THE "OREGON DAILY " JOUKNAi; TCZTttJiS. rOGUARDfDOGKS HAROLD Emm GRAND OF K SALE Bulkhfladsrto ,. Stop th. Draft and Perforated Water Pipes zrrii to' Hoodlbflct .TWO MORE JREBOATS . NEEDED SAYS SPENCER River Man SaysThey Should Have V Steel Hullsr and Properly 4 Built 4 v Need Coat No More Than ths Wil ' liama Now in Commission. ' : '" ' Ail of the . dockownera, so' far learned, will comply wtttrtbe recent eltjr ordinance and build bulkhead In front .of the wharves-It U generally ed---e4 fey the owners "that such m pre r caution will prevent the .strong draft ' underneath the docks and will make It J? .... ... . l tm -easier to. eanguisn a urr v-v' - v Bnenoer auareara'wbat be terms at better plan for preventing- the spread of a fire on a dock than the ouisneaas. n umyw. 1 '.i'. B piscina. A four-Inch waler-nuOn 'underneath eaoe.. dock, with the top of -'the main well perforated. It would oe easy to connn the flames to a small area.' When a Are breaks out turn on the water. A portion of. the dock might be destroyed, but there Is no doubt that " this plan would keep the fire from ad jacent property. I intended to expert . tnent with i- r'" but whan 1 learned that the insurance companies would not leaeen' the rates I dropped the matter." : - The captain- also believes that Tort land, should have at least two more Are- boats. Hs says that the - waterfront ... stretches over entirely too great a ter ritory to be euarded by one boat. ' . ' i ;-lf th tlr-r4 bunontherTals , , to asslat the Williams 4n guarding , . waterfront property against fire," he said, "the hulls should be of -steeLM . will then be .possible for them to get close to a tire without dancer of being .'destroyed. If the depth of their holds were only a few-feet the cost would not 'be any more- than that of a boat 'like -the William. She 4s built, on the plaa ' ro( t sea-golne; boat. This is not needed , la a harbor like that of Portland." , -FAMOUS CRAFT-COMINOv- JToted rioattnc Xotpltal Bditk . Xyae .. -.TO Stow Sere a Week. -. ' ' In less than a week the steamer Edith Hyde-Tr.-Whlre'e-femou-nltarlum I boat. Is expected to reach Portland from 1 Baa Francisco. She will have about 68 ' patients aboard, who will stop here for r. a few days to visit the 'fair- while en '' route en northern cruise. The doctor . Is a millionaire phllan- throplst, and does not make any charges for giving his patients treatment on his r floating sanitarium He - halls from -Washington, D. C, and has only been In ' the Bay City for a few months. It Is said that he Is confident almost any T. dlaeaae can be cured by the patient sim ply taking a cruise oa salt water on a - steamer which has been nttedvout with the proper aanltary arrangements.- O. P. lavun of Tuoraa aava ha met Dr. yrW osxxh.e aouiioV the other Uaiand he (old him. that his boat would arrive af Portland' early ' next' week. "1 have known this marine physician ; for some time past' said Mr. tiawson, "and he- certainly' has performed won dere. I am personally acquainted with a couple of people who were supposed to be In the last stages of consumption. : : Tbey Anally heard .of this sanitarium boat and decided to make another at-' " tempt to prolong their lives by taking " o cruise In her. , In three months' after they . had taken passage they had re " covered their health. Other remark ' able cures 'have been told about people who made a Voyage on this vessel after! they had been given up by physicians." , Mr. Lawsouw says that Dr.- White never charges a fee for his ' services. stating, t hathehas allthe money he "inaeda. itefleavini'PortlanoV the boat . will make a short atop At TacomA and Seattle and will then proceed north and ta expected to go far up Into Alaskan . waters.' ;'-. ; . Is Booked for PSrlland THJH cVBASOKr- AND WItL PLAT' The Mason & T namlin Piano -We have often said there are more Of the great artists using our pianos than any other makea. and this season the people of Portland will have the pleas ure of hearing quite a number of the great artiste, as . well, ss a number' of our beet pianos. , There la a growing tendency for the beet In all things, and especially abould this be so when it comes to buying a plana Among our stock of high-grade, artistic pianos can be found the Knabe, Mason-Hamlin. Everett, rischer. Ludwlg, Packard. VoseT ConovrL tiardman ana others, ana u are ' identified in some way with great artists This, no doubt. Is the reaaoo our pianos were selected by the man agement of the Fair for most of the state and publlo buildings, if you want the best ths market affords for the least pioneiv do not fall to look through -our stock. Our easy-payment plan, which is so popular, with the people, applies to au. . - , ' . r 1 , . - ' i , ; . . Men & Gilbert Ramaher Co. com. hxtx ajtd kobbxsoit. SAYS SAILS MUST CO. ' tO. 9. Foard Believes TneA senators Will Blsplaoe W1M FxopeUeA Teasels. ' -C 3. Foard of the ship chandlery Arm of Lewis, Anderson. Foard dt Co.. Ban ' Francleoo, Is 'a business visitor In the '. city. Mr. Foard declares that the day ' is not far distant when sslllng veeeels '.' ,. will be a drug en the market, as all of . the shipments to the orient and Burope will be made In steamers. He pointed te '; the fact that a larger number of tramps v '.than ever before known la under char- ; ;ter to load on the Pacific coast. . ..'".: "Seversl ships are lying at Ban Fran Cisco.' said Mr. Foard, "which have bees there for three years without earn' - lng a aollar for their owners. It ap- '. pears to be Impossible to charter them - r At any figure. In this age of the world : i '. It is necessary to deliver a cargo in the least-possible' time. consequently the exporters are chartering tramp steamers . ' the latter will undoubtedly be engaged , rrom time to time for many yeara, but , . they will never be in demand Ilka they onoe were. But the eelllng veasela make more buslnesa , for a port than ths eteemere. as It requires more of them ';. to handle the traffic Nearly everyone . Interested in the shipping buslnesa will . , be sorry to see the old square-rigger relegated to the past. ALONG JHE WATERFRONT. v, "- ''-.'. " i i .- j i. 'r B."T, Hedges," Br., purser on the ; steamer Csarlna. which . asrived from " Ban Francisco yesterday. Is said to be ' the oldest purser on the Pacific coast. ' He is t sn&Jias. been .following his , . present occupation for a quarter of s ' century:' .1 .;. 'V It was learned yesterday afternoon that Kerr, Clifford V Co. was the firm which chartered the German ahlp Ellbek to load, strain for South Africa. With a full oargo of freight and a big , paseenger list the steamer Columbia ' arrived last evening .rrom , Ban Fran- dseo ., ' -. - ' V The steamer Telephone did not make l 1. ,. I.', 1 I ,Lil. "jr $:f -f-r-rrT" ' .'.Try one drop; of ! Schilling's Best lemon extract in balf-a- ,'" glass of Water. '".',;.'' . Try how many drops of some other extract it takes to flavoi Srrlp-to-Cscad-ijochs today. It Is said that Friday will be her layover day at Portland. i . . The 8wediah ship Clan MacFarlane has moved from tha stream to the Fins street dock, where She began discharg ing freight thla afternoon. - In tow of the ockiabama, me salmon ship St. Nicholas moved from Astoria this morning to Clifton, whore she will remain until next spring. . - . 1 The steamer Acme arrived laat night from Ban Francisco and will load lum ber at the Inman-Poulseiv mllL lothe return trip. . ; . .. v. . Thla afternoon the steamahlp Arabia will shift from "the flour mills to ths Irving dock, where she will complete her carco for the far east It Is planned to have herreadvf or. sailing The schooner W. F. Jewett, which ar rived at Astoria yesterday from Baa. Francisco, will receive a cargo of lum ber at Westport. ........v .--..,: DYKE TO BE REBUILT.' Colusahlaa Straeture Opposite Yaaeo. -. Tee Till Be Oreatly xssproTod. Bids for making repairs to tha Hayden island dike, situated on the Columbia river opposite Vancouver, will be opened on October ll in the office of Major a BoeejilrofUiacorps . of United Btates engineera. . Bpeclf Icatlons - for making th repairs to. tha structure are now1 belmr-drawa ar It is estimated thai. ,00 tons of etone. ,S0. nerds of brush. LOOS feet of lumber and ZOf pounds of spikes will be required to do. the work. It is supposed that the cost of making the Improvement . will ap proximate IIS.OOO. -' Major Boessier has been appointed as a menrter of a special board, to inspect fortification works oa the coast to ascer tain ' Juet ' what electrical connections they will require. He left this morninf for Seattle to inapect the fortifications In that vicinity. - - PAYS BIO CUSTOM DUTY. OIaa aTAO Fanaae Oargo Worth Thirty . Thonsaad SbOara to Oorernmemt. ' AUlmugli the Bwodlsh ship CeA-Mae Farlane brought leas than 1.100 tons of -freightto Portland T from Antwerp It netted Uncle Bam about f 10,000 In rev onue. !The-Jieavleat shipment eeaeleted of 1I.0M -caees of glass, on which a big duty was collected. . 'Notwithstand ing the high protective tariff great quantities of glass ars imported every year. The ship's manifest shows that 1,000 caaes of whiskey were brought on the Clari Mae Farlane, whloh yielded a good revenue to the government. "Pre served fruit sad otbsr small shipments of esnned goods mads up ths balance of the freight. - FOot Boheoaer to Bo Bepalred. Crowe Anderson have taken the contract to supply the Joseph Pulltser. the Columbia river bar pilot's schooner, with a new sst of masts and soars In live days. - Tha craft arrived In the har bor from Astoria this Afternoon and the work of making tha repairs was started at once. The new timbers are practically -ready to be placed In posi tion. , It is necessary for, the. Job to be done - with a rush, as ths vessel is needed st ths mouth of the river to be need for piloting tramp steamers across the bsr. . . . ; '. -' ' ' 1 MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Bept. tt. Sailed at I a. m Steamer Whlttler and- barge - Santa Paula, for San Francisco. Outside at T a. m., a four-masted . schooner, probably senooner Moaomis, rrom nan - Fedro. Left up during the night, schoonsr W. F. Jewett. - San. Francisco, 8ept 11. Arrived at t a, m., steamer W. H. Kruger, from Portland. -r ' - iw Astoria, Bept 41. Arrived at 1:10 and lert up at : p. m., schoonsr Monterey in tow of tng Dauntlees. from Monte rrey. Arrived down at 4 p. m British bark Drumcraig. Arrived at 4:41 p. m., steamer Whlttler, from Puget sound. San Pedro, Bept 11. Arrived, barken tine Portland, rrom Portland. Astoria, Bept 12. Condition of ths bsr st a. moderate; wind, south. west; weather, cloudy. ; j. m i : "WaUa wan ' Theatre Opened. . (Speelal Dtspatek U TAe JoareaL) '' Walla Walla, We eh. Sept -11. w A lat-ge and fashionable audience ' was present last night at ths opening of the Keyior Grand theatre. Walla Wane's new piaynouse, . just completed at a cost of 140.000. "The Qlrl from Kays" was presented. The new theatre Is mod ern In every respect and haa a seating cspsclty of 1,200. ... , .1 o City Owners kip. , ' , (Special MeMtek te fee JearesLk ' - Roeeburg, Or Bept 12. -Ths'- olty election n thle city, which occurs Oo tober t, will be very rmporunt, as ths city council haa voted to give ths people a vote to express their wlehea regarding municipal ownership, of the water and light system. Alee there le a large num ber or candidates out for the various city offices. . - ' . ; , ... 3 Offersnpp of the Rockies, We quote prices beloW- on fine merchandise that pack th to great store with people who are able to judge and take advanta of the occasion. t V- - j-te,. OPEN ALL WEEK 8:30 P.M. fa F- e.s M m M X V.-k IVSp 11) V 4A3-I45 SRAM KLIN ST vk ea raeau . v ... T LA Jia BHiri o-o cast haoi50 ymtCT' ioqs ioot washimaton ai , -. CUiOes siaie ft'W9 . ' i mtm Jee .'. - . st, tf- l Vy 0uS PAYABLE IN HEW VOK 0 CHICAGO CMC& TERMS Her CASH shuns or MutttontjIJowtd ectptjbyjpitigf9mtnt '. OPEN ; SATURDAYS JILL 10:00 P. M. Cor. First 'aiafl SaMoiii te.,te MA aFj Ste Mfflfflfl MEN, '. - - ' ' ' ' ...i.-,, .v.-',--".. .' !r.:" .'...' ', - V; . -" r ..'-'..: , ' -v t ' ? " . ' " ;' SUITS Ws will thow you 200 or mora different atjrltt of mate . rial, from $2.45 to beat oa earth. Vv f2.4S Broken Si sa Sack or Frock Suits worth Bp to 110,00. f4.90 Single or Doubls-Brcatted Sack or Frock Suit f e.OO--Open the gites up to $11.00 Value tack and. rrocK ouita. 'fO.StJHaaeTbuyingpower d?$200 in Single or Double-Breasted Sack, Frock and Prince Albert .Suits, f 11.40C-Tuxedo, Sack, Frock and Prince Albert up to $3d.oo. ....' : :.v ....... , ;.. ;- v,c.; f 14.50 A paradise of the best that man knows how to - produce." Youll not be disaappointed in raluaa of our - clothing, even if we don't display on carpeted floor And polished fixtures. ; - .. 1. - Fall and Winter OVERCOATS and GRAVENETTES , .?. OVER IfiOO OF THEM. OF ALL KINDS. ; f 2.4S Will take a Gray Union Melton $7 J0 Overcoat, if we can fit you. - Slsea 36 to 40. , - . f 4.90 Will take a better, in about 10 styles to choose : from. Not ' all sixes in every style, but $10 and $12 : - values. Also Tan and Cray Real Cravenettaa. , f 6.90 Cravenettes, Silk-Lined Fall Overcoats, friete, melton and kerseys; all colon. - Value up to $18.0a f 9.90 Gives you choice of 00 elegant Hand-Tailored . Fall and Winter Overcoats, Cravenettes, SO style, values T"r up. to $23.00. -- - - ' - f 11.40 Tops off an Overcoat or Cravenett that sells ' up to $30.00. v ' . j f 14.50 Buys Overcoats and Cravenette fit for King:; the kind that make the other ask who made your over - coat. There- are value among them up to $40.00. MEN'S FURNISHINGS 50 Cases Fall Undcnvcsr 2&4 For 50c value Shirt or Damn. 89s) Commertial wool, red and brown stripe, knit stock yam body. Sises 36 to 42. . 494 Sanitary, Jersey rib, merino, derby, wool fleece, blue, flesh, white, sky, tan, gray and flexo colorings, $1.00 -'Idnd.' - - ... - ..--.' - "... v" ' 79t Wool, merino, gray shades only, broken site. $2.00 i" value. -' - - 1 .:' 99f r Strongest lines, all th different .weaves, weights and. colors t limited amount of flexo colorings. $2J0 . - value. r- - f ANTS We win start at worldngmen's goods and go oa up to ;;vv tha millionaire's kind. . i 894 For $1.00 Hickory Overpants sad bin anil'black Overalls. - " . '.:.-... S9s For $140 Pants, dark color, tha ohoo bull for wear.: 98 Sxtra Quality Jeans, . Corduroy, Union Worsted, etcjip ta (UQ values.. Sl.SOEnclisb Corduroys, Worstsds, Casslmeres, Che viots, up to lull value. f 1.89-CnstQTn-flasshed, form-fit orpegtop styles, Hol land's up to $4 JO value. fa.89 This is a pries that will take you Into Pants Heaven. Value up to $0.00.. 3.39 and 83.89 Holland's best, the. kind that tailors get up to $12.00 pair for. 100 styles. There is a stock of goods and fins Pants hers that will win you if our. salesmen wars deaf and dumb. - Bs) For.lOc cotton. - -.. :v'-- For'SOe black. ' . - f " -12s For 35c cotton and 25c wool , ';. 19s) For 35e wooL 234 and 85a for SOe snd 75e knit lambawooL 4, ly,t and 224 for all Suspenders worth to $1.00. SHIRT SALE 894 For choice of 100 dosen Monarch, Manhattan, Farm ere'. Standard, etc- whit and colored, with or without collar; value up to $2.00. - You should know these 8hirts . by ths brands, and if you do you know they are the beat and finest on earth. Extra fin White Dress and Fancy Shirts all go In this lot. : 1 . 894 For Union, all sixes, values to $1.50. ' '. v T94 For all wool, values to $2.50. ,' . 994. 81.89 and f 1.89 Small lots, all sixes ; original package broken. ' Values to $8.00. Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Neckwear, etc, at 40 pet cent Of Value. v.- ' '.,';; SIHIOES , 1 !V-LJIfTAlaTlV'-V-- 100 PAIRS ASSORTED INCOMPLETE LOTS. 984 For Shoes, valuea to $240. . , V - - fl.89 For regular $240 Unas. .. . . .. $1.89 For Irregular: lota, values to $3.50. 82.69wAll styles and sixes. Values to $6.00. " HIGHEST GRADE RUBBER BOOT8. ' 2.98 For kites, $5.00 quality, 'i . ' f3.98 For hip, $640 quality, ; ; ; . . -MATS ;1J00 DOZEN SOFT AND STIFF HATS. -894 For choice of odds soft and stiff, to $2JM. 894 For choice of odds soft and stiff, to $3.00. '' " fl.89 and 81.88Ragular iall styles soft and stiff, to $SiM values. J$lT9-And88.Tri J. B SttJonlriiiendedoTa- atvles. black, brown, tan. drab, pearl and array 300 of amplest Tots aaowov jr m, aw was te wocu imhk -them- andup. SHIRTWAISTS 1 ,000 of Them 124 For percale, psnange, all sixes, also whits, some ' Mother's Friend brand among them, value up to $L00, School starts soon. ' .,, 894 For shoic of plain and fancy percale, madras and , 'finest quality white; also flannels. Mothers Friend and V Star brands; worth up to $2.00 v , ChOdrcn's Stockings TU4 For art black, lSe qualities. y X 394 and 884 For wool Sweaters, vslues up to $240. , 194 For children's and boys'. Shirt, colored or white, ' 'Value tO $1.00. Mothers, if you'value a real saving opportunity,' investi gate these prices. ..- -' G5i!ldren's Suits 500 Suits, all sises from t to 10, Including the latest FsU styles. Boms sixes ,sxa getting low. Read these price, statement and ask to se the goods. ; , '4 i 894 For 2 to 6 sixes, air wool, values to $240, 894 and 8LT8 For I to 7 sixes, all wool, two and thres-. . : piece; vslues to $74)0. i r . - . r 82.99 and 88.39 For extra quality all-woo!,' double-. brsastea, isncy materials;, values to hjh; sixes.- " - . . .. . .. ..-. to 16V. toiiig Pmite Suits i ' '. .' '. , .... . i.' -.' - ." 88.88 Broken sUes,' limited; vslues to $6.00. ' ,. 8'4.85 Black, blue' or fancy materials, Including days and ; serges; values to $12.00. ; :, ''.'.,.;., ,',., 8 6.88 Big bovs and young man's to 20 years: unlimited ' aasortment of plain and fancy single snd double-breasted; values to 9K.00. . " '. Corner First and Salmon Sts.fBig, Double Salesroom "' v-. .- t i . !