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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1905)
.j , ... , OREGON THE DAILY JOURNAU POTLAHD. C TXJHD AY TlVZZHllQ, CZPTZ! i -" COffiMTE COBALT ORE . f Plant; for Standard, Mine, lln I Grant County Will Be EfUcted ( iv-v, ' Thia Yar.;VV' jTYPE OF MllU0 .BE. i n v; v put Op made public s.;...:A . . ,. . ,,-, i : Ortfon line Which Hat Become Famous Through Fare .Mineral Will Be EoppeV for' Reduction ' t ' Immediately - i - . t '.!.?' ! t "Material la balnr tnanufaeturad for ' ,th Btamlard'a naw corrrantratlnc plant, and aarljr In tha xanlna; jar- va axpact to hava It In commlaalon,"' aald lu F. 'jWtrur o( tha Klllen-Warner-Stawart pompTiT.-whtch la operaunc the Grant " J ountjr tntne which' haa become famoua ,throuh Ha cobalt depoalta. "Wa had :dui loerv naa men aom aeiaj in , ment of machlnarr. owlnc to tha rail --: way aitenalon. aa out manaarar waited ; until tha -plant could b dellrarad by , .tha eara at Auatln. f -' f Mr. Warner makae Ml headquarter In Chleago and la eorapleUns a trip ! through the aaatara Oratron dlatrlct H 1 aaya that tha concentrating- plant wll,l i iconalat of a rockbreaker, Elapaae gTlnder and bumplnt tablea. ' No doubt la felt jof tbla plant efTectlntT a clean, aeparav . ! Uon of tha cobalt-sold product from : franca matter and aopper. The prin ; olple haa been thorouchlT teated and -"wo trouble waa exTM-rigmed In cutting " out a hlffh grade cobalt concentrate on '.table. The ffold belna cloey ao ' elated with the cobalt, will be aaved with It and separated la tba refining process latr. . : K : ' ' - "Wl ar In receipt of many letters Tfrora Germany asking for our cobalt U concentrate,", continued Mr. Warner. MW will b able to market It to-good t advantage and all of our ,work under f 'ground Indicate -that"w -wllt, produe 4 tha greataat quantity of this mineral ; Tever taken from any mine. Tha last Achate w hare opened 1 th atrongeat 'explored In tha Standard and has been " drifted at a Tertlcai depth of about ; ;b0 feet" 7: t)- ri.-' - ' v v ; MINING NOTES. ' '.'r '' .' - : r ; Caslle"tock. Wash., Sept. J!. Carl -Mueller,' atate aanator of Illlnola, and Joseph . R Deahl of Chicago, who ar ' Interested In the Chicago Oolden Crown ., r In, of ML 8t Helens, ar at th prop erty, i Th Golden Crown group con sists of It claims.' Development has progressed eo far . that the . company could take out a good dally tonnage. ' A six-foot ledglisa' beeai-proved,- A re r rent assay gave tSg gold, I . 41 copper and 90 cents silver. - The owners of the . . jnlne are anxloua to sea a railroad Into - -t Helena ao that they could market '".Or. ..;.,).: ". r r''-'"-- V.-.