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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1905)
' Mr kliL ' , ' - - - ' -, . - i: . . ...... . I til w... I . I v- T 'it 1 J. !.) r ' i . , a., I 'ft. II. 'The f I I p t loiMt of 4 nort. .at, Tba . J oPo ware: . "y Crtc:; 'j tv Cr-'Jrrj . k? :T::j c:j cjT" '7': ;cc":.:uTcr,3, rjr.cs. .' .' Portland Hake. Puw ' &trc;;!'te Win put but tho Feat Was lmo- , iible Van Cures and lcllala Do Stick Work for Cisnta. ' v.: i (Jaaraal Special SarTtM-t , Ban Francisco, Septrtl.atee batted hard In the flrit three Innings to day and the lead waa too area lor the Otants to overcome. :Ynn Buren and Uo- Hale war tha heavy stickers for Port land whlla Dun lea vy, Mosktman and Kally did tba atar atlck work for tha Commuters. Tha aeore follows . . OAKLAND. ATL R. It PO. A. XL van Halt ran, ex. Krugsr, r Dunleavv. Moaklman, K eiiy, I fr'rancka. Fyrnee, c Blexrud, p. AB. R. H. PO. A. H. lUren, ef. I l i I j j n. ii. l a i ii a a felly, 2b. 4 1 I . j 1 Mchards. lb. 1 I? i f -rancka. sa. 411 1 l it fy ionrm, for l-yaar-a a and up wards. 1 atrles: Uttle Adele. B. Q. C reen, I ante CrW Bua j, -Rosebud, Looi-cher and Tart. I coroner won. K oat bud eecoeJ, Little Ade third. ,Tlme, 1 a furloiii. T..:?la:" TX Palaano (Kant), Sugden (Herbert), Lady Ktveene Hulroat). Qoldfl"r (Catron), Harxa A. Wrlrht)'. Oolwinder waa tha favor ite on tne boards and won tha race In 1:10. with Harka aecond and El. Faleano third. .... . . Race six furlonga for t-ysar-old and up. Entered: busts-. Chrlatlaa , (Her bert)r Metlakatla (a Wright), Silver heela (McJoiat), Follow k (C wui lamai. OolZan Lle-ht J Clark). Silver' heels waa tha favorite with the' bookies, but tha raca waa won by Metlakatla In 1:41H. Follow Ma aecond and Buaia Chrlatian third. ' - Five and one half furlongs.- Bntrlaa: Chief Aloha (Herbert), Annie Burk (L Powell). Miss Raphael (Rattle). Moeketa (Basqutt). Qreat Mosul (C Williams) Bettin In favor of - Oreat - Mogul, but race -waa won by Annie Burn, with cniei Aloha aecond and Miaa Raphael Ifiira Time. 1:10. - . . '.-'. One mile and 00 yard a, for l-year-oids and ub. (Entries!. Freatolua (H. smith) lone (Catron), J. V. Xirby 11- Foweii), Iran (C WrlghtV Mordente (Bullman). Dark Secret (Herbert), J. V. Klrby waa aehednlod to win by pooleellers, but Ira a won with Iona aeoond and Mordent third. Time, l;4ltt ; .. -, - - , , hi 11 " 1 "' ' AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' : 'Total a . , -A tares. McCredle. Van Burer Mitchell. nrniany, in , McLean, c ... 4 1 McHala, cf r- , 4 .Sweeney, lb.. ...1.... ...... ...10 11 IT 10 I AB. R. H. lie. rf. ........ i iiren. it .4 0 1 11. lb. 4 .0 0 jonea, p. . ( a taa, p. - Conrad . ; Totala . PO. A. E. II. 1:1.1 1:1 0 4 0 11 4 iti it 1 Conrad batted, for McLean In alntK CORK BT IHNmOS. - 1 I t 4 I 0 T I I a 0 a ....ft Hlta .'..;"M4 0 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 . . SUMMARY. . Stolen baaee Dunlaavy, Bymea. Mc Credle, Sohlafly. Hlta Off Jonea, 4; oft . Catea. C Twobaaa hlta Dunlaavy, Rlcharae. Ata, Francka. Flrat baea on arrara Oakland. 1: Portland. J. Baaea on balla Oft Blexmd, I. Left on baaee Oakland, f: Portland. 11. Struck out . By Blexrud, 1; by Catea, I. Hit by . - ) pitcher Byrnea, Sweeney. Paeaed balla J Byrnaa t. McLean. Time of aatne ;one hour and Ze ntinutaa ympira-rar; . --Tinm, i?- - 1 . ! PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. csxiat. : ta0klaB4 ... 