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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1905)
a f a iriT v . a. a . - . . V -a A W .a- a a..a..J, luiui'ii... I J, I.. J. ."The (JlpW horWawue , ...-"Fable Roawm Tbe Bllaat KK ,. VauoIUe VeedeTllle . 1:- EymnirsDAPzii M0D:niJ6lAPEQ ' Oh ' h'safeed ami foartees ef tb ' 'Urf act orpertaieat Itant thrwfboet .. the Ualted Btatea mmrm caked which MM tn Ika moat nroetable far sdrer- tulof rhe wrolBf or to evealnei lot praferrea lha earning pa par, 10 pre ' farre the onralas.r -r Tba Journal will pablleh e Jattaf each : aTanlnf 1MB see at Ua 104. . ' We uie afternoon excluslve-J 1y during ' the wee, - morning paper Sunday only." ,". . : :-.-v: MR.' PEAKE, r-f -Adv. Mgr. John C, tewU' Co Louisville, Ky. - ;' ' .'. r7 ' .' v . v4 '- , ' l Portland and In Ormgon ; nearly momrybodg rmad$ Thm f Journal. For l,:very Sunday, our people and guests may vialt the celebrated 14,900, o Cascade Locke. mllea , up tha Columbia rivar from Portland, and an route feast their eyea upon tha' most deugbtrul natural acenery in tne wona. " Tha eteamer Charles R. Bpenoer, 1 ear ing foot of Washington atraat at a a. m.. pisses directly through tha tiaart of. tha Caacada mountaina,,- affording a 1 , part act ', view of tha mountains, canons ana giens, . Muitnoman raua, je; . tha, hilla ' and dales, hlstorlo- rocks. charming ' groves and - aturdy forests. rwUdi weird lunglea and rolling prairies. ' flshwheels In operation a panorama of Iauty and grandeur . unexcelled any where on earth.' This region , la aptly t termed by travelere Tha Bwltaerland of America." . Excellent maala aerred on board tha boat, whloh raaehaa PortUnd en return as aoout if, n. V Reduced Beaalda ratea - Via that -A a r. w n to ciataop Baacn.rr . " . Dnly 13.00 for the round trlp.v a iehu nwo vniu uaacQpair At. : Tralna Union depot a. n. dally. gee the majeatla Columbia rlrer . And tba broad briny PaolAo ooeam , Information 141 Aider atreet ' Or Telephone Main 0. - a. Tomorrow afternoon' at o'doeh ther dedicatory veremonlea of tha Af brew aobool aynagogua will take place ; at Flrat and Hall atreeta. Dr. Masker baa been . elected . rabbi of tha- congre gation. He will be aaalated tomorrow by vlr. BbapovDr. & & Wlae. Lr. W. WU- ier andaU. Halle Cohen, wbe will epek "mm- pheeeai of tha Hebrata religion' and ' tha mlaaloa) ox Cba new oongraga,Uan. Critical examination of our work al ware pleaaea ua, and 'rarely falla to pleaaa., tha ' other . man. ; Faahtonabla gooda.. properly out, properly -tailored, ( properly priced. Tbeaa thinga we guar antee you. fKn't order avault until you ' have examined our atock. 1 Wa make any . aultjn tha house to. ordef ttt. Unique . Tailoring company, I4T Washington at X.' 3. Johnaon. master of Craning tar grange; m. JU Thorp, Rockwood; A. r. .Mlllef,-Xnurfra.: Anna Dukes. Multnomah; H. W! qnaahall. Pleasant --Valley: -H. O.' Robinson. Woodlawn: . JRaymond w. qui, Ruaaellvllle. and W. A. CraawelL Oarfleld. have affectel an organisation of masters and deputlea of tne ratrona oi tiuananary. ' The jury In Judge Cleland'a court yee terday afternoon returned a verdict for H.iOO in faror or C W. and L. C. Weir, ' owners of tha eteemer