--' i W. ' G. Perkins, secretary of th . Cracker-Highland Mining company, op eratlng near Bourne,- Baker ounty,"de- ; parted for, th property thla morning. J. frank Watson, K. A. Sessions and . J. H. nek have been named by th board ifl t of trad as that body's delegates to th 5 American mining congress. All ; three . i bad' baiinamed by th chamber of , commerce) and will serf as th repre- eentatlvee of both organisations. - . O. M. Crouch of th Alraeda Mining -'company I in the eaat conferring with p Ohio and other Intereata identified with . th company. ;., ... rnu vm in ivaters of puget sou;;d (fYVar Department Engineer to Fortify Channel Prom Straits . aw jaM wvi a , n teclat Dtmpatck k ite aarsaLl Beattle, Wash.. Sept It. Th war ? department engineers ar expected her , within a few days to place in th wa iters of 'Puget sound unloaded mines. Th first purpose Is to determine th I , currents of th waters, after which th t mines will be rearranged and perma 1nenUr set so that in-the event of war -',wlth a- foreign power they may ' be ; , raised, loaded and rerlaced oa short no- ' No details 6f the plans are known to any of th government officers here, but i' lt la expected g the work will extend ! throughout the sound and Straits of Juan da ruca to th cean . - . f : Th undertaking Is In connection with -th ooast defense work In this part of ; ' ' th , north wea t Every t mini: wUL be i ' anchored, so that It cantMtvb loosened by storm and will be cet sufficiently lew In th Water to prevent being imenac to naviganon. I v ' ifaiad gkock Caaaad Qoods. ; ' Alien 4k lwls Beat Brand. 1 - , Val varsity of tows Ovens. - ;. : IJasiaal spaelal aarrlca.) Iowa City. Iowa, Sept. . IS. The first ; term of lectures at th ' University of ! jew - Began r toaay. . i tbo mstrlculaUon ,ia not yet complete, but Indicate an un : . tisMally large stUndance. Nine new pro - f esaora aad assistsnts hava been addfHl to th .faculty this year and th terra ' ; begin ..with .many . valuable improv. raents In apparatus, worklna ' farlllf l andmarff adultions In' the library tnl wot her prtmnta r -. WORTHY A TRIAL - 'Ask your grocer for 'a can and be convinced that tHere is nothing better or purer at any fl 3C-:::3f:r2Cc:!3 t La mm-. Data Pordor r. ... - -(1,1 -.. - j- CHURCH SERVICES ' ' I ' '. BAPTIST. IT.'-,-' -' - St. Joka'a la - Advrntiet church; ' Be.- Jeba Beatalea. II a. m., "The I'eeet at iiMwi" ewuuay acnooi, JV a. w i i - I Blveralty l"erh-H a. -. . . A- to"" nil ; p. a.,-fcav. Joba Brutal; Sunday erbuoL 10 a. m. ' . . " 4 Belbaar SWIwood.- 18 a. and 7:4 P. ., Mrs. IV J. Adam; Sunday erbuot, 11 a. a. White Tempi Twelfth and' Taylor Mretta; Br. Jv whliroab, Hruugher :W:30au -aw. Clinton N. Howard, kwti rater, . Haw York. "What Ought to Happeu "; Mlbia acbool, W;lu a.