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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1905)
V- T DI-DAV L,. .1110. C Pa. 1 ' "V07f:rrTnQ ' JO . i ILU..JLUU t ilLa ' J' i' lit c V:uJi filtph'jwif Bailey ; Gatxert : : Causa Wayes That.Teaj Arabia From Dock. :, i,..':'.-''"' r.fton FORTUNE -ALONE - - . - PREVENTS BAD ACCIDENT ' WaiWnVwffl Be Itwed for the At ' rttt of the Offending Captain by 7 Harbormaster Biclio' and Race -JTill Be Stopped Hece " Waves created hf tha' steemers Tel phone end ' Bailey Oatsert while they wr racing through th harbor r thla ; morning bound for Cm cad Lock broke ;tha cfcMetf by which th orlantal liner .Arabia wa jnade laat at mo iir p"' . and almost act tha big freighter adrift. 1 Had. not tha Ball org and longshoremen V caught and apllcetf tha parted lines tha ' ateamahlp would probably haver gcna !- down tha river. She rocked like a small . ', , boat oa tha mammoth wavea and wa In j considerable danger for a time. - John Kelly. In charge of tha docks for -the Harrlmaa ateamahlp tinea, maoe ..' comnlalat to Harbormaater Ben Blglln about tha matter, and the latter, say ha i will hays warrants Issued Oils afternooa for the arrest of Captain BaughnUn of tha Telephone and Captain Sherman of the .Oataert for exceeding tha speed 'limit In the harbor. Ha states that ha (Intends to put a atop to racing In the harbor. If .possible, at one., 4 In apeak .1. ng of tha affair this morning Mr. .Kelly aid: - , ' . -"These races will have to atop. If , tha city doea not take steps to end tha " nulsanoe. tha Portland Aaiatw steam : ship company will sea what It can da v about the matter. - We were delayed al 5 most iwo' hours in tha work of loading the Arabia- thla morning. It la a great rwnnilr that soma una waa not hurt. When tha ahlp waa rocking it waa tha ., merest chance that a number of flour i eacke on the chotes- did not Jump the track and strike, the men who were In ? ha hold. If the racing, la allowed to .continue, aooner or later, a ahlp will be wrecked and Uvea will be lost," Tha Telephone waa oa her first trip "-te Cascade Locks aa an excursion boat ' Juat ahead of her waa the Gat Bert, and ,. It Is asserted that both were going-at full speed ii( order to lead tha way to 4tb lock. -"y'.' V:y.y iSAVE DEER FROM DEATH. i 1 11 m i mo wshct waaena rmwm 'y From Xenada, Xante and BUrer. -Pursued by doga, a half -gronrn deer . ' tumTMWI fntA the Pnwllta rlvar vaatanlav ..i-Jnornlng, wa 'captured by. tha crew of -tha steamer , No Wonder, brought to '. Portland and Will b turned over to the , ,-vny para. I Tha No Wonder had a raft of log in ".'tow when the fawn made Its appear- '. j anca on tha banks of tha river. From "tha adjacent hills came a couple of .baying hounds, and following them waa '- a banter. Tha deer plunged Into, tha . Stream and started to swim to the oppo site shore, but could not get by tha raft and orirjed toward tha boat, : r The craw decided to aava the Ufa of the frightened animal If poaslble. Every 'minute ihav exoected tit aaa the hnntar : " fire. !Enarlnr Jna Wandatl fennai inm. '- thing about handling a rope tn eoWboy - fashion: Hastily making a lasso of one of Hm-'towllnaa ha-thraw tYt liuin Avar the fawn'd head and drew tha animal to '.'the aide' of the boat. Then all bands , pulled -It on board, taking care not to harm hair of Ita allken coat. -The-deer waa tied to a post on the 'lower deck and a bunch of hay waa ' thrown