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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1905)
uU.lil tiUlJllLli CIj Warefcrutj; Thct V":i Rs . place Curr.ii Curtur .. .,' ' " . ; 'v ELEVATED DOCK I3 '""T T ALSO BEING HURRIED ' Until These Big Structures Are Com- V pleted There WW Be Scarcity of f- Dock Room That WIU: Hinder Traffic ::' V;;;ftv - "Work on ths new dock which It being built by the Oregon. Railroad Navl- getlon company on the sits c ths Al Iblna wharf recently destroyed ' by fire "4s being rushed. . Officials ot the cora . panr wr that ST part of the etruoture -will -be ready to receive freight early nexMnonth. The Aragonla la due the middle of October and If aU goes weU It ' la the Intention. to discharge her. cargo t the new dock. . Its dlmenalon will be almost twice that of the old warehoaae and there la ome talk of extending It to the Mont , goroery dock. If this plan la carried ' oat It will be the largeat grain dock ,1a the harbor. Work on the elevator deck la also progreaatng rapidly and will be ready to as before tne wneat , 'i shipping aeaaon baa advanced very far. Blnce tries two docka were deatroyed . the facilities for taking care of grain Shipments have Pn limited. Although " the season haa hot much more thaa . : : started the various docka are becoming crowded with freight. -Gooda sent hers from, the eastern states for reshlpmsnt to the orient take up much' valuable ; ( space. If they bad to remain here very long It Impossible ,ts find V warehouse apace for them, but usually this class of. freight Is shipped out on 'the first steamer that leaves for the , far east; ,. -' ' -., - . ' But in ease of the grata arriving at tidewater which will be sent to Europe . the plan ol reshlpplng It at ones can . aot be carried out. - The exporters either Thave to wait until they dispose of a cargo,' or dispatch It with the expecta tion of selling the grain before It ;. reaches the European markets. Usually ne iormer pjan is aanerea to. (jonse . quently a big quantity of wheat haa to '. be stored here f or an Jndeflnlta-lengtA r rime, and dock spaos is valuable. ; r BOAT TO LEVVI3T0N. SConntaln ftem Will ply rtosa Idaho to v Portags Stead Whom Ssalaa Begin. Y . Captain Gray, master of the steamer "Mountain Gem, la la the city from Rlparla to employ a mate for the ves sel. Just ss soon aa the Snake river -rises a few Inches, he Bays, the steamer win be .placed In regular oommlsaton between Lewlaton and the portage roai. ase la now tying at Klparla, "The Snake is at a lower staare thaa It hap been for years," declares the skip per. : "During the recent 'rains H rose about three Inches, but a couple of days later it again dropped back to the M water mark. Aa soon as the rains In the fall ast in, there Is no doubt' that there wll be all the water we will need." - Captain Gray says the Mountain Gem will be able to make the round trip, of . mues between Mwieton and the portage road In four days, Curing the summer months he states that M would be possible to complete the passers both ways In three days, a the boat woull be kept running 24 hours a dajr.t But In the winter he believes that this would be too venturesome aa undertaking, and the, steamer will lie at anchor during the night. , .... ' Aside from carrying, wheat and ether yreignt along the line, captain Gray Is or the "opinion that' a good paaesngor traffic can bo built up. particularly on I TELEGRAPH GROUNDS, aUsgs U as Baa a Maath ef WOlesa- ette aad Pulled Off by Bailey stotaart. "'Owing to the T.eavV tog'en'tho rlvar this morning the steamer Telegraph. a route to Astoria, got oat of the channel and went aground near the mouth ot the Willamette river. , She lay there for about , an hour and a. half whan the Bailey Gataert happened along . and pulled her into deep water. The