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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1905)
t::s onrcon daily jouhnau xcttl.:::?, .rvrur-xw nvr f-71: mi SMITH IVcst S!ia GraEiHs etc Czz izi rayclli d C; Crct cl ci'czz2L Cl-::1 v:'J h 'cZ:.:'.iVcb Qi: Erst to"C5"dfli;lBtir2. .Ci" iCi ii, cxa Zzzlzy C: O c3 1: C2 fcrt C::;l c:y. President Foster' of California f Ncrthweatern Denies Rumors i J -'5 ? "'-'Vla Two ' Csss ;'v:; ' vw j H;iS CBflS I " . ". - ....... . ' ' ' j'n SAYS HIS ROAD HAS v.,v kf "cr rv 1 1 '. y n r n . . "i r, 1 "1 r 1 a 1 r r 'TERRITORY ENOUGH Its Eatention 'to Eureka Will Give It Abundant Business Without Enter V in Fields Already, gontrouea dj ... renter i.uice. ,k 1 .. , . ' A. W. Foster 6 San Francisco, prest dent of the California-ajNorthweetern railroad and one of tha leader In de Vetonment work on the coast, la a Port land visitor tedey. -He-la aooompaaled "by lira, roeter, and they are visiting the esDOsittoa with Judge and Mra. W. . W. Morrow: old-time . frlenda- of --tha Mr. Foster arrived - In ma private Wrthts morula- from Ban Francisco, na rumor connecter, am w.. .- road building projects along the coast toward Portland. .To a,. Journal repre- aentstlve he jH.',w"rV''W' ? Ouf eomnanr ' has - no connection whatever with, the Santa. Fa. I do toot believe nny'trf the stories to tha effect that the Santa Fa la projecting a coast line to, Portland." ': : HO admitted that a coast line la the natural rout " between ' Portland ana California points, and expressed the be lief that ultimately such a line will be tullt : .I'-'mtm '.'v.;'' -The California A- Northweatera Rati- road company haa organised an auxll' tary company', the San Francisco dt Bu ,reka Railroad company, to make an ex ' tension of tha parent road northward along the coast - A eurvey baa been completed from Willetta to Eureka, la California, a . distance : of about ll .tnllea. Soma rights of way have beea cured, but not a complete route. ; The company will next spring take Up tha question of construction of .this exten sion. The cost of the project ' when completed will be about le,oeo,0Y . . "We hare a paying property end are going -to take care of It, but not by undertaking build lata the territory af -other ruads. We have no Intention of coming Into tha Portland field," said Mr. Foeter. - Ha Is an enthusiastic admirer of fine bred livestock, and attenda all the great stock shows. His visit to Portland ia due to advices that , reached Mm from friend here who pronounced tha Lewis and Clark stock show tha finest exhibit of Ita kind ever made in America.. When telegram to thla affect from Judge Morrow reached him be started immedi ately for Portland. ' ' - "I understand tha stock show at the exposition la one of tha bast aver made. Tour people propably appreciate thla Important feature of the exposition," he remarked. ; i f r: -, CARMEN'S USE OF POLICE I WHISTLES HELPS THIEVES For several weeks Patrolman Gal- bralth haa frequently made written complaints to Chief of Police. Grits- macher that street car conductors an . tha Third and Burnaide street lines have - been using pol-e whlstlea. On several ; oocasiona. policemen are said to have run several blocks in respons to the . tooting of these whlstlea. - 4 A few nlghU ago. It la said, a tragedy was narrowly avoided on account of the ' practice of tha carmen. C. H. Wilson, ' a negro, ehot at Joe Cunningham, an other negro, in tha Clarendon house , hh piiv wniguvai wtn oiown uai llHltk Iklkb. k . M. . . . . . u Hl WHWUCI, but had grown se accustomed ta thelt JUe by carmen that -ha -attention. Othora finally Interfered while Wilson was chasing Cunningham and the .latter made his escape. Galbralth did not hear of the affair for ift nin. Utes afterward. , Wilson waa arrested Wednesday nlghl airvt , wnue trying to brain unmngnam wiui a Dries. Both men appeared in tha police court and Judge . Cameron fined Wilson tit for carrying w vvm,wiiw wnpon, r . ... . - 1 'tiV' v aVADIEB' SHIRBKD WAIST, "rattan No. TO. ' AQ Seams Allowed. bt la -'A becoming waist IS here depleted erhtte' crepe da. china. The mode shirred to yoke depth back and front, and tha fleavea may be In full or three Ouarter length. AD soft material may be used for the making with pleasing re-euita.':-"i 2 '' J The pattern w ta elaes a to ol tnchea bust measure. For M bust tha waist re quires I yards of material 20 Inches wide H Tarda ST tnchea "wide. SH yarda M aches wide, or t yarda 44 laches wide, . '' prloe. IB oenta. .' ' -: m omaoosT batxt jomurax wxu mm abots rARiu FOaTt- Ka:;,...sia;; Nana Address Oty State, AT THE THEATRES. Last of "Captain Jinks." . , Capiatn Jink of the Horse Marines," which' added great luster to the reputa tion of Clyde Fitch, haa been presented by tha Belaaeo stock company to heavy patronage an .week, the theatre being crowded at every performance. .'Cap tain Jinks' will be succeeded Monday by "On tha Quiet," tha celebrated com edy success in, which William Collier siarrco. ; ., - ' ' At the Empire. HUMPS FROM TRAIN TO - PLEE IMAGINED INJURY . ' ' ' 1 " . . . tlpeeial tnMteh te The JoersaL) ''" ; Kagena, Or, Sept. It, Peter Carlaon. a' sailor, while on his .way from San Francisco to Portland on tha overland .train, early Friday morning , Jumped from tba train near Cottage Grove while It was going full speed. His mind waa no doubt temporarily deranged, as he declared that soma, one was trying to rob him and that be had to Jump from the train to escape from tha robbers. . - He. .was brought to Eugeae and -severe contunlons on the head were at tended to by physicians. Ha will be held here several daya to ascertain ; .whether or not bo ia insane, .j - Carlson had a brother with blm on tha ; train and a message waa sent him tell ing hlra of Peter's accident, but he , aent word that ha had business In Port- ' Und and went on. Thla action seems peculiar to tna omcers here and they . win Twuaaie ine Vorth Trying . " Hoatattot'a Stomaek aUMera has been (BO aucceeeful during the last AO years complaints that It is certainly 'worthy af a fair trial by every elck man and ; woman. It has been thoroughly tested and found reliable. , . ' ire I La ) Hostctter's Stomach 'Bitters i kitlil !Ti)J the appetite 1 n Will build tip the system, refresh the blood, restore appetite and n d u e a restful slumber. Thou sende have said so. It also cures v r"aV "' OoararrpAf torn rrrm A - tar a wmi at overs. tta resulta are Tha management of tha Empire baa guaranteed attraction in tha pretty comedy drama, "Sweat Clover." -which will ba the offering for three nlghta commencing Thursday, September II with a Saturday matinee. . : . "Sweet Clover" tells a more aorlous tale than moat play a v Though the play is sometimes cawed a pastoral ' ldyL only one scene Is laid in the country. wnue ins otner tnrea are located In the metropolis, allowing acope for beautiful aeenlo effects, handsome, costuming, odd furniture and original -lighting effects. Otia B. Thayer plays the-principal role of Jerome Holeombo .and Gertrude Bondhlll enacts ths character of' Lois Holcombe. The original company which made such a hit at the Marquam last aeaaoa Is retained. - , . - , ' ."The Convict's Dau(bter,w . "Th Convlct'a Daughter,' . which comes to the Empire theatre four nlghta of next week, starting with the Sunday matinee tomorrow. Is ta many respects a surprise to the public, for, Instead of tha lurid melodrama that they expect to see, they witness pretty story cleverly told. Tha company this . season la stronger than aver and "The Convlct'a Daughter" should eclipse - its , former triumph ...J,,, ,-i .. ,- , t , , Unique Acrobatic Act . Tha four Livingstons, three women and a man, who present one of the lead ing acts with the Ideal Burleaquers, will be the attraction at the Baker theatre next week, atartlng Sunday matinee. Their work Is not of the rough- and tumble order, but the aort that pleasee every one. One of tha woman la among the. acknowledged - female aorobeta of tha world and some of her work puts to shame tba best mala aero beta !;', ; Pests of Strength, That a man can lift two from the floor by the arms, and how another can support two heavy men, a platform and several - hundred pounds of solid iron weights la demonstrated at tha Grand this week. This turn la tha headltner and la presented by the XMetrelch trio. brothers, wfio give a demonatratlon In phyalcel culture worth going miles ta a The Thompson sisters, two enter tainlng and charming young women, are another bit tn-the bin. .. " "'".. '. The Star's Show. ts'J-':.. T The Medallion trie and the Gladstone children are competing for firet honors on the bill at the Star. -. The former are seen in an entertaining musical act, while tha latter are the best Juveniles tha Star has ever had on its stage. Deeta and Don are seen In a pretty act. Rice and Edwards and Happy Allen are out good. Roy McBraln ainga a pret ty aong aad the Btaroecope finishes the bill with amusing pictures. " ' Lagt Performance "The Chaperons." . The last performance of tha musical comedy success, "The Chaperonee," will be tha attraction at the Marquam Grand theatre tonight at t:l o'clock. "The Chaperonee" Is filled with catchy music and brilliant comedy.. If you want to laugh see "The Chaperones." The Marquam Is located oa Morrison Street between Sixth and Seventh. , , '.The SUent Witnea. " . ' Tonight and tomorow wil ba the last opportunity to sea the Rocky mountain melodrama at tha Lyric entitled "Tha Silent Witness." which has had a phe nomenal run at the Lyric thla week. Mr. B. O. McLean, the leading man of the Lyrlo stock company, haa a role that fita him. ' 1 -. .,.,. r , . t i : ; - ' ; ' May Irwin. Next Week, Msy Irwin, America's greatest come dienne, will be the attraction at the Marquam Grand theatre next Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday night September IS.-Je, II and . In her latest aocceea, - "Mra. Black Is Back." Seats are new selling. t?J Close o! "Fabio Romani." w , Tonight "Fablo Romani. a aucceee ful dramatisation of Marie Corel I Is ctlehreted etory. "Tha Vendetta,", will 1 ..." f ' , '-: ' . f "' er Arttudal FerNararal fi AQ . v MostHght : for least ' , v'. i ; :( 'A J,," , with any comfort unlets you havo good light properly directed upon the psfc. V 1 in 1 ' wmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mm mmm , ' " . . . ... 1 ', '' t " The softest, whitest and 'one of the most economical and in every way satisfactory l reading Ughts is the WCLCSACH, while the LINPSEY la acknowledged a dose com-. -y ? petitor. - We have " them botni . Take yonr choice. A new line Just in. . WE ARB, mSTALtlNQ THEM FOR 75 EACH. I , -r;: ; Tins SEASON'S STOCK ' OF FIXTURES IS THE BEST EVEIC NEW AND ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS AT : LITTLE COST. ITS AfPLEASURE TO SHOW THEM. .1 -.;.,- MMB. - r TT T i v.: .Si - these chilly mornings without a heater Gas Heater is the most satisfactory. ; It'l m convenient hist touch a match' to it and your stove is hot. It's scarcely worth starting the furnace and when you do it ''mak;to wm&:h-iiw.: For 91J0 we will.fix-you out and you will be surprised at the little "expense and the reat comfort.'. '': r.V Gat after November 1 will 1e reduced to $1.15 net per 1,000 cubic' feet. That GAS STEAM Radiator la V " " heater that will warm your office i or store room with little coat and great convenience.' - : . .' ; ; TThTh mm FIFTH AND YAIWIHILL STREETS 1 Ca SMI j .; .......!.V:...- -V f...- ; '' close its engagement at tha Empire theatre. SUrtlng .. with the regular matinee, a new organisation wlU present Tho Convict's Daughter." t ; s BEACH RATE REDUCED. .,.,---.. .easaaamwaeasa-eai , ,r- t , Three BoUara for Bamma Trip Aaaonaoed ,'V'-'; by o,-m.-a .'oa. , The" every niay round-trip f rate from Portland to North Beach pointa haa been reduced by the a B. N. Co, fro.n $4 to It, tickets on sale until October IS with final return limit October IL Particulars and O. R. At N. Summer Book by asking at Third and Washing ton atreeta, PorUand. '" TELL YOUR FRIENDS i Aboat Tary Xw Batea Via Sontaera ' , wwatSa far Vottland Bay, 'Saturday. September 10, is Portland day at tha fair. . Tell your friends to meet yon at tha exposition. Very low rate la-day tickets via Southern Pacific on sale September if and it, - : . , . The BTaslelan or Artist Who buys a Sohmar piano gets an in strument 'that is a work of art and the results of many , years' hard study and labor. Sold at .6 Alder street Snspeoted of Two Crimea. . ":' ; (Jearaal Special Barrlea.) New Tork, Sept, tt. Joseph J, Glrard. who la accused by tha police of killing Augusta. Pfellter near the "haunted oak" last Saturday. Is suspected by the police , , x ' t : SHES A SNOSTEit WHEN IT COUE3 TO CPSSD-THE tOWKlirt, GRAND SUNDAY EXCURSION! . Most Glorious Ride en the- American Coatiaent. en the pliKiDini Mew Stinnier leje The Boat That Has Been In 8ervice s Week and Has Taught Them All the 'Meaning- of RUSHING ,. , . THlTOUGMtHE-JWAIE o The Telephone's pradecasaoni of that name were the apeedleet 'of their times, bat the Telephone of today so peatJy gurpaaaee them that she la truly the wonder of the steamboat world. -. - Sunday Excursion to Cascedc Lccks cj nclOT t SI.C3 for the Rod Trip v ? v BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK AT9 A.M. -11 1 ' . Returning about 6 p. m.This Is s trip of 60 mllae and return, throngh the andaet'eeenery In the .landscape most beautiful to behold. worlds The exctirsiornat-paaawg tbrouch the of the weird, wild, rotnsntie Caacade Motuv tains, their-peaks towerinf thousands ol feet .toward the skies, views the canyons and Jungles,, glens and , 4 IT .. IS AH EXCURSION NEVER TO BE! FOROOTTEN I LANOUAQE CANNOT DEPICT ITS f'--'i CAPACITY OP THE, TELEPHONE. 690 PASSENGERS. of murdering Elisabeth Davis of Mid dletown on afarck 10 last Miss Davis' body, waa found floating in the Wallktll river and bore evidence of having been maltreated, aa was the body of Miss Pfelffer. 'Carard' was absent from hie boardtnf-houee at tba time of tha mur der, and a clipping waa found In his room yestsrday containing a complete account ot the finding of tha body. - Are 1nst what their renatatlao mtmA tor. It ta the quality of tha article waicn gives it reputation, noia at lie Alder street. ' f. v : . .'.: . f : , .... .'. I ' ILQiiaQSub JFraiiQ Pleasant to'talle. and does not erlpe or, nauseate Cures Chronic Constipation, Stbm and Liyor Troubo ; Stimulation Without Irritation.! Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrnp is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious . flavor of fruits, and : is very pleas-1 ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. ;"'-::';!. Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronic constipation as it re i stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. OUR GUARANTEE The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels haver not been stimulate&tand in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Fills and. Aperient Waters never give .permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different," ' bata-o Laxative fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. .Other prepar ations act npon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read, ily b seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organ( can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc , . For Biliousness and jSiclt f .: Headache, Take Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup. It' sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating thejf jrgans. '.. Clears the Complexion. 1 Oaoro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver nd thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It lathe best lax ative for women and children as it ia mild and jDlessant, and does not gripe or sicken. ; LVefuse substitutes . NoPain NoPain . NICE TEETH .' We are the'dfacoverere and originat ors -of the ealy . reliable and jclentlflq ayatem of Painless Dentistry. We ex tract, crown. All and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee all work for Sf teen years, Our work is the beet, our prices the lowest con sistent with nrst-class work. EXAM INATION FREES. Our plates are unde tectable from tha natural teeth aad are guaranteed ta St riLllNQa....: S0eLVSa and fl.oe gOLD CROWNS 7.7 7771. ...... .. 14)0 KIDOB WORK ............. .88.00 ruLL. SET natu&ajl TKTU..saioa . fat seslasse asU s o'clock evealaga. Costcn. Painless Dentists ttH Storrlsea at, ova. atelet a rraak HOTrftK 1 J a. m. ta B . m. Sun.' day. 1:1 a. te. to 11:19 p. m. ' Tahe ORINO Lasatlro i Fruit Gyrup and If you are not satlaflod your tnonoy rlll bo rcf undedr: Prepared enly by POLKY CO Chtoer. IX cold akd nzscr.:::Dr3 cy .... Sri". 4 . - CLARKE ft " CO. AND . S. O. SKID1I0RE ft CO. S Portland v EUrOPX-AN plan only HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL, . . . '? - i - TRAVKLERS. S Everything to eat and drink; and It costs na mora in tha ; . PortUas Hotel Rathakaner than elsewhere in. tha city. Every weekday night from 1:10 to 11. - at o. aowns, Staaage. PALACn HOTEL; 5 Whether he goea. by lead r sea. the traveler will And t a delightful trip to Ban ranoisoo, where he should atop at the world-famed ; Pcbce Hotel and enjoy Ita many attreoi live feeturea. For . fuller la format km writ - ta Ike Pelaoe, or aea t , . v. a nmr '' at tba Portland Inform a. tion and Booklne Ageaoy, Hotel Portland. ..TT . I I 0 n 3: 9 ta n naxoH aoynvd HA fltMawaeB Va A H .i ' I M KALlAu . MS. MnmtMf Um asm nr Milt mm Ottr I ur to lie Teeutrul Dolor. .0 tmr I a h.w Hum . ...i r M .WOODARD, r ,-,..V ; .. . . -M ,, ft'...