to it. Before Parrland waa reached It had eaten moat of tha fodder t-Mna -gratefully -accepted the . which tha deckhands bestowed on It. f.V ' FLIES SWEDEN'S RAO. ta Vert ' trm Bis; anopsaam af enaaav ' For the first time in two year tha , ' flag of Sweden was seen flying from the maat of a ahlp In tha harbor when tha . CUdi, MacParlana arrived today from Antwerp by way of Port Los Angelea. Ana square-riggsr dropped anchor In the stream below tha bridges, but will die- -T " r t alrisl flnnk j CapUln Nelson ta in command and , reports that ha made tha paaaaga from the California port in tl dava.- It ra- t qalred ltt days to complete tha voyage , from Antwerp ta Port Los Anar.laa: ua , month waa spent roundlna tha Hon. , Very aevere weather waa axnartannaii m ,-thls part of the trip and a couple of . t-, aaiia wsr iosu, - .t . " " la th ' frelrht ara . ll.M eaaea . of gUaa and a quantity of whlakey and , , mineral -water. Th glaaa. shipment la r, tha targeame arrive here from Europe . for a nuYnbeV Of veers: It la mnalanut tn W. P. Fuller ar Co. The ahlp la not "I ."'W VULWMU pMHIL The British steamship Imaum reached - naroor aout noon from Bhanehal in ballast; at Astoria ahe was held about a , week In quarantine. There waa no elck- naaa on oard. but tha government of fl- i,.-. :r.-:. . ' "r t. ijiror: ; rev v-1 vv I taw: v .',s.f J . "L -jr JaTa T:.':'"''.A" ".." mi M s JkO fx I salnaanaanav ' , aBsrf ' Former Senator Stewart and HI Wife. Who Waa Mrs. Apiea May Cone, SeutM waxVOac. Worth $10,000,OGA Now Joor, Has Taken Hla Wife to RhyoUte to Begin life Anew., He I 78 and She Half HiaAl WART BETRAYS? HAN 1 .OF FRAUD Frank Kemeroraky la tha unfortunate poaaeasor of a amall wart on tha tip of hla nose. To thla fact ha owes hla ar rest today by Detective 'Day and Vaughn on a charge of defrauding hla creditor at' Philadelphia almoat alx montha ago. ' v. v'"".,.' .'..'; Early in April, the police received a telegram from John B. Taylor, superin tendent of police at Philadelphia, ask ing them to locate and arrest Nemerov- aky.-who waa known to have taken the train for hero with hi wife, son and daughter after selling, aaalgnlng and secretly removing good from hla store tn order to defraad hla creditor. - Tha amount he had mulcted thera out of was sal a to be more than ioe.. v 1 dale thought tha water ballasfshe car ried might contain diaeasa germs. She la under charter to take grain and flour to Japan. . . : . , '. .. ',-t, SCAMMON GETS UCENSE. OaptaU af k Dana Ofty maaaoisa . Fosttlom ta tha Mot-Boa. '..', : Captain tfld Scammon will at one a sume hi old position aa master of th steamer riallaa Cltv. - Hla liccnaa. anav ended by local United' State Inspectoral Kdwerda and Fuller for alx montha, dat ing from June 1, hie been returned to him by Supervising Inspector Bermlng ham of San Francisco. In tha appeal of Captain Spencer, who had hla license auapended at tho earn time, Bermingham upheld tha decision of the local Inspectors. The suspensions were mada heos use -oX.AhajQmalonJe-tween the Charle R. Spencer and tha Dalle City- ,-;' ., - , , VVILt TEST ORDINANCE.: atarbor-Btaeta Want to B Xdf Frisirver Saw t OoaurtttotloBaL ' For th purpose of teatlng the ordi nance recently passed by the city coun ell compelling all launche carrying pasaencera to have life preservers. Harbor-master Ben Biglin saya he will file a complaint . thla afternoon - against Fred 8. MorrI, WhSflt Is alleged, took It