1 'Molina ' Loa Aagalae i. ,a rraaetaea .iMatUe ............. T . - I la a a 9! ' f nil 1 1 iii 0 0 1 a a' 11 a m 0 T to 38 138 33 6t Twelre-Xanlaf ta. ' -i'-'- fRnavlal rMmatah ta The Jooraal.V - r Seattle. Waah.. Sept 21. Tha SI waahea and Tigere played a, 11-tnnlng .aarae yeaterday and - when darkneaa .ended tha con teat tha acore waa.) to 1. ' The acoro: : , ' ' ; - K. h.k. Seattle . ... tl III tjt-l a .. Batterlea C Hall and Frary: Kaaf . odChanvvmBlreMcxonald-- uiarsaiC- (Jsaraal Opaelat aerrUa.T ' " Loa Anaelea. Sept. 11. The Seal a ot .aftar Toalar yeaterday in tha etxta in' nine and acorad two runa. and one In each aacceadln lnnlna. Tne acore: 'Loa Anaalao ...lOOOfOOOO 1 . 'SLmn Vranclaca ..0111 11 0 .' Batterlea Toiler and Eater; Hitt and WUaon. umpire uavia. - K . Tha nttaoia MMatboa. - - - (Jaaraal- acrfa) iml.a,) r Chlcaao, Sept II. Over 40 dlatane runnora toed tha acratch whan tha areat -Marathon raoa under tba auaplcea o the new Illlnoia Athletlo elub atartod .' 'thla morning from a point Sl'mllea from '.the dub houae on Michigan avenue. -Amona the conteatanta are aevaral for- vlgn athletee. Tliouaanda of peopia are lined up along tha couraa over wnioa tna rim, la tal-ss?r ;,,... , ;-: I Xagllah VootbaQan la St. fceala.' is. tt.iia.l a.rrtr. t . St LouU, Sept St The Enrtlah aa - aoclatlon football playara, who ara on -:a tour of tha United Statea, pUylag ax- hltlon gamea And eonteat gamea, will play their first game in thla city today. 'Football anthualaata from all parta of 'the atate are here and an enormoua -crowd la expected to be preaent at the game. Thla evening a reception will be tendered to tha English playara An- -other game will be played tomorrow, fJc-- HAlRHKAl.TIt ilwwi rartarea aad baaaty fmtk ta in? aalr. Btooe tall Ins. tvturtl iani Oaadnnt. aula tk 5-rm. Uak. hair aoft. (loaay. loiarlant. Mr4 by MARTINA aOAP anotlMe and knla, Mtreya Bilcrabae, atepa itniaa aaa pre. JT"wa fne kalr grewta. Vra. aiaeaa. . Uubarak, W. Va aaye at faaya mmMjin, mm .iifaiw wna .. Iwlag aa yoaaf. It aliaoet kill kava air kalr attiag wait, laag aa eld weaiae: But, tBaaka I T1f hwlaaM T rat alx bettlM HA1- BALTH. Aoj efllratea wMk battle era iCora I a muh hot. thaaka ta nAia fUCALTH. ae mf kalr aa ea faand la aay kaad. bare aot aa.4 all ef eae battla." - Lam aoe. hnttm. aronrlMa. Take Beth tag withoat Fk.i bay Ca. amatara. Slfl tkla. U9 ta aay ef falloarlaa raa gl.ta, aaa gat batt'e Balrfcaaltk akd toe. raka Barna f-aa, (Malrat.4, bntk fne lue.4 rraalar anas 1a. er ent kr Pkii Bay Oa., a. wan. m. j.. ermaM. tor eor. aa taie aov, Ffaa aot I'm ky drarUt wltkiet thi aatlre aa.. aag eOa. lot uaUaaalta. If aaje. ...,..... .........a.M. , roam Prt:::ntry TrfJa tor th Van- i jrbi!t Cup Kic Aro) Dtlnj ; " " ' Held Today. " ": V . i,;:,-. : T ARRANGEMSNTO PERFECT f FOR THE DIG EVENTS The Start Waa Mada at Ftva O'clock This If orninc Prom the . Jericho Turnpike Hajmee' Machine Waa Firat to CrOM Burtinf Point - : .won. Fhlladelphla ',. It Chicago . , , .... 70 Cleveland . 70 Boeton . 17 New York 7 ...;r,..,. is Detroit . . fl Washington . . , 04 St Louie 41 Lost PC. i : .tit - II ll'.S 67 .161 i44IOt r tt . .604 . T .,104 74 .467 II . : ,161 : i R. H.A i .ivm t . I " 4 1 0 14 I Firat game Boaton-; .. . . . St. Loula . ..... Batterlea Wicker .and Arrobruater; Howell and Sngden. i j. second game k. tu.B. st Loula . ...... a Boaton . . 1 0 . Batteriee-Howeii ana Bpencer; tiar- na ana uriger. - a auu.inU Firat rame R. H.E. Cleveland . . ....... .-.... .;.i-.l'10-l PhlladslDhla . . ...;... la I Batterlea Rhoadea and Clark; Dygert, Bender and Powera. .- ' .. Second game . R.-H.E. Cleveland . . ,.1 4 1 Philadelphia .-. .I l l Batterlea Moore and Clark: Coakley ana nenreca. - At want. - - ' ' ' ' ; " R. B.S. Chicago . . ....i.. ..I 0 Maw York ...I 10 Batteries Al track and MeFarland Le; rey ana amiww. I. ""At Waaalaartosw . . ., ..