-.! maaa meeting fur 'wouwa, 8jv draw by x-Uovrnor HI, Mi nt Kaaaae; B. Y. P. I', eervlce, a. a.; 7:30' p. a... "Hw clety and U Punch BvL'7 DeMoae coocart erckeatre at beta, afteraoo and evening rv lore. - - v. . ' - . I ' Second--Baat Barents 1 trt IbIm; Itmu; tUT, staatoa C. Laphaa. - 10:30 a. a., "Tba Peace Ceafareace aad the Treaty ul hM'.'i l; a., "Cvmpromletug With to DptU. tr ttm laj Out f Egypt"; Bible acbool, 12 ha.; Yean People' aalea, :45 p. a.; mualc br chain VI tu Berth Kojal aiug ,at ta anor ulna servlc. Cautral meat Twentieth ' aad . Baat Aakany atraeta,' Ma. William K. Randall. 10:30 a. a., "Reatdeat of PuertT Plata, Heaven"; 13 Blbl cool;,7:l p. a., "Hoar Is Win Out" Calvary Kaat Eighth and Kaat Ofaat atreeta; Rev. A. Lawrence Black. 11 a. a.. . "Th Cl rtatlan Lire, or th Dcvrtnnnwat at ("brlatno Charm ctrr"; n, "fadlarard Ma, or Uaa'a UaapooalMUtr la tba klaklac of Maa"; la a. aa Wbl araooli . m.. Vaaac fav Pis'! jaacUuc.. Mlaa 1- Uowatd, laadac. -- ' COSaiZOATIOaTaO. ,;' tlrat Vladlna isit Park antH' R L. i nooaa. ju:au a. aa., "Tba limr'i i:a p. aa.. A Oa Handrad Thoaaaod Dollar Palntlaa"! Sunday fcaooL lz:lk p. a., C. O. ailkle, an- rlBtaodrnt; T. P. 8. C. K., : a. rs Ura. C. Lorkay. "UoaM Mlaalona." T rjalvanlty Park Artlaaaa' tempi. Portaanath. 11 a. a., 'Annual Meeting ef tba Anerlcaa Board of CoaalaaloBera for rrla-a Mtaaluua and Work of tka Board 0a Past Star". gas- ay eraooi, iu a. m Haaaale Street Eaat fteveatk atreeL aorrb. a a Uaaaalo; Rev. cbarlae B. C'baa. 10:3a a. a.. Baa.' Jonarhae Kdwarda of Waahloatoa: saixiay acbool. aa a-j- Ckrtotlas Efdoavor a -. a. I Mlaalaalppl Atenae Bav. W. L. Vi Aaaaal 8uadar arbool rallr. 10 a. .m., I'pabaw IU dlle aa addrraa; Y. P. S. .f-. t: pr m., TV (jraat AI Mlaalaalppl Arena Bar. W. L. Upahaw. aav. C. E.. Alterna- Mt. i-' r- . ' - , ' . Hlakland Corner Prearatt and Kaat Klitk atraeta. aortbi Bev. Ardea M. BorkwoeoV 11 a. a., "rraclteal Comeerattoa"! T?S n ai: "Wky Did tha Prodlaal Baturar'i Snadav owm. iv o, an. -.. - , . . sanayalo Baat Taylor aad Kaat , Thirty fourtk atroau; Bev. 1. f. Btaob. 11 a. a.. "TA Lot Which Paaaetb Kaowlads") t SO p. a., "Tha Mae Whe Connta") Bonday acbool. 10 a: a., B. V. Pier, auperlntoadent ; Junior Chrtatlaa Badeaeor. S p. av. 'Mlaa Bdltb Bn. eapertntendenu Senior rhrtaUaa Badaaeor, ;! Bk, Mlaa Laura aluaber, leader. zpiboopaz. ; - Good SoephM-d Bellvood atreet aad Taaeou vet arena. Alblna; Bv. Joba Dawaoa. gua- day acbool. 1U a. aa.: airaln .11 O'clock : evening prayer, T:U e'elork. mu- wma a Taretrta and Belmont atraeta; Bet. Oor( B. Vaa Water. 11 a'rloek. aorn Ing prayer and aarmoa: t:M e'elork. eTealag rarer aad aeraxrn;-Sanda acbool, :S a. a. . 8U iobn'a Meaartal gellwood; Bv. W. R. Powell. I0:t a. at., service and eeraoat Son. day acbool. 13 a. - Rt Mirk a Corner Nineteenth aad Qulaby atraeta; Be, t. B. H. Hlapaoa.. 8 a. aw, holy ecaaunloa; II a. a., holy coaannlna and aer aoa; 7:80 e'elork. evening prayer and aermoa: 10 a. a.. Runday ackoeL St 1'aal a Woodaere;' C. U Parker. t p. a., preaching. at.. Stepkea'a Chanel Thb-tacnth aad riar atreeta; Bev. R; M. Raaaey. 