craft waa not Injured' and proceeded on her way. She left Portland at 7:10 and at that time the fog was thick. The Gatsert sailed an hour later. Captain U. B. - Scott, - owner of the Telegraph, announced this morning that he Intends to keep ber In regular oommlsaton this fall and winter on the Portland-Astoria route. .When the fair enda the schedule will '- be - slightly ehanged and the eteasaer mUl snake a number of way landings, although she will com piste the round trip every day. During the past week she has been car rying about too passengers dally. ' 5 "fr . " :.MMMpM-m- - ..... STEAMER,- HARRISON , 10ST. 'i,.;?;i"-" - ;;.?' S-oe Aground ea 'Alsea Bar and Will V ?: JTsasabl 9 eal waeek, : .v ir. t BBedal iHspateb s The'JearaaL)' ' I''' Toledo, Or., Sept. J. The steamer W. H. Harrison went aground en the bar at the entranoe ot Alsea bay last night snd It Is believed eha will be a total wreck. KThe - steamer belongs to the Elmore Packing oompany of Astoria. She Is of tons net register. 12 feet loag, 10 feet wide and e.g. feet deep. The craft waa built at Alsea, Oregon, in 111. ' f handling 1(0 tona of wheat UNION MAY STAY HERE. . frartlaad ltaa Wishes to Bay Vastest ...... v....v KaasMk. la the World. (V i' : : IwaavtaIll.lISlirl T"ertland man will own the gasoline ' Jaunch Union, which was sent here from - Ban rranciaco a couple bf m oaths aau A local mariner has an option on the ' boat '" - -' . t , -'. . The TJnlon is said to be the fastest . . gasoline launch in the world. Shs has beaten every yessel In ber claaa on ths - river and has outdistanced nearly all of tne larger veaseis wita ths exception of " the steamer Telegraph. In a recent race . with the latter, it is said that honors wars about even, It Is held. that she can make about 21 miles an hour under favorable conditions. . In the last num "'ber -of the Marine Record, published at Cleveland, Ohio, appears a long deacrip : tlvs wrlteup of the Union. It Is held ' that she Is equipped with mora powerful engines thsn any boat of her dliaeaalons in the United Statea The boat was hauled out on the ways : of ths Supple shipyards yesterday after boon to have her propeller stralchtenad. Ths launch White Flyer waa also at ths yards ror a similar purpose, XZ COOS BAY FRUIT. : Perpsatlae Yege tables. Whatever They - Are, Jtseelved em the Alliance. Cranberries! serpentine vegetable cheese, green peaa and a large quantity Of other produce were brought from the , Ceoe Bay country on the steamer Alll sacs, which reached port this morning. 9tie cargo was mads up of a bigger as vaortmsnt of goods than has been seen ' . here for many months past The major portion of the shipment will , be placed il II 1 1 C-w UIJ 'sti 31 lIorfheBaby . The adTusublUty of Mstlln'e Food is - ene of its food points. MeUin'e Food .. eaa be adjusted and is suitable to the aeeds of the youngest infant aa well as children ff the more advanced ere. It only takes a minute to pre t pare it aa there la no cooking nee tssairr: 8end for a free eampla."7" tret11as Feed Is the s)LT tafaaie feed, which tceived the Craad Prtse, the alakerteward ef the Leltaaa rr- saeee asee"es leaie, im, .. aug et thaa a ai stedal. r , r-t-i,KA:3i t Li t' C- i ;-.-.. -v i at tue tir. . . 1 , The cranberries . are . ths first ever brought here from Coos Bay and are consigned to local merchants. The eon algnment . la made1 up of 109 boxea Heretofore this fruit produced in that section haa been marketed In San Fran cisco. ' As tvey are tvs first received In Porv.Md It ts said tiey wll' command fancy prioes. Tbs serpentine Vegetables ere new product, aad no or around ths , dock appears to know lor what purr s they are supposed to be used. In color they resemble a cucumber,, but they grew. on a.vle.j8'"ed ua Ilka a snake; bence tne name, w nen sireioneo out the