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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1905)
.Tils or.zcc:i daily jour.:iAi; rcrrrLAiiT). '-Wednesday evening, September w. icx TOUN TOPICS xoxiaxrs abtobxkxxts, Warouam "The nipwou" Balaam... "Ceptala Jlake of tha Horse Marlaae" Emalr. . . "rahU HiiuAit" rla ..-... ...."The BHant wit hakar Meelcal Burlcwiu . tlir . Grand . veuoaniia .VaudavUle EVENING PAPER MomniiG paped Oh ; kandrad aae ' fenrtaea ef the , - larfaat departmant atora. throashoot . the United ItUH - ware aekad which pa par waa tha moat profltabie (nr adrr-'' i ililof the maroinf or Um erenlns; 10 ' Br(frra4 tha ?nlo paper. Hi ere- 1 lrr4 tb morning. . To Jouraal will pebUek a letter each .evening froaa ooa ot the 10. . " Tha Kanaaa City Star (vk ln) and tha Kanaaa City Times (morning) are both delivered at, "tha homes st the one subscription ' price. On la aa good aa tha othar ; i from a newspaper Standpoint, but by obearvatton I And that tha ma- -Jorlty-of eaer earry-off the snoro- ' ing edition on tha ar whan going to business, while, on .tha othar ' hand, tha nlmbla houaawlfa haa . planty of tlma to read tha even-. ' Ing paper.' and will thoroughly dt gest.a department atore ad."'- ' BTBON D. BAII.EY, ' ' Adv. Mgr., Emery, Bird, Thayer , Dry Oooda Co., Kanaaa City, Mo. . lit Portland and in Oregon Marly 0V9fybody read Tho Journal, " . ' ' . Tha Oregon and 'Waahtngtonf Inter atata .t Laundrymen'e aaeociation will , meet at 10 o'clock next Monday morn ,. Ing on tha aeoond floor of tha Chamber of Commerce.' The member will have headquarter at tha Oregon hotel. Bust- neaa of tha association, will oocupy than ' on Monday, and in tha evening they will . visit tha Oaks, and Tueaday will be ' spent at tha exposition. . A banquet, . Tuesday evening will conclude tba pro t (ram. ... t z t . ".v.- Deputy District Attorney Moser this morning filed a moUpn asking that Sat urday. September 9. ba set for the bearing of arguments for a new trial In . tha caaa of tha atate vs. Joseph Toung, , who was recently found guilty of an ' ataault with a dangeroua t weapon on V Kaspar Van Dran, but tha jury, also brought ta a reooromendatloa for mercy. -f-: : "" , - .. Alleging . that her - husband - "becomes Intoxicated aa frequently aa once -a V week,'' Virginia I.- Fairfield has begun ult In -the circuit court to be freed from "'William ralrfleld.j They. were .married .Li In Portland June SI. 1901. Mrav Fair- field- wishes her maiden name of Vlr-,-,' glnla U Bcogglns. restored ... i .' ' . ' "Guilty" waa the verdict Of the Jury that tried Robert King, a bartender for ; John Buaby " and J. ' Droutlhat. aaloon , keepers at Orand avenue and East Mor. - t- rlaon street, charged with selllngjeer to CTarlea"Boggess, aTnlrior. King stated r that Boggess said ha waa 21 years old. "The WoolfceyCrowe Supply company c tas begun suit In ths ' circuit ...court against H."r."Carstens at al for $44.95, , .'' alleged to be due for bulidlhg mate'riala furnished. - Tha company alao asks that '' the defendants ba required to pay Si ' attorney fees, ' i John W. Vannatta of 1S4 East Thirty fifth street, waa thrown from a street car on tha weat approach of tha Morrt '' son street bridge Sunday. 