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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1905)
V-'v 13 THE OREGON DAILY.. JOURNAL. . PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY . EVENING. SEPTEMBER 3, 1BC3, cmraal Eatervd' at tb postoffle ot'Pertlaaa. -t mupcrUUti Jubt. " Mcusd- (or IriMW Posts o slsgle eoplee: for 8, 10 II peg paper. I cent; H n H I ss psgc. swam.. . . Editorial Rmtaa., Business Offlcs... .,-1. MA ::::r".'..:.5.;.ioo VOkXIS ABYIBTTSJJ HII""ITt ' i i n t . a. i.f .rf..rr1ns Agency, . 140 Kmi itml Kew York. TrUun Butld- .. Inc.' Chlcag. . . .. ', armcuvTioir batis. , ' ' ' Trm by Carrier. - ' ff DsOy lorul, with Sunday, t fHf ST.80 ma iieuy joaraai, i yesr. ...,.... ; The Dslly J mi run I, with Sunday. months. The Dally'Joursal. month..., ' The Dslly Journal, with Sundsy, 8 swathe. J Ths Dsllv lowuL I month........ "? ' Ths Dslly Journal, irlth Suadsy. 1 BJonth-. sun 'iif per wea-a, ue-M.nm a, a.-. - eluded . -U Tb. Daily, pec nrt, lilnnc, Sunday x- int ....'.-..........- " Tsrms by Tb Dallr Journal, t mouth...... Tha Dallr Journal, with Ssndsy. t Boatk.. . Ths Dalle InnruL t month ..... ' .80 Tb Sunday Journal. 1 yesr. J Tb Suadsy Journal, mantk. . 'u0 , Tk Sams-Weakly JeturaaL The Send-Weekly Joarnal, to 18 pare k. ( 1 1 1 .! k,l urM ca- ta i mm tarn , ai,u.v. a " - - i . jWttsneBiol' hi" iiiiiV oVafti. potl Boloa, aipcvci orora an amall amount ara , kcccfiUbM la 1 an a earn poia mmr - . , v TKI JOUUAL. t I.'. 11. Partlan. Ornron. wxxma TH jomtAt iut bi rows. 'Tk Journal cam k lbaa oa Ml at tk - BOIRE. IDAHO H. Bencf Co. : W. B. Mo CHICAGO Poatofflca Kawi coaipaari ITS Daar- born itim. COIXjRADOBlaAjlxtawtfc aai MsU. " . Tne Dolly JovraaL with Saaday. lir...! Tba Dslly Journsl. 1 ysr .......... "Ths Dslly Journal, wife Sunday, 6 ssostbs. I TS Th Dslly Journal, months.. - , anil iirwii, JfASSAS riTT Tia Koy Nr empny. ' - . IINKKAPOLI8 It. J. Kannancb, 60 Sontb Third atrt. KEW TOBK CITY Brantan", Tnloa tqoar. OMAR A Millar Hotrl new a land: Mrfaatk - Rutlnnarr onipanr. ISO rarnnm atraat. ALT LAKK CITY Konyo HoM ataad; Barrow Broa 41 Want Bacond atrt. aootb. .' ST. LOUIS Philip Roadar. l.Locnt treat; i i. T. Jrtt, an Ollr atreat. . AN FRANCISCO W. R Ardln. Patof Hofal aav. atand ud ll Markat atraat: Oold 1 -amltk Broa., 130 Rattar atnwt and alnt 'raarf total: Foatar Omar. rrry bulld m: N. Wnaatlay. awaabl wt( ataad, or i wr Markat and KVarnar atraata. ' BEATTLE R.loli-r Grand naw tand;w.' T ffhanka. Hotrl Haattla naw atand. 8POKANB. WASHINGTON Job W. Grakaai TACOliA. ASHnfflTOW Cantrat Kwa COBV -- - panr? Hotrl Tamtna w atand. . TICTOklA. BRITISH C0U;MBIA VletarU Bonk SUtloaary company. WEATHER REPORT. A dlarnrbanr of drvidrd rharai-trr aitranrad .Inland from tha orraa it Rrltlab ColumbU Idurlnc yaatarday aad tbl awrnlDf It la central north of Montana. It canard modaratrly hick vuirhMlr wlnda alotur. tliot. "warnlniral wrra dlaplayad yaatarday afternoon ' at all north Pacific aeaanrt except Marahfleld. Tkeaa waralag -war ororrrd dowa early tbi . tiornlnf. ' .. - Rain ka occurred la tb Willamette valley and we. tern Waabtnttoa. and ate la acattored pl.oea In the natern at a tea. It la much warmer thla mornlnf In Matara -Oregon, anrtbraatera Waahloaton, Idaho. Mon , tana and tb weatera porttona of Nebraska and Kaiwaa. and aorreannndlnaly cooler la tb Mlaala- alnr ralley and tb lake relon. . ... -. . . - ..... . t w . i. Trie tuaiiwiHmB ara tut biiomji i a ' TMWtkweatecn Oreaon. Waablnctna and nartMra Idaho, followed by ratr ana cooirr weainer. MARRIAGE LICENSES. , 1 1 .1 . Newtoa P. Brratira. 2: A He M. Oeaton, fS. v.- Akains klorrtaon. 82: Blanch Bluter. 24. Herman B. Bargoyn, Botaa. Idaho, 28; mma T. Baana, 22, " . ,. Rlrhant H. Qnlnlaa. 2A: Anna B. Huhar. 28. . : Ray O. Castro. 30; Enow M. Olaray. 1. F. W. BylTeatar, ProaTeao, Orefoo, XJ; Or Roy p. OkwaC Srcnaen, Oregoa. 21; Laclla M. ' 5 "uTi. (tumhera, 8t. Jobaa, Oracoa. 62; Lcpba J a4aaTaTtt US ' R. a. BtarTord.- Loa Angalea, Oarlfnrnla, 81; .Harriett F. Oanl.. 2. . . .N Lampher. Jr.. Paloww, Wsahlmton. ; 23: Mary . Vaadeer. 27. . ' . O. H. Alllana. Beattl, Waahlnf toa, 28; Cath , artn A. Mearow. 2J. rl R. U Rutherford. SO; Bthel Oabnra. 2T. u- Weddlna Card. W. O. Smith St Co., Waia ' tnaton bid;., cor. 'Fourth and Washington at. BIRTHS. HARRIS Bepteajber 18. to Mr., and MiaBaav nel Vlarrta. oa Bake afreet, a ana. FERRY Sept em her 8. to Mr. and Mr. Robert B. Perry. SOS Main atreet. a aoa. tltt.Iit aeptemher IS. to Mr. ami Mr. Artlrar Mill. 896 Market atreet. a dauckter. HARMON Heptrmher IS. to Mr. aad Mr. Karl t. Harmon of Dulntk, Minnesota, a daacbter. "CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. JfFIJKON September IS. Annie Nehma, 4S8 Eaet Thirteenth street, aorfb, variola. DEATHS. . BINS aeptemher 18, Peter Bin. ard IS years, at Uttle Falla. Waataliurtoa: rause, drawalnc. . Burial at Lnna Fir cemetery. KELLY September IS, Douslss Kelly, a red IS year, at St. Johns -u cause, accidental drwwa Irt. Rurlsl at In Fir cemetery. . ' JOHNSON September 15. Ins May Johnson, , aced 25 year, at Newbrra. Oregoa; cause, anppnrattr aadacardltla. Burial at Nawtoo, Kanaaa. BI'RNS September IS. John F. ' Burns, aaed .!, years, 7H6 Tscoma street; cause, heart dlaeass. Bnrtsl at Mllwaukle cemetery. XOCNtJ September IT. Myrtle Vounc. aged SS ... year. 270 Mlocum street: cause, pucpersl aepsl. Burial at Columbia cemetery. -. BTTKBTirW CIMETIRT. Single srarM S10. Family lots 7 to tl onn - The only cemetery In Portland which per . petually maintain and carea for lota. For full ! i laformatlna apply to W. R. . Msekentle, Wot. i caster block, dty. W. M. Ladd. president Oannlng. McBntes gt Ollbsnab. successors to ' Punning t Csmnloa. nnderukers and embalm . era. Modern In every detail. Seventh and Pin. . Phoa Mala 4S0. Lady asalstant. Tk Edward Rolm.a rndertaklng compsuy ..; rnnersl dlrartora aad embalmers. 