11 and T:0 a., prraehlii; I JO a. a., holy coaunualoa; :4S a, a.. 8uaday arbeol; Vrlday-aveuiag prayer, d clock. ..J ' - - " . - t. Matthew' rtrat knd Caratoer atreeta; Rtt. W. A, M. Brack. II a. at - aerelco mmA aeraon; S a. a., holy eaaaaaloa; : a. a., Sunday acbool. . xnalty .Nineteenth aad Brerett atreeta; Dr. A. A. Morrlaoo.- Holy eommanloa. I a. m.; moralna aerrlce. 11 o'clock: aTenine arraica. T:31 a'elock.y TT'-- , All Baiatat Twenty aeenad and Saerf atreeta- Baa.. Roher Hope. Bei a1-ea at 11 I. UL and 7:30 a-F eiuaaay acnooi, 1U a. a. t j: . J aflavak Kaat Thirteenth and Pnwall atraea 10:0 a. a., annual rollrall. "Wbea .the Lord Write th t'p th Poplc": p. a., 'The main Jeweler and Hie ewe la." Mia Ruth Eddlnga will aing at Bornlng aerrlca aad Mlaa aaoei William tba evening.. j Klret Twelfth aad Alder atraeta: Rev. P. Hill. 10:SO a. a. aad T:80 p. aa., rally, day wrll be ebaernd. Itrdmont Corner Cleveland arena aad' Jar- rett atreet: Her. k. Mr Booaer. 11 "A Secret W Cannot Kp"; nlng aerriee. T:45 o'clock ; ftableth acbool, 10 a,, aa. Special rally day aervlcea. Arndr Ladca ; Chapel Coraae ' Curtla and Bryaat atreeta. ' 4 p. a., aermoa; I s. a., Sahhatk acbool. tlalvary Klevearh ' and Clay atreeta; ' Rv. William fl. Gilbert. 10:k0 a. a.. "The Bona ar Deliverance": T:0 v. m.. "Bain aad carter ouartet rholr. H. V. Mliluren. araanlal. Plrat Cn aiber la nd Corner Twelfth aad Kaat Taylor atreeta; Bev. K. Nelann Allen. lo:30 a. a. and T:n p. a., nreachlna: 13 a.. Sunday (rrrsrii 1 11( , Id axi. . brtttfakrnVeirorr ir CHEI8TIAV. . Oatral Kaat Twentieth aad Rahnnn atreeta: Rev. J. P. nbormlry. 11 a. a.. "Th Blbl Kot Reapenalbl for Pennmlaatlonalaiai"; T:48 P. a.. "Cburck rederarlo" : Sunday acbool, 10 a. m.; Jimlor Endeavor.. 8:80 p. a.; Senior Eadeavor, 80 p. a. Special anal. i ' Ad rent" Second atreet. betwaon nail and Unroln: Bev. Charlea Raffendea. 11:80 a. a.. preaeawa: i:av a. m . Kunaay acnooi; I p. a., araia vaeenna; t:b a. a., prearning. nrar I orn-r pan and .UeluanM atreeta: Rev. K. S. Mnrkler. 10:80 a. m.. "Tba Vlaloa of the Invlalhle"; T:80 a. a.. "How Yon Pooled joaraeir "; nmi arhoo.. ll:ia a. a.t CkrUtlaa anoearar. :r- av Wood lawn 11 a. m. aad T p. a.. Rev. Me- Hattnr or f'allfornlau Rnadae. acbool. -to a. Cbrlitlaa Endeavor, 8:80 p. a. - . ' Korweaiaa 4B North roorteenih ateaef) Re. J. M. Nrrvig. 11 a. a.. Breaching; Sunday achool, : a. an.: 8 p. a., preaching. Norwesiaa Brand- Comer Eaat Taath and want atreet; o. Hagnea. 11 a. a.. Bev. T. N. Dahl of Llaeola. . Mehrnaka. will nreack: aervlcea at 8 p. a. St. Jimea' Corner Weat Park and Jef'erknn atreeta;. Rev. J. A, fceaa. 11 a. a., nreadilng; MiaaMy acbool. in a. m f Uitbw league, f p. a. Ho evening erlee. ethanla Dan nil Corner TTnlon avenue and Morrla atreet: Bev. nndmnnd drill. 