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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1905)
Ff tie fcenef.t ef o'ol-town patrons, f'lytvn net tis eVpor tunlty to vUt ths stars, ws issue an eti7 l-ndaom c;:ofus with OTr 2,230 IHustriUons and 10,000 description of ths goos w sell. This book places you on an equal footing with Portland people'. We fuajantes to please you. Quickest and beat mall order service. Send for the catalogue and read our free delivery offer. The book is mailed free to those folk living outside f Portland, r ' . First Floor Dr. Alice . Goodwin's disoiursdon ! r. Violet Crssai' far the toilet. " . i . . Tin FC"COT C?Ant7CZT f C:CwC2 USST C7 OIUCQO .TKUJtSDAY JOTTSSCS ACtlT KttSICSt. SIPT. 21 ' WATCtHS CLEANED AKD YA.-UTiTLD fCII CM New mainsprings, 73c All other repairing of Jewelry and Ootlj at proportionately modest prices. First Floornear large elevator. . CtOP.De mmm . -Ail J,. U, U U U REM EM pEtll GJ Rll: T ?Y0IJ ; v are iyGiMi ;. .:1 As candidates in thecontest now running at the store for the three :" ;' 'V- -;, Scholarships ?.. ! ;.-; :,":. TO CE GIVEN AWAY CM THAKXSGIVftS DAY ; ; In the American Manual Training School Course Manual training is the most effective weapon you can put into your girl's hands with which to go forth and fight the battles of life..This store has . K.7v',Ay .;,;,,. ., obtained; I ; ' :::.:jl.,;.-!:J The three Scholarships we have secured will be awarded on Thanksgiving day to the three boys or girls who receive the three highest totals in the popular voting contest now on. A vote will be issued with every 25-cent purchase. Ballot boxes are distributed conveniently about the store, as in former contests, and the three" boys or girls receiving the largest number of votes before 6 p.m. of Wednesday, , November 29, , will Z eaclvil receive , A FREE SCHOLARSHIP. 1 - 'r: t NAMES OF LEADING TEN CONTESTANTS IN AMERICAN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL VOTING CONTEST. WITH ; STANDING OF EACH AT 10 A. M. TODAY: George Slater, Ladd. t Robert Holmes, Harrison....;. Roland Halm, Sunnyside. . t . . . , . . , .', ; . , 4 . . , . . . . . ... . . . . , Marion Ogden, Ockley Green .......... ... ..... . . ...... Sidney Grumm. North Central. , ..... ;'; V, . . t: . . . . ........ James Winston, Harrison. . ............. .7 ... . John Wilhelm, Couch . Grant, McDonald. Ladd. ... .. . Y. . 3,360 Henry Hawkins, Couch. 2,225 Hazel Olmstead, Highland. .. . . . . .. . 4: i . . . .. .s . .'. 2,203 Scattering . ... .J ..................... . . . . . . ... . . . . . .1384"l 8,637 7,518 5,709 3,783 3,322 3,202 2,705 .TotaI. .....4....... 55,604 Chic and fetching Face Veiling Counter First Floor. IXHIFFON-VEILS 48c- Very chic and beautifully fetching new Chiffon .Veils, in lj4-yrd ''lengths, all colors and black ana white, some plain, others in -dotted designs'; oar regular $1 value." Special at, each.'. .. ..48 New Chiffon Veilings, in the fancy border effects, in brown, navy, . - champagne, pink, blue and violet. The veils are all the rage ' for automobiling, driving, etc. Price, the -yard. ... ... .81.00 New Chiffon Veilings, in the Tuxedo mesh, some dotted, some, V plains Priced at, the yard......;....r'.....25TV up4, to 8 1.75 Ask to Sec the New Alice Blue Veiling It is the very newest thing. New Chiffon Veilings, by the yard. Pric?d, up" from. .. . ... . . .25t New Fancy Net Veilings. r Priced at, the yard, up from. ... . , .25 Magnetic Ribbon Values ' At the Ribbon Counter First Floor. , l -TSScAND 45c RIBBONS FOR5cT . This morning we offer two great Ribbon Specials.' ;T ' 1 One lot of brand new Taffeta Ribbons, 5 and 64 inches wide, in. white, black and all colors; our 35c and 45c values. Special . at, the yard .... .4 ....v... ..'. . .25 ; V J; A 40c TO 65c RIBBONS FOR 25c " ' A lot of Beautiful Ribbons," in Roman stripes, shaded effects polka ! dots and an endless variety of fanoV ribbons; our 40c, 50c " " - and 65c .values. Special at, the yard... .....25 A TIMELY SPECIAL SALE -Women's Knit; Underwear " '.