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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1905)
7- THE : OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL. POHTLAirD. : SATURDAY "EVZriniO, " gZPTZlIZ- 13- ..7U, as..... . v. t.m r l UsaA Oregon. frrtnuportaUo thrvxigk the tealla M ' rosters tor lBiem: For S. IB er J t peg paper. 1 ml; 14 la SO (M! eeatos - '. puss, r -. ..-: V niDIMIl . ; ' ''Editorial Rooss.,...,.,..i........l....MJ Iwlwi Office. . ,.,.-.,,..,... ' forma AOTxmTmii lmiKiunn, r Tre.lsndBsni.mla Iwdil Ad recti lng Anncy. "" , 100 Nassau Mmt, sw Yvk. Tribune Bulld- i.'. ;, V. : v v " Ium by Currfcar. v . tvTta Pally towl, wllk Sunday. 1 fW'J!S Tb r11r towHl, f year,.... ...... $ Tbe Pally Journal, wltk Banter. esseine. i -I? The Dally JhthL ase-the. ?? The NlU Journal, with Sunday. nmatbe. lt . . Tba Hall Journal. 1 caoatha. . ii iv jmimi. a eeontne.. ...... Tba TJally Journal, with Bundsy, 1 asooth.. - .40 Ike Dailr, par week, delivered. Boeder la- rlada4 ...77. -; Tb Itailr, aar weak, deUversd, Sunday ; eepted .,.., w... . : ' - Tama by 310. ' " - The nana Journal, with SuW.1 . J Tba Pelly Journal. I (year ? ' Tba THillr JatirnaC ounul. wllk BnndayJ a th oarnal. Knnlka BTb naraal. arltb f od. I taaatka. - oaraal, t moritti .-. TM Ialir Ji Tba rtall ' J. j- Tba fMilr JnMm Th twtl aMla 1 akaaitb . , Tba Iallr Joaraal, 1 gnnrb. Tba Buada Joaraal. 1 raf. ...... .. TbaBaaaar loaraaL atoatba.......... I.M '"f - . -Tba-Baail-Waakly faaraal. -.'. i' ' ,Ta Bant-Waaklr Joonial, a It aaa v. aack laaaa. WaatrataC tnU aaukat a- ort: 1 ra...... ' KaailttaBcaa abaala ba Bad br Brafts. Botl - y aotM. ' esprvta ardara ad aaull aatoaata ar . accaatabla ta I awl I eaat aaatac ataaipa. TXX nVMMAL. ,1 'f; 9. a FartUad. Orafoa. - ' , ' :' - "WtaM 'm ' JQgmatAl HAT BS BOTaTB. Tb 7oarital ca ba faaa a aala at ka m: fnII1wtBT BlacaB! " , ' . fcOISS. IDAHO B. BaUa at Ca.1 W. B. Me latyr. ' - ' CHIC A G CV Poatof flea Haw aaaipaa! 1T Oaar. - "PESTER. corKADOI. 'Black.' KztaaatB "4 rocti rri. , , KAMI AS PITT Ta Ka Ww eaaipaar.'1 ' . BHMNEAPOI.W M. J.. KaTaaaacb. BO Boatk THlrd trt. - - . - "T ' .' KEW TORK OITT Kraataaca, TJnloB airaara. OlilHA Millar Hotel near Maod: Mcaaath StathawTT comtwaj, IBM raraaa atraat. BALT LA KB CITT Kanvoa Hotel aawa t4; . Barrow Rraa.. B Waat Bb4 trat. aoath. BT.. LOl'tS PH!p Roeaer. Bit Lacaat tratt ,' K. T. Jett. Itna nilr tret. . BAN FBANOIBCO W: B. Ar1nf. Fatoca Hotel , . aewa stand and 1V Market tract: flold. anltk Bro.. 3M Batter atraat and) Balnt rraart. Dotal: Porter A Oraar. rtrr btilld- . tacs N. Wbeatlciy aaarabla aewa at ad. car- " aer Market and A earner atmta. . " r IF .TTLB BaJalec Ceaai aew tad4 , W. J ank. Hotel atttle new atand. ' . BPualABB. .WABHUiOTON-woba W. Oraaaa . .- aV C7 TACOMA. WAHT50T01 Taarral Raw est. . nanrr Hotel Taeniae Bear ara nd. . TK-TOBTA, BRITISH COLUMBIA Tletarfa Book, A BUUoaerr ooeapaorv , . . . WEATHER REPORT. boarar ' and i thaadar atnraka bare actuned last 14 boar la aztreame aoatbara ralltoniUr otbro - Arlaoaa.1- aootacra - New Mexico and tba aautk watral aortloa at Tela. Elaewbara aaar tba aattr TJaltcd Btataa fair weather baa Brarailed. - It I cooler thla nomine; 1 uoitbaia Callrnr al. tba eppea Mlalalppl Taller and tba lake reejletr and warmer la tba apper Mtnanrl aal Irr4 sad In tk autberm atatr aieept aaar to eoaat. : - - , Tba bariwaater baa 1 allaa daHdadle arar weat ara Waahlnatoa and the tadlcatlaa are for ahawata and nonler weatber la tbla district Bandar, earaat la anntbera Idaba, wbara It will aoatlaaa fair wltb aa decided ebaf la temper rare. ;.- J ' tn MARRIAGE LICENSES. - M F lBdcr. ClereUBd. Oblo, Mi Mud W. . M. Carl, Toper, OretToa, IT; BUaabrtfe V.kuie 1- ' . .. Carlo A. Maaa, 84: Janata B.'fMtnrsr. M. ' Hcarr Bammaa. Sit rrsaeea H. Pbalpa, IB. rV. U Mark ea ate. Beattha, Wsha-tae, M; Martk A. Tbosnnsoa, 50. . ... Hearr E. Stevens, Echo, Oreaee, BS Mrs. , Jennie Iewla, 2. , , Ussraet Taleatlae. M: Loatss Mr Dead sL. 44.' Weddlna- Cards. W. O. Bmlrh AC., Wash. JJbMieer Foarth ad Wssblntto eta. t: BIRTHS. IT. ta Mr. aad Mra. Twrntr-flrat ..Wmrt. a Kr.LI.Y Bent em her tl. ta Mr. and Mrs, J. 0, Hellr. ' TAtk Onimbr street, a danfhter. TOTr)etrtemb-r JltV to Mx,nd Jlxa. """ T.'Ti.uiii lltl Ctsr (tract, a aoa. FOBTHaV eVeoteajW IB. ta Mr.1 aad Mra, Haory Jssaes Porter, lie Calpa, arssa. aorta, a f danirhter. . ' . ' , sssmsncssawassasKsmBsssssssBsssnmnrmpsarasmmB CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. TTSOW Buui M, aidrlna TIM. 74$ tmrim inw DEATHS.. BHKBIyfwK Piptember IP. Fraacla Xirler Bheetock. aired M rear, 071 Thm ana treat: r ranaa, aslllarr tabercalotla. Barlal at Moaat Clrry cemetery. SCHWA It I Beptembar 10. Carl Schwara, aped Tl years. Ttelay street: csase. irnnsbM woond ' self inflicted I. Fnrlal at I,aa Fir cemetery. rETERBOK Brpteaiher SX, lmrd H. Peterson, . 4A4 Beat Bereafb street: raaaa, heart dleeaaa. BnHal at WalcVH Whsceasla. , WnlO.'V gerttraiDer 21. omUf WllseaK seed Ta raara, at iooa namarltsa aoepital; : ' ld fa. Barlal at Lone Fir cemetery. '- --: BrtTTnr ctmtjxbt. .... ' BlBVl Tre B10. ' Famll7 fcts T0 to 11.001. Tba only c. meter? In Portland wklcb. per. petnallr msls tains aad rare for Iota. For fall lafnrmarloa applr t W. K. Mack en ate. War aeeter Mark. dty. . V, MV Ladd. president. Danalna. MrEnraa A nirhanrh - (eaaBlna A Camptoa. trnoertskera and amhslra- era. - stoa.r in errrr oetaii. nerenth aad Ptaa, Fboae Mala 4IM. Lady Msiatsnt t Tb Bdward Bolama tinrleetsklns. -, fauaral dlrectar sad ambalnMra. 33g Third B,, atraat. Fboa B0T. . . ., ' J. F. Flaley A Bo, fnnersl iHreetor and awwlmera. corner Third and Madtron atraat. . Office af caaaty-coroner. Tetopbona Mala B. , " Fnaeral wreafbe and rat flowers snedaltr - . '; at Bca rttr Oreeabmiae, Twratyascond aa , Eaat M artisan,, a pp. cematsry. Clark ftrn. for fVwrera. 3PB Morrteoa itntet. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. tnaarla tstnsl A Improraraaat compsay to F. Haatar. lot IS is. omcc w, uaay- - aide , . Orarle Ctrdlnall l Aadp Frit, wast H ,, 3M or east oi mm i. a, aura zsa. . -1' dtp ....... 1,886 Bom t kea "t Port la nd Real Estat aasncls. :', tloa to Apn M. Mrr. et l.; lot T. ' , , a, and part lota 1. 