Cash, damaged 'In the Port of Portland drydocka several monuia ago. The steamboat owners sued for 14.411. .; , ' '' Ahn VlMMlkaa MVa ft ISA AAA' MV. . picture. Dr. House will take' thin plo- iun lur ote auiuKi . DBnoay ai T:tk p. m. ' and give copies away. Morning " aubject. The Racers." - Beat music Jn tha ty. ' At First ' Congregational 'church. Madlaon and.. Park atreeta. "r Profeaa6r V.'V. Moulton of the Unl , Taralty of Chicago last night lectured mt thai U. C A nn U. ... v. vu ..iiunuuif, , ji, illustrated it with etereoptloon views. Tha production of gsaeoua and- nebulous masses surrounding tba planetary sys tem waa bla theme. ' . ? " Rundred.mlla tmllav Irln tar it' ertlh two-hour atop at - Estacada; lunch at hotel, 10c. Train leaves O. W. p. waiting-room. First and. Alder atreeta, dally. ezoept Sunday, at 1:40 a. m., return P an. f-t. , -i .; j ' , .... - . I PortUnd Tamale Parlor,' 4t park atreet, between' Alder and Morrison, tba ' only place In town where enchiladas, cblla eon earns ( with frljoles, Mexleaa style, also tha celebrated Frits tamalea, are made. Open from 11 m. to 11 p. n. y Tour credit la good. , Wa have added ' to our business an Installment depart ' mentv' Tou can buy watchea, dlamonda, Jewelry on weekly payments. Metsger Co Jewelers, opticians, ill Sixth at Bennr gleale.' a 1-rear-old bor. dropped a lighted lamil an the floor of nis home last ntsrnt ana in tne Tire that 0 Cents a Pound All klnda of garmenta - except ; women's wear that must be Ironed . by band. All "flat" and "dry'' linen comae tinder the cents per - pound , head. which ' include sheets, pillow rases, men'a under-. wear, towels, napkins, bedspreads,. pocket handkerchief a or any thins, as stated, except tha "fluted" stuff that ladlea wear. . Our wagona rush to anybody' bouse the . moment ; they . are phoned for. '.., iir::;iiii!rz?.YC(x a s a Marenaai ' helaaee .... Bakar 1-jrrtc. ...... rend ' Btar k ' .rr. iiu were . tae boy 1 wre burped ad te o"c and buiiw.. ( of the r-achio Laundry company partly destroyed. ' The fire occurred at Veoond and Ueade atreeta. 1 he residencea were bit lit on. plies and the fire spread rapidly. Furniture and household articles were piled up In the street ,snd -there was . a .general melee when ownera began to separate their goods. Tba loss Is estimated to. be be tween $4,008 and If.OOu. ' . . Beginning Sunday evening. September. it. the fathers of BC Mary a cathedral. Fifteenth and Da via atreeta, will give a aeries of sermons which will form a systematla exposition of Cathollo teach ing for the information of Interested non-Cat holies. The Sunday . evening services, consisting of vespers, sermon and benediction ' of tha blessed sacra. ment. begin at T:I p. m. Tha aubject ot tha. : introductory' sermon la' "The Catholic Church and tha Non-Catholli World." - .. .' : . 