cold It Needt,f! V' ; 1 - - - T i" ft Ti. TT- 41 ' . NEW CONVERTIBLE ; r BONDS FOR THE ERIE Wall.. Street Heara Definitely That V Forty Million Dollars of New Fours Will Be Issued by SystemTalk of Manipulation in Louisville, v ! ADVANCES. Anaconda . . . Atehleon. pfd S Mexican Central ;n Pacific Malt , Rock Iaiand, pfd.. Toledo, pfd ....... Hll'nloo Pacific .... ; HI Leather, p(a .... Binclter, pia ..... Canadian ......... Alto '.' C K. yf. ....... Colorado Fuel .. n. mihaa Colo.' So., id pfd.. WiV. S. Rteel. Krie, lt pto.,.,,! atauhattaa ....... HI do preferred... . Hiwia. ceatrgt ... DECIJ X ES. ' . H'Ont. a Weetera.. Atchjaoa .. Cdr Poandry , H Menneylvanla. . Roger HI People a Oaa Rmclter ........ Brooklyn ..... .. aReadlnc H .. ' ViiHepahlle Steel V, .. Hi Southern Ry il Great Weatrrb St. Paul . VKoutheva Pad fie , Illlnol Central ... Mn. r., 2d pfd ' K loolivllle ......... H it. L, a. W.... H lllaaoart Parin .. " uilTcnneaaee Coal XL N. y. Central 1 I Rubber, pfd- ...... H Northern Pectflc. mlWeatera L'aioa ..." Waba.h, pfd HI - . ... ; (Special Dlapatcb by Leaeed Wire ta The loaraall Wall ItreVt. New York. Sent. SS. According to the qtattat. New York win be able to get all the gold It aeeda from Anatralla and Africa, avoiding a direct drala ape tbd European bank Of thn gold to) arrtvu from tba cap $2,500,000 la undemtood to have been diverted. hot whether for Perla ar New Tark to gaol i aol full! certain. - Today tbo Ran, of Kaglaad 11100,000- gold for Shipment to Egypt and Parte. On tba large gold wlthdrawaln the Ion- don eeeurlty market were heavy for Inveet- ment eecurltlee and ftooth African, Cenwela. however, were a a mall fraction higher and there waa atMdlneen la Amerlcaa raih and Bmndaa govern meat boad. Feature of etreujrib with I'nloa Pacific' and Steel preferred. St Paul waa aomrwhat coaplcuooly weak. 14,, Ud laflaoao. London ex er clued ' a very eonaldcrahl In- fluence oa thn meal atock market thla mocnlag. Ueporta were entreat la London that gold to the amount af 15,000,000 had beea ahlpped from Anatralla to Baa Prnnclaro and that further amooata bad already been arranged for. Aalde from tbo favorahto..l4mdon -attitude- toward the local aaarket there wae little or nothing la tha morning' aewe which had much effect on exrluelvely open tba probabllltlea of the bank etatement. regarding which favorable eiplaea tlona were entertained. Tba weekly report of tba anercantlle agencies upoa the etate of the eooatry'a trad were highly grattfylug exhibits. Oraat Irragularlty Early. . .. Ta the early dealing the 1 atock market ahowed great Irregularity aad many atorka re ceded extensively from tbelr final prices of Friday, tlnlled States Steel atocke were. bow. ever, exceptionally firm throughout and be foe the rkwa of the first boar a general and quite vlgaroo lerotery mado Itself apparent. The toadere of the rally to the railroad llat war' Lonievllle ft Naehytlle aad Inlou Pacific, but the upward torn waa quit commonly partici pated In. . The ka in cash aet forth la the bank atate. ment waa $i.8l.0rJ. which auxin nt accorded fairly with the average of th preliminary rati mates. In the kwa account a further rnrtalb ment of fB.18l.0tMl waa ahowa. which Chang, together with the falling away In cash, waa rather poorly reflected ta the deposit account .VHEAT RISES AND THEN DROPS Frisco December Goes to High Point Early but Falls Off ;.. Later, FIRST CHESTNUTS IN FROM STOCKTON Large