- R. H. a Washington t ....r. .........a - e rtatmlt . ..................... .t II Batterlea Townsend and Heydon Wlggs, jKubanx and warner. . "NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won; : Ixi at P.C New York . f - 41 . .Ill Plttaburg .. ......... l 41 .0 rhlcaa-o 10 IT .684 Phlladalnhla, . , 74 4 . 147 Cincinnati . - 18 V.".4 St. Louis ........ i ar - .in Bostoa 44 ft. .Sit Brooklyn . . ......... 40 .00 . ail At St. iKrala. fft. Tlula . . . . .....a....... HaatA& ................. .'.10 II Batteries Mcjrariana ana -vraay j Fraeer and Moran. umpire mem. '' Vt ' ' Aft UhkmMm.' ' k'.'-1 " . '",..;t V;:.. .. . R. R.B. Chicago ....... . ,vi ,....T it Naw van ............ . ...... . v Batterlea Reulbach and Kllng; Tay lor, Wlltae, Bresnahan , and Bowerman. Vmpira kimatie. -a rttaakarg. R. H. E. Pittsburg . . ....,.. II UMi.xnnia . ......... . .... a lotteries Leineia ana reita: uur glaby, H perks and Dooln. - Umpire Johnatono.. ' At astaaiuafa. -. Cincinnati.. 11 It MAblYH . - ........v........ a . Batterlea Overall and 8chlel:'Str1ck lett and Bergen, umpire eausewine. J ; SPORTINO GOSSIP, y Joe Cans, in defending hia wlfa'a ault for alimony, teatlfled in court the other day In Baltimore that while ne waa lightweight ehampion, na oouia not ae ton -tha title-for ; the- reason that" ha all In aa a pugilist Ha also aaia that while he had made a lot of money, he had gambled it away ana waa now living on the bounty of hla manager, Al Harford. He eleo .teatlfled that he loat 1104 when Nelson defeated Young uor- bett and that tne ponies got tne malnder. . . -; ,;. "C1. Ferry, the new pitcher reoently elgnad by Manager McCredle, Joined tha team at Ban rrancisoo on weanesaay oi thla week. It la likely that Ferry wui pitch today'a game. Ferry la a big. husky Individual and la a terror to op posing batatnen, - Willie Anderson. ' who played from the Apawamla club of Rye, New Torn, won the open .goir -Championship America at tha Myopia Hunt club at Hamilton, Massachusetts, yesterday, for the fourth time In five yea re. . Ander son's acore for the 71 bolea waa 114. Portland' dropped another game yea terday to tha Oaklandera. Thla defeat till leavea the Giants 11 points above the .100 mark and If Ferry can win to day's game wa will be able to breathe a little easier. . e a .j 'A 'dispatch from Taooma atatea that the Oakland-Tacema series, scheduled at the latter city for next week, will be played In Spokane.' Thla-. move .waa made on account of the poor support given tha Tlgera by the Tacoma fans. The eerlee echeduled at Tacoma' with Portland, beginning on October t, will be transferred to thla city. . There will be no more baaebaU In Taooma, thla aea eon. . . ; . .... , .... a a. .- - :, . - s 'The illness of Frank Lonergan. crack halfback oh the Multnomah football eleven last year, will be a serious blow to the elub'a prospects thla year. Mr. Lonergan had been choaen .to coach and play with Multnomah tbla season, and at the beginning of hie work stricken with appendicitis. While the operation waa aueeeaafuL it will naver- thaleaa Mave the clever player In a eon dltion that will not warrant hla Marina. Mr. Lonergan'a absence from the eleven will leave the elub without last year' entire oacn neia. An oia English saying: "if a ma na a woman and a farthing he will be - re i i tae ivrtung.' , . Thoio at Had of Clz Irriiticn Pre ct C 5?lChancf .f oir Portland. FEASISLE ROUTE IS READY FOR SURVEY Esttnaion to . Klamath FJ1 Would Bring .Jmmcnae Future Trad to Willamette Valley Inatead of to California. ; -? - (Toaraal Itoecfal tervtaa.1 ..... New Tork. Sept II. Although today's automobile race la really only a pre liminary to the great -Vanderbllt cp race which 7 wni ne neia oa navuruay, October 14. it haa attracted a large num ber of enthusiasts for tha racing sport from