3; wast 39 feat lot i ft. Mock 11 Fkrat eabdlrlaioa af Kara - r Park j...... ....,'......" fcrf Msry E. Pothorland ta Anna M. EwelfeL . U-lot B. block TB. BtrphBa sddl(lo.,. XtOO , Harrlrit Keanedr at t M. Klaaner. ... . ' parrel of lead at Intersection of Mll- V . wankl aad Powell................... Roettl.k.Amerlr Inreatspent ranpaar ta c' . Anale B. Kerr, lot 4, bloc M. W1U 104 Umette Helahts addltvoa A. A. Hsrrlnstira ta J. A. Orchard aad 1.4M ' wifa. lot B., Mock B. East Portland , HelahU a J.OfJt W f Msry U. Pros ton at al. ta M. Klspper, , ft . parcel af land aeatnnln at Intereectioa V - f Ullwankle ad Powell. FMeMtr Traat cumnaivy . to Emma E. ... - Hall, parcel of land bearlnnlns' at , ; a , aostbwest sjaraer of lot 4, block t, , y . Blacfclatona addition ............. . S.TM ' F. H. -UarlaT aad wife ta The Kedtr . , tad eamnutr. lot It. black St. Mowat ; Tsnor sill . :1 ' Tb Rlrarrlew Cemetery assorts tloa to '' . ,f. Hufesrd, M lt. section ion, r- rasaetery -. , . . . , ..TT. .,....'.... Ti Wi.!L.,'n, l-. lota M. II. bmrk A Kiewart Park Tot . I, Okaraea and wife Is D. C. Weiv ; o I. Work . tester aitdltion.,...,.. ' 149 ' "v,!;?. ' tea. lot I. ' kw 44. Porilaet fit. bemeatead .. IM ' TT.. V,": " 1 Mawkee, iota . r-";J,V.fc,S5 Uererwemd ..7!.,... JTSJ Cjieriff ra Thorns Hndsnn, lata f. B. . bmck 4 Carter t ddlO........:.... . . H REAL ESTATE. TRANSFERS. Aakuirea Trust' Investment, company ' ; ' , ta Nadir Laa eanuaar. tot M. bkx-k r. H. Marlar IN wife ta a. Bumaeri i a krta T. a. Mark &t. rtly..,. ! P. Unfautf to i. K. Splar, kit , btork ' 6. ktaaclr Hlblan4 '"'I Partlaa4 Ttoat raupaiia ta Victor Lao4 raaipao, , lot S4. bkwk !, Treaa . fUwa ....w ;.;..V ....'.- I C. r. Lavlata W. MK'aaiaot. tut J, ... alock 310. Coock addlttoa... 10,000 T. -aV Darlar an4 wa- ta r. C. Walk, - . araa la aactloa M, lewaablp 1 aartn, . ranaa S aaat... ' 1,000 T. B. Owlar a ad wlfa to P. C. Walkw, . aeraa la aactloa H tawaabip i aartn, - -ranaa B aaat. bond for dl. ......... . t.000 H. K. Cotamaa aad wtra to U P. Brw ; at aL lot a, block 210, Ooacb'a aam- , . tloa ' I Marrarat Macaalar V. F. Lraian, lot ' ' . blark a. Pralnanlar aodltloa... . Ta Ella C. Oood aad knubaud to atari' "'-,. t'araar. lot 13 and rat H of lot a, block ISS, Oauck'a addltloa... : I Oct mr laaeranee ad be trart ta real aetata from tba Title Ouaraate A Treat eoav panr.-tao Waahlnfton aiiccl. comer Becoad. NOTICE. VOTIOB OF BALX OF BOBDB. ; J KMIm Lm keeekw wleea that tb board Of 4iractara tba Hood Ml Irrlcatloa Itiatrlct la Waaco eoaatr. Oraaoa. will aell tba boad at ld dletrtet 1 tb uai at 4U.UU0 oa Taaa. 4ay. the ttth dr of October, lauo, at tba boar at 10 e'efcx-k a. aa.. at tbe office of eatd board, t the raeideooe of I, H. Sbociakr la aald dlatrlct. ad that ara led propoeaM- tor aald aoad will aa recerraa j aaia aeara ai aaia piaca tor tbe pnrchaae of aald boad aatll tb dar attd boar a bora awatloited. at which, tlm the, board ahall opaa the prop! and 'award the pwrchoae t the bonda ta the bbjbaat bld apoaalbw bidder, the board raaerrlaf tb rl-ht ta reject aar d all bid, bid ta ba accum. panted br a certified check for 10 par .cent tat the amount of tba bond for which tbe bid la abaaltted. . Bald bond eball ba parable la noar at tb Halted But, la 10 erle. aa lolluwa. to-wltt At tbe axnlratloa af cterea yeanc- flea par cast at the whale Bomber at ld boadal at tbt nplrattaa ef twelre year, lz per coat; l th explretloa sf thlrteaa rear, aeraa per cent: t th eapfratloa of fourteen rear, rlfbt pet coat; at th explrarloa of fifteen rear. Bin par cent; at th exptratloa of alxtaea rears, tea per ceat; at the explretloa .of arrestee rear. leeea Bar eaat: at tba explretloa af eigbtaea raara, tblrteaa per coast ; St th expire- uoa ef Blneteaa rear, rirteea per cent; at ina expiration of twenty rears, alxtaea per ceat; aad aball bear Interest at tbe rata of elx par ceat par aaoBDa, payable aemi-t nasally, o tb first day of Jnnr and July at each rer. Tb principal ndV Interest ahall be payable at tb place dealt-nated la the boad and bidder are f Irea th option of barlnc said bond para ble at Portland,- In tb atata of Orefuo, or la the city ef New York. - In tb -state of New Tark. and aald bonda will be Issued la accord ance with tbe election af the aurcasafiil bidder. Bald bond shall ba each af the denomlnatwa of not lea than 1100 and not mors tbsn asuii, ad shall b nefotlsbls la form and con poos, for tba Interest aball ba attacked ta sack bond Ijrned br the ecretery. . tMiea at bom Hirer, urvcoa, (am aaia aar f September, IBObV .. PROPOSALS FOR -CLOTHIJtO) . AKO:. EQUIP. AUa-lrpof wosrter msater s uince. aa iw Miwtavarrr t.. Baa Franc taco, Cal., Sept. S. 1V. aaaled proposals la tripllcat. eub Wt to the Dsaal eundltloaa, will ba race! red - krra aatll 10 o'clock a. at., .Tbarsdar, Bep teraber 38, 1006, and tbea opened, for fur- BlabiB: and dellrerlng at either th PhlUdol phia. ew York. Boaton, Chlcaco, St. Lonl or Baa Fraactsca depots of the enerteraiae ter' department. U. S. srmy. 44.M4 pairs lnxl4ol msrcblDf ahoea and 80.000 pair black block ar ahoea. Tbe rlfbt ta I reserrvd to reject or accept any ar all propossls of aar Part thereof. Preference will ba (Irea to article af domestic manufacture, eondl- rf tloa of qoalltr and price (lacludlnf la plica of foreign production or marrafncttir Uis duty thsreoe) being MaaL Standard asm- ' nlea ran ba aeon at and blanks for orooosal -: and tall Information will b furalsbed ,apoa -application to tola office. - Ennlope ' con- '. talnlnc orooosal to b lndorard "Proaoaal . for Ciotblng and Eqnlpafe to be opened t 10 e'clechv . .. Sept. S9, 100S." . Major u. A. israot, aepoc qnartennaner, u. o. IN tb eoaatr court of tba atata of Oregon for tb county of Multnonsb. In the mattaf af th aatate ef Alexaader1. D. ' Macaenale. oo- - ceased. Hi otic of sppoiotmrst of adminJe- I rat or and ta elslmsnta. , , Notloa ta karehe aresm thst the .under- y alfmed baa been duly appointed by tb abor ' entitled court administrator of tbe estate of Alexaader D. Mack ana te. deceased. . AH per aona basing claims aparnat fas estate of Mid drruassd ar hereby required t present theav, with nrooer roactiers. within air mouth from . tba daw of thla nttrs ta the, amUri)ped - ardU mlnUuator aforesaid, at bat office sA the 8 I Portland. ntyof Mulrtwrnthattp lui-XL. ... .oa- . 1 y,, sbTaj RaM sn-aWtj aji. nsrP twit a ftp arsu.a. , ' ' C. F. ADAMS. Admtnlarrstor of the Batata af .Ale leader D. Msckensle. Ileeeased. ' - rmt publlcttloa Sep tern ber 3S, lPtxi.i r taut public tka Bepteniber SS. 1S0S. SEALED proposal addressed to the lwla and . Clark Centennial Expotltloa Commission, will be received at the office of the. rommlseloa . In the Oregoa buUdlng until 13 o'clock noon, Monday, October 14. 