'r White Temple, Sunday 10: to a. m., addreaa. the eloquent Clinton N. Howard, "What Ought to Happen";1 1 p. m., wom en s wiass meeting, speaker, ex-Oovernot St. John; T:I0 p. m.. Dr. Brougher, "So ciety and tha Punchbowl,' ' DeMoss con- cart orcheetra ax tar noon and evening. " Sunday outing on tha. O. W. P.t- To morrgw to,. Oregon City and Caneoiab Park, fto round trip. Dancing at Ca- nemah : Park afternoon and . evening. Cars leave. First' and Alder atreeta on tha odd hour and every 40 nilnutes. v ' Trolley trips on O. W. P. tomorrow; Te Gveehatn, fte. to. Batanada and up per Clackamaa liver points, f Oo round trip. Dnnner at Hotel . Estacada, Tto Cars leave First and Alder atreeta 7:10, l:0,;HJ, l:J0, 1:40, 1:44 and T:ll. Examinations by tha United Btatea civil aervlca commission will ba held In - Portland - November -1; applicants for posltione as clerk and carrier may obtain blanka from Z. A. Leigh at tha poatofflca. ..';.-..'.' .".'J.'."-- , ' , For tha fair grounds snd livestock show, boats leave our boathouae (upper right hand... aide ' of Morrison ' street bridge) ' every 10 - minutes. v Fare If cents each way. Telephone Mala 1401. i Great chanoe toy large, profit without risk guaranteed mining atock. 'Write for t Information. National Financing company, so Marquam buiidng, port' land, Oregon. , r,j. , -.,.,. Dr. H. A. Btodevant, formerly of The Dalles, ! now with Wise Bros, at rooms Sll-lt. Tha Falling.. Third and Washing ton atreeta, Phone Main 101. .... William Lowrr. 141 Jefferson street skilled aa a fireman and engineer .with oil aa a fuel, wishes a position in Port land. Phone Hood HI. Professor ! Ringlera ' phVslcal 'culture school and dancing academy, . tot Alder atreet. . Claaa and . private Instruction. Fat people reduoed. '., ,. . School Books,' new and second hand. large atock. low prlcea. at tha Old Book Store, Yamhill atreet, below Second. Why pay 11.10 to 110 for aye glasses when we guarantee a perfect fit for flT Meiager st vo, m Bixtn street. - Launches for German ... warshlo from Merrill a boathouae, north , aide . . of Morriaon atreet bridga, , i . , . School books bought, and aold. Jones' book atora. III Alder street. ''..---.,- I - .-v.. ! sHssaiBaBaBjaaak -.--.- -r mtaa tamalea are the beat. . POLICE'.!! JtFRI OF HIS OuillVEM i It- - - J: Officers Tsll Story Showing How Much Somo) Patrolmen Do Not Know. iJ? 5;: 'I. If " i -T " , ..... For .grosa Ignorance regarding a re volver and how It should be bandied, a policeman who applied tg All, Reckard a rew asye ago ror assitance in "fix ing" bla weapon la said by other mem- bera of tha department to ba at tha head of tba claaa. - . v Walking Into Reckard'a atora. tha bo- llceman laid down with great care a bundle wrapped In a towel and said ha waated to be helped out of trouble. Be careful there, ba carefuL" ha warned aa tha bundle- waa picked -un. ii la a gun ana may go on. . I can't possibly tell you how it got In that shape; it beata me. - But I know It'a dangerous." . . ; .-vv . The towel waa unwrapped. ""Under neath waa a-handkerchief and then a second . handkerchief. which . were also removed. Tha bluecoat meanwhile kept cautioning Rackard to "be careful" and wanted him to take tha weapon down, stairs and discharge it ao aa "to-make it safe .to earry.i.'xl-..:4--.'i.j.i.M't.r.i .,.. When - tba towel . and both handker chiefs had been removed It was dis covered that the revolver, a aelf-acting tool with aide ejector, of the lata model which members ef 'tha department have been- ordered to purchase, had' been cocked. - The - handkerchiefs and towel