Watermelons' Aversginc Fifty Pounds' Keceived From .Winters Oregon Gravenstein "Apples Sell at the Tip-Top. J : (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to The Jours 11 nan rrsndaco. Seat. 23. neeeainer wneat. fter ' advancing to l.lfl .per cental today. receded to 11.15. or e be low th nosing prlc oa Friday. There wa a firm taac to U npot market at unchanged pries. The receipt 'were 14.465 cental, including .1X511 from nrlahingloa.' Liverpool advaacsd. am farto for Septemher. Herein her hurley wesksne aw eioaea me per eeatal lowvc. Spot, nerley wa well ana tamed. There were good receipt of est with mart hnd strsdy msrast. tora eonimnea m. nens wvrv . sn.-i- 1 ts shipments of flour principally to ttTV yiesjw were wens. l nwrw wvrv anei Amerlra. The marari waa generally in-m. A box of cheatnuta, nrat or taa aeaana, waa lb: halibut. SHc per lb: crabs. 11. SO see ww, strlasd bsss. Ils per lb'. eetSab. Se see lb; salnsT-n, eilveraldee, Sc per H: blaehacke, Ib: berrtng. oe per in; aoiee, 00 per mj hrlrapa, 10 par fb; perch, tc per Ib; blecfc Cod, Tc pec lb) elleec smelt. Tc per lb kooatera. loe; rreaa maraervi. mm psv i srawnsw. sue 0nrr!"!SMkoalwaar bay. par gi, tlSSt ar aack. 11 TS. 1 1 ci.AM" Har eu. pee ao. j.vmi rues ale a ia. 12.00 act. baa. ( . NEWS FROM THE FRONT. which tdecreaaed 111.157,000. Aa a reault of the . change In dcpailt ud rah. aurplua r ervee tocveaaed .VU.00O. The number of eharea of atock Bold today wa 407.130 agaiaot XS.1.W0 the aaoM day toat year. i The total par value et bond Bold today wa tXoa&VXW agalnat IM.llT.Ot the earn day lat year. . . . - Kaalnnlattoa Is tonlavllla. ..It la claimed that the movement In Lonlevtll A Naaqvllle during the laet few daya ha bee due almoat entirely' to aunpulatka. Tha atatement came agala from good aonrcee that there la na toundatlea far th rumor with reapert to the Atlaatle meet line end Loulavllle a Naehvllle. - Thane woe fear that -the eapply of Southern Railroad aomanm tock to likely to ran abort are rrmlnded thai there to H2o.0O0.0kT of It. and .that - all' th tale of Morgan baying ar not exactly eo. , .. . Activity aad materially ' higher price ara looked for -before long ta' th minor Iroa aad ateel atocke. - The Include Be public Steel, Sheffield. Colorado rael dIroa and Tenaeaaaa Coal Iroa. Erie to Xaaa Bead. Wall afreet beard quite definitely today that tba r.rle Railroad com pair will abort ly laeo 4n.000.nn0 4 per rent convertible bond. thU being the balance of the. S60.000,0fw toaaa aatborlard . three year ego, . The. conversion price. It waa reported, will be fixed at S00 a hare in Erie common atock! that 1. for ac tl.QOO bond. Id 11 eharea of Erin common. Tba etreet baa been looking for-aeveral day for aome annonnerment aa to bow the Brie would flnaaee lie aorchaee of th Cincinnati, Mlltoa ft liaytoa ayatem. "r v" " ' ' ' cirrinai qnotarione : ! 0ESCBIPTI0M. Aaaronda Vllnliut Co... fm;'-..gEPT f.' Atcnleoa. com Ill lit! 117111. HSSrfi W5T 6"k preferred k it . im KM 105 lu.'fir ft round., com. M m M1 id Am. Sugar, com.. I"'. 1 40 14l 14H4 12HIIH Am, Smelt, cola 1Z7K do nreferred Baltimore ft Ohio, com. 11114 T1H 111H T1H 176H '- 1I.WI1J4 10WI 70 Ui Brook Ira Raald Traaalt Caaadlaa Pacific, roe. Chi. ft Alton, com UTB !T4ilT54 1 7a llSf 21 'i Chi.- ft . W.. com... 11 4 ChL, ill! 'A St. Paul, (hi. ft N. W.. com... ina. 144 216 1m.