220 Third t atreet. . PkoM SOT. m . i -" J. P. Flntey S i,n. funeral director and emr.Imrs, corner Tklrd and Mdl-r.n street. Offlos of county coroner. Telephone Main S, Funeral wreath and cut flowers a eperlalty at Base City Oreeabouae. Tweatyeeond and Kaat Mortiaon. opp. cemetery. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. B. CrfoM -rt-tt. to N. H. Iflrd.' lots S. in. block S. flood Morning addition.. t f A. Olana and wife to Jennl Henderson, lot . . block . Point View.,... I..., . , J. J. Hswaa and wife to I. Vanduyn. ' , sautb feet of lot IT and west 20 ISO 1T rest er south BO-feet f lot 18, block 1, Ooldamlik's addition .' W. U Morgan and wlf to Charlea Klef- fer. west SA feet of lot S, bkx k 125, V Stephens' addition .,... . J 1 si ' ..11 . 1 r i. . 2.200 16S0 , f block T. Ravrnswaod I Paarle Ilawes and knabsnd to K. A. Rob. -.... erfs, lots 8. S. blork si. Snnnysld. , w . M. Frees end wife J A. W. 0O0 , ... Msrsenave, mt. nr. ntok xin, nnuck a . i - .addition! mm of lot I. block i. Gold- staltha addition $.200 ,vs) tMratsn aavin a Loa Sorletv to , . . R. B.. M. Strlekland, lot S. S, block e TT. tWh'a addltloa... 1. 'fBuTrell laveaiment enemny to mum, '- T. . iej i sddlttou "ir". Bwucnt seaorlatloa to M ' J,',;- " 10. 11. 12. block C Colter 11 --MMf 'ir"iisek.s'a,' m's.' Vtack' is! 228 Sdolllea Bast . I'srtUsd (bond for Iwli 1.000 a. stacmea o w u.- 1. e - bl-rk 241. if. -thorn. T-; . " r' , . ' . .'J " T to I, w. Qalaa. ' ' 1 . -TV.T1 P' -1 .100 riHay laal taailiajr to w. V SavlUk, Victor REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. lot IT. IS, blurt 1. Orchard Plara ITS n. u. Hmitk and wlfa to W, u.-Mmltb. lota la, au, blork 1. Orchard riao AntrHlna B. Hlrbardaaa to Arlrt Land conpany. nnrtbwwt of north writ 14 of aartloa 24. towaahln 1 aortby nnca 1 at i ix nnn r. a. tvnann ana aire to i. a. Bakar, lot t. . T. . block 142. Coark addl lion 1 r. ftfl nun Liaai Aptxratona to at. Applaatoua, aoutk 01 tot 1. Diovk n. Carotnera' addl. ttfUl to CarutkiH-a' addition...... J It Uwttt ft wlf A I. CHmmm Ia. 12. 11. blork 1. Hlshland... 406 flrlvn R. . Cardwrll. traitor, to A. P. hmlth. mta I. . Mark 115. C.rutbrr addition to alt.... ........v : l.ilO a. uiira and wlfr to O. F. fJooka, lota a. T. blork 1. Portland. llelaht. addi tion I.. , 09 A. MrOratk and kuiband to (Irac Frla- arll, lot 12, blork 2, Barratt'a addi tion , 1... too I.I.V) P. R. KrUr and wlfr to J. K. Waatrr. THlt. kX a. Brookd. la. ....... .......... J. K. Waatarrelt and wlf to k. I. Brk- raoo. lot S. Broukdalr Katbrrln Vrratrvf and huaband to Vic toria rrr-'niaa, lot a, blork T, McMll lea'i addi'to- -...,,,,.-,.. .2.000 row aatat from tb Tltla'Gn.r.ntr A Trnat coav pany, 240 Wt.hlniton atrrat, mrnrr kiM. COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS - Rarlna amnla rapltal and raaotirraa la pro portion to Ita liability, a bualnao aara fully oraanlaad la nil drpartmanta, and beiuc eotnnlttad to a .ronarrntlT policy,' in - OLDEST TRWOOBPABT IB , 0RE00W InrUaa tha armunta of Indlrldnnla. flrma. mar rantlla nonaaa, bank a and bankar daalrin rloa attantlon tar tbalr ard and tha beat poaalbl arrTlrf. PORTLAND TRCST COMPANY Of OREGON ' Resources Over $i,ooo,oo 10 Third Rtraet. ' . -' ' WoneMala M. BBNJ, 1. COHBN.,.. H. L. PITTtKK...... B. LEU PAGET ..PraalnVnt ...... Vlr-Praldnt ..Sacratary .Amlatant Barratary t. 0. OOLTBA NOTICE. TO TUB TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OR.: Notlc Is bersby give tast oa Monday, Onober 2. 1006, the hoard of equalisation of Multnomah county wlU attend at tb office of U county clerk of aald county and publicly elamlns tk sssas.mcnt rolls far tk year 1B06, and correct all errors la valuation, deacrlptloa or qua lftlc of land. Iota or other property, sad It I U duty of all person Interested to appear at tb time aad. place appointed, and If It aball appear to anck board of aqua Mast loa that tber are any land, lota or other property assessed twice or la tb asms i a psrsoa or persons not tb owner or in Mate,: or assessed under or beyond Its T.lo. or any . lands, lots or other property not assessed. Mid board f equalisation shall soak tk nronaa? oorrectloM. B. D. SIGLKR. County Portland. 'Or.. September S. 1806. N0TTCB af DtHolntloa of Partnership.. Ths Srm of Matbw A Crandell ka dissolved partrjerahtp. Hereafter tb hoalnes will be conducted by Thorn W. Crandell. who la to pay all blUa and collect all credits now ' aatataadlng. tSlgned)- THOMAS W. CRANDELL, . : ' A. H. MATHEWS. - , Dated at Lents. Or.. August 21. 