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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1905)
W'THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAlX ) POTLAJr WEDNrSDAY EVSinwb-' tZVTZZZ -OMzZZ.: FIFTY HURT : AMD WER'S. "POIIV" HAT IS PASSED AT jETIHGi;! DKiilllll! .' OHE IS DEAD it POOR OUST . COKCE ' ' ' j'. Members Eberman Said to Have Watched Companion Beat a Woman ; Without 4nrfering.' r- bfM Komura's Staff Codefendante In Land Case With . V.Wjfliamaon Stoutly Ateert X - ; - - Their Innocence. r'; Train Stopped to .Avoid Piling It Dumped Owner by the Road Director of Exhibits Dosch Asks I Exhibitors to Give Money to v'.., H. E Hardt -, Business Session This Morning Leave Seattle for Orient oh side f and " Now. He ' May: ' - i Never Be a Policeman.-"-1: Followed by Anniversary M" J of Book Concern. ' Into a Freight amasnupis - Steamer Dakota. ; ! : Hit Frorri Behind ) .-jW ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD 13 ' ;, ROUSED BY HER SCREAMS CARRY TO THE MIICADO THEIR ACC0UNT8 THS 1 ' t CAW2 AS BEFORE GIVEN -TRAINMEN COULD HOTS- WAS CAUGHT CRIBBING - ACTION ; CONSIDERED ' PRESUMPTUOUS BY SOME TEMPERANCE ANNUAL " i IS HEARD BY MANY TREATY OF PORTSMOUTH FLAG THIRD SECTION WHILE BEING EXAMINED i . '- ,m . '. i- .. ', Smatt Sr Hard 1 Work and Faith.' ful Performance of Duty Soma of -'; the Crounda on Which Contribu- tion It Aakad, --'. V Profenor Mahaffit of Willamette Patrolman la Arretted With tba Yamaia Thanka th American People No. Material Chang in tha Hvidencav - of tha PrincipalaReit of Weak . yrHi Be . Required to Finish 'Argn ' It Plunged Into Preceding. Section Such Help Not Peing Permitted tha Univeriirjr Delivered Address," Fol- Reat and W01 Have to Explain to - tha r Commiselon -Regardlnf - Hia " . '-; -, : fi. Acts."- ' ; .' ;-. ' ,. v . ,s for tha . Hospitality and .Courtaay l Showered .Upon Japaneaa Dnririf 8tajr:in Aito.V i 5 Which Wat Standing Still, Detnot Candidate Is Ordered From the Room and Civil Service Rank May Bt Cloaed to Him..-; - r1-- -lowed By - Rev. Could - and Rev. t tehing " Four" Cr Crowded' With : ment. v-rrr -1 J FflLIGEl.110 EiiYS ORUTAL PART Exposition 4 V i, : iltmrmal Bnaclal Barries.) ! : Rene. Nov.. Sept. JO. As ths result of doubt wnck on the Southern Pacific t Harney. Nevada, et'l:0 -o'clock, lat night, one man la dead and --persons are Injured, eeveral or tnera mnouuj. Thomaa Mason, of . Tsulsburg. New jrai-Mv. , died at Reno. ' whsre he waa . taken following the wreck. Tha first , wreck waa caused pT two freight tralna Hllnt haad on "at full apeed. Flag- " men stopped the second aectlon of the west-bound passenger In time to prevent wreck, but had no time to atop tha third section of the passenger, whlcn crashed at full apeed into the coaches of the second section, completely demolishing- four care and the engine:' -Engineer Ross .and Fireman Linvllle Of the third section are bsdly lnjureo. Burgeons ". were sent 'from , Reno, hnd Baa Francisco. Many of the - Injured war taken to hoapltala In Reno. Among those Injured In tha wreck are: - Oeors-a Ashman. Dubois. Pennsyl vaala; i. H. 'Arnolds.' Bellefourche. South Dakota; ' Mlla . Faanle Broyner, Marler. Iowa: Edward Moore, Welling- ton, Kansas; Mrs. Isabella Phillips, 8tony Pornt Texas ; Mrs. Anna Biggs, 8t. Louis. Missouri;. . Mrs. .-. eiien ., a. Smith, Crown Point, Indiana; - L. I Kberhart. Irvlngton, Nebraska Henry Howard. Bercrvllle, Arkansas; Frank Nelson. Indianapolis; R. C. Davis. Tabor- vllle. Illinois; Agnss Duffy, New Tork; J. M. - Eckles, Indlanola, - low; . B. - M. flrannr Baulah. Miaaourl: Mrs. W. C Harley. Eegle Orove. Iowa; W. M. Knox. 2701 Deejborit-street,' Chicago; Mri. T. Mas ton. Taulsburg, New Jersey; Mrs. Thomas Mulhlll. Bath. Maine H. C. Brown, Chicago; ITA. Griffin, tos Ah geles, head cut; I K. HUM, Tanama, Mrs. I. J. SHoldw. Bakeraneldr-CaHfomla. shoul. I def wrenched; Myrtle A Hand, Napa, .California. head cut; J. Silver, Byrne, Haywards,. California, head and shoulder hurt; Mrs.- William Berry. lna-Angeles, head ' cut; . Mrs. t Harry. Bullen, 'Round Mountain, California, Internally . hurt; J. E. Bang, IIS Harrison street. Oak land.- ahoulder and bead gashed; W. C Bealweal. 8tockton, head bruised; A. Mattaon. Kern city, California; W. A. Price. 8aa .Franciscan Mrs. F k. Rltson. J.ValleJqr H. Boundtree, and legs burned; 'W.' I Oakland, head Smith, Fresno. head cut J. Saunders. San Francisco; George W. SIma, Ogdan; Mrs. F. A. , -Townsend. Los Angeles; Harry Warren,!. V tramp. Seattle; Mrs. Peter JOnea, Oold . field, Nevada; Fred A. Kruse. San Fran ' "I elsco; Mrs. Merrier- torts. Fresno, IMD X . men crushed: Ed liosslter, Oakland': W. m. moo re, ugdea. GSOAIiS 0F?i- 0yi:GAH Old John iTIedeman, .Woary.of v. Pain-Rackad Life, End It .... ..v.". .Early This Morning. ? Wlth wound In his head, made by a 7 bullet which the police believe waa fired zi by his own hand, a man -thought to be Y 'John Tledemann pr Dledman waa found ,ln a. lonely pot near the head of .Delay street, ' a. short- dlatanco.