all parts-of the country. Today's vent waa for tha purpose of t eating the various , makes of -machines which will compete with machlnea of foreign make In tbe Astor cup race, .wbloh is aa in ternational trophy event "The' object was ta select tha best five -American machlnea by an elimination trial over the same courae whloh the Vanderbllt raca will be run, ' 1 Tbe following machines took part in the preliminary run thla, morning: Colonel Albert A, Pope's 10-horaepower Pope-Toledo, R. H. Lytic, driver, Hart ford Automobile club; Albert L- Pop, Hartford. Automobile Club of America, lO-horeepower Pope-Toledo, B. H. Ding ley. driver: Dr. H. B. Thomaa, Chicago, Chicago Automobile club, 110-horeepower Locomobile. Joseph Tracy, anver: v.- w. Matheson. Holyoke. Msssachusetta. Auto mobile Club of America, 40-borsepower Mathewson. Tom Cooper, drlvert Lw' H. Palmer, Brooklyn. Long Island Automo bile club, 40-horaeppwer Mathewson; o. Weldley. Indianapolis. Automooue Club of America, eo-horsepower Premier, Cart Fisher, driver; Elwood Haynea, Kokomo,. Indiana. Chicago- Automobile club, 40-horsepower Hsynes, Frank H. Nutt, driver; Colonel K. H. R. Oreene. Dallas . Texaa, Automobile Club of America, -horaapower Franklin,- WiF. Wlncbesterm. driven K. V Bhttrmer, aeveland, Cleveiemd Autoasoblle club. tt-horaepower Royal. Robert Jardlna, driver; Windsor T. White, Cleveland, Automobile Club of America. 10-borae-power White; Harry Haupt, Naw Tork. Buffalo Automobile club, 10-horaepower Thomaa, Mortimer Roberta, driver. The arrangements were perfect . in very respect and there waa not toe slightest hitch at any stage. Th4 start waa made at 4:10 in the morning from the Jericho turnpike, ""where about 1.604 persona occupied the grandstand. From tha starting point - which waa about three quarters of a mile west of ;th Mineola railroad crossing, tha course ran to Jericho, thence north itblSast -Norwich, then over the North Hempstead turnplke,o Greenvsle, then aouth on BuU's Head road to Wlllia avenue and on Willis avenue back-to the starting point - The course la a trifle over It miles long. It bad originally been- In tended - to make - the. distance for 'the elimination race III miles, the same aa that for . the cup race, but after eon elderafcle wrangling It was oacMea to shorten the dtatanoe'for the preliminary race o 111 H nilles.Thle caused con siderable , dissatisfaction, aa gives lle-hter machlnea. built for apeed only, an advantage over the heavier machlnea. which are built for endurance more man tnr m mm AttH 11 ra nta la tha most im portant factor in a lOlf-mlle race. . . . Last year tha race was run- la -aa opposite "direction, bat this . year tbe management decided that the turns should be taken to the lert to avoia eome of the moat dangeroue opota. By taking the turns to the left some of the steepest hills are taken at an upgrade, thua diminishing the danger from acci dents. Something new waa the com- plafatas ke telniliens si inpgemcnrrt over the whole course, xnere were tele phone stations along the courae at Inter vals of five miles or ; lose and with operators at each Instrument' The road bed had been put in tba beat condition possible and plentifully oiled to prevent tbe excessive , duet" which' made laat yeafa race rather dangerous In many spota. The whole course waa thoroughly policed and a flagman waa eiauonea the railroad crossing. An arrangement had been made with the railroad com pany to prevent blocking of the crossing durlnar tha nroarresa of tha race. - The order or starting waa aeciaea oy lot and Elwood Haynea' 10-horsepower machine, driven by Nut t waa tha first to cross the starting line. It waa fol lowed by A. L. - Pope'e machine with Dlngley at the wheel, end then came the others at two-minute interval a. me suit ef the race will not be known be fore . this evening, perhaps not Before tomorrow, and will finally decide whtcn five machines will represent America la tha coming Vanderbllt cup race. - '-' n.Thi. k-unervlnlon of leaal mattere affecting : lands In the government reclamation work, Morrla, Blen of Wash ington is making a- tour of Inspection In Oregon and Washington.'