larger-slied ones are about two feet In length. The . bananas are not full matured, but will be placed on ex hibition at the fair 'to show what the soil of ths Cooa Bay country Is capable of proecUe. - Mies Ida parable of llarshfleld was a passenger 'on the Alliance and will at tend the fair for a fortnight at the expense of Captain T. D. Holland, who runs a fleet of launches between Marsh Said and North Bend. In a voting con. test conducted by ths ewnsr of the launch line. Miss Gamble wen the honor ot being the most popular young lady In the art of Oreaoar Today, will be her initial visit at the fair grounds. .The steamer brought a-full Hat ot passengera Captain Hardwlck reports having experienced fair weather off the eoaat-and uotmag omw w onrrsd. v . .? - .- ' :',-. '? - TWd BOATS COLUDE. '5 Telesboae aad Sarah Hxoa Beeonvs B- taagled ta Vest Chls Mataing. . While backing out from the Oak etreat dock thla morning the steamer Talanhona collided with - the i Sarah Dlaon. which had Juat swung out into thS stream from the root or wasnrog ton street erashlnsr In ths : forward houss of the latter craft andbreaklng a part of her ratling and guards. The Telephone escaped unoamagea ana pro ceeded on her war to Caacads Locks. The damage to the Trtxon will .probably amount ta ISO AT 1100. " ' it It was foggy at the time of the ae cldent aad ths Swedish ship ciaa Kao Farlaas waa lying lust forward of the Telephone. Captain Baughman, master of the steamer, was keeping a close eye orS the big square-rigger in order to get clear, of her and is aera aia boi notice the Dixon, which was maneuver Ing near his stern. m - . This makes, the third trip of the Tele phone to Cascade Locks as an excursion boat and twice she has ran afoul of something. - Today she err led j more MWUi .Iff AEONU I Hb WA I LHI-R0NT71 Thle , afternoon the ' British aaric Thistle, Captain England, will eomplet4 aer- lumber cargo ror Fort Fine. Aus tralia. Shs will have on board tnore than 2.000.000 feet. . -f . f , r. . OstV "Ow0ewer' 1 fc- wrtflaflMMK steMMttOl jy 1 erated by the Pacific Coast Steamship eompaay, la scheduled to sail from Seat tie for Noma She wlU be the last boat to go to the northern gold camp this year., ' .... i ...... . , Six thousand cases of salmon, ths last shipment froirMhe cannery at War rendale. arrived last night on ' ths steamer- Albany." - t-t-v- In a week or IS days the government dipper dredge No. S will be placed at work clearing out the entrances to ths Cascade locks. THe dredge-will com plete operations on ths upper Wll lam etta In a few daya She la now m cloved at Simon's bar. 19 miles aa this hide of Salem. David B. Ogden. as sistant United States engineer. retuVned from there last night and aaya aha Is making good progress.. - : -Stevedores who sre discharging the cargo or the Swedish ship Clan Mac Farlane at the foot of Pine street have been obliged to put up signs on ths ves sel - warning visitors to keep ashore. It le eald that so many easterners were going oa board that they got. In the way or tne longsnoremen ana delayed the nnlpadlng operations. The Pad Bo Export Lumber. ompany reports, that ths British steamship Volga will arrive from the orient about Octo ber lof she Is under charter to trans port dumber to Chins. The British bark Vanduara. 1.111 tons, has been chartered to load grain at Portland for tha United .Kingdom; she Is now at Acapuico.. MARINE NOTES Astoria, Sept' IS. Called at T:4 a. An stesmer Csartna for San Francisco; sailed at S a.'m.; schooner Marconi for Saa Francisco ; arrived at 11 .a. m., steamer Redondo from Ban Francisco. Astoria, Sept SI. Arrived. at 1:20 p. m., schooner Nokomls from Ban Tedro; arrived at and left op at 4:19 p. mw steamer Alliance from Cooa Bay and Eu reka: sailed at. K p. ra.. British bark Drumcraig for Manila; 'sailed atC:9l p. . m... German steamer Nunvaatla- for Hongkong and way porta San Pedro, Sept SI. Sailed barken tine Katie Fllcklnger for Portland. Baa Franclftooi sept SS. Sailed bark- ntlne Chehalle for Portland;, sailed at t p. nt4 stesmer orace Pallav for Port land. ' i'-iJ,.. r , .. .. .:. Astoria, Sept St. Condition of the bar at a. m stnooth; light seat wind; wsathsr cloudy. - r, . i ,, .,'.