, u U 5 . T " T- m ... ly I .Z3 f :ti c ci.l rtZDUCZD eatzs 0:1 evehy T.3AD lzadiks into fcitlaijd f this ctc-tv i:i coniut::!T:2:j with t:: oti: i ;va;jt-w. t : i.y i : ti:j czat i:ic::vay3 to tiis city'G cate3, joi::3 x:j liaki::q m?ctla:.j daym a -run; jr.- i?y addii;o to its .-"r; rTTTT' COMBINE PLEACUHS VITH EU2INEC3 BY PLANNING TO DO THE CEASON'3 CIIOPPINO "PORTLAND DAY. THE MOST STUPENDOUS AND'' FAR-REACHING BARGAIN FE3T EVER PLAIi::ZD OH CONDUCTED III A!JZr.ICA:ir EC3ED TCS TCHTLAI'D DAY" DON'T 1113 IT SATURDAY, S.-PZZZZZZH iXJilanto come.to roxtlasd ta da your SHOPPING on that day tvi thtrs th ttr-1". ' a:j AnnACTivE cir::;:3TaATi::j v Firit Floor Dr. Alice GoodwK dscsstratiia of '"Vis- dom'i Violet Cretm". for ;$&; toilet V,v " ; yea3 rcn-73:oMT3 v'--; New.lisinsprings, 75c All other rcxirin? of Jewelry and Clocks . - ,-.', at proportionately modest price. First Floegfeear :' fj large elevatcw. .. y ?km - (. ; cl 0 A. C cJ 0 P. C. l5? Jf Ycu Can't Ccn:3 tc cr. r. Fr rATTLTT" tho Store MAIL YOUR onDzns The Fall Catalogue mailed -FREE for th aikiaf to any addreaa in the United States :Vi -.i vv or Canada -; 'V.-jf. ; V--; WeairfelbGes ' for' AtoHis, at ;: (LI munniatcljiisilbDe " Kairsiiiii UDOUdiJ It has been wid of. ena of our crett, Captatni of Isdwytry, ,H succeeded in everything but tha boy buiineM." .-' ' -If you arc in the boy business,' let u help you o succeed in it t. Don't let it be said tha-your boy "succeeded in spiu of Jus parents." : Manual training; is the most effective weapo you can put into your boy'i or girt's.fanda Jtvitluwhkh to go forth and fight the battles of - life. , . This store hat obtained " , ' , ' -( " - , . - . ; ; .THREE SCHOLARSHIPS TO GIVE V if c. n TTie three scholarships we have secured will be awarded n Thanks ; giving day to the three boy or girls who. receive the three highest . totals in the popular voting contest now on. . A vote will be issued with every 25-cent purchase. Ballot-boxes are distributed conve-' niently aboutlhe store,' as in former contests, and the three boys or girls receiviirgthe largest number of votes before 6 p. m. of Wednes day, November 29, will each receive A FREE SCHOLARSHIP, -Namee -of - Jeadinar'-'taai rfiMiteetanf tri ' kmitrmn ti.nml Tr.lntng School voting contest, with standing of each, at 10 a, so. today 1 ,-rf 'George Slater Ladd ....;.;....,.,..,........ .1005 --1 ', . Robert Holmes, Harrison ; ; Wright Brown, Clinton Kelly ...V.......-...,,;. 668 : on 4 -5. Central .,,.....,.;,....., 4,60$ ;'X v Green . ...... ... . 4,547 y. V: , 4.170 M' - ' .v..- Sidney Cramm,-North Central 3,895 . 1 Scattering ....t... ...... ....14.163 h ' - Tames Winston'. Harrison -Lwis Thomas. North I , Marion Oeden. Ockler John Wilhelm, Couch 4... ................ 4.170 Truman Cook, Failing ....;. ,4. ., 3,959 ToUl 0 etf e first lTtjjc" FOR LIKEN HANDKERCHIEFS, VOXtfrj&fftii TLadiesttine sheer pure. han initial Handkerchiefs; manufactured by 'the iameua Richardson Manufacturing tCo., and ' imported by us direct from' Ireland; very dainty Handkerchiefs and our 20c values rrrtSpecial at, each .WW... .....Ka) . ti::s STOHC, -AT V GET YCUn a::0P?ir.G TlinO' DY 0AYL!SSJT,, rTlIESTQaEdCLOSESiAtCEat GRAND SATURDAY BARGAINS in tho SECiEEPERS' OXiOAWeE ; t:s sTcnr SATURDAY ; AT ; r;' OP. MV - Chic and. Fetching Fccc Veils- ' ; r-tV?.T,VElUNG CdUNTERiFIRST FLOOR. TrUP' iiiniiv CHIFFON VEIL8, 48C ' v'' '"-:V- Very chic end beautifully fetching new Chiffon Veils, in iH-yard lengths, all colors and black end white; aome plain, other in dotted designs; our regular $1 value Special at, eacb..,.........,..4s)t At- ia nsfiA' rAin4Ao D.45c,RIRBONaJFORi One lot of brand new . Taffeta Ribbon. S and-5 inchea wide, in wnue, Diacic ana au colors; pur oac - ana 4de vaiueatipecial at. the yard .-V 40c TO ftVe" RIBBONa FOr'mc!1! " rV f. " ; 1 A t - -ft Af..t ' t I . . . , . ... . s 101 01 Dcmumui .looona in Komra sinpes, snaaca ettects, police , ? dot and asr endless variety of Fancy Ribbons; our 40c, 50c and 65c values Special at. the yard ...SSe? : Shoes for Women end Children in the V..''- Saturday Scle - ''Ye FAIR-WAY ' fioote Shwrjoe" Sixth , St. Annr Kir. , rtnr ; Time and intelligence have been spent and effort exhausted to make- tne snoe store so tnorougn jn its scope that every taste and every c purse will find its fit ' Mind you. the deoendable. ahaDe-holdinn aiv j wearing, well-appearing sort ase -the only kind , we can afford to expect to be very busy in, the Children's Shoe Store tomorrow, on ' account of the low price on stylish, serviceable shoe that people find here and somehow the story got out and spread. ' But good service is guaranteed to all, no matter how fast the youngsters come. ; j ; , ' V : WOMEN'S SHOES FOR $10. ; . These Shoe were made special to our order, before the price of leather advanced; w are therefore enabled to offer yon an extraor dinary good Shoe at this price. There are seven of the latest style to select front, in both regular lace and blucher cut; dull finish or- vici kid uppers nd patent kid or patent coltskin vampt) either light or heavy aoles; w offer these. Shoet-e genuine bargain for Sat urday onlyj at, the pair ,t.,f .".'.;i....i....T;.V....v.'I;.'..fa.o) "BOYS SCHOOL SHOES The kind that will stand hard wear and wet weather. 4 :t t i ..a, -..- BOYS' SHOES Here in box calf, lace style, with 'stout soies; oHd throughout;. aize 2J to 6; our $275 -value Special Sale pricey the BOYS' BOX CALF SHOES Blucher cut',' good, nonet value at $2.50 Special Sale price, the pair-. .ft.8 YOUTHS' FINE BOX CALF SHOES-Lace tyle;i Goodyear welt aoici, our ju Tmiuc opeciai oaie pnee, me pair. ...... ,,fi,ss Mea's Bargains for Saturday k .--! y ' i '". ' v'-awe, anal e abW ' '. .' . ' IM THE "HABERDASHERIE" ' '."''":," Sixth Street Annex First Floor. t Won't these stirring bargain to be gotten tomorrow in that busy "Man's Shop" of ours that's helped to make. Sixth street famous set the Annex resound ing with the tramp of men' feetr The bargain are extraordinary and mighty timely.-- ; . ' 09c FOR MEN'S $1.00 UNDERWEAR Men' merino Shirt and Drawers,' fall weight; extra well made and finished; one of our best $1.00 values Special Sale price, the garment.. 9e - lc FOR MEN'S -CASHMERE SOX Men' cashmere Sox, in black, natural gray end Ox-, ford cav: the cleanest and best finished sox in the city for. 25c Special. Sale price, the pair. 19e MEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS FOR HALF Men' fine, pure linen Hatrdkerchiefat only a few of -them, o to close them out we offer them lor half; , ouc $1.00 Value Special Sale price, each...... .60) , FIRST FLOOR Domeetice and Liiiena. THIRD FLOOD Dlniajr Ware, Stove and Kitchen Need, i:.mTt ? VI y ; ;f FOURTH FLOOR Ruji aadBlanketa. 7. ' . r . FIHST, TIimD & FOUWU FLOODS PARTICIPATE WITH ENTHUSIASM J ; Thing of beauty and of art that housewives need every day. Work-eav , ' - ,. er and worry-eMren (ho sale atock abound erith them. Implements , :' - . nd utensils desiamed to lessen the drudrenr of -housework emrelr such an end is Worth planning for. And there are money-savers, too well ' bought lines of down-to-date appliances on which makers have joined with us in lessened profits. ; 8 tart, if you will, on tho ground floor, in the spacious "Domestic" aisles; Ther the shopper finds boats of wonderful values in linens for the tables, towels and other fabrics for household use, man naAmrirA an that If nin tA Art ItnlMa fthnnnlna ni"n i tn fur : nish the ThanJu riving: tables. Pass along up by rapid, transit to the I Third Floor, where, spread out before you in almost endless array, is . . , t Lj A C. f - m. m. 11.1. - t. tvi .. nanasome cninawmru man .wonocnui variciy oi uic uiuo uuok bv hum needed in the kitchens. Here, too, on finds just the STOVES AND HEATERS she is loolrinr for at prices less than she had planned to pay. Another-jump and we land on the Fourth Floor, among tne magnificent array l Jttouse&uinge, tar rets, Rugs. Curtains, Draperies, Beds and Bedding, etc. And the sale eornw tetieed-time VVhyfBe cause" September is a' busy month with housekeepers getting homes in readiness for fall and winter. And, true to the OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING idea of helpfulness, we time the sale to meet the first fall needs of the housewife . The stors turns to your advanugs it ability to gather very Urrely at low eat pricesvand puts economies within the reach when to save on what on must of necessity have is an aaaea sauBiacuon, . tLvcry rvmrnont wvnww iwihu u un wnuu uu n LINEN RUSSIA CRASH. lWt-Heavy all-linen Ruasia Crash. IS inches wide, soft end absorbent Special at, the yaf d .......!RHe TABLE LINEN REMNANTS Remnants el Table Linen and odd half docea Napkins at greatly reduced prtcea. , NEW FALL FLANNELS Fan Flannel, in white, cat brotdered. scalloped sad hemstitched effects; values, the yard ...e, TSf, 0 WHITE .ANGORA CLOAX2NO For opera apes and Children : I Jo-?cn Ur KNIT-WEAR SHOFS-FIRST FLOOR. "Cet the children ready for school on Monday. Tomorrow is the last day for preparations, and youll probably seed to buy quite a ' few of these necessary articles of wear ere the winter ia over. Why not take sdvantage of the SPECIAL SALES? AND SAVE-Start tomorrow.' -. . . v . , . CHILDREN Me; $0e SSc HOSE,' 19c. itH ;. Children' fine ribbed black Maco Cotton Hose, finished foot, dou ' ble sole,. linen spliced knee;, regular value 25c, 30c and 35c Spe cial, the pair .......Xa y'l ,;V V EXTRA 8PECIALBOYS'. BOSS, . . '., C:::. :: Boy' extra heivy Hose, tripte leg, seamless foot, very elastic Special at, the pair - Children's long fiber, extra strong, smooth combed Cotton cream tinted Vests, Pants and Drawers; soft, fine fleecing; good winter ' Weight. ? .. ' - - i . : , ,". A ,i : .;j )''- . Sixes 18 to 26, regular value 35c Special, each Sites 28 to 30, regular value 40c Special, each........r.......ST0 Sise 32 to 34, regular value 45e Special, each..............,.S0 - BOYS AND OIRL8 SCHOOL CAFE, 25c. k School Cap ia assorted shadea, splendid 35c value Special, ea!5 Art Stitchcry Shop ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. GREAT SPECIAL AUTUMN SAUTOJk RARE, MAGKIHCENT ORIENTAL CDGS r ;v--'ON,THE FOURTH FLOOR ; v j , -sl" Indian Robee and Blankets Undrprtced, - 4 vr V .'.ORIENTAL BUGS . - ' In email, medium end carpet sites, including Taraghan, Bokhara, Khivas, Soumaks. Kasaks, Anatolias, Bcrgainos, Afghans, Beloochistan, Camelahair. Daghestans, - Delhi, Kabistan, Kirmanshah, Khorasan, Shnvans, Saurkj Shuar, etc. See how the pricea have fallen for this , Regular $10.00 value, special at, ech........J,.f awOO Regular $15.00 value, apecial at, each. 1B2 Regular $18.00 value, apecial at, each...........f ...ri.l.f frrm fcl rril t acn.... SXO.BW isa.oe) 3-t.OO SS.7S3 S43.0O 4t.0O $SS.04 is.6 is.oo iro.oo TB.OO S6.oe esrular $25.00 value, apecial at. each ..or.w Regular $28.50 value, apecial at, each..,. .924.00 Regular $30.00 value, apecial at, each. ........... .Regular -$35.00 value, apecial at, each......,.... Regular $37.50 value, special at. eacn.. Regular $40.00 value, apecial at, each.,,...,..... Regular $45.00 value, apecial at, each.,,.,....... Regular $50.00 value, apecial at, each............ Regular $55.00 value, apecial at, each., Regular $60.00 value, special at, each. i.. ....... Regular $70.00 value, apecial at, each,,,.,, Regular $75.00 value, apecial at, each.,).;...... Regular $85.00 value, special at, each.'..,....,... Regular $90.00 value, apecial at, each..,...,.;... Regular f 100 value, apecial at, each..........,. $7 JO INDIAN BLANKETS, $4.91. ' . The original Pendleton Navajo Blanket, fine fleece wooL .and Indian Robes, suitable for souvenir for visitors: regu lar $7.50 value. Special, each............. ($4.95 FANCY INDIAN ROBES AND BLANKETS. Regular $4.50 value, special at, each., S2.BO Regular $5.50 value, apecial at, each..... ......... Regular $6.50 value, apecial at, each............,.wS.OO Regular $7.50 value, special at, each.............. OO "t PLEASING SURPRISES" in THEtr:ir:ff ' UNXN STCE AO DOMESTIC SK0PS .-, FIRST FLOOR .'r-:.rh'i. LINEN TEA CLOTHS, SSc Tea Clothemad of heavy linen-finish, tiger ' cloth, plaia hemstitched, aize 30x30 Special at. each ..... i ...... . ... , , .Me SCARFS FOR THE DRESSER Hemstitched and fancy drawn work, sise 19x48 Special at, each.... S9 and TW 90c DOILIES, 48c About 50 doten all-inen; fringed Doilies, slightly soiled;-regular value 90c SpeciaJ, the dOJfCtl V . e ' e 4 e e , : e e iMt HUCK TOWELS," ZOc Extra weight, all-linen Hock Towels, large aise Special at. children' coats; 54 inches wide; value at, the yard.fS.oO OUTTNO FLANNEL. Sc 100 piece light, medium end dark Outing Flannels Speciale at .V... 4... Just received another shipment of new Plaid Waietinga; pattern of all the different clana.. See thatn. KCuSECCLD txf3rm 1 U r i? AMONG THIRD FLOOR STOCKS UNEXCELLED VALUES IN HAVTLAND ft CO.'S -::',.,x. , DECORATED CHINA .-. A number of pretty aew decorations, ia both teta aad fancy pieces -- ,'. J oO-pasce decorated Dinner Set Special at aet...fl.85 100-piec decorated Dinner Seta Special at, et..f8f.S 112-piece decorated Dinner Set Special at, eet.'.f SiJIO 117-piecc decorated Dinner Set Special at, et..SST.TO -SPECIAL SALS OF ENAMELED WARS 3-e.uart lip Kettles Special at, each.... ..... S-euart Berlin Kettles Special at, each. ...... .,.... 2-e.uart Coffee Pota Special at, each 80e 8-ouart Tea Kettlee--Special at, each ........... 17-quart Dishplns Special at. each...........; 2-quart Pudding Pans Special at, each.... .....lfl No. S Iron Frying Pane Special at, each. ....334' No. 8 iron Kettles Special at. each.... 634 12inch Baating Spoon Special at, each.... .......... ) Repair Knobs Special at, the doien.....j.........$Of A CHOICE LINE OF. HARDWARE Everything for home .use of aundard make and guaranteed quality. r ; "QUICK-MEAL" STEEL RANGES. S34J9 The "Quick-Meal" is a real steel range;' every part pos sible is msdc of steel, so store putty or cemeat of any kind need; made tight end lastirlg 'Special, each.. 34.60 "Quick-Baker" Steel Range Special at, each..... $ :: "QUICK STEEL HEATERS ' v' ' For coat; steel top and bottom, all joints perfectly fitted, absolutely airtight, no soot, no noketao puffing, no gaa. SEE THEM. ' '''' : ' ' - ' "COMFORT AIRTIGHT IISATERS, $.7$ ---r-For wood; made of polished blue Meek These stove are without doubt the beat-constructed airtight, heater ever manufactured Special at, each $STB -r v A"8TIRRlNG SATURDAY SALE OF Stc?!o DJcck end fitSVcJty S!::(o .';.'.'l-v Ia Portland'e Foremost Silk Store. ' ; ( ' FIRST FLOOR FIFTH STREET ANNEX. T I The greatrit SJlk-elluiamoiiJajMitojYSilk JoaringjkywarA-,1 I ia mxoa mmA - ABataa aA ikrn' I anMM.BS . esa saavv anu j v aivi v y issinvi ui s v . a. as susviua kuU4Jsi4 via . the markets, new silk at pricea less thid smaller-store pay. But price like these cannot last If you've need of Silks, better fill the seed new. ,--.:y . v -' . - . " : - ' 23-inch warranted Black Taffeta; our tegular $1.10 grade Sperial for SArday, the yard .....'.,Tr............. ' 36-inch All-Silk Black Taffeta; uncqnaled value at $1.25 Special for Saturday, the yard .....v.i.....;...t..,.......CCf 36-inch All-Silk Black Taffeta; unequaled value at $1.60 per yard Special for Saturday, the yard ...,.v...... 36-inch All-Pure-Silk Black Taffeta; no better Silk made than thi: tegular $1.75 value Special for Saturday, the yard. .i. ..... I.4J Our famous $15 Novelty Suit Silks, ia every new color and weave; the largest selection shown in the city Special, yard... v......lXf Got Slates end Pencils; Rder, Peds end Cornpcr::c.-i fcr School? "Teacher says I must have" thie, that and the other. - Parents of children at school have often heard that -remark. Just make out a list and send the youngsters to OLDS, WORTMAN Ic KING'S everything here and all of the reliable aorta. Among xne imngs r i no, BWUOOiv BALK AKa -- , . ' library Boliool TaMeta, large- ata. plain papar. each B4, et. i. S T9M 104 pencil TablSta. large alr ruiae, each 44 Ink Writing Tablets, pacta let, aaten 54 Ink Tablata, rulad, each, 74, 84, 94, 104", 124. 154 .204 Lal Takleta, white cryeUeit pa par. each '..104 Baat Campoaltlon Books, 4 and 41 laaraa, aack'.....f...-t.......84 at Compoaltiaaj Books, tl leaven. aeh X04 Our President Compoettton Books. aactt i..,..4..:,.'..:.,.54 aa4 104 Stodant Kot Books, each.. 54 aa4 104 Paaell Sharpaners, aaah ... .54 ! 104 Steiraa-raphera, Note Booka. aacn e. 74 and........ 104 raatbarftone ST nnaaaa, eaen..,..sae' Mamoramlum Booka,: each, 64t 104 154. 204 and..... w. ....... ...3Sv Drawing tada. each. ....... 4 ...... 104 Chamele Bklna. aaek... 54 aad 74 Bound Pencil Boaea, each... t..24 rwell Box, with lock ea4 key, eaefc, 44 4aiwl 1....104 Spongaa. aach. (........... 44 a4 54 PUtn Cadar LNd Peaeila, 4oaen..V.54 Rubber-tip Cedar Iad PmoII, doaan .....7...,. ...... 104 Bmbber-ttp t-aad Penctla, . aach, , 24. 2H4, 94, 44 . . ...... , .54 Bubber. Krasara, aacu.14, 24 . 44 lata peibV plain...'. .".'.9 BOaanir 54 Soap Stone aiste Paaell a, the 4oaa. .54 Wood covered; Slate PaaaUa. aaob, 14. ar. thadoMQ 104 Colored Wax School Crayvna, the box, 44.4 ..64 Whlta School Chalk, 141 sticks la boa. r9l a a a i, 4 e " e 4 ' fef) " , Ink W.i 'eaeiC "rtf 194," 994.' V V4 nd 504 P.nhoMara. 4, 4," 2H4, 94. 04 ana .,...,..,. s4 P rawing Comaaaaaa, aak. ........ .64 Book or Sbawi etrapa, Mefc.......l04 Laathar Book Straps, aach ,C4 Drawing Sia. So aaiuaa ai, each.. 184 . so vaiuea.at, aaoh 2541 see vaiuaa acaaob 804 Fateat Laatbar Sook Strap, aaoh. .. .54 Watanuan Ideal lVuntain Pans, each, 9.50, 59.60a 94, $6. e4. 9 rauatata paaa, .,...'.. ..9l00 Baa, boo Rulara. ...... ......9 VOa 54 Braaa adga BaJara. aaeb. .......... ..64 Twin. School Baga, aach. 854 504 to $9.60 Xaaadad Krasara. aaeb..... ....54 Baat Black tVettav , Ink, t-os.- bettla. aaoh .84 Cartera Bast Ink. the battl. B4, 104. 164, 254 and... .. .......... 4 4 Ubrarr Paata, the bottle, 54, 1 and 1 Panetl Holders, aaeb.ii BUMkboare Braaare, each......... Kiiteergenan eVfaeore, aaeb.. Tall Bound data, aeea LEWIS AND CLARK SOUVENIR PILLOW TOPS FOR 39c. These Pillow Tops ar tmpd in Oregon grape design, with pic tures of Lewis end Clark, Oregon aeal and motto; plain back to -match- top 1 -a -diagram given with each pillow top, ebewing colors to he nsed Special for Saturday at. each...... ............. .24 C -. -r ! SECOND FLOOR-ANNEX. . $7e FOR LADIES' FLANNELETTE OOWNS WORTH Ladies' Flannelette Nightfowna, in dainty pink and white or blue and white stripes; made high neck with turnover collar; yoke, col lar end cuff a trimmed with fancy finishing braid; all regular and extra large size to No. 19; our $1.35 value Special .Sale price... Smart Suttincs . - At Special Prkee for Saturday la Dreaa Goods Storea,' tr- : , FIFTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. ; ' , Ask any milt man or wool dealer what wool ia doing now. Hell answer "climbing" end it's climbing 'way up ia the top branches, too.. Wool is at least $3 per cent higher than last season. A hint to the wise ie sufficient. No better inducement than tomorrow's is likely to be offered dress goods buyers this season and the fabric ere new and the acme, of atyle. Note the values. Special, Saturday Only. ' - .l-;"1... , ' . y : 'w: .,-rv ' 7 ' 6,000 yarda 36-inch, JJew Fall Suiting, in the aew Tartan Ptaids, new . Mixed Tweeds; all wanted colore to choose from; unmatchablc val ue at 50c per yard Special for Saturday, the yard..., ...... .894. 54-inch All-Wool Mannish Suiting; just the thing for the new coats and suits, in a large color assortment; regular $1.50 value Special" for Saturday, the yard ..........;..;,;....... -.44 New Fall Black Dress Goods, In all new weaves Panamas, Prun-' ells. Melrose, Mohdelaine; Henriettas, Voiles, Crepe de Paris, Chiffon Poplias; in fact, every new weave shown this season; reen ter $1.25 qualities Special for Saturday only, the yard...t AJ4 Ssnert IktsfcrCfciJrcoSchocJ Wc? SPECIAL FOR SATURDAYr-"Bijou" Salon, Annex, 2nd Floor. PORTLAND'S LEADINO MILLINERY STORE SHOWS SPS :.; CIAL VALUES IN STYLISH HATS FOR CIELS. Tomorrow brings mother fc t face wl;h the problem "What shstl the children wer to school?" Take a look thro' your girls wardrobe pay -especial attention to tne mil linery box. Vacation fun and frolic play have: witk summer hats, aa wea ae irocaa. t v v 1 hava a hml r4 nrettv creations, lovely I gear for the juaiora, eager to take the f ' of the hata that have served their time. A splendidly rrsctiv 1'e cf rrr'v-fr , hata itt jaunty I .lor aid -or .z; A all Wanted coK. r t v L-.v, . - ' I Childr-t's trimmed hue in generci t " " f"' 1 t t ?rt t Cl- " and r ' 1 ' I...1 tL';.. ! o L..;2teri' i ' T f