- - .;;V-j. : First Floor " rV' ' WOMEN'S 85c VESTS AND PANTS 55c V AVhite Merino Jersey , Ribbed ,Vests and Pants, vests with long sleeves, silk tape and neat crochet trimming, pants angle length, - French bands, 65 per cent wool regular value ? 5c. ; Special, ;, WOMENSv$l UNION SUITf? 78c ; Pure White Cotton Union Suits, fine ribbed, soft, fine fleece lined, medium weight, long sleeves, ankle length; regular value $1. Spcci&lf the suit 49k 73 WOMEN'S $3.50 WOOL UNION SUITS $149. Fine all wool, heavy weight natural Union Suits, half open, front and open across bust; regular value $3.50. Special, the . suit i V. V. - U. . . . .. . ; .82.40 a! CHILDREN'S 85c VESTS AND PANTS 89c : ' A broken line of Children's White Wool Vests and pants ; regu- lar value 85c. Special, each.. v. V... I . ....... ....... . . .30 Penny Savings - For the Banks First Floor Shops. r -Nickelplated and Black. Safety Pins, with guarded spring, all sizeSfJbest. quality. Special at, the dozen. ..... .. ......... .5 Mottled Enamel Stocking Darners, in assorted colors. Special t, each "i.;, ;..;;;.4 Best Quality Sewing Machine Oil, will not gum or corrode; our . 5c value. Special at, the bottle. .... ;Y; 3 White Pearl Buttons, two holes, all sizes, two dozen on card ; ' value 10c the dozen. Special at, the card of two dozen 10 Linen Mesh Dress Shields, absorb like sponge; our 25c value. ' Special at, the pair. ..... . . 1 . .".I ................. k ...... . ,19 Fine All-Bristle Hair Brushes; our 35c value. Special at, each. .20 Fine- Medium Size"Silk Toilet Sponges ; our 18;. value. Special at, each . 12, French Tooth Brushes, extra quality, assorted styles; our 25c value. Special at, each. . . .Y. . ... .'.15 Imported Italian Castile Soap, in green or white, finest quality, large 4-lb. bars ; our 76c value. Special at, the bar.. . . ..... .40 Hand Mirrors, with heavy bevel glass and hard rubber back, either ' black or mottled ; our $1 value. Special at, each, J.V... 1 . . ,C5 m THE GREAT STORE'S STYLE SI30PS Again we say NO FORMAL OPENINGS THIS FALL, too busy to stop for dress parade. But here, tomorrow we hold our second informal presentation of the newest in Autumn Mer chandise and the latest in Fall Modes and,Fashlons. Full jeason shows In Millinery, Suits, Wraps, .Gowns, Furs and Waists, Silks and Dress Fabrics, Laces and Embroideries, Under wear and. Hosiery, Neckwear, Gloves, Shoes. Men's Outfittings in short, everything for house hold use or. personal wear of women, misses and children, and Furnishings for the sterner sex. Tomorrow'- events will be so really important in the Fashion world bounded by the store's shopping limits that every woman in - Portland should enter the date in her engagement book, and folk from out of town should plan to com to the store. It is no longer n open question people have come to absolutely KNOW that the OLDS, WORTMAN A KING STORE SETS THE STYLES FOR THE PACIFIC SLOPE. ;, That'a provable in many wayi -by the extent and elegance of our importations; by. the high class,. genteel tone of the vast stocks shown; by the evidence of your own trained eyes. Tourists know that few stores in the eastern states show such stocks or give an equal service. Not a store in all America, lo cated in a city TWICE THE SIZE OF PORTLAND SHOWS STOCKS EQUAL TO OURS. And Portland people appreciate their BEST and FOREMOST STORE.