11 a. a. aad 8 p. a., preaching; Sunday acbool, 12:18 p. a. i . . , .,: . v ... Trinity Eaat Tenth Bad Grant atreeta: Bev. Harold .Oner. 11 a. a.. . Rev. William at. Marahal! ef Mlnneapolle: no' evening aerrlca; Rnnday acbooL le a. m.: Enwortk laaarua :80 p. m. - rtea Eaat mptn ano Mill atreeta; Bev. . Olrn. 11 a. a., preaching. ' ,. - Flrat Third and Tarinr arreefa. 10:80 a, a.. Rr. J. M. Kins of -Philadelphia: 7:80 p.. a.r Iir. W. a. Marahall ef Bt. Paul: Suaday acbool. 11:14 'p. m.; 'Rpworth league ' meeting. 8:80 p. a. . Rnectal mnale hv the cborna rholr. Epwortn Tweaty-thlrd aad Irving atreeta: Rev. Hen re T. Atklnana. 11 a. m..t Erneat Bine; ao evening , aervlce; Bunday 'acbool, 10 CTAVOIXlOAi; AMOClATIOlf." Plrat Enallah Corner Eaat Rlith and'Markat atreeta; He. w.'A: Blewert. - II a.vm.. preach Ing: 8 p. a., prvarhlnc; Sunday achool, 10 A. ttlltner - aanenntennent : Toon Pen. pie' alliance, T p. m.. C. S. Bradford, leader. Memorial aet-Eighteenth -nad Olbba atreeta; Re. B. D. 'Rtrerffeler. 11 a. a., "Slaa Coa feaaed aad "nrtveit"j T an m aa ai rw. rd to -and Panlahed"; Rnnday acbooL 10 J - a.: T. P-. Aa eeevleeai ,r!a, p.; TH, ; ' - 1 "" crman tenia aa t.'lay atreeta; Bev. Theodore Rchaner. , 10:48 a. a. and T: p. a., yrearhlng: Bunday acbool, :80 a. a T. Pt A., irBiTro ztavoxucal. : " Plrat Vr ail Kaat Turik Hi ul -.- - . - iZZJi- A- w,'"'t.-. V at-SBd,.T.:30 P. a., reach ng; - Rnnday acbool 10 a, a.: Young People a meeting. g:80 o. a. ' , ' Rei'miaa a'aiae ana v..k - . ,ai . Boweraaat. it a. m a.a v ia Z jV-I'. ! Rny jekart. 10 i, a.5 Jnnier E.deaVoVr P- C- E.. 7 p. a. , ' , nH irS,VmAn Lv".' ar"Bg y v. H. X. Pratt; Sunday achool., t 0 a. u. ( '.- .- ' ' . .' . ' ' AT. O. A. . . . Maroaaa theatre. l:8n . ..a . ananicea of Y. M. f" a um .V ' . ef the laterMtlonal Reform Lectori bare.,,: Waanlngtae. . 0. C. oa "Tea Katlonal rvoti. lena -j H. g. Allyawla teiir ' alag. 'I - " ZTAMOELinaf.. I'alUd Corner Jobs and Iraahoe atraeta Rt hna: Bev. tt, E. lcVI,3 .. .J!.'. Iya la Ualnlng Wk4ia la Rln"i T A "a m "ja Coaeepttoa aX Bapaouae", iuaZi .'oa moro C:jut ihrmm Cites strenz cf Oooom ytnlxed with dtercfi, or cr rowrootMnd is, Vsoiyt f or y 'f m r.moro ooohomZosJmY' ''-..y Vr, (fast iiocca The Finest llaTTWIVU a .fSkWat. Highest: Awards C V-., ' A new and handsomely Wue trated Keclpe Book aeat free WalterMerMitil.' Ert.bD.kc. 17M - lZttZhl, CS.' acbool. 10 a. a.; Junior K. U fC. t:0 1 p. a.; aanior a. u v. a.. e:ta p. a. - ''" v 1 : . " 0ATH0I4C ' ' St. Lawrenca Third and Rheraaa atreeta: I Rv. J, Hiarha. - Maaaea f aad a. m. I hlxh s.laa. 10:30 a. a.; veapara and heaadlfr-1 tlm, 7:80 . a.. "- " I at. Patrick's Corner . Nineteenth and Sarlar I atreeta; . Rev, B. P. Murphy. Maaeea 8 aad io:ov a. a.: veapera and benedict km, 1:30 s. a. I tianranTTit " ' Firat Kaat Blabth and Eaat' Chucliatraota: Be. W.. r, HmalL 11 a. a.. "Tha Baneflcaat I Mleeloa of Skeottciam"! T:4S B. a.. "Where I sataa cam Frota"; 10 a., a., Suaday school. 