had bean wrapped around " In such a manner that the hammer could not strike the cartridge if It fell. ':. Reckard placed hla thumb on tha hani. mar. pulled tha trigger and slowlr low ered t4e hammer until tha - firing pin rested In tha alot provided for It. The eyea of tha policeman bulged during thla process and ba backed away In alarm. He drew a long breath of re lief when . tha hammer had . been, low ered. : . ( '-. ' - -.t-;i. I dldn t have tha least idea that could be done with a aelf-cocklns re rolTer,'e explained., , -f- l - J - - ... - c, . .v Tonight at the Tavern. Aftai tha. theatre tnnla, M at.a. Tavern for, one of those famoue after theatre suppers. Grand concert by Thielhom's orchestra. Opposite the Ore gonlan - building. . Ladles' tnnn ins Alder. ' ' . ' - ,' . V--;r When In Seattle ' . bo to tha Rathskeller, a' hlsh-clasa place to eat. See, roods, eastern meats, large orchestra, dally. . .. u 1 1 Milwaukle Country Club. , Kaateni and SMttle wuw. . e,b. awit. wood and Oregon City ear at First and Alder.. . .-. f1e rl.uaa A th. . Ualntaa T. - - -, college will open Monday. September S3. in cue a. aa. V- a. nuiiaing. tT Special arrangement the student of the busi ness eAlleere) arat aiven ell Iha extended tha members of tha T. M. C. A. vme or emu tor iniormatlon. '1. f at Folkev. 1 t Have, redneeat eaatarlit boat alne Inches, waist eight rnehea and nip nine incnea in a snort time by a swarantead. .heiniileee Maadl. exercise or starving. I want to tall yoa u aoovi ii. Kneioea atamn nut ad- ( J '-. Charlott Waning ne. li s -i i iw wl aavL FIRST. 1 ar- wgy w w ww v aw- . -m r ay- w w -ym WW m mm -. wm . ear -aSafaaw . aV am ;' .,,.j..j..i'iliUL . (Lo vLfn. . j . i it,, laii ii"fi .Li si . .r ir w . y r w a a a i a k i 'Hosindiced ta to 'grant, the requests of the many for CONCERT, and accordingly the admission to tonight s concert has been re- - Mn Car! win be assisted fa tonight's program by WILLIAM WALLACE XWrtfrili , GRAHAM, the most Popular Pacific CkjaatViolfaistr : r ; ,v ' : ".',.. '..' ..: ' I i-.""'"' Tickets and Reservations at Eilers Piano House. 351 '- if V"i' : : i J. -V ', i.-.y CHiLD OF EIGHT YEARS TO GIVE RECITAL C ) '? -i. .!.., i, " ' Beatrice Eveiyn vinison Will Di- '7 play Precocious Talent at : f A; f sir Monday.; Beatrice - Evelyn .Wilson,. I. years of age,' will give a piano recital - in the Auditorium at the exposition Monday, September tS. beginning at : o'clock p m. She will have the distinction of elU 'J.1 1., V Beatrice Evelyn kW3aotu being tha youngest pianist to give a for mal musicals at the. fair.. Beatrice la a pupil of-Marie A. S. Soula of Portland and ta-aald-to -posaeaa remarkable abil ity for, a child of her year a She. win be assisted by Mary A dele Case, con tralto, and 8. H.. Allen-Ooodwyn. tenor. ELLERY. CONCERTS ARE FEATURE TOMORROW ' The order of events at tha exposition for Sunday la announced aa follows; 1 a. in. dates open. f.Y .- '. 