101167 for tba purchase ' of ny of tb following building now on tb - Lewi sod dirk ex post tloa- ground betonirtng ' ta tb atata of Oregon: Administration group, I nc hi dinar flra eratlon.. nolle- acoartment. Ad. . ministration building proper, eomaade 'and ratraae; forelga Exhibit building. Agrlcui, . rural building. Oriental and Educational bulld ' Ing, Machinery. Electricity aad TransportatloB ' building, Audltnrlam.- Mining building . and Oregoa Btafa building. . ' Spaetflcatlon aad Informatloa for proa. . pectlrs bidder, area blank form for blila. can be obtained apon application at the secrr " try' of flea la the Orrgoa building oa and aitea osturosy. tn m instant. - EDMOXD q (iHTNyg, Secretary, K0TICB TO CONTRACTORS Notice 1 hereby riven that th board of directors of tba Hood Hirer Irrlpatloa district, In Waec conuty. ' Oregon," will receive bid for tba eonatructton . af tba neceesary canal and work for raid dtstfirt t be constructed In accordance with i' tbe nlan and nteclflcatkm thereof. Seated ' bid for aucb work will be received at tb office af tba board at tb residence of J. H. Shoemaker, secretary of the board la ssld t district, rill Saturday. the-SHth day! ef Oe- .tober, lwo, at the hour of I o'clock p. m. Blda nnat. b accompanied by a certified check for B per ceat of tha amount of th VbM.,' Tho board prarrrsa th right to reject any and all blda. Plan and speclflcstlon : may be procured by application to tba uecra ; Ury of the board. 1 ' - J. H. SHOEMAKER. Secretary. Dated at Hood Hirer, Or.,, thla 10tk day .. of September,. 1904.,- - a , TO THB TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH .COUNT!, UK. : . notice u nereoy given mat on Monday, October S. lOuS, tb board of equalisation of Multnomab eouaty will attend at tba office of tbe county clerk of said county and pablMy examine the aassaJment rolls for the year ie. and correct all error la valuation, deacrlptlon or qua II tie ef land, lots or ether property, and It ta tha duty ' of all peraoo Intrreated ta appeer at the time and place appointed, and If It aball appear ta suck board of equalisation tbst there are any laude. lota or other property assessed twice or is the Bern of a person ar person sot the awner of tbe same, or I - ..nj - - "- eela. ee in. lands, lot or "other property aot aasessVd, aald botrd of aquallsstloo shltl mak th nrooer aorreetVma. B. B. 8I0LER, County Partlend. Or.. . September t. lBOS. PROPOSALS for Bcreea Poors fsnd Windows OfOea of C Q. M.. ncoarer Barracks, Wash An rust 38. 1008. Sealed-proposals, la triplicate, will be received bar antll II 'dock a. m., September 2B. lpoo. for ln atalllng acreena on door and window oa seres building at Fort Sterena. Or. Sped- . Scsttona will be furnished upon application. The U. 8: reserves the rliht ta reject or accept gay or all proposals or any pert thereof.' Envelope concerning pronosslr , should be mark.d ''Proposal for Screen'' anf addreeesd. F. 0. HODUSON, C Q. .M. - PORTLAND. Sentember 33. im. Multnomah Camp No. 3. Indian War Veterans. All ret , eraaa are incited te attend funeral of lata t osi rail Ooetaf Wllnon at ' Maaenlr temple at 3 o'clock Saturday, earner of LswusdsJ and Marrleoa eta. , ..--if CAPTAIN 1. M. FARRISH. ' A. R. STUART. NOTICE Tbe public Is warned not to parch ( a pioailsaory not for txnt, dated Angvmt 4, 118, and pay a hi OctoW . ipfifl. and algned by t1 Keckler, aa tba said sots wis pro. eared by frand and wee without conatderatine. Bent. 30. IPOS. tSlgned) Keckler. . . I WILT, not be reepor.str.1. tat debt a eontrsotsd ay voaawt at ataiafer. M. METZOKR. ' N0TJCE. ANYONH who ran Btra kiformatloa af F. M. Varrier, rormerly or Evaneeruw. unm,; passe notlfrto 41. car Journal. .; ' MEETING NOTICES." FORESTS RS of America All bratbar Foraatera ar requeattd t Beat at rarest ere' nail, ear ner Second and Yamhill eta.. Panda 1U Sep tember M. at 1 p. m., for tba purpose I of perfonaiiic the lent sad tiphts af ur deceased Bretaer Uarrlaos. , . . FRED MASON. . v Chtef Raaga. l ' W. I. BNTDER. Flaandal Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. , LOST A psperarrlor's roots book. ' M. 103. contslnlnc list of Jonraal eubecrtbsrsj . lost near vlrlnlrr of Third aad Stark ats. Batnrs " to circulation dapaxtmest Journal fflce, aad reeeira rewara. . ..,.( FOUND At 13S First at. aad IBS Oraad ar.. lb pic to pet i-omunaoB a imea nooa ana Quick Relief Oil; erery famllr ahoaldl bare It. LOST Watch fob wltb tuittate F. - B.- ns lorkst: Sndar pleas return to 14- mt at, Gllaiaa bar, aad cecal r reward. . ! LOST r KUpUrad. about Jn S, eertlflcat of pension; rewara. tot i4)waaaie at. mr. Va Bibber. . HELP WANTED MALE, t WANTED Trostworthy man to manses branch etSce aad dlstrKwslag oapo ror large awnu factarcr: Mlsry to start . with, 11.800 Brat rear, end extra eomalantooa "and exuraaee: applicant moat hare good references and $3,000 reek, capital aecured; el per tear n necemsry. Addraas "Snperlntendeat." ' 31 Weat Atwater at., Detroit, . Mtclilxan. ,. ; HOP-PICKERS to pick 634 aena hope) all de sired accommodation, grocery, oaxerr. raa Uarant, butrber-akop. besatlful camp pro on da dance ball, pure mountain water, ate, , Beoa 441 Sherlock bldg.. Third and Oak. ' THERB I a flaa opening for a good aboamaks nd harnrsa repairer in taa town oi wane 'Salmon, Wash.) bob but a reliable man need applr Addreee J. C Maclnaaa, White 81 ton, Weeh. - . MEN and boys wanted to earn $5 dar. after two montna tnatroctio; posiuea gnarameeu. Coyna Broa. Co. Plumbing School, New York. Cincinnati, Q.. St. lawla, Me. (Free pata- lOgU.) . . , - : .-. STATION MRU, reck workl goad prleaa. new work, lota at It, SUM cans, su wintar. naaxern Oregon: free fare. Particular at Haaajea'a Employmaet Ofttce. 34 North Second at. - WANTED Working . bora to fit tbemala for anrasramest i common anguan orancoes. con saereiat- ewtrae, - .- Ifc-.-Aj-Nlght- Bebasl. Term baglaa Bast. . , WANTED Mining snen to take mloarslogy at I.i M. V. A. nignr, sranoi; pis par sis snooins coarse: aeiaoaal lnatrnctloa.. Tsrni beglaa Sept. 3S. '. .- . ITS PERMANENT salary and axpatmo paid re liable men, eotaioe or inectip; pieaaanx worn. H. Henken, room 5. 177 H Ttb, Port land. Or. BOY wanted, IS years eld;-moat ba t good ,. writer and able to answer talephon. UaU Sunday morning, 133 Grand are., room IS.