-h,!ik;is lit 21 45 45 Cbeaapeake ft Obi.... Com. Pud ft Iron. com. Opto Southern, com. .. do zd preferred. do lat preferred MW-dSHfol 41 1 . Del.. Lark, ft West.. Denver ft R. U.. com.. 440 1514 HH T4 iii" 15Ta 1 15 51 1N0 Si 151". Erie, com 11 51 t4 iio" do Zd preferred.. .... do lat preferred Illlnol Central ino Lonlevllle ft Nashville.. IMS 12H iiidii vetropotltaa St. Ry... Manhattan. Ballway Mexlcaa Central Ry... Mtna. St. P. ft Ste. M do preferred...,,,... Mtosnurl -Peclfle ..... M., K. ft T.. com...... do preferred..,,....,, New York Central...... Northern Pacific ...... Norfolk ft West., cam.. do preferred.. North A merle a . .... K. Y Ont. ft Went 12Mfc too ftntH IdtU 24H 3 Z4 14S ....Ilea . I0T JtMHlllNJIi IMH JW'ai , 00. I jiu TO 1514 in 1.11 1150 112 lflfe 21 2H 85 85 vC " ot' 64 54W Pennsylvania Ballway, . 144H 145ll44j, 1 44'. IOI reopie a u. ft C. Co Preeetd Steel e'er, com do preferred Pacific Mall S. S. Co.., Beading, com do 2d preferred do let preferred!.... Bep. Iron ft SteeL com.. do preferred 1"4, 1R dH 46' 113 45H 45 40 2 45 1 454 IMH m 1I 05 1 ta 14 SI. MiJ Mis St - do nreferred Southern By., com....' do preferred...... Sontkern Pacific ...... 8. i. ft R r , Id pfd... St. L. ft S. W., com... do preferred Texa ft Part He ...... Tena. Coal ft Iron Tel.. St. U ft W., com do - preferred. fnlon Pacific, com I'. R. Leatbee. pfd.;.., U. S. Robber, com.... do preferred V. S. Steel Co., com... do nreferred . , Wheel. 4 b. Erie. cava.. do Id preferred 7 17. 100 m A3 14 M SO wv sail , 84 m 2 toi M 52 ta Ar 3XH ,va Rat, Ml, 5 1MVI134. 1O4I4I104H Ml 5d 111 III! 1I11W 104 104 5d 5d 112 IN 100 id 40 50 50 1 2.1 41 111 17 105 105 US do let preferred...... Wis. Central, com...,, do preferred Weetera t'nlon Tel Wahaah. com Sfr! mr o4 1 M m 10, 50 1 31 4m 2 no peorcrrcd. Total a lea for day. dffoOO aharea7 terclred . from Stock to by. Canto A-'uagirtiM and rfered at 25c per aonnd. Baasnaa barn beea ripening very fan and peddlers have beea taking much sock sTork at low price. Some fine fig from tha river brought ad vanced prices. Bom leading varieties of table grape ta crates were firm, such as Muscat, laa beltos and well colored Toksys. Seedless were rsther slow aad black seer week. There waa a largo supply af wins crape on the truck, mostly arrirtng lata. Berries showed as material- change. . Bmw uww Aaalaa Sail. The principal part of the hit arrival of spptos Bora Oregon 1 ka. worked off, going aa Agh as 11 jis per 4-tler. while 44 tier went at IIJW. . r had beea box ftsr at at AO -. -. , PPle ahov 11.00 per boa w.. ' ,Z exceptional, althoagh for asm fancy Kings th ..king prices rsnged et IMOril 15 tan few tostanevs. Stiff orleea woe. rholc enntaioapea and nutmeg melon. A rar toad of temcrkably tor wstermelma was re reived from Winters, averaging. K hi stated. ted remained about a prcvlonaly Potatoes; and onion were' as let and eaav at ITl. . ..r , nrkm4 fj W-rced Sweera "-',,- "-rvw P"c ti.w an rental. Ths pea ont train'' waa very tote, causing snow ahortag of vegetahlea by that mate. Vrmm. II: tom, " aummer enuaah wers firmer. There wss a shortage of creamery batter, but " Monday there will probably be cnlt, liberal anpply aa hand, dealer, were, not Inclined to advance prices for tbo nay. Th recent sd vsnco In butter end ranch egga haa checked tbo rnasomptloa af freak goods, iiureea waa ready. . . . , Pewltry ruled generally weak with a tare aopply oa hand at the rloa of lb day. 'nimxir staUB movibbbt. Chicago, Sept.' 21.