- Few stores with the convenience and SAFETY one meets with at this store; one shops with more safety and with greater satisfaction in' Portland's stores than in either the shops of New York or Paris. If you go to London youll find stupendous solidity combined with a heavy feeling of somber ness connected with shopping amid the surroundings: of the better metropolitan storesand should you not buy you'd be asked "What you came in for?" And you'd sure not like London styles. In the majority of things.; In connection with this elaborate but informal display of the new and beautiful, a lavish lot of matchless bargains has been arranged in every section of the store. A GRAND DOUBLE ATTRACTION WILL : FILL THURSDAY'S HOURS WITH BUSY BUSINESS. SPLENDID AUTUMNAL STYLE,HOWS AND UN MATCHABLE BARGAINS IN PLENTITUDtt ALL OVER THE STORE. . GREAT SALE OF HOUSEFINDINGS AND CULINARY "NEEDS IS'ON A Things of beauty and of art that housewives need every day. Work-savers and worry-savers the ul stocks abound with them. . Implements and utensils desired to lessen the drudgery of housework-fcsurely such an end is worth planning for? And there are -money-savers, too well bought lines of down-to-date appliances on which makers , have joined with us in lessened "profits. ; Start 4f you will on the ground floor in the spacious "Domestic" aisles. There the shopper finds hosts of wonderful values .in linens for the' tables,' towels and other fabrics for household use; many underpriced so that it pays to do holiday shopping now to furnish the-Thanksgiving tables- Pass along up bv rapid transit to the Third Floor, where spread out before you in almost endless array is handsome china ware and a wonderful variety of the little things so much needed in- the-kitchens. -Here, too, one finds just the STOVES AND HEATERS she is looking for at prices less than she had planned to pay. . Another jump and we land on the Fourth Floor, among the magnificent array of House-Fittings, Carpets, Rugs.' Curtains.- TirprW Reds.' Bedding, ttc Ard t"ff tV-"T' iim-iWhy? Because September is a busy month with housekeepers getting homes in readiness for Jail and winter. ' And true to the OLDS. WORTMAN ft KING idea of helpfulness, we time'the sale to meet the first faH needs of the housewife. The store turns to your advantage its ability to gather very largely at lowest prices, and puts economies within the reach when to save on what one must of necessity have is an added satisfaction. livery Portland housewife should can the list carefully and act quickly.- First Floor Domestic Section.- - . ' PLEASING SURPRISES IN LINEN STORE & DOMESTIC SHOPS Linen Tea Cloths 88c Tea Cloths, made of heavy linen finish tiger 'cloth, plain hemstitched, sire 80x30. Special at each ,V. 38 Scarfs for the Dresser Hemstitched and fancy drawnwork, size 19x48. Special at, each. . . . .'. ... i. .'. . .50e and 70t 00c Doilies 48c About 50 dozen all linen fringed Doilies, slightly soiled ; regular value 90c. Special, the dozen.. 48 Jluck -Towels 40c Extra -weight-alUmen-HuclcTowels,- -; . large size. -Special it, . . ........ . . . . , , . 4 . .... . .' . . .20e Linen Russia Crash 12c Heavy all linen. RussiaXrash, 18 V inches wide, soft and absorbent. Special at, the yard,12 Table Linen Remnants1 Remnants of Table Linen and odd half dozen Napkins at great, reduced prices. New Fall Flannels Fall Flannels, in white, embroidered, scalloped and hemstitched effects. Values, - V- -m the yard .. ................. .65, 75, 8W White Angora Cloaking For opera capes and children's coats, M inches wide. Value ' the yird ' 3S0 Outing Flannel 6c 100 pieces light, medium and dark Outing Flannels. Special at........5 Just received, another shipment of new Plaid Waistings, patterns o( all the different clans. 5ee them.- HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIES AMONG THIRD FLOOR STOCKS UNEXCELLED VALUES IN "HAVILAND A CO.'S DECORATED CHINA, t v -piece Decorated Dinner Sets. ',": ' -Special at, set.... V.;............. 810.85 100-piece-Decorate& Dinner -Sets - Special at, set. : . .. . ....f 28J25 112-piece Decorated Dinner Sets. , ! - Special at, set..... . .......... ..V.8310 117-piece Decorated Dinner Sets. Special at, set........ 837.70 "QUICK MEAL STEEL RANGES $34JiO. rhelf Quick MeaT is-rreal steel range, every part possible is made of steel, no stove putty - or cement of anv kind used, made tight and - lasting. Special at, each. . ........ .