-' - WANTKDThr capable earnlna at least 823 weakly Applr is CAam- bar of Commerce, T.:S0 to S.80 erealng. TOUNO maa ran asm part ar all of km tutttonj business, shortnsod or English course. Mult insTitni. ao nixxa ar. . . WAKTBD Bop. about 14 years eld. to art as errane nor ana leer nnslsess; aalsry nrst, tl. Oarratt A Xaaag. 2 Stark at TWO -more csblnet-taakers wanted..' Portland Bprlns: Bed A Fnntltur Uo.. comer Klereath and Flaadera ta. . - , ' WANTED Man for yard and Bill work; wares n per aar ot io noara. inquire at office, . Inma n-Poulaon Co. ., . - , - , PORTLAND Bfrbar .College give tuitloa aa reaeoaanie aa any acnooi aa ma eoaat. mi FUnders at. r ' EXPERIENCED whra wearer, wages S3. Waab 1 nc ton Ms Urea A Furniture Co., SeattM Wub.c ., , - . ... ', , FIR ST -CLAPS broiler aad lunch ma a. O. M, Campbell. . au J a C. Saattia, : Wank. . - . WANTED Sailor for Manila and Australia. Apply at Bailors Boss, earner 3d aad OUasa. 10 TEAMS for tie kanllngi B miles 4 cents esch. I squire 29S Eaat i'ortleth at. Phone Eaat S4T4. - Avp n Old A King. Washington aad Fifth. AJtea morning. 10 lot Sherlock bldg. WANTED Men: 83 per day ef 10 hour. Call . IMA a. ...,;.... . J . BOY wanted. Apply at F. a StettVrc, comet Tenth and Oltsan. -..j .. ., BOY . wanted for : factarr. . Twenty first su Apply 63 Bsst BOY wanted, work bowling alley. Bohee'a park. "HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOP-PICKERS to pick 434 acres hops: ell de sired Accotnmodstlons, groaerr, bakery. -Tea. laurant, nnicpernop, nraufirui camp grounoa. v uaaee asu, pure mountain wtr, etc 441 Sherlock bldg.. Third aad Oak. WANTED ISO girl ta- mak weralm and bins: Instruction rlvsn to lnexDerteaceA ' Apply Neaetedter Bros.. Standard Factory - co.- a, corner mn laymr ana uraaa are. 0IRL wanted' for boaaework la mill fantily. CaH forenooa No. 3S Eaat Flftsaatb at, south. Anksny or Pin at. car. HANSEN'S L All KB' AGENCY, 848 V4 Washing, -ton at.: cor. Seventh, apatalra, Phoa Mala 36B3, Ferns 1 help -wanted. . . , - - WANTED ladlea to call and aa th patent . Irrigator ; a boon ta humanity. Mis L B. Myers, 154 Eaat Both et... , , , WANTED Operator, experleacad aa tailor-made aklrts: power machine. tnaa, Coopey A Am, SSH'Thlrd st - . . ... , k.,. GIRL wanted to learn photograph business; good chance ror ngni party. . uau Mn first at4 gallery. - TWO experienced aalesglrla for fancy goods, boa levy and underwear. .Apply 1T1 Third at. GIRL ' wanted for general houeework or ssslst In noun work. Sll Kir by at. Tk L ear. . WANTED Tracker far Chinee mission. Call ' , at 810 Burnald at., or 2udS4 Second st. WANTET Experienced waitresses. 80 week, at Bristol reatsurant. 4M Waablngtoa at. iWANTED Experienced millinery saleslady at ronianq puinnerp w, ioa nitB st. APPRENTICES Bright, tut girl ta Mara tba tredo.' Cretlre. ItSVi lltb t. . GIRLS wanted to learn pppernox-nwklng. F. 0, Bicujer, exsmar -levim auu wiraan. GIRLS for ladle tailor -mad eulte, also lady xsmoiu su ,. . v WANTED Olrl for family af two. Inquire 304 norxa 'tweoiy-rourxn at.- n - GIRL for Canrral housework . tenet be aaaipa, tent. . PKone Emu) 4184. . YOCNtl girl for light housework t no chSdren. inajuir ail rvesu nri. - v" .-- WANTED Girl to wait aa table at 104 Berth - Seventh et - - - .... MALE IaND FEMALE' HELP. THR demand for competent , Oookkeeeera aad teaograparr rs graster tea a tbe supply, rront ' Aaguat 1. t(K)4. ta Aagust I. lSOB. w placed t "I In good poaltlousi bad call for saors tba a . -2 .ew-,v mmjmi .npinva, w win assist you to "position wbea competent; rnmii now: usy or nivni; neanae-walker Bnelneaa College, Strars blk., kilth aad Morrlsoa ta. - . t . e WANTED At one, a bright, energetic, pre. eeatabl maa or wotnaa, a good talker, te . tak up- aa attractive proposition. Iaqulr TS8 Chamber ef Commerce. B a. as. LADY or gniemsa to repreaent large businevs firm; good salary for right peraoo. t'll or addreee S. H. Mycfa, 14 tat Both it, Parte land, r. v . . , i MALE AND FEMALE HELP. IF ya an a sand accident lseuraare a feat, as exceptional flu contract Mr awaiting yea. ' Tborateav on t-namoer at SOLICITORS Ms ar wo ployaMnt to has tiers ; sary. SOS Dkaa bidg. ent peraii ixperleaea laaeat ea WANTED Immediately, S men or women In do rnrlag. Call up Rut SIT; good proposltlo,. HELP wanted and' nr. plied, aula or female. R. O. DHAKR, 306H Wsahlagton at Oar 4A. WAKTBO Immediately, xperleeeed help of all ' klade t Grand Unndry. 17tk aad Qulmbr- SITUATIONS' WANTEDMALE. ROOK BEEPER Yeanf man. a i SO yaara, fa- i miliar wltb double eatry book, eeeorsl rear' xperminm an ociicw worn, aswirsa) snoiiema a. oaea: cite aast sttbar rereranraa. . Addraan F Kl leinul . . MR. liOWRT, S4S Jeffarana street, skilled aa n I 1 1 asm a, a. iwa, w la ass poallloa la rartlaaa. Pttoa Iloud So. .... - WANTEfW Poltloa shipping clerk ar work In erne nr ana a oc expeneaeei csa rarniaa bet af rafarsacse. . Address B 4a, Joarnal. TOUNO) Oarman chemist. Dr. pall., . waata chemical altuatloa. - Addraaa w 44, ournaL FIREMAN ar pumpman, experienced, waata po sit Ion. F SO, Journal. - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. -.. : HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB. . " ' FOR MEN. ' 34 N. Second ft. - Phone Mala 1834. FIONEEal EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contra. oral help free te employer. 318 Morrteoa. WANTEDRE,, L ESTATE. n FARMS WATiTED All klnda atock, poultry. ., fruit, grain aad bop farms; moat be good aad reasonable ta nrfc. give fall description, , price and terms. . 1 i , , . 304 AlMky bldg. - W ANTED -Two lota wltb ar without 8 or 4 roool modem boo, near street ear line: part caah, balance monthly. Addreea, giving ' full deacrlptlon. locatloa and terasa, 0 43, ' Journal. e - WANTED Residences aa waat aide, cloae. In, -at tsesoaabls flgur; w hv buyer. DUBOIS A SHERWOOD, f ' - BUSH Morrison, Room 8. WANTED Bona and lot. either en eaat at . waat aide ef river; will pey caah If pries la right: agents ncd aot anawar. Addraat 84, -ears Journal. , , , PARTY wsnts suburbs acre bom, esst aide. Bear car Ilea and school; am II cash psrment, ' balancs munthly. Address O 48, rare JouraaL J. LANDIGAN will pay cash for cheap cottage and furniture. Phone Hoed 148. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED A baa ef S9M on 10 Sera lm-T-proved land. Addreea A 84, eare Jaurnal. - WANTED TO RENT. DAIRY farm. TO acrea, 4 mils from dty: flaa road o month. SOS Allaky bldg. WANTEDAGENTS. WANTED Apenta and aalramau far our Little Gem Lang Taster, patent pendtngl beat thing ent, eoumthmg new and aell on lpht; csta kcue aad asmpb) 38 eenta postpaid; waolsean) Srtca to a sen la. , Bbtrtey M. jOc Ca Boa; St. hlrtey, lnd. AGENTS WANTED la asU ear anpertor hlgh grada asraery - stock: new and complete out , It furnished free) caah weekly; writs today - for choice territory. Capital City Nursery is., caiem. uregoe. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTINa. prsrlng n4' Wbltewsshlng trees. osna menu, nern. oocxa, ere.; largest gasoline i snrarlnji outfit ea tha t. as. . taorgaa A Co.. ST0 MllwaukU at. Pboo East 3417. ORCHESTRA. S nieces, waata snaaremest venlug. Bandar; mual far all eocaalona very reaeonabie. s Laereua at. Tel. Main soos. HIGHEST caah price paid for bottles and yank or overr eeecnption. roruanu sotia nunniv WANTS D Gentle drlviiuj bora for lady till pnng ror .a..iain; gswa csrv; gnoq rrrar eueee. ; Addreea D 40, care JouraaL - v HENRY B. BOLER. upbontterfng and rapalrmgi fitrnltnre pecked for etalpment, Pbena Paciflr HIGHEST rjrlcea r1d. Mra's old clotblna. UneU -Joe. 80 Third et. Pbaaa -Paelfla 4A. GOOD driving tig wanted, bone, harass aad anggy. Apply 703 uregoaiaa bldg. WANTED Second-hand reclining folding , go- cart wita paraaoa. i none it eat otn. , , . BOOKS bought, aold aad isal laged at tba Old, Book store, xa YamhUl at. .. WANTED To bay, n eecond-hand aafe. drees F 40, care JeurnaL Ad- F. J. BTDEB, printer. Second aad Washington . ata. raone main eosa. WHO IS M. . MORGAN A CO. 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TUB KINO New , building, handsomely- fnr- aniBea, equipped with every ssoaern conn 'fence; -on direct ear Ha to. exposition; outside -rooms; best, gas, eh-ctrte lights, por celain baths; rate. COc, 75c and II: fake Fifth St. car from union depot ta SOB Jrffer aoa at., near dty balL Phone Black 1SU. THE RAMANN. ISA N. ISth., cor. Hoyt Newly . fomlebrd rooms, $1.80 up; eonvenlent locatloa, 18 ml on tea' walk . te fair ground; Morrison ear at nnlon depot direct te houae.- Phone 8470. RICEMt furnlahed room, cingl or ultee; tran sient; rent reeaonabla; brick building. tl0 Flrat.. ' EiceDsnt kwatlaa. - Chaw la. Pbon ' CUy T3S. , MABQUAM HOUSE. I45H 4th Room n cult or mgli bouaekeeplng rooms; g atevee, bath, electric light; transient solicited. . FRONT parlor for gentleman of refinement wbe - wlahee room aaar tbe center of elty. 881 Evorctfr at. - - . ., THR GLADSTONE S13H Bevtar at., fnmlsrird rooms; ander now mnagsmatt sticaa rev ' onbl, .'-.-.,... . . . CHEAPEST and beat located rooms In Portlaad, 1 week and up. Oilman, First and Alder eta, FURNISHED aad koneekeeplng room tor reat. 124 Kaott St. Telephoaa East 302A .. THB GRAND, 48 H N. Third at. Room for man, 1130 per week and up. , THB CASTLB 873 Wa.Mngtoa gt. furnlsbed rooms, phone Main 1874. - BOARD. . rnasnsv . TIB Overton t, near fait ground. " FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Ml R E NT Faraisbed hMeekeeplng room ft ' beet brick block on esst aide; ga raages, bsth, etc. ao transient; pi lees . moderate. . Lore a blk.. 10S4 Unloe vsv, .corner . Eaat Alder. Phone Union 8268. - I HOUSEKEEPING epartmetita. oillst location) l-reooi miiie, eiv, suonio; a-rrroni, cv aoonio, pboae, water Iras. , tHcksou, University Perk. Scott 1284. i 81. TB PER week, large clea furnished boa. Beeping room; la nor y as nata. . ISS a bar man st.. Souta Portland. HOUSES .FOR RENT FURNI - TURE FOR SALE. FOR, beat result ea ' -; . ' "FURNITCRE. naeiner to ouy ar arn. ring np main aons, - PORTLAND AI'CTION ROOMS, , . , . sis rm aa, v .-.' ' FCRNITI.RB of T mom, Blsao; 4 Mock of paatofnea; rent P); would trad piano for tota. - lit lisdlsoa . : fhoo Mala . ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLAMS room aad board for peraaeaeat people, tt tO and 3o per month; table board e per weak. A a tor bouse. TU aad Maoiaoa ata. tij Mia sou, THR IRVING Elegant sreommodstloaa, na exoroitant charyss; arning-roota in sou sea "tloa; price right. Comer 18th and lrvlsg FURNISHED reoma and board at tbe OerfteM betel. .84 a week aad ap. Garfield Hotel, 380 'ixurtb f ourteenth earner Bavtrr. a - BOOMS wttA board for reasonable; flrat-claaa Blxth t. aent ttaaata. cooklas. 881 FOR RENT HOUSES. BEAUTIFULLY ,flnlahd 8-roora modern houae. is n. is; tor at., nsr zao, vacant octoner 1: reference required; 34 reat. or will sell reasons his. a K. .Waaaeett, al T. M. 0, A. Mala liteT. . FOR RENT 6-room bona, furnlebed; evrnar wiaa to noara wita party. 'Apply at asp East TwsUth sftsr S:80 evealnga or all day Bun day, Full lot, nice garden, good locatloa. . - STUART atatloB, Moaat Scott car 4 Urge . rooms, outbuildings, mosera; parties without ' culrareni furniture for. sals. ; Call tbe Be 11 - vae. Fourth and Balasoa.. MODERN boose 4 rooms. Portland Helgbte; SU per month aad furniture for sale; furni ture coat $1,000, .will U for 8800. , W. Ho aea Wood. 141V Flrat at.. T-BOOM bouse, large groanda, ana block from two cur line; Highland, aaat - aide: quiet Boott neighborhood; f IB pea auonta.- Phone lUeZ. . AT 430 per month. 4 reoma furnished for henae- keeping. oa ear line; eultable for twe faauilaa. loiof. Belmoat, Runeyaide ear, 84tb st. A ROOM ajodera bona im at aide, tn good locatloa, gis per moara. it a ran an, Tnompaoa . A Power, S Chamber ef Commeree. . . .. TO RENT 1 8 room bona, water, yard, 84 par monro, nacneaar or asan una wu.. . raaw Mela 806T. FOR RENT House and rooms, furnlahed aad unfurniaaed. - 00 ft urana ave., ,N. a. U. Winter. .'. 3 BOOMS. SS bnonrh; ever looking the Oaka, fine grove, trace; taenia lor eupper. BOS; AUefcy FOR BRNT. S room cottage. 888 Kearney st. Inquire nt osi nee roe y at FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS! t FINELY furnished offte en . Washington at. lur ail. us m vr om. ,Hiw,i.n uw medlstsly. Addreee E.eO, JeurnaL . - LARGE top floor for lesse. Uorrlaon at., near noetoince; SMvsmor; suuanm tor urn ess, asp arena M 41, cars Journal. FOR RENT Centrally located sfflc with phone, m. u. est. ii asconn ex. OrriCE-ROOM ' for rent. Apply slave ta. OFFICES and room. ' Ijnrla bldg. . . Iaqulr White. SOS Dekum Blag. - FOR RENT FLATS. S-ROOM fiat. Including basement, us of hath ana water paid; a cauarea; via. aaa mm ex. XBW SMtdera 4-roem. flat, rant abbs, Phone Eeet 1488, - - BUSINESS CHANCES.