- t w' : ; -Primary receipts: Today . Yr. aav Boh. Snh. l.lM.OiSI J,, ......... Kt5,0W dOO.OlV Wheat lorn Ipniente . rh-, , - ore) -orn 74.(1 am. 10. t waraneee waear. 34 orm e.i.K.). , r... . no barrels; eara, SS.OOO kusorle; eats, '4,0110 miCAOO CASK WBXAT. Chlragn, Sept. 23. Cash wheat- . BM. . T Ask. .l Bo. t red Tb rShfl ej t 4 MlM Na. 1 kard . . . . . 1 northern No. sort lie 1 a J'f .B5 .ss4 ' .4 ' .aa . Bo. o aprtog . . ILLERS OEfll VERY URGENT Flour Men Powerful Buy erf .of , Wheat on Every Upward -: Move In Market. '- CHICAGO QUOTATIONS ; BUT LITTLE CHANGED September Loses an Eifhth While May IHr Up Same Amount Corn Prices Are Strong Oats Are Firm. ' . ' ATCRDAT'S WHEAT .MARKET. Clco . Ctoae Oaln Close Ha. . XVI a.. V September 1 . ,mA ,li 1.14 moor...,. ,ll,,Jgm . i.taat May., 1 nicsgo. sent. 25. Loss a A Brvaa aav; Broamhall eatlmatea tha world's wheat ahlo- mests at- about 2.000,000 boabebi under tost week. , Tedsy's market closed nraetleallv no. changed, trads being within a Barrow rang. rnsuary receipts were aossewhat torgor thaa year ago. bat still ara aet aa -aredlcted. nor aro toey burdensome when wa consider th gent rah demand la all artmarr markets. It rsanofb denied that millera waat the wheat. - Thla I shown dally by tha way It to take ap at advancing prices. Whatever the ease of tbo (low movement, millers dyem It anviaanm apparently to work oa the theory hat "s btrd to -ths band to worth two la th buaa.M If their deaiaad for floar did not war rant ouch free purchases of wheat, we doubt If they would bo aa argent la buying as they aeem to be at present. Coupled wttk tbo etnwg eonsuaaptloa. .tha attitude of snr leading elw valors cannot' be Ignored. They hare a ecu mu le' ed a bis Una of wheat and aside from a laccaslonal ahakc-oat of andcslrable compear. deem, to be aa determined ne evnr. la their view oa the market. "V awing the sltaatloa oa ail aiora. It ima atrsag prire arc well held, and for the present w feci we would osy wsest oa tan reree tone Corn atarsot Strang. '- Tha coca marked waa-atrong and buoyant wltb tha prlnclpalrelevstora oa th ton aide ef wheat believed to have added to their line of com. Tha cuah situation rounnuen to offer an excellent foundation fur a bull market la the eoarae era In II t. Tba market dlaularr a decidedly healthy too aad we feel to destined t ao Better. .-..,... , . . 1 Onto Prloae XaUhlUhed. Oata price aeem firmly established. Oatald deaund la excellent and la bases on the atrong cash eltuetlon. VY look for tba eaab demad"td Con ti BUS and to aaaum larger pro- aortlona. I No greet change la tu be noted, la 4h pe 4-vtaiea marker. Tsrkers continue to ahspe the Drice-maklng. Offk-lsi auMntloaa by Overbeck, Starr ' Clcoe. t . Cook company WHS AT. High. -M4 Open. I . ,A5 .T Law. ; .as Sept Pee . -.5A .JHA May , ' . CORN. - Jit - .52 .4d .44 OATS. '. " . J(2 .52 .4K .52R Sept. old I lee. new Kec. old. May .... :J2 ,4 .44 '."in See"". . ay ... .21. 40 .IN . .11 15T 14.07 12.40 T.ST .11 MESS POBK. May ... 15.T IS.dT 15.10 . , 14 W 12 40 It 5 I.ARD. T.T TUT T.T2 t.OT 6 S.JT SHORT BIBS. 15T! 15.MTN 1215 T TA T.1TA - t.M e sw 1.1TA S.47B Oct v.,., isa ... Sept ... tlet TTO S,-. mJO s.m e.m 71 ' l.T 10 .7 CHICA00 OBAOf CAB LOTS. Chicago, Sept.' 23 rain, ear lota: . Care. Orade. Eat. 1S0I. Wsest ... M ! 15 110 Cor ..IftO . 12H .145 2ln Osts : ....2.M 51 2TI 142 Wheat Csrs todsy: Mlnnes nolle. 54: Dn- luth. 4V4. . Year ago; Mlnnes nolle, 3w); Da latb, (24. xxrzarooL sbaib blab bit. UrerpnoL Sept, 21.