-, . ,Tini BowmTBisphoaa Oosapaa. - Ueernal Special Barm.) Chehalle, Wash., Sept SI. The sftT council at Its last meeting refused te grant tne rranchiBe applied for by the Pacific States Telephone A Telegwoh company on the. ground of unsatisfac tory service rendered In the - neat , A redeetlea ef rates te demanded. ' " ;.EDiIy C: Veri!!2de - The average man Is a doubter. This Is not surprising the publle have been humbugged bo frequently they are skeo- tlcalJ . Prnnf flke?.. tho' f ollowinS Will sund lnvestlgatiaa. It cannot be dis puted: . , , ' ... -A. I Mansy, gripman on the Portland Hele-hta cable lfna. realdlner at B5t Elm street says: "Dean's Kidney Pills dis posed of an acute attaclr-of backache In a very short time. Last fall I was operating on ona of the electrio lines and It was than that I, first .lei the symptoms of luuney complaint. At first I thought It waa caused by the constant Jarring ot tha car, and perhaps It was, but I know that one box of Loan's Kid ney Pills effectually cured me of my backache fn a moat radical manner. My advice to all 4who suffer from backache or kidney trouble' Is to procure Loan's Kidney euia ana give uwd a trial." ' - - For Wis by all dealers, Prjosj 10 eagts. Foster-MUburn Co.,- Bunaio, Wr agents tor the United States. . Remember the name DO AN" 8 and take no other. - C R I E P ISGu VEfJ ED AFTER. DEATH federal Court Holds That Prop a rty lift by Dead Man Waa i, Obtained by Forgery, WOMAN LOSES ESTATE" v 1 LEFT .TO HER IN WILL ..'if. Judge Hunt Orders Butte Property Deeded ty W. Hi Winterg'to Lfl- i lian 'A.; Sweeney Restored .to Its ' . Real Owners. ' ') l'..''r, '-AJ"- ' v (Special Olspatrh to The JearaaL) Helena, Moat, - Bept . 2h Holding that W. H. Winters had eommltted wil ful . and deliberate forgeries, whereby he obtained tha possession of several valuable lota -in Butte, ; Judge W. H. Hunt in ths United States court holds that the petition of the oomplainaata In the equity case of William Wtntara and Liasle Winters at Spokane. Wash taffrton. against A.-T. Morgan, admin istrator of ths estate of W. H. Winters of Butts. , Lillian - A. Sweeney at al. should be granted, and he therefore" de clares title to the property vested In them aa well as other real estate, title. to which waa else forged by. tha dead man.' 'Judge Hunt ts Is Portland hearing the timber fraud .eases, aia oscinoa having been received here by. express today. If W. H. Winters waa formerly auditor of ' Silver Bow county aad a prominent citlsen of Butte, It also ds valopsd that a deed had bean tiled eon- veytng the property to W.'H. WfcUra, aa well as A mortgage thereon executed by him In favor of LlUlarAA. Sweeney for 15.600. The other . dei Jndante, had .supplied aim wif maieriets sss ' In constructing the building andYtbetr claims were duly presented. Judge Hunt holds that W. H. Winters had forged the name et his brother aad of hia sister-la-liw ta tha Instrument purporting to be warranty deeds for the property. Hs also finds that no such persona existed aa tha -witnesses a the Instruments. He says that he ballevea that the- dead man forged these names too, -. ' ' Therefore there ehould doubt aays ths opinion. a to the right of the complainants to have relief through a restoration of their property. For Lfl lian A. Sweeney- he expresses regret saying' that' aha 'must suffer hardship through no, fault or oer own. MORE PEOPLE KILLED BY EARTHQUAKES IN CALABRIA (joifrBSl gpedal Service. 