'i;w.,--'" gpniTTAinTfl.' n-v Plrat Artlaana' .kail. Third . atreet Waabl oa-toa. 11 a.'a.. Conferenck: 1:80 n. Veunc Peosle'e Murtral and Ih-aaiatle eluhi g I p. a., leciur oj n. w. Barnn. . , ' T VaTTARXABV- ' . Plrat Taahlll and Havanth atreeta: TV: a C C'reaaey. 11 a. a.. "Rellflo va. : th I nana '; sanaay acnooi, 11:30 p. m. k. z. OrnrmoH botttk. t-rT1rf-JTlH Sreond atreet Korpatan' kail: bt. k. a. aiowr. n a. a. and a a. a., I preaching; Sunday leehool. . 10 a. .ax; Ep worth I leagoav 7 p. aa.; church onirnc, 12:1a p. at. I 0REI8TIAJI SOTrkTTiaT. Second Auditorium building, Third, between I Taylor, and Halmon atreeta. ll a, m. and (I P a., -'unraautj;; Sunday acbool, 11 a. la-voeeiag '.' . ."" XIbCXXAjTZOTI. .,. .-li- , .ChrUtlas Catholic t-hnrch of Eloa Allaky building, Moniaon atreet near Third; Bv. Charlea A. Hoy. g p. a., Blbl atudr; 8 p. m., "Wttneaalug for Uod"; 7:80 p. ., "The Dig nity ar True moor." Olive Branch Go pel Ulaaloo yirat near day etreetj Servtcea rry evening and Sunday at s ana p. .m.-., i . .- MlUenalal Daw a G. A. B. hall. Second and Morrtaon atreeta, Mulkey bnildlng.- 8:80 p. a., "Th Death and Beatrrrectloa ef the Mas Chrlat Jeaua." Chrtatlaa and Mlaalonary Alliance Sixth aad Mala etrVeta; Rev. C. D. Bawtella. 10:80 a. a. aad 7:30 p. a.. "(Tirlat la tba Taberaacle Sunday acbool, 8:40 a. m. Chrtatlaa Boelallete 1 Beeoad atreet. p. a.. Rev. J. W. Well oa "What Weald ftortaltam Da With the Crips lea, the Blind and U Hipiear- . Plrat Blbl Spiritual Rorlty A. 0. TJ. W. halL SeUlu-Hlrarh bulldlna. 8 P. a., lecture. followed .with epirlt mkl(M by Mr. Ladd- Plnnlcaa. ll.I.b''T!lly!irVl a.alaaaaaa.. Rwedenhnralaa Reception hail, utr . floor Mulkey balldlng. Second and Morrtana atreeta 10:m a. a., nev. iiiram vroomaa oi.ooaron. Reoraantard Church of Jem Chrlat of Latter. Day Balnte Woodward hall. Montavllla. 11 a. at. and 8 p. a., preaching; Sunday achool. l s. a. . -' LITTLE MAID FROM SCHOOL ELOPES WITH CHINESE Girl Reared lrr Convent Walla -! Runt Away With Mongolian Coolc and Weds Him. vf (Joaraai peetal Ban lea I ..J Chicago.' Sept 2 Z.-r-On pt the. moat remarkable elopement and marriages in the history of Chicago was disclosed today In -the reinrn , to . Chicago and Chinatown of Mr. and Mrs. Joy Ten I. News of the affair profoundly agitated th younger social set on th west side. especially members of the Church of Our Lady. of. Sorrows. '--, ' Joy Ten Lo, is a well-toHlo Chinee. He tMch1ef -cook at a chop suey palace over, Alderman "Hlnky . Dink" Kenna's famous : establishment : He. has been married twice before. ' " ' Mrs. Joy Ten Lo, until her, marriage at Hammond, Indiana. August 1 1, was Eldna rlinn, a pretty 18-year-old daugh ter of William Fllnn. Reared under th Strict reglm of th Mound, Notre Dam St. Patrick's Academy and Convent of Our Lady of Sorrows, the girl has known but . little. -of 11 f : beyond .the convent walls and th