. He la accom panied by A. & Chandler, who la at tha haaui of field work In the aame depart ment. Tharv - have been much Im- preaaed with tba great promise for de ninnmtnt from tha Klamath irrigation Lproject nd the Importance to Portland of securing oirect rauroaa cumoiun'v. WVU MW .". , V rw x. M. Keen of Medford haa aifa gested that the Medford A Crater Lake railroad., now under construction from Medford to Eagle' Point will solve the question of transportation faollltlee be tween Klamath county ana nrtinu. Ha aaye tbe road haa been eurveyed to tha head of Roaue river and it haa a feaalbla route - by which-en- extension to Klamath Falls can be made. Tbe Rogue River valley furnishes a passage through tha Cascade range nearly to the Klamath lakes, and tha road will have an aur arrade. The distance from Med. ford to Fort Klamath by sucn a una would be but 00 mllee, and once -eon' n acted with the Southern ractne at Medford the Klamath county traffic would come to Portland instead of going aouth over the., Siaktyou mountaine to ... iipi, California. Mr. Blen eava arrangements are i nearly' completed in Klamath county for beginning wora on tna .main -irrigation canal of the new - government system Tbe chain of lakes affected lie in both Oregon ao4 - California, and "measures relative to -the project had to. ae put through the legislatures of both atatea Copgresa haa authorised the work, and the only obstacles that remain are a few claims by owners of lands along tba shores of the lakes. The Klamath pro ject will affect about 400,004 acree of land, and la -the largest irrigation pro ject now planned In tha country. Watet fn. 4k. Irrigation sort will am la ten 1 from Upper Klamath lake and Loot river, lowering them to an extent that will -practically" cut " off the ' supply of I Thule and lower Klamath lakes and re claim about acree of land con- tiauoua to them. Messrs. Blen and Chandler leara to night for North Yakima. , , 164 Portland advtrtisere, egduaJv of real eatate sad rJaatifitaV ue Tna Joornal rcfilarre gome, time durinf tho wefc '.TieTo are about a dogen, display adTOrtlaOrs who do not naO he cohtmng at alt To th . oeraon Who oarnea 10 of theae and tfves tho beat fivo rOaaofia why they ahould advertiaa ta THS JO VS. 0 NAL wifl bo given , handaomo CECILIAN PIANO PLAYER vkteodft' tti.;. , .'. f. -f ' l"S Z , Coiite)s4anta must mail tho "five reaaong" to each of tha 10 peraona .he or 'ang oelecta lai hot kdrer ' tlaing in THE JOURNAL, Names sid-Taaons" mutt bo mailed to THE JOURNAL aot later than Toctobor IS. V; v;.--;: -;v. 'a'-..-. ' "Z'.'V'' . s-v'Sb:';; At flret thoufht It win probably appear eagy to namo 10 advorUMrg who aro aot telling their botinaoi ttory to THE JOURNAL'S 23,000 dRolatioa (more than 10IMNM) rcadtre). It la aot ao eaay on mlt -guppoao'and very likely tho firat 25 merchanta yoo think of, with tit or two OJtceptiona, yon win lad aro alreadv wall aatiaA-adyertiaorg in this aawaapor.;.:::''. '.'