1 Doctors Pel . tit and Robblna put hia dislocated elbow , In place and set the broken bona of his arm, , .. . ; ' . ( r , Changs of Schedule Commencing - Monday, September la, tha regular wln , ter schedule of tha A. C R. R. will be resumed. No. it, leaving Portland 1:10 ., p. m. Saturday will ba abandoned. " Ko. IS, dua to leava Seaside at p. m now JT-."l:L.n m-'' " ' 1 .' Blahop O'Reilly of Baker City,, who a 111 of typhoid fever at St. Vincent's hot pltal, waa reported thta morning to be slightly Improved, and the outlook for his recovery la fair. - Tour credit Is good. Wo have added to our business an Installment depart ment. Tou can buy wa tehee, diamonds ' and Jewelry on weekly payments. Mets ger A Co., jewelers and opticians. 111 Sixth street. . -.. . "JrlIcTes of IncorporatTon were filed In tha county clerk's 'office this morning for, tho Centennial Investment com pay. .Tha directors ara O. C.. Lei ter, Carl a.Kelty and U K. Hodgee. Tha ing are an Good printlnf today win ba good The principles upon wniGh we produce priht- d unchanff m COMPANY 1 i FIRST ANP OAK MAIN 16, You can .view th future with determination and cpur aje, if you haVe not aquan dered all you have earned. Suppose yoii ; quit - some : of your useless expenditures and put some money in the bank. You'll find it pays to save. WB PAY; v PER . CENT. - . INTEREST; ( .-. . general -ii BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. , Oregon Savings; Ban! S21 Morrison Street.- "-- OFFICERS." : : ' W H. Moere, PraaMont. i7,--r-' K. B. tytie, vice-rreaiaeni. W. Cooper Morrla, Cashier. B. ogaa naye, ah a vuunr. I - -DIRECTORS. ' W. H. Moore, , ,j , ; - "' B. B. Lytla, . leo rre'd, - w. n. topeiaau. ' - W. Cooper Morris. . nompaay proposes to deal In property "of every kind, nature ana aescnpiron, and Is capitalised, for 19,000, divided Into 169 shares. . .': ''';' -. " Colonel R. C Judson. IndustrlaUagent Of -the Oregon Railroad aV Navigation company, la ill at St. Vincent's hospital, and hla condition la said to ba too sart oua to admit of friends calling to ses him. He la suffering with, an attack reaembllna brononltta, Ha was report ed today as somewhat Improved. , h. fait.' a-mufula' and livestock show Boats leave our boathouse, upper side Morrison street bridge, every 19 minutes. Telephone Main 9401. . . Th Vmih'i club will arlve a reeen. nA. - tw. n,..nn hulldlnar Frldav even ing to tha hoateeeee of the state build ings, from t. to li ,.i s-.s Great chance for large profit without risk guaranteed mining stock. - Write for 'Information. National - Financing company, 209 Marquatn bulldng, Port land, Oregon. . - Dr. It A. Studevawt. feraaeriy-at-Tha Dalles, Is now with Wise Bros, at rooms 111-11, Tha Falling. Third and Washing ton streets. Phone Mala 1919. Professor Ringlet's physical culture school and dancing aeademy, 109 Aldor street. - Clsss and private instruction. Fat people reduced.' . ; ,: . . rtanrta for 140 eaah nrlsa every Tues day and Friday , evenings. Lewis and Clark . pavilion. Twenty-seventh and Thunnan streets. ' - - : ! ' Dr.' Mrs.' M. B. Hlckey has returned from her vacation and will be found at her chair as nsual, - 11T Dekum building. 1 ' Mrsi! John M. Mann of 2? Fifth street successfully passed a surgical operation yesterday at 8t Vincent's hospital. , ' ' launches' for German ' warship from Merrill's " boathouse, north slda of Morrison street bridge. j . Phone Ex. (I Ex. 95 Ex. IS. Phone Foater Klelser, signs; 1 v , Try a meat without meat at tha Vege tarian cafe, 199 Sixth street. ' ' . ' .. . " Dr. XL C. Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam. Tents. Noon Bag Co. 1st and Couch. Frlts's tamalea ara tha boat. " " , jlLAmothu Musioal Treat. ' Mr. Arthur Alexander,' tha gifted young tenor, makes his , first concert appearance in PorUand since his return from Psrls, at the concert in California building tomorrow morning. Following la the program: Violin aolo "Simple Aveu". .. .'.Thome "Eternity" ........ . .'. . ..Mascheronl Mr. 8. Jw Story, accompanied by, the --pianola.- Pianola "Venesla a NapoH"......IJsit Tenor solo "MattlnaU' TosU n'll Slng-Thee- Songa of Arabjr.Clay Mr. Arthur-Alexander, accompanied by .tha pianola. Fref erred Stoek Oanaed CkMds. AUen A Lewis' Best Brand. . ' " f. printinf tomorrow and forever correct mg STATE 10 . BO : ITS pig Life Insurance Company Or- ganized by Leading Capital- sts of trie Northwest. L. SAMUEL LEAVES ; -V V . EQUITABLE COMPANY Tells What Oregon Hao'Paid Eaat crn Companies in Premiums In the Past -end Says Scandals Have Hurt '. Their Businesay , ; ',:' ''::, ' ;: , The real (nation of L. Samuel, who for 19 yeara has- been In charge of the business of the Equitable Life Insur ance company ' In : thla city,' has been forwarded to the home offloe of the company and will take effect September 10. On October -1 .Mr, 8arauel will be gin the active management of tha Jlfe Insurance company, that la to ba organ ised by local capitalists, reference to which waa' made in yesterday'a Journal. Tha company , will - Start under the most auspicious circumstances. It will bsve a capital stock of 1100,000, fully paid, up, will Include among ita stock holders soma of . the moat Influential financiers of the northwest, and will have approximately $2,009,000 of insur ance with which to begin Ita existence. Already over $400,000 of insurance has been pledged.,.-'' -. The following bualness man or port- Isnd have subscribed for stock and from tha Hat -the board of directorg and offi cers will be selected: ', .. l.-. ,' Ust of Stockholders. A. L Mills, president First National bank; Slgmund Frank, president Meier Frank company; C. F. Adama preelH dent Security Savings es Trust com pany; W. P. Olds, president Olds, Wort man King; J.'Frank Wat eon. president Merchants' National bank; Adoipn Wolfe, managing partner Lipman, Wolfe A Co.; George W. Bates, president Oeorce Wit Bates A Co.. bankers; T. D. Honeymsn, president Honeymsn Hard ware company; Andrew C. Smith, presi dent Hlbernla Savings bank; J. N. Teal. Teal aV Minor, attorneys; J. Poulsen, In man. Poulsen ft Co.; Walter F. Burrell, capltaliat; Leo Frledrf, capitalist; H. W. Ooode, president Portland General Elec tric company; A. H. Devera, Cloaaet Devers; Edward Holman, president Hol- man Undertaking company; Marcus Fleiachner. Flelschnar, Mayer eV Co.j H. Wlttenbers. ' president Pacific Fpl eomDaHyrHrwrcttrW!tarT)rg6nian C 8. Jackson, publisher Portland Jour nal; H. L. Pittock, manager Oregonlan; J.TForbes,-Martin TorbesrfiorlstspA. E. Rockey, physician; W. C Bristol, at torney; George F. Wilson, physician; Henry a - McGinn. attorney; Milton Markewlts, prealdent Buehong Co4 prlntera; Newton W. Rountree, real es tate and