The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 21, 1905, Image 2

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v - ' . - - . -
So; . Say Judges Who Are Dif
tributing Awarda at Live-'
"77T "TTitbclTSrjow. .
ymmt&tr ska
Victories Won. by State Breeders
' Applauded by Crowds Whose In
West in Contests' Is Greater Than
I :Was Shown at Other Fairs.
' '' With no other special attrae
tloa Aha toe -stock ahowr the at
. , tendance at the Lewis and Clark
expoaltlos up to U:0 a. m. to
e ' day waa 1S.4. a very unusual
,.,'" flcure. - Yefiterdiy'e total attend-
'anca waa 21,439. ,.. ,
: e- .. 7
1 Greater enthusiasm waa never dla-
, played, It la stated by visiting- stock
.'men td the livestock show, than' that
-which Is dallr shown by the crowds
; which fill, the huge stands on ail aides
91 n immense snownnc at uie lair.
The judges, without exception,, say
; .that the crowds attending the ahow are
, greater In number than were those who
i-jaw thejattlaahowJit Bl;Loulslaat
. year, and that they take a greater In
, terest In the. animals.;
, ?- And. with - the beet of-arace these
? aamo Judaea alve to Oregon the palm
for breedins; the finest cattle and horses
' In. the United States, Expressions of
wonder and praise are heard on all
' sides as the splendid animals are led
' before the experts to be Judged.
v ""Better- blood and finer stock have
never before bee brought together,'
' eald one judge this morning, as he felt
the flanks of a sleek Uolsteln bull.
i bred In Oregon.
'This show Is a surprise to all of
t us," he continued, "because, although
, -we knew that Una atock was bred In
i this state and' .the Paclflo northwest,
.we had not the slightest Idea that it
.waa aa fine aa tnls. There really la no
" : need for breeders to go east for their
.fine stock. You ve got enough good
'. .tnost rigid .requirements. Oregon and
. the northwest should be complimented.
. , . Admlraloa for Spleadld Horeea.
The Judging thia morning waa eon-
fined to shorthorn herds and bulls, and
v to Jerseys and Holsfeina 'orrthe same
? classes. But the admiration - qf the
'greater part of the people, and partleu
( tlrly of the women, goes to the mag
( t nlflcent horsea,x Hardly do .the blooded
favorites epter the, ring thin the women
rlap their ' hands. This sign of appro
; '. ballon is swelled by the. cheering and
- ; stamping of the men.
;," i The sun shone this morning on what
.probably was the -most beautiful aaarei
fuI0n1 T"5-!" 0orfOHdeonsrxWthrWatc1ifutHmieror.
v possibly In the country. Their satin
atoataaeks,- their migrrty shoulderf and
,. their miahtiev flanks made a alrht that
'' .wlli -mmaUj ;loog Itt ha. mUida f the
.thousands who saw them,, . ....
And the cattle, too, came In for their
. share of petting and admiration. Great
t passive bulls and cows and gentle.aoft
, - eyed milch cows were lined up and their
hides pinched ' and pulled and their
- flanks patted and alapped and their legs
'j, , rubbed by- the judges, who looked wise
and never said a word. And when the
' prise ribbon were given out the grooms
. of the cattle and horses blushed deep
., ' red and looked conscious. , ,
' 3Wsee Woa by aToblslAarinals
The following awards were made this
i . morning:
SUndard trotter stallions. 1 mn
tinder 4 First, Lanrero,-X3. JohseJe:n' Baron's Frantic, C" B, LaddJhlrd,
, J""ulton," Oregon: aecon
d, Falmont, J. I
Fred Woodcock. Portland, Oregon ; third,
Coll wings. .J. T. and J. H. wiiktnaon
Chllllwack. British Columbia.
' Clydesdalo stallions, S years and
under 4 First, Uncle Robert. McLaugh-
Ihi Bros., Columbus. Ohio; second. Bet
ter Luck; J; I. Oordon, Dundee. Oregon.