.' '.. C.'K Ls. t,. :VA"'-,; Tho CECILIAN which is to be glren away ta thla coftteet ta eapplled by tho IfANUFACTTJKT PIANO CO, .150 ALDER STREET, where It la on ejifelbitiea. ' xTho!ociliaa b aptly anddoaondly called tho porfeot rHaao playar. It dmlts of technically correct rtnic1ftiW"of W"eiaasi4roT muaienbyliny Wywith aFwIthoaf'priktieaTA or old, ekilled or 'unakflled in piano playing, can perform upon this tnaxntrnent, rendering muais as tod --mm mm jwwiev vj i a""" TENNIS FINALS ARE . ? - ON THIS AFTERNOON ' Mra Baldwin defeated Mlsa Robertson in the finals In the ladles' singles in a similar match at the Irvtngton tennis courts yesterday. The scores were 0-4, t-l, 4-1 for the former and e-i, a-i ana 4-1 for the gentlemen piayers. In the ladles- consolation Miss rord In beat Miss Morrison 0-1.- 4-: Mis Josephl beat Miss Woodward 0-4. I-I; Miss Latnberson beat Mlsa Moore by de fault and Mlss Fording beat Mlsa Foa 4-1. 0-1.. . ' ' Tho finals in the mixed doubles, men e doubles and ladles" doubles, will be played thla afternoon. Statea Island Championship Oolf' ' (ieorsal aaeam. gatale tfON'T WANT SMALLPOX -7 PATIENTS ;T0 WANDER County Health Officer Dudley Evans will ask Mayor Lane to see tel It that tha smallpox . patients " at the vest house atay in tbelr own apart ments. ' Evans states that the patients whose diseases are not serloue enough for them to be confined Indoors are it tbe. habit pf wandering about the roads I near, the peat house and through the ooor farm. ' "At the present time there are , 111 persona at the poor farm or In the coun ty hospital," said, Mr, Kvans. "and If mall pox should break out among .them much Buffering and death would re sult We are taking good care of our patients, but If the peat . houae clan wander about the farm it will be bard to keep the disease In check." . Mr.-Evens-hinted that If the city I ould net s saji thing to -kopTO41 smallpox patients confined, - tha county would be compelled to take etepe to I keep them away from the poor farm. : SEE THE SEA AT SEASIDE. TM the Astoria a Colombia Bivo SaU- MM0MO0OOOMMM The Day Boat Down the Columbia 4 ".. icavts dafljr trr Taylor Sct IDock at 7 A. M. : Call op MAIN 613 ; aaaaoaaaoooooaooooooooooa) aaaaaaaO 04)aoa40 00 o 4)4) OOSOOOOsOO ssO"g-Q"04J a 0 44) 4044aAcatA !s9!S!jB9B:ssaaSa Trains daily at a. m. from Union depot. Round trip every day, 11.00. Information at 141 Alder street, or tel ephone Main 104. KAUFFMAN AND FOLEY . MEET NEXT THURSDAY (Jaaraal Special Berrtaa.) r nr riWTnrk Meat.. Il.-Tiie nrellmlna- rles. for. the annual contest for' "the James K.- Branch gold medal, represent ing the golf championship of .Staten Is land, opened thla morning on tho link of the Richmond County Country club. The qualifying round waa xor is notes. medal play, and only 14 are to conttnoe at match play for the championship. The beaten eight In the first round. however; will continue for a . aecond prise. ' The semi-finals will bo played oa October T, the una is on Monoay, ve- tober.,11. 1. :;,'..., ; Xartoaa Fen Bagavte, , (Jearsal Bpaelal aarrlca., ' " Mew fork. Sept II. Qreat Interest la manifested In tbe fall regatta of the Harlem Regatta association, whloh will eome off thla afternoon. The number of entries le unusually large and li clubs wll be represented. Ten events will be on the program, including junior Ingle shells, novice single Shells, Senior single shels. Junior doubles, senior dou bles. Junior four gigs. Intermediate four gigs, senior four gigs. Junior centipede and Junior octopede. ... . ; . . ye, refer ran Stock Canned 0)ooaa. - .'JLften Uwla Beet Brand, i , . -i San Francisco, Sept . tl. The Hayes Valley Athletlo club wll) have a fight thla - month " after alL ; Matchmaker Morrla Levy haa arranged a eonteat be tween Al ,'Kauffman, the neV profes sional heavy-wOlght and Harry Foley, the well-known local pugilist , The at. fala will take place at Woodward's on tha evening of September II. Tha artl clea call for a contest of. 10 rounds or less at catchwelghts. . .. ' Jack