$34.50 "Quick Baker" Steel Range. Special at, eacl 1 ..... . .f 23.50 SPECIAL SALE OF ENAMELED WARE. 3-qL Lip Kettles. Special at, each. . ... ..16 8-qt.' Berlin Kettles. Special at, each . . . .33 2-qt. Coffee Pots. Special at, each......30 8-qt. Tea Kettles. - Special atr each.r..60 17-qt Dishpans. Special at, each...'. ,...55 2-qt. Pudding Pans. Special at, each. . . .12f Nq. 8 Iron Frying Pans. Special at, each. 33 No. 8 Iron Kettles. Special at, each. . ; 62 12-inch Basting Spoons Special at, each..3 Repair Kapbs. Special at, the dozen... .10 A Choice Line of Hardware--Everything for home use of standard makes and guaranteed quality. ; - - - "QUICK STEEL HEATERS" For coal, steel top and bottom, all joints per fectly fitted, absolutely air-tight, no soot no smoke, no puffing, no gas. SEE THEM. Great Special Autumn Safe Rare, Magnificent Oriental Rugs - INDIAN tbBES AND CLAKOTS UNDCRPRICCD v ., : -.;- - - - ORIENTAL RUGS. - . , ' " i V.v; In small, medium and carpet sizes, including Tsraghan. Bokhara. Khivat, Soumaks, Katakv Anatolias, Berfainos. Afgnans, Beloochiitan, Camels Hair,. Daghestani, Delhi, Kabistan, Kirmanshah, Khorrasan, Shovant, Sanrk, Shux, etc. i See how the prices have fallen for this sale: ' . ' Regular $10.00 value Special at, eacH.. ..........4...... f SvOO Keguiar is.uu vaiue opeciai , iicn... , A ?. Regular $18.00 Talue Special at, each 14.85 Regular $22.00 value-special at, each.. ....S18.40 Regular $25.00 value-special at, each.. .............$21.00 Regular S2S50 value Special at, each.;.. ..$24.00 Regular $30.00 value Special at, ech. ............. ..,...$25.50 Regular $35.00 value Special at, each., ..$29.50 Regular $37.50 -value Special at, each,. .,.$32.00 Keguiar S4U.UU value special at, eacn ..... Regular $45.00 value Special at, each., ...$38.T5 Regular $50.00 value Special at, each $43.00 Regular $55.00 value Special at. each....i.-.$4.00 Regular $60.00 value Special at, ech....:.$52.00 Regular $70.00 value Special at, each $59.BO Regular $7500 value Special at, each $83. OO Regular $8500 .value Special at, each,,....$TO.OO Regular $90.00 value Special at, each.. ...$75.00 Regular $100 valued-Special at, each.....-.$8.Oe $34.00 S7J0 INDIAN BLANKETS 145. ' The original Pendleton Navajo Blankets, fine fleece wool, and Indisn Robes, suitable for souvenir for viiitorc, restilar $7.50. Special, each...... $4.5 . FANCY INDIAN ROBES AND BLANKETS. Regular $4.50 value Special at. each........$2.SO Regular $5.50 value Special at, each..,.'....$4.80 Regular $6.50 Value Special at, each.. .$8-0O Regular $7.50 Value Special at, each.. ..,..,$8XO 'ExpeHence is the best teacher" and whatdid-ft-teach you last - ( year when you put otf buying tne: , - , . Libra Til the eleventh hour? BRING THE - SCHOOL tfllLUKiiW . w, i MORROW let 'em pick out the slatea i and t pencils, the pretty and handy t T. "Scholar'a Compamons, the compost r' ' . f .l. j . jt i:mU lion pooas mc uuku uu vf iu -'needs for school life that, they'll want next Monday morning when the school bell rings. Prices are RIGHT NOW goods are RIGHT NOW, better take advantage of this advice NOW.. Here's aids to knowledge at mites of prices: ly School Tablets, large sire, plain paper, each, 5e or 3 for 10 Pencil Tablets, large size, ruled, each;::V.v" .VTJ;';;'i'iri;".4 Ink Writing Tablets, special lot, tzch V..-,:.. Ink Tablets, ruled, each. . ;.7t 8e?, 9e lOf, 12f, 15f and 20 Lent Tablets, white or yellow pages, each... ...... 104 Best Composition Books, 40 and 48 leaves, each. ...... .5e Best Composition Books, 72 leaves each. .......;. ,........XUe Our President' Composition Books, each... ........ ...5s: and lOf Student Note Books, each. ...... ;...5s and 10s) Pencil Sharpeners, each. ................ 5 and 10 Stenographer's Note Book, each . . ', ......... . . .' , .5, 7p and 10 f Featherboiie Eye Shades, each. ..... . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . .... .'.25 Memorandum Book8eachT5:,.r,.i.5 Drawing Pads, each . .'