- BUSINESS CHANCES J r - Stock of kardware la a proeperou town, wltb a ton trader will exchange Into s good sswmlll and timbers might take seed farm ne atw-h HMSi. . . $8,000 atock of general merehasdlss. good trading pout; wui traa tor a tarm or ciiy . Drug atore, well Iocs ted b Portland, doing a good bus loess; will exchange . for ,1m . proved property. ' - 28 -room hotel, all furalshad complete aad making money, rn a goes eouinera urewou -tewa; will exchange for a roemlng-heues or anod property In Portland. $4,000. - -. rirst-riass MwmlU, eompleU logging -camp ' outflt, all modcra. ap to data. Baa body of timber; might trade for farm; a apeinaia Kcotoek of grocerta. " well located la Portland: will tradn foe a email farm. Nice, new, well selectee stow at clothing and rents' fnralahlnaj goods, la : splendid, growing towns win excaange uno a stock of hardware or grocaria la Portlaad ne nmnn efna vnllnv tawa. , - Stock of groceries. Invoice about 91,400 Kastlast. t. 000 Stock nl -aaaarai.. marchaniHaa' s i race, ciean a iocs, in roou vaiiey xuwn. stock of eeneral meronanaie at gooo coua try point, proeperoua eommnalty; rnvketxaent about 82.000: business caa be enlarged; will aell at eacriSce, aa swear must quit en ac count ef health, j Rooming bouse, all flrat-claaa condition, clearing S3B0 per month; .will trad for a farm or atock ranch,. - Nice atock of dry gooda aad notions: good eteady trade, choice -r locution, In splendid growmg town: will tnvolee about 80,800. , . HENKLB A BAKER, '' 1 BIT AMostoa bldg., 108H ialr st;' v- i Portland, Or. BEAD tb follow Ing. nod If biteraated call ar write: One 0-barrel flouring mill, steam - power, and one 85-barrel flooring mill, water -. power, for eel or etcnenge for form prop erly. Some goad valley farma, well lui proved, . dairy ranch, Mra and small, trn Ore goa wheat land, also atock ranches, restdenc property and vacant lota ta all parte of tb 'City. We have th aood and wut to haw them: mforaettoa furnlahod on any part of rre anrrnweuT. nee u. or wnt. NORTHWEST LAND CO., B68 Morrbsvn St., Room Sll.- PATENT, covering aeveral eoaotlea ea aa rtlcle .thst Is wanted by each - atore aad . la a ready eeller, muet he aold ea account " Of ether business; here Is a chance te get Into bualnen on small capital, where you caa make big money la a abort tlm; will " aell eouaty -right cheap aad will take aere- eg or lot In exchange; Investtgsts thla If you ar looking for a business opening. . . , , H. . W. MILLER.- 108 Vfc Sixth eU STRANGERS desiring te locate la Oregon-will do well to call upon me before deciding, aa I am acnualnted with land and values In each connty, and have a large llat of bargain to- select from, ana eieo an kind af buslnee openings for aale at tempting prices. Having . traveled tbe atata over for the past 30 years . I sm prepared -to rv roe. H. W, Millar, ' 304 Ooodnougb bldg., Portland, Ors V WR have one ef the beat paring retail grocery . and meat msrkste la the city that we will ' offer for a few days; thla business will : stsnd Inveatlgatlon, and la going to be eold this week. If you are Interested call at ear office and learn the reason why. Northwest Lead Co., 348 Morriana at., room Sll. -, .. IF wanting California gold -cop per mines we can supply the best propositions ta America; also om guaranteed raluabl gold-copper , ettaree at sacrifice; If seeking mhiing rnvest man Is adore (baa. F. Blackburn, mining feokiglst, Amcticaa Hotel, . 13S .Sixth at., ortland. ,. . FOR BALB -At SB per-cent below Invoice, If Bold In 10 day, on account of sickness, a flrst-clasa confectionery. Ice cream and short order; good location, doing a good boslnsss) peat O-R. A N. hops. Ill Buaeell at. Phone Scott 803. FREE LANDS IN OREGON,- : FBRTILB oll, pur water, dsllghtfal cHssatet lsd of slfalfs. spples and clover. For full , laformatlon eddresa tbe Columbia Boufhsra Irrigation Co., BJS) Worcester blk Portlaad. HOTEL tn tba town ef-Hood -River for aala, oa : beat corner la town. 100x100 font lot. 31 roam; doing n fla bnslnena; or will aell fur nrture aad less. For particular call at 1 Room IS. 348 Mortiaon at. HALF Interest In general atercsntlle busies aa, doing $40,000 Vcarly cash; bank aaat to etore; cause for eelling. eyeelght falling, cannot see to do bualnesa; $6,000 buy half Interest. Ad- dress F 48, car. JouraaL WANTED Party wltb $.1,000 to buy half later- - est In patent and pain me la a stock compeny; - ran clear 828,000 par year; caa manufacture In Portland; Investigate thla. Call ar addreea 1110 E. Taylor St., elty. PARTIES wishing to keep posted rewarding tb opening of th. Indian reservation In Moo- ' taaa, either the Crow or Pis (bead, csa do ss by railing ar writing to 308 Goednougb bldg., Portland, Or. $128 SECURES Interest tn profitable tHrak rieea worn, esay learned; enoer man reqwsd. i. H. B. Anderaea, 101 Morrleos 8b. BUSINESS CHANCES.' FOB BAUD Oa in acoount ef alekneaa, alee, ekata, if business on. ssat d; sales 8' 8 per day; price 1.4uti, or will . mooay msklni fti sia .a 1 - - . mv e-- tm "( lavotee; as agasila wanted O W, The JoaraaL A CERTIFICATE of tranafer from Bohnk-Wl- ker Buslnee College for 8MB will be trans. rerun, at iv per rent oiscount. j, n, iirerturf. ruriwno, ut4 general aeiivaay. QUARTS A high grade, free milling largo or body la southern Oregoa; will bona for dvet- wviuyui, -.efriia. ..Bin, . , .uuw, im n Hii.ns .,., rvnuaa. - A GOOD office-man and saleatssa wants a paat. in wner ne caa laveat eiuaa rooney in tea Duaineae as nartner or pay tMssineea ktier on, Address F 83. JournaL . GROCERY With 0 living rooms, rent gilt-edged buy; tl.aot); would trade for smsll sutMU-Daa rsria. noma Land da., 140ft rirat. FOB BALE Block of general rsercfesndlse la Son locatloa; ssles from 8800 to gl.ouo pat monia. a u arson iocx svaz , Taagvnt, ur. GREAT SNAP Cigar and tobacco More, busiest etreet; rear room eultable- for billiard and Pool, 4. M. H. Anderaea.- 1S1 Storrlaoa at. WB want te buy Oregoa securitlee. Highland, nranoarn i on. ana i.ucay rvoy miaiug siocx. aiu Aungtoa Drag. r. J. uatierna at ua. FOR SALB Eataktlahsd nhotoatranh atndioi plan Old equipment, - good null nee. Addreea a, u. not ui, wregon .mty, ur, - FOR BALE For . paring bnilnaos, maa or woman. pax vv uiisiue are., cue. Huaaall, ruasn in; u aar. l-ikons x aius.v , FOR SALE Rooming-houss, IT raqma; newly vjge. o na- mfm,' snuusm JeMm a, . . ., . . . 