Welch, tha official referee of th Rayea Valley dub, will pass Judgment on tha fight - ' - , Foley, although considerably lighter than his opponent thinks be can clip Kauffman'e pinions almost before they have begun to sprout dne thing that wiU atand hint In need la tha fact that he ie In tine condition, having under gone a course of training for .a match with. Dave Barry which, fell through. Kauffmaa. It la claimed. Is always In ths right fettle to step Into a ring. He le a blacksmith and worka regularly at hla trade, besides taking lota of exer cise that boxers, believe In. f Billy Deianey, who' developed two world s champions In Jim Corbetfand Jim Jeffries, baa taken Ksuffpian la hand and wilt direct and advise him la future. In speaking or the match with Foley. DehMtey aald last night: . . "Kauffman la only- a sapling, and 1 don't want to send him along too faat In the. beginning. - Foley Is a - seasoned fighter and should make a good trial horse for my novice.'. One thing the public can rely upon, tbe match will be thoroughly honest and I expect to nee a ' good contest. If Kauffman makes good we will keep on matching hlmi ' There is just one way to bavegood , bailag siseaj ' Oaienag uliiisf 1 - ' economically : Schilling's grocer', moneyback. Best, at your 3ay re 2.25 for o Wlichi THESE SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO ASTORIA AND RETURN , AT $123 FOU ... , ... . THE ROUND TRIP ON THE v - MiiilkijiEL This most delightful weather ought to entice a thousand people to take this pleasant sail at thix season of the year. It is the most charming little outing that can be had this ICO mika ta the City by the Sea and back at a cent jtnd an eighth a mile. , - i The Telegraph runs like lightning.- Passengers have an hour and a half in Astona aaJ are home again at 8:30 in the evening. Excellent meals are served on board. DOCK FOOT O? ALDER.. STREET . ROUND TRIP EVERY DAY BUTFRIDAYi Boat leaves at 7:80 a. m Sunday 0 a. ra. Ha turning leaves Astoria at t p.m-, arriving in Portland at i:S0 p. m. PIIOMS MAIN 353. ,:oMiimiuio r$o:.:e OrERAras o;;ce ... . ' ' .-I.-,. V, i "' After Thrat YtartShut Down, JootfKallyCompanyRo. r opens Lumber Factory. . , gperial Dlspateh to Taa Jaaraal.) Eugene, Or., Sept 11. The big saw mill of tba Booth-Kelly Lumber com pany at Wendllng. at the terminus of the Mohawk branch railroad, which haa boon Mis for the past three years, has been ordered placed In condition for operation aa soon aa possible. Thla In formation wag given out by Senator R. A. Booth, manager of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company, ' yeaterday afternoon. A force of mart will begin early next week' tha work of preparing tbe mill for operation. It will be at least a month before everything le In readiness for It to start up again. The Wendllng plant, whoa n opera tion, will elva smployment to between 160 .and 100 men, and If tha r improves ss ax pet; tad a night a be put en, thus doubling the i of men. With a day and a' 4 t 'i . t-'i'Z Z - y saswaaaawawaaaaaw . easea, eaauer, paral- Stomach, liver and k sumption when toe vv and will stop hemorrt own medlcluae from C. teas, ail ef wclurt are unknown to ferent Oriental ! tienta. u rzrr3 rtr: TT:2GrcdC.:.:C;:;:4" iotjtTMD IN POMTLAXD .i'-j SiMCS. I9SO 'Rata called groat because he rure i r 1 , flseeasea without resorting- to , . Call and have a free not Ion. i , till you the esect nature of r;"'tlro , 4 e treata oucceeafully every fo"n aale HalalnL ail private and bivo tme-, rheumatism snd ail 41 eo rdera . , a. k-e has had rreet f " t la not too rr.uck run down b 1. yriBredlblr W time. 1 e be. .1 .ta, r-rba. buna, bar.s 1 r l-armla. e-d whose " ' a , f tm. tn r'e ...-reaa ei - r-