. . . .". . . . , .7. . . . . ...... . . . . ,'. . . . . . . . . 10 f Chamois Skins, each.... .......................... ..5f and 7t) Pencil Boxes', with lock and key, each . . .. . . . . .'. . V.4t( Sf and 10 f Round Pencil Boxes, each............. ...... .2 Sponges, each rr. . . . . . i . . . .... . . . . ....". . t . . . . . . . . . . .4 and Tif Plain Cedar Lead Pencils, the dozen ......:..:.;.,......5f Rubber Tip Cedar Lead Pencils, the dozen ......... ... . . . . . ,10$ Rubber Tip Lead Pencils, each; ;......24, 2t, 3s, 4s and 5 Rubber Erasers, each ....i...:......l, 2f, 3f, 4$ and 5 Slate Pencils, plain , ... .r ..... . . . . ........ .2 dozen 5 Soapstone Slate Pencils, the dozen .:,.,.........'. 5t Wood Covered Slate Pencils, each le or the dozen 10s Colored Wax School Crayons, the box. ............ ,...4e and 5$ White School Chalk; 144 sticks in box, each . ."i .'-.".TT".v..,'.7 Ink-Wells, eath 13ffl9fS?79fntt0t Penholders, each.... ..If, 2s, 2 3e, 4? and S Drawing Compasses, each.,; . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . ; .6 Drawing Sets, 25c value at 15e each; 38c value at 25et each; 50c - value at "30 "each. : ' ' Book or Shawl Straps, eacji ........ .V. . .. .1 , . . .: . . . 'i JOs Leather Book Straps, each.....;.. ........ ...i. 5t Patent Leather Book Straps, each . . . . . ; ,5s Waterman's Ideal Fountain Penseach, 2.50,' 53 JM), C4r C5 and 86. - - -r.-,-v--. --.?-:.; - Fountain Pens, each. ; . : ... ..... . .". . . . .T.. ;...., . . .81.00 Bamboo Rulers . . 3 for 6s Brass Edge Rulers, each. '. .". .fl ...5e Twine School Bags, each..... ......... 25t, 35s, SOs and 75 Pocket Knives, each 10s, 15s, 25, 35s, 50s to 2.50 Kneaded Erasers," each.'. ...................... . . . . . . ........ .54r Best Black Letter InR72 oz. bottle, each.......... 3e rarteriTBest InkTthrbotm;. ..... .5, lQj?, 15t 25 and 45s' Library Paste, tHe bottle....-, ...........5s, 10s and 15s Pencil Holders, each ... W .! . . ; i. . . 5 Blackboard Erasers, each ...... r. , 5t ' Kindergarten Scissors, each. r. ;..................... .4 .... . .54 7x11 Bound Slates, each . . , . . . . i . . ...................... 8 Women's Kerchief Bargoin Handkerchiefs for Everybody Less Than Usual to Pay. . ' " . ; " First. Floor Shops. . ' :" - ,Z IZtfc FOR LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS WORTH 20c. Ladies' Fine Sheer Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, manufactured . by the famous Richardson Manufacturing company, and imported by us direct from Ireland. .Very dainty handkerchiefs and v , our 20c value. ' Special at, each. ...125e ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS IN : ; ? v Pretty Art Pieces vMfe Art Stitchery Shop Annex Second Floor. , ' . LEWIS AND CLARK SOUVENIR PILLOW TOPS FOR S3c These Pillow Tops are stamped in Oregon gripe design," with ffio tures of J-ewis and Clark, Oregorsseal and motto, plain ' back to " match top. ' A diagram given with each pillow top showing colors. to be used. Special for Monday and all week at, each. . ,. ..36t New Lambswool Slipper Soles For knit or crochet s tippers very . soft and warm. In all sizes from t,he smallest infants' sizes to the very largest. in men's sizes. "'ti:Z "l- '. s ' ', just received. . ' ' ; . New Swiss- shopping, lunch and school Baskets, in Art De .partment, Second Floor, Annex, each. ............... ......35t Women's Fall Petticoats and Gowns UnderpricedChilcf ren' AVhite Aprons Le 559 Second Floor Annex. 7c FOR LADIES' FLANNELETTE GOWNS WORTH $1X3. Ladies'. Flannelette Nightgowns, in daiqty pink and white or blus and white stripes: made high neck with turnover collaryc ;, collar and cuffs trimmed with fancy finishing braid all reu!;r and extra large- sizes to No. 19; our $1.33 vslue. Special - sale pnee, eaclj. . ; . . . ....... . . . ' -. y. :; LADIES' PSTTICCAT2. We are now showing our full line of LaLs' T!l t coais. une 01 tne pew features a.c j 1. PeJ r hh 18-bch merceriied fr:i (" 5 I