tire lnaurance; L. E. Kern, brick manufacturer; L. Samuel, manager Equi table Life; Clarence 8. Samuel, assistant mininr Eaui table Life. Whn Mr. Samuel leaves hs, EqulUj able his son. Clarence Samuel, wiu aiaa sever his connection as assistant man agar. He will be aasoclated with th new .company. "An ureson - lira inauranoe company ran and should . be started here," said Mr. Samuel,- "not - as a- money-making acheme. but to keep In Oregon, for de veloping the state, the money now paid out by Oregonlans for life Insurance premiums and aent abroad to assist In enriching other states. A life insur ance company conducted ' on honest. conservative lines can be made an honor to the stats and profitable to the policy holders. - ' ' What Oregon Vara la Fremlnms. "The amount sent from thla state annually In premiums Is enormous, and haa mora than doubled Itself. In the paat five yeara In 1100 policy-holders in Oregon paid $39,0t In premiums. In 190S they paid 91,ST7,t. ine enure sum was aent into tha treasuries of the big 1 eastern companlea, and rightfully belonged to- Oregon; ' : T Tery likely it would have Men im- posslbls to have started a life insurance company oerore tne exposure oi me methods Of the 'old companlea. But with' tha list of stockholders our com pany' has, and after tha knowledge of how' the old companlea have been man aged there haa been no difficulty, In. deed, the new company will start opera- tlons with aa good or better opportuni- tlea than any company ever had. "There are many reasons wny a me Insurance company In Oregon should be very successful. In the first plsce our company will confine Ita operations for many yeara to the coast, it is gener ally known that the Paciflo coast la the healihleet part of tha United States, and consequently the deatn rate is lower than la other aectlons. 'It Is also known .that tha city of Portland has a lower death rate than any other ia the oouittry, with one ex ception. In view or these racta aione tha company should 'meet . with success from tha very start" ALEXANDER M. 0SBURN DIES AT MONTA VILLA Alexander M.' Osburn, a resident of Oregon since 1191. died last night at hla home In Monta villa, aged 79 yeara Ten days ago he suffered a stroke of apoplexy. . Mr. Osburn waa born In Pennsylvania where tne earner yeara or hla Ufa were spent He waa engaged In dairying and stockralslng in Lane and Benton counties, Oregon, until 1994, when he moved to Fslrvleww- Four years sgo he went to Monta villa.". There sur vive mm, .wiiuH nie wuv, vur wna, George C. of La Grande, Oregon; 8. P W. H. and Guy of Fairvlew, and Ruth Osburn of Montavllla. Funeral services will be, conducted by , Hawthorne lodge No. 111. A. F. A. M.. of which be wss an active member, at 19 Hart ave nue, Montavllla, at 10 a. m. tomorrow. ANSWER RECEIVED TO , . AIRSHIP MESSAGE In reply to the message delivered to htm yesterday by Lincoln Beachey In the Gelatine-City of Portland airship, General Constant Williams, at Van couver barracks, haa written Theodore Hardee, assistant to tha president, as follows: - . "My Dear Sir: I have Just received your letter this morning, conveyed to mo by Lincoln Beachey In tha airship City of Portland. .Captain Baldwin la to be congratulated on hla success In ds vising a dirigible airship, .end on his choice of a pilot Tours truiy, ' -CONSTANT WILLIAMS, " "Brigadler-Oeneal., "' 8teamer Telegraph fop Astoria. Round ' tHp dslly (except Friday)'. V AtAmm atraa Anrlt trie a. m Tts. turning leavea Astoria I p. m. Arriving romana s:sv p. jn. nu ym ir, rui, land Um. Arrives Portland 9 p. av wyn Fii::i-nt : GELECHATE 3W .' ;, "" '. '. ' ; Here's a Chance to Shake Hands ' : With People Who Make the - ,,'.'