11 m. Kxhlblt bulldtnga and .Trail onen. ' -1 . : ' J toS. p. ra -Ornnd concert. Ellery'e band, bandstand. Oray bouievara. . p, m. luxhlblt buildings cloae. i T: p. m. Grand concert,' diary band, Auditorium. r p.' m. Urana electrical inumma- 11 p. m. Gates close. - r 11:10 p. m. Trail cloaea. " Durlna the remainder of tba eapo- sltlon a special feature will ba made ot tha - Ellery band concerts on .Sunday evenings. These will .ba given Jn th Auditorium. Fair Annocncenienl AD:.nrflSTRATi6:i i : RESTAUHAffT: SODMER - . -' . .k Served continuously from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. f Every attendant should not fail to - visit ' this restaurant Prices will convince you that it is not necessary to , carry lunches--' f PRESBYTERIAN :; Twclftojamd Alder Streets ' V ' 1," ..;-.' " '',"'.". ' . ' - - The desire that all shall hare the privilege f 1' : ARTHUR N. DeVORE, ; Accompanist at the door. SAGE BRUSH FLAT HOW A CITY Twin Falls, Idaho. In a Year Be- '1;., comes a-Town of Three ; ...;.fi . Thousand. - ', .. IRRIGATION BROUGHT ; - 1 LIFE TO THE DESERT Now. Rgyroada, . Factories. Brick , Blocks snd Bouncer . Crops Are - to Be Found Everywhere There about. :. Ti'T-y r " "One year ago tha townslta of. Twin Falla. Idaho, waa -laid out; today -the place has a population of between 1.(00 and 1.000 inhabitants.- , Thla waa tha atatemant or C. B. Hum Of the Twin FaUs News. . - .'The Twin Falls Investment company under the. Carey act gained control of tha land and put In. am Irrigation sys tem whloh la one of the largeat projects of tha sort In Idaho," - continued Mr, Hurtt. - "The canal system- embraces 1,000 mllea of dltcbea, the main canal being 80 feet wide at tha bottom and 110 feet wide at the top. The water waa turned into tha canals laat May and already , 171,000 acrea of tha tract la supplied with water for Irrigation and ti,000 acrea are under cultivation. ' - "Where no other vegetation excepting aag brush waa known before tba canal waa built tba land will now produce grasses, grains.- fruit, - vegetables. or any other producta that are grown In tba "fastem and middle states. Tha principal producta are alfalfa, clover, timothy, wheat, oats and augar beets and all aorta of deolduoua fruits. . . "Settlers are being attracted to thla dlatrict from all parte of tha United Btatea. The flrat people to build their homea In tha district were from Taklma. Wsshlngton. and others have followed from Oregon. The land and a perpetual water right may ba purchased for 426.(0 an acre, and all that tha water will coat tha holder will be to share in the coat for tha - maintenance of tha Irritation ditches. No Individual may pare ha e more than 100 acres. "Twin Falla haa had a remarkable growth. ' Although . tha townslta was laid out but a year ago the place now haa a population of over 1,(00 Inhab itants. A new hotel -la be!ngf!nlehed which cost $75,000. there are two banks and eeveral large mercantile establish ments and numerous . Industries , are being started. ' ; , J - "The Mlnedoka a Southwestern rail way,, haa recently finished a toad into tha town. A new electric power plant la being built at Shoshone Falls, five mllea distant, whloh will furnish 10,0)0 horse-power by - November 1. ' Aa soon aa tba plant, la finished the power will be conducted to the town and an elec tric railway built With tha installation of the electrlo plant several new Indus tries will be located at Twin Falla, par tlcularly a large flouring mill by Min nesota capitalists. WANTS TEN THOUSAND ) - DOLLARS FOR AN EYE t. Halstrom baa begun a suit In tba circuit court agalnat tha Paclflo Hard ware a Steel company, for 110.000 dam ages for injuries alleged to have been received while . in tba employ ot . that corporation. . , ' ' - 1 la hie complaint Halatrom alleges that on May II. 100C. ha waa employed by the company In the maanfacturlng of window weights. This work ia done by pouring molten metal Into molds. Halstrom alleges that An May II. whUe he waa at work, a superintendent of the company appointed an employe named Conrad to aid in tha carrying of the ladlea containing tha metal. Conrad, it la alleged, had formerly been working In the scrap Iron part of the company's plant and knew nothing of .the work of window mold making. An exploaton occurred, HaMtror hav ing had an. eye put out aa a result. He now wants damages, alleging that the accident waa a result of ConnM's In experience ln.jrork of thla sort and that the company la at rauit ror having se leeted him aa aa assistant ,- ... - BIG PORTLAND DAY. Kavst Tour Ti tea lie Oosaa ; Yery jrm Basse. '. " '.'' , Tell your frlenda about the' very loet ratea made by the O. R. A N. for Part- land dsy at tha fair. Saturday, Septem ber is. Maae it tne Diggeet oay or the fair.' Very low 10-day ticket oa aale September II and !..; . .... i ,..'., ',. , ' X :- '.'"'. '. XHURCH ' ' ' '. - '"' ' of hearings 1 ' v 1 a POPULAR PRICED V Washington Street, or f v ;i :-:: .:.:.' f , ." HERDS OF COLUMBIA ' PRIDE OF OREGON -"Columbia countv, - Oregon,, haa tha greatest, combination of dairy atock la the Paoiflo northwest No other county can make tha great abowing thla county haa made in the atock exhibit at the Lewie and Clark exposition," said K. H. FUgg. editor of the Mist at St Helena, who la an enthusiastic livestock man and baa given several days to Inspection of the exponltlon atock ahow. . He aaya tha display la a credit to tha Paclflo coast states, and among tha fine cattle, sheep, hogs and other animals from all over the country the Oregon exhibit atands well up to the front ' '"Columbia county's Hplstslns, Jer sey and Ayrshirea are among tha beat The Honeyman h)id tf Ayrahlrea took many prise, and P. A. Praxes' Holstelna carried off the- sweepstakes ; In h world'a competition. 'Harry Weet made a splendid shew of Jerseys, although tne. laaog.cowa received the gold medal. There were no 'milk or buter fat teata made, but had there been. West's prise mlloh cow, Geaella, would have made a close contest in tha Jersey claaa. She naa taken the prises at stats fairs, and In milk testa. made the highest record of any- Jersey cow ever shows In the atate." r- ,.:-,- ... Steamer . Telegraph for Astoria. - Round -trip dally r.fexcent Fridavl lieavsa Alder atreet dock T:10 a. aa., Re turning leaves Astoria I p. m. Arriving roruana : p. m. Sundays leavea Fort land I a. m-. knives Portland p. nw Attached . To tha Bohraer piano because It responds to the most tender expression in musical sentiment. Sold it lit Alder atreet. EAQTfl HANDLING CCNTDACTCaS Anrora aad Aastda lraara Wmareaa are xne most mooern maae. may are ouut to suit you. xney save you money. Westera Klevatlna' Cfndsrs aaA