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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1905)
t1 eV. t: vnim. iz.x i"-Hcn wil lnz- tne has an excellent aoprano volo "1 haa been engaged aa soloist for th'he-aas orcheetnu concacta. 7. i , i . efaronam . ' . ...."Te C r' ... "Captala Jink of tlx ' k . "Iv "k.uio I i..t" Ifrlc ..."The Sllant Wiim' Bake ............... Mu-icai Bri.-. oe Star Ttuoxrill Ofaad ........... VauoerUla EVEHWG P.TER MOSimiG MPED One' bonered and fourteea of th largeat aVpartmeat tor tbrourkovt tte United gt.t.a wore . eak whlck , paper wu tka nwet.proetable ft Kr" , h&Jnf the morning or Um evening; 104 toretarred tho erasing paper, 10 pro-. Ifcrrr th morning. Too Joornal will pnbllah 4 lattof Mia evening from on of tho 104. v ; '"Without . question the evening" papers -are. the best mediums in Minneapolis or Si Paul. v-f WV:' '. ' WM. T. HALIDAY.J Adv. Mgr.Wm. Donaldson & Co" Minneapolis, M.ihn. a Portland and In Ortgon niarty mvrybody nad$ TA Journal. " : .." . ' i -For II, very Buna's y. r peopl ana MAitl tnav .rial, tho rlVlT t ,w1 .14.000-- 060 Cascade Locka ( Lmiloaup tha ' Columbia river from Portland, and an : route feast their area upon the moat 7 delightful natural scenery in tna woria. ' The ateamar Charlea R- Booncer. laaT' In foot of Wsshlnrton Street at a. m.; paaaea directly through ' tha heart ' of tha Caacada mountains, affording; ' perfect view of tha mountains, canons and glens, Multnomah . falls, 140 feet; : tha hills' and dales, hlatorlo rock. ' charming groves and sturdy foreeta, ' wild, weird Jungles and" rolling; prairies, ftshwheele In operaUon a panorama of beauty, and grandeur Unexcelled any- where on earth. Thla region la aptly ternftd by traveler "Tha 0wltserland of ' America." a Excellent inaala served, on , , board tha boat which reaches Portland on return at about p. .- r .-' Change became effeotlva today in a number of minor offices n the Harrl- man railroad freight department ar tha j- Pacific northwest,- A. McCortjuodale. , who. was traveling freight agent, ba- - cam chief clerk in the generel freight office In Portland and la succeeded by Frank T. Wamaley formerly routine clerk, who will have headquarter at Colfax. Washington. C A. Fettlbona, ' rata clerk In the general freight of fices, becomes chief clerk In tha office .of the general freight agent at Third and Washington- streets, succeeding :"Thad BwMk, Tiir-T u'xuu rr, : waiter Bola wa arrested Wednesday night" by Detectives Day and Vaughn on telegraphic instruction aent Chief Qiitsmacher by John McCaulejr. acting . captain of police of New York. He la accused of a sertea of larcenies aggro gating fl.lsT in amount; the apeclflo . "-. complaint waa filed by Henry Ef fera at Co. Bola has bee driving a 'bus for tho Perman hotel, on Sixth and Conch street - The . New fork , police wired word- that requisition paper had bean secured and an officer will start for Portland to take Bola back, to New York. v Under tha auspices of tha Deutscher r Tag committee the of floors and crew of - tha German cruiser Falke War given a banquet' last -night In Arlon nail. Otto Schumann praelded and welcomed tha visitor to port Governor Chamberlain delivered a ahort addres and proposed ' a, toast to the kaiser. German Consul Lohsn f slowed bv Dronoslna- a toast to i -ogiaentnabosevelt - CapUIn Behnke or tna oruiser alao saw. a ahort talk, ' Th orchestra played the American and " German national anthems r , " While a roomer at the Avalon hotel. Eleventh and Washington etreete. waa In the bath, a burglar entered hta room and jraa found rlfllnr the pockets -of a . pair of trousersv An alarm waa given, - the thief dashed out of th room and . hln Identity waa not discovered. A thief tried to break into the room of William Bentak at tha Rutland room Ing-houae, II ft First street but failed. Th City ' Federation of Women's Clubs met yeaterday afternoon with th . vice-president Mrs. U Samuel, at 1(1 .. Twelfth atreet . Th nomination of of . : flcera for election October 11 waa placed in tha hands of th president and vice presidents of tha six affiliated Clubs, and Ura. A. H. Breyman. aa president of the oldeat club In th city, waa made l. chairman.' '- Your credit la good. - Ws have added to our.buainasa an Installment depart . ; mant You can buy watchea, dlamonda and Jewelry on weekly paymenta Mets- ger 4k Co., lewelera and opUclans, 111 - Sixth atreet' -d, ; Lee Ylck Yu and Sing Far, a Chines husband and wife,-were arrested yea- tordsy by Immigration Official on th ground -that they were in the country , Illegally. The prisoner ar recent ar. 1 rlvala from San Francisco and have no ' registration paper. , . ; , ' Professor Forest Ray Moiilton," head , of th department of astronomy of th ! University of Chicago, will give an 11 ; luatrated lecture on "Other World Than Oura at th T M. c A. auditorium. at .Our new Fall Good for ' 'i 1 Ladle ar Jy . th bast I we've vert' tiav ' Taii at . welcom to com and see , them. oomosT Hrvrctt, trtCsy O Co. ' aiBtlPalaTXas. "-ok -' , S4S iVaihtngton Jrwf . . aTXAtt BAXD ntXATgg. J. J Baddeley, a farmer of Weston. Umatilla ceuuty, 1 visiting the fair. Mr. Baddeley aays that he owna iih teres. of land for whlcit be rcfuaed an offer "of 7I an acre. "Our farming Janda In Umatilla county," aald he, "are increasing In' value rapidly. Th man who own a half section there need not worry much for th futuVe, He ha a pratty good, Ihing." , ' ( - Th Portland Woman's club will give a reception thia evening at th Oregon building in , compliment to th com missioners and hostesses of the other stat buildings.- AU club member and visiting clubwoman, with .their hue' bands, are Invited to attend. Th offl cera of tha club and of the state and city federation will receive. . A bias la th Klondike eonceaalon at th fair threatened ta atructur with deatructlon early last evening, but was subdued by Manager Georg Aaiei with a small bos before th fir department arrived. About 1300 Worth of films be longing to th moving picture machine, wnicn causd u bias, was destroyed, " '' ' . ti i ,e- , ': A reduction ffom f t to SO cents per id pounds on strawboard I n carload lota from Chicago to north Pacific com mon joints haa bean mad by th trans continental railroads, with a minimum carload of. 50,000 pounda. t : Tourists, a well a elty eeopia flnaa elally anbarraaaad, will And th Port land Loan Of lie, T4 TTilrO street the safest end moat reliable plae to trans act tasir Dusiness. . Kate reasonable. For tha fair "ground and livestock show, boat leave ur boathon upper ngni , nana side or Morrison street bridge) every SO minute. Far it cents each way.., Telephone Main lOS. v Great ehano for1 large profit without risk guaranteed mining . atock. .Write for Information. . National Financing company, zos MArquaa. burning. Port Und. Oregon. ;.. A -.vrt iPtV HAMlvwV-fuiuiily of TM Dalloa, la now with Wise Broa at room tll-11, Th Failing. Third and Washing' ton streets. , Phone Mstn 102. . We clean and pre youp clothes and inn your noe ror af l.oo per month. Unique -Tailoring CoJ 147 Washington, Main l. -U;'-. Professor Ringlera physical eultuV school and dancing academy, 100 Aldor street. Class and privat Instruction. Fat people rduca. , ZAunohe for German warship from Merrill' . boataou, north lda -) of Morrison street bridge. -a . .. ; Window leterlng up-to-dst atylea Foster dt Klelaer, phone Ex, St. ; . J FrlU'a tamales ar the boat ! ;'v RABBI IViUWERS FIRST SERr.;o;i to New Pastor of Ahavai Sholem May Remain Permanently - r- in Portland. - c-- Dr. Wolf WUlner arrived In th city yeaterday. from Meridian, Mlaslsslnji, and will at one take up the work as th bead of th congregation Ahavai Sholem, at Park and Clay atreeta. i Dr. WUlner may remain permanently. Rev. R. Abrahamaon. who haa been aaaociated with tha work .of the Con gregktlon Ahavai Sholem for a acoi of yeara. will have charge of the ritual, iatlo work and a part of the paatoral dullea. while Dr. -WUlner will deliver th sermons and have chare - of the organisation and promotion of societies ror me study , or Jewish history, and literature. ";.- i - -.... "I am very much pleased with Port. land," aald Dr. Willnen - "It la one of in mom veautnut cmea i nave evet visited. It will be my aim to nlaca Ahavla Sholem In the 'flrat rank of Jewish congregation on tha- PacifJo eoaat having It ahare honor with Beth Israel, thua, ,mking two very-etVeng Jewish organisations here. Dr. Wis is a warm personal friend of mine and will cooperate witn me in my near work. - I hall organise many -eluba among th members of my congregation, reallsina that all Jew abould know th etory of Israel'a great Influenoa and power." Th first sermon will be preached by Dr. WUlner tonight st g o'clocav-oa the subject "A Declaration of : Piinciplea" and will be a forecast of hi policies and methods. He , will also preach tomor row morning at o'clock on "Judaism In Our Dally Lif a" -; - t ,,.-. When In Seattle Oft to th Rathskeller, a hlrh-elasa place to eet Sea foods, eastern meata, large oreheatra daUy. . , , Milwaukie Country Club; r Eastern and Seattle racea Take Sail. wood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. . ' , rtX- Laxative Wromo On Initio, tha - amrla-wtao Cold Curo, rtmoTM ike eaoao. Call for tha roll same aad look for the alaaatara ef a. W. Sieve. (So. . . -p To the Taverrj Today.- That is' th place to go for veryththg that' good to oat and drink. Finest grin end car in th weet Musio by Thlelhorn' oreheatra. Opposite Or- gonlan building. Ladies' annex. tOI Alder atreet ; .',. !' ' .' aa""1 aawegassaaMaaaamwa , "Modsrn Lang-nag. , , .... Courses will b given la Spanish- and German at the Y. M. C. A. night school, which open next Monday evening, Sep tember tt. Thee claaaea will b under the aupervlalon- of competent - lnstrue- tora. - ' x j.-. . . n ,-, - eitttMlaf alory. ' It's surely a treat to the average man to be able to etep Into a sal and secure n article advertised at a wonderful bargain' and And thing Just as adver tised. In , these day of -rapid trans action almost every disguise la prac ticed by unprincipled tradesmen to se cure patronage. At th comer ef First and Salmon street In thl city there 1 a eele that doe not disappoint Th 1100,000 fin clothing stock of Holland Broa 1 on retail al at 40 per cant of value,' and sine it ucoeaa. has been known thousands- upon thousand of peopl hav taken advantage of th un usual opportunity. Th peopl conduct ing thl 1 ar marchant of highest American type, clean out and aquar In all their 'dealing, do all they promise tn their advertisement and even more. Their line of goods' Is th best" Stetson hata. Monarch, Manhattan and Famous shlrta re; custom mad clothing and Thlbbert aboea For a aatlsfaotorv deal and a real bargain try First and Salmon, and you will aav more than half beside getting th very beat of everything. . - rn:j case - Investigation Into Act of Pa trolman End in, Mystifica ' r tlon of -Examinere. - THOSE INVOLVED HAVE - 'VARIOUS EXPLANATIONS Sutementi Hade by th Witnesses on the Stand ' Differ ' Materially From Thfelr Accounts t the Tim of Their ' Arrest . i-V : - ' : y , Conflicting testimony waa given he fore th police committee of th city executive board yeaterday afternoon at the investigation of th charges pre ferred by Captain Bailey against Pa trolman R. L. Eberman, accused of fall ing to arrest Joseph Baker for beating Mra Weather boo and preventing Maude Dunniran from' notifying the polio etav uon or the disturbance. It developed that Eberman and Baker were partnara In a houae which they rented at S08 Seventh atreet aad that they kept roomera Mra Weatherbee lived with Baker mm his wife and It wa stated by officer that Eberman and Maude Dunnlgan war living to gether.' Early last Wednesday morn. ing Baker and Mra Weatherbee got Into a light and although Eberman aaw th dlaturbance, failed to notify th of Acer at th station- and. It 1 aald, choked Maud Dunnlgan when aha at tempted to telephone for aaalatanc. Neighbor! notified the officer who ar rived and arreeted th quartet and took them 'to th station. .Captain Bailey and -Offlcera Wilson, Price and Johnson all told th same story regarding the arrest and th part Eberman played. They alao stated that Mra weatneroee told1, them " tiat Eberman and Maud Dunnlgan were living together and th latter admitted the same t th offloara They found th houee tonsy-turvy and Mra Weatherbee with clothe torn.' Eberman testified that BaJter rebuked Mra Weatherbee for telling , lie to Maud Dunnlgan and. a' fight followed He aald he had placed Baker under ar rest but Baker had escaped. He denied to th officer that he . had arrested Baker, but stated on th atand that he had told a 11a H declared that th reason ' he had objected to Maude Dun nlgan telephoning to th polio waa be cause n aid not iixe to create any un usual disturbance around th hous and had attempted to eet tie . th quarrel peaceably. He attempted o protect th airi to whom no aaia n waa engagea and declared they had never lived to. gether. jr.'-r-r r. - - v- - Maud Dunnlgan ' admitted mat an had aald that ah had been living with Ebarman. "but assorted that h simply meant that she hsd been rooming at hi house. She testified that Mra Weather bee often drank: that shs frequented aa. loons; that she threw lamp chimneys at Baker and drew a butcher knife and threatened htm on th night of th dl- IUI uuwi at ' .. h-trlal of ; Patrolmah Wch was tame healde that of Eberman. and It developed .that - Mra Laura Coykendall, the chief complainant had . mistaken Officer Welch' for some other policeman. Sh accused him of handling her rough ly at th Union' depot Both cases were taken under advUemant. .-, - PROGRAMS OF ELLERrS J BAND FOR SATURDAY . , i .. ... - .-. , Ellery" band will play the following concerts tomorrow at th fair: Afternoon March. "Ellery Band" (Fe- rrullo): overture "lone" (newj (Petrel- la); euphonium solo, "Werners Fare well" (Neaaler), Slg. BJso: 'Cupid' Gar den' . (Eugene) ; -Ola Kentucky Home,' with variation (Dalby). aoloa for all Inst rumen ta; march, "Blase Away (Holsman); walta "Pomona" (Waldteu fel); masurka, "La Csarlne" (Oanne); "La Boheme," final Act I (Puccini), and ManolnL Everting March, "K-ircxjr (Ferullo); overture. "Marl tank" (Wallace); trum pet aolo, "Milwaukee Girls" (D Mltiis), Big. D Mitn: intermesso, "Kanon Ll caut" (Puccini): "Cavalleria Buatteana.' Intermesso and final (Maacagnl), worn bona aolo by Slg. Lorn on t a; waits, "Lea Patlnaur ( Waldteufel) rTalcilon, Babe In Toyland" (Herbert), aolo by Slg. De Mltrla; "Minuet" (Paderewakl), cadensa by Slg. Declmo; "La Gio- conda," final Act t (Ponchlelll), aoloa by Slgnorl Palm a, Lomont and Rlao. , Temper aaoe Work Amn4PTsi1laaa - lVWM. VM. MVTH. . y Ardmor. I. T., -Sept JIX- f h Woman Christian Temperance union of thl territory opened Its annual ter ritorial convention her today with a large attendance. Th report submit ted by th secretary indicate large gain In membership during th paat year and highly satisfactory result of the tem perance work among the natlona EARTH HANDLING CONTRACTORS Aarora aad Anatla Bun Wagoae ar th moat modern made. They ar built t ault you. They aav you: money. . Westers Kiev ting Sradsr aad 91tos rs handle dirt ror to per yard. Bnokeya 'Traetlon Tile, Ditch Ma akex ar mony-makera Western xttunp Oaca. Book Crasher, Boad 0radea and contractor' aupplfe our specialty, BEALL&CO. 01 slawthora An, Pertlaad, Or. ' For i modem dental work. World-r aewnod epeclallata . Lowat price conslatent with Arftia NEW YORK DENTISTS t POtTBTaT ABB MOBBtSOB STB, Open day and night trim a. sa ' . antU ft a. aa, , LOUIS H. BOLL rUf0 gTCDIO HOW- OPIH FOB rVPIU. rsrlor s-aad 10, J4s)i WaiUsgtsa it TEETH I ia aat W ooes A a aa4 T:::::r a o-cua Sverf ftlgkt This Weak. ' " ' . Bpaeial-Prloe Matlnoe Saturday, ; ' . Tke Musical Ceaweyt iiacass, ' "The ciiAPEnois" Caotamaa ftotty gwla Oataay ear the la toot" hag Saeesss - rBICKg KvobIdss: He, SBc, SOe.' Tso. II ss 11.00. MaUaooa, B6e. 06a. SOe. TO sad IU Boats iae Mow ea solo. . Delasco Theatre , BAoftu , 14th aad Wash. BoUaeo mayor, Prose, k ;. . itth wbbb: BEULSCO BTOOK CO. .' Boata oa Bale Two Weeks ta Advene. ' . TOBlOaTf 1:10. MATQTU TOalOBaOtf, . TBI . l-aDOHIBO BbOCBBB- ,Vv . '' CAPTAIN JUZiS O? THE fejwTnS K0.1SEr,lAlUl!l) prices esLZirxst a . wxt tm, "o rn tun." Cemlag as White Whtttleeey. Marauam Grand ThtreiS tHNetlot Bsfllg, l"roa. ink.. FODB MIOHTB. BPOIXKINQ KOltDBT, '. ;. 8BPTEMBEB Z9, : That gxahoraatly Mlrthfal Porooa. ' MAY IRWIN ; : V TM Dispenser of Good Caen, ; . , ,Tss ifiorvoaeoht Comedy Boeeaas, "MBS. BLACK IB BACK." -PBICEB, Be. 85c, Mc. TSe. fl.00, I1A0. Boato Are Now Belli a. . To Clareiaoot Tavcra - iVlgtrland Chlekon Beautiful 14-Mile Ride i - , . - , x Ante leavM Oiwoa Botal, Boppixsj as Fortlaad, B, 4, B, B, 10 p. sa, daily " Round Trip, JLOQ " BAKER T.heatre ana xarnnui Phono Mala tonT. OBBOOIf THCATRR CO.. TKMES. nm t . nitf se a n " TBB HOMB OF BUBLK80CSI Two PerfaraaDcoa Toalght aad Tim acres) , . . auttaea. , , .. , Merrymakers Extravaganza Co, Faaay OesBodUas, Botifiil Woaaea, '' BasoV ooma uoiudho, lotoot eoasa.. REFINED VAfDEVILLE Bpoelal THE EX.POBITION FOCB Foorste tra.imuB-iDG, ooo, our. Toe. 11 ATI NEBS lee. Bfte. ac. too. rvv " i un'i,y amoTisos, WU LMwm loaaai utfinaiiai jomsasji EKPIaE THEATRE 1Mb sad Morrlooa, Phoae Mats 11T. TBB POPUIAB TBBATBB. ' TONIGHT AIX TBI! WEEK, ' MATINEES BATCBDAT AKO BUN DAT. BDWABD B. BALTEB preeaata s Now Terk sUHtloa ( atarta OorelU'e . . it Fabio Rocicnl OB, TBB T1WDITTA, Ms tTtHrOB-18e. fJe. (We. BOs.. IATINEEB loe, Ue, Bee, Best Attraetlor"Tha Coavlct'i Dasgbtr.n THE QRAND srrrarEcvB axoa. rxio. B0ME, BtAXO AKO JVLIXT. invmravm oiBias. " BTiVB nvnroa. TALK IB ABO BOBIKS0BV FBXS PTTBIBTOB. TBB OBABBIBOOPB. Oaaoral sdmlaeloa, lOe; evaatage, Baadara aad Holldara, roaorood oaata es Vwer nS. BOe; daily matuae, eatlr floor, 10e) nog Mta) SDC. ' ' SUNDAY, COrTTINUOVS. 2:30 to 10:45 P.M. THE STAR BTEOAtUOsT TBT0. . " BICE AMD BDWABDf. : TKX OLAP4TOBB CHILDBXsT, . SKITB ABD DOB, -"- o. f HAPPT ALLEB. . , . . ' BOT M'BRAIaT, . THE ITABOSOOPE, -Ooaoral aamlaaloa loe: evooliwa. Bjntawo aad kolldaya, reoorvod aoota on lowor flour, Sue; dally matlaoes, eatlre kreor floor, lOel sob aoaw, ax. . SUNDAY, CONTINUOUS 2:30 to 10:45 P. M. LYRICTHEATRE Koatlnt and Flood Mgr. . WBEX ITABTIBO BOBTBAT, BXrTXBBXB II HThe Silent Witness" "A Heart Story of the Reeks' Hosatalos IB T0UB ACTS. ASKMBIOBT Isei BESEBTED SEATS SOe. -- - 1 i .J Great Auction of (Miese and JapaneseGoods Owing to being everstoeked for .th Fair trad and ' tha - very limited room In our (tore, w on eluded to fore our good at auc tion sale. . Th largest stock of thla kind In th elty, consisting of beautiful llverware, clolseoaae, satsuma, new bras war. ny earved furnitures, embroidered Bilk kimono aad fln deeorated porcelain tea set, to. . Sal commences 1:10 and f :S0 p. sa, Contlnu retailing bafor r after auction; wholeaal at. war- bona. . 'asssWassmB Andrew Kan & Co, rewrt aad arifta, FQTOC3YS ff;jiiiiii H ti' Wito Saving of $2 to $5 :, i M toir. V I Stores Sell Same Valncs at - r V 'TnTlsC'' V TT-'! -: NOT RIGHT WELCH MAKES RIQHT 3X0 EVERY DAY EXCURSIONS TO ASTORIA AND SEASIDE i; y 0Jj PALATIAL AND 8WIFT RUNNING . V That makes rallroacl time 100 tmles to Astoria in five to five and a half hours and returns in six to six- and a half hours. She seems to touch . only the high places as she follows the meanderihgs of the Willamette and Columbia.; She's a sea gull when it comes to traveling. $2.25 ta Astoria end Return and $3.00 Seaside and Return ' DOCK FOOT OP ALDER. STREET r ROUNlTRIP EVERY DAT BUT FRIDAY. Boat leaves at 7:30 a. nu, Sunday 8a.m. 'Re turning leaves Astoria at 8 jr. nv, arriving in Portland at I :S0 p. m. PHONE MAIN S0S. - eeMees V Tlie Day Boat Down the Columbia IVwafly from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. M. Call up MAIN 613 I E.B.COLIVELL Successor to A. J. Farmer WSHfcMaUl ABTB BUSTAXX, BBMbB, SSI, BSB sag SS4 Talrg Ma, Oa. gSTsw Prtc quoted below will aav rou at leaat i Dr ont; Beat Drr Qranulated , Sugar not beet), leo-lh. sack ..ti-1 It lbs. Beat Dry QranulgUd Sugar -(not beet) . fl.O 1-lb. can Royal Baking Powder 40e 1-lb. ean SchUllnge' Baking PnwdT..S6e l-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer Bod... ie Shredded Wheat Bleoult, per pkg.... loe id, eiean whit Rio ....le II bar Royal Savon Soan tie Hard Wheat Flour, nwr sack L Best Eastern Huh, per pound. ...,l4o Blenle Hama. per pound , Shredded Cocoanut, par pound. ... ..He -lb. pH t Lard.........,......0o W-IW UMI MirO inMI(Mttl-vv l-lb. Mil beet Lard . i .. .. ...Il.tO Best Soft Wheat Flour, per ssck..ll.0 Jy and Mocha Coffee (regular tic). per pouna . ...... ............... so lb, broken Jsra and Moo ha to te) II I can Primrose Cream. ...... II Tlgr Cream (raamlar le), per can., lo English Breekfaet Tea (reg. ISo). lb. lie 8xtrh Oata, per pkg. ......... ....10o Tar Soap. V bar role Naphtha Soap, per bar. ........ It o e foe turn Cereal, per pkg. .......... .10 Soda Crackera, 10-lb. box e OX -a Tksj VCsx ttia tzt Cm!ii t!: Cast BM dollveiiee Tueedere ae Prldaya Wonnlawn, North Albla aai riedaaoat, Weooeeooya rnf n i lie Hi!) : mm mmmmimm To Astoria and Ocean Beaches on .MMMM. M J; NEWCASTLE WJT, NEWCASTLE LUMP AUOTRAUAN, ROSLYN, ' V PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS; FRANKLIN ! LOW PRICES ON cil-3. il Girrv"r:-i ..- rik.. N' j MORRISON' S 4 1 If ay b sent by nail, tglephon or measenger, all and . any of whicA will recir prompt attandon. : ' The Coals that we sell art of . best frades, and prices sr vefjr OTHER COALS His I ' V