. Town Crow. ; ' ;; ', ( Tacoma and Pierce County day will ba celebrated at the Washington build ing at the . fair tomorrow. Senator Ad dlaon . Foater and Congressman Frank Cushman will make addresses and vocal music will be rendered by Mlaa Agnea Qulnn, a lyric soprano of Tacoma, 'to tha accompaniment ot the Bchjnltx or Cheetra. - - '.- -J.'; .- . - Fully 1,000 . Tacomana are expected. Many are already In the city and at tending the exposition, and every train from the buetllng city to the north is bearing hundreds of Its cttisena expos! tionward. ,. '.-' , ' On Friday and Saturday Informal re ceptions will be held, to which the pub lic is Invited. The orchestra will ba in attendance, and refreshments will be served. The decorations for . tho week ara - exceptionally - handsome. Many souvenirs have been given away during the fair, and particularly by Tacoma. but none will rank with the handsome and artistic posters. $, 000 ot which will be given away by tha ladles of Tacoma this week. The poster Is ha work of Mlaa F. M. Curtlas, a- talented, young artist of Tacoma. ' i Mra. T. B.- Wallace is the hostess-in-chief for Tacoma week. Her assistants ara Mrs. C M. Seeley, Mrs. William Jonas. Mrs. P. J. Fransoll, Mra. Benja min Grosscup, Mra. W. Dlmmock.' Mra. L. R. Manning. UrsL B. Cajdwell, Mrs. Charlea Hyde. Mra. James Ashion. Mrs. Samuel Perkins, Mrs. Albert Rhodes, Mrs. William 8nell, Mrs. Frank Cush man, Mrs. Addison Foster, Mrs. W. L. Montgomery and Mra. J. Q. Mason. . Thla-Js Cluh-Women'adayA targe number of prominent women of Port land and Tacoma are .snJoylnga recsiFl tlon this afternoon, the musical feature of which is tho singing of Harry Hanlln, a fine basso, formerly of Tacoma -and how of "Chicago. , . ; INTERESTING EVENTS 2Jtf FAIR THURSDAY i ' i 9 , h." . Events at tho exposition tomorrow will include: 9 to 11. in. Concert, Administration band, Foreatry building. ' - 10 to 11 a. ra. Concert. TJ. 8. Artillery band, livestock arena, Lewis and Clark Horse and Cattle show. i -t - 8 to 9 p. m. Concert,' Administration band. Transportation building band stand. 1:10 p. m. Grand concert, Ellerys hand, bandstand. Gray boulevards .-1:10. la :l0 p-nv Concert Ui -B.r- liuery hdo, iiveaioca urni, www m Clark. Horse and Cattle show. 1:10 p. m. Organ recital. Professor F.: W.-Ooodrich,- Forestry building. 1:10 p. m. U. 8. Life-Saving service exhibition drill on take. ' - , " ' 1:10 p. m. Timber teetlng exhibit, Foreatry building government exhibit 4 to 9 p. m. Concert U. B. Artillery band. Government terrace. -. - 5 p. m. Grand operatic concert, Kl- ralfy's ''Carnival of Venice" company, on Rustic steps - (Free.) In the event of Inclement weather this concert will be given at the American inn. 9. p. m. Government -exhibits close. 9 p. m. Exhibit buildings close. - 7:10 V. m. "-Grand concert. Ellerys band, - - bandstand.