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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1905)
TITS, OnZCCIT DAILY' i'JO vvaT' .TTT"A VV SATURDAY EVZNKJO,' SEPTEMBER S3, ; 1CC3. -.' :is ;.::,Diu,'.;; si TIIE.IOP I , -Ortt : tWoriK Thin Portland XIH , Take First Place In Contest for Trip; to Hawaii. A- . fMISS KATIE NASH OF W. i-tCivU crande:a:leader , Jlow ths, Vot guilds ; in - the . Va A rious Districts Each of Which WU1 Vj Send ay. Young . Woman 1 as The Journal's Guest. - A Is Th Journal's Hawaiian tri'p.eon itest there la a new ' ls&dor In the first district today. ' Miss Sal lis Madlgan of -Olda. Wortman . Kins' . store, ha a, ' -.attar quits a. struggle, -captured the , coveted firet position. Mlaa ' Madlsan today haa-15,410 votes' to her cradlt and ' v ; " vAA V ; j: : A A A,, 'A A s -1 AAA.MA.'A ': ;i.v:f.v Miss Laura"Cramor. - 1 har friend a dsctar ,they, will .endeavor .- to keep hea-ln the lead antll. tha conteat cloeee. The friends of Mlaa- Mamie 8. Phillips, deputy, ci$f ot ,' tha ctrcult .court, however,' are working hard and ; Mlaa Phillips la second with I7..81 .votes. Mlaa Sadie Wlntermantl takes i third place with 16.671 votea. and Mlaa '.Lura Baty cornea fourth with 13.121 '" votes to her credit, while Miss Qretchen 'Kurth takea fifth' place with 20.007 V votes. Miss' Ruth' Lm takes sixth -"-.pise. Mlaa "Henrietta Winglsman takes seventh and Mlaa Beea Bharop eighth. Following her very close are tha Mlsaea Edith Bern; Sophia " Olson. ' Margaret .-' -Smith. Laura Derbyshire, Lucy Gould ' and AJvena Horn. ' These aahdldatss are 'very .close together and a couple of i jraara' subscriptions would place any rona eighth place. The voting In the dis trict has been very heavy during the " "past two daya. In tha aeeond dlatrlct MUa Katie Nash of U Orsnde leada with IMS ' -votea to her credit, and following her la ; JMiaa. Agnes .Fletcher..' who haa . 14.40 r-votea,I thehlrd dlstrtrt Mlsa- BmlHe JUallea. still leads wit 17.014 vofea to her credit, while Miss Y.ucnie"C$aTe' fa Second "wltn K.SOI votea Mlea Stella Richardson of Hood River, who has- le.245 -votea, la Ihlrd., The voting In this district haa beea veryrf heavy. In the fourth dlatrlct Mlaa Clara Swain of Burns retains first place with 11,634 votea and following her very closely IcUlw Hat tie: Barton of .Baker City with ,11.01 , votta. , , . . Mlsa Amelia WlUlams of . Kelso leads tha fifth district with 11.711 Votes to her credit and Mlsa Katharine Gore Uf second- -wKh '12.ST4 votes. In district No. f Miss Madge Battee "of Eugene heada v tha - list with 1,23 votes snd Miss Lucy Moreoni of Woodbura la aee ond with 11.11 .votea. Mlas Effie Stewart takes, third place wlth-ll,J4 votea and Mlas Llasle Veatch follows with 10.401 votes. . . In the aeventh dlatrlct Mlaa Bertha Courtemancha of . McMlnnvllle leads with 18.4 votss and Mlaa Hasel Ken nedy la seoond with 11,17 votea. Mlaa Cora Bpangla of Dayton la third with 10.311 votea. . In the eight dlatrlct Mlas Edna Parsley of Roeeburg leada." She ha to.'hfr credit. 