; . rorrneroa stallions, years and un-
oe t First, Rosemberg. McLaughlin
BrOS.. PolumhllM nhln- mmfnu T
Crouch ion, Lafayette, Indiana: third!
,vnio;,iQurw imaajn. McLaughlin Bros.,
. . oiumous. wnio; nrto. Lampion. J.
;.Crouoh de-Son, Lafayette, Indiana; aigth,
Tapageur. J. Crouch Son. Lafayette,
.j.Indlana, , . . - .-,
. Shorthorna, aged herd - exhibit, bull
t . I years and over Grand champion and
.champion prlsea. King Edward. J. C
- . . bzptzmxxx aa, xsoa.
Temperance Congress Antl-8a-Joon
League Day Lewie and
r Clark stock Show , . Lacrosse
Championship.- ' -
Our Watches
Are not ftiAp In qualrty,
for' that would make them
the most expensive to te
wearer. You'll always find
them equal to the very best
time and durability require
ments for a safe end eco
nomical Investment.
We Invite all
Railroad Men
To ask about our watches.
Satisfaction is always guar
anteed. . ." ..
. s
3 r 1 THIRQ a WA.SMINGTDM ,T- r ' '
mmrmm ill
' r .''- ' ..77 v- ': a: Seen at the Livestock Show. . -77:, "V. f-: 7 ,;'; 7' ' 1.
CildeaV'ons. Sacramento. California
reserve prise, . Choice Goods' Model,
Tebo Land c Cattle company, Clinton,
Missouri ; reserve senior champion. Bap
ton Broadhooka, Charles E. Ladd, North
Yamhill. Oregon; reserve Junior cham
pion. The Conqueror, Tebo Land at Cat
tie company. Clinton, Missouri; -.-
Senior jind grand, champion - cow, i
years and over Lady . Dorothea,
Charles E. Ladd, North Yamhill. Ore
gon: reserve champion, Lad a Lady,- 1.
G. Robbina, Horace. v Indiana; Junior
champion. Sweetbrier Rose. Tebo Land
Cattle company. Clinton. Missouri
reserve champion. Clara Belle, Tebo
Land eV Cattle company,' Clinton,' Mis
souri. V - '
Holsteln bulls Champion, JLutyle Ore
gon DeKol, P. A. Frakes. Bcappoose,
Oregon; ieeerveBrlBirJMeehtilda
Jewel, P. A, Frakes.
Holsteln heifers, tinder 1 year First,
Natsey Jewell. Haselwood company
Spokane, Washington; second. Riverside
Corona, C D. Pierce, San- Francisco,
California; third, Kaan Canary -Merce
des, J. B. Irwin, Minneapolis, Mlnneaota;
fourth, Inka Canary Mercedes, J. a.
Irwin, Minneapolis, Mlnneaota; firth.
Riverside' Droaky, C D. Pierce, San
Franolaco, California; ' sixth. Riverside
Konlgen, CD. Pierce,: Ban Francisco,
California: seventh, Josephine Canary
Mercedes, J. B. Irwin, Minneapolis, Min
nesota. -
To like Beet Shortkora Bolls.
The following awards were made at
the Lewis and Clark livestock show yes
terdajcattemoon. and are la addrtkB-o-
those published in Wednesday's Journal:
Bulls, J 8, or -under 24 months First,
The Conqueror, Tebo Land eV Cattle com
pany, Clinton, Montana: second. Orange
Monarch, C E. Ladd;. third. Orange Blos
som. W. O. . Minor, Heppner, Oregon!;
fourth. Linden, Schmidt Bros., .Oregon
City, Oregon. . , !
Bulla, !, or under II months First;
Brampton Hero, 11. P. Eakle, Jr., Wood
land. California; second. Toe the Mark;
HI. Ladd. . . - J
Bulls. , or under IS months First,
Choice Goods Model, Tebo Land aV Cat
tle company; seconds Star of the West,
W. O. Minor; third, Bapton Honour, C E.
Ladd; fourth. Greenwood Ensign, J. H.
Rush Pierce; sixth. Royal Knlg"ht, Jay
Graves: seventh... Bondsman. Haselwood
company, Spokane eighth. Reformer,
Hacelwood DOmpany, Spokane.
- Buns, Under. months First. Mo-
Orerer, tJ.. " H.--OMde Sonar. ' second,
Blrchblll Knight, Howell W. Peel; third.
Star Onward, W. OTMinor; fourth, Brit
ish Lad, J. P. Graves. . -; - - i
" Finest Oows and Xetfe. .
1 Cows. I years or over First. Lady
Dorothea, C E. Ladd; second. Welcome
of Meadowlawn. H. W. Peel; third. Lad's
Lady, J. G. Robbina at Sons; fourth,
Elgltha, J. H. Glide Jk Bona; fifth. Sarah,
Rush Pierce; sixth. Matchless, C K.
Ladd; seventh, British Lady, J. P.
Graves. .
i Heifers. 1 years or under First.
Lad s Emm a, J. a. RobblM at Song, aec-
LadyPortland. C. E. Ladd; fourth. Prto-
cess Flora, Tebo Land A Cattle company
fifth. Lovely of Ardmore. H- W. Peel;
sixth.' Laura. J. P. Graves; seventh,
Matphless, C. E. Ladd: eighth. Sweet
Harmony, Ruah Pierce. -
Heifers, It, or under 14 months First,
Sweet Briar Rose. Tebo Land aV Cattle
company; second. Lodestonefs Mlna. J.
O. Robbina Sons; third. Trout Creek
Mlssle, C. E. Ladd: fourth. May Blos
som, J. P. Graves; fifth. Pauline of Fair-
?. E. Ladd; sixth. Victoria's
Choice. Tebo Land ft' Cattle
seventh, Msdella. H. W. Peel; eighth.
Diamond Princess. J. H. Glide aV Bona.
Heifers. It or under 11 months Flra
Matchless. C E. Ladd: second. Dia
mond' s Clara, J. H. Glide Sons; third.
Dumpate. Ruab Ai Plercfoorth Oem.
J. P. Graves; fifth, Saasy Frantic. W. Oi
Minor; sixth, Sweet Msy. H. W. Peel;
seventh. Doretta. C E. Ladd; eighth,
eablbited by W. O, Minor. .-.
Heifers. or under II months Firs,
Clara Bell, Tebo Land A Cattle company;
second. ..Fair Louisa. Tebo Land it Cat.
tie company: third. Diamond's Lady, J.
H. Glide Co.: fourth. Druellla. C. H
Ladd; fifth. Lad's Lavender. J. G. Ron-
bins Sons: sixth. Knight's Lady, H. W.
Peelr seventh, Lovely Lady. W. O.
Minor; eighth. Bonny Laura, J. p.
Graves. ' , v , . ;
Heifers, under t . months First, Me
ntis, H. W. Peel; second. Peggy Wor
nall. Rush aV Pierce: third. Mstchlees.
C. E. Ladd; fourth. Portland Oueen. J.
P. Graves; fifth, Vlllnda; C. E. Ladd;
sixth. Knight's Favonla. ' H. W. Peel;
seventh. Sadie "Vale, : Haselwood com
pany, Spokane. :
" Prises for .Xerefords.
Bulls, under months-Flrat, Parsl-
rai, steward Hutcheon; second, Beau
Twinkle, W. Bi Cate.
Cows, t years old or over First,
Bright Hope, A. J. Splawn: second,
PrlscUla, 8tewsrd Hutcheon; third.
Songbird, W. R. Cate;' fourth. Jessa
mine, E. J. Conrad; fifth, Vivian, A. i.
Johnson. : . . ,i
Heifers, years old or under I First,
Mayflower Steward -eV - Hutcheon : sec
ond. Ruby Splawn, A. J. Splawn; third,
Dandy,' Maid. A. J. Splawn: fourth.
Kitty Mills, E. J. Conrad; fifth, Emma
Nevada, A. J. Splawn.
Heifers, II or under 24 months
First, Beaumont's Queen, Steward
Hutcheon; second. May Wade, A. J.
Splawn; third, Misa Ranter, W. B.
Cate. - -- . .- " j!-;rrt--" " .
Helfera, 1! or under II months
First, British March, Gilbert Pat
terson :, second, Dulcie, Steward
Hutcheoh; third. Lady Ray, A. . J.
SpUwn; fourth, Allle Gleed. A. . 3.
Splawn; fifth, LaureL E.J. Conrad. .
Heifers, I or under-13 months First,
- - Uric AcM and Oravef -
"y the Kidneys being unable
72-K?Zly n,,.,r. tn PPur1tl from
the blood. Irving s Buehu Wafers are
I;. TiL. .ri1 for condition;
they cleanse the k rinevs from .n
SH'ii J"-!!.-1 mri;Ua "P ' shrunken
walla of the Kidneys and prevent the
formation of Uric Acid. rm ia. .
bog by " , "
Skldmore h Oo- Ortirnata. is
Talra st gole areata fee PerUaad. e.
Prettyface. a7 J. Splawn; second. Mln
nle May, A. J. Splawn; third. Qladtola,
Steward Hutcheon; fourth, Mapleton
Queen, Steward 4k Hutcheon; fifth, Top
sy'a Queen, -Gilbert tt Patterson; sixth,
Grace Gibson. A. J. Splawn; seventh,
Daisy Dean, A. J. Johnson. - .
Heifers, under months Firat; Lou
Hampton. A. J. Splawn; secoejex Myrtle,
B. J. Conrad; third, tsaoy cate, w. a.
Cate. . '.? .. .- .; .
Champloaa and Orand Ohaajplom Xsre-
Grand .champion bull Beaumont,
Steward . Ml Hutoheon-alao champion
aaed hulL -- -- r -
Grand champion cow Bright. Hope,
a." J Rnlawn: also chamDton area cow.
Junior I champion bull Mapleton
Duu. Steward A Hutcheon.
Junior -champion -cow Beaumont's
Oueen.. Steward Hutcheon.
. Awards on aged herds First, Stew
ard dt Hutcheon; second, A. J. Splawn;
third. E. J. Conrad; fourth. W. B. Cate.
Awards on yeung - herda First,
Steward A Hutcheori; second. A. J.
Splawn. ' SaiSe awards on ; breeders'
young herd. .. "
Get of one sire Elrst, Steward A
Hutcheon: second. A. J. 8plawn; third,
Steward. Hutcheon; fourth,' E. J. Con
rad.' '( .-'.-'-.- - ,
Produce of one cow First, Steward
A Hutcheon; second. A. J. Splawn; third.
Gilbert A Patterson; fourth, K. 4. Con
rad. . , ' :. ' ' V. '
Beat of the Xolstelaa.
Bulla, t years or over First, Lunae
P. Ai FrakeeV " Bcappooes.
ron: second. Kaan Jewel of Woodlake,
John B. Irwin. Minneapolis; third, Jetse
Zwarthak, Charles B. Pierce, San Fran
cisco; fourth. Sir Pletsrtse Posch, Ha
selwood company. Spokane; fifth. Sir
Ormsby De Kol. Haselwood company.
Bulla, I yeara or under a first, nir
Mechthllde Jewel. P. A. Frakes; sec
ond. Corrector of Riverside, "C D.
Pierce. San Francisco: third, Romeo
Asggle Acme of Riverside. C, D. Pierce;
fourth. Sir Hengerveld Abbekerk Ger-
ben. P. A FrakrSi , - '
Bulla, 1 yearr under Z Firat, Sir
Kaan Mercedes- Paul. John B. Irwin;
second, 'Lanark Blanco Paul of River-
le,C DjereeJhlrdRutt'aJButtefc.
boy of Riverside,- C, IX pierce; fourth.
Simon. C D. Pierce; fifth, Oregon
ChunkeyV P. A. Frakea.- .t. , .J4
-Bullsi. under 1 jreaf First, . Julisna
King of Riverside. C V. . Pierce; seoend,
Dunde. Abbekerk Qerben,, P, . A., Frakes;
third,' Sir Francla Brookes. "Haxel wood
company; fourth. Sir Jewel Parthenea
Doeda, J B. Irwin; fifth. King Butter-
boy of Riverside, C D. Pierce, -. ;,' '
Cows, t years old or over First,
Chios Mechthllde. P. A. Frakes; second.
8iouJke, C D. Pierce; third, Charlotte
Abbekerk Gerben, P.-A. Frakes; fourth. I
De K61 of Valley Mead, C. D. Pierce;
fifth. Alma Marie, J. B. Irwin,
Heifers. years or under- I First.
IJtJe Dlrkje. C. D. Pierce; second, Leds
Hart -of Colsntha, C D Pierce; third.
HIske. C D. Pierce; fourth. Virgo Beau
ty 4ths De KoL P. A. Frakes; fifth;
Kaaa MarhthlMe Canary,. J -Br- Irwin.
Helfera. 1 year or under I First,
Inka Trtthomla, C. D. Pierce; second,
Chloe Canary Mercedes, J. B. Irwin;
third. Maxle Longfleld. J. B. 'Irwin;
fourth. Riverside Fidelia, C D. Pierce;
fifth. Grlaelda of Riverside. C. D. Pierce.
Prise Wlaalag rreaeb. OoacOk Borssa.
In the claas for stallions, I years and
under 4. McLaughlin' Brothers captured
three prises. First, Chauvln; second,
Carrefour; third. Courtesan.
1n thaneetlon Tor' stallion's, "1 years
old and tinder 4, J. Crouch A Son took
first, second and third prises with Afrl-
canua. Argus and Scharnhorst, respect
ively., .,.-'- , ' ' . :
rreat nasatrt xrorter.
Stallions. 4 . years or ' over First.
Zotnbro, George Brokers, Loe Angeles;
second. A-ord Kitchener. T. D. Condon,
Portland ; third. Nocturno. G, A.. Wtit
gate. Albany, Oregon; fourth. Malbrino,
W. W, Smith, Lafayettar Oregon: fifth.
Oliver J O. J..Gross, Portland. '
- Olydesdalea That Woa. : '
Stallions. 4 years or over First. Pre
mier Prince. H. N. Vssey. Ladnerv Brit
lab Columbia: second.. Barometer, Mc
Laughlin - Bros.; third. His Excellency,
Forbes Bros., Sheridan, ' Wyoming;
fourth. The 8hepherd, Forbea Broa. -
In the class for Shires there Were but
two awards for stallions 4 years old or
over. ; Redlynch Conqueror, exhibited by
i. U. Eioaon. or Sllverton, Oregon, got
firat prise. Second -was taken by Cour
tier, exhibited by A. Fan son. Danville,
Illinois. ... .. ,- ,
' Awards ea Pereherone.
Stallions, 4 years old or 'over First,
Damocles, McLaughlin . Broa.; second,
Universe, Boedlghelmer A Yannke, 8a-
em. Oregon; third. Balkan, McLaughlin
Broa; flfh, Baladeur, Buttevllle Draft
horse company, Buttevllle, Oregon.
Beet Belgians at the Pain
Four years old or over First. Camot.
3. Crouch A Son; second, Rostan, Mc
Laughlin Broa.; Trapplste. J. Crouch A
Son; fourth, Forttn, J. L. Edison, 811 ver
t on, -Ore gon; fifth, PsAdore, 3. Crouch A
Bon. '.
The first prise- for- thoroughbreds In-
the section for stallions 4 years old and
over went to Milwaukee, exhibited by
William Johnston of Portland.. NO com
petitors. -
Oregon Ooate Are Best.
The Judges on goats reported the fot.
lowing awards: . i
Bucks of t years or over .Firat. Hob.
son, William Riddle A Son, Monmouth,
Oregon; second, Hobaon, J. B. Stump,
Monmouth, Oregon; third, U. 8. G. Lad,
IT. S. Grant, Dallas, . Oregon: fourth,
Kingpin. Conklln Bros.,' Newvllle, Cali
fornia; fifth, Judy Junior, E. L. Naylor,
Forest Grove, Oregon.-
Bucks, 1 year or under t First. Rid
dell's Lad. .William Riddle A Son; sec
ond. Oregon Lad. John B. Stamp; third,
Oregon Prince, Craig Broa.. Macteay,
Oregon l fourth. Improver, CralgBros. .
trader wood Bald te Jary.
fSDeelel Dtspatek to The JeuraaLt
The Dalles. Or., Sept, tl. At the pre
liminary hearing before Justice Douthlt,
Charlea -Underwood was bound over
without ball -to the grand Jury for thtt-
murder ef Dick Darnell last week, ...
(Continued from Page One.) '
and that It waa on account of the com
pany'a Indisposition to. interfere with
the rush travel during the present
summer. .. . . ; v
Last summer many "wanted-the street
filled and planked white the Morrison
street bridge waa In course of construc
tion, but there were strenuous objec
tions. ., The atreet was virtually cloaed
during part of the time. ' - ,
After the Morrison bridge was opened
for traffic the tracks and drays and car
riages 'resumed their travel along the
highway and soon wore out the few
sound, planks that-were- left. -
Street Was Vearly Closed. '
Charles Wansar, former city engineer,
threatened to close ' the ' street to all
traffic. He pronounced it 'unsafe and
a constant menace to life. The former
city council had been Importuned to
order the Improvement, but nothing was
done. - ." -
Afew weeka ago D. W. Taylor, the
aew city engineer, look up the matter.
and will soon have t- In ehape to push
It to completion. .-The private contract-
plan will be abandoned and the usual
preliminaries wHl be gone through by
the council. i v - "
Probably the plan will be to fill 'one
side of the atreet at ,a time, using the
other side meanwhile. After the dirt
'leaeftOJ t SfaT"t's"fl4l 1 1 a94) ' 1
planked until, the earth has permanently
settled, when some' sort of .pavement
will be laid. ' So far as possible the
work of hauling dirt for the nil will
be done at night, so aa not to , inter
fere with travel. .
Councilman Dan Kellaher has been
Interested In stirring , up the officials
to action. He baa been quoted as say
ing that Manager Fuller of the Portland
Consolidated told htm he had had con
tracts for the work . in his pocket for a
yea past,' and wanted to "wait unWl the
exposition travel waa over. - Mr. Kella
her faeant to eay that these contracts
Were held by Mr. Slmonds, manager of
the Pacific Brld ga company.
- Bast Waahlnftoa Sooa Beady.
The. relief promised, by the Improve
ment ; of East- Washington, street , haa
not ret been given. ' The atreet haa not
beerf ..finished, arrheuh ' the earth ; haa
been placed. .' The planking will be out
down oon,'The eattra summer haa
been consumed in filling the street.
Property-owners thought they wanted
to change the specifications from plank
ing io cruabed rock. It was found that
If any one owner objected . the work
could not be made a lien on the prop
erty; hence .the original plana will be
adhered to. . . .
Water atreet will be further Improved.
If the work be done before the rains
aet in, or in a isanner so it'ean be done
In the rainy season, that district will
have some relief. The street was filled
this summer, but - is unfinished, ' al
thou gh the earth was placed months
'agoT "" ... , .
There will be a general alteration
of plane for street work, so far as I
can accomplish' It," said City Englnter
Taylor today. "I have given orders that
there aball be a atop to placing crushed
rock on long stretches of street and
then allowing months to elapse .before
the finishing is done. I shall Insist on
the street contractors,' or the city's era
plqyes. tearing up only ao much as they
can quickly complete, ao as to minimise
the inconvenience to the public."
-Complainte have been filed with the
city by east aide reaidents that crushed
rock was placed on East Twelfth street
June 1 and nothing done since that time
excepting te run the steam roller over
It. East Davis, from Twelfth to Six
teenth,, haa been given- a dreaelng of
coarse gravel, but for Several weeks
nothing more haa been done, Mr. Tar
lor, who only recently came into office.
has served notice on the contractors to
make haste to complete the work.
Ho, for Astoria.
Swift steamer Telegraph leaves Alder
street dock 7:10 e. tn. daily except Fri
day. Returning leavee Astoria I p. m,
arriving Portland 1:10 p. m. Sundays
leaves rortiana i a. m., Astoria s;is p.
tn. Arriving Portland. I p. m. , . . .
' Bxouxslom Bates to Bewpett. ': '
The Southern , Paclflo company . hi
placed on sale at all - rortland Of floes
round trip tickets to Newport at rate
of l. limited to October 10, 1101. and
tor ii Haturday to Moauay tloketa.
Ample hotel accommodations at reason
able rates are provided st this popular
resort. . ." . .'.-..,.' v
i Saowsheds Burning.
Reno, Nev.. Sept. ' 21. Fire has de
stroyed ,000 feet of snowsheds near the
summit of the Sierra Nevadas on the
Southern Pacific railroad and the flames
are atlll raging. Telegraph, wires are
prostrated and trafflo Is blocked.
Aurora aad Aastla Bamjt Wageas are
the most modern made. They are built
to suit you.. They aava you money.
Western Bleva ttng (traders aad Oltcb-
ers handle dirt or ae per yara.
Buckeye Traction Tile, Sewer aad
Dltofe Maara,are money-makera .
Westers Damp Oars, Book Onshore,
Boad Oradera and contractors' supplies
our specialty. . ? ' .
Ml Xawtherae Are Pertlaaa, Ot,
. ' v I ' .. J-
' m. MM J ! . J l B . V am Mi J I mW ML K. MM ! . T MM . 1 ' MM - mm MM V MM . J W
mmmm m-wmm wmw mm as mm . rmVmW W m Mmmmmr -mmw mMmw mmr mw , mm-- i. ii . : M-r
The great day ct the Exposition. The day when thousands ot
people from Oregon and Washington will cone , io Portland end
they juay combine business with the pleasure of attending the
Exposition,? Our store will be wide open,' and special decora
tions a.nd preparation made for the wefcomlng of guests. . We
extend a cordial Invitation to every visitor to Portland to visit
our store and see toryourselt the finest Exduslve Men's Wear
Store on the Pacific Coast:' 'A handsome reception room Is at .
the disposal of visitors,' where, they may sit down and rest In
comfortable rockers. i'A tree telephone at your disposal, station
ery and supplies It you wish to write a" letter, and. a hearty' wel
come whether you wish to buy any goods or not.'. : v,-'.-7: . V?
7 A few suggestions for the visitors' benefit:; Take a look at our
Chesterfied Clothes
,f ' ';'"'..,. ,'v ,- '
J -. - .-.". .,.:'.-', r"- ..
treadyrtofrwcarSults and Overcoats. so exqiilslteJn sty lesd pcr-
" feet In fitting, that you will be astonished, and the making the
best of any without question, proven by the guarantee we give,"
that Is, If the front of any 'coat of a CHESTERFIELD suit breaks 4
; back or loses shape In one year's wear, the customer can have " a '
-new suit tree, and there's no string to the proposition. , . ; V r
A ::547rS and OVERCbATS priced $13.00 to $30.00. -1 U'-J
HATS, the finest sold In the United States Stiff Hats 53.00 k
toyS6.00, Sott Felt Hats $3.00 to $12.00. 77 .Vf:;'7r V''-'
HABERDASHERY, the kind you find at Budds or Koskel a
I Kaskel, Newrorkr.
One price to all
guarantee that any
AD. Bseme Allowed..
- For sohool, play and general wear the
little reefer here pictured will be found
moot practical and serviceable. The
anode la double-breasted, aad may. be
made with afiat band collar if the stole
cellar Is not desired. Serge, covert. era
venetto, hablt-eloth, linen and pique are .
suitable materials foe developing. .
The pattern Is in 7 sisee I te a years.
For A child of I years the reefer requires
14 yards ef goods 17 inches wide, t yards
a) inches wide, lVs yards 44 laehee wide,
r 1H yards Klaobes wide; f yards ef
erald. .';. v. r
' '.':" t'.r: Prloe, 10 dent,' 7 " i:t
' PBXOB. : ., " i-
No.. ,.. ...... ; Sise..... ...... ,
Name .......... . .'. ,'. , , , . , ,', '.
' - ''-' .7 -7 ,".'' ,:
State ...J......
"tX 7 OUtDNT it bafool
'Wliah to run arourd
inquiring - of your
friends for eomebodr'a ad
, dress, instead of looking in
7 the directory for M Isn't it
.just as foolish to inquire of
your friends if they know of
a good servant, . or a good ,
.house or apartment, instead
vof reading the "wnit" sda.?
Reed them in . The Journal --
, . - ' - ' .... ' ' '" ' '
- .'...'" i -...';.;. ..'.
.. i ' I'O . ,.:.',; '-,'.
patrons,' courteous treatment, and a positive
article bought at this store
' .-7 ""v 7. 7-r.:;':. '-.. : .j' 7-;"7 '- 7 ' ;
Rich or poor, if your intentions are good, 'you can buy
Diamonds, Watches or Jewelry
from ua and pay convenient sums weekly or monthly
--hile-wearinjf it" Simply select any artideyououl(lr
..." like for yourself or as a gift to a loved one, pay a small ,t
amount down when nuking your purchase, the balanca -
you can pay us on . 7 . -'.. - 7 ".7: ' , x
Weekly or Monthly Installments ,
No interest charged
MARX & BLOCH, Propsl1 7 7; 74 THIRD ST..
TimerTurned Back
V Kv f -n- ' , i: ,.';"."-: - . J'? - '
From, Early Morn Until Late in the Day.- Fully. 20.000 Children
enjoyed a Day as They Never Enjoyed One Before.
. e You who have never been to THE OAlCS. the strangers wRb I
have never visited "THE OAKS," should not fail to take advantage "
of the opportunity. By taking a-eidevon the O. W. P. ft Ry. Co.'e
beautiful cars which take you directly to the main entrance for Sc.
7 ' The admission to the grounds, 10c Children, y , 7
There are two features unexcelled anywhere 7,7,7.'.' '
D'Urbano's Royd Kdlnn Dand i
-l -T-' ' -.-".And r::-V',hV;-.-
-r THE "OAKS TAVEnrr -
'''.'' .- " ; 1 ' ''''.'' '
.- . " : A Cafe at Prices That Lure. ' , 7;
Then, remember,' there are hundred ether amusement "that4 you, 4
',; : ,7' f cannot fall tq appreciate; ': .-. ;..; .,'
V ' i '.' , v ' f .i
. --V'.' 1 "."''. ''.''V
will be satisfactory
u u " i
m con
No security required --s
In Its Hp Yesterday
, e"
' 7" ' ' ''7 ''' : 7 : ?" ' "