-from- tha ' St. . Johns boulevard,, this, mqrplng. Jay. two .-little glrta. - f . - The children, daughters of Mrs. Mary ' . Morris, pf ,X. Morris, street, .wero looa ' Ing tor a cow when they discovered the ' man. They told several persona and the ,T police were notified. i When SUtion Officer.: LUlIa and Patrol 'Driver, Oruber reached the-epot ,T- they found the man lying In a pool of "... bleod an-a revolver, on th sod between 1 f his knees. . He . waa still breathing, '-though unconscious. They harried him 1 to Alblna'and-sought a physician;, find : i Ing none they started lor the station, - : Tha man died on the way to -police head- . ' auartera and the body waa taken to tha -morgue. ' - c Trrymn at Almna informed the police that tha dead man'a name was John-Tiedemsnn. Or Dledman; that he was sboutda years old and that ha lived at Peninsula. He Is said to hava worked for tha O. R. N. Co.. and his eon waa once an employs of tha Portland Flour ing mills. ' . . V ' The ferryman and others told Police- men Llllls and G ruber that ha I known as "old John," and had been de spondent for some time as ha waa sufferer .from rheumatism. -, MAYnR'C VFTfl OP ROY ' ORDINANCE SUSTAINED .. . 4 At a meeting of the city roun-1 dt d ell this iftemopn Mayor Lanes rsto or the dox ordinance waa uatalned. ' There were eight d councllmen In fsvor of snd seven 4 against passing tha ordinance 4 over his veto. It requires a two e thirds .vote of .the couaoil to paos d an ordinance that Is vetoed by d the mayor. ' , 4 : Those In favor of passing the 4 ordinance over Mayor Lane's veto - d : ...y td - - ' f r: - were. Councllmen ' Annand, - Ben-: d nett. ,&ray,V Kellaher, MeneWe, 4 Preeton, Rushlight , and Wills. Those who opposed tha passage 4 ef the ordinance were Beldlng, d d Dunning, Masters, Sharker. Bhep- d herd. Vaughn and Walla.-.' ; ,""d -4t is believed that another bot . d 4 ordinance will be Introduced : at d d thla afternoon s seasloa of tha d aounelL . . - . -.- '. - - .. ..- : . -' X Jaaoha BrUgs Xamage Sail, ." ' " ' Tewla Jacobe ' la suing ' tha Oregon Weter Power a Railway company for i&.eea damsges before a Jury in judge (leorge'e court. - On October II, 1I4, Jaeobe states that whllg drMng an at- t press wagon serosa the company'! . tracks at the corner Of Eaat Thirty ninth etreet and Hawthorns avenue he waa struck by a car and seriously ln lured, .his hers as killed and the wagon demolished. He claims that ths v car.was running at tba rata f It miles lh ae warning waa given af Ita approach, , . -TTOddy'ah-errwTid-" n'tfra'splf snohs to secure a position In the police .depart ment, waa ordered from tha room. where the examinations v-f or, patrplmen.wera being held last Thursday by Secretary O. U JicPbereon of tha municipal civil aerylca commission. - Secretary -McPhar-son made a report of tha occurrence to tha commission -today and hla actions regarding Maher were sustained,- - It la aald that the secretary detected Maher copying answers to - questions from a card wtftch ha held at hla side. McPherson demanded tha card, and when ha saw that It was a 'pony" told Ma her to hand in his papers and leave the room. Maher Immediately , visited the mayor and members of the commission but received little sympathy. ; Tba ao- tlon of the board today may bar him from aver participating In another ex amination for a position In the civil service under the city charter. M. P. Murphy. ' who had formerly taken tha examination for a position as patrolman, made a written statement to the commlaalorT today that he had made false aflldavlta to ths commission regarding hla age. alleging that he waa 35. when his real age waa neany v. He stated to ono of tha commissioners that the reason that ha had made the falss statement waa because ex-Chler Hunt had advised him that tha aga limit was to be raised from S6 to 46 years, and that It would be sdvtsable for him to give hla age in short, aa It would be all right -He did so, the, ruleo were not Changed, the commission detected the false statement and he waa excluded from the ellalble Mst Murphy -now-de sires to have his name placed on the eligible list, as tha age limn naa re cantly boon raised. Tha decision on. the matter was postpones. Merwln Pugh and Romane C. Flan- dera passed the recent examination for no anion ef chief elerk-ln tho Tlty n- ainaar a office. -' Puch la temporarily filling tha position and It la expected that he will be appointed permanently, . "t" 1 1 ''".'s'. - LIVESTOCK HEN: VKI BIG VICTORY A THE FAIR gaylng They Were Overcharged for - Feed, Force Way in With Loads of Hay. J tAck. awnere at tha exposition live. stock show today won a fight against what they alleged , were extortionate prices charged by tna onceasionaire r ha and feed. It. waa stated that tha owners of stock were paying 40 per cent mora than tha market prlcea for hay and .feed, and, norellef was granted by tha exposition autnoniies. looay a iitn2v mn forced their wsy Into the gate with thrse loaasj or nay Dougni TTY'rT7YW Trfrrwn-rteaiwwW' Th. h and feed concession Is In ths hands of E. A. West gate of Albany. Ore gon, and he has an agent, u. u. ttawune. on the ground. Rawllna. It is aald. has rorrlna tha livestock men to pay lit a ton for timothy nsy ana i ren in tne imii m. f .inn " waa oubted at si to un lkMk, 111 4 111. r t - Than waa a similar rawnmii-. reference to JaU. forwhlch Rawllna ffaa Charging t per ion. 1 nery mrm ...v animals In the exposition stalls and each .ill mimiihu sn average of IS t in nounds of feed aajuyrr.xne cost oi maintaining them runa up to enormous figures, and ths Jlvcitockimeif yesterday notified thaoxposiuon nniitiiicii". unless i. they were gi-en relief - from Rawlins': overcharges Or permitted " to buy their hay wherever they chose they would remove ineir exposition. - - -' - t NOMINATING A MAYOR "TODAY IN SAN FRANCISCO b. wrandsco. Sept' tl. Tha Repub lican city- convention met this after noon to nominate a city iicaei. wn . thrinMl bv the Ruef faction In cass fusion with, Democrata Is agreed . . ,-.fnr.ll flaht at last laht's aeaslon . between the . reiormers and the Ruef aupportero, when delegatee fouaht each other. The deputy sheriffs and nollca . called to quiet the turmoil took sldea and mixed in me iray. im Republican league or reform element mta victorloua , and elected .their chairman and secretary by a vote ot ill to 175. : ,. - ; '' - .. . The regular - organisation, comroneu by .: Abe . Buef. local -boaa, xavors ins nomination -ot Msyor. ncnmns. ,wnw n been nominated for a third terra by the Labor Union party. , " - INFORMATION IS DENIED TO POLICY-HOLDERS 'ijeeraal Bpedal Bar rife. "' ' ' Chiagd'."'Sept. 20. The -policyholders of - the - Western - Life Indemnity -company held a atormy meeting today.. They demanded that officers tell all details of ths proposed sals of the concern and their reinsurance In other companleari and ware told they would be told. when, the time comes. l"..: --- Beflaeted rama. y'; From the Chicago Tribune. " '"1 beg your pardon for staring at you," said the passenger In the- skull cap. 1ut your" face Is strikingly fa miliar to - me. And yet 1 can't place you." "Oh, that a all right," responded the other psssenger. "Everybody stares at me. I look just like my twin brother, who wars' cured of a case of rheumatism and neuralgia of 14 years' standing, aa you remember, by taking half a dosen bottles- of Dr. Rybold'S celebrated Knockemout Mixture.". . Then, to show that his head was hot turned by tha distinction, be. entered af. fably Into conversation wltlt the man In the skullcap concerning the weather, tha peace conference and the crop outlook. Exhlbltorg it lha T5sTrioiirT-flIr satisfied because of the action of Henry E. Dosch. director of exhibits, who at a private meeting at tha Massachusetts building today" asked them to give money to make up a purse for his as sistant H. E. Hardt They were sur prised to receive, prior to tha meeting notes from Mr. DoscD. which read: " Tour presence Is 'requested t a prl vate ' meeting of tba exhibitors at the Lewis and Clark exposition to be held In the- Maasachusetts building at 1 noon Wednesday. September 10. Pleasa do not disappoint us. H. E. DOSCH." when the exhibitors gathered. .Mr Dosch eulogised Mr. Hardt, and aald ha waa not receiving a very large salary, waa' working very faithfully, and waa entitled to greater compensation. - He railed on the exhlbltora to .contribute to a puree and offered to be One of 10 men who would give 1100 each, making 11,000, which would prove to Mr. Hardt a very welcome gift. Many of the-exhlbltora were offended by the request, but some paid from 120 to fsooaoh.-.. . - !.-.- h -.- GAUGE REGISTERED Oli BEIJilGTOI Fireman Testifies ThaPHe Saw u: Indicator. Work, pn Boilerl,!! Before Explosion. 1 - (Joarsar Special Servlee.t ' ' Vallejo, Cal.. Seat. 10. Charles Boa- kirk, fireman of the first-lass, wag ths first witness caned In the Bennington Court martial ' today. Ha testified that ha had heard that tha valves were blown off, bfit after a half hour's deliberation his testimony was thrown out aa mere hearsay? v.. . ' ' '. John C Leonard, commander of the U, 8. 8. Larwton, waa tha next wltneaa. He was executive officer of the Ben- nlnston uo to March 14 last and had charge of theTTullTjooks,-but they were also accessible to Captain Toung. He stated .that ho had made all the inspec tions required by the regulations. ' -...:. J. J. ; Worthen testified that . he waa on duty In tha fire room on tha morn ing of tha explosion and aaw tha steam gauge on boiler B register flva pounds snd then It dropped to aero. He did not notice It afterward, as ha waa aent to And the water-tender when the leak waa discovered In boiler B. Manx objeo- tlona were made by defendants' counsel, but not allowed. . - Tha court yesterday went to the hos pital on Mara Island to take tha testi mony of Knsign Wsde, but the defend ants' counsel objected on tha ground that he waa too HI and consequently In competent ss a witness. The Judge ad vocate sustained the objection and It was announced that Wade's testimony will be . taken next Saturday or early next week. -The court-then-went to the drydock, whera tha members Inspected the bold of tha Bennington. - - '- WILDCATS ADVANCES ' FRIGHTEN VAGRANT DOG Followed by a Mexican wildcat, whose 'friendly advancea were mlatrueted. a I vageant eut dasliil hnwllng i1"rn "e street, paat tha police station thla after noon.. The cat' Waa Anally 'Caught by Ita owner,- aa a chain attached to It be came ' entangled in soma wire at the base of a telegraph pole. - - The wildcat la three montha oM and waa brought here from Mexico recently and sold to a street vendor. The only parent-It aver knew ae He mother-was ahot with two brothers and a slater at tha time Jt waa taken captive waa a dog. Every time It aeea a dog tha eyea of tha cat gleam with pleasure, and It trlee to play with what It believes to be a member of Ita own family. Not a dog haa yet been found in the city that la not afraid of the animal. , WOOL' MEN OF COAST ADOPT PRICE SCALE In the offices of the firm of Hart man. Thompson A Powers In ths Chamber of Commerce building there was a msetlng of the Pacific Coast Woolen Men'a as sociation Monday. ; Tho meeting was held for the purpose of establishing a uniform seals or prices ror tna racmc coaat for the next year... The following attended the meeting: Manager Tatterson of the Stockton Woolen - mills and Manager Malloch- of the Maryevllle Woolen mills, who alao represented the Santa Rosa and Hum boldt Bay .Woolen mills; Mr. . Jacobs, representing the Oregon City mills; T. B. Ksy, representing the Salem mills; W. P. Olds, B. P. Thompson snd C B. Bishop of Portlsnd snd J. P. Wilbur, representing 7 tha 'Eugene land ."Union Woolen mllle. ARRESTED FOR ABUSING HER LITTLE DAUGHTER ' . ; v. v - Pendleton, Or..' Sept.-' 10; warrants, for the arrest of Mrs. - Maud Beaumer and her son Nathan Stark were sworn out . yestsrday afternoon by Marshal Coffman and will be served upon the offending partlea today. , s. Yesterday neighbors state that they saw Nathan Stark, who Is a grown man. In the back yard of tha house, beating hie little slater. Neighbors attempted to Interfere, but Mrs. Besumsr, . It Is alleged, rushed from the house, atruck the little girl and dragged' her Into the eJrV Uee Xentnrret. - Uearaal gpeetsl Brrriee.)- St. Louie, sept to. The attorney for - malnr Burton today filed a demurrer Senator Burton today filed a demurrer alleging errore In the Indictment, i Albany, Or.. Sept. JO. The Methodist conference opened - thia - morning with Bishop W. F. McDowell In the chair. Tha-work of the conference began yea- terday when the examining committee met and began tha work of examining tha applicants of which four presented themselves. The committee oreaniaed for the quadrennial term by re-electing Its officers; consisting of Rev. W. ' H. Heppe, Portland, president; Rev.'J.",T. Abbett. Ashland, registrar, and Rev. W. 8. Grim of Aatorla. treasurer. , - . This morning tha sacrament .of tha Lord's supper waa administered fol lowed by a business seaslon. This aft ernoon an address on the anniversary of tha book concern waa delivered by E. R. Graham.- . " - , . - Last night tho temperance annual wma held In' tho M. B, church and a large crowd was present to hear tha addresses. Dr. J. L. Tufta of tha Ant!-8aloon league presided and Professor Mahaffle of Wil lamette university- of Salem delivered tha address of the evening. He was followed In short addresses .by Rev. Mr, Gould and Rev, Mr. Elayar, , '-;,;.; QUE PRiCE COFFIII CHEAT IIEfD r: . ' President ,- FJnley Tells -Fellow Undertakers That Higher Eth- -leal Standard Is" Due. President-J. -P4-Flnley of the Oregon Funeral Dlrectora' association, now In session In Foresters' hall. Second and Morrison streets, -read his annual re port this morning, and tha assembled undertakers heard sound counsel regard ing elevating the ethical , atandarda of their business. ' ' - - : 1 - "We -should - fight - against tha prac tice," said Mr. Flnley, "that haa bean too eommon In our profession In ths past, of making whatever wa can out of every ; case. -that la entrusted to our care; that la, making tha price to gait "tho amount 1 of confidence reposed In us, or to -suit tha financial position of those who pay tha bill. :- .' ' "The bualnees part of our dirties, sucn ss making prlcea,-Is In no way different from any other transaction, and wa have no moral or legal right to vary the price of almllar caskets to different par sons." ' - 1- .. . ' '..' President Flnley urged that every un dertaker lend hla Influence to the atate health board to secure the enactment of a law governing sanitation "and tha care of the alck and tho deed, which he de clared la much needed. .jl The attendance today waa larger than yesterday. Interest In tha convention, which la tha first aver held by the asso ciation since Its tentative , formation some time ago, la general among tho un dertakers of the atate, and many who were unable to attend hava aent by mall aDDllcatlona for membsi-ahlD. This afternoon Clement Williams if Chicago speaka .again on embalming Tomorrow the members and their wlvea will attend tha fair In a body. Today an offer waa received from T Theodore Hardee, assistant to President Goods, of the uaa of tha exposition auditorium and tba services of the administration band. But ths undertakers thought they did not care to hold a public meeting on tha grounds, but decided to spend their time looking at the exmoita. 1 Friday morning officers wlUhe elected I and tha convention will close. . BRUTAL BEATING OF v -SOLDIERS IN PRISON Uoarsal Special Serelss.1 v ' " " ' Monterey. Cel., - Sept. 10. Colonel Ward -of -ths-F lfteen th Infantry entera an official protest against ths brutal beating of soldiers In jail by Constables Hlnkla and Graxlola. He demanda tha impeschment of ths officials on the charge of drunkenneea. Tha trial. will be held Tuesday. . Odd rsllowW Qraaa XrfMlgs. 1 Philadelphia. Bept. JO. The - exhibi tion of the California. Women a . prill corps In conferring ths grand deooTatlon of chivalry and competitive team work were featurea today of" the Hat annual convention of the sovereign grand lodge, I. O. O. F. . v - ' . ':' - Probably Russia will keep right on Im itating John U Sullivan ' by sitting around snd bragging about what a great country It used to be. ., . - fla-BeS(rjy MM ru i pkk aai atwy. '. my simgfc IS laattlna awfullw Wull. I'll ai. a. -j" - ' "7 pall of honey If you lurn the"siine - . ' ' atonal I - pjtrolman Tmtn htsbeerf-oTdsTa by Chief of Polios Qrltamacher to ap pear before the police eommlsslon to morrow afternoon to anawer a charge of not only refusing to Interfere while Jo seph Baker waa ' beating Mrs. Sophie Weatherbee. but of choking and roughly handling Miss Maud. Dunnlgan- who she waa trying - to . telephone ' police nead- quarter. v . . ? . Baker four months ago, .the police hava learned,' ranted a flat for 150 "a month at 101 Seventh street with -Pa trolman Ebermen.,. The- two women have alao lived -at the houee on Inti mate terras with Baker and tba poliee officer. It Is alleged. At an early hour thla - morning Miss Dunnlgan telephoned police headquar ters and In smothered volee aaked that offlcere be sent to the house. .Patrol Driver Price answered tha telephone and heard tha . sound - of : a struggle and a woman's screams.' , With Patrolmen Wilson, Johnson snd ' Porter, he drove at top apeed to tha house. Thsre Baker- and '- tha Weatherbee woman were etllt struggling. It la said, and Ebernjan ' waa standing by holding Mtaa Dunnlgan,' who waa begging to be allowed to- aaalst her ' friend.- Aa .the patrol-wagon drove up In front of the house, a frightened woman, who had a room In the Hat, waa climbing through a window, holding-a birdcage In one hand and a bandbox In the other1. . "I cama hare from St Louis to see the fair,"- aha hyeterleally - screamed, "but I'm' going right back If policeman here beat and choke women." . : , ... . c All four wero taken to tha police sta tion, gberman and the two Woman were released on their own recognisance. Baker was hsld on a charge of disor derly conduct. . ' : - Eberman asserted . this .morning la court that he sgas engaged to marry Mea Dunnlgan...-. I .' 4--'V PORTLAND MEN READY t- TO LEND MALHEUR A HAND Obstacles In the way of Irrigation; In Malheur county ' wero considered at a special 'meeting -of the Irrigation com mittee of, the Portland chamber of com merce thla afternoon. A large project promoted by the --reclamation .' bureau and of vital Importance to the material development of Malheur. 'haa been ob- atructed. by mlsunderstandlnga-an4 -dlf-4 Acuities and) ths chamber committee hopea to get the conflicting elements together and ' smooth tha . way ' to r an early Inauguration - of the Irrigation work. v. -. ' . . The mining commltteo. held a meet ing thla afternoon to arrange for send ing delegatea to the annual, meeting of tha -American Mining congress El Psso thla fall. , V . i Walla Walla Invttae Portland I busi ness men to attend the annual fair and race meet at Walla . Walla. September II to SO. ' Tna raltroada have made a rata of one 'and one third fare' for the round trip. An effort Is being mads to ecure excursion rates for Portland bualnaea ' men' to - the Lewlston fair, October -11 to II. The Lewlston com- Lmerclal club has taken up the matter with- the ' Portland chamber . of com merce and the railroad companies, i , . CANFI ELD'S LANDLADY l IS A GOOD DETECTIVE '-. ;V i . . ..'-..:.--ir- J. E. Canfleld. who.- aha aald. waa try ing to escape without paying a board and lodging bill of f 17.10. waa captured by Mrs. Eva Jannlsen. ' who. conducts -a hotsl at University Park, and put In charge or Detective Snow and Patrol- man' Huaeley af the 'union -depot. -At ponce neenauarters canfleld. paid . the woman $1 and a friend signed jt hots for the reat. Ha waa ' than' ' remaaad. Canfleld had just purchased' a scalped ticset. tor tna eaat at ill, and loat thla amount, aa the ticket was confiscated. U waawMsaaaaBBBSBSBwMBBwaaasfarJWssBaaBw.swMaSBaSBsw - REYES IS PROCLAIMED - DICTrUOR OF COLUMBIA IJesroal Special Bervemt f Wsshlngton, Sept. SO. An uncon flrmed report states that General Ra fael - Reyes; president of - Colombia, haa declared himself dictator and .impris oned the members of the aupreme court at Bogota. ' Moba attacked the palaoa and were fired on by the troops, many of the rioters being killed or wounded. Minister Mendta discredits the report stating that hla last advices report the country peacable. . i : RIVER PIRATES HAVE - ' - " NOT CEASED TROUBLING River pirates sre agam busy, and re porta of their depredations are - dally lodged with the police. ' A.- S. Pattullo, secretary of the" Oregon Iron A Steel compsny. Informed . Chief Qrltamacher ' , thla - morning that from time to time plglron and other material had- been stolen by river pirates from the foundry at Oswego. .--! It le believed that ths' material Is taken down the river at night In row boats. . - '.-..' '.''; , '. . CANAL COMMISSION' -TO MEET AT PANAMA -'., .. , . i - . . jeorssl gpeelat terries.) : Wsshlngton. D. C Sept. JO. -Chairman Shonte and other members of ths canal commission, who are not on the Isthmus, aooompanlcd by the board of consulting engineers, will eall September tl. In accordance with the preeldenfe Instructions, to bold the quarterly meet Ing on the canal glte. ... . . - I ; - Beelde Agsiaat atrata. ' ,' Tha Jury In the case of George W. Stewart against the Nlcolal Broa com pany for I V00 damagee, returned a ver dict thla afternoon for the oompany. Stewart allegea that ha received Injuries by falling through a hole In the floor of the eompany'e mill. It waa ahowrt during the trial that Stewart had suf fered from like complaints several years prior to the alleged accident. -V , : '., (Bpedal Pispeteh e Tae Jasraalt - . Seattle.7 Wash- Sept. . 19. TenJIro Tamasa, chief of tha political bureau of the.forelgn office; H. W. ennisoo, tsgai advisor'. to- tha emperor;, .Colonel . K. Tachlbana, mlHUry sd visor l M. Atachl. S. Ishlujet, K.:, pchUl and R. Htrata, Veereurles. 11. members of . the Japan, see peace party an route to Japan with tha treaty of peace, to-be signed by the mikado' and ths esar. nailed on , the Da kota tola-morning. : - . -. Before leaving. Tamasa. spokesman of. tbe parly., ssld:. "To - the' people of the. United States we are deepln Indebted for the favors ehowa our . party during Ita- atay. In thla . country, Everywhere they have been- courteoua and kind. Ot the nreatdent ef the- United Statee too much -food eannot' be epoken. -'vJr ,-."Our stay at. Portsmouth, was msas as comfortable ae 'posslbls tsklng Into consideration the ' secrecy- maintained. Wa hava no complaint whatever to make regarding our -hotel accommodations or In regard to anything. In as y ing good bye; to- the Tnlted Statee It is with a full heart when we remember how kind all your eltlaena hava been to tie." AT THE THEATRES. r- Fin Production at BeTaaco. - - '' The husalrakla eiyse FMeh has -writtsa- e eaaway of greeter vahM t tbe etaye thas "Caputs flak ef "the Bone Marlaea,M the earreat kfll at- the- Balaam theatre. gearteeatk land Waehlnltea streets. It le gtraa a SMgaHt- seat pradaetloa -sy' raa Hum simk eeaieeny asd U arawlng. edieaces. that All tea hegei Is its espaelty sack sight. . , Maaiaai-Chaperoaa"- at Uarquanv ' The sieelesl tnandy ssressS. - rbe - Cksp areas. " will be the attrartlos, at the Meroaaw Oraal thearra. ea MMTtsaa. between Uxtk ssd seveath stseets.. (anight -ead erery sight tkl week at : e eloek. a "Tee Ckeperees" Is sae ef the BMst ran ful eesMdiee rertlas haasvaf had; the araek Is eetchy. lbs. girw aratty. the eoetosMe gorgeeas sad tbe raa sever lags. There will be a eperlal-srlea awttaee satvday, V1 I Hay 7 Irwin ' W Waet5 V 'i ' MtM May Ireis. AsMries's Jenieet eesN llenae, after ss abeeaee ( ' BMre ' thaa two yesrs fresi - the stage, will se eses et tbe Msroaam Oread theatre fnr fuse sights, to- flaalDg Best Mosday. la Oeora'V, Hobart'i sree-aei eow4r. 'Mrs, Black Is Beck." Tae stay Is snslng. sad Mlas Irwls aukea the Mat f the eharsetae mt the widow. - Tbe ed vases-ssle , of .eeete. 'will opea at .rrlday saaulsg at 1 e'rtork. ?"- - v ' : 4 ...'. r 1 1 -1 . ' ii "rnt XdestaJ'.ConUnf. ; .' "Tbe Ideate." aader lbs' auuesvaxat ef Hsrry WllllasM. eseaes dlrart from the aeadewy ef Mnsle, Pllletistg. PeaaaylvaalS, a seaee rial has seat eat sore whiaers thas asy ether b) the eaeatry. - MlM Kethertne Klare,. the "Quaes of the BartessMes." Is st tae. tap ef the Udder. la ths twe-eet srastral estravsgaass eatitM ''very Dey-XIfe," -will ae sees save pretty, dashing, winning gh-letaea keve ever been st sae -ttae ea tae etase of the Baker theatre, where the company will appear seat week, starr ing Saaday sMtiaes. v )- t, - ' : ' - . .' "The Convict's Daughter." "at 'the Empire tarstre tear sights -of eeit week.- sad atartmf-with -toe Swariay matlaee. September M, wlU he feaad aa Meal' tree ef thnillng aad seaastkmal ' melodramatle art is "The Oeavlet'e -Daashter, . eris teal m eeoeep. tloa. plot aad development, snd ai.rrlhaa a S hlgh-grsds sMledrssta. J. -a. rreeer, Jr., has aeatdel tseeM wars est km etery, ead hi the) aa4 other reepeete It Is a radical sepertare fram the weU-beatea 'path of Bwrndnuastle predae Moss. - . .-. ' ' ; Ant Vandevnia at Grand.'' ' These 'wse heve- vMted the TOraad thW weak are mare maa pleased with the fine- vaadevlll eatertalnmeet. The herealeas mervela, the thraa Watrle"bfes.,ha as act teat w eenastloaal aad see ef the veaderllle seveltlee e the eeeaoa). a fere eaalaia,. moaoiosalati the Thampaea slatera. rauaer mat BoblaaoB asd.ethere comblse to amke the prteeat pro (ran vary pleaalng. Illastrated stage ssd aew mevtsg atctsree sre ea the list. Tha Star's Show.' , The Oladstoae ehlldrea era very eDtertalglnl at. tha liar asd erowd the faatared set fee applaaae. . Tbe Medallloa Trie are Inatramestal. lets et swrit ssd eatertals . with their eweet mnrie. - Veets sad Doe sre aned alaters ead lanrera. Raspy Alleo b eetwUlslac., Rle asd Bdwsrds ate elewr eoronew. The alltaa trated anas asd tha pictares by ths gtaroecopt eompiets nve "bill. . . ; . , . . y ThYSUent Witness.". To the knera af seeeational melodrams "The Sliest Witness" st the Lyrte easnot help hat appeal aa it enatataa every sereaaary elemeat. The story . ef the play Is simple bat mtenee. se It deele with s-class ef people who sre snr iuusded by ramaare, the people ef the Reeky sMoatalaa. There Is plesty ef good, " wsoteeoM eomedy la tbe play. .. . . - ',. - . .' i. -J .Pleaainf terg t Crowda.. . . -'rable Komsst", Is drawing good booses Is the Smptre thla week. Pathoa. tore, revetite and good comedy sre eqsally dletrtbntad la Marie Ceralli'e dramatlaad etory. asd mvere of thai sort e flrtloa. will flod )net. what they west.- A retnlar matmes will be gives Sstarday. , ok ' r '-Standing; Room Sign O -Notwithstanding the tiwmeadooe ' competltlns m Portland st the praaaat time the hakor the atre, with the -"Merrymesers' " srastral bar loeqne, played to s capacity hoese- agala Isat Bleat. ' Patrons at this popular theatre en)ny this brtfht sad Hrely farm ef smosameat. A matinee will be glvea tnsauiiew ITharaaay) sod alas la tarda sftaraoaa. , " . ... QUEEN OF THE PLUNGERS ; - ARRESTED INHICAGO v ;. (learasl SpaeUI Serrtea.l -' ", J Chicago, : Sept 10. Detectives today raided - two bucket-shopa end arrested II patrons, including the woman known aa XJueen of the Plungere." .. -tr- ; - i ' Mew Psaiiaaea Oharata. . ' '' fSpeatal tna pa US is The JesrasLI Pendleton, Or., Sept. 10. One of the finest ehurohee In eastern Oregon la to be erected In Pendleton neat spring by the Methodists of this city. - - ' property with loo feet frontage oa Webb etreet and -111 feet 'f rentage on Johpson street wss purchssed yesterday for the aum of 17.101. The church will ba built of atone and will coat f 20.000. Pratimlnary work on the grounds will be commenced, Immediately. - Eraphatio assertions of Innocence made from the witness-stand today by Dr. - Van Gesner and Marlon R. I Bigga, two of: tha defendanta In tha land fraud -prosecution. Thsy declared In the most positive term a that there had been no conspiracy to procure persons to make -perjured . timber entrlea and they denied that - there .-had boon any eon tract for tha purchase of timber claims aa Is T charged by the government -- The croao-examlnatlon of Blgga will ; . probably -. be ' concluded thla - afternoon ', and It la expected that, Congressman -Williamson will thsn Uks the stand. Wltneeaes . will doubtless be called to testify ss to tho good character of the three defendanta and unless some sur prise is in- store thla will conclude the case for the defense. It Is evident that ; the prosecution will Introduce some evl- ' dsnos In rebuttal, so that the;a le little " likelihood that the case will reach the Jury before next. week. ; ;" -" ' Befeadansa' Aoaoaat,' .S- " ; y j - Both Oesner and Blgga related from" the -wltneea -aUnd -the -atorypf .-ihe'T transactions which have - resulted lit- " placing them on trial as violatore of the - ' federal Is wa.-. Their testimony waa in, all material points the aame ae that given on the former , trials. . District . Attorney Henay'a cross-examination was long and searching. Dr. Oeanar habit-- ... ually speake In a low tone of voice and much of hie testimony was Inaudible to any but the Jury. .. Blgga waa perhaps .. stronger witness for the defense, aa hla testimony was given distinctly and readily. - . T. M. Baldwin, cashier, of tha First -. National bank- of Prlnevllle, waa tha first witness and testified to the good character ot the three defendanta, whom he had known for a number of years. ' He' waa succeeded on the stand -by Bir Qesnsr. who waa recalled for cross-ex- -amlnatlon by the prosecuting attorney. . The wltneaa waa questioned at some length aa to hla application for a timber J elalm, aad especially hla statement that It contained about 1.100,001 feet of mer chantable timber. - Oeener said the ea tlmate waa based on the opinion of other people, and-that -Campbell -'Duncan had told him there waa at leant Z.IOO.OeO feat oa-the claim. .- - ""ZZ. ' peatar Oooyeg Coaiaiaatton. , When questioned aa to a converss tloa which he had" with J. C Cooper . of Indapendenoe In the Imperial hotel, Qcsner denied that there had been snj soch" remarks ss wsre attributed to hlra hy Bpoolal Agent MltcheU. The wit- -noes had heard that Cooper .Waa afraid -of the government and did not want to go on the atandln thla trial for. fear of getting into trouble. -'--- - r-":' TDldn't- cooper ten you tnat no ex pected ' the government to indict him for the aame sost or transaction tnsi you ar being tried forr' - aakad - Mr. Honey. t' , . ' ' ' - - r-No, air. he didn't eay that." replied OeanerV .Ha added that Cooper had told htm thst Snslllng. an asslsunt special agent, hsd railed him (Cooper) up by , telephone, representing hlmseir aa Wil son, one of the defendant a attomeya Snelllnga purpose was to get Cooper's version of the conversation .with Geo- . ner. - ':.-'" ; s' i- Msrion B. Blgga waa emphatlo In hla denial of any wrongdoing on the part of himself or tha other defendanta j "I told Dr. Geanec that h bad a right to- roan money on timber clalma, but had no - right to make a contract fop . tha purchaee of the clalma," aald Blgga. . ; "Ton believed yonr advloe to Oeanar . waa correct T" aaked Mr. Wilson. t believed tt then, and I atlll believe it"? i- . . : IMalaa AU BvO Zaleat, JIn anawer to further questions Blue" stated that he bad never agreed with (Teener sad Williamson to procure pao- iTmoTOmm1rperJury in timber filings. "Nothing . of . tha kind waa aver aug- geated." aald the witness. . "It waa -never ' Intimated In any way. ahape or form. - If . I had thought anything Illegal was be ing dons -I would have quit then and there. - Money could not have hired me-, to do anything of that kind." ; "Ton Intended to be an honest narft" "I Intended to be, snd I have been,'';", replied Blgga, earnestly. ' .. , Tbe witness described the manner In -which timber applicants filed before' . him. and the care which he took to see that they understood tbe papera which they ware executing. ' Be never told any..' : of them that the fact that thay expected . to make 171 out of their clalma by. aall- ing to Oesnsr justified them In swearing that - they were- taking the clalma for . their own use and benefit At no time did Blgis represent himself aa tha agent of. Oeanar. ; , .. NEW RAILROAD TO TAP f EAST OREGON REGION J ' ' Bptelal Dispatch lo The JoarssLl - Walla Walla. Wssh., Sept 10-Backed ' by Portland capital, a nsw railroad le to -be extended through the rich Wheat belt . from the Columbia river to the timber c and coat mines southwest of Heppner, which will be need aa a feeder to a Una af steamere on the rlvr. The contract for the- survey haa bean let to Loehr at , Winkle of thla clty. Tha road will extend ' from the most feaslbls point along the Columbia for a distance of 10 miles Into . the Interior. . . 1 . rarmera along the proposed l(ne are enthuelaatio over the proapeet of a rail road an will give financial aaslatance ; to the venture. . ' - aUval'Vaaga OTaaa,. . 1 (gpeelat Dispatch tTha Joaraal.) PaVullaton. Sept, 10. What ie be lieved to ha,ve been a clash of two' rival ; tonga occurred In Pendletort Chinatown teat nlsht . No one waa seriously In- jured except one man., who waa nearly choked to death.. Ttro of the orrendere were , arrested and will be asked to explain the affalf in, police court - Many friends of -the prisoners pleaded with tha offlcere to releaae them, but these Chinamen were divided In opinion ss to which one should be relessed aad which one de talned. V.-i .' -v - ' t ' ' " . Today's Cholera Beeord. .v ' . Uoaraal apodal BerTtea.1 Berlin. Sept.' 10. Six new cssea and one death from cholera ware reported' fr.M