17,140 votea. Mlaa Dais , Harmon takes second place' and Mlaa Louisa T. Jones" Is third. . In the Jl rat dlatrlct a new candidate waa nominated today." She is Mlas Oor gU Mink, 11 Burnslde street Miss Mink starts In the contest with 1.000 votes to . her: credit .and comes . very highly recommended. ; '-, - I- ', BAND CONCERTS AT " THE FAIR TOMORROW Ellery's band will plar 4he followtng concerta at the fair Sunday:. . , Afternoon March,' "Symphonic'. (Or lando) ; overture, ' "Der . rrelschusts" (Von. Weber); trombone solo, 'Cujus Aniraam." from 'aubat Mater" (Ros sini). Big. Lomontet melody In T. "Para phraes (Rublnateln): "Meflatofele grand fantasia (Bolto)i "march, "Cleo- patra" xManclnellt); waits. "Queen ot the West' Ferullo), dedicated, by sp- clal perihlailon 'to his honor Mayor Ju lius Klsisobmann of Cincinnati "Ma surka da Concert" (Pepe); ballet music, "Excelsior" (Marengo), the story ot civilisation told In dance, pantomime and at age effects, :. Erenlng-March, Coronation (Mey erbeer); prelude,. "Parsifal" (Wagner); Ave Maria" (Baeh-Oounod); trumpet MlolaPalmaiQboaQbHaatq1'lSla;. Rahp, pianoaccompanlroent by, Mr. El lery, organ eltecta by aaxaphonea, clar onea and French horne; "Largo." ' (Haa- del); "Hymn to the Bun." from "Iris" (Maacagnl),' ntgnt, dawn, awakening of tha flowera, sunrise, hymn of the wor ships; "Pilgrims' Chorus." from "Tann haueer" (Wagner); prelude, "Resurreo- tlon of Lasarua" (Perosl), for reed In struments only (first (ima In Portland); euphonium solo, "The Palma" (Faure), Big. Rlao; celebrated "Organ Offertory" (Batiata). - :? . - - - .v:'.. .-. .' . ; . yopalaa FrUea Toalgh. The desire that all shall have tha privilege of hearing William C Carl, one of the greatest of living organists. this evening at the First Presbyterian church, has Induced tha management te reduce- the prtoe or admission to 60 cents. Mr. Carl la one of the foremoat art lets now before the public and haa played to Immense audiences In every part of .tha civilised world , end -this op portunity tw hear this recognised .master of thta king of. tnstrumsnts should not be' missed. Mr. Carl's ; concert ln this city laat night added much to tha popu larlty which ha already enjoya "on the Pacific 'coaat. He ' leavea Immediately. after completing his . engagement In Portland for New Tork. where be takea up hta work aa director of tha Quilmant Organ achool. and .as organist , at the old First Presbyterian : church-: there. Mr. Carl will be aaslated In "the 'recital this evening by William Wallace Qra ham, , everywhere .reoognlsed as one of the finest violinists on tha coaat" - M' '. T1'. I 'I-;'" , ' 'V;" ' t; !""' Oeateaary Saaaay Soaaat . . . GaiU anatr4tE. -Sunday- achool will hold Ha regular aessloh at 13:1 1 p. m. tomorrow. Arrangementa are . being made for the annual rally to be held Sunday," October. 1, and . to be followed by a grand rally social Monday even Jng. October 3. ' . I vfi IllffliilfiS SfJ TO DE BUSY Two Chinese - Women ; of Rank Missing With Children and ' J . Outlaws Are Blamed. ' ! ' POLICE CAN SECURE , . . , iSj. NO ClUE,OF EITHER Residents of - Oriental Quarter Say "Hatchet Men" Hare Recently '.Been Active and Murder Is Sus pected. ?. ;- , 'Two women, one the wife of a' phy sician and tha othsr ths- wlfs of a wealthy merchant of Astoria, have dis appeared from Chinatown - under mfo terlooa circumstances, aad 'foul play Is feared, l With the -women are cone two little children. The police have been searching tha Chlneae quarter and have communicated with tha autborltlee ot other coaat cities," but though almoat a Week has -elapsed since the women were missed no clue haa been obtained to their whereabouta. . . Accompanied by her ( daughter. Sung Ong, aged 7 years, Qin Oow, the wife ot Lun Dong, a wealthy Aatorla merchant, came to Portland about two weeks age to see ths fair. She stayed with friends In Chinatown and made several trips to tha fslr grounds. Laat Sunday avening she took her daughter and went for a walk; alnce that time nothing haa beea beard of her. Her disappearance was reported at police headquarters Tues day. - i ' I - ' :-' At the time of "her atssrrwaTaner -otn Oow-tjad jewelry .Worth. 50 with her. Part of tha jewelry aha wore, while the remainder was carried 'In a sack slang around her neck beneath, her eletMng. The husband of tha woman arrived In Portland yesterday and haa endeavored to aaalat hla rrlenda and tha police in tha search. ' Hla theory la that the woman baa either been kidnaped or that she has been robbed of her jewels and murdered. The police express tha opinion that the woman may have voluntarily taken the Jewelry and left the city with her child, either, alone or In the - compaay of one of her countrymen. Dong refuses to give thla theory credit The Chinese assert that the quarter of the city in habited by them haa lately been Infeated by a number of hlghblndera, having murder, robbery and blackmail aa their npjecu J Mrs. Kung Wing, tha wife of a well known Chinese . physician,' disappeared Saturday night with her little glrL She wore large diamonds-In her ears and had a small amount of money when aha left her house, she -sometimes wore Chinese costume and sometimes Ameri can. Wing haa Informed the police that he believes tha woman is the victim of hlghblndera . 'FRISCO REPUBLICANS . : y NOMINATE PARTRIDGE ' (Jeeraal Bneelal Bii'ilge.l ' - Saa Franblaea, Sept. It. The Repub-' lloani municipal convention'- laat' night carried out the fusion program wlth 'the Democrats by nominating John H. Part- Tldge,. -deputy city attorney, for mayor. The convention then' adjourned- until to night, when tha rest of ths ticket will be named. - The'Ruef delegatee " voted agalnat Partridge but d'd aot bolt the convention. The Democrats hold their convention tonlght?t- - -'",: I ': t V y Constipated 7 , ; There arf? tn tpiyt opn to yon. - A V'- ' r :: . , , op with the daily, pill poison and grow A V ..-j- I i:...!.'. daily worse, or - - ' I j Clb " ;-;,;; V ' V ; Rrtitout, get to the catise of the evil; cure it, be healthy. 1 :? , ;-vf ';"ii V.; . To da this take ':' . . . ; " V " -. ' ij.'V 1'..,!,'. ( " r.""' j ''' . Coiiistijpation - ; 4 V Tablets; ., h : y- &itt-yym' thosb who wpw)- ' ' " . . ' w4r torn, fits rssrvcrsr. A, fii-' ,' , . 25. Cents , jr; V . ' X X ' CBASB MFG. Cft,7V, SV " ' ." ' y -"' lIet ,-ri;i .::: , m mm IF County Bar' Holde Service Thla Afternoon Resolutions of Re .' spect and Condolence, A Members of the Multnomah county bar mat at 1 o'clock this sfternoon In department Ko. 1 of the circuit court In honor of -the memory of the late Judge Dell Stuart, who died In this city July 1, It 01.. William D. Fenton told of Judge Stuart's high atandlng la tha community, ot hie many good works and of the kindly feeling In which he waa held 'by the members of ths local bar. Other attorneys spoke along the asms llnea. :'i . .. Some weeke ago William D. Fenton, Frank S. Qrant, Governor George EL Chamberlain, Thomas CDay and Wil liam Foley were appointed a committee t frame fitting resolutions In honor ot Judge Stuart' a memory, Mr. Fenton be ing . chairman of the committee. The following are the resolutions adopted: To-the Members of the Bar. of Mult nomah County: We, your . committee appointed to prepare and present the resolutions on the - death of our' late brother, Judge Dell Stuart, beg leave to submit the following: - 'Judge Stuart was born In Zanssvllle, Ohio, la tha year H4t, and when a email boy moved with , hla parents to Iowa, where he waa educated In tha publlo schools of Sheridan In that stats. After graduation from an academy he entered the law office of his brother In Osceola. Iowa,, and , was admitted to the bar In' 170. Hs became at once successful and waa called to Important offices of public trust. . Hs was elected for two terms mayor of his homo city, Osceola. In the practice of hla profes sions he became the attorney for the ChicagoJSurllngton ft Qqlncy Railroad company; In Iowa ind represented .this company, in mat portion or lowa ror is years. , Later ha waa a candidate for and waa .elected to the off ice- of dlatrlct Judge In hla Judicial district and held this Important offlcs for- two terms. Tha office of dlstriet - Judgs ' in ths stats of Iowa, as the members of the bsr generally know. Is of tha saras grade and dignity aa tha office of cir cuit Judgs In the stats of Oregon. Judge Stuart came to Portland In the year list, and from that time until his death he . was a cltlsen of this stats. Dur ing the last year preceding his : death be had been In falling health. His en ergy and untiring Industry did not per mit nun to secure the needed rest and recuperation, although It was not be lieved that ha waa critically UI until his Unexpected., death, "During hla residence la this state hs baa been. an active and honorable mem ber of the bart: He took an acUva filter-' est In 'public -affaire and waa; fearless In tha - sxpresslon of his convictions upon political and moral questlona Hs was honored and respected by all who knew him as a useful and Influential cltisen Judge Stuart departed thla life alter aprief uineaa in his Btth yesr on the Jta aay or July. i05. 3s Jt therefore resolved. Thst we. the membera of the bar of Multnomah county, sincerely deplore his untimely and early- death, and Extend to his fam ily our profound sympathy In - their great . loea. and , . . , Te it further reaolved.. That these resolutions be apread upon, tha records of tha circuit court . for Multnomah county, and a copy engrossed and sent bp taa clerk to tha family of deceased." PANEL IS DRAWN FOR THE OCTOBER TERM -i i " ....... The following ha ve been drawn -as veniremen for the October term of the circuit court, and aummona are being served upon them this afternoon: John A. Ahlstead, Henry Alber, Alfred Anderson, Pster Anderson, Joseph N. Barrett, C I. Brown, John A. Beck. George Black, Charles P. Barette, D. C. Buma, Arthur K. Bentley, John Bliss, josepn aucntei, b. - w. Bailey, J. A. Brown. Henry J. Berger, Arthur " H. Breyman. Robert Cowan, L. M. Cox. H.'Oi Camplielli W, g riiialsisa, Auguel I Dlppls, William Druck, George A. p perly. W. C. Francia, H. E. Fowler, W. B. Glafke, John C Gray, J. A. Haael tine, Anthony Handler, John Krey, F. A. Krlba, August Renter. H. W. Ken nedy, Charles W. Kllpple. John Link- lator. R.r LutkerA-I MinerrJrR. MC Craksn, D. D. McClure, W. W. McBiide, H. W. Miller, J. W.' Miller, P. J. Mann, I. . McGowan, Dennla Maloney, F. K Martin, A. B. McAlpln. F. M. Orth, J. 8.- Ordway, O. P. 8. Plummer, F. H. Page, O. J. Qulmby, August Rosen blatt. T. N. Reed, E. 8. Rothchlld, Sam uel Strebln, J. C. Shofner, Francia Sealy, W. G. Stansberg, L. M. 'Starr. C. C Smith, Louie 8 ha. t tuck, Martin Schade, E. H.. Hablghorat, A. Thuriow, L. Ther kelaon, E.- J. Tsyldr.' T.'Torsen. 'C H. Woodward, Paul Weaalnger, C. H. Welch, J. D. Wlloox. R. W. -Wilson. ' SMALL THEFTS AGAIN THE' NIGHTLY ORDER After remaining comparatively quiet for two weeka, burglars and petty thieves are again stirring. Two busi ness houses wsrs broken Into laat night and a number of smaller larcenies have been reported. . The drug store of John L. Vestal. 12 First street, waa entered last .night after 10 o'clock, tha hour of cloaing, by means of a transom. ' Ransacking the store, the thieves took II from ths caah drawer and a quantity of cigars. Thieves entered tde store of tha Pa- cine Electrle company, 14 First street. a short distance from Vestsl'a drug store, through . a rear window, which waa priea open. They carried away a small-motor. , - - ALKALI IS FOUND IN ; LOWER KLAMATH LAKE ' . . ' I (Journal Special Service. - ' Klamath Falls, Or., Sept. If. Gov ernment officials find that ths waters of Lower Klamath lake are unlit for !rrr gallon. 'The difficulty will be met by extending tha main canal from tha .up per lake. The report statea: . ... . - Tha recent Investigations show that the waters of ths Upper Klamath lake possess- ths -ohkmlcal properties which tend to Improve land when uaed for Ir rigation purposes. This Is not so, how ever, with the waters of the Lower Klamath lake. It waa found that aftar leaving Keno, going south, . the water of Lower Klamath lake becomes alkaline and by1 tha time- White lake waa reached tha water showed an analysis whtchecause of Its alkallns proper ilea, renoerea . u . unni ror , irrigation purposes, i-' -, . , -. . . Tha analysis or tna waters or Clear lake and Loat river ahow that they con tain little or practically no alkali, and will, therefore, because or this and other properties not of intsrest at thla time, benefit tha lands to which they are ap- -'J..-. . - - ... ysaa ...... - . ,. q Gustoms of A;Hawauaa-Me ' . , 1 1 1 f ' ?, t r t i. ' I' -4 -x - ' . V 7 V, !- , V V'A Xi .- ivAA'A-' ft t r i y - w , iVjf . jK-im--4:'; i , , . . V' i.i . . - XA!.A'-Ar -A A ' ,': lTr- '."' ' ft ''V-- : : "7":-:. .... -:.--' ". "V ''Vli -'.:('( i:"--A-A ' I-:,, vj'-.. ' .r!: t A,. ; . mp!-!;:!-.. Scchcs ncar Honolulu The Journal party will sec I ' during their stay on the Islands 7:;.a a' . ) i HERE IS THE jVVAY THEY STAND Votes received up to Friday evenins in the Journal's Hsweiian Trip CONDITIONS Of The JomnsrsA Hawsiisn Toar CONTEST IMVqaaV Toana lady ever IS y er am eir sa blanks provtdea by The Jooreal. with tke jot the dlatrlct la whickjiie reeia.; SSOOVO Ttarae )adsM asreeeble te the ttttmnt caadldatas shall bs Sleeta4 te erilelallr saaoeBea the wlaaw la each Sle rtriet, oae jeaag laSy'te be ehceaa. treai seek dlatrlct.-. - ; - -.' -A--. . -' TXTXD-la Is etktr eleetleae. eeft dla . crlet shall vote separately. The vote ' le eoe eaaaot affaet the athar. Mattera pro . erly eoaceralas the Alatrlrt will tw aattM kr the wlahae of the majority. The wis, -aer ehall heva- the rtsht te aess s presy ' U ssable te sttead banalf. . ' VOtrSTS ottos' wtU ' eeaaMsee There day. Ansuat I. IMS. aad tkoae Satsrdir, DecMBbat SO, at S e'dock s. ., 1S0S. Ooepeaa smt ha voted wtthia Sana dars after Iteee. Oenpesa rat from the Dally Joaraal mat he eaetly trlmwd. Ail eoepoea. wbtb alatle or special. Beat War ths bsbs of the esadldata to be voted far. oovrows iu iiro u roixowsi FITTX Slnsle eoepoee, eet from ths dally paper, are soad for oae vote. Soharrtptioa to the evening Joaraal asd Sunday Moral na Jeeraal, thrao ntontha, ll.S6.-a apadal mnooa ef 1M votae seld la edvaacel. 1 , Sahaartptloa.tojrjciilng. and gnsdar Mora- I -n ' Journal al noatha. S3.TO, a Iprclal coapoa or no vocve pa is aaraacoy. ene ecrfptloe to th Swains and Saaday Wora Ins Journal IS ainatha. $7. BO, s special eoaeoa of TM votae (paid i advance). Bnbaertptlos to tha Bvanlng end Sasda hTarnlss Joarnal, throe awnths by bmIU 1.S0. a special coapoa of 100 vetee (paid 'Is' advaaco). Sohacrlptlae to tbe Svaelng end Senday Ifornlnf Journal by siall els SMnths, 13.711. a special roopee ef IM votae . (paid la adnaev). Snbacrlptloa te the Kranlns aad Bandar - MarSIa Joernal by mall It Bionttia. fT.OA, a spclal eoonoavof TOO votae (paid la advance). Brml-Wmkly Joernal. II. NO a yaer. epaclal eeepaa of lot votes (paid Is sdvasee). . SIXTB-tapees shoeld be votad st the headquarters smreat yoa or mailed te the eoopoa department of The Joarnal, or at aay point naBMd below. Votea will be eaanted Moednya. Wedneedaya aad VrldtTO end the totals ssaeeaeed te the sahlle tbe following day. ..-- t - Aay candidate arttbdrawlag frow the eoa, teat eassot have her vetee eoeated fas aa KXAD4TASTZU aJTD YOTTSv rtSOKSi "' rfast Clitilut .fcfnltnomah end aarkaaae eoantlae. Votlac plaee, Ooepos Depart nMat ef The Jovrael efOce, CmatlUs and TMetrlot icnloa. wallows eoaatiee.- .... '..( third rxvtriet Waaco. Shormae. allium, : Morrow, Wheeler , ead Crook eomtlee. . , Toarth Sistrlei Baker, Oreat Baraey aad Malheer eesatteei . . , . v .. . - - - '.,'. yifth' Xttetrlot ColemMa and Clalaos eonnMee, Oreon: Klickitat. Cow I Its. Clarke, PaHflc. Wahkiakum asd Skamania eoeatlaa, Waihlagtoe. " Sfartk Dlstriet hf arloe. Uss ssd Use ecestlas.' sWenth. Watriot Waahlnston. TllUmooh. Tamaill, Benton. Polk and Llncola eoeatlaa. IlsMh XHstrlot Oeeelas. Ceoe. ' Carry, Joaepkte, Jackaos, KUmath sad. Lake count! ee. ". Any Information regardins; con ditions of tha Hawaiian tour should bs addressed to ths .manager of th", Contest Department of Ths Journal. .. " '. -...'..".v.-."'..- .,. . BXBTmiCT Vo. 1. - miss naiiia Msatgan, (Jias, wortman m ami nnv Miss Minnie 8. Phillips, deputy clerk circuit court, ........... Miss Sadie Wlntermantle, City Dye Works . Mlee Lura Baty, 140 San Rafael atreet Mlsa Qretchen Kurth, telephone operator Portland hotel .,. TKIeSTtutlr Loe.- Hood atreet s . i wi i n .' Mlea Henrietta Wlnklemai), 407 Eaat Couch atreet. .miss ness enaron, zto uasv lnimein-ewooi Mies Kditn Hern, zts stark atreet Mlas Bop hla Oloon. 191 Ivy at root . . . ... Mies Margaret Smith. (II Wllllama avenue ...... Mlea Laura Derbyshire, ego Water atreet . . ......... jdiee Lucy oould. telephone, opera tor Oregon noiei ......... Miss Irene Mlgains, 6 Everett atreet Mlaa Alvena Horn, ' Oregon City ...... ...! .j Mlaa Oenevlave Holmea, Olds, Wortman sr Kinga atora Mies rJiva Hunoert, Bt. . jonne Toital Vote: .K.41S I7.8l .le.671 .12.111 ,I0.T 2T.15S IJ. -!!. 2 1.1 .....10.17J r.........l,tl . ....19..1S ....10.111 , ..4.1,14 ..,.l.t4 . ... . I.VOV .i.a ....4...12.041 12.011 . ........10.673 S.II9 .7T Miss Elsa Orieael. lot Eaat Thlrtv-flrst street Miss Marlon Leahy. Woodard, Clarke Drug Co. Mlaa Cora Jolly, 76S First atreet.'....; Mies Nellie Munger, 1(0 Raleigh street . ...... Miss Bursa Reddlck, Oregon City . . ........ 'Mlee Cornelia Barker, 184 a rand avenue . ... "Miss Georrle Mink, lit Burnside street . (voting place, coupon Department, journal omce. .. ....- DISTKIOT aTO. S. " ' "- . ' ..Mies Kstle Nash. La Grande, Oregon ... .............. Miss Molly Proebstsl, La Grande. Oregon ' .,14,447, (Voting plaoe. La Grande, Steinbeck aV Blever's confectionery.) Miss Agnes Fletcher, Pendleton. Oregon...... 1S.40 Mies Grace Hawks, Pendleton, Oregon ........................ .13.030 . Miss Pearl Harris, Pendleton, Oregon . ,, ......................... 4.J77 - Miss Mabel Johnson, Pendleton, Oregon '. ..i.. J,t7& ' , (Voting place, Pendleton. Brock eh McComaa drug atora) . BUTBIOT STa. . . " " " Mlas Emilia Croeaen. The Dalles, Oregon . 17,015 - Miss-Lucille Crate, The Dalles, Oregon t , ,.... 4. ...... ...11.200 (Voting place. Tha Dallee, Recorder's ofnca.r ,.'.-;.... ' Miss Stella Richardson, Hood River Oregon ...II. Ill Mlas Laura Cramer, Hood River, Oregon . . 1 11.4&0 ... (Voting place. Hood River, Wright's store.) .1 . , . . .Miss Florence George, Arllngton.Oregon , '. ...10,14 (Voting place, Arlington, Brabam's confectionery.). , ' . .. .. - . . BisTmio o. a, ' .. : Mlas Clara 8waln, Burns, Oregon . . ....)!JU4 (Voting place. Burns, Welcome Pharmacy.) -, Mitt Hattie Barton, Baker City, Oregon . w...... .,11.041 Mlsa Gertrude Tice, Baker City. Oregon ...... 10,017 Mlaa Ethel Parker. Baker City, Oregon . . .., ...10,75 Mlaa Myrtle Bratton. Baker City. Oregon ........10,2I7 (Voting place. . Baker City. Levinger'a drug store.) . ... i Mtu VTfrla Mam If I no. Ontario. Oreafln - - ......1 1.5 OS Xlreeon iifilfiff "IIH"1 s.asi BISTmiOY Ha. S. Miss Amelia Williams. Kelso. Washington . . .........12,711 (Voting placet Kelso confectionery.) - : ' Mlas Katharine Gore, Kalama. Washington . 12,574 (Voting placet Kalama. Coffey's store.) : ' - - ' Miss Mary Berae.' Home Valley, Waahinaton . . 1. Mlaa Florence Heevren, Vancouver, Waahlngton--rlTrrr.T vi.riri-t.M: (Voting place. Vancouver, 411 Main street.) ' .,; Miss Esther Anderson. Astoria, Oregon . . (Voting place. Astoria, Owl drugstore.) , . ,. i DltniOT Va . Miss Madge Battee. Eugene, Oregon . . ...........,,....... .1VK23 Miss Emma "Moffstt. Eugener-Oregon . . H.107 (Voting place. Euaene, Hull e drug store.) . . , . . Miss Lucy Morcom, Wood bum, Oregon . Jt.itl Miss My rtla Traak' Woodburn, Oregon . ....... i. . . r ...... . .-. . 10,S (Vmtng place, wooaoum, tteeno r tt niininn e atvra.; . Sk. ..... M i.ea a ............ 10.001 S.I5S Mlea Effle Stewart. Cottage Grove, Oregon . , Mlaa Llssle Veatoh, Cottage urove, Oregon Mlaa UinHa Rlalr. Cnttaae Grove. Orecon . (Voting place, cottage urove. uiil s coniecuonery.j , - 4. . Miss L. Belle Darby. Salem, Oregon ,'. .......10, Mlaa Mary Davidson. Salem, Oregon,, lO.MS Mlea Blanche Brown, Salem, Oreson . 8,429 Mlsa Pearl Shelley. Salem, Oregon S.S11 Mlsa Kettle Reddekoop. Salem, Oregon . . ........................ 1JTiS2 .Miss Minnie Ireton, Salem, Oregon 42t' . Miss Minnie Achenbach. Salem, Oregon...;...... i&S (Voting place. Salem,' Haa a' drug store.) . ., j .... .Miss Msgsrie Chambers, Albany, Oregon .....l.a.lH Mies Pearl Savage, Albany,-Oregon ...jS,575 Miaa Alice Locke. Albany. Oregon . -7. Mlas Emily O. Hill. Albany. Orsgon . .. 1,440 (Voting- plaoe, Albany, Dawson's drug store.) -,,, Miss Kathryn Garvin. .811 verton, Oregon S.141 (Voting place. SUverton. Brook'a drug atora.) - - , Miss Addle Slmpeon, Lebanon. Oregon 1.274 (Voting place, Lebanon, Cotton's store.) i . DinTKZOT aro. r. 1 v' A . , -' ; Miss Bertha Courtemanche, McMlnnvllle, Oregon ................. 12,441 ":(Votlng place.. McMlnnvllle. Houaere atora) . . , Miss Hasel Kennedy, Lafayette, Oregon , a .................... v. 11,171 (Voting place. Lafayette postofflce.) ; i . . ,- Miss Cora 8pangle, Dayton, Oregon .v.. .10,212 iVnttne nlnnA. Tlavlnn. Harris' drua atora.l , ' Miss Minnie Roy, DaJlas, Oregon t,07 . (Voting place, Dallas, Staat's confectionary.) - "Mlsa Marie Hoatetler, HHIsboro, Oregon . . 0.411 . Miss- Rosa B. Bowser. HHIsboro, Oregon . . .r . r. ............ l.ftl'S (Voting piece, Hlllnboro. Schalmerioh'a atora) ' , ' j - ' .v. Miss Myrtle Butler, Forest Grove, Oregon 4.712 (Voting place. Forest Grove, La Course's store.) ,. , , j Miss Olive Stratton, Newberg, Oregon 1.573 (Voting place. Newberg. Calwell a Co. drug Store.) ;., ... . .'' Mlas Lillian Webster, Philomath, Oregon I.JOI Mies Rosale C. Holshelmer, Beaverton. Oregon .1.174 . sxsrmicT as. . , . ' . : Miss Edna Parsley, .Roeeburg,, Oregon , ........... ... ..,..,w..l7,240 ' Miss Dais Harmen, Roseburg, Oregon . . 15.255 (Voting place, Roaeburg, Hamilton's drug Store.) ,- , Miss Ixuine T. Jones, Jacknonvllle. Oregon . . '.....-...,,... , : Mlsa Maude Berry, Granta Paae, Oregon . , ........ 0.441 Miss Mauds Baber. Granta Pane, Oregon . s....s 7,414 (Voting place. Grants Psas. Smith's drug stera) . x- i Miss Jennie Woodford. Medford. Oregon . .- 2, W 7 (Voting plsce, Medford. Russell's confectionery.) .., . . Miss Frances Osborne. Ashland, Oregon I ....... ... 4,03 (Voting place, Ashland. Sutton's news stand and Sayles'.) . . .. S'. Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip . A rfoaolulu, Hawallaoi Islands . I ' . ' ; -' ' '" ', , ... ' X . Vols' fOfi'ttiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiieii,,tkff,'i,vTmfMi Thla coupon must be votad on or before Kept. 10, 1105. County h Czr.- ca Monday t, Vcitr tl3 ttZiz c? tli FOR, SALE BY r WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. a.-a-, - ;;-f -'-v , v, V.' . AA.A. . ; ' - .". .-. 1 1 . , A. I .