1 mm - Bkuanuii ev.f rans) uans sua. ' , PARTY with 3180 esu bar good stock; a saw nusinsaa; run nui lov per asoatn. uau or sou res mo s. xaytor at. . . WHEN looking for a location, either elty or eouairy, cau ea rne riurrnweai sau ua, goa Hornsea et. room sit.. I HATB 4.000 Alameda Con. mining stork; must asu Moaaay eno win let it g cheap tor cash. auuiw. u.i. journal. -. . ' - 0-ROOM hots! dining room aad-bar for f 1.000; apesx srsso; wut esu aai half Inter. Addreea r no. Journal. NEW8PAPBB plant for esto la a growing towa; wu vjupuian BBsuussn. inquire x. le, vmiw awwusi. RESTAURANT, BSBOj - fine order; rent $Ml uauy sates ass,-, nrat-eaaan aocarjoa. J 1 Allaky bldg. -,- , FOR SALE Brick hotel. 48 rooass, good furnt- tare, apiaoaia sees! tar rortuaa. r ea. Journal, FINE opportunity tn estsbllshed bust sees assd asip and capital. Address u 84, care Joarnal. FOB BALE All or half Intereet ta feed paying ruoxaursax. ' ansx Jsutrrsuo. al. WHO IS M. a MORGAN A CO. I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $2,800 LARGE Co t tag v, good locatloa, elegant- ir xumisneu, res a io move in. Modern -T-room bouse, Jtast SStk st;Tlo . BOtloO; snap at $1,400. 13-ronm houae. lot 80x100, welt aid,-flaa , View, $4,000. . Large, cottage, west title, fall apt, flaa amv dltkB, $8.000. . New modcra T-room bouse ea Hawthorae are.. Mrge lot, $3,000. T . . Aroom hooae aad two lota, Eaat 37th, ea . ear line, $2,000. An elegant home, 13 large room, ground - 100x100. lot of fruit aad. abrabbery, near -Union ave.. $8,200. Large A room boon oa Union are., cleae In, walklna dlatanca: harcnln at 81.800. - n 4 room bouse, oa East lltb at., near Aa kesy; small cash paymaat, remalader Ilka , rnt; $3,400. : '-' Finn building lot,. Waet aide, aa 33d at., . SI OOO earn harenln. , acrea, 4 ml tea oat on O. W. F,'Co.'e -, Mas, aU to high atata of cultivation; ebesp at $240 per eere. Fine building lota near the Waverly aad Blchnxond car una; amau eaan . peyassnt; price from 8280 to 8400. , u - - 14 acres, 4 mllea from Portlaad ea Baee Una; Improvemonta coat $8,000; this place can be bought for $4,800. j.v. ' -.. Ill KL, REGISTER A C0M , , ', - - - . 1OT-TS- Third at- - . - otto .T-eROCTrrrr,- t6U Waablngtoa st. - 1 Phoo Blsek SSTl. We offer for sale some ary rue bargain la good rest dene pro pert y In the best part - ef the city, ranging from $1,800 to 1 10,000. , Also alee little nomea ea eaay payment, lots from $50 and apwarda. nice suburban prop. arty pot tar from SB ciiy, xarnai ta v.,., . a 1". it ' . J i . -. . . ... iar.i. . in . "hear the : tiluDl bin rrvur.- ajoeT -tsod logs aau n. sx. . Special bargalad A well Improved letVaere farm near forest drove,- $.' par acre; parties wishing to leave th atata. 88 acrea faring . the Willamette river. 8 mllea above Oregoa City; good hone and other building; a ' one ' for $2,800! . terms. A food ST. acre farm near N. ' Yamhill, very cheap. A good T-room modern houae, large grounds, H block from street car. $3,100; $800 rash, t balance en aaar payments. A nice little - clean bakery and confectionery, nversge aale $10 to $18 per day, 4 living roosDS, reat $18 - per month; price $880. - - 5 ,- - iACRB TRACTB . . v ; . SPECIALTY , IS ACRB TRACTtt . 0UB . :, FaQolaud ttratta, wstar te eschere. -. 1 , TERMS-110 PER ACRB CASH .: ' V $10 PER ACRBPKB MONTH..-. : ' ' Tea go to tbea crver-ee the earn ear, . pay th aama Be fare the lot maa par. Th lot maa la roar neighbor, but be at re trlctd In majority ef fee tares that mahs -a true suburb home, A. C. CHURCHILL A CO. IM Secoad at.jr ' ),. BAST SIDB SEAL ESTATE CO.. . '404 Et Morrison st. . 8 -room modern cottage. East 20th et., 8., - price $1,100; half caah. balance $12 per month. B-rooo) modern cottage en Grand are., S., - price $2,400; will aril ea easy ternuv' T-roem modern bou aa, large barn, 4 lota, . fruit ef all klnda, la Montsvilla; will sx , change for 4 or B room cottage rained at $1,(HM; ao objectloa to loeatloo, ' We have cottage aad house In th aubtir. ken districts for aale en eesy pay men Is; $28 to $100 down, balance like rent. , FOR SAlJt At once, IB acres, -all In eultlvn tpm; 3 acre In orchard, 8 acrea of beaverdam , land, email stream of water pa asu -through center of land; all of land can be ' Irrigated 'from atream; 8 room new honee. barn, etc.; within 38 mlnutee' walk "of Mllwaukle; face on good county road; If eold at once. Thla la the beat -bargain near Port ' rand. - Laud adjoining aelM for $300 to $400 . per acre. ,404 . Beat MotTteoa at. . Phone ' fct 828. - 1 v ' CHOICE PROPERTY. , I 13-room house, -corner lot, west aide: bath, ; closet, furnace; aold at a eacrlflc if ola. .-eoou. Two choice Vote 10 block front Hotel Fort- -'land: none better. - - S acre level land la tba city .with Mrxt-elsm '8-room boose. ... 1 GRUNDY-MELKATH CO., ' - t46"e Morrison et.,, Room 13. '. RESIDENCE Ma ta Willamette Helghta. Resilience (fine nprto-date),. . Willamette Heights f s.snn U bln-k. residence district weat aid.... 2-l.mni I residences, well located, weet aide.,.. 8, J-Vl 3 corner lot a. Carter'a addition. ......... - Aim t blocks In Oregon City................. T0 T aere peer Oregon City... , 3, BOO Koom jgjo. voramom mog. v 40 ACRES, IB to cultivation, balance needed; good coll. watered, t. VT. P. railway run Ihrough it; car ats t Inn: on tbtrd mil Lent postofftc: stores, etc, 8-cent fare tn any part of Portland: SO rode oa a fine graveled rosd; good tract to cut an; price only tIM an acre, Jiist H price. . 0. R. Addltnn. Lenta, Oregoa. Take Mount Scott ear; 8 ceat'. . BUSINESS HOUSB IN ST. JOHNS. V bouse In beet buslnee center, rented $48 per month; a good Investment; owner need soma money now aad will tall very cheap. r-W RNKI,R-A BAKER, ' , t sni 31 af TfTM HUIIQing, BATS you $4.5iV to tnTtMjjtf wa ptwrif -whlrk I run tbnrw frill h irorth $30.rO0 In fe tmW VaVBLT- Mpamnak VI sLl mm J rt . 1 FOR SALE RZAL ESTATE. 1 ACRES bear ST. Jobne; '3-atorv bouae. fine orchard, rich berry end fruit IsmTfor aala cheep or will trade for city Property: valua. , $3,000. Addreee O 8W, care JoutBal. " AFUtL block en Grand are., old buildtaae bringing $jo0 per month; aa excellent location for hotel, tenement bouse ar etore bulldluasi -nothing better In East Portland; price $08 OuOt 8l.oo5. balance long time at low- rataol Interest. A dues O 43, cars Journal. WANTED .;.. , - : W have A number of customer for hoaxes, . torg and aamll; bring to aa what roe have to aell. .- ,- -HENKLB A BAKER, -' Hi Ablngton Bldg., lot Si Third at. DO you want a boos aad lot ea Eaat 8th at.. aaar Oak st., at price of lotl It o, I have it. Lot 80x100. 