people on a trip down th river and had no life saving equipment on board. Launch owners will take mora than or dinary intereet in tha case, a most of thenT arerof the opinion that th council a L'J I'JDSmWE IN PHILADELPHIA - A search was made for Nemerovsky. who haa a broth": here, conducting a etore on Front atreet. but be could not be located. Thla : morning ha -waa ar rested oa tha charge of selling olgar ettea to a minor at hla dgaratand, T1 Thurmau atreet. aear th entrance to tha fair ground. Police Clerk - Archie Leonard saw tha wart on hla noaa and remembered that tha man wanted at Philadelphia alao had a wart on his nosa .-,'- .f,f ". - . ' ' '-'."n . Detectives Day. and Vaughn were ao qualnted with th coincidence and making- an Investigation learned that he la tha man wanted by the 'Philadelphia police. He waa arreatad and tha Phil adelphia authoritlea notified by wire. ha no jurisdiction in tha matter. Con aequenlly. they-ipect to see Mr. Morris released. 'Th harbor-master states that It will imply b a friendly tt cue -1 ";;:. '' ' 'i' ALONG vTHE WATERFRONT. In a few days th Karnm line will be operating a gasoline scow on tha upper awter of th Lewla river. . It WlU draw about four inches. ' ' ; -, Th 'American ahlp Berlin 1 discharg ing ballast at th Banfield dock prepar atory to taking grain for San Francisco, When all her other freight has bean removed, th German ship Adolf will shift from th Mersey to tha dock of th O. W. P, Ry. Co.. where she will dls- cbarge a ahlpment of atructural lro Joseph fiupple has been awarded th contiaiit' to butld-a-eaupls'-of hnnsa- boat. 1 by f 9 . feet, for the govern ment, which will be used by th United gutea en sineera while they ar making survey on the Upper Columbia liver. United ' State Inspectors : Edwarda end Fuller returned thla morning from Wallula, Washington, -where .they In spected th ferryboat Elsie May. ' This, afternoon the British bark Drumcralg, lumber laden, will leave for Manila.- " ' 7 ' ;' . Th ateamahlp' Nleomedia arrived at Hongkong JronjPortUnd jrior.JtO.. SPr tember 80. ... In tow of the Ocklahema, th schoon r Mabel Gala , arrived thla morning from th mouth of th river and went to tha Inman-Poulsen tnllL where she will receive lumber for San Francisco. With a small cargo. of general mer chsndise, th steamer- South - Bay ar rived tht morning from the Bay City; ha will take out grain and , lumber.-1 Thla morning the steamer Alliance ailed from Kureka for Portland . and way porta, and Is expected Saturday. ', All th salmon was discharged this morning from the American ahlp C F. Sargeant, and tomorrow tha vessel. will leave for Cliffton, where ah will tl up for tha winter. ' ' : Steamship ceana. under charter to Mltsut aV Co.. to load Hour. aid.rLn at Portland for -Japan, arrived , oS the mouth of the river thla morning from Shanghai. Aa she cam from th name port as -the Imaum, It I probable that aha will alao be held- In quarantln at Astoria for a few days. 1 , . t MARINE NOTES.' 1 Astoria. . Sept tP. Arrived at -7 and left nn at t:lt a. m. Steamer Caarlna. from San Francisco. Outside at I a. m., Britisn steamer -uceano, rrom, moji Bt. jonns. sept, ze.- rassea at ll a., m., Britlan ateamer'lmaum. . San Francisco, Kept. 2. Arrived af a. m., steamer Northland, from Port land ' San Pedro, SeptT J8.-aled, schooner Ethel Zane. Tor rrtland. Hongkong. Sept. f.r-Arrlved prior t data. German steemer Nleomedia, from Portland. ' Astoria, Sept.' It. Arrived at 1:80 p. m., achooner W. F. Jewatt, from Ran Dleeo. tft up at l:lt p. mN British steamer Imaum. ' Arrived down at t p. m German ateamer NumantlaA Astoria, Sept. -J Condition of the bar. st a. m obscured; wind, south; westber, cloudy and foggy. V at LZcdiuxiV ' Grate Prices t; Only a few week. remain at which you can buy a trlcly Hlgh-GradaJMano at a. price usually charged for" a medium-grade Instrument1 During the fair we ara giving th visitors an opportu nity to buy a piano at tho agents' price, thereby saving ;to . th customer th agents' profit and . expena of Bailing. Wa da ihls In order-to extend our trad to all parte of tho northweat territory, knowing eefery good piano sold lead to other' aalea We ha more of th old Standard makes to select from than any other house tn th United State, and the-ac -Ahai tha fair msssgemsnt sa 1 acted our pianos for moat of tha state and public buildtnga 1 a guarantee that they are the best to b obtained. : Re member also that wa have the only piano exhibit at th fair.- If you ar thinking of buying a piano, yoo will make ajireat mlatake If you fall to see ua , .Invieetlgate piano jpatter all you like, and yo will find her 1 th place to aave money. - W alao have on hind soma , aplendld use 4 . and second-hand piano that we 'will sell at about on half their real value. Tou will find them ia.prtc all th way from lilt up. and all piano sold On our easy payment plan which) I ao popular wltlj th people. Allen ci Qilbert v i Ramaker Co. ooam sxxTaT ad movant. fob so!:::ls m m FALL TEG UM : - - . . -.. . Great Increase in Number of Pupil NecM.itat U. of . Portable Buildings. A Next Monday morning - th pub'llo schools of Portland will open for th fall term. ;''-''.- There la unusual activity among teach er and achool .officiate, who are pre paring for tho aocommodanona for tn armies of children expected to report on; the opening-day , j-. Thomas Jones, th supsrvlslng archi tect. sUted today that all the school buildings which have bean enlarged or repaired - will- be - ready- tot-occupancy, although all the plumbing fixtures will in place until after the openlne day. Several portable buiMIng ar being erected on the east atda for the accommodation of tho many new achol- ar nntu.tne new imngton achool 1 finished. ' It 1 expected that other portable will ' be heoeaaary, but they will not be provided until after Monday. wnen a better ipea nay be -obtained a to -the requirements. . . ... It 1 expected there will be an increase of more than 1.100 pupils over th at tendance on the opening day laat year. Th largest Increase Is expected on the eaat aide. Judging from the school cen sus' taken laat aprlng. where tho growth tn population ha bean vary -rapid, '- Th greatest problem to contend with is the accommodation of the High-school tudenta. -The achool waa full to over flowing last year, and two classes had to reclta In th Ladd achool. . Thla year It Is thought tha attendance will reaen J .110, and at least four room outside the High-school building will have' to bo provided. - Two classes will recite In the Ladd school and two rooms arc being fitted up In th Atkinson school. BEACH HATE REDUCED."? The BeUar foe aVoaad Trip Anaoaaeed ':" by O. at. ft ST. Oe, ft Th - every -day round-trip rat from Portland to North Beach point ha been reduced by th O. K. Nv Co. fro.n 14 to f I, ticket on sale until October II with final return limit October L Particulars and O. K 4 N. Summer Book by aaking at Third and Washing- ion streets, rortiana. . BBAZER3)EFENDEDi BY HIS EMPLOYER J. 8. Crane, by whom Charle Braaler la .employed, declares that Brasler'a ar rest for larceny at Oregon City yester day was the result of malicious d rose- cut Ion and without causa. . Braster com mitted no wrong, he says, and did noth- ing to luatlfy an arrest He declares thst he holds nots for th payment of th aawlng machine and will bring suit aa Boon aa in notea mature. ? ' Ho for Astoria.- . ; Swift steamer Telegraph leave Alder Street dock T:I0 a. m, dally except Fri day. .Returning leaves Astoria p. a, arriving Portland 1:10 p. m. Sunday leaves Portland I a. nv, Astoria 2:tS p. nu Arriving Portland p. m. ' - : PIONEER WILL BE LAID-r TO REST AT RIVERVIEW . i : : . . y-'v .' Funeral services for Colonel ' Joseph TeaL who died yesterday, will be held at th family residence, 419 Everett street tomorrow morning at It o'clock. Only Relatives ''and a few .' intimate frienda I will attend. Interment' will take-place 1n-B,rvervlew -cemetery. ,' ' ' " . "V . ' Oaptala koa IVioense. " : (Jooraal gpeelal ganlaa.t ' l yWsshlngton, D. C, Sept.. 20. For .re fusing aaslatanc to th V. 8. S. Sylpb whan the flatter wa dlaabled off th roast of Carolina, tha licenaa of Captain W, H. POttvtl. mastsr of th -United Fruit company' ship,. has been revoked. . ' ; - , y , , , ; , . . ad tewlrtoa . Bead. - (RimHsI Dlapatc to Tke ioeroaLl ' . Lt wiaton, , Idh.. Bpt 30-Oovmor Ooodln has , preaented , th . Lewlatofl band with I12S as a token of apprecia tion of .th band' aervlcee In tha cele bration of Idaho day at th Lewis and Clark- fair. '." . '. " r .California Prune Wafers pleasant end agreeable laxative, lees, yet effective. Prescribed by Shyelclans and recommended by ' all rut-el.ts as sn Invaluable substitute for miners! pills and csstor ell. 100 Wafers 25 Cent: S. . Skldaaor fe Oe- 'irrarelst, TVt , Talrd t, sols agents lor Forwaad, Oa. --;;':;y:Vv-:r'-:'.'V; 7,, .k jommiiMi ""'..inn' w R mm : new to. o'ecr rftNlttlN ftr vtk ' y' -;-; '. " i - ' y-' - V. f . .. ,K -- --h--4 . '" Kl1" ' -' pAMLkvy new yok o Chicago txcHA6 - " ' aae ''us iaL ; No claimtor deduction tllomed txeeot bt D6cial aortimant: ."- - ' hWU,M"MM,,,HT.".":;':."A Frcn JesrcsL .y-S..':. Ta Mt f lUgb. . . .. - . Y . or sevwrai wmi ........-- . 7 w,.a aaia at HoHand Brothers fin $10.000 v ., . : '' - tVitw errevov aalA : X stock of Sulta, Overcoats, Cravenettee. . ... 77 ; . . . . ?? - . I-Hatar-Shoea and -fnrnlshlnga f or' men J UOUI Of DUSUieSS eVCT tTSnSaCtea : 01 tn SOOtt -a X and boy. has bold the almost "nfdd T ? - .. . . . rn PYlffl m attention 01 tnnrty nnni ran'"""" e -. . ' 1 - and maMhanta Hlah-Class mercbandls ; - t , . Ua.ul waa never offered at such low i. t-..h klaiApv nf Pnrtland. and th a " , .. naa Deen a aucoess, iw u w . 1 1 , - , 1 -1. mrm,n mn t an - aa 1 iuq gi ti - ' corps of aalaspeopie ar aepi ousy ans a ' aV l .:. . - . m Mi.laa ... hiivara have aW - X apreao tno news amu un : ' apread the news until me on . t i h , i i - ! salesroom at the corner of First and.T. .' . 1 . . . J Salmon streete Is a beehive of .thrifty X -v .-. , --J ?Taalate . buyera. Th might of right predml- X . .. inf ' Cf)rODinC " r nates, although several sales of h X y !U. dllU UUI llUlllJ . T, . Th. imhlla . " (.-I i X not so ally, gulled aa theee X Roma of them have ftY ..ongV ner cent on the dollar for the Brother big fine tock wa too real merit for fake store to and the conseouence la. First mon atreet. 1- .the busiest pl.o. and - H H ' 1 1 II mere are as n.nn"""i"" ; V11EN BUYING A P1AR0 Be sure i that one of the following namea is caeg on the plate: y : , STttWAY 4 scss : A. B. CHASE- f". vESTEY - - I . '. . . i . . . - There are some other good make of Piano, but too will find more of the worthless than th good one, ao do not" take any chance, but come direct to ua and get one of the above named old "and reliable makes. - i y DundorePianoCo. Steinway Dealers -r- 233 WASHINGTON STREETT farlters at:d ubos u::io:.s ? "'"'-V J ' .. , "( i '('. : Organizations of Producers to .1-'. Amalgamate ' to Abolish y ,. Commission Men. r. (Joereel gpeelal Sarvles.) Chicago, Sept. ' . Ther Is k" move ment on ; foot ' In th organisation ' of farmer to form , a clone alliance with trades, union for. th purpoe, of con. trolling tha price Of agricultural prod uct. . ';. . ' The demand lor a combination between tha tiller of.lh soil and the working classes of tbs great cities, aiming at tha elimination of th great profit reaped by commission men, epeculatore and rail roads, la loudest In Wisconsin, but the same ery comes from the adjacent states of Minnesota, Illinois. Iowa, and eveo as far west as" Montana and Idaho. Th nam of th organisation will be "American Society of Bqulty." -. TMb" organisation Is expected to nd representatives to th coming conven tion of the American Federation of Labor In November to seek affiliation. , j PLAN ELECTRIC LINE 7-:' CENTRALIA TO CHEHALIS ' (Speelat MeBeteli te The Joersat.l '"" . Cntralla. J3r.. Sept JO. Incorporation papers Were filed st Chehalle for an Ini tarurban eleculc lln btwn Central la tor-coat- cast HAOtsonlsrmttr . loos-ioow'ZsH'ete npHERE never has been; so grand money-1 iiUrK-i'.uring opportunity for the consumer as . . ... prleee - Ml : - . - - - r! - - . . aa - .- ' . f- a ' - - ImmMIMI T ... . ', a a x faker put up X DUt UO X V - ' Fair. If you value Holland X - htt much X ' f , ) . " Immensity overcome, i , and Bai- . f, J ' ' 'T . . . . t. . ... . ' sa .,.) iWCaTLE. NUTVNEWCASTLE. LUWF PEACOCK ROCK SPRING FRANKLIN : LOW PRICES ON 14 ' m fmmmm cog CHAS. H. OLEItl, Affent i-.c:?'. 249 Waslilngton St t y ;ephone8 229 an4 237; CouponFree , HerwlMhi. I vet for, .. ...... i ri ... .-w.... a This coupon must be voted" en br pfor Sept, IV lite. , " arr7J and Chehalle and also for atreet 'car aystem for- both cltlea. Th promoter contemplate beginning work tn I days. Th line should be a paying invest ment from th start, as there 1 a , heavy travel between th tere cltlea. and th innv uvaCaiiaiavAMi aua . . nfTeHs. ' -Th lrrt VTU st - ' as. t haaa aul , , amial tn , . r . - - Vr .': t:- . . . .... v - . 1 1 I - . - "" ' ' 1 m, " "at. am''' e" ' money - saving and ta get the.: ftf wrvthrny ' - : v.'V , . ; y: a 1 1 ifar be sent b maiL telephone or messenger. . All snd any of . which will receive prompt attention, - ;y- The Coali that we Sell Ire of OTHER ( COALS . ,1- ' .... '; , 9 Ha waltan Trip Stodi rv Utni t.t Said Tia'iaiiaMaM'l m hi 11. i n - fftawaanwawwia) ull v.- yy -v. y,. i -.- -;. rx HswsOaa Uiaads . y promoter stale they will sstabltak a park, midway between the twe plaees, snd - will also have their power-hous located at this park and be prepared to furnish electricity for manufacturing purpoaee, .-. . " ', . a- ! , :l . ' - '- : i "- ' ' ?