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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1905)
r oa. , -c: r- TV V rt-.fI. , a w fa "FTTW VV T1r"T rvvyevaS CVa . If t ' il Y.- 1. M ae a H eu vatloe; . . eh- ef wt'd p -a m, acres "about hi ree Mrnaf t. i I m th t -T twl west ol lr , 4 sd c-ifcj-ft.. 4; g"4 f i i, w . en-1 a, ar..,. , ore ; , a t .af n- , piped I o kow ead to' Urn: to ecree ' potatoes, 1 ten of corn, BO on or - bar. 1.0 buabew of ante, bev-aee of lead seeded to clover and t-no hyi 8 goed h'- . end 1 good, mares, we-.t I0 pom; I end 11 pigs, 1 fbuwa. 8 heed pf cows, fcs-'tere, 1 wagon sod kwiM, 1 aew , j Builu. new; l hayreee. pwa sod br- - row end ether tooto Coo - v nvnui to ava Una; price ko5 pr aero; kaif cae etand long -- nse at km rata of interest, eumemoer ,.,'. tha U cloaa to the eitv oa ioW road, . , . ead eaa be cat no lata Stxore tracts , aad f emd for f?B to (loo per aero. - SS acroa la Wasalagtoa eouaty, IT aeree la ' cultivation: eoed orchard, a Doles, Dears, naaa, cherries, ate., plenty ot small fruit: tons la clover; good spring Sad trail: I ' barna, 1 head horses, cowshed, goatabed. fair hones and household furniture (aaa iiat at , ofncel; l No. 4 aaparator, team, baraeex- . ana wsgon; e eewe, ,a yesniae; wnn, a spring cslvee, a Bogs, narrow, ie gallon get - tic, 100 aUckeas, Hf Oebora Slower, gardca ' drill and cultivator. . hnas altehfurka. . kar forks, pullea and ropes, 80 toaa or bar. ' : kead of (oata, a atasep, S stands of bcaa, 4 acraa lata potatoes, ft acre la farnlu; Interest la teleohone Una of the central of- r 'e: aertnaaat of HllUkera, SV UN to uieocee. oa a good eoontr roea; pnea i.ouj , t lvrms wm pc givsa oa para. - HO acrea. 22 imoroeed. eona Ina saw Mai' . . . ber on tk place; new 4-raooi cuttaga and, ' pantry, all nicely , flaisked; also )uml . enough to build large kitchen and eblckea bouse; pood barn, nearly newt la-foot diiie t war; room for. 10 head stock and JO tons , .hart eklr ken-bouse, potato-koaae, woodbousa , with upstairs for toots, 9 acrea of potatoes, H acre cabbaga, H acra corn, earrota, fruit. , ' and all crops to wltb the place; - about 3 acrea of arckard coosisttaf c all klnila of miv an la kaaring; a cows, s aoraaa.-i waaon. ISO ehli-kena. eultlrstora. Blows, bar v rowa and all klada of farming and gardca tools; good cook, aad Dealing-stores, nearly . . sew: I bada and anrinas. all furniture. ' d lanes aad crockerjrt no bettar land la Ore : ton; all goea for (2S.0O. , HO acraa bench land, drit-clasa, part la col- T1 ration. H well fenced; S-room bovee.. felt barn, nlanana. cklckes-kouaa. awod orchard. large trece. aalect trait, amall fruit, large iraea. Dirret fence, aood road. K. r. i. nil. 14 mils to acnoor'Ane Burins cloaa to house in a trove, small creek an '4ack of place, "SW miles from beet store In tna county. SI aatlea from Portland; price ai.zou, , H down, as lance kwg time 0 per erai: ana . timber, 6r and cedar. . ; : 10A acraa, 05 acrea lav-culttratloa and U tlmothv and clover: 00 acrea tiled land, rick black loam t SS acraa fine timber, fit. and : cedar; well fenced and eroas " f enoed. twe - thlrda cedar pasta and plank, wire bottota and asp; fair buildings; fancy orchard; 6 . ouaneat aaca. a toaa rata ay, good team -: boiaea, barneea and wagon, all the farming , baprorementa; everything oa tbs place; , v... acrea fin potatoes, running water oa the , ; place: IS mflea from city; good roads: B. r. - D. mall; beat buy la the county; satisfactory isrme; price fo,uuu, aair eaen. - ' ... SO acres oa baseline road, la la cultivation. vooa orcnard and balMmga; a grave water, team, eowe and ehlckena: ti.OOO II acraa. Bandy road, cloaa tn; Imnrored, - wenara ana wauainga; gooa saraw; aa,iav, : . KRPK WIH A a ail I.TT Vk.r"-i-W Boom 1 Hamilton Bldg., Third 8t- between - CHOICB raRMS.. . . 10 acraa. good aoU and Improrcajwafat, Irat 130-arre place. 90 acres clear, rood Improve mentar f mllaa renaa Amsm n at ann , . , 100 acres,' 10 la cultivation, aad rood .Improve- wear narnsourg, vs.auo.. Ideal STO-acra dairy ranch, with a but stock r ef (mplcjBwnta, farm animals, crop and fnr ! . allure, creamery, cnopmtU aad watrnrarkf . ria by awa water power, firat-clasa bulld i - Inre (IT la alii: baa t ha mi tn ha amra. -clatsd: 23 miles from Portland, pear Calua uia cov per-acrv.' r - 181 acrea, cloaa to electric Una, very fooe) foil, fair Improvements. (30 per acre. v. y (1 14 -acrea best 'Improved farm - la . Mewberg, .win an tarrw ve OB it. (OO-scre wheat " farm. TOO to cultivate, fh-st-class balldlnaa and well watered, near Rlkhi. . r'-K- toa; a? gropa pay tor the puce; 1 21. SO par acre. .. . " tJB-scre well Improved dairy farm, about 10 muea cast oi vrrgoa t-lty, aasr ereamery-aad " ' for OSS oer acre. i. . . j. . tf3 acres, all In culttvatwa, SO acrea hops. S ml lea from Mchllnnvllle; a snap; (40 per aero, - 40 acres, every foe cultivated, fine Improve '( awnta, t miles electric car, n miles oa wagoa,-4Jloo.