-' Gray boulevard. In tha event -of - Inclement weather ' this concert wilt be given In the Auditorium. I p. m. Orand electrical illumination. II p. m. Gates close. " - 1 1 1 1 1 - " CONCERT PROGRAMS FOR ELLERY'S BAND Ellery's band will play tha following programs tomorrow at tha fair: Afternoon March. "Flag of viotory" (Von Blon); overture, "Saracen Slave" (Mercadante); "Moccasin Dance"' (Fisch er); - intermesso. "Ruaae" (Franks); "Alda," acene 1. act 1 (Verdi), prelude, tenor aria, trio and finale, Slgnoii Palma, Plantamura, Lamonte and Rlas march. "King Cotton" (Bouaa); "Cavallerla Rua tlcana, belt chorue MaJtcagnl ; J1Span lsh Dance" (Ewplnoaa); grand selection. "I Pagliaccl" (Leoncavallo), prelude, ar rival of the clowns, finale, solos by Big- norl Lomnnte and Rlao. . Evening Marrtv. No. (Manclnl);. overture, "Ruy . Bras" (Mendelssohn); clarionet aolo, i"Nottumo" (Labanchl). Blgnor Declmo; - "Hungarian Dance" (Brahro); grand . fantasia, - "Manon" (Maasanet), preluda,meettng of the lov ers, the gossiping women, minuet, Blg norl 'Palma and Lomonte; "Funeral March" (Chopin): grand aeleotlon. "FUle du Regiment" (Donlsettl); euphonium solo,. "Asthore" (Trotere), Signor Rlao; selection, "II Trovatore" (Verdi), solos by Slgnorl Palma, Lomonts and Maa- cinL , . , Ollastratod Zootaro oa Aatroaumy Dr. Forest Ray Moulton, professor of astronomy In tha University of Chicago,- will give an illustrated lecture at the - Y, IsV-C-Ar auditorium, 1 corner Fourth and Tamhlll streets, Friday evening at 9 o'clock. Professor Moulton has collected a large number of slides, which ars shown In the course of the lecture. Ha ' la assisted by his wife, who has a soprano Jjolca of rare excel lence and will give 'aeveral, numbers during the evening. Professor Moul- ton's lecture Is of a popular nature and can be easily understood and thorough ly appreciated by tha general public. The slides alone have cost over $00. Admission, 90 cents. . When In Seattle - Go to tha Rathskeller, a hlgh-claaa plscs to eat Sea foods, eastern meata. large orchestra daily. Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern snd Sesttle races. - Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder.-' CHANGE Or TIME ' 'IAST STIAKXa , . f Chas. R. Spencer Bs1nn1ng afonear. ftrptrsiher '' 11," win lae kr dork, ftiot ef WMbtnrtmt atrwt, at T a. m.f for Tb. Pallea and wajr solnta, oa Mnadar, WcdnMdar and Friday. Re roralns will tear Tha Dalits oa Tacedar, TkHrada and Batardar at T S. at., tot fortlaad ssd way palate.. v - ON SUNDAY . The gpeeir will wake tha roahd trip to Caerada Locka. laaTlnr foot of Waabloftoa street at 9 a. m., arrilBg seaie at 9 s. aa. Round Trift $ 1 .00. j. Sae the CelameSr Slvor : XeeatebM, p.. ha, M-ka, ld(M. eaarona, gorgee, a tM'f.lla Multnoaiak. ao ft, r,M and man from the oke of thla Ike faetret kkaaauwat sljrlng tbf watara ef those rtvtie. 'i .' ' TaWpboae Mats 14J1' - - '.; -. s. w. srEKoxm. . . Ooaaral Masatar. Portia aa. Oragea, America. Greatest Organist . WilliamiCSCarl,; - " '; -'. Will Appear in'Tw Recitals at tha FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Friday and Saturday, SepL.22 snd 23, at 8:30 p. m. -ASSISTED-tiY-t WIILIAM WALLACE GRAHAM ; S. H: , Violinist : ' ' 'Vi denerel Admisaio Reserved Seats SO . - , AI THE e of Commerce v. Capital $8,700,000 '- : Reserve $3,500,000 .' i , i ' V j - y . . ' ' - Portland Branch, 144 Washington, j - E. A. WTLD, Manager. TraYcIcrs Iclten of Credit ' Available la all parts of tha world lit branches In Canada and the United States, including!. Francisco, Seattle, Victoria, Van-' couver. Nanaimo, New Weatmlns. ter. Dawson (Yukon). j Drafts Issued on r7JZT .V- , ',' aor . Branch Transfers of money to or from any part of Canada by. letter cr " telegram." .. . -."V , '. V ' , . 1 A General Banklng-i Business Transacted' WHERE YOU SAVE MONEY . Right up-to-date lino of Men's aad Youths' Suits and Overcoats st one third leas in price fai com parison to high-rent stores' prices. . . . -- ' Complete line of the swellest patterns of Pants from $1.75 up to $5.00 as good as you ' pay from $3.00 to $7.00 elsewhere. The latest shapes' of Hats at 33 per cent less than you pay elsewhere. ' A general line of Shtfes you save almost one half in com parison with other shoe stores' prices. ' ,s Big money saving on Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Com forters, ' : . ..You can save quite a bit on Underwear and Overahirts. We have strictly one prii marked in plain figures.. Running Two Stores Corner First - snd Yamhill snd Cor. Third snd Davis We Save You Money on Freight Rates ,,.'''... ... ... In shipping Houaehold Goods to snd from the East and Cali fornia, offering' Through Car Service, which reduces chance of damage to a minimum. Write or Phone for Rates. ; It Will .,, Pay 'You. ; ' ,-: Portland Vim & ' Storcge Company General Forwarding Agents . ' Offtco and Warehouse: 29-31 NOXTO FIFTH STREET s PHONE MAIN 1520. , ABTU: EMPIRE THEATRE J.,ki:nM.!.07.,r . THE POPtrLAB THEATRE. ' TONIC nT ALL TBIS WEEK. MATINIES SATl RDAT AND SUNDAY. BDWARD B. SALTER srMoate a Kr Tnrk Company of la the Powerfal Drast- attaatloa ot Marie Caralll'e - . "Fctio Roncni ., OB, TTU TIBT)ETrA.J..7 j: EVENINilrf-lne! V. See. MATINREaWioe, IV. SSe. y' Best AMtaetleayThe- Oaatlcts Daachtar.", John Cellar of New orkGity- AUCN - GOODWYN HfHlR N. DV0RE "Tsnor . .Accompanist - lt AT t A. A O. FELDBNHEIMER AaranxzsTTS. White Temple l TweUih aa4 Taylor Streets. ; SATURDAY, .SEPT. 23 at 8:15 p. nv NORELLI BOaTaTA SOrBAJTO, . ! x Metropolitan' Opera,' N.,T. '"" ' ' Royal Opera : (Covent .tlardsn) ' ... London, FIRST AMERICAN APPEARANCE ' AFTER 'HER EUROPEAN : . .tour in ; rr: 7" : , - Grand-Opcratic-' Concert f! TICKETS $1.50, $1.00, 75c ' On sale at Woodard, Clarke A Co 'a and Rowa it Martin's and at door. - - &?rm Theatre n. w. t. ism. C. Halll. Pr aaaTtb, I , TONIGHT AT Mtt OUOCK ; ' . Sry KltM This Week. --' faldera WHsiark's Coandy-Opera'.Sstaaes, it THE CHAPERONS Satgnas Oaetaaaee fietty eWa Oatcky atsala Wear the lata at Beag Saiaaas "The Whole Dsma FssiljT rsirKS Emilnsa: tfc, 88e. S0e. Tfte. 91 ai, Manna. aae. sae. our. 7 dc ana si. Saats Ara Kow oa- Bala. Belasco Theatre lath sad Waah. ':' Belaaee A Marer. Props.'. ' " ITTn.WECtf BELASCO STOCK CO. , , j ' TOaTIOBT 919 . ALL. WXEX .t -: - TBS LAITOHIXO SUCCESS -' ''" CAPTAIN JINKS OF THIL Ityaiat ntctl HORSE MARINES PRICES Klght 5e. SSe. BO sed T9e. llalloaaa c SBe aad 90c. ' ' mrxr wot. "ox m etrrrr.' Coming Sooo WWta' Whlttlaeay. . . To Clareinont Tavern , rAatorre tob ; 'Maryland Chlekevn Beautiful J4:Mile Ride Aa9o leaves Oraroa Kotel, aSopptae a aa rortlaad. S. 4, e S, IS p. as. Sail ' RoundTfipi $Li90 THEATRE - 3d and Yamhill Pbnno Mala 190T. OBEOO! THKATRS CO., LESSEE.' GEO. L. BAKER. MOR. THE IIOMB Or BtlRLKHQUE. i Every Evrnlnc (ricM Haturdar), 9:18. ' - Mattavoe Thuradaj anS Hotiirday, S:U. , - ALL IU18 WEEK . , MerrymaKfts' Extravaganza Co. Pussy romciaaa, iiraaiTinii womoa, . ttaso. aom OrartamM, Lalmt Songa. - . KF.riNF.K VAI-PBVILLE. Sdm-UI TUB EXPOSITION roUB raetsre . SVS.lS(tIH-r, flor, inr. MATINEES Hfc. 99c. ae. 90e. THE GRAND rrrrsiicHS bbos. tbio. . SOME. MAYO AND IVLlXXi - ... THOMrSOll SISTEBS...,. . ' . i PALMES ABO BOBIM90B. , rsiD rcmiwTON. THE OBABOISOOPE.' OaTtl adnlaaluo, lue; emnlnse. SB4laya and Hxlldaa. marvad - aeats an Iowa floor, : tlalljr suUaae, aatlre floor, 10e; box rata, tfte. , ' .- THE STAR ME9ALUOH TBTO. BICE AID EDWARDS. TBI OLAD9TOXI CHILDRXV, , - , HEET9 ABD VVVM. . . , .' BAPPT ALtfN. . t . BOT M'BRAIH. - ' ttt flar A a naras 1 s aa aNvUVEai A. Qnrn adiulMlA, Ur; renins, ir tvd knltda. rfrt4 aat oa hrmor trr. r j siaiiy aiatiDM, antir low? floor. 10c; IWNi WIMi 9W. LYRICTH EATRE Keating and Flood Mgrs. WEEK STAB TIBS KOKbIt. 9XPTEMBEB 19 lUv L..vul WUvknl ' "A'Beert Slv-v oS Ih. Rr Moastalaa" 1(1 t adkic::: i .a tszi m kguultlIG,: A'BHOWINQ . of cbeu - for tourist, street and , evening v wear. Fancy long coats, coverts and three- quarter coats of heavy chev iots and,, imported broad cloths in many new shades ; black, brown, gray and the light y fancy mannish mix tures , predominating. The long and three-quarter coats Jut in the full, loose style and hand tailored throughout. Evening and opera coats are shown in , many shades. Every garment that has found its way into our stock has the sanction of the au thoritative designers. At this time of thgyear whett every one is more or less concerned with their fall and winter ap parel our credit plan stands out like a beacon light in en abling all to help themselves to buy the best of wearing apparel in the easiest way, We give you the most stylish garments, - which we fully guarantee ' both as to price and quality, and all you need ever pay is a very ' small amount weekly or monthly. Begin . the season rights by purchasing excellent quah ties and feeling the incon venience less : than ' though you' '- had bought ' Inferior clothing - always dearest - in the long run, and paid when , you bought K:"-,'., $1 A WEEK TheStorermTtarGrtditbGofti outfitht;g co si) itassic $tiin Great Auction oi Chinese ceO w 1 1 . 1 . Owing to' being overstocked tor the Fair trade and' the . vary limited room tn our atore, wa con cluded to force our roods st auc tion aals.- The larseat stoek of this kind In tha city. ' eons latin ot beautiful aUverwara. elolasonne, satsums new . brass ware, ebony carved furnlturee. embroidered silk -kimonos and fine decorated porcelain tea eete, etc. '. Bala oommaneea 1:99 and T:t9 p. m. Continue retalllna; before or after auction; wbolaaale at wars bouaa. . ' mmm ' Andrew Kan & Co. SST'Kontsom etreot, B . Voarta aad rifSh, We Ought to Sell You Yrcr COALCCIiE We hsndle sll the beet arsdes of dn meetle and forelrn coal a. and an there fore sell yen snythlna la that Una iu mar fancy. We eaa eupply you wi i mixed loads or tons or half a d- sacks, no two alike, ao that after tou may order the kind you Use v i best. Vulcan Cccl C T.lan.tiOa1 fee tra , LOUIS PIAWO BTTBIO t Par tare 9 est I Japar.es2( 1 ' '