shelter of her father's bom until her graduation a few months ago.. -V . ; ; '. . i - ; ', . : " 1 . - . . - " I Xrow aU Bide-Trip Tieketa. Holders of Lewie and Clark tickets sold, eaat of Pocatallo or Butt and tb weatern boundary of Arizona ar enti tled to -flften-day one-faro tickets to certain points on th O. B, at N. - Par- ttculara by asking at Third and Wash ington streets, Portland. .;" ' Zwlstoa oaaa Bold. ' ' 'ftpeelal DlPtck to Tka JoarnaLI - ' Lewlaton, Idaho, Sept II. -Th city council naa sccepteo in tid or E. H. Rolllifa Son of Boston for the II2.50J bond ' issue for 'which-a premium of I68T.B9 wUl be paid. A friendly suit III determine their validity. ' ; Sow alee TovthfaL . "Thou ahalt'sot grow eld" la aa aawrlrt law which every enalbl naa and woman alas t etieerve. And how dd they aecomniiah i.i almply by keeping the ayatem la perfect trim tbreuch tha aaa ef a tonic Bwdlcln Ilk Meeaa'a Augiait Flower. They keep thetr blned .pur their dlreefloa good, their live aettee. ih.i. vitality aormal and their ntrtt Imoyaat by the regular and iudlctoae aa of Angnat Flower knd thua keep ynotbful and hautiy. Trial bottle, tne. Bl raittui. TBa. At all drnnlate.. oJL wrvvai wawant IValtorDaliorfiOo v . r .. .. ?, ... . i ll i .' .. . . r a v - aa m I ll 17 'll ' ! ' ing out l"7 w-Ji it t ' ; mm '' '' '. ' l ' ' '' I III I I I v;. -. i i;.'-::': . . . r". - "II - ' I III I . . -Ai.''r-;vl i aaBoaeaafjBBBaaa III . ; Ill I i. .. ; " . , '. , . III! ' ' - - - I . ; rTTi ..:,.-SW: -- I.' : II I - v.-' "-." -v- r . a electric lamp nasnes l-'.y-v -Jf- r:?' ""7'":" ' rf Pill r . i : " .... r - ' 'W mis if-J i- -' m rrn effectively ? LECTRICITY in voxir home 1 hazards Lace curtauis and in flammable draperies . are not eh dangered" by the Electric Light HERE IS NO RISK Elec tric lamps will glow wherever. whenever, you light into danger TLEGTRICITY permits the iri stant illumination of any room, or part of the home, from any chosen spot If you are above and hear strange footsteps downstairs, push the button and the proper IjECTRIC -LilGHT - JL-' serve-you- while off while you don't, by a of the switch. It isn t burning up money when not wanted; it is not consuming or . polluting the air. LEARN TO BE ELECTRIC-LIGHT-WISE: WRITE TODAY FOR HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED . ' : a-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaeaaaa , . f-I - '- "f -..':'-' :'. ! ' - ' ' ' '" : ' "'" "' - A-.'.-. .I .-. . -J "i'. . '" '' ( :'7''. "''. ar ;' ' , ' w - ' "';"-;:. . . ' . ' -,.,".'; ' " 'i ' ' SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. TELEFCOM EXCQATtGE " 1. s , : y. r : . ; ' nfiTi! L)Jjjvl U ctits out the want them, . . - V" -1 ; - . ;" . ,'i ... . ; . ; ' '- . tv '...-. ,v:'. -V,.,- ,..(.,,. -- v ..'... bring places out Gnmi- you want BOOKLET. FREE. 1 1 TTMTn mm fire . ..'V. ' I., t turn ! V .' TT- I f1-