- 40 acres, well Improved, good buildings, 11 i mllea oat, miles alectrte car, (3. TOO. Oil acres, wall Improved, very good anil. Bear . ''' ; IwltvtUe, . Potk county ; old sgs causa of --r""- net oartloaUra. terma verir rear. If Too want te bay a farm of say kind or alas and ' ' at the right price la day part of the aorta . " . r. FCCHS, BH Flrat at., v"" ACRE" all choice mad. dH acraa cultlvataiU ',.100 ctoek-a bearing trait trees, aood bouee of roooia and pantry, all plastered and aood .." order oa fine krrel road laadlaf to 1'urtlaad; . - m snap, aorea cultivated, ftne aew house and barn, on a cent car Una: a aaan: only 83.800. i lu acraa choice land oa peninsula, near Co lumbia slough road;, fine large trait tries, goad screa, , acrea cult I vatsd;aew 8-room bouse fraata oa car raaaaBat water. ai.aoa 8 acrea Bear Tlaardvtlle, rtlle, all cultivated; 6room koaaa, good aara, rruit trees.' 4 team .-.' some ehlckena, buggy, wagon, 1 cow, bay 1 trade for home ta Portland; 81,600. SV4 acraa near ear line at Lenta, Improved; - bouee, karat win trade hato a good farm. " I acraa Improved, kouee barn, orchard, good - water, near Vancouver. vYaeklngtoai aell cheap or aiurnt trade mto. email name la eubnrhe of Portland; (800. v 8 acrea oa electric ear line, running stream rrr- of water,' alee new e-room eettage, chicken. kinaa aad warh, fine aprtng water oa the bill piped mto the koaaa; a cheap pktea; only S acrea choice lead, as rrsvel. living water, trad novae, barn aad eatbouaea, 8 apple trees, " '71 4 cherries, peera, raapberrlea, blackbervlee. atrawberrlea.' asparacua. all choice aad bssr . ' tn a taolca ornamental trees, aoate trapes, ) H mile from "tattoo, ( mllea eat; cheap, , aow only 81.000. 1 t acrea choice land at 800th Uouat Tabor, all .. fenced and cultivated; TO choice heal hig . fruit traea: cheap at (1,000. ; BRNKI.B ftAKBTt, f 21 T Abmgtoa Bldg. WARRANTED AS RKPRE8ENTED. '.. ' . Per , a ale or trade , for city property 68 - acrea of rich' fertUe land, good bars, small - orchard, a mllea from Kalao on CowUti river. 1 miles from H. B. atatlon and boat landing, (ond water, good road, 81,800. . For sale M-ecre farm, 4-room aouae, wood ahed, barn.' good bearing orchard, good water, - eouaty road. SVi miles from Xeeso, (400. ; 'or sale (0-acre farm. 80 aorea under eul . ttvatlon. ell fenced, running water, - 4-room . knuae, large barn, chlrkea-houss, kng-housa, IT bead ef cattle, 8 of which are milch cows; wajron aad barneea, kegry end harness, pau of borers, Ds U Val eeparator, mowing ma chine, all amall tools, SB toaa of hay la barn: , only (2.100. 40 acres, 8 miles-frera OalaaiMa fiver?' B. - R. station and boat landing, 2-room bouse, soma clearing, 400,000 feet red fir Umber, ' (310.- ' ' ' .--''-.. : COWIJTSl COUNTY LAND CO. - . ATTENTION, HOM1SKT5KIR8. This la the bast buy la the state for the " money) we can prove It. M arras, 28 In enl- - tlvstloa, 8 acrea young orchard, all bearing, ' 10-raom hones flnlahed ta California redwood. 1 ., S barna, milk bosme. chicken-house, other lta . ; provementa. 40 tone of hay cat. this year. (2,400; small payment down, balance to suit - purchaser. See photo at office. . Hobs a '.r..; Tagsart, 108 Sixth at. ... 80 ACRES, tMi, Mark sofl, mllmg land, la - Tamhlll county, ckwe to railroad; S-atocy frame boose, barn 8ts42, all necessary eot- - bullSlnra, orchard, springe and spring branch, - near acbnnl and market. B. r. D.; price 88.000. Onrndy-Melrata . Oo SeBVt Morrlana " at., room 18. . 1 s '- ATTENTION. DAtBTMIN. . V--U... .180 acraa ea river and railroad. .ISO aorea la timothy and clover, 8-raom koaaa sad oat. buildings. If looking for stork . and dairy farm look this ap. Price (11 per acre. Booaa Tessas. 108 Sixth at. . T20 ACRES at (30, ea Roane river, 400 acraa In high state of cultivation, (7,000; Ideal lm- avovementa. . Haa commercial and aoclal ad vantages; on railroad and electric power llao; a lovely place and home; Meet fur smell tracts. Address TV. N. Babler TS1 Williams ''- ' - - . .. - K..T . 108 ACRES good lead. (18 per kcre; 1 mllea : flow a rive oa good mads, and mm of rsl- msd, H mile of boat landing; 8-etory house with ether eatbulldlnga: a beautirnl site end a ... bargain 1 runulng water., W., Basse Wand, rtrrt at.- - - '' POULTRY FA Rat J acrea. wKbht en mil .railroad station; bouae, ehlcken-hoeeee, Incu ' he tors, brooder, rlilckens, took), 8T8 wortk prat wood, gaod well, eoweeheld faraathmas, . etc.; all for '3. lioote Land Co., 14iS First si. - , f. . 1 , ,i hiiim 11 SiMa , --e ' STval -"a wsnt tl",Ksr ,1 own 1 A, wortk .. , M-a I wul aell for (4.800; an abeo lute.y ea. lavaetDieat. D 84, ears Journal. Pd SALE n u I te 4 tlihmant ' clDa; second r"4 1 S.-4 tesp. N. P. Itielaoa. liuiel k aelapuila. " CP'TIPIED ecrln." any ales places; lowest t .res. W. 0. itowell. ah CaaauMr ot Cum ' aMsoe. . ..., 40 ACRES tJmher-land, Yamhill eouaty, 8300. Anoly 830 laisaiaaippl are. fhone Vuloa FOR HQMESTIADH, timber -cUlma aad esrlp apply to 800 Commercial blk. - 1 HORSES AND ?AE3IAGES. A FINR top baggy horse and harness. Boat t" A for sale caesp, or trade tor sat. A, aV bavker. SaV Washiogtoa at. .. - .- FOR SALS One coat wm. Phone Main 1018. TO EXCHANGE. 