8-room bona, brick baaement. . ' bath aad toilet, flue cherry trees; 82.8d0 part cash.' Addreee O 48. ear JouraaL HOME8EEKEBB We have 4-reom bouse tost - being finished: 60x100 lot. lawn, garden, emell 1 fruit treee! household furniture and S months' wood supply; all for $880. Hom Lead com pany. I tan First at. .... ... B0MEBTEADERB We ea locste you vscaat wheat or Irrlgatloa lands la aastera -.-Oregon. Call or write Vaa Cleave A ScholL Real Estate Agent. -Ktho. Umatilla eouaty, Oregoa. , A ROOM new modern home, every part et which la of the beet; nothing better In Holladay. park: it you want something alee eaa thla. Hankie A Baker, 313 Ablngtoa bldg. TEBT choice lot, 80x100, Hnlladay's add; alee a home at Mt. Tabor, lOOxloo, oa car. lines Bull Rua water, 3 rooms, bath, bar, ad kind fruit.. Owner. 1 Third gt, 7 , FOB BALB $1,B00 acres, all cleared, fust etwiw . , ie.r car una, Wlle-nam for email farm near Oregoa dty. Dubola A Bhorwood, 306 Morrison, room $. 7- 1,800 A-reem eottag. 1 aere. Improved. 1.SO0 tl room houee. fin lot, clone to, -1,000 B a-room transient: a enap. r - Room ), Commercial Block. $1,4803 lots, with bone of T rooms and Urge hall, east finished, . $800 eaah. balance $18 par montn; nenr rwtamoutk amaon. F. M. Cog, Ualveralty Park, owner. ... . FOB SALB 4 aeraa. ehaan. with ,. ju-room, nouss. aamg goif linjir ear line; Baa bearing fruit treee; muet be etu. Inouiro - on pramlass. 070 Mliwaaklo at, . . "T" MODERN s-room hooae oa Height ara, lot 80 ' iuu, eniy en.ww; ton ouxizj aa raneoavea va... civs In. $400. Tyson Ktneall. BOB Oom, merclal blk.- Fhoae Mala 8S3S. TO prospective buyer: We have some Boo our ib nouses, sot, acreage, nualneaa prop erty and farmer as us. Wagner A Fatty, room BOS, Comaaerdal blk. FOR BALB Section laad to Wheeler county of near aussii; sreii impexrrea; cneap for emaa. Address . JSorth Paoltto Saaatorluxev ieom 38, -Portland, Oragoo. -.. . FOR SALE Houae of T rasms; elactii Rghta. gas; tare Iota, Improved., aaa a corner; bar-' iaiu ne nygsw e user nigniana acnooi. rVoodlawn ear. 1850 A greet bargain. Brsd-nw,i;arytlsaX e-rens pinsxevwu roiian. - vail oa Bremisea before a p. m.; Woodlawn or Tsrnon car. 808 FallWB at. . .... , ; A B AB0AIN Improved property, aew bolide' lags; reat paya 10 and 18 per ceat oa the in vestment. Apply to owner e tba prsmlssa. 478 Flrat St. MODERN B ta S leoat boaeea, large lota, ea - marguerite ave., ssoniaviua car una: you own terms; call and alanine, . We J. Burda. FOR BALB 4 room cortege tomlabod. with lot eoxioo, gooa waika and car aamee; cheap. BBS B. Twenty-third at. Berth, v Take Teraoo Mr. , . . ' . . . FOB SALB By owner, two beaattful new rest- den ce. 3 and 10 rooms, finely Incated. Phono Bast 47. ar toqatra at 431 Bast Washington at. HATB eoate choice wheat farms for aala" cheap aad oa easy terms. Write to op sail aa H. D. .Randall, Okas. OlDlam eounty. Or. '' SUBURBAN trail Improved 3 aeraa, B mllea eat. B-roons Doves sou ouimmses, erensra. musing water, ei.ew. asosuo tnnq us., iesw Flrat at. 81.4CO NICB T-room S-atory niuse: bath, patent loiiex, xmix; vanxorioge si., rieament station! terms. T. W. Plttenger. 348V Morrlsoa or, - FOB BALB at a bargain, madam T-exem boose ea Eaat xayior, cloae in; - lerma to aalt , purcaassr. Apply F 43. car Joarnal. , (x-n r.sei Butcenin ana vunwoi Mte wavarijt,, Woodstock ear; call ereutnga or Sundays. FOB SALE Modern sstooroeja eottage. cleat as sag una, aaa suasiison. gnmne J O. W. P. Towns! te Co., 184 First at. -BOOM aW modem oottsge. very 4JCX. boass. In Bunnralde: eaav ti Henkle A Baker, 31T. Ablngton 300 FABM8, small tracts aad total bargains oa u. w. r. eieetrie una. u. K. A OOI too, , isregoa, lass jut. ococx ear, 00. . WANTED 4 or room weet aid bouse aad kt nouxa rorxiana prrrexreu; win. pay . cnaa. Home Land Co-t 146V. Flrat at. FOB SALE Very . cheap, 8-room newly far. niahed fiat. 1st floor, eaooara Coovsnlsncss. B88 Chamber of Commerce. - BIO SNAP Half Intereet for aale. lnenene prop. rrtyi paya 10 per cenii must aara aa.000. Call SO Knott at Owner. . , , FOR SALE Very cheap, 8-room newly far- , aiened flat, 1st floor, mooera convesieaces. BW (TiBmoer .or commerce. FOR B ALE 8-roora bouse la IrrlngtoBi part ' ceaa, naisnce in a years; na rrnlt aad flew, ere. , rbone Scott 2030. -1 .- $l,4S0-e-New 8-room enttag- and B hrga lota on corner Oraad are. aad flbaver aC Boa owner, owe ooaver er, . from ITS to $300. - Sellwsod teWBtlta Co. Pnoo East 470. IF youT houa need repair, or yea Intend to ' . bono, puone neat aw, area aw- igg, rcni- tect and builder. ... RARE bargain T-room bouse, lot 100x115, fine fruit, good garden, gooa location. , it arose St., Montsvilla. , t. - - FOR BALB Lota 1L 13. IS, block 3, Arleta . park. $ eaca. Aoaraas ssie wsosxer. . Bsrtoa. Oregoa. :"'. ,-. . , ... NEW- modem Amom bouss, lot 80x100, Mj , Mock from wooaiawa car; xeruxi reasonaois. ' 864 Ivy- et. FOR BALE 8-room boas be car . line . with acre trait tree, eta, taquirs poi . oa Slxtk at. . ' ' B-ROOM bouss, cheap for- cask. - Inquire I aV , ' Bemiogtoa, uoesmont eve., meniaviiw car, NEW bouse ea eat, Bne la Folton, cheap. 1 Owner, Arthur JoneTe. Phone Weet 3S03. . ... FdR SALB T-room bouse.' Sixth and Alberta tn., Highland.- tail ap vawa eoao... -ROOM bouae and full Kit, a bargain If takes at once, 888 Grand ave., ' N. BEAUTIFUL B et B roam beuss. Inquire at- ions Front at. ' " -- - nr-ejatgnaasi mill sBsssamsxsnerjg t . " job sale farms. A: ,0 -It In frnlf It and beeriea. good building, f 1st of rttr. 88.40O: BO seres, 1 good buildings, cloae to ear ise. good bsrn. $8,000. 404 . 84 mllea aoarneaax 1 , , l..(L, H ' line, mooera houae, good bare, $4,000. 11 in cn'v,-".'-"., . East Morrlsoa St. ranee cut one. 1,780 BUYB a $4,808 farm ef IBS terea. 4- . k keen. aymd srs tne. tU. aallea a ea.ouv xarsa or iso suss, w ise, barn, ' good water, Sft mile , e hooae. IV, mllea to school; tl.Oot tnce 8 year' tlm. F, J. Maboney, from wareooos caah. balance I Tekoa, Wash. FREE LAND IN OREGON ander the "Carey , Inirstloo Act. ' lsrra mreci rrom , state. Write today., neosiex eua map rre. a. a. -Cooke A Co., 381 Alder at.. Portias. Or. - 33t ACRES, H mil te ratlrnad (tstton. H hurued aaa reeay to seen, e acrea tine erect . bottom, partly clea red: price. . Wax. ' . M. nife, Sherwood. Or.: R. F D. rent 3. ' FOR SALE A 1 10 acres wtth aew 7-movs bouse on roweii i-a ner roar between Jenne end Cedarvlllel S minutes' walk from lbm . r.