1 ' Rome. Sept St. Earthquake shocks continue 'In Calabria. At Amantea two women were killed. At Ajello IS per sons were injured by falling walla At Bruso a church fell, end falling ruins at Cosena aad other cities recently par tlally desroyed Injured many. A aloud- burst at Ban drowned six. At Portico, near Maples, a cloudburst flooded the town with blocks of lava from Vesuvius. In SIS towns and villages the dead num ber ft and the Injured S.OSt. , The Sohaaea Plana ' Has successfully passed the most se vere critical test by the highest mu sical talent In the world.. Sold at 119 Aider street ':.. .,'. t'earaal. Special Servlee.) Seoul, Korea, Sept SS. Miss Alloa Roosevelt waa the guest yesterday of Prince TV the emperore cousin, at a garden fete given In her honor at the Eaat palace. CHANCE OF TIME ,'.,... FatT tTSAXSX , k -, . Chas.' R. Spencer ttsiaahic Voadey. stMtwbar 11, will Te her dork, fnot ef WaeblD(oa street si T a. ., for The DaBee asd wsy petnta, aa Wee air. WeSaeed aad slaa. Ke. leave The DelltS ea Toesdey, amw eae Btraraey at T a. at, lor tnralns fertUad aad way solats. , - j ON SVNDAY ' - The SpeBree win Bike the mend trta te Caeeede Loch, leavlnc foot el WMhlaatna tret at 9 a. aa., arrlrtag aoaw at s. av Rcsacl Trip $1.00 tea - -ths WejahtaBmrBwalaMa. Pake, rorke. lwl(, renyoea, gortee, wi rtilla (MaltitoBih. S40 teit), aroTee sad nreeta tnm the Oerke ef this the flit BteeBbeai pljlag the waters et these rleeie. Telepheae Mils I42S. s. w. tmott, -' Oeaerat Viaafer. rartUad. Oregea. ... 1 ' n i ' .. , a y - ;- ,-, i ' vf'j aj v en lues Roll the WorldTOver v. ' ' ' "' ' - J" '' C.I Carriages : .'.; . .:HiV. '? " Harness Wasons c 3 . ... . .. . u Studebaher Bros. Co. , Northwest S -: Portland, Oregon ; Repository 330336 East norrhonZU I- -t Lmmla mtut Clark Diilmg : Trmt00rtmttm Building v--1-'-- -vv ' ''v' -V--.!.;::',.-i il ...... . i . w s a , ssBBav www m m m m mm aam in .ii i i x ii, ii ',.Liii'' j i i r 5 -- ... Sir M . - - '-. ''L'."V.', 'v: 'v :-:.:'S .4- To Fair-Poftlaod Day SATURDAY, Lemis and I city of the t '' i i, ' RWPTKMnTTW M la "SWrlmA riiw a etU '; "w" j-7jy. w , j mj . .v :j t , . ,'. . , Clark BlaposWoii.-TelJ your frietult outside tht fh, 3 '. PF ?!t ; t u city of the very low rttura trip ten-day tickets oa sale by the O. R- AN. aUptwW t snd &pcVtvtTitSikvU&-pi- Mred for ths esttvtaliiment of alL Ealov a daV Tuttinar the TniL"- ' Particulars about rates by Mkinsj any 6. R. ft N. agent or by. ' 'P- T "' Let's make It 4 1 100,000 people that dayl . ; . .. - ' .r Qeneral Passenger Ajcnt, PcrtUni, Qrrea : - ; - I. - -l ' mm mn m warkk ; i HhrJWaLe v A 1 A CvTiT wn.;ZTI '5 I lew 7S smA. . I 1 :p:-r:-:-:- , f JsBssBaSBSSBBwaBBM I CUTS THX PUSL JOL ITI HALF It burns Hard , Coal, Soft Coal, Llenite, Corn Cobs or Wood. . It will fare (2S in an ordinary winter's fuel bill,. We sell It under a positive guarantee. It is the stove for the jjnan of slender income because of its economy, and It saves money for the rich as well as for the poor -..-'Y'- It Is Sdontilic and Airtight inXon- Speelsl esle ef Garden Usee sad LemrUetvwe. 'Y struction Througco at Cloeitig est prices on Glassware sad . Diahes. T It makes 15 worth of fuel give as much heat as $10 worth In the ordinary stove. This is a big claim, but if you will call at our store we will demonstrate Jts truth. , Hadn't you ought to investigate such- a-atatement as this?. , : - Ejad Tools and Ctrtlcry and Tlmaara at lowest prices. Odd Fellows First and iiotCOTDiEosor Telephoae Maifl tj8s Tlic UztZ ware Itlc: b-4 a.'T. r. Is whit they sey et ear sseegB el e I 1 I ' ' r - Sratal work. We Be were B peeele tri (1 1 w af tha altv -allele rnU e.e II ' " M KerrUlag ea te e ftjia WISE BHOS.. Dcr-tlxtJ .Tie Taot-e, eae. XSrS sad Wm a. In I C . JL r v. a. - "