1B0B. ANYONE woo esa glv hi formation of F. M. Varner, formerly of EsnesTUM, UDM, pleas notify D 41, car Journal. . DEATH NOTICES. OSRCRN At his late eesldenceTffl Tlart in- pue. Monuvllla. September IS. It 6, Alex r an dec M. Osburn, aged TS years, 2 month and 21 day. Funeral will take place Tours, dsy, September 21, at 10 . m.f from hi 1st rraldeac. Friends Invited. TEAI In this city. September IB, 1006. Joseph Test, aged 88 year. runeral -Thursday st 10 a. m. at his residence,. Everett street. Services will bs prlvste. . ' , . LOST AND FOUND, f LOST Certificate of denosit on ' First -Nntlonal bank of Portland, of value' to ker only. Finder return to Sharer Transportation Co.. ' foot Washington it.;-reward. , . LOST Rimless glsaaes ta case- marked Oregoa Optical Co.. Harvey V. Miller, 2t Cummer. ctsl blk. Reward. - . . LOST On Saturday evening, gold Oreek letter fraternity hatpin. Phone East 1464. ; Reward. LOST White bitch pup, 4 months old. Mrs and tall cropped; get reward, 412 Morrtsoa at LOST A brown leather purse, eontslnlng on . fSO gold piece: Pnon west 2001. Reward. HELP WANTED MALE. CARPKNTER to frsm concrete forma., railroad work, $8 day, free fare: sawmill hands, woods men, rsllrosd Ishorers snd teamsters, eoncret men. 22 to $2.80. free fere; Bsker county shop, cooks, .$0, 10, S0; kitchen help; many other. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 28 North Second St. . WANTED Immediately, planing mill rnremea. warea $100 per month; sharper and band Mwyar. $8.60 par. dsy; molding awa, $8; ' stair ballosra. $4; none bat steady and first class msa aeed soply. Addrsss Missoula Lamb Co., Missoula, Montana. HOP-PICKERS to nick 824 sere bops; all de aired accommodatlous, grocery, bakery, res taursnt. butcher-shop, beautiful camp grounds, da ace bell, pure mountain water, etc - Bourn 441 Sherlock bldg.. Third and Oak. THERE la a fine opening for a good shoemaker - and harness repairer' In the town of White Salmon, Wash.: none but a reliable man need ' apply. Addrsas J. C. Maclnni-s, White Sal mon, Wssk. 8 MEN wsnted at one to prepare for letter-ear- . riera In Port is na; salary goon, gradual promo tion.. See K. O. Heynea. 3S0 Mohawk bldg., Thursday, from a. m. to 8 p. in.; evening t to S. - EIGHT men wsnted at one to prepare for letter-carriers la Portland: salary good, grad aal promotion. Be R. O.- Ileynen, 330 Mo hawk bldg.. Wednesday, from' S a. m. to 8 p. m. - STATION MEN. rock work; rood prices, new . work, lots of ft. aids rata, all winter, eutera Oregoa: free fsre. Particulars at Ranssa's Employment Offlo. 28 North Second at WANTED Bright, energetic man; good oppor tunity for permanence and promotion. Apply SOS Steams bldg., bet S S. m. and 6:80 p. m. $78 PERMANENT sslary and expense paid re. name men, outeine ox rne city: pieeaanx worn. H. Usnkerciwai 6, 12714 Tib. Portland, Or. THE Meier' Frank sfor wsnts experienced men tailors for work oa ladle' garments. Apply at once to Miss Bsrrett. 2d floor. . WANTED A mil experienced In selllns fur niture, carpet snd wall paper, HsMefwralsb ing yo., eaicm, ijr. ' PORTLAND Berber College'' give . tnltloa ss ressonahle aa any sckoof an tk Coa.t. 287 r landers st. FIRST-CLASS broiler and lusebmaa. - AddreM 11. st. vampneu,- mm 3a-m at, Beattls, . Wash. . .7. WANTED Sailors for Manila and . Australia. Apply at Sailors' Horns, corner 2d aad Gllsaa. 10 TEAMS for tie lisullng; 8 miles 8 rents cei-a. Inquire 208 Et Fortletk st Pbon East 8874. WANTED Bkoemskers.' Isstere. fsctory band. Apply Cstrt Sbos Co.t Orsgua City. Or. ADVERTISING MllHtors. $$ to $in dally.. 8M AJlea morulas. , lot Shsrlock bldg. . . . WANTED Wsshermsa for nliht work. Grand letandry Seven leenth and (tuhnhy. WANTED Skomskr steady job, B. U Irvis Co., Salem, Or. , BRIGHT boy. If yvars, u work la store. Apply - ill iutl w -f asssBaasqiB a 1 11 in n 1 i n ai 11 i, n 1 hi i istaaasasssaa - HELP WANTEDMALE. WA.STJ5I Boy to work la bakery. Apply 111 nuaaeii. BOY wanted, work 'bowling alley. Rouse' park OFFICE boy wanted: Address D ST. 'JoursaL HELP; WANTED FEMALE." HOP-PICK BBS to pick 624 acre bona; all d sire accommooatioaa. crocerv. bak.rr. re' taursnt. buu-ber-aboo. hraiitLful caann around. . dsnce ball, pure mountain water, etc. Room it nn.rioo bldg., Tklrd and Oak. WANTED 180 girls to maks . uverslls and shirts; Inatrnctloiia given to Inexperienced. Apply teuetariter Bros.. Standard rsct No. 2, earner Bast Taylor and Grand are. TUB Meier A Frank etore wants xprlenced pi"y st one to suss itsrrett, xo. iioor GIRL- wsntsd for housework ta smsll fsmlly can rarenoon no. aw ess l r ittesnu si. south. Anksny or pin sL car. HANSEN'S LA.1IES' AQRNCY. S4SU Washing. on si., cor. oevrnin. npsiaira. . . nana sssia taut, seuaia aelp wantea. WANTED IMMEDIATELY A. good.-, neat sew. . mg girl for dressmaking. 6J1S4 Montgom tij ai. WANTED Two good' lady aollcttors: commla. aiun our oa i. Apply jaw nasi twrnsid su WANTED ttood Dlala cook for bosrdlnaa woman; s.m month, room. 144 4. lotk at. WANTED Olrl to rook and do general houa wura. van noraings, a Kits sr. WANTED 10 girls for dresamsklng school. t. eavrriwuni , cur. vouriu. , c WANTKD Woman aa rook la small restaurant Call 2M0 East Morrison. 01 RI for lsdlre tsllor-msd suits, smh lady xa xamniii si. WANTED Olrl to lesrn dressmaking. Apply ears. m. joun. Jio ilia st. - . , G1BL for gsasral housework) must b compo- t V . .... . . HUB. . t .1UB, LADY stenographer wanted. , Addrrs D M. WANTED Womaa ta wash dknWa at 104 North neventn at. , MALE .AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand for competent bookkeepers and sienouTspurrs is greater tnaa im supply. From usual 1, iuus, 10 Aua-u.t 1, iduo. ws placed 20T In good positions; hsd calls for more tha a BOO;; our ..graduatea are ALL employed; wa will assist yo to a position when-competent; enroll now: - dsy or nlsht. Baonko-Walker Bttslneea -CoHega, Btaama - blk..- birth aad Morrison; at. WANTED Lady or gentleman to -do clerical worx at now; part or full time, sslary ac cordingly. Address with stamp, sending ref erence, A merles a Horn Supply Company, 12T rirnoaia f ISC, cnicago, lu; WANTED At once, a bright, energetic, pre- seuisoj msa or womsa, a gooa 'laixer, to take up aa attractive proposttloa. Iuqutr TS3 Chamber of Commerce. 