-Cloee: Wheat IVeera- ber. aa d. d higher March, to d. d higher. torn December, da Sd. d higher; January, 4a 4d. Vid higher; March. 4a Sd. uncbaaged. ; TOBorAH BOiraie stocks. San rraacaeo. Sept, 23. Toaopak gtocka. af- flelal chant Bid. I Mootaaa ....v.2.TiCaah Boy , Bid. I .is 11 Midway ... 1.5T Mohawk McKamara Belmont .. North Star IMile ........... Kendall t'elsmbla Ml.... Jamnv ' Silver Pick Jumbo Kite..,. Butte .... tloidc AimcjC, Bey O'Biita .... To. Ohio ...... 1. 40 .53 Rescue Md Monntaln.. .11 ilm Butler -.TS Bed Top - .51 Ton. Kevsdn .15 Too. M ten .! Oold field . Sandstorm ..... .54 . Sandstorm Ks . . .07 Adaasa . yrllpse ........ .40 Black Bock OS .IT .22 . .04 .2d .11 In. Bull Prog memondrienl. ... lew Star ..... Ilenvec Atlnnta ,. .21 .11 BOSTOB OOBTTB STOCBSr itsar teirt.-tS--Offlctal copner rloee Bid Bid: ...I S.T5 ... 27 00 ... anno Psrrot . , Pbornlg Qnlncy . , S.M '. id I Bingham .... m. TB . f Shannon , tT.Tl Cel. a Aril... l'viliTsBiarack .... Jlioa , . sstAn TM.11.. ! .a ea n.Tl Calumet SnOOO Conner Bangs. 71 25 inniiri 7ft t allea ' S4.M Centennial ... 14.00 Oaly West .. 14 M Elm Oreahy ...... T dl Tlctorla S IT Winona II AT 14 vioivena .... 110.00 t'tsh MM Oreene ...... Old rmmlntoa. Mohawk Mlcblgaa .... Mass 15 It Royal yim 27 no r. B. Mining. 4 14 5 T ISO British '..,, 172 14 no Itcctk Butte. ., 47 on lid I Rhode Ulaad.. 1.T5 ' 101.50 ( STXXUBS sUTXaV Jfew Tork. Sept. 21. Sterling rat! P 4M.254J4MJ7; JS dsys, 4-0.2S 4U-. Adrenlnr Atlantic . Alloues , OltECOI! GUIS . IIOLDIiiG KEV Hop Producers Unwilling to Sell 1 and Several Offers Are- v. :.'. :': . Refused. , ' FIFTEEN CENTS IS. : PRICE MOSTLY ASKED Picking Nearly " Completed and Quality Turns Out the Best Ever Produced State Will Have More Choice Hops Than All Others. The world has Its eyea aa Oregon. Th hop cur era ot this atata ar aav In rati eoatrol of the altuatlnn st least tomporartly they bold ney, aitsougn aap-picklug haa been sem plcted, with tbo except ton of a frw yards, three has beea praetlesltr ao Belli aa ar area af feeing of good by tocsl growers. ua ta other band Washington grswer hsva been vtry wesk tbetr weakneea seemlsg to Incresae as the asaaoa pcogreaees. Although Waahiactoa dealers clssa their hops ss choir, theee sssse hops ere ant af tha asm aualltv ss th choioc OregosV Quality waa aevey a as It to la this stat during the preeest After making s thorouh eaaraaa ' of Iha eitaatioa The loorasl to.led to tha onccsstn thst prscMcslly th only choice hope ta the world of IS05 growth were the eae raised Ib the Wlllaaaette valley of Oregon. England will hav a very large crop of bops this sreena. hot quality there will be bad. Kew York's crop, which to tonal da rd suite fair aa to quse tily. will grad at the bottom of oaallty. Cali fornia's heavy erop WIU be somewhat mixed, bat ths malar nnrttoa af ths stocks will' hnt grade prlase. Wlecoaato's prsdoctlo ksrdly cen be considered oa aoroant of th .mall srraags there thle eeaaoa. II It now conceded br all that Bacland will boy bop from tola country Curiag tha preeent " ueopite ia aa or in yieM of that intry aome breast there Ore fee Oreawa bona to then- owe. ths same as sons Aaterirea brew era srad to Europe for a portion of tbelr aup plle. seanag th wsek there vers a few aale ef minor Imasrtaac reported made la thla atata around II cent a pound. nt gioaet generally tats or aoidln uatlt the market reaches at Iraat 