4 ACRES as fruits, raspberries, bwekberriee aad atrawberrlea: good plastered aouae. brick base. , tnent, nice barn; oa 8-cent car Una and flue arlve road; win traaa into a larger (arm. HKNiLB BAKER, v ' SIT Abktgtoa Bldf. 1 '' FOB EtXCHANOrl T-rooas modern bones, bam, 4 laroo lota, all kaaua ot fruit aad atirubbery. - plenty of abade trees, la Montavllla.. tor 4 ' or s-room cottage valued at (1,500; no obleo tlons te location. Sag owner, -MO- BroatLaC. MunUviiia. - SEB PHOTO Of new, modem bnllt. beautiful T-room houae with astb, etc.; oa 88x100 lot; ' to rraoe lor term, wita toe noma Ana vo. lAOVk Flrat at. j- . - . TO TRADE Well Improved 180-acre farm for good cows or small dairy; oa Lanes awg time. Address u sa, cars journal. , ., IN AVnB'O. CHIP M. unv ..Miliua w.m. value (M.OOO. for, Portland property. 368 Vs : anirieentB oa. . -;- - FOR aala or axehsnca Three acraa oa St. , Jobaa Una; beauUluI site. Owner, (00 Bra- ton ST. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. MBS. HOWE'S BULLETIN Good atovewood. . cleaa and dry, ready to cord, at (2.80 per cord; oak and Sr at cat rata: brick for aala ',, cheap; express foa hire; noeaee roe r real. raona vnioa 17a scxulbi bssi uivuiea at. BILLIARD AND POOL tablta foa real or for aale ea eeey payments. x TUB DEUNSWICK-BALKB COLLENDER CO. xaira St.. rortiaao. .. , VIENNA ekslrs, matting, booth, glim parti. tlons. etc tor aala eheea. Inquire ef B. ; Campbell, at Natural Food Booth.. AtricuV rural oiag. FOR BALE S Pairs heavy wroeigbt Iron gates. mwui iva- uiv innii wi nam, lPyr.s tluoal Cask RegUtar Co.' , exhibit, talr grounds. j . . - " 1 N . BOO VOXr.S Haaon'a frultlsrs. all staea. aaed am. H u Me. k . Pnrtlanjt StnrtlA p anppiy Jo., al North Eigbtaaatlu Mala ZiA. WB print year name oa 80 calling cards, proper sine aaa styes, xoe:; xoo auaineas cards. 81 Browa A Schmala, 228 First, Cortland. Or. . WOTEN-WIRB -o4 laphoaNeree) eota, . camp stoves, aammecks ana camp furniture. ra rjne Tent Awning Co., ST North Flnt. LA RS BnT stock of berries hi north west: orders filled promptly. Portland Bottle Snpply Co.. ovi ciortn Biignuvsato si. aaa zzss. FOR SALE Larteat alae upright piano; -coat (SO; la arat-elass coadltloa; for (178; tear. uig ci l, ears, aaaaa, oua aiui at LA 1'NCH for aale. length 88 fees 10-H. P. en gine. - Urre carrying capacity; price very vaeaa. aaunav a m, core anrnai. - FOR BALE Parlor Grand piano, almost aew: owner leaving city; pert ra ah, balance easy payments, phone Scott 2830. . A ... - A 31-FOOT launch fitted with Palmer engine; ,. new cusorans ana top; win sou SI s Bargain. Address C 45, care JonrnaL - . FOR SALE Lady' a aew (SO gold watch. WaK inem amvemeat; a oeenty; ror pis. - Address r on, Jonrnal. . . ... -- FOR SALE Rnsslaa milk goats; three female ana one oiny. Asarese. a. H. Hertingtoa, Montavllla. . . ..' w' , ..-. . FOR 8ALR Id ft-i P., e-errle, 4-cyMndVr marine engine at a pertain, w. A. valalel, XU Oak afc.'' --,; ,, (400 NEW aprlrht Plane. (136; Weber 888 organ. (28. 241 H First, aasr Mala, apaUtra, CALI0RAPH typewriter, flrst-clase cundtrPm, (15. C. H. Flsfott, Iswyer. 4 Mnlkey bldg. FOR SALE 1 small air comatsssor. ebeap, . M. v. Btprgaai m viv miiwauxia at. . A COCKER apentaL months old, tar aala; auicsi panne Mnving. xos tiay as. 1U.0UO 0Tra ottaBcy winter applaa for aala ey nuue wmm vs., vove, vr. . BOSTOlf terrier pupplre far aale, tbeap; pedl. Sf MHza. ' mim ntiiuaw eve. OAS range for aala aheap. Inquire 188 North Eitrnreenin at. . - PERSONAL. - BE MENI V - "', ' ,;-V v. p. (Vital-Power) tattlers will restors tn yea the snap, vim and vigor' ef manhoodl It yon are larking la the power of vitality. Its 7 knsa result! ngrem Indiscretions and caresses. eeaa rer a box or taeae tabista aad be con vinced of their merit. By mall la plain pkg , 11. The Armatrong . Tablet Co., inc., 808 Tolama blk.. Detroit. Mka. DETECTIVE agouetCB Oonfldcntlal Investiga tions; rsporia maae en any inaiviauai naanees or prepertyi hooks eiperted: beet city refer ence; charges res none blc; eorrespoadsace so licited. Oregon Detective Service, offlcea 814-318-CMumblabIog., 308 Waahlngioa at., Portland, pboae Mala 8818. - , WIDOW of 44. refined, of ftne appearance. accustomea to cuiturea surrounaings, nest ox eestera references, stranger la city, wishes to meet business man of means and refinement under 4S for aoclal amueemeat. Address D CO. care - JournaL . . . VIBRATION senallasa circalstloo. breeka aowa ' and ejects waste tissue, rebuilds new and healthy ceils; free demonstrstion. orate aad treatlng-cooaia, Vlbratortuu. aulta 28-19, Lewie bldg, cor. Park aad Morrlaea. . .. NO DRUGS, bo operatlona; Prof. tana (Ivea oareoistuy ann wisgnetiv vrestBieiir. iwnucca your flesh, relieves suppressed annthly hrreg hlarlttea. Consul tatloa , free. Office. 801 Qoadnonga bldg. ' ? ,... , LAPIK8: Dr. Taraer'a. Seilae Tablets just whst yon Want; safe -aad absolutely cure preventative; per box, by mall, plain wrapper, 81; six boxes. (3,-U. i. Chemical Co., Port- LOST powers restored by - the greet Dr. lannii nrrTj 1 an r i avieis ; aoc per BOX, boxes for (1.25. Writs or call at EysMll'a Pharmacy, . 23T Mecrleea, ' bet. let end 24. HOW to remove wrinkles fa home remedy, per- eciiy . saraBivvai. win positively remova an lines, leaving the face smooth; forrouls com plete. 28c. Dr. Walker. 417 Commercial bldg. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Rohevta-Nerve uioouiea. vne monta e - treatment, fat a montfcs,- (8; eeat, aecurflv sealed by mail. Ageatsc' Woodsrd, Clarke at Co.. Portland, Or. BOOMS I Here they aret "Deeameroa," "Hep tameroa." "A Hat Tamale," "Fenny Blll.v -Twenty rears a raker," "rorbiddea rrult. 80s each) llets free. A. Bcamale, 228 Flrat at. WANTED To eoafer with tboee critemplar ing e nusinvs sonrsei to your personal aaa raa idal Interest , te laws tl gate. Addreae 48, care (ournaL ALFRED Only foea to ajiinr kow much 1 am taougni si: awi even an inontry; la It beeaaae t failed te let yea kwsS po not knew address.' Llbby ft. .... , I 0HOW, bwy aad aril rineengl U acre vrorth pou.vuo; Dig aanx mat telle all a boat It, post paid 23 tents. H. T. At well, 8o Lister. Ma sse City. Me. ...... a . . LADIES Toa spnesr SO yeers roanger. ro wers au , wrinaiea. aave seta like veivee Eaet'adT n"a 0r,D tkLa Feed, hoae MENI WOMEN I Raymond'a pi I re aoaltlvely are aai iiiasai m aae men of vltanivt.Si. e koxea 88. Plammer Drat Ce.. 20O) TkTrd. SUITS pre sard white vow wait. 80a. ladles Bklrta pressed 80r. Ollbert. 106 14 With St., seat to ins woe lie. rnone Clsy 808. BROTHER WILLIAM, the Quaker prophet. cieirTvjani, wninra, reus tnee an tnings; treats dlenaaee. 813V Wssklngtoa. C. L, ell ep by phone; have let ao aa.a ami. - ehi tz: :c:l. 01- It'e a aoosv-ker t t e-w;, prK iat for esed aud p s ea a Jcaiauc B. W. Klular. la com a, Vtaeh. . WAKl 01 ts V u e" a r ooey ' foe proa pert. , fc trin,' r ud sd rtt. ' tsU. S evening, lmH korrMaai ac, n 11: CLEARANCE ssU all klnda of waists, klmeaea. . mualla aaderwear, ee., below ' Caong Co.. 88 asrrHaa at- . LILLIAN B. CBAM Cklro" edlat. maaKurtaf and abampoolaa. Parlor 4 Ahugtaa hld8 Pcrtlaad. Or. Black sdSS. WANTED A food congenial eompantoa te to ea a hunting trip la the mounts lua. Address " O 1, cars Journal -v. , - htOOREriELD'S Turkish aarh; ladlee aad ten tlauent rheamatlam. akin dlaeeeae, 10814 SUtb ' at. Pacific 870. MIHS BBKTHA MARTIN Room 812. Altoky bldg. bumping and floa needlework; leaeoas " given. . DR. ATWOOD 18 Ruaael bid., cor. 4th Mas. rlaon. Dtesssss ot wo me a. Cones ltatioa free. WANTED A food home for a boy to do choree and go te school. , Address E 48. Jouraal. FREB sample eorn, bunloa and wart core. Ed win L. Deaa. dept. E. Tauntea, liaaa. - 0TP8Y XENOBIA'S herbs, roots aad barks ell diseases. Roeau 82S-S AUaky Mas. DR. FLETCHER'S chiropody parlors, Sid bldg.. office practice. Red lOOS. AUaky MAY BEB yea better call for came I one; wnara tne rrewotet aaiaa. BX PERIF.NCED areeemeker win auks sngsgw menta ia ramines. tnioa nee. ART: EMPORIUM, t PROF. RICHARD MAX METER Portrait aad . Uadeeape artist; instruction la ell painting, water color, etc.. and drawing; art,, gallery connected with studio; pictures tor sale and framing to order. 848 Alder st. Pfioaa 1880, "THB LATEST FAD" BOe buys a pea and Ink sketch of yourself from photo or life. Fay King. 820 Raleigh St.. Beer JSth. M.' car. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS: HOWE. DAVIS t KILHAM, 108-111 Second at. Blank keok manufacturers ; agssts for Jooee Improved Leoaa-Leaf ledgers; sse the aew Eursks leaf, the best oa the market. ATTORNEYS. OBBOON LAW COLLECTION CO. 41 T Fen toa block. Collections made tturoagaoat the United Ststss; bankruptcy matters a apedalty; bad tenants ejected; rents collected aad sea oral lav easiness; notary aablle. - , Ac H. TANNER, attoraey, 80S Commercial blk.. Second and Washing toa am. Pkoae Mala 848, B. T.'TAOO ART. attoraey aad cnuaaellarat law. 418 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BATHS MASSAQE. THE Palace Massage Farters la the oalx place to set a alee Invigorating bath or maassgst young lady. 1 years old. with- assistant, recently from New York. Stark eta, bstwera ' Third aad Foerta. Tbs Tscoma, rooaae 21 -XX. THB 8N0WDEN BATHS Lady atteadanta, 2STH Alder at., tab aad vapor baths, massage ana electricity, mono ataia nvso. BICYCLE DEALERS. COLUMBIA. TRIRCNE AND CRE8CNNT. SP0RT1N0 GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING . F. P. KEENAN. SOS-THIRD ST. .r-rrAr. BIRO MRS.- S. M. FRITZ. 80 Grand-a vs.. aesatlfal - Imoorted esnsrv birds, reasonable: all i- slsgers. end aatlafaetk)agnaraateed.. BOTTLING WORKS. 0. M. BOTTLINO CO., bottlera ef fine eer - bona ted be rer a gee; fsmtly wince aad liquors a specialty. 18 Union ava. Phone Eaat 188. CAFES. THE OFFICE 18 Washington at. 771. Ssmual Vlgnoanx. Mdla CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS WOOD, car peat era, builders; re . pairing aad Jobbing; atore and office flxtarea omit, nnop urn voiumtna. Mala DZVT. CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. Urgent plant wn me- roast,' Lionng aaa naming suM tele phone East 280 Carpets cleaned, refitted, Mail ,Ml Lat.1. iMtlh, mtmmt mmA I.I, 1 pressed sir process! rsaovatloa aaa HAVE year welts cleaned: w deaa pepered ana psinieu waimt satisrsetion - awe ran nricee reasonable; refereneea. Red SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction aad csav air cvawaci; carveae SJewua a OB tessv without removal. Mala 6634. Eaat 2o84. CARPETS cleaned on the floor; we rates aa oner. r-Boae I. lay aai, rree eaaiooetratlea. t. HUNTER Steem carpet and mattress Jeffereoa. Pboae Mala 214. ... CEMENT-CONTRACTORS. CHAR. H. CARTER ft CO., eemeut contractors 840 East Twentieth at. Phone Eaat 1873, 2 All work guaranteed CHIROPODISTS. rFVoar feel irf oat t order, pa to Dr. Worley Bonjsmla. Seventh end Stark, the foot ape- dallat. Pboae Blark 818. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT SB08. General eommlsslos but- cosuie; rruit sua prooucs; coneigaBieata ae llclted; prompt retnras. 180 Front; at. IF .yea want toe get good returns teC year produce, ship to us r pay klgkcak price fuc eggs ft Ol a. r. miinw at to, , ,1 tVERDINO ft FARRBLL, aredaee end commie- sioa Btercnants. ieu rroat au. Fertlaad, Or. Pkoae Mala 170. -TV - CIGARS AND TOBACCO. EfRRKll-GUNST CO. , , ' xilauibatora of - "'v...- 1,1 ' ' (TNI CT0AR8. '' " ' '" f - ' Portlaad. Orswoa. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MILLIE LEE Gifted child from Wrth. aovr ta " Portland nad will give teat readlags fnr Csc: lour aaanaera or reaaing; locates mining aad klddeq treasures. Room 8. 824H First. - .. ' OTPSY F.EN0BIA Tails peat, and futar- Ns ' BMttsC what your troubles are aha will help yoa. Room 828 AUsky bldg.. Morrlaea ead Third. MADAMS v JOHNSTON Clelrvoysnt, palmist. earn resacr; 1 give tacts reliable and Impor tant oa all affaire of real llfaT) Rsadlaga 80c C8 Seveath St.. aeer Oak. MRS. PALMER., clairvoyant aad trance me atus, continues to five her -Bearoeioae feed ings. 185 Morrlsoa. COAL AND WOOD. CHURCHLBY BROS, have removed from Toot Pavla at. to 430 Kearney St., Bear 11th; la aow the laraeat erondvard la the cltv.- earr. . Ing all kinds of wood ead coaX Mala 831. 0RE00RY ft MORRIS, successors (a Cala d) McKaae. Sealers la wood and asel at lowest prices: eaUefactloa gnarsnteed. Cor. Tenth aad Irving, t Pboae Mala 4878. WESTERN Feed ft Fuel Co., ea Frowt. bet! Olissa sad Hoyt., dealers la an klada ef kouee coala and klacksmltk eoskt. Pkotas Msia 1018. ' . ALB1NA FUEL CO. Dealers la cord wood, coal blaa ava., 2 blocks eaet ef ferry. Ess 674. STEEL BRIDGR FUEL CO.Dealera la coat. esrdwood aad dry alaaweoeV I'soas Kaat 434, e- OREGON FUEL CO. All klada of coal wood.. 808 Alder St. Fnoas Mala SB. KIRK HOOVER. SIS Water at.. rkone Mala eflOS. . . FOR AAjJt 8,000 eerda fir Pkoae Bsat 1. -'"' bo 1 a, . . . v . cLCA:::::a atd dyz-.. PO"TI-AND STPAM CLE4N1N0 ,It'l Veorss; practical batter la connection; teauter boas and sunmes cleaned and curl' d b aa SS pert, - kil lourtk. boaa Claw Io4- , VF-TO-NOW CLEANING PRE8HINa.COM ipsny Bnltg pre-aed. 60c; pants. JJc, , Pltoae r reciiw vs. . ie Aaaany at. . r CLOT08S cleaned and pressed 81 per moata. Laiuae Taiiurlug Ou., Sal Washlngtoa at. B. W. TURNER, profeaaloaal dyer aad cleaaev. B Jeffereoa sL Paooe Msia . COLLECTION AGENCY. DOBS aaybodr owe you an moaer 1 We col leet bed debka of all -kinds from (1 ap. 122 jBrandave-, room 13, yut tkle 01-1M CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALB crockery and glassware. Prael. Uecele A Co., 1U0 te 100 Fifth, oar. Stsrkst. DENTISTS. KEY CHURCHMAN, dentist. 884 Marquam bldg.. Sixth and Morrison, phone Mala ITOO. DETECTIVES. I DBTBCTIVB sr secret service work; strictly eonriflenttsi; difticuit caaea soildtea. -14. Wsshlngtoa bldg. . . DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.E.PROWK.D.V.S D.O.Vf. Doe. Horse boa. , pltal. 287 Burnalde. Phones: Msln40O8;Esst2S38 DRESSMAKING. MADAMS BALDWIN'S dreae making parlors at 100 North ftervtith st. - Year petraaage aolie- ltoa. aatmtacuoa gsarssteea. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or weak Bilk, made for tl.2S; ablrtwalat suits, (8.80. doS East Mar at. Phoas Kaat 8231. . DRE8SMARINO Strwtty ap 8 daU; latest do- signa. aoo viay n. ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST . ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING uompany, sua a tare St., rortiapd. w. kv. ror every tklnc la the electrical Una. Poena " Mala IcbS. 'a.CTFIO ELECTRIC CO. 'neinaera. eon trac tors, repairers, electric wiring, snppUsa. 84 rim, cor. ntsra. siaia oov, at. as. 'ists. asgr, FURNACES. A. BANDSTROM makes a apectelty of preaaed brick mantela; anything wrong with poor fireplace, Kacdstrom will fix It; builds the only reinforced Dutch bake oven. 868 Wtl- ' Uame are., Portland, Or. Pboae Scott' 847T. B0TNT0N warm-air furnaeea save fueL 1. CI Bayer Furnace Co., 200 Second. Mala eoi i- FURNITURE FACTORIES. OBBOON. Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of furniture tor ' tbe trede. Portland. Or. FURNITURE aunafsctarlnt and special orders, 1 la Ravenaky's furniture factory. 870 Front at. I GROCERS. WADHAMS CO., wholeaale frocars. mass faeturere aad eoarailsaloa msrebaats Foaitb and Oak eta. s ALLEN A LEWIS, eoarmlesloa and produce poer. chante. Front and Davta ata., Portland. Or. HAIR AND SCALP SPECIALIST. 1 1. BO 80, manufacturer ef haaua hair rails. etc. 438 Eaat Ninth. Pkoae East Sail. HARDWARE. Portlaad Hardware Ce. eolldta epportanlty te . quote prices. 138 1st St., ear. Alder. Mela 1834. -hotels. r--: HOTEL Pendleton, Pvudlctssu W.A. Browa, mgr. HOTEL Porflaad. America a pUa; (8, 88 per day. HOTEL St.- Gears. PsndHtoa; leading notst BELVEDERE; Europeaa plan; 4th aad Alder" ate. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fire lnearsaee. 800 Dekam LAMBERT, rWHlTMER ft CO. Fire 1 sen rases , aad reeli aetata; efficee 10T-108 Sherlock kldg. Mala 1008; dept. 404 Eaat Alder. Kaat 4L FAN. 1 Mf I. WBOB. raiplotsis' rtawtnty aa4 la- dlvldusl aceldeat aurety boada at an kinds. Pboae 4T. 802 McKay bldg. B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY Fire Inanraaee. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa Phone Clsy 828. LOCKSMITH J. B. RICHARDSON, expert lock aad kevemttn; general repen-ing; casiinm oraaiogs a wwa guaranteed. 208 Fourth at. Pkoae Hood 1783. REYNOLDS general repair abop: expert machla let. lockamTtki orders promptly tilled: kfenta Mlllsr keyless locka. 828 Wash. Msln 8028. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith and bicycle repairing, gas stark. Day Clay 8ZZ aignt phone. Main turo. MONEY TO LOAN. . MONET TO LOAN Oa Improved city property or for building .purposes. Aay amount oa from ( to , 10 yea re' time, vwlth privilege to repay all or part ef leaa after oae year. Loane ap proved from plana aad money advaaced aa building prngrnaea; awrtgagea taken ap aad replaced. , FRED H. STRONG, Financial Ageat,' , 342 Stark Street. v THB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, eaa set 6b big ante, with eat mortgage aiomn. y siontn. wees, aa 81S.SS or S8.08 or 88.88 ap f 8.88 or 83.38 or il.08 aa 8 4.00 or $3.00 or 11-00 Monta. k moata. new aiw.onw Bepay re aa sis. 53 or or 82B.0O Repay to 818.00 Reuar tn . All McKay bldg. MONET to loan, salaried people, teamsters, etc.. without security; - essy psyments; largest bnelaeee In 48 principal cities. Totaaaa, 838 Ablngtea bldg. Pbone Mala S4BT. ' MONET te kea oa real, peraoaal and collateral aecunty; special atteatioa to cnattei mort- Figea; notes bought. C W. Pallet, 804-S entoa bldg., 84 Sixth at. ' . HIGHLY respecuhle ,plac Where ladles and gents raa borrow monaa on diaaioads asd iewetry. Collateral Loal Bank. SOB Waak ; Ingtoa at, Pboae BlacJI TA, SS LOANS and upward ea all kmda ef security , or to salaried people oa their note; lowest r rates: ae Bubllcitv. no delsr. - SIS AUngtoa Y bldg. Phone Red 1130. ' .',-., CHATTEL koass ta amounts ranging from 838 to 88.000) rooming -fcuasis a apedalty.' -New Era Loss A Trust Co., 308 Abingtoa bldg. WB atake all klnda of loans oa send secarlty , at lowest rates; special atteatioa flvea te chattel loane. 188 Morrhsea at. . ' ' MONET to loan ta sums ef from $8,000 ta ao.txai; terma to suit tne Borrower, noons 800-10, Commercial blk. s..-..,- MONET to loop ta large or small amoaata ea good eecority; lowewt rates. - w luiam . IA. Beck. SOT Faluns bldg. - THB CRESCENT LOAN, COMPANY Salary wane from three te six Baostaa; eaafldeaUaL, SIT Oregoalaa. - "1 MONET to naa ea Clacksmse couoty lends. w. s. aaa s. o. akiivr. va i-aaaiwev sa vuav PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 8 and 8 per cent, wa Denbolm. 330 railing bldg. LOWEST rates Oa furnltare end pianos, rast ers ul ce sea Bberioea bug. clay 83a. , $1,000 TO mea ea city property. 404 Beet Mor- rieoei. rnoae Beat oak. MUSICAL. COURTNEY'S MTSIO 8T0RB. Sel Fifth at. uod lias of akeet maalc ioc; guitara. msndo llae 1-8 lees tbsa eeual price; Columbta records 30c. "IANO tnrrlng. 83; perfect work guaranteed, a W. sohnao. Pboae Mala 181k uacn'ztic HZALi:;a MPS, U B. HART treeta all d'eassea. ae.anak treabie, ae reeusases aad fuaeiuaaal w- aaeas. Consuitstloa free, (auvk Park. ear. I'liiiia MILL' FINISHINGS. BOXWOOD and planer trieamlnge arwars ea bend at the Standard Wood Co. Fkooe East 1 8010. Feat ef East Pine at. ' - OVERALLS.- BOSS OF TUB BOAD OVE BALLS and me chanics" clothing; usloa made.- Neaatadtar - Bros., maBuXaetarers, Portland, Or. v OSTEOPATHS.' DRS. ADI uixi , Third 1 NORTHRUP. 416-14-1T Dekam . bldg, and Waahlna-toa ata. Pkoae t Mala 848. aUamlaatlone free. - DRS, OTIS ft MABEL AKIN, 408 Mseleoy bldg. Clay ITS. Raa. M. S18L Consultation free. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Mlsxassenw8lB F. Ev BEACH ft 00. The Pwaeer Pslnt Co.; window-glass gad gleslng. , 138 First St. Pbone 1834.- BASMUSHBN ft CO Jobbers, paints, ell, fUsa, sank aad doors. Second aad Taylor. PLUMBERS. DONNERBEBO ft RADEMACHEB, Baal tea plumbers. 84 Fourth St. Both phease. FOX ft CO., sanitary plambera. 231 Bitjoad. be. Mala and-Sslmoa.. Oregoa Pbeae Msia tool. PLATING. aaiesawaaJaataJtBna.eSwai THB OBEG0N PLATING WORKS. 401 Waak- mgtoa at. . Phone 8878. . Pollaklac. platlaf aad lacquering. . . PRINTING. ANDBRSON ft DUNIWAT COMPANY, prlntlac, lltbogrspblag, blank hooka. Pkeae Mala 11. 808 Alder et. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, ruttertng. repairing aad saaaral joooing. a. Aostu, mim jeitersoa at. RUBBER STAMPS. a rt AVTsATD WADVI lft ft lAVa aaft aea or vwane. wv V aw.ap, aw-wav 4BV nsaur ays... Ml UBBBJ , Vfttn T10; rahbOT stamp, stoariV Wf MW :aaan.m.m , mwfgtU tvm - (SBMaHflM, ' ; SPIRITUALISTS- I K L0ETTA SplrltasUst, medium aad heeler. The acknowledged leader. Marvelous euree. Bps : elalty rbeumatlo and atubbora dlsssses. Toor advaaUge to consult us. Room 10, 234H 1st MBS. STANLEY, spiritual medium, returned from Seaside. Room L, 107 FoathV. Phaae .! Clay ST. t t 7. . . - . f ........ PORTLAND OOBDA0B fXl.- aad Nerthrkp eta., Portia ad. Or. SAFES. DIBBOLD Manganese safes; fire aad bare Is r--. nrecf wofkw.Jall aad prlnsa work; lockouts opened;, rope Irs, I. B. -TJawkj. , OeVThrrd et. - -4 SHOWCASES . AND FlXTURESJ BOWCASES ef 'every deaerlptloat bank, her - aad etore Sxtarre kasde to order.. The Letks aianstacTsnng oa, rcrtlanOi SIGN-PAINTERS. OOLD SIONS. wlrfdow' leriaetn. eUrffe . economical electric. signs an, algae' of' ad klada made quickly, : Foster Klelsss. Fifth aaa imiu., j-aiies Excnange aav STREET-pirV lNG WARREN CoBetraerJoa Co., Street pari lag. aid lakhs. walks asd T18 CHE Trinidad Asphalt. Farias Co. a fkeTJaaaV wvjias woreaew am. TALKING MACHINES. oiBsoN co; IWaahlngtoa af. Complete Jgraphopboned and records. I nr jma stock of ColambU TRANSFER AND HAULING SAFES, Blaaoa aad faraltare exorea, pecked reedy for shipping aad skipped; all work guaranteed: large, S-etary, Wick.', Sre-prsel waieheuse fox eterage. Office US First st. c M. Uleea. Faoas Mala 84T. ft OVPIOK. of nee 88 First aV between Stark. rw mm eaa.. fiawwai ei uianoa aae innwi avaved aad packed for aUpptnsl eemsaedieea brick warehouse, Freut asd Clay sta. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. Pboae Mala 88. Heavy kaallag aad Storage. BEB Bess M. Phimmer a boat ssnrsae: fir cot rates. 303 Third at, Pboae Mala aaa. POST SPECIAL DBUTERY Re. tqpm Waaa- at, pnoae Mala ana. TOWEL' SUPPLY ' CLEAN TOWELS DAILS Coma, brash, asaa. Ce.rFoarth bawrsBoe avros.- towsi aapaiy ead Coach. Pboae 488. VIOLINS. We SCO. vtoHa-auker aad rapatrari work t Class. 88 RasssU bids., 4th sad Morrlsoa. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-188 at., bet. Tamhlll sad Tsytor. Portland. Every IVcsnah sawsraxtea ana boobm snow . . . ahoat the wondarfal MAJrVTl vkerlirra Spray nesavMl j.rtwii !uasi-Sal! sloe uonveaisnt. Ask rear sraawh aa, a. If be oannotsupely the iaaBVKL. aowpt ae other, hut send stamp for Illustrated nook rt alias full nartleulara and ltreetinne la. valuable to lartlee. SffRvKI, rXa 44 m. ead sr.. kanr voetai. FOR SALS BZ WOOSAaUt, CLARKE CO. IN. A - Wo treat avjeeasaftilly all private nee voua and ehronlo diseaeee at man:' Alee) blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble Wo aura BTPH1LH f without mercury) to step cured for aver. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain, tn II daps. ., We atop drains, night loewea and spermatorrhea, . by a new method In a week. We can restore the sexual vigor any man-under- to by means ot local treatment peculiar to ourselves. We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week Ttie doctore of this' inaUtuto are all earo experience, have bean known In 'ortland for li vaara. have a reDutatlon r to maintain, and will undertake no case) 1 nleas certain cure aaa be effected. Wo gu a ran toe a euro In every case wa anoertaae or charge bo fee. tonsalta tlon free. Letters conndentlal. Inatrue tlva BOOK FOR MEN mailed free la plain wrapper. 1 ima iittr iiit Tk.JV t ww urw ins went xmaem wa puss miwM tBree IrwAtC tlan. Cure guaranteed. - If tor cannot oall st efRee -wrtts for r f arui, . OfHce hours. I to I and T to a. load t DR. W. NORTO; fidoss Ua Vaa No ilotel, f:u rv TRANSPORTATION. aa-paaammwaxaaax- North Pacific S. S.Co.8 s. s. noAr;o32 .... ... . .... rtoo . Tona. -... ., Sa.Ha for Ban Franclcco and tioa Anselea, . .ailln at Eureka, an route,' V ; -BU.TtTaUAT,'ana8.'' ''. ' ' iV'. . TV BUli AT, OCT. 19. ' ; ah. ' -. TTJXBSAVT, OCTr B4. From Columbia Dock No.' 1 at I p. m. T1C13I OTTICTB SSI 'WABXXMQTOn Pbone M. Ills. H. TOUHO. Agent. COLUMBIA RIVER TRIP aPallw BWU14 Trip o Oaaeado Xaaaa) STEAMER BA1L.E Y G ATZERT " r-t Loaraa week flaya t:J0 v .savJ. iundaFS. , a. m. Arrlvaa back p. m. ,: ROUND TRIP $H50 . Through ateamers for Thai Dallas and amp points leave dally T a. tn.. ' Wharf roov or Alder street. Pbone aaaln si. ALASKA . FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS Leave Seattle S a. m. ,. Vafraraoa'k September f. IT. ST. "L "Delpaia,'' eptember S, IS, S3. ; CALLING AT , -KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU. DOrGLAS, HAINES, 8KA0WAT. Conaoete with W. P. X. rouu lor Atlla, bswsoa. Tsaaaa, Noma. etc. " FOR ALL SOUTrTNASTERN ALASKA PORTS. ' f. "areUea," September 4. 80, "i S. S. "Dlrlge," SepUmber 18, 38. Call or aead for , "Trip to- Wotidvrfel Alsska." "ladUa Baakatrf," "Tetam Poles. 1 ' ' ... . . , iv. TSX ALASKA . . 00.' .. x ' - Frank Weeieey Co. Aaeota. ant Osk St. Portlaad. Or. -.-S-r-aJ MaTOSaJBSOmA, aiVBBT, 1AJX1S, BtTSaVOOaUea, TAVmWOCBXB, MSSOT atAjnKOOS, MXMXmATXUM, BOaaVMaV, AaTTXMA and MCOr SIBmAKX. Wl want ai-ery man afflloted wita the kbove - dlxeaaee to honceUy Inreatisate our asocial System of t realm ant. We la vlt4 In particuUr all who have treated alaawhora . without, auecess. ' all. whoso caaea have boon abandoned by family phyaioians ana so-caiiea- -wanHav XSTS."- all whooa trou Wee have beea arrravotad and made worse by tha naa of .l.TR.'-TStMM MAvarvieMa.'xau.. vuiTn-IlTI 'Hil . aWVcSallad BFEiOTF- Z0S. . We will explaia to you why such. treatment lias .failed.) to .euro rou. Ana will aemonatrato tq prour antlfe aaUa. faetloa that i w ean.,?ouro;yon, safely, oulckly andpermpticoHy, Our cotinael wiu coat nothlnr. and' we win ) hy f.ov aa wa-would wUh pott to 00. by ua our oaee were reverapd.. Write (or OUT homa treatment it FoU oanho calL TheDR. LIEBIGSTAFF BVooins anal . 