Bttak- srs nanaie dirt tor ao per yard. Bnske-ve Vraetlam Hu. Sswsa and Sleea aaagera are money-makers. western Dam Oars, Book Crushers. Boad Shmdes and contractors' supplies our apeoiairy. .. . , BE ALL, & CO. " Sal sTawthoras Ave. afeTtaaad, Oe. - Posfia : (res sstasliaaed lm. 001 FITIEKIS C2 CIST ADVOaTB te Vwtiuj mm ell eeer the eertkweet eea MtUy te ess (teat sa sar eaasipled sec ma. GONORRHCEA , Kay se stteeded with the graveit eaapnes tVmS if sesleetad ar lipeesatly treatae. We have s epeetOs treetneat welch earee ealcky, aefely sad palal-ealj. . la eaerser seontrad glseeee. the rairaees ef bke wkaa fall aenlapad ae saa eaa saerriae. Weee It ahoara tf akla ereptleae ar sr earee la ateata nr throat are alreaay Wgee. We ead tbar eartiy ewe yea aad ae sjlaaral sekMas are eaislorad. ... . .., ' VARICOCELE AND ' HYDROCELE , ' , We treat aa rare,' ant by the eM ssrtiaal sreeedarewbet by a palateae BMbai aol.lT ear rn. Wa .Ukawtae win rare res a .4 ears yea tba earrertng aeeeeUtad wltb arreaa Debility, Lee aVaaheaa', bapeteary, taeiaiataiiliaia. Sautei ami Iialaalaaa, Tr sietvre Deellae, Leas ef If aaaery, Kaersy aa Aaabitiee la tbe brtefaet flaw It eaa be eae as are laaare yea a aefe aad paalUre eare. Ceesanattea aa eaaailaarlea fraa. Write fnr ayaipteat slaak aad beaa If yea aaaaat Ofsre Hoarai ' si au te a. Sk Ses saya. 10 te IS, ( . .. v ., ' OT, LOUIO Mmdteat and Surgical DISPENSARY Oar. M aad Ta-ahia eta, terOaaa, C Today liU!2 0n2,,c::JTc:.::n... And every Saturday and Sunday will be admitted free of . Tell your Mamma, your Papas, your Chaperone. that spending; day at The Oaka" after your arduous school studies make your eyes brighter, your step firmer, and you will be better fitted ior the) v . . , . ret of. thg week's school days. . , k ' " -: . , '' '. ' v '- v ... v'.s , .. ;' . Just corns out on he O. Wt P. A Ry. Co.' cars. They start from ' . .' '' s First snd Alder StreetaK- v" ' "' ;' i,' ' " ')'.' , V."' ..... i . -..'. ,. -,.,.., ' -. - ' ' j' -V .' '' v ;' :"S:;fJxYOn, HAVE. HEARD OF OUR i';- -1 00-:imuCa 1 00 ; v 'X a ADULTS TO GROUNDS ONLY 10 CENTS ' : Thenv you hear the only. D'Urbano'e Royal - Italian Band, ' Snd can enjoy a meal at the famous, popular "OAKS TAVERN" which ' stands 'way out on the Willametteis always delightful, cool, inviting AND NOW, BILAR LADIES Watch the papers announcing Grand. Gala "Ladlea Day snd Night." : rres to sii tne feminine acx. a Free to all the feminine acx. A R I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE Miss Mary Brookms, C S. B. ; .;.,t.V:. .'..;.. OF- MINNEAPOLIS '' Tf " . ..'..., ,..,r ..-.,;., ..'.. ; , ... ...y. .- . ., .;;-, -..i Member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship of th First .i Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mssa.-', , cTVlarquam Grand Theatre : SUNDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1, 1905, O'CLOCK : :r"-r r-ADMIJION :'FIEE 7Zt 'pT Reserved seats may be had without charge at the Marquam Grand . . , :.; Box Office, 8sturday, September SO. . 1 . , a. " Asnx Dclasco Theatre uuiu leth ssd Wash. BeUace S Uarar. Preps, 1TTU WKEK B SUA SCO STOCK CO. : Seats ea Sale Twe Weeks la Advance; ,-,' f.-. SOaiaBTr'Ssts.- ' J ' ":'" ' TBS LAL'OBtNO SCCCBSS CAPTAIN JINKS OF THE yqrfantci HORSE MARINES DDIPPQ Nlstit . V: 80 aad rlIWCO Matinees aBc, Ue aad toe. s irzxT wxxx. "o thx aimr." CesilDC Sooa Walts-Wbltriesry. rirat Play, "Tae renaaaa as tae aiag- BAKER THEATRE 3d and Yamhill Pbeae Mala laOT. ' lOSSOON THSATBB CO.. tESSEa ; OBO. L. BAKER. MOB. , THS HOMS OP BfBI.E8QtTB. MATIN KB TOD A X IaAgT PKByOBMAKCS . Kerrycukers lvatnzs Co. V-OK WSXK. STABTIKO MATIMIB -TOMORROW I:!.' WnXXAMJ' ZDZAXS KXTBATAOAXZA 00. raaay Ceaiedlaaa, Beaatlfal Weaea, Basd- aotne (.mrnmee, Latear Bonca. BETINBD VAIKKV1LLB. . . . rVSltPfOa 8c, , 5or, Toe. ' -MATINEES 10. ate, soe. SOr. v EKPIXE THEATRE TBS POPVLAB THBATBB. . MATIXKS TODAY LABT TIMS TOKIGBT MABIB COBXIaU . . . "Fablo Romanl" - ob-to TutmriA- ' . rora miobt. btabtixo matikbb , T0M0BBOW . THS GBKAT MBUODBAMA "TEE CClVVICrS DAUGHTEB" BVENI50B S, SSe. SSe aa SOc. MAT1NSK lOe. 15e ea r. NF.IT ATTRACTION "SWEICT CI.OVBB.' ViTJEN YOU DUY A A. B. CHASE . ESTKY - EMERSON OR STARR piano 7 You fet something for your money. W do not believe in filling, up the country with cheap and unreliable Pianos,, snd would ratner lose a law ales than be guilty of putting an in- ftrument into a home that will kill all incentive for food music a DiindorePianoCo. Stelnway and Other PiBnos. 233 5 WASHINGTON STREET Our Is "Hot Stuff We sell the t rod acts of all the mines that send their coal to this market. Whatever kind you require you can get from as. so you do not have to fiddle around elsewhere. We eell blacksmith's eoej. andfoundry and smelter coke. VULCAN COALCO. SB Barmslds St., Oppw Seort atovat, Tel State STTS. , . . " KODAK ' i4A0 ' '--.VT3 CFAU. ' a - SfEMWM GOAL nereafterl AH the Boys and CL) sny admUaion chars to Koyai program ami many besunrHl ixe. . eMfVI a eu aad Tab. : :" - , LAST PKRyOBkUHOS ' - '. TC"IC3T kl &29 trcuat 1 ' ' Ika Mnatest Ceanay Sseeeat, . it THE CHAPERONS S Mines Castsaws Piattj IMi Oatasy ' Kaaia Kaar the latest Tte mult C2a Tt2j" , PBICatSXrealBts: c Je,.s0e. Tee. SI sad ' Marlaeea. SBe, SSe, 00c. Tte sad tt Itta. POtB KIOHTS. BE0IH5IN0 MOKDAT. SBPTBMBBB 18, ' . That Bzaoeraatly Mlrtkral Pan as, ." MAY IRWIN The Dtspeaser'et Oeed Chaer. . The Brfervaaeeat Cwawdy Ban aw. ' - "MB. BLACK IS SAOX. PSICES, . SB-, eOe. TBe. i.0, SLSS, SmU Ave Hew Sallies. To Clarerioot Tavern vaaiova vroa ; MarVland Ghlclcen Beautiful I4-KK2 TJ Asm laavae Oregesi atseat, eOaystna' al he fvwflmaM, , S, a, IS f. aa. CaCy Round Trip, ?LCD T H B ORAN D DTfTBlICWS BOS.'TBr.' . i m aOMB. MATO AJ0 rtrUaJ. ' IFOfcasOW a7 . . '"! " , mn jni- . PALM t a A ' o. . raa aiiivii . . . Oeneral aesibJslaa. 10c: eaaelaaa. a... and Hnlldara. raatrri aaate ea Www fw. roe; daily awtlase. eatlre fleer. le, haa aeaav Sunday, ccrrrr.-ucuj 3:30to IO-v4JP.ll. THE STAR ':J- '' ''arcasTuew TBio." ",- ' , ;' .SIC A - IDWAtDS. raa aiT xo c- iubx. ' '"7 ' ' Iai AD BOB, " 'J' HAtPT A1.LTB. ' , 5.: -..i lor M'Aia. rs- - TBA STABOeCOn. Oeaaral adaalaaeea. VAei aaaataae. Seeears aa a.lMar. niaarrad eaael aa barer tVmr. a, dally aaatlaeev eatlre ktwe floar, Ml bea eaeta, JSC. , SUNDAY. CONTTaUOUS 2:30 to 10.45 P.M. WHITE TEMPLE ' Tweift-i aaA Tayle' SATURDAY, Ccptcmbtr 2 . 13:15 P. M. i i r X - X v