11 eeat. fart-Vtt ers Mcelvsd br ka-al desaar from brewera la tba rest etsta thst they will waat a bona at present Brieve, hnt would buy no If tba toarket weat lower thaa 11 ream here. Some dealers wars ant la the rountry th past wsefc trying t fill seders at 11 cent's, aotwltksundlag the f.rt that they aay they do aot cars to bay. Correspondent of Th Journal a asset that a number of dealer mad offer of it rents tha paet week, but all met with refusal grawms desiring ts hold antil they could . And exactly waat other sect loo had to offer. la Washington state ararly 8.000 bale were re perls eid daring lbs week at prises rang ing free 10 to It seats a pound, hot none of the. good parrcsse will fnillfy a prlaw according to taa Oregon taadard... . .. ju COTTON FUTURES TEN TO FOURTEEN HIGHER Kew Tork. SPnt 13 Cot to futurss eloaed a higher. 10 to 14 points higher Official euatatlesm-hv - Oaaihai fc SI... a. Cnoka comaaayt ; Ooea, Hlyb. low. Ctoae. - Jeauary .... tool Haw ms lis4 February .......... 1100 1104 MAO 1OP70U1 March .,..... HOB 110 1100 HOAiQiKl April ..lilt 1112 1110 11 10W11 May ................Ilia Ilia nil iniuin Septamber lOSAsrirr October 1074 IOTT 1070 1871 K 7- Wovemher lrrTS lor IOTA tnras.Tn Decern her loss loll 101 lOMrtMT men orua, say: ins aaarp nss la UvarpoaL Ib Craig eallmar e 1.80.000 halaa. a rian sf bad erop sreoaats from other sourroa. and aeverel other eauaaa eoatrl bated to today'a adV raorv. s( aear insi arrsageaaeats are ea pleted for hoirllng eottoa. Strong Indicate that rarasera will he firm holders foe It eoa twn weeke from new as they held for Ml eeat week ago. There to good Inquiry , fan euuint froaj. Amort set I tor which have beea baying from head to mouth. The attaatloa appeara la w rwy sinssa, a a wan we wo tor ao n re works w expect a steady aad saatslaed ad- vane. ..... T. A, Mrletrrs A Cm. sav: Efforts mar he mads to sontlnu tbo advaae to th II -coat haal. but at doubt if thla movement will he successful, a Amerlcaa aelunera are In each an assy poalttoa that they will aot be disposed to follow advaae to that baala. aad trade conditions are to afavarabto abroad la book. as aew aoeincss ror coropeaa spinners ta ba frightened Into baying to say extent. Th future of. the mark will depend ts a very greet extent en the character ef la goveramea report, daa October S. ' UTXBBO01 COTT0B sTIOXXB. I.lrerrwol. Sept. I. Tot tee fa I arse elosed IT to SI potuta aig net, Th epot ara firm at 14 petnta Bignsr. GROWERS NOT SELLING. laiayaama Xofnaura aTot BalllBr--ftwok - fee SHttr sfriaa. -(Special mspatah to The leurnaLI rndeneadear. Or., Sept. H. Hon-oirklna Is Bearing a close aad asost of the email yards r picked. The targe yard will have from an to two week to res yet. Ths banner yield asBsaaeed here ss far wss sa the Osama flrs- Bcr tw-yeer-eie ysr that nrndmd t,S00 pound to tba acre. None of the growers ar wiling at the preeeat time. W hav aelther buyers aor groom hers trying se trad at all; la fact ths amrhet here he aot opened yet. ' Hons ar routing Into th warehouses saw suite rspldly. hot there will be bat little moot to store the erop. as the warehouse are email, ctiaei Bering the magnitude af tba in dustry In this section of the county, Qrowtia look for fair prices, hot nothlsg big. V:: ram ttkxj tsutt. ' forest Grove. Or.. Sept. H. The aatherino ef the prano erop Is now la fait progress. Ths rieis ra tac itauaa variety la amcb smaller thaa aaaal. bat th euallty ef the fruit ta eicellcst. aad lncs prices pt sail as to be well up t the ever th grower will make a fairly good ecaeoe. Th Fotlt nrunee annrae to-be suite aa prelinr a aaaal. H.. 0. At wall ef this rity will be through drying to a few dsys, " rW TORE C01TI1 BLABKBT. , Kew Tork. Seed.. St. Cfofea htnrss CVwed to 10 points higher. Offlrlaf swotstlon: ' . , " Bid. Aak.l : ' Bid. lab. .IT.4H 17 td July IT no 7.5 . T an T55 Augnst T M T . T 55 t.rt Beptemaer .. T U T.S0 T do TriOevonv ....Til T . T OS T T" Wovswtber .. T 25 T.3t l.TS-TBtMPetaaibet ', .r.TM 1.40 BXW TOBX BABX BTATEKBT. Bew Tert, Sept. X3 Bank atatemaot: I n.7.Vi Siid.lM -S.ltM,IO . 1.70.jnn ,) 1S,17.4'1 . ll.aud ITTT-ters CtJc" 1 1 jssuary ,. rebrnsry . March .... April M.y lies V.'i'.'. Specie ..... I'Sgcbj .. . . . IVpneltS ... Clreulatlea Increeee RISE OF : . RensweS Buying by Ptcktri Fills in the Dsmand vni - Helps ths Values. " j HEAVY SHEEP SALE 3 a , ; IN j INLAND tV,?nZ Receipts Larcest of Month bur This Had No Effect Upn Tone of Market Best Cattle - Find Good1 1- Sales at Present Values. v Port lead t nloa Stackrards. Seat. 23. a. m. Livestock receipt; , . .. ' ' Hoe Catrlo alias Tbto week t. ...... 44 51. 2,810 Laat week ........ 4TT .411 ' S. WSv Prevloaa week' ........... .. 4M 4) . I.B Month ag M SSI ' 1.112 Thla waa an uxeanthmal areek to lb Bvsstorb - market. Receipt sreve aot heavy, aelther wers . they very naall. They compsrsd to a great sxtsat with tbona ef th pnyle tew weeks. Ths hog market waa extremely wesk tks first tow days aa account of the general lack af buy tog by packers bet shoot ths middle af the week they begaa M parcbas emit freely and tills helped lh market quite materially. Th rmt a haying alee result la prtra rates t tog 25 renu of I b 10 rests tost during th stole a week. . Cattle Marks Alto Bettor. . The last few day ef the Week ehowed a , ronehtorable Impravsment to th cattle aituatkm. . Thm waa due to aome extent by lbs better class sf Stock that canto, tha best prodart best. readily picked a at tba arte srhlle posr staff waa a selected. The abeep atarket appeared ta good shsps sff throoch tbs wsek. The receipts la that line were the Urges! of th moots but thin had . an weakening effect - ansa vetoes and a changes were made during th atx days. Tba following Is fans a- IVudlete psssr af - recent date: ,,....,:,' "Testerdsr Haator A BtsssmamM 18 Mm bend ef lambe to t. chapssaa. aa extensive abeepmaa or i oiereoo. xns asM were psrehased frana different aheapma to osoaty and dstaosed ef ta on bunch to Mr. Chanman It la uniiae ararstthartbs Tam'bs brought fair prices. Tha stock will be shipped to Cosnrstto next week. '-Tnasy Joha Howard, a akespboyac sf Mkm lesota. will ahlp BOOS bead sf sheep to his place to Minnesota where they will be fattened for th esrly spring mnrket. The sheep wers purchased from Hunter A Steven. They will ba hipped from Meacham. "tgbty-thre carloads sf sbeeo arm ba ahlpped from Meacham btweea tbto data nd September SO. Cars aav new hen ecdered foe theee ahlpmeat aad arrears, aware ar heme sad to lead them aa fast aa tha eaa ha brought tat th yard. . - "Jams Hackett. ti iirmattlve af ths Prtoa. vtlls load A U restock corn pa ay. ahlpped two carloads of Bambealltot bock tbto wk . to Peter Leith. ta osstera Wyamlag. -msrles rnnntngbsm has ast shipped B car. d of BambmrUlet hack to Now Mexico t eapply ru.tamara af hi extenatv trade, lis kss shipped baeke lat nearly' every racifle co si sisie ana territory tarn season. ' iirnnai prices far Irrsstarai . Hogs , Beet eastern Oraaoa., blocker and China fata. f3.00e3.tS; stork er ' Bad feeders. Id. 50. Cattle Best eastern Oregon ateare. 11.001 1.2.1; tight sad ssedlom Steves. S2-S0: Bsht cow. SI. 5002. 00: stack era aad feeders. (2.251 2.5ft; balla. 11.50. Sseetv-W ethers. S3r: mixed sheep. Se, fraleht ewes. S3r; spring lamh. 4T4e. Celvss Oaad vesl. 130 ts SOS paBito.ocj5et rongh keday.. 3le. -. '. " . BsoeipU af ta Vaak. . ' Tks following were tba arrlvala In the varssi aurug ine peat wees; Saturday J. B,- Reynoioe of Artingfo htS " la lx ears ef cattle; Wads a Wade bad la two car of rattle from ArllagtnsV , Suadsy U Bsamana sf Aurora. 10 cattle. Moadsy Frank Dlngea of Jaacttoa 1 ttty braaght la ene doable deck, of sheep end kngs. E. U Satltb ahlpped la one oar ef est tie from Junction City, J. Praanwr of Salem had 1 tvrrr ef sheep, Tesdsy-rM. B. Botaklas of Klgln sent la three rare of rattle. tVdL Heeksr of Albany- -two ran of mixed ekeep'ssd hogs, five car ef sheep en rout, from Aahlaad ta a Ts corns pack ing sooae. Ales Ckalmers drove ra 11 bead of rattle- X.. . Slttea brought ta sue cur of begs from MrMlanvtlto. D. Kriger so car of rattle from Corvallh; fear rare af sheep and boga wers brought la by Mr. Bootbby from iBdepeadear. Wednesday D. Taylor ot Fialaey two eara af tolsed sheep aad boga. O. B. raller tww cars of horses tram Arllagtoa ta Cblao, Cslllornls; 1 V. aale trow aaippesi an car or bar from the sssw place to Cblao. t. B. Bigler of Oer. vsls brtaajht la one car sf bogs. O- W. Wolfsrd of nnhbsrd sent la two cars sf rattle to a torsi botrhsr. B. t. Mr Dons Id keooght la 2d cattle from West Seta. Thursday 1M abeep war hroogbt la by Mr. Btcksnaa; B. B. Morris of Row la ad sac esr ef rattle, bogs aad vesl ralvea, B, P. Ferguso sf Amity" ce me la with on car af bogs. Dsa Savage aeat la tw ears of rattle from Carle. Ales Mellows M ef ladepeadeacs sewt ta three cars sf sheep via lh Borthara Pacific to Omaha. rrtder-J. c. Parle ef SBedda scat la aa car of sheep, B. Cram hsd la ea ear ef esttle from Shaniko. M. Prmay aeat IB aa car at rattle from Shaath. . , . KASTKBB BOOS STBAJT. Cherag. Sept, SSe Livestock raceipte! ' .. V.:.- HoM Cattlo ttiasa Chirac ............... ... m goo . J Ksssas City 1,000 1 or, Omaha S.MSI ' too l.o6 Hog smssI steady, with 400 left over. Bo. retote a year aao were T.000. PrteaoL 1111 IS 2043 75; good. lR roach. M.0SJ .25: light. 1JJ04J1.I0. r . t ettm wess. - ., ,s ,-: SasB-4ltssdy. '; SAB rBABCIBCO tOCAt ST0CXS. Baa rrsnrVaro, Sept. 21. OffleUl rless; A. Centra, Cnela Wstsr ,...,... 4 IF At 13 ! 14 U nprtng t alley Wstsr so1 Mutual Blectrle 14 S. r. Ilea a Blectrle...:.. M Uinnt Powder T Hawaiian Com St lloaoken Sugar 14 Hntchlnaoa Sugar ......... ...... 14 Makawell Snger .................. (4 It tmsmea esiar ........., S3 Paauka Siiarsr ............ Alaska Packers' ........... .. SO .. as ,.ios ' tires nle Steamship ..,..... Pacific Slatea Tel .., California Wine Pacific Coast Boras 4 152 Va ..IM . , .oomstoos imrae ntatt " n.. SjiuIm. Beo. CX 4MeiMst ehsaai Bid. . . f C Bntlloa .....'...I . "svags ....... .. lelcker ........ 11 Poteet 14 Cos. Cs1-jV .1 M 1 "S .Ann. OnhirTT.; B7i -Veltow Jscket.. .It eledonla 4 .Oconee .- Mexlraa Andes . , I.fld 1 Hal A Berrrsas I It i . .... ' t MwaxBTs), nrun r . tsas 1 -" wmA ut0 srecs sasrr. . r j a. r 4. v--,' V: 'V