0 a. m. SOLICITORS Mea nr .women: nermaaeat aa ployment to hsatlers; sipeiieuc ai sary. 000 Deknm bldg. . HELP .wanted and aucnlled, ma Is or female. it. u. ukake, iuo v ssDtngton at. Clay 44a. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GOOD, steady young man. aged IT, want a post- lion ss eievaior .ooy; sum experience; urea at borne; wo, Smltk. Jr. 856 Grand View r., eiym"'!'1"- WANTED Position by a man vxmrtenced a sa engineer sna nremsn, wltD ou u n IMeU Phone Hood 608 and ask. for .Mr. Lawry, ur csll 240 Jefferson st. . WANTED Position ss shipping clerk or work in orric by msa 01 experience; can ntrnlsh best of reference. Address B 42. Journal. XOl'NO German' chemist. Dr. Phil., wsntf chemlcsl sltustlon. AddreM S 88. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE ELDERLY woman wsnts work: working house keeper, good rook; home wsnted rather tbaa high wages. ) Mrs. H. Kinder, 184 North 10th. BRIGHT young Isdy-desires position ss stenog- rspner or nuung cjers; nss aad experience; can glv reference. AddreM D 46, Journal. .. . k 8 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN. 28 N. Second at . Pkoa Mala 162S. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor coorrae tore; help fre to employers. 216 Morrison. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FARMS WANTED All kinds stock, poultry. . fruit, grain and bop farms; must be good and reasonable ta price; glv fall description, . netc snd tsrms. ... 208 Alaiky bldg. WANTED Tw Iota with or without S or 8 raom aiodern bouse. Bear atreet car Una; part rash, balance monthly. Address giving full deacrlptloa, location and term. 0 42. Journal. . ., . ,. WANTED Hons and Int. either oa east or west slds of river: will My raab. If pries Is right; Brent, need ant answer. -t-. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS ' WANTED To sell our superior fclgb grsds nursery stock; Dew and complete out It furnished free; cask weekly! writs today for . choir -territory. Capital City,, Nursery Co.. Ba,lem. Oregon. ' WANTED FINANCIAL. Bt'SIKESS msa. hlgbeat reference, wanta $20, 000 can Immediately; will pay B0 per cent for bh of Mm .to December 31, 10U8; col lsreral security. D .48, cars Journsl. WANTED A ksn of oa 10 acre Im proved land. Address A 68. curs JournsL WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By msa and wife, email anfurnlshed - rnttsge or pert of e house within 10 blocks lif 41b snd Columbia. MKm Mtn-30Tr. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, spraying snd whltewaahlng trees, . bssements, barns, docks, ete. Isrgest gasolln spraying outfit on ttas coast. M, 0. Murgaa - at Os., 0T0 Mllwsnkl St. Phone But OBIT. ORCHESTRA. S pieces, wsnts engsgement evenlnga, Hundaya; mule tor all occaaluu very ressoMbl. 48 Lucretl st TsL Msla 8608. HIGHEST rssh prlc paid for bottles and yank of every description. Portland Bottle Supply Co., 301 North Elirhtsenth. pbon Main 22Si. WANTKD Gentle driving horse- for Isdy till spring for Its keeping;' good care: good refer. cures. Address u 011, cars journsl. - WANTED To buy motor blryrl In good con dition: Mm make, prlc, stc. Address C 41, I JournaL HIGHEST prices psld. Men's old clothing, aboes. Uncle Joe. 60 Third si. 1'bon 1'aclflo 48. BOOKS bonght, 'sold dud' etctisnged at the Old Book stors, RW YsrshlU at. T. t. BYDER, printer. Second and Wasklngtoa ats. Pbon Main 6688. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN CO.T WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED ' - Ws hsv a nnmber of customers for homes, large and amall; bring to sa what yoa bav to mI1. T . , , 1 HENKLE ' BAKER, . , SIT AMngloa Bldg., 1081k Third St. , WANTED Residences na west able, rksw, la. at reasotiable figures: ws hare bluer, . .' ; Dl'SOIS a. SHERWOOD. , WANTED REAL ESTATE. nantaie asua and Int. either oa eaet or weat aid of river; will pay cSah K prlc right ; ageata aeed 4tot . snswer. Address v a, car journal. WANTED To buy. 8 -room cottags, nearly aew and modern; must he close lu. good kncalta .and a havealn . A imm . ana J. LANDIGAN will My rssh for eases cottage an nirnltuM Dk.. .1 . . ... FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE. XING New. building, handsomely rnr- lii sea, equipuea with every modern coaven. . lence: on air outside rooms rrct car Una to exposition; sll ; hest, gss, elcctrl lights, por- celsln bstbs; rstss. 60c, T6c snd'll: tsks Fifth st car from union depot to 800 Jeffs- sos st., aaar city nsii. I'noua Blara lain THB HAMANN, 138 N. 18th., cor. Hoyt Newly furnished rooms, $1.60 up; oonTsnlrnt locstloa; 16 minute' walk to fair grounds; Morrtsoa car av uutoa uspot airect l nous, raon 4iu. NICELV furnished rooms, slngl or suites; tran sient; rents ressoubt; brick building, sioty i First ExccUcat socsOoa. .. Closs la. . Patau . Clsy T38. - MARQl'AM H0C8B. 14RM, 8tk Rooms sn mite or singis; ' nousskMping rooms; gs stovsa. mid, siecrna ugnis. iransicots aoiiciua. THE BELLBVUE 80 rooms nicely tarnished prices ressonshie k'HONT parlor for gentleman of refinement who wishes room aear, to cents 01 city, obi Everett at. v THE GLADSTONE 011 Sevier at., furnished rooms; onosr new management; pncee ra unable. CHEAPEST and beat located rooms la Portland $1 week and up. Oilman, Flrat and Alder eta. FURNISHED and Housekeeping rooms for rent 124 Knots st. Telephone east ran. THE GRAND. -46H N. Third at Booms for men. fi.oo per weea and up. THB CA8TLE-J37S Wastilnstoa St.; faralsbsd rooms, t oons stain isio. - -. BOARD, roomsv T18 Orertoo at.. Mar fair ground. ' . -FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR BENT Fnrnlafced housekeeping rooms la best brVck - block oa east aide: gas ranges, bstb, etc.; no trsuslenU; prices moderate. Logaa blk.. . 10SV- Union avs., corosr East Alder. Phone Union 8288. HOUSEKEEPING hpsrtments. quiet Iocs t Ion; -room .suits. m tnonin z-room. vf moniui pbone, water fres. Dickson, University Park. Scott 1298. - I' LARGE front rooms la cottage nicely fur nished, bstb. yard, etc., housekeeping; close la; reasonable. 14 East lltk St., N. $1.78 PER week, lrg clean furnished bouse. Beeping rooms; isnnary ana Mia. 10 ousr maa St.. South Portland. NICELY ' furnished housekeeping and ' slngls rooms, wiin ue 01 oam, rui niwaiuiK .we Russell St., Alblns. ' ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS rooms and board for permanent rpie, and a per moncn; laoie noara per week. Astor houss, TU aad. Madlaoa st. TsL Msla 8231. , THB IRVINO Elegant aceommodatloas. BO sxorbltsnt charges; dining-room in . connec tion; price right. . Corner 18th aad-lrrlag. THB ILLINOIS, I8SV4 loth Large handanma front mom with board; .other rooms aultabl foe gentlemen. : : BOOMS with board for permanent tsMats, ressnnsbls; Ilrst-cUas tom cooking. X3l Sixth st - - - FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Good S-foom bouse end barn; houae monera in every miim, r .-- . -trldty:- lot 100x100 feet; locatloa Best 18th snd Gllssa eta:; key at 80 East 10th, N. PboM I Dkm 689, MODERN bnoM 8 room. Portland - Heights; $12 per month sua rurniturs tor esse: lurni tnr cost $1,000, will sell for $300. W. Ho ses Wood, 141 Flrat at... . . STUART station. ' Moant Scott Mr 4 lsrgs rooms, outbuildings, modern; psrues wunoui children; furnltur for sal. Call tb Bell m, Fourth and Salmoa BOOM boo, large grounds, on block from two car llnss: Highland. Mat aide; quiet neighborhood;, $16 pet moata. Pbom Scott .1042. .,,' - ... I '.'" 2 BOOMS. $8 month: overlooking th Osks. fins grove trees; music (or aupper, . wa ansxy bldg. . . FOR RENT $18 T -room boos. 880 Esst 27 tk st, Kenliwortn earv. rnoo stain soo. 11 8-ROOM bouse. Mat aid, goad, ckxto In. zo Aiiaay oiug. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SAL J. FOB bMt reeults on ' ; TUHKlluna, -Whether to buy or Mil, ring op Msla 6856. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. , . 211 First at FUBNITI'BB of T rooms, rds no; 4 blocks of postornre; rent xo; wonia rso .piano toe lots. 814 Msdlsoa St. PkoM Mala 8648. DINING-ROOM tshls snd chairs, bedroom fur- cbespT' 176 East 824 St. KEWturnltur. T-room soum; money.msker. 146 "renin, Detween ssorrisoB snu aiocx. BOOM bouse for rent, furniture for sale. $226; a sbsp It tsara at once, ivs aeTeuia st. $20 NEAR pnstofflc, 6-ronra cottage, furolrure ror ssis, - n7 mua. - FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FINELY furnished office oa Wsshlngtoa st far Ml or rent very cneap; tnvestigat im mediately. . Addrsss K 40, Journsl. . . LARGE top floor for ' leM, Morrleon st, aear poatofTice: slevsuar; suitsDia lor ( rices. , Ad dreM M 41. care JournaL OFFICE-ROOM for rant oagk bldg. Apply levator. orrwi Inquire White, ana Iekum Ding. FOR RENT FLATS. 6-ROOM fist. Including basement, use of bstb sna watr pain; no cntioren; fin, ozb Mill st. BUSINESS CHANCES. PATENT covering several eotintlr oal aa artioje mat la wantea by each store and la a ready eeiler, mast b Mid oa account of other business; here Is a cbanc to get Into business -on amall capital, where yoa run make -big money In a abort time; will cell county rights rbesp and will tsks acre sgs or kite In exchsnge: Investlssts this If yoa are looking for a business openings H. W. MILLER, 1( Sixth St. WR have on of th bMt paying retell grocery im nr ,i aaaraeis in in. riry met W Will offer for few Mrs; this business will stsnd Investlgstlna. and la going ta be eoid this week. If yoa are Interested call at "office and,, learn the res son why. Northwrat 1 -ana 10., 2ns moitimb St., room 211. FOR SALE The beat paying restaurant la , enuinrra are 'in, . ou mam OUBiness Street; ---' - , -m a-n-i o. ear lease; rent $30 Owner baa other business that rs quirea sit of his time; terms to responsible fartr. AddreM owner, p. O, bog 46, Mersh leld. Or. HAVING been appointed stale mensgsr for Or. goa, 1 wisn aistrtcx superiniendenie m esrh county In the stste to represent the Flsthesd reservstton Informstton agency. . arn par. tlculara can be hsd by calling In person or writing. H. We Miller, 2o Ooodnough bldg. ATTENTION A cah hnalneM suitable for man in. .1 tm . mm ...11 . 1. ... , . , i soon iese. nice Incatlnn: no rmnoaltloa to speak of' will reoulro S I rtOQ ' 1 1 1 -ataw - . .... , , - !!".MP,.i '"H'ltlt. H. V. Miller. Sod uoMacuga Didg. - " :- BUSINESS CHANCES. ' HOTEL la tb tows of -Hood River ' for Mle oa beat cornsr in town. 1 mix 100 toot lot. 21 rooms; doing a fins buslu; or will Imss ad sell fnrnltur. Fur particular Mil at room 11. 245H Morrison at. . ' FOB SALE At Invoice, oa account of sickness. . a . first-class confectionary, les cream parlor snd short order; good location, doing a good business; nesr O. R. A N, shops. 116 Bus. sell st PbuM Scott 802. , . 1 ' FREE LANDS IK OREGON. FBRTILB soil, pur water, delightful cHmsts: land of alfalfa, apples and clover. For full Informatloa address the Columbia Southsra irrigatioa Co., MU woresstsr oiki, roruasav. FOR SALE Fine stack sporting goods, anna. ammuultlon, fishing tackl and repair shop, ' doing Al business, csntrslly Iocs ted. Wills m- ens vsney, who or wiiooui ounouig. Au- areas 'J' sv, csrs.QurML ' . - PARTIKS wlahlng to keep posted regarding the opening 01 ins inoisn ressrvstteu la -Mou tsus. either the Crow or Flathead, can do aa by ralllug or writing to SOS Uoodoough bldg.. coriisuu. trr. . . v ., 1 ' FOR SALS Oa aeoount at alckness. ale, slean. monsy-msaing dusimm m tut slds; sale from 816 to 836 per day; prlc $1,400, or will invoice; no agent wan lea. w ow, im journal. FOR SALE Half Interest In a grocery busl- nea noiug a ear snd good ousiuess, la good SDCBlioo. jtonress o.s noes i ,iapajt''x'Wai FOR SALE A fins dairy, feed and all neces sary fixtures, with isrgs city routs: In. cum $.100 to 84O0 per month. Address S. csrs suurnst. osiem, vri- Ql'ARTZ A high grade, free muling large ore Buoy in eoumern Oregon; wilt Dona for, devei. opment; 'capital wanted. W. K. Buble, TS1 i iiuama are., rortiano. ' . QUARTS A high grade, fre milling large or BO7 in eoumern uregtiu;: will Doaa tor dsvsl opment; capital wanted. W. N. Bubto, T81 w iiiisms nrs., t orixana. U WIEDER CO. opened their furnltur nous a 1 zt tnrsr at. r lease com snd aee them for bsrgaln fur Mw and. secoad-kaad lurairur ana stove. PARTNER, also general agent. $300 to $600 rspitsi rsquirea, ruiiy . secure; light manu facturing; snormous profits. Boom 18, Xj&M Flrat at MAKB na offer oa good 11 -room room Ing -bouse ins 1 cost over saou; must oe -sola. I'asa bargain-bun tare call 148H First St., room 0. -f- IF yoa want to Infest la a rafttsbl and bear closest absolutely est proposition, will InvMtlgstlotw Address D 43, car JournaL FOR SALE Stork of general merchandise la good location; sale from S0Q to 61.000 par month. Address Lock Box 8, Tangsat Or. FOR SALE Established photograph studio; splendid aqulpment, good business. AddreM P. O. Box 407. Oregoa City, Or. FOR SALE Restasrsnt, doing good bualnett; no other restsursut nesr: or will sxcbsDgs for sot. Inquire T84 Washington st - FOR SALE For $60, paying business, msn or woman. 832 1 llllauia st., cor. HuessU, room 16; TJ car. Pbon East 4108. WANTED Stock of dry goods or general mer- rnanniae ror caan; muat be la good location. H. W. Miller. 208 Goodnough bldg. WHEN looking for a locatloa. either cits' or country, cau est im noriuwssi lesaa vew.SM MotTlsocust room 211. FOR SALE Restaurant doing good business, 1a rirst-ciass locaiioa; tease. Aauress v 00, car Journsl. NEW8PAPER plsot for Ml la a growing town; wsu eersDisnsa Business, inqair x. 4, A., care JournaL , - LARUE lot 63x130, 4 blocks front car 11ns. $100; 8ia down, so a montk. . lnquir at 880 sail Washington. RESTAURANT, 8860: fine order: rent $; , dally ssles - $44 J flcat-clsss kocstlou. 206 Allaky bldg.". FOR SALE Brick hotel, 88 rooms, good rural tor, splsndld leas; la Portland. V 44. Journal. FINE opportunity la established business! seed help end eepltsL Address Q 64, car JoormaL PARTNER la ml aetata; ant b a good oat eld maa. . 208 Allaky bldg. FOR SALE Rohrnlng-booM of 14 noma, 64A0; a snsp. 288 Fifth st WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN CO. I - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BCSINESS HOUSE IN ST. JOHNS. New houae In bMt buslneM center, rented $42 per month; a good Investment-. wuer needs some money bow aad will aell very COMP. . - ! . . HENKLB BAKER. , 21T Abingtoa . BaUdtng. $1,000 Buya good 8-room botraa oa west side, overlooking city, 100x100, Iota af fruit; a Mrgsln. $1,600 Strictly modera 8 room boose, 80 feet from Wllllsms av. car 11m; a BMt bom and worth th money. $2,000 Splendid T-room bouse, ahont two year old, modern In every raapect, oa East ' '. Seventh atreet; $250 dowa will do. $8,000 Beautiful T-room bouse In one of th ' finest of the east eld residence dls- - trtcts. .oa Han cork, near Eaet Tenth; thnt-ie a very aftrsctive bom; term. $8,800 Buys a bom on Best , Eleventh, per fectly planned, fumaes, gas; wslklng -. - dlstsnce; thla pise la beyond criticism; - se m about term. $4,000 Splendid bom In Hswtboraa Park, Mar Tsylor snd Fourteenth. -. per cent money to build Witt on Cbolc residence lots for Mle by us. CO.MPTON GIBSON, 100 Abingtoa Bldg. Phone Red 2SrXt. . 100 ACRES. 10 mile west of Forest Grov; 90 In cultivation; good 4 -room bouse, barn good orchsrd; 00 acres fine timber; running water; ta good neighborhood. $1,250; easy terms. Fins S3 sere fsrm. nesr Fslrvlew; 25 la cultivation; young orchard: running water; good new hotue and barn; all fenced. $3,130; cMb. A real snsp.- 10 seres, 1 mile esst of Lents; vary sightly; ' no grsvel: will mske a fin horn. $126 per acre; $200 rash, $100 pr yesr. ' 8 fin lots st Hlghlsnd psrk. $400) $10y nsh; Msy term. Quarter block on Twentieth at.; fin lot of fruit. $1,400; $200 cssh. W sere - -Powell -Valley rosd. 8 miles ' from I'ortlsnd. $1150; $100 cash, $200 per CHARI.BSON NEILL, 810 Allaky Bldg., -corner Third aad MoMaon. . Pbone West 301. ACBB TRACTS' r OUR SPECIALTY IS ACBB TBACTSI r .. Foll-slssd itraett, water to each acre. TERMS $10 PBB ACBB CASH t . $10 PBR ACBB ECB MONTH. Yo go to these acres cm th saros ear. Ky the mim ftc far the lot mas psys. The t msa Is year Mlgbbnr. -but he is re-etrlctedt-ln majority of fsetorae that make a trus suburbs s koms. Am C CHURCHILL CO., H . 110 Scoad st 'SPECIAL BARGAIN St FOB $1. Tracts $2 front foot. 816 feet deen na 'Bars ss msny front feet es you want from 60 feet op: all la cultivation, ell level and elghtly, 6 minutes to good 10-rora school. 8 grade, nesr a tores, postnfflr. church and car station st Lents; 6-cent far to say pert of Portlsad. Thla la I I price; terms If wsnted, ' 0. R. Addltna, Lent. . Oregoa, tsswi Tsk Mt. Scott car, cmm. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY 8 room houM la North Portlsad. S2.SO0. 8-room honss In North Par tlsnd. 88.800. 8-room cottage, ale Jocatloa, west side. fS.UUU. T-room boa as,, ground lOOxtOO, with fron on Kaat tilth st. kl.SuO. .. . S-room houss, Isrge grounds, cbolc loca tion, en sit. TSDor. ao.rxat. 8-room cottage, la North Portlsad, $2,600. : 0-room modern house, la North Porfland. a", o.". 8-room bouas la Stsohens addition. 82.000. ' S-room house, sew, awdwa, William Avs, addition. $2,600. 8-room mw raodera hooM, Sunnysld, Mar nawioern avs. car llns. a2.i. 8-room new modcra bouae. North Alblna -Station. 83,000. - . 6-room cottage. )00xl00 ground. In Stow, art'e Park. 81.600. S-room modern doom, lota, bars, near Highland school, $3,000. t m a, Tkl ' SI SOA T-room nw modrra house, assr Going st. f2.7no. . . i . . - ' i-rn new bousb in seoaisvius. aa.iw, 6-room cottage, . 100x126 ground, at Point view, l.oi. 1. ., . B-eMm cottage, lot 60x108 J ft, on, West side, 83.O00. . - 8 room cottags, 100x100 ground, St. Johns, 2 good honses oa on tot la Stephen addl- ' 41on ennts 84A. T-room new modern nous in nawisrornu s r irSI SQiUllDD sa - , , rat..ddJtlon.JS50 S-r&itr"- modjirn-'hoiissBafrjao 'ayr hoF"T lad.y addition, ti.joo,-- . ..' , (n eottaea. St:-Johns Helatbt. 81.000. 6-room asw modern cottsge, assr Hsw. Hiiwm ann v ene 81 AOA. . 8-room bouse, la ale orden. oa Tth at. weat side, $2,600. w ' . -room sou a la North Trvington, $1,500, ' 6-room new cottsgs la Woodlawn, $1 800. T-room new modern mum, closs In. .os Van SIHae m At OOfl. 6-room cottage, larg ground, chM la. M . Best Belmont st,, $2,800.- v 8-room boust, cloM In oa Esat Belmont 8-rooia house, 4 lots, with bara." la IvaabM, 82.6(10. t - North Irvlnsion. 81. TOO, 8-room mw modern bom In North Irving- "S'-room cottage, two Iota, la William Avs, addition. $2,000. . a In T.lneota Park. 81.400. S-room cottaa. S . lots. ; la Lsurelwood, 6-room cottsgs In IKper AtbtM. 2.0O8. ' 8-rwjm bouse. North Irvtngtoo $1,800. " ,' 4-rootn cot tat e. wltk Mth, ground 75x138, la St. Johns. $1,400, 0-room mw bouM oa car Una. , la 811' mWmmt 1 SiSb 6-room cottsge, 80x100 grousd, at Lsnrsl wood. $l,20o. Smsll cottsge. 100x100 ground, aesr car line, la Bellwood, 8"". . ..... 8-room MW houM Williams Ave. addltloa, $2,400. . .. v 1 - 8-room cottsge. Montavllla. $1,200. . . 6-room- cottage,-Woodatoek, -81.800. t.mi na In North Irelnatnn. SI. 168. T-room modera aew bouae, . 76x100 ground, la Megley Highland. 82. son. 1 0-room boM. la Upper Altrius. $4,000. '-room kouss In Montsvllls, 100x100 ground, $2,800. ' . 11 -room bouse. 100x100 ground, nesr Haw- thorM ave. car, $4,000. . in. room Mis in aontn t-oriisna. ss.ouv. ' ornom mw modera cottsge. a prstty bom la ale order, Bunnysids. aa.iiw. S-room mw modern home, choice locatloa, Kaat Taylor at, 83.600. - T-room bouse. Upper Alblna, $2,008. -' flood Soma, weat aide. Jefferson at. $1,000, . Nice, mw etore building and dwelling In St. Johns, cbolc location, rent nqw $62 pet month; a good Investment: 84.000. I -room moaern boom, isrg grounos, , on Mt. Tabor. 82.000. ' 8-room hooss. corner lot, la Stephen addl tloa, $2,600. . . 8-room hooM, fall lot, la Stephens addi tion, 81.800. 8-room modera houe. a very cbolc horns. In Hollsdsy Psrk, $6,T00. Corner kit. close In. oa west side. S balld- "Ings. $8,000. ' rirtca DMines out ruing, ceatrni israuni, west side, $12,600. . v H block ground, lmprod with buildings. West side; $20.4100. - - i , Call for further particulars. . . . .. . ... -HENKLE sY BAKER, -J e 21T Ablngton Bldg., - 10814 Third St.,' Port Is nd. Or. WHO WANTS A $3.00t QUARTER BLOCK t Situated nicely on rns mat sin, oa Keen St.. between Twenty-first end Twenty occothI. nrar tb fslr grounds. - If sold till week, $1,600 will tsks It. Good title or M sal. An acre-aod-a -quarter pise, all nicely cul tlvstsd snd gardened, cbolc fruit and ber ries; small cottsge; $ blork from slsctrte cars. Osk Grove, only $8.10. 2 full Iota, 8 room bouae, MS How at worth $:i.0i0, for only $960; May baynwuts. For I MM) yoa can bay 4 full lots, neat and cosy cottsge, 6 blocks Mr, la Wood lawn. . $A00 will bay 1 err place m ClaekamM. ' If It'e th snsps you rs looking for, ws hsv-them. ..-THB DUNN-LAWBENCE COM PA NT. 14Vb First Street -- EAST SIDE REAL ESTATE CO. Pbom Esst 626. 404 Esst Morrraoa at. 8-room cottags. cloM la, prlc 61.200; $830 cash, balsac easy terms; Inrsstlgsts. Howe this for a bargslnt 8-room boom, IS minutes' walk from Morrison bridge, $1,000; cssh $500. to ecre, I blork csr line, close to erbool; T-room modem bouse, good bsrn. sll kind of bMrlng fruit; prlc $2,200. esy term. W Hars aeveral new cottaaea and koasM for . Ml on eey psymcvita, from $26 to $100 sown, Daisnc to suit; caeapsr tnsa paruii rent; closs to csr line. AIM across of all " kind listed at a bsrgala pries. Call and M as tefor you bay. EAST SIDE REAL ESTATE -CO.. Pbone Esst 828. 44 East Mnrrtsnn St. 6-room modera cottsge. Urge tisssment; lot 60x100; Sna Iswn. rose and 8 lsrg shade trees; near Twentieth St., clo to 2, csr lines; bargain at $1,160; half casS, balsac $12 a month. S-room bos as la MontavlUa, . $680; $.10 dowa, M lance easy terms. 80 sere, all In berries and. fralti modera bouse. Mrn; closs to csr llns. . 1 acre end modern T-room bouM la Monta vlUa: plenty ot fruit, large barn; will aell . on easy terms, 8 cottages on ear llns. easy .terms, $28 to ' $100 down, balance to eult - 1 FOR SALE At snr. 10 seres, all la cultlv. tton; 2 seres In orchsrd, 6 sera of braverdsm land, smsll stream of water paaaes through center of lend; all of land can M Irrigated Trnm stream; 6-room new tone, bsTn, etc.; within 26 minutes' walk of sfllwaukle; faces on good county road; prk-s $1,800 If Mid at one. This I tb BMt bargain near Port land. Land adjoining Mint far $800 to $800 Er acre. 404 Eaet Morrleon st. PhoM est 626. . . CHOICE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. 1 . 12-room houee. corner lot, Mat aide; hath, stationary wssbtubs, furnscs; Mid at a Mcti- ftce If sold soon. Two cbolc lots. 10 blocks from th Hotel Portlsnd. None better. . . - S scrro level lsnd la tb city, with first- else S-room house. GRUNDY -MELRATH CO.. 245 Morrison St. WHAT la your bldt I must aell at once a very desirable home. Well Improved and located, having all auburbsn advsntsges; good bouse, woodshed, well, fence snd a vary fin grov; 24j acre cleared, Ito sorter! cleared, m rock. Address D 68, rare Journal. SNAPS 8-raom house East Thirteenth, aear Morrleon, $2,000; terme. 6-ronm bouae on Market, west aide, $2,400, DUBOIS SHERWOOD. 208 H Morrleon St.. Boom 8. . m ACRES aear St. Johns; 2 story hrniM, fin occhssd. rich berry and fruit land, for Ml cheap or will trad for elty property! value, $3,000. , AddreM 0 BS. ears Journal. ISO ACRES good land. $16 per acre; IS mile down river on good road, and U mil of rall- ' atrf nil. .1 tM, 1..!.. . . - - with other outhnlldlngs; a beautiful sits snd a bargain: running water. W. Homb Wood, ii r irsi st. A FULL block M. Grand ave., old bonding bringing $M0 per month; aa excellent locstloa tor hotel, tenement home or etore bulldlugs; nothing better la Esst Portlsad: prlc $36,000: $18,000, bslsnc long tlm st low rate f InterMt AddreM 0 43, cars Journal. FOB Ml sr exchange, suburhsu hoes. T house, modern: 6 lsrg sbd IroM. fruit of all kind, hesrtng; 4 lsrg lots; good bsrn; will Mil cheep or trade to the vslnstlon of $1,400, bslsnc May terms. 404 East Mor rison et. . DO yoa went a hrtoM-eand kit cm Feet 6th st., sesr Osk St.. st prlc ef lot I If so. I ksva It. Lot 60x100. s-rnnm kous. brick basement, - bsth end toilet, fin cherry trees; $2,160, , part caso, aorsM y m, care rfOBrnat, JOURNAL . . . v ew -vJm ' HIT Want Ad " Rates UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION, v:; .' Five Cents per Une, -'.'' ; " No ad tekstf for Ism Usa 1m' as day. . 8vs words, aa a nils, osuatltuts a Uas. at Mat line fc hrgd rsgardlaM of tb nnmber of words. ' - ' -WIZJCLY BATE T tnsartloas (lnalndlng , m Saaday iaasa) 84 C-ST8 psr Um MtTMLr BATE ' f tnoliUtus Boadaf . Issum) $1.80 psr Um ssr msntk. ADVERTISSMEIbTS MrWtaa- '"M fs by IS s'ole wMk days ssd - ky 18 s'elook Satarday araaiag fs tha Sunday IseM. to mmm elsmlisstlea, -nspiay rau givsa apeai 8 . tM arte. THEJOlJRNAL BRANCH OFFICES f . ADTIiraiMIsTTS Win b rsMlvd at . rsaular aaalafSM ""a. roiwwin I li I list of aathoriasd aTsata, who will forward year advertlee. nsntls Um for publlcaUsa la tha sast U B0BTX nDS, -S ''..' r'1 ''';, B. A.- Prsstou. druggUt TwBty-th8 au laurmas strMtae W.k n. n. fWnK DIM Hk.., ' i r IT"TT I corosr 'Twnty-art I ' Allan nknemnela. Blaat ad Marshall atreaU. . McOommoa'a Pharmacy, Hlaatoeatfe aad Waabingtoa stroets. ' sours BXDB. .B. F. Jons Co.. druggists. Front sad GlbM atraeta. Cottsl Drag company. First sad Oraal atrests. . , FsM.B' "Byerley. dugfUt. 400 Jffroa street ootaar Tenth. Bettmaa'a Pharmacy, aorvsr Sixth aad Barrlsoa srraets. Plammr Drag- aompaay, S80 Third atTMt, ' , ' EAST. US-.' ' '' W. S. bav. drurglst. eoraeg Grand aveasM aad Bast Barnalde straet. Nichols A 1-hompsoa. US RasssU atrsst. eorner Alblna svsnM. - Jsncks Drug eompsay, eeraer Bawtbara aad Graad avsaaas. W. CL Cabl. druggtat. ' eorasr Hsllsdsy eveno aad Larrabas strMt, sssj stssl bridge. it A. wiisoa. 188 Or ad . avsna, bmt Eaet Mrrlaoa. . B. W. BsIL 866 Esst SvathS-is. Cor uar Stophsaa, , .''.. nSBXABD, - -' F. 1. CUrk, druggist loot North Vslas SUBXrtUJI. . Werth. phsrmsclst 80S Bsla oat BX00K LTV, ' in. street ' Brooktym Pharmacy eompsny, PMreU aad Mllwaukle streets. AXLZTA 0BXOOV, Arlata Pharmacy, More aad FMter atnets. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR $5S0 Will sell 4 room houae, just being flnlahed: 60x100 lot. smsll fruit tr. ihi fnrnltnr and 2 most Us' wood Mpply ; -vyw."""-. 'J UW r. SSOtS S UTB. at., room S. I'hooe Pacinc 408. HOMESTEADERS W na locals yoa aa vacant wheat or Irrigatioa lands la eestera Oregoa. Call or writs Vso Clesve A Scboll, RaaJCslsts Agenta, Ecbo. Umatilla eoaaty. VERT choice lot, 80x100, Holladsy'a add; also s auine ax sit. .sDor, .juuxiou, os Mr Uae: Ball Bub w.ter, T rooms. - bsth, bars, all kind fruit Owaer, 12S Third at $1,48012 lota.- with house of T noma and large . halL Just finished. $800 caah. balance $10 a nunin; near rortamoutn aiallou.. r. ss. Cox. I ulverslty Park, owner. . FOR SALE 414 seres, chean. with . 10-nom boose, sloag golf, link carllna ; Sa Msrlng fruit trass! must ha s.l I nrniim ' M promises, 870 Mllwsukls st ' . FOR SALE room cottage furnished, with lot o"xi'"i, gnna wsiss and car aerrlce; cheap. Stm B. Twsety-ihlrd at. north. Take Veraua car. TO prospecttv havers: We hsv Mm Sn burs la houaes. Inta. limn talH, n erty and tsrms; se as. Wsgner Petty. room 202. Commercial blk. . ... MODERN 6-room doom oa H sight av., lot BOX im. only 2.uiB): iota onxixi on Vsncoavr av., close In, