.1 THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TCr.TLAI.'D, -.TIIUKSDAY EVZriUJG. tZTZZZT"" : CI. ,t::3. lliit I :;i Essick Manages to Hold 7 i :b-d-i;nJp2 Oakltuiders : t. pown to On, Tally. y- I 'CID! AND mItcheu - 1AD WITH STICK Cweeney Contributes a Bract 'of Er- ,' rors bat " Theyy Turned v'Out Not Costly Portland Bats in Runs ' With Pleasing Regularity. ' 'v '. ' (Joersal Special Servlca) " ' v Baa" Francisco.,' Sept. -" tl. Portland took tha second game of the aeries from Oakland yesterday, In, apparently 947 fiahlon, but . which ; required ' a hard etraggle for' bin innings, . The Giants had their erring clothes on and fumbled balls at critical, times until Bill Eaatck didn't know whether he was earning or polng. , . Sweeney's . fingers were- all thumbs, and he used them accordingly. (Several times, ha put Easlck.in a tight kola, but the young twlrler managed ta merge gracefully. At times It looked r 1f tha- Giaata had fallen asleep, but toe next moment they.-would get busy and do something brilliant. ' The vis itors didn't aeem to. experience any spa rial difficulty In sending runa across 1 he plate, waking five ta the same nura er of hits that gave the Commuter . 'one ' tally. . McHale and Mclean each mads a two"4agger, while Mitt-hell and lieCredie led in the hitting, having two tilts epieoe. Tha acores ' AB. ft. H. PO. A. K. Van Haltren, ef.',.., - 1 I 1 ' Krufcer, rf. .....;. 4 1 e S S unleavy. If. ...... 4 1 , ; oeklman, lb. ..... I 1 li t 1 i elly, bv. 4 ! 7, I lcnarda. So. ........ 4 S I S S rancka, ss. ........ 4 S 1 4 7'ackett, c. 4, I I 4 4 " i chmiav" ri7yrr'-aa-Si 1 a .a fcyrnes', . .......... 4 4 4 ; t Totals :l ...;... "7 "7 i"? IS i Ats, -sa. i . i t -1 a Aim mm. 1 icCTedl. ri. . i .Wwi. .rt i a t i . a Van Buren. It . 4 4 I '1 4 . Mtchwll. lb. A,MM.i I 0 Z II S 4 t oniavny, io ......... a i iaw I 3 cLeen, c v.. ....... 4 1 ,t 19 licHale, cf." . 14 I 4 4 weeney. Ib.. ......... 4 4 4 1 I I Kaaick. p. I . : 4 4.. l,.t ; Totals .11 , f tl 14 -4 . Byrnes . batted for Schmidt-in ninrtj. '; ; - ' SCORE BT INNINGS..... - ; ' lllillf II -' Portland . , ......1 1II1MI 5 rati , ......... 1 1 m ii v w jUaWland .'v ....... 0 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 41 , Hits . . ,.,.....4 t t I t 111 14 , ,.,.,,,,,.,(,. SijiniAKT.- r-r-S'- ' Two-base hits McHaJe. Monklrflan, rTcLisaa . Sacrlflcs fclta McCredlev Mo ale. Flrat base on errora Oakland, t; Portland. 1. Base on balls Off Schmidt, ; oft Esslck, 1. Left on baaea Oak land, Portlands, I. -Btolen baaaa . Liunleavy, 8chlafly. Uclan. - Strnf li out rUcher p"lck. Double play Ats to JtUtcneH. Wlia piicn--iuiaii:. nm-w same One hour and- 44 minutes. Cm- pirs fernne. i..-. ' ' -; i" ' PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. mi.? ? ? :r'-,y-;fv j Fill j ' ' e e " C.kUo4 .......... Ii 64 4 61 S JM FartUnd ............ 10 B 0 5 0 .K15 Im Aasalaa 1 S 4 1 4 -21 -600 Settle 0 0 4 3 .4U Saa FraaelM TTT.T.. a 1 7 .4M Taeaaia ............. T O I 4 4 S ,444 J,iist--. .v. lT.'i,'.,.T..Ha!.t4,5 l5l r t; NATIONALTXAGUEV j - Ih, - .' ..- .Won. lost. . P.C. Kew York . 44 . 44 . .744 Pittsburg, t. ..t...;. 41 -4f "44 Chlo.ro .'. -..-.. ,.,-.. 74V" 4T ',41 Ihlladelohla . . ........ 78 41 4S1 Cincinnati . 44 . M .484 K Louis. IS 44 - .484 Vtoston . . , 44 , IS , , .431 Brooklyn .......... 44 14 ' .,244 R. H.K. v nmirv . v. ....... Cincinnati - . ...... ara. a a a a I 'J 4 11 I CThech and Schlai.-, Umpires Overall . ii .. . ' - At BostoB. - -First gams -. : - ,r-t R. H. K. Stoeton . . J.r ..... .1 4 . t Brooklyn.. 4 I 1 - Batteries Touna end Needham: Bean Ion and Rltter. - Umpire Johnatone. Second came. - R. H. B Boeton . ....... ....... 4."- Krooklvn . . ..w... .....1 4 Batteries Willis snd Moran; Doescher and Bergen. Umpire Johnstone. , ,.w V " At rklladelphla. ' v rirst rams -. . . ., R H. JE. niladelphla . . ......... . . ..,..t , T - 4 w York . t...t 4 1 Batteries Nichols and Dsotn; Amss rod Bresnanan.i. - -j, Second game. ' ', t. R. H. E. rhiladelphla ... ............. ...T 14 ' 4 ; w York . 1 7 1 DatmlM atnerka and Abbott-. Tavlnr. I rOinnlty. Wiltse and Breenahan. I'm, . .ree Klem IM U uay. i3' L-Zot : '.v " Hat Hat StyU Hat Dtaratty Hobinson CD, Co., STA.7Cr.D FuESH"' - ' LOSE FIRST MATCH .i 4 . v. . ' v j ' .V Palo Alto, Cel., Sept., II. .The Berke ley hlghachool football" eleven defeated the Stanford freshmen ynunUir after nooii In ith first cam of tha season by tha, score. of 4. to. .4. Tha Berkeley. Holroaa of Portland played quarter for th freshmen and tie .work waa flrat- .CMSS. SPORTING GOSSIP.' V 1 - GeorgeTbiioiueif;featherwelght chant' pion. was. knocked.. 'Out. ..by Tommy Murphy In thSrsecond round or a au round contest Jast night at Philadelphia. ."Bailor-' fJharleaJeUay. would like to.. meet "Kid" McPartland In a js-vouna contest in the early part of next month. Kelley ia la line f el tie now for a bout add thinks that he can give the "Kid" a drubbing. -The bout could be pulled off at Vancouver, Washington. .; ' v . ... .v . f . .mt . - ''The managers .of the Tacoma team are getting desperate. .They -want to reduce expenses so as to make sure or finishing this season, after which they hope to recoup their loaaea' by selling some play era.- Keefa has.lready been sold, and It Is undaratood. that 11 good offers are received i for, Nordyks and Sheehaa they will be allowed to go.aleo. BIU Thomas was laid oft to reduce ax- sensea, and new comes , a well-defined rumor that Charley .uranam. ioe. cap tain, will be laid qff too. k Graham gets the-biggest salary paid to any player In this league, snd ss Tacoma la ths poor est-paying (Din on the circuit that gen tlemanly player may have to suffer ror the apathy of the fans. Tha manage ment will not let Graham go if they can sea any way out of their financial diffi culty, but as they seem to be up against the real thlnsv inaney win uaeiy ne the loser of a part of -his salary. : David tL Dugdals Is in the sityvisw. Ing ths scenes of other. days snd sights of the exposition. IHigdalo was at oa time manager -of tha Portland ball club. and after releasing most of the finest players on the team wss finally dsppped by ths dlrectora Bill Hurley went with him. snd so did BIU Hogg. , , ) The splendid work of the Portland team on the present trip Is certainly saarlJcratlfylnK to the local fana Out of seven games" played8'-"ta.r-away from home Ave of them nave been victories. Considering that three of the games wars won from Los Angeles and two from the oaxianaers, ins snowing mads is very good. 7; v.-T' -.I,.;-:' ' . : e e, , i , . - . - . No. one .aver doubted -tha - fact- that Portland had 4 good ball team, but there nave been grave doubts regarding the way In which the players have been handled at tlmea The team is doing splendid work now and ths fans should rejoice. The boys deserve credit ana they will get U..lf;,they keep np the good . WOi-sV, , ;vi . -' Ths "Has Beens'. football team of ths Multnomah club-will ' soon "organise. Among ths "Has Beens" there are many men who at one time or another shone brilliantly on tha gridiron.; The soheme is to arrange an eleven and then chal lenge the Multnomah elub's 'varsity to a ' scrimmage. . The ' proposed lineup would be something like this: Center, Dr. Biftl of the University of Pennsyl- vaniai'wrhtrta vtstttng Portlsnd at pres ant; for guards. Dr. Woodruff of Penn sylvania and Percy Blythe of Edinburgh unlversltvThe , tackles will ; be "Broncho"' Trsvls ' -of !. Harvard and" George McMillan of Stanford. Chester Murphy of Stanford would act as quar terback. Harry : LIU and Floyd 'Cook would make two rattling ends. : For back of the line there Is plenty good material m Harry rCorbett and Harry Bttckney of Harvard, "Mlks" Dolph of Williams snd J. A. Horan of Lafaystta '-. i-y y s 1 .'..--' - '' This combination, of, course, are "has beens," purs and simple, and while not possessed of the frlsklness of ths club's 'varsity, yet may be abis to go a little It properly, urged. Of course the youth snd agility of tha 'clubmen should pre vail In a scrimmage, but the "has beens" feel 'that they would be able- to make things Interesting for a while, anyway. rpresenUtae Tata footbairaotma -Is absolutely' without heavy men. . There is a distressing lack of 100-pounders. and Indications now point to ons of the lightest teams in , Tsle's gridiron .his tory. The prospect as shown by the first few. days' practice seems poor- for the development of a team that will be able to take In another championship. i.V AME rican .league.'- Phlladelnhla . . ...... 80 0 .111 Chicaso v.... 77 - ' 41 .447 Cleveland - 44 ,t IS .447 Boaton . . .... 41 ' ' ; 41 . . ,611 New York . .......... 44 . It .608 Detroit . . ........... 44 : 47 - .414 Waahhigton . . s...... 44 . .74- - .48 St. Louis. ............ 44., 17,- .444 ' j.'-;. ". 1 'X At Clavelaad. Ji' ;' ; Cleveland ........ 1. .....4 14 I Chicago . .... ...I 11 I Batteries Bemhard, Donahue and Olark: Walsh, Altrock, Sullivan and McFariana. - - " '- .. At Wattlarkn. . t- .-.. 4 ' :.' ' R. H. B. Washington . .............. ..1 I 1 Boston..- ...til I Batteries Patten. Wolfs and Hey don; Ed Hughes and cnger. Philadelphia ... ...4 I. 0 New York . ... v .......... ..i.. . ..1 I I Batteries Henley and Powers; Hogg snd Kiel now. - r-. --v THE A- ti . , COR . r j ? .wear them. ' SOLE ACXNTS a . ; Hotel Perkins Bldg FIKoRM Aftermath of Britt-Nelson-Con; test Has Developed Nothing; 4 A More Than a Scandal.' 'ii-'1'. i .V sBwa-aaaajsBBmasisiws . '' )'; V HUFFMAN IS "NOW ? : FULL PROFESSIONAL San Francisco's Star Heavyweight Has Entered the Money .Ranks Under the' Careful Eye of Billy D .' TJoaraal Special Servke.1 Ban Francisco. Sept 81. There wss really no aftermath to the Brltt-Neleoo ftshC Tonsues wore bussing all right. but- there was a sudden silence when Harry Corbett and Rllly Nolan began to cal each other names and charge each other with varloua acta of crookedneaa Brltt's same showing snd Nelsons determined slugging were - forgotten. for. much ss the sporting pubito tovea a bloodcurdling fight. It loves a ripe. juicy soandal mors., . k , Liots of people say tna aisciosures made while the-Nolan-Corbett spat waa at Its height have killed tha puglllstis Industry In San Francisco. ' It mar not be -quits ss bad ss mat. but. Judging from present .indication, the patrons of the gams are mora than willing to enjoy a good, long rest. That ths promoters ' or professional eonteata understand the temper of the teorlo on this point Is shewn by- the railing off of several matches that were about half made. -. w Ws won't have any Battling Nelson- Jimmy Gardner bout for a long time, and defeated Jimmy Britt will have t wait many a weary month for his t re turn aaie wun tne uurioit vmom. Deanlte the senerally depreased con dittos of the pugilistic market. , there wss a glimmer of Interest yesterday when It was made known that Al Kauff man. theatrapplng.yQung.pan, Francisco heavy-weight had made up hie mind to become a fullblown professional. - The moat interesting point . about Kauffman's debut Is that he Is to try to win his way to tha top of the ladder under the -guidance or veteran Billy Delanay. - Delaney. aa all men know, baa eireaoy developed 'two world's champlona. . -H waa with Jim Corbett when Jim rougnt Joe -Choyhakl on a barge, and he was In Corbett' a corner when the Olympio club sapling stood up to the scratch With j Peter Jaokson at the old California club on New Montgomery street. " He was with Corbett when he won the championship from-John la. Sullivan and defended It agalnat Charlie Mitchell. h waa with him when he lost It to Fits slmmensi - ' Delaney saw promise In big Jim Jef fries snd took him In tow.- There Is no need to recall what Jeffries has. done. As Billy Jordan says, he la "the only undefeated champion the World has known." . - - When-Jeff rlea went -Into- retirement Delanev went -with him. '.Since that time Delaney has seen this young Kauff man In action. - The errect upon Delaney Is shown by ths fact that ho is willing to forearo his long-promlaed reat and come out In the limelight again. The public, remembering Delaneya judgment In the cases of Corbett and Jeffries, wl'l assuredly watch Ksuffman's career with Interest. 'n- '.-'"' At present Delaney has no particular plans In regard to Kaufman. Tha mi thing certain Is that Kauffman Is no longer an amateur, and that ho Is nnder the wing of Billy Delaney.' the maker of world's ehsmptona. . . . BILL REID LIKES NOT ; .HARVARD'S MATERIAL v . - 1 " - Cambrldge,-MassSepJlTnon nariaon with the material at Tale and PenneylvanUrthls"year7tmU fromwhlcn thS Harvard team must be developed Is but poor." ' t This was the closing statement of an Interview held with. Bill Retd yesterday afternoon - on Soldiers'fleld-.the.. first authentla Interview., that ths Harvard coach has given this fall. . v "I have been greatly disappointed In the aise of the. squad that has reported so far," continued Reld. "Just 111 men were ordered to report last Wednesdsy, and at -that time only II men put In an appearance. - Since then 14 more have reported. This is zsr too smau a nam ber.' "i 'J'' ' ''-"'.? . ' v-v "There is a great dearth of tig men for the line positions who csn do more than -carry-their own weight. I have been greatly disappointed In tha loss of some of the bis men on whom I relied to play In tha center of ths line, notably Talbot and upbam, or laat years rresn man snd second team, both of whom were flunked -out of college. - . "I have yet to aee the timber, for the end and fullback positions that must be filled." . . 4 : t . Reld's pesstmlstle statement has done much to . dampen the roseate vialons that Harvard students - were beginning to have of a successful year for the crimson eleven. ? i y ''-, OPEN GOLF TOURNEY OPENED THIS MORNING J Jovraal gpedal Sarrlce.l ..-,: New Torky Sept. 11. Ths open eham pionablp ' tournament of , ths United States Golf -- asaociatlon opened this morning on the links of the Myopia Hunt - club, Hamilton-Wenham. . . The number of entries is targe ana mciuaes msny of the most expert players In tha country.' Ths - conditions call for 73 holes medal play, II each day. Com. petltora whose scores at- tha end of the brst day's play exceed by 11 strokes the score of ths tenth place will not be allowed to continue. There are 14 prises, ranging from $100 in caah, a sold medal and ths custody for ons year of ths champtonahlp cup to a slmpts piece of jilats to the valu of tha cash offer, . . , '- "Seele Bant Oat.' Ls Angeles. Sept., Jl.-Baum was In treat form yesterday and, aided by per feet Support, ahut out ths Seals. Ths eeore: . - - -i .- . ' '" IS Angeles .. . 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 ft Ban Vmnriaro ..4 4044444 44 I t - Batteries Blum snd Bples;.WIUIamy . ,1 1 V - . r. I m ana duw -ir.-, r ' sraaloa aad xtaners. ' - tAst nlgh,t Eddie Hanton and .Aurello bout to take place at Los Angeles oit October 17. The winner will get 71 an l share and there will, be a aids bet ! 11.000.' Xney vui 'wi(i aaa pimiu rinssiaa r' ;. , , , ..... i;i!iii- rnicE did HOMO PAY? Eetrmatet That .Terminal Realty Will Agsfeate One to Two Millions.. options for'recent; SALES mK KtWKU Real Estata . Men 1 Eager-to Know . What Company al4 in Its Prelim inary Work, and Expect Figure Will Be Enormous." ' . : ' v. I Realty dealers xpeetthst ths options secured - on terminal ground for the Northern Pacific will be filed Soon, ft was expected that soma' would he ' put pa recordthls week, but as. first .pay ments sirs being made, no doubt Is felt that many of ths options wlU be entered next week.' '.: - -: Realty transfers aggregating mora than $1,001,141 win be set forth. If the severer deals are recorded at one time. It-Is generally conceded -that, ths oom- pany naa aecured practically all ths. land between Twelfth and Mintn atreeis and north Of Hoyt street, which la an area of 17 to 14 block. AS tms is contiguous to ths old terminal property, in the heart of a heavy business dis trict and touchss tha waterfront, itj should have a value of at leaat 174.000 to 110.004 a block, and possibly some of It would run up to s higher figure. - If ths company has secured 21 blocks, and tha average Is $40,000 a block, ths total would be 11,000)00. which enormous figure would represent merely ths be ginning of ths great expenditure that Is to be mads in entering Portland on a water-level route. - ' - Estlmstes . of ylnf orraed mei regard ing the extent of Northern Paclflo real ty purchases range from $1,000,004 to tt.OOO.OOO.'-and there. 1 jtsgsrnass te see wnt;.pieeaVe been paid. Half Mocks much lartnar to tne west nave been selling aa high as ItS.OOO to $40. 004 of late, but, as tbs Northern began securing options before there wss much of a flurry. It is regarded as probable, that It did not pay on ths average more than $10,000 a block. MANY NEW HOMES, lr Anangemesta Clomplete TesSsrday tot area xcoasrn oonages. Issuance . of - building permits this morning for seven new dwellings, all to be erected by William R. Stokes A Co., was slmultsneous with the commence ment of active construction. Three of the houses, which are to be situated at the corner of Twenty-second and Reed streets, 'will be owned by John Zoller. snd will be one snd n hslf stone's high: tho coat of each Is to bo $1,410. The Stokes Construction company - la building four dwellings,' each of which will be two stories nign ana -wiu cost $1,400, making a total for this lot of $4,400.; They -will be situated at ths corner of Schuyler snd . Third streets. All are to be made neat residences, and will be rushed to completion. ; ; REAL ESTATE NOTES. v.v -;..;,.' . Work has commenced on a JO-room. double-story flat by W. R. Stokes A Co.. which will be erected on Front street between Olbbs sad Whltaker. - This building is to be finished ss quickly aa posslbls, snd will be made a modern apurtment-house. . 5 - '-. Tha earns Arm is building a lv-room. two-story flat on Hall street, between Seventh and Eighth streets, which Is also contracted to be completed. at an early data - At East Twenty-second and East ' Salmon streets this- company Is stacUng-a-two-BtorrwstHng. ? ' j nTTBULDlNG-PERMITS7"A ' School district No. 1, two-story Trams building at Boat Thirteenth and East Fourteenth.Thomag .snd. Braxee streets. 110.000. - - John Zoller, three resldsneea et Twenty-second and Reed streets, total $5,040. William R. Stokes A Co.. four resi dences st Schuyler and East Third, total $1,400. V v T. A. Baker, dwelling on Wasco street, between East Twenty-fourth and East Twenty-fifth, ft.SM. W. F. Kubue. dwelling on East Sal mon, between East Thirty-eighth and East Thirty-ninth, $160. " Frank Ireland, dwelling. ' Killings worth avenue, comer Mississippi ave nue, $114..;- v". rr ;,, RACING AT GRAVESEND ." - AND COLUMBUS TRACKS ' f ii ii " :. M . (Joaraal Special S.irlta.1 New York. Sept. tl.--Grareaend track 'race results: ''. - About - six . furlongs Jake Sanders won, Bryan second, Cederstro-me .third,; time. 1:11 $-8. . steeplechase, about t mlles--Ruth's Rsttler won. Grandpa second. Pious third: time, 1:04. ' - Five snd a half furlongs Asora won, Dodlna .second. Cross way a third; time, 1:011-4.7 ' - - - . r.,i . ' The Occidental handicap, mile and a furlong Proper won. First Meson aeo ond. Bedouin third; time. -1:56 t-. : . Mile and a sixteenth Bragg won. DArkle second. Judge - Htmes -. third; time, 1:414-1. ' ...... About six . furlonsre- James Reddick won. - Anodyne second. Brother Frank third j time. 1:111-1. . . , ; ."' ,' 'At Oolambaa Track. - Columbus.) O., Sept $1. Grand Cir cuit race results: : -t v. 3:11 clsss pacing, purse $1,000, I in 8, one hest run Tuesday William W. won second, third and fourth heats In J:0, 1:10 and :11. Martha Young won first hsat in 1:10 and was distanced In second neatr ' - ' "' " . 1:14 trot, pursa $11,001, Hostsr Brew ing compsny stakes three heats, two run Tuesdsy Olenwood W.' woruflrst and third heats in 1:04 H -and 1:07; Psctolorodo won second heat in 4:11. 1:11 class pacing, purss 11.000, I In I, one heat run Tuesday Texas Rooker won threw straight heats , In 1:0414, l-,0$4 and i:44. "!' . 1:11 claas pacing, purse $1,000. I In I Julienne won three strslght heats In 1:0!, 1:01 and l:01Vi. i , Kentucky Stock Farm - futurity, for 1-year-old trotters, purse $4,004, I In I Kuala K. won Vo straight heats In 1:10 snd 1:01. , 1:41 pacing, pursa $11,000, three heats Owyhee won three strslght heats Is 1:04, 1:07 snd 1:01. 1:14 clsss trot, purse $1,400, I In I, unfinished Evelyn Bird won twe straight heatr In 1:14 and t:0l... i a. v , . t Js- teallas tkat taxarieat kalr. si Itch, raathnil coles always a. I te taair charms. The halt Buy be soloes. Black or BBswa. tat wkea It seesaws gray erfaoM Uere U aa . asaearaaee of ase, Ueasb ike any feci aa rosag aa inr. Os 4tt tbase elmtav alaaaSi arav kali la a drawback.: .;. v. ' : L. . K?aT ilwara brtcr bac tbf tolor aad beauty of yoe to sraybt a4 kalr. roalilT! ramovead.iMlniS, kill th trm aad atope balr fall Iff- pot sou skla or Uaea. AloeS by HABV lltA BOAt It aootbae aud beala the aemls, atopa Itckiaf as4 nnmotaa Ine balr arowta. Lars SOe. bettlae. 4rue setslag wlthoat Palle Bay Co. alsaataie, Frc. C::p Qlki WSftflR fftss tkta. take ta any of fnllewint aranlats, and ft 40. bottle Bay's BslrbealCb sn4 S3e. sake Hatflna Vodlcsted SnaSV both for 40c.. or Ml by PHITX) BAY BPO.ULTIES CO.. Me ark. K. J.. piopeld fnr Soe. ami tbls a4v. -nee soap sot elves by Srattlet wltasat this ratlie adv. aa4 80s. let Batiboaita. - ' r. KaaM..... ........... m.'. m...... Aoaetes.. ......................... W009ABB, CXJkBCT k OOv and waaalagtoa Bts. bsvoatioAax. TOE OPEN BOOR To a Successful Business Career: A course of business or shorthand training in our school opens the door to unlimited possibilities. , Ws can Slace all our students. Our course i thorough and complete. Our teachers. are tha best. "Our door" ia open to you at just one third less tuition rata than other private schools of the city. Day or evening, all the Tear- 'tound.- Qr onr-catalog'. - MUlTOOrJAD DUSCiESS KSTTTIITE Phone Main 4906. 66 Sixth Street. I AT THE THEATRES. . "Tha Chaperons. Tonight The musical-comedy, "The - Cbaper- ons," will be the attraction, at tha Mar- quam ..Grand, theatre. -Morrison atreat between Sixth and Seventh atreeta. to night at 1:20 o'clock and every-night iki, aik with a anctal nrlca matinee Saturday. "The Chaperons" Is lled with catchy mualc brilliant comedy, pretty girls in stunning oostumes snd beautiful scenery. - C Big Audiences at Belasco. . ' It Is worth twice the price of ad' miaslon to- witness the arrival of Mme. Trentoni on a Canard liner In New York at tha opening of ths performance of "Captain Jink of - tne .Horse Ma rines," which is attracting enormous audlencee to the' Belasco theatre. -The comedy Is ons of Clyde Fitch's very best, and shows ths Incomparable Be lasco company to excellent advantage. The company Is rehearsing "On ths Quiet," William Collier's greet bit, rpr next week... ' .-.- ,:.-..-. " The Show at tha Star.' ' The Medallion . trio of. Instrumental- ists head an exceptionally strong bill at ths Star.; One of ths best Juvenile sets ever seen Is that or the Qlsdston chil dren. Deeta and Don are artists in their line and im ve a-'Charmtng sihslhg act. Rice and Edwarda, acrobata, are much above the aveiaa-e. Happy Allen Is an entertaining monologtst Rpy McBraln's song and tha Starosoope complete the bill. 7 - - .. r- .,. '.' Fine Pictures .on. Orandiscopav. The mutiny on the Russian ' ship In the Black sea is vividly reproduced at the Grand this week. Ths strength ex hibited by the Dletriech brothers haa cansed'-tns town to talk. The minstrel burlesque of Rome, Mayo and Juliet Is a laugh from start to finish. - Steve Jennings Is a funny chap and the rest of the long Grand program la tn keep Ing with the reputation of the bouse. , V i "The Silent Witness." At ths Lyrlo ths attendance grows daily snd ths bill seems to have caught the public fancy. When - It la remem bered that a- four-act melodrama, com plete In every detail, la given for the small admission price .charged at the Lyric, it .'is not strange,' "Ths Silent Witness is a melodrama on the sense tlonal - order. The two - new , leading people, Marjorle Mack and B. G. - Mc Lean, Jumped Into Instant favor. Sams bill all week. - - i. ; Treat for Baker Patrons. - . One of ths best burlesque ehowe ever organised, in the opinion of all who have seen he Ideal . Burlesquers, - will open Sunday matinee, September .14, for One week at the Baker theatre. Thle com pany Is under the management of Harry Willams snd should please the patrona of this popular house of musical bur lesque. ., ! ' ..... , Firmly Bstabliahed. .. In less than four weeke musical bur lesque has firmly established Itself In Portland and there Is no question that It haa come to stay. The Merrymakers' Musical Burlssqus company 1 meettar with phenomenal 'success at tha Baker theatre this week. A regular matinee wilt be given Saturday afternoon, which will close the engsgement here. "The Convict's Daughter.'' 'The Convict s - Daughter" opens st the Empire four nights of next week starting Sunday matinee. - Th -plot Is Startling and full, of surprises and sen- sational effect , . Advenes Sale Tomorrow "4 The advance sale of seats will open tomorrow (Friday) morning at II o'clock for America's Jolly comedienne. May Irwin, who cornea to tne . aiarquam XnerecUbie Bratality. Tt would have been Incredible brutal ity it Chae. F. Tmberger of Syracuse, vt v k.a mm .m. tka k..t tm muM A -a km. . . uv,, for his suffering son. "My boy," he says, "cut a fearful gssh over hie eye, so I- applied Buckiln's Arnica Salve, whlcn quirniv healed it ana eavea ma eye." - Good lor burns and .ulcers, . too. Only 14c st Skldmors Drug Co. Ill i t f V - J I fa T r - aw V T M taV' M ST . Third street. . . . '.- : v v - : .'. : '.-"".' 'rtrrjtrzrrxso"'- ? - ,.- ; r -z?izz:i3 " i ssisA - is, r ',: s BY THE are held by our graduates all over office help pour in daily; from 3 counts; reputatipn means sometning. , ii pays to attcnu our scnqoi. to examine into the advantages; we '' 1 ' r- ' m ' . fa I' n"we e sonawe-carirOardiy-xiaso.-visit.our- scnooi, u possipie. xt not, send some one inTyopr place. ' Seeing is believing.' We know we have the best, hence our urgent invitation. to call. Investigate crit-" ically-our school will b'ear'i. 'Open all the year.. f Catalogue', pen- ' work, business fdrms, etc., free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEQE V ' I Fark aad Wasbiartsa sreete, ....... The classes of the Holmes Busi ness College, are being held in the Y. M. C A. Building, pending con struction of new quarters. ' - , By special arrangement ws' ex tend to our students all tha privi leges of gymnasium, natatorium, handball court, bath, reading-room, etc that go with membership in the Y. M, C. A. These special , privileges '. are FREE no -t extra ' tuition. . charge whatever." . ''."' t'y-i Watch for announcement concern ing our new location.. Finest quar ters In the city, being specially-- built snd equipped for our use. Write for Information about com mercial course,' or call.- C'JSIKESS COLLEGE gf-M T. K. O. A. BMg., Tartlaaa. Onsea.' Yonnjj Womin: ft The most succcs,, ful vomdi in tho vbrld todajTr-ra vbman who vnzlii the" Power of Many Mfllion4 -whocroiies sworda Oft even ternii with J. Pierpont Mor . gsn and. other captains of in i duitry ii Ella Rawli .Reader whose busine career was begun only .15 " yeari ago ai a penniteis iten- Tspher. - Her amazing suc- ce4 is due. to the juickne44 with which she grasped op "portunitiei.. While her siiteri in bustneti activity were tim idly ' afraid to ' Achieve," she wai forging ahead. : Yoras woman You of the . ' Northweit there li tit) limit ' t to the " iuccei4 "you may V achieve here in this growing 17c6uhtfy?r"SrrHplyi graep ' op i portunitiee that; are within your reach, and your snccess ' need have no bounds. You - can' become a captain of in-;-" dustry.t at' whose beckand "".Tcall armiei'of worknien'exe cute the 4aki you appoint '' 'Ecs!?'1 yCOf for aDii4i- - nes4 career in a .buiinese col , V lege that 'ie alive, energetic, - - tip to date.' The Behnke , Wslker Businen College esq ; give you a better and quick er itsrt than : any - other on , ths Pacific Coast. Portlsnd business r mendaily. phone ' for its grsduatei-rthe de mand "exceeds " the.," supply Twice as - many positions ; open to Behnke-Walker sttr : dfnfl as there are grsdustes J' to fill them. This mesns that if you take our course . ' you will have a position open . for you a position with a nret-clai busine44 house. thst will give you your op-1 portunity in life. ; , Cntsp this moment's - pOTtlOaaty.. Write at once for a Behnke-Walker .Catalogue, ' which contains a special of- . feriof how you may earn a handsome' louvenir by per forming a slight service for , . : '''',",' Write direct to Depf 19. . ; PORTLAND. OREGON. 1 Grand theatre next Monday, Tuesdsy, Wednesday and Thursday night In the effervescent comedy, set to music, ."Mra Black la Back." - , , . ' Long-Felt Want Supplied. , That the Empire theatre le giving the elaaa of amusement thst Is wsnted In Portland Is demonstrated nightly. 'Fablo Roman!." a Jramatlsatlon of Marls Corelii'e famoua story, Is the at traction. A regular matinee will be given Saturday; laat performance Sat urday night " i UU HUNDRED r : ; the Pacific Northwest. Calls for to 6 being the, average. 'Quality"' offer. -' You can- make compari- - a . . S a. . ' 4 '"" Call, telephone or write. ; , .--....-' ,' , ,,..A. 9. Anasttaaf. JUk.aV eLoolLinrf ; For Work4?- , Enroll In the I. C. S. and you will , not have to look long;. The demand for tech nicaUy trained men is far in excess of the supply. Ob--tain the technical knowledge contained in , one of . our: Courses and yon will soon be one of the :- thousands ' that owe their ' success to our instruction. w; We , can help - you qualify at home, in spare time and at small expense, for anfof the fol lowing positions:' j giesiekal. DecWal, tmim, ' Cht w tMc Uur, Biinsan; anrtlhet last tospsr; Il44sjristsrj Ssrv-Carl iriw; ; irMiff iVitiir; irMaWir. ' Write TODAT, etattag wale, a. -n ttea later sets yew. Ss HiTEBNATIONAL. Correspondence - Schools lea W. SC1ARTQR. tL?- sa sua as sea vecu ivuMninni S.' f- ' IIS Seooad St. Kins schools snd colleges. Forty-Sve Brofeeeors and Instructors. New snd . loroughly modern laboratory' equip ment. . ' .-, -r.; CcIIege cf Liberal Arts Increased Its attendance II per ceat during the past year. ' u , . - or amain sc ., . .- For'-eatalgoa and- particulars, address WTTiT.miTTS V Ml 1 aUISXTT, . j : Balexa, Oregoa. , illll Military Academy ' ' H"li. -' V mvm'. w ' srtiLXk. T A rrlTits ss4 rrt I 1 Saaralns Bcheel foe V Ins. - WUIHry DUeW . pUM. Collate Praa. Isrrleet awMtlona ef yeatkee ' eearsfed asd eevtleeed. .Bore , - at aay age a4altt4 at ear tlate, -Fall .Seam pema Saws. SS. Snd for Olsstrstea eatalepa, eoeUiBlss . full! tafststaaes. ... tarsia,, ete. , ASdresS ...... - Hill Military JtmUmy FOaTLAXD, ' OBBuOsT. r ' Oregon Portland "SrllelensIIuIH A Girls' School of the high-; est class, ..Corps of teachers, location, building, equipment .the best, v ; " -v. , ' ; Send for catalogue. - V: Osm $tpttr.ttr IS, 1905 jiiiim'aMiDw- ' FOBTxjm, oaseosr. ..... Forty-seventh scholaatle year begins Tuesdsy, September I, 1101. , - First-class boarding and day schtfol for girls. . -- ' ' . Courses of elementary, secondary and. higher education. " , . Conservatories of maalo and arti .km Villainette University " A"