7, WtawkAwSa atoms. Bd M Xawaartde) Sttawataj, ToxHamA, Ok. ; . ataRls irr .l $1.00Fori$1.00 Turkish ; Bath - AM reM Wi fop King's Baths aWr anUl ms4 Waee tngtoa t, ao4 larseaH ks itto wlty. c .en. gu::;?s Dice 7 ARB tc:ii3 . A VXMUn TO TAXB AT MBAX. TTJf X, . aawamamJhaMBBBBaaWamwgs W IB a swerttofl M wsM Bl0O4 SwepfVwaat H lwplAM9 wPew) taaaW . Fa To lain ft sad afrssytA,tst M- . - To Onuses kysaeesacss dap Cases, T Cneate Aaroe fecee. To wsraes fee Msasaag, Te Stop Off re Spela, ' T tlv HmlV$ Seea. Te Stop III mil Im fare. To ejo 1 1 ear def wa. Te Oars aWsea 014 awa, Te Sestsee 1,ser SeteV T AtaAe tklm csar. Te Oave PeaeeasA , , 8easa ssi aad Ceaetsatsa. t0U ST DSUOaiSTt, OR BY MAIL OS) RECEIPT I 0MUCa,7Se.RB0X;SB0XUIL OR. BOSASTKO OO. FRILA DSLPHIA. TA. CHiCHgaTaa-R inaiish . EtinYltOYAL PILLO wngiaas oae wary emawe 8APR. AleaTeralUkle. Lcdlaa, aai IVaarM 1 a CHlCHMTElv KNULHat le KER ea4 eld SMtame we, vtaelaerikeea. Take ae ether. Rvraae ruin 1 si SaboUHaaleae ead laUa BUM. Mm ef year PrarleL w wa4 da. eiaawa hr Parslealars. TeettmealalS eaa 'Bella farTadtee, a leuw. Sr re eaea malb ,imwwv TTW fM Dnafstats. ets. ajnieaeeaer aeeaiaai vofr f K xe2? . -. P g SKI S m aV ' : . , I , ' . ' t ' ! 1 ' tr ( ,-, .-) -, . l-Xn!zi to tit Exst lij : Taraagk Pathaaa evaadard aad taarf-e. e lug -cars dally to Omaha. Ckwapw, a, tearlat sleeslng-can dally to SVaaaaa 1 threaak Paumaa tearlat elseedeaeeers (' ally eond acted) weekly' to Cuoeo. F ekslrosrs (easts tree) te the aaa da.-s. UNION DBPOT. Less CMICAOOPORTLANO . apwrrvaf. 0:18 a.! B-.rB. 1 For the Esst via Bnat- Dally. Deity. ingteav BP0KANB FLYER, fee Eestera Wssnlnp toa. Walls Watts. Lew- 818 a, aa., istoa. Coeor d'Aleas Oally. oa wxaaa Rarthen Pslata, ATLANTIC EX PR asm. For the Eaat via Beat. 8:18 p. an. Ti4t Baat-I Dally. Daug. Ingtoa. OslamWa Rivec Ptvteeea. FAR awrnnia ..a ..I a.a - Mata, eoaaectlag with nelly, atanr. for Ilwaee aad on. Saadap. North Beach, etaar. Baa- Satardar. B:(k a. ax. Seto. aekat. dork. Il00 p. to. Tamhlll Btvae Beats. me rkawrrM rS City aad Tsmlim TOa. as, Pflnta, etmra. Rath sad I Daily. torttuit r"-" ft'asBJSae, Snake River Reate. FOB LBWIST0R. Ida.. and wsypolsts from upena. wssa.f - atmra. Spokane and Lewis tea. TICKET OFFaSR. Third aad. ar aaiMe a.t via EASTw SOUTH Leaves, I CSIOS DSrVt. I Arrtvea. 0TB BLAND KXPB ttbibb, ror seism, a. aaa una. 1 ua, Ogdaa. Sea S:4a,as, - '-ft . ' . Cisco, Stocktaau Lee Aa4 Ces, El Paso, New Or-1 ne and the Beat. - I Msralag trala eta-- at . Woo dalle . arcane Saaatav, 8:80 tax. ..-'' Hnth i trala" tot -fcMamtosa.-.' Braevl rttssj Nstron. .- .A V7 rSM f. aTrWateeeoarl wtuJnS: Mt Anp. aaa sxivaH t : A, m. ' , Osrvallla innilir J8 ) a. 1 Bherldaa aaaaanaer. . Iv8:ird a. I V40B. la. l!10:4frp.Bx. Fereat Orove.psssengee, ll :eO p. 1 ensile ! IIDally except Sunday.- ':. f eatlaag Oaweaa Suburbaa Smilia 1 j,. 7 . Hi via lea. Taamn -Deoet foot ef Jefferson h- Leave Portland dally for Oswefo T:88 a, 1 II.-80. 104. 4.00, 8:80, 80. 8:88. TtSS, F ?. m." Dally fexcept Swndey), 8 JO. de, 8 048 a. sa. 4:00, 11:80 a. at, aaanp eav., 8:00 s. ss. Retaralag from Oswego, arrive Purtrasd 4"" 8:80 a. avt l!88. 8:06.- 48, Otpa, y:, t a . 11:18 p. m. belly taxcewt Sunday). S:W. T 8:881 10:10, 11:48 B- .m' Exeewt Mindly. tade, hM. daUy. tp' Moemeath sod Ak-i. 'la, o a tnkw asetlng Wltp aeatnera reeine'osBap gt Dallss And Indpeadeaco. , - . Ffrstlaae fare from Pertland to Sscvasae-' nd Baa Fremcleca .400. bcrthe li innli fare SIS., seeoad-dssa berths S3.S0. , Tickete to Ksatera aotata ssiTjropei Lr lease. Chine, era and Abetraliau . City Ticket OfSee coraer Third and wkafie Lkpaaseti .i.lL-SjAfe'.l TIME CARD si .or: : TRAINS Portlcsncli DAILT. CNJ0N DEPOT. Dsparkj Arrive. w,,a Warh-Rsa- sss City-St. Loale Spe-I rial gor ineiaua, wvi tralle, 01mpla. Orayd 40-Bk S1S8a.Sk, Haraor, acuta ee. -i eoma. Seattle, opokana. LewUtoa. Ratts. Blll4 fcgs,- Ieear, Osaaaa.1 kaasas CTty. aWK a aw sad seetheae. . ' HMli - - . electrle lighted, for Te4 3.80 p, aa M S to- .V - 4 a- yoom. weaitan, opoaaoe. Butte, Mlnae spoils, St. Paal aad the gnat. -Paget Seaad UmHeS. far Chshslle, Cue trails, Taeome ee . Rsawls lSRsS8, eniy Twin City Brimaa. ant Tscoma. Sesttlo, Spa Mae. Beleae, Batta, Yelkrwstoae Park k. 11:48 s- aa, Bissp. av -apjBt. FaU i"v , - A. Bv CBURLT0N. Rsahitaat Oewaral Pesssaa-ic A aa Mm-rteoa ex.. ee. hkfd, Portlaad, twaaaa. Astonii & Columbia v , River Railroad Co. CM ION DEPOT. AsMsaaw 1 f j So a. to. Dally. Par Mevwsra, Be flatakaala. Waatnort. CUttoa. Aeraria, War- re a toa, Fiavel, Baav aaaad. Fart , Steveaa. Oearkart Park. Seaside, Astoria aaa eeaeoers. ' toareeS oallp. . iftkl Tifma. . IIDally - Daiiy. --Astoria 0. P. aad P. iu. Aew s C'A. aTsTWART. tBseretal Ag . k i 4 CUROS osl i-, tc cv e . Tr? ' " (ft Q P.-BX. Sunday oaly, lOW a. m. - . Lee vvi from asaV! Sepod foe DeOaa awd fr. aawitste nolata dally '8:00 p. aa, - Artwe kw, land tO'is a. to. ' 1 The Indetwedeera-meanmtft Motor I- iFINk Yxr-00 0 .. . . , ,