:1 :Al:vf I' HI I, Stt - t. - r . . . r ? it V. J t f ,'.$ ( t r'H' ...r i , i i t. a V .I. J.;.- - 7 t.le--' ' r i I . ' .' V 9 ? ' .... -a i V ii i ( . Sealskins ' by the hundreds have bn used . In the- con- , trvDtloK of on hnnth mt Jha Tinrla ' $nd CUirfc aipoilflrtn. avtkd th booth M ponatructd It palUy th moat novel la the 'great 4iT, It eitainly is the moat toatiy. Buch n elaborate and coatly Airplay, howTerr U In keeping with the rell known tihelneaa policy of the firm that makes It.- Kor more than 40 years H. L.lebea Co., the furriers, have made H their policy to have only the beet of . everything In their tine. At each of the great expositions, held In recent years his In this country., the company h . 'Awarded ail the prises worth receiving :'or the dlaplay of furs and particularly for jaalakina. for It is In the securing, . tbe curing, the dyeing and asking up of Sealskins Into' garments that' the cora . peny ranks as the leader. lta skina Sjfid fearmenta are' known, not only through-- put the United States, but ejl over the . world and Its London dyed sealskins are -..'always first "" - '. Their booth la the . Manufacturea building at the Lwla and Clark expo sition la a marvel for uniqueness and an affective presentation of what can be accomplished with furs. It was de- signed and erected under .the personal Supervision of Mr. John P. Plagemann, ,ihe manager .of the Portland (tore of . the company, and It reflects his art! tic taste. It la .composed of hundreds rtf kin4 of animals from all parts of the world, thee worked together so the hades blend, making a moat -harmo- 'alous and pretty effect. The booth It self represents a modernised colonial porch. Tbe large round columns are compoad of many skins of the leopard seal. These - have a silver shimmer to them, giving the front of the booth a luster that could not be acquired other, wlse. The- gabio- nd Is -a masterpiece pt workmanship In fur. It Is composed entirely of squirrel skins, giving a shla Vie , effect tach of these skins has fcreii- so laid that the picture Is really x 'astonishing. The moldings and the twme of the 'firm across "the. top of the . 'booth are all wrought from the furs of tnany animals, making stricture that ince seen will never , 'be forgotten. . Tucked here and there about the mold tng and at the caps of the large col umns ' are- the heads ; of Innumerable erhite foxes, these taking the place of gargoyles In the construction of the ' .booth..' i'.-.' ' - " ; The top of the - booth, however. Is where Mr. Plagemann has displayed his taJent. for he haa arranged there a moat Striking picture, one that Is full of life. ' At each corner la a huge fttadlak bear, mounted and beating a standard. These .bears are the moat ferocloua animals .Bf the bear family, .they are rare and these two line specimens .cams front the -southern rt of Alaaka. At the apex Of the roof of the, booth a tableau has been arranged. ' On one side- la a very. . large Anrlcia lion, while on the othet . tide la a 'Bengal tiger,- a huge anlmnl. Between these Is a youhg fawo, and. the two large bee ate are arranged la a posture of fighting fyr the fawn, the spoils of their chase. No written de script Ion of the genera appearance of tbe booth ean can do It Justice, ft baa to be, aeea .to bo fully appreciated, for -- IV forms a picture wrought as. no. ether Picture ass ever been wrought , 1 -. While the exterior of the booth la a marvel of workmanship and artlstle ' taste, the Interior Is equally attractive. If not more so, for here the company has mada an exhibit of furs that has never been equaled at any other expoaU lion. Repreaented In the booth are furs valued at upward of 4e.e0, thus mak . log the dlnplay of ii. Llebee Co. tbe siost eostly . within the entire exposW ilon. Llama, hides from South America, those of the lion from Africa, the nne . inulrrel aklns front the Ural mountains sf e!tjrt, while from the frigid sones are he Arctic bare, ' the leopard aeal and white fox and fur Beats and other animals .without number. The interior walls of the booth ara. paneled In such .eostly furs.. while In the cases.) on the tables aad on flguret art garments made of materials which, for "workmanship and beauty have , never -been equaled. That such Is the case Is attested to by the' fact that' the company haa on dis play the Innumerable medals It haa re ceived from various expositions for the finest display of furs and garments. It would be lmpoaalblt to describe thlt worfderful display, but here and there something strikes the eye that Immediately calls for soma word ef praise. The greatest of all la the dla play of Alaska sealskins snd soma of the garments' made of - this snaterlaL The coats - of London dyed sealskins art marvels of beauty and workmanship. So perfectly are they- made that they aeem to be seamlesa.N If . any garment could- be seamless. Each akin la per fectly matched, and this, together with the ' remarkable werkmanahlp, make a garment that cannof be equaled. Another feature of the 'display Is an automobile coat made of leopard kitten skins. It Is strikingly effective and la one of the novelties of the furriers' art Another handsome garment la a boleso jacket of mink, r It la made wttn a vest of -royal Siberian . ermine; giving the garment the appearance of a mink coat worn over ermine. It, is - one of the features of .the display and Is In itself well worth seeing ss an. example ot the highest art of a furrier. In the dis play are some Russian sable skins, each akin being worth from IIS 'to 10. for the Ruaalaa sable la the most ex pensive fur known, one neck piece of It In the display, although it Is made of only- four skins, being worth - f 1.800. Several fur sugs are marvels of work manship. One of these la a large rug made of iwalskln and " ermine. The background "is of seal, and In ' the center la a basket of white roses wrought from ermine. The border Is of -the' tame . material. This rpbe. is an . exhibition - in Itself, for It la ao perfectly put together that It looks as If It might hsvs been paint ed There are several other rugs equally pretty and attractive, one of these being a robe made of the breast feather of an ostrich. v - Unique features abound I throughout the dlapliy. One of these Is an um- brella atand made of the leg of aa ele phant - Another Is a display of walrus tusks, showing all sixes from those or a walrus six months old to one 50 years of ago. " There Is a handsomely mounted head of a musk ox, a vary rare animal. In making up the exhibit tbe company has -not -only secured the best from all parts of ths world, but It has also gathered beautiful . furs, which are na tive of Oregon, Including the skins of the black bear, cougar, . timber wolves and animals of lesser slse. There Is alao on display a large picture showing tbe teal herds on the Pribyloff lalanda. Since lt(4 H. Llebes A Company have be-in furriers and each year haa seen them progress, until today they rank throughout the world aa leaders, partic ularly In sealskins. Tbey scour the world for fura and their stock, without exception, la one, of the best, ranking with 1 ha big stores of Paris, London and' Berlin. ' They have iinequaled facilities for securing furs. In a talk with Mr. PUgamann It waa learned that the com pany throughout the yeare of lta progress- baa maintained trading posts from the southern, port of .Alaska to Point Barrow. ItC addition to this It has a large whaling fleet,' which winters In the most northern parts of the globe. From this whaling fleet and from the various "trading stations" the -company secures Its furs direct from tba natives. The company, only secures the best ot furs, therefore it is no wonder that its displays at the Columbian exposition In Chicago, the Mid-Winter fair In Cat tfornia and the St' Louis exposition re. reived the, .highest awards granted for the Dest display or furs. : - The awards II. Llebes A Company have received at. previous expositions are as followa:-. .- - -i ' World'a Columbian exposition,' Chi cago, 1593: Premium awarded for man ufactured ssalsklns special); premium awarded for manufactured furs;' pre mium awarded for mounted aklns and rugs; premium awarded for general sealskin exhibit California Mid-Winter exposition BpeclarBon6rsry award for best dis play of fura of all kindsr highest award or best general display of sealskins ua,,cw wwmbw ivi iiwuuiaciurae isaai skins; award for beat display ofseaJ rooea ana ruga. Louisiana Purchase expedition. St. Louis: . Grand prise for fur ruga and seaiMKins at various expoaltlona. CHURCH SERVICES ' ' : IAK1R. ' It. Joaa'e la'Adventlat rkarrk; Rev. Jobs Beatclea. 11 a. at.. "Tbe f Mat at BeMiaaaar"! aaaday arhoel. 10 a. Bk - r l aleeralty tara It a. Sa., Rtv. W. Ay laoa are; T: p. ., lu. Joaa Beatalaai Vaaday arannl, 10 a. m. MetHear PrUwaad. 11 m, sad t: a. bl, Mra. f. 4. Adam; Sanitay acbool, 11 t. B. White Tempi Twelfth aad Taytar straets; K-t. i, Whlteoab Brmuther. 1:1M a. ai.. t'llntaa N. Haward. Kuekeater, . New Vark. "W hat Ousbt to H.ppea ; Bihle eehoel. M:l S- aa.; am awetlas fir wnmen. p. ., ad dreaa .by -io Timor at, Joha ef Kaaaaa; . V. r. 1. ervie. : a. 1 SO v aw "Ba elety aad the laafh Bowl." IH kioaa eaacert ereheatra st both attwaooa and arealaf aerv- Mcod-Kaat flevaath u aad - Kaat Anheny strrata; Hrr. etaotoa C taphaot. . 10: SO a. Si.. "The Frare toofareaee and the Treaty ot toaee"! 1:43 p., m., "Compromlslna With the ItII. ar .Threw Daya On ,al kp '4 . BIMa -hl, ii bk; Yoiins Panule'e anloo, :S s, m.i rnmUi by ebeirt hUa Bettha hWeJ: alasa at (he BHa-aiBS arrTtr. taatrat-Caat Twaartetb aad 'test Aakeay atreeta; Re. William E. RaadalL !: a. St., "Realdeate ef Potarty Tlala, Maavea"; IS aa., Bible x-hool: T;3 a. aa.. "How to aia Out.'' Calvary Kat Klbth and Kaat Oraat atreeta; Bev. A.' LawrvBe Blaeh. 11 a.. Bv. . "Th t hrlatlaa Ufe. or the DerekipaaeBt farteUas (haraeirr"; T: a. a., "redlaretd Mes. kaa t Heapnaalhlltty ta the MakUg ef Mea" 1U a, av. blhl aVbool: t:W a. m.. Vmm (m. Lpla-a-BMetlB. Miaa k lluwird. trader.. mnmuii. atlapah Eaat Thlrteeath sad Powall straets. 10 . w a. at., aaaaal rollrall. "Waea the tord Wrlteth fp the or ' t f: s. as.. , "The rHrlae ieweler aad ills ' Jewela." ' bIbw Rath Kdillucs will etas' at Bornlna aarriea aad atlas Mabel Wllllaaia la ths evening. rinrf Twelfth aad A1W atreata; Rev. B. P. Hill. M:a a. .aa. aad T M p. av, rally day will h abaitead. Piedmont or mv CVeelasd avesae aad laf rett atreet; Re. L. Mrrai Baoaer. a. bv. A BeerM He CaiMme Kees": arealna errvte. T:4S 'elrfc: Pabbath school, 10 a. aa. special rally day aerrleea. Aran uma aaf cwenee - cortM IH Brtaat slreeta. 4 p. sv, aeraasa; I p ., rlTry hl'eii and - Clay .atreeta: Rev. I sreaeetngi araaoay, araaaa. llllana a, (iiibert. 10 S8 a. aa.".' "The Hons Penpla'a se4ln. s:.TO Bv f I-llera : ?: a. bv, "Baal aad Cbrwt' qaarret ebolr. It V. MIlllaTaa, arsanlat. llrrt (-naaherland Cnraee Tweltth aad Baat Tayaat atreeta Rev. IC.Nelen A I lea. 10 SO a. aa. aad T:aa p. nr. Brearhlaa: 12 aa., laaday ; S M b. av, Chraatlaa Kadaaver. . prayer aad arrmou: gaaday sebont, : a. av: - St. John'a Meaaartal aellwaod; Re. W. R. Pawall. 10:48 a. aa., santte sad aaraaaa; B day erhaol. IS as. e "-'l , at. Mark -a-Owsee rftaeteahith sad Qnlaiey atreeta; Ra. I. B. H. Blaapaoau 8 a., as., holy eomaianlon; 11 a. aa., aolj .eaaaaaaaloa aad sa ana; f:au e'eloek. eeeslBg prayer .aad srraaoa; iv a. bv, saaoay ecBuei. r i Faala Waadaaera;. C L, Parker. It m. bv, preaehlaa. . Pt. Stepbaa'a Chanel Tbh-teeath aad Clay atreeta: He. H. M. Raaaaey. 11 aad T:30 B. bv. sraaehiiis: T:sO a. sv. bmy eaoaaaaana :4S a, av, Baaday school; Friday evaalDg prayer, e e caws. St. Mattbew'e Ptrat sad Caruthers' streetae Re. W. A. M. Brerfc. 11 a. at., aerrlee aad aenana; a. av, bely twaaaaBntoa; t.a a. av. Banay aehoov- . ' r - - Trinity Nineteenth aad Everett atreeta; Dr, A. A. Morrlaaa. Holy eneaBMate. t a. aa.j smeBlBg aervlre, 11 , o'clock; eraaaog eerrlcs, t M e'rlork. -All galnta' Twenty a, mad aad Bead atreeta; Be. Bonert Hope. Bervteee at U a. av aad T;S0 p. av) auaday school, 10 a. av , . ' ; i ' COKORIOATI0BA1. 5 rirat Madlaoa aad Park atreeta; Re. B. U Kow. 1:30 a. aa., "Th Racer"; T: p. aa., "A One Handred ThooaaBd Dollar Ptlntlae"; anday araooU- It 15 p.. aa., C. O. Mlkle. ao parlateiideat: T. P. . C. K., 4ft p. av. Mra. I." C. LBrkey,' fmm 'Mloalooa.'Vi : lBlralty Park Acthtana' retnple. PartaaBoarav 11 a. bv, 'A nana I Meeting of the ABMrtcaa Board ef CoaaBilaalnnera for Poreura MiaakMaa and Work ef th Board the Past Xear" 8a day arbeel. 10 a. av . Haaaalo Street Kaat tatrth Street. - anrth. and liaaaalo; Rev. Charles K. Chaa. tp:M a. av. Re, loaatbaa Bdwarda ef Waehliunas; aaday sebool. IS aa.;, VarUtlaa Bndeavur Mtaataalpnt Araaa Be. W. . L.' Cpahaw. Aanaal Buaday school rally.. 10 a. av. Be. Vpabaw will deliver aa addreea; T. P. 8. C. 1.. : p. sv; 1:4 p. av, "The Oeeat ATtavsa- Hlrtilaad Comer Prearntt aad Bast Blxtb atreeta, anrth: Bev. Arden M. Rorkwood. '11 a. aa... "Prartlral Canoeeratloa" : T 43 p. -. "Why ' Ptd toe Prodlcal Batarar' Saaday athoel. in a. av ' anannyatde iTaat Taylor ana aaar lnn-ir-frwrtk street: Rev. J. J Btaah. 11 a. at.. "Tbe Love Which Paaaeth Kaowledse"! TOO p. av, "The Mas Wha Ceaata": Bnaday erheeW 10 a. Bv, . 8. C. Pie, aaperlatrndent : J i trior Chrletlaa Badeavo. p. a.. Mbm Rdltk Re, onperhitendeat: BenMr ChrtatlaB Badeaver, M p. av, Mlaa La are Moaner, leader,, ,. vvrrso xtaboxxioal.' ' "'.- - ' rirat Cbraee Baat Tenth aad shergian iTrWts: Be. A. A. Wrote. - II a. sa. aoa 1 JO XFTaCOPAi. - . Bheuherd S II wood atreet sad Tear). f aveaae, Alblna; Ra. Jobs Pawooa. Sua- artnwi, iw a. sv: aiornlBc ararer. 11 e eloek: oveaing praver. .') e'rlork. Bt. navta Twtirth and MelBMtit atmarat Bev. Oeorsa B. Van Water. ' II a rleeh. aaara- Ing pnyae aad eaiaMe; 1 M e'taach, vealog sa. aad T .30 a. bv. Id a. avi;.Jeaag av v aeeoad Tarsw aad Kerby streets; Be, t. Rwweraoz. it aa. sad T 48 p. av. prearbtnt; Baaday arbooi. in s. aa.; Jaolor Badoaier. p. aa : B. L. C. B . T p. av fVkioy nreee l:a p. B.. peeeHatag by Bee. B. U,fratt;,Saaday acneol. S.S0 p, av ' CbTBIBTIAjT. - Ceatral Baat Twaatleth aad Rauaoe Sareeta; Ra. 1. P. Okarailey. II a. av, "The Rlbl Net Beapenatble fo. raawoBtlaatleaalaiai'; T :4 I. sv, "Charrh federal koa": auaday arbool, it a. bv Janlor Baeeever. l.o p. av; Beater gadeavev. l aa a. av Bpetial aaaalav Adveat oeeead strati, betwaea Ball aad Llaeota: Bev. Ckarlea Baffendea. 11:80 s. sv. peaarhlac; 10:80 a. ., gaaday school; 1 p. av. praioa Baoetiag; 1 :au p. bv, preaeDiag. atrat 4'arner Park and CohaaiMa a tree Be. B. 8. Mnrkley. 10;9 a. aa.. "The Viatoe of tbe Invlelhle"; T:80p. at., How Ten Fooled araelr" IHnle arbool, IX it p. av; Carlatlaa BBdaavor, 8:80 p. av Woodliwa 11 a. av and T p. aa., BV. Me- Hattnr of California; Rondny or boot, HI a. aa.; unaiua BDoaaver, a:s p, av -. -' . ' ' ItmOBAB. V . ?frtrweirian 40 North Foiu teeatb street: Bev. 1. M. Kervlg. 11 a. av. praaehlng; Saaday erbnot. S:4B a. aa.: la. av, preaehlas. Morwetlea Brood Coraar Kaat Tenth and Grant etreets: O. Hasoee. ' It a. .. Re. T K. Dahl of. Llaeola, Nebraska, jrlU sreach( aervtce st 8 p. as. - 8t. James' Corner West Park and Jefferana atreeta; Re. J. A. Leaa. 11 a. at., pre eb Inc. Boaday arbool, 10 a. SV Lather etagae, T p. sv No evenlns aei les. Bethaala Danlah Corner rnloa areas aad Morrla street; Re. GndBaond UrIU. Its. in. aad 8 p. -, BreaehlBf; Buaday arbool, 1S:1S . -'I. ' ', , ..-.i 'vi.'.,'-".i atXTaTOOTBT, : ' - ' Trinity Kaat Team aad Uraaf atreeta; Be. Rarold Oberg. 11 a. av.-Bev. William B. Marshall of Mlaaeapolle; an evenlns eervlr; Bonday erhaol, 10 a. av; Kpwortk laarae, Fva-Baat Rlath and MID streets; Bev. J. Olea. 11 a. av, preaeblng. Flrat Third and Tayfcw atreeta. lA:8t a, sv, Pr. J. M. Kins ef Philadelphia: l: p. av. Dr. W. X. Marahall ef St. Panl: Buaday arbool. 1S:16 P. av: Kpworth ragne saeettnar, 8:88 p. av "port"! amatc by tbe rborua ehotr. Bpwnrth Tweaty-thlrd aad Irrug streets: Rev. Henry T. AtklnanB. 11 a. bv. Krarat Bine; as svaalng strvtcet Saaday arbool, 10 a, sv. . , t ' , ZTAVexLtOAX. AMOCIATIOjT. 7 Plead Basllab . Caraer Pet JtTt and Varket atreera; aiev. m. - mmm. ii mm., prrwrn tng; 8 p St., preaehlns: - Pxinday srhool. IS a. sv. A. Blttaw. anperlatrndent : Toans Pe pie's alliance. T p. nv. C. 8.. Bradford, loader. Memorial Kaat F.l(hteeath aad Olnha atreeta; Be. B. I. Btreyffeler. 11 a. av, "iwBk'Con traaed aad Foraivea"; T-.80 . av.' -laa C red I P end Puaaahed"; Beaday arbool, ' U a. at. I. P.. A i ka. 8:0 p. aa. Flrat Geraaaar Tenth aad Clay atreeta; Bev. Theodore Brhane. H:4ft s. av and T.4B p. m rieehlng; Buaday arbool. 8:30 a. avt T. P. A-, p. av . j- 'vr , - ' ' ,' ' , T. '.'C mC " ataroaaai theatre. : St.. sadee the naplrea -f T. M. C. A.. Cllstoa R. Howard of tbe International Beforna veetnea- bereaa. Waabhtrtaa. D. C. ea "Tea National Proa lean"t H. 8. Anya-Ooodwla. tmas slf;' VlU g. ..,-.. .,,. i 4 CATSOLIO.' ' Rt. Lawreaee Third sad SWraaan " atreeta; Be, f. G. Hashea. Maaaas f aad 8 e. av hlb aaaaa, 10 so a. sv;. veapars ssd .saaedle tk. f p. av . 8t. Pet-ark's Corner Wliiataasth sad Ravlae atreeta; a)a. B. P. hfarnhy. Maaaee S sad 10 ao a. sv: reaper sad baMdktlaav 1M P- bv ''-.'. . XTARBZXIC AL. '-.''' rltrd CSratar Jaba aad Itaahas atreeta. at. eehaa Be. B,,. B. M Ticker, U a. av, "Tbe Leasts Gaining Wtadoat la 81a"; 1:U p. ., "Jke, Coaeepttoa f- Bapeataae" fcnday school, lo at.? nnlor LLC. ., S:S0 p. av; Beaaor K. L CL B d as p. av !. TBTFXXBAUBT. ", Pint Kaat Elgba sad Bast Coach .treats TW' ? sv, tba Beaefleeat Mlaslea ef Bkeptletom"; f :4S p. av, "Where aiaa vaate areas"; it a. av, Buaday " " gpiBiTTALirra. V .r Flrt Artisans' hall. Thhd Waablnarton. 11 av- ooaf a-aA - Teang Penple- Moslral and Draatatle dub; 8 - -; - t VBTTABIAB. - Flrat TaaahllT and Sevaatb arreerar W. 1. S; ViT" L . 11 "BehgioB vs. World j Bnoday .arbool. Jl aa p.. av 4 " BL B. OSnTBOH BOOTH. FTfstlTlMj neeoad, street.. Foresters', kail; Rev. R. HMowr. 11 a. at. aad 8 a at.. seeavhing; Sunday arbool, 10 4. sv; Rpwnrth hw, p. avi raarra aouirreaee, ix:ia p. ... .. . - , . . , t i .. . CKBISTIAir BcnaTTIBT. . Seeoud An4ilorlnai building. Third, betwaea Taylor and Salmon streets. 11 s. sa. sad 8 ta... -iBreaiiiy--; Buaoay Braoet. ll reading .aoaats.t, '- "-' - anBCaXIABZOUB. Chrtatias CathalVe Church of , lloa AlHky building, Mnrriaoa street near Third; Be. id, rare a. Hoy, p. aa., Bible etudr: S p. aa., "Wltaaaatng far Cod"; T:Sw p. av, ''Tbe Dig alty t True labor." Olive Braarb Uoapel Mlaanoa First near Clay street. arvarae avtry awning aad Buaday St a ana r :w p. nv . , MllleauUI Oawa O. A. B. hall. Reread aad Montana atreeta. Malkey bulldtaa 1 10 a. "The Death end Beaarractaaa ef the Maa Chrtat.! Chraatlaa aad Mbnaotiarv Alllaaee Wrth aad ala atrreta; Re, r. U. Bawtell. 10 0 a.- nv and Tito p, Bt., "Christ la the Tabernacle"; Bandar srhonL S-tl a. nv ! Chrtotlaa. Social lata HIS Beeeed Street S s. St.. Re. 1 . W. Wells aa "What Weald Sneiallaat Do With the Crlpplea. the BUad aad the llelpleeay Flrat . Rib Sptrrtual Bneaaty A. O. V. W. hall. Buias-Rlrerh balldlaa. 8 p. av. lecture, followed .with- spirit aaraeagve by Mrs, Ladd Flnaaraa. " ' " Theoaophlral Borlrfy lernre aa "Set Una" la AlUky haU No. 800. 8 p. sv Bwedennorslaa Beeeptloa ball, Utod Mnlke bulldlns. Beraad aad Morrlaoa srraata.. 1U ao a. av. Kev. R Irani Troaaia of Boetoa. Baorranlaed tHureh af Jeana Cartel ar Latter- Day Bolnte Woodward ball. MeatavMle. 11 a as., aad 8 p. av, praacalBg; Saaday aahiat, 10 a. av ' TELL YOUR FRIENDS Aaemt Tery Xrsw atea TVs Simthsra Vaatta few reatoaad zvay. Saturday, Beptambef 18, Is Portland day at the fair. Tell your frfe'. to meet you at. the exposition. Ye - I rata 18-day tlrbets via Boathsra . on sale September tl and 18, j CANADIAN MONEY COCO "A3 CCLT. ific Sea Sifc ": "7'.'' vj;. (Genuine Salt of tht Sea) ' ' " Brings all the exhilaration iand delight of turf ta.thir.-j to ?our own home. Made by evaporation of the waters ofCa 'aciSo- contains no injurious alkaline or other impcrica. : Sold in- :.;,-.. . h-Wf-h ;v; v. ? Stnalt Sfocha l&c ' '. i 6'lb. Boxes -'; a : .'a ;';'. e . 23c v-r : S: : 2-5. Boxes t:: . 0c:! . 4 1 I UJ A A AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION and y r A POUND OF CURE IN Our"Woodlarh" Vapor. Bath '" f-m tef MAd . Improves the CIRCULATION. tones up the NERVES and DI- GESTIVE SYSTEM. The Ration- : ' - al treatment and cure for RHEU MATISM, OBESITY, MALARIA. COLDS. CATARRH, SCIATICA and other neuralgic affections. A Turkuh. Russian or Electric bath always ready at a cost of 3 cents. Price $4, $5, 7.50, $12.50 And they're worth the money. - U-ar-das Luxury A liquid face powder- the most delightful and refreshing ef all toilet requisites gives the tint of health and the glow of ' ' ';.... ' :. youth..' ',;". v.;;.;..;' ASK FOR A FREE SAMPLE 50c bottle A Lactometer .Will show you whether you are buying pure" or diluted milk ; it's worth while to know for many reasons chiefly your .health or your baby's.. --c -j.yz.f ;.d't,jTf " Prtc SOc-eaciiWMc ' -'- .....j! -'; :- '.r.:.- If our .Tree Auto Delivery": makes -your: shopping easier t:U use it that's what it't here for.: -1 :; 1700DARD, CLMKE & CO. ECONOMY CORNER FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS FALL im WTtr: V '; ; '.''"''' - r '.. ', !'.-"' f -f -::. Ce4ll that's new, fasHionabb v : and pleasing: j in :". fine I 'Fcr eign andippme for gentlenSen's garinenta to b order. - , ,, ? - j ''"-a 4 i- FIT, FABHIC AT 'D Kuilj ,.' , . ' y j, ' . ,' ' , ' !. v-- '. y-it . ..; ... . Equally; rLargest variety of thifltii" r.f-' that's new ;we ( Satisfaction guaranteed in all case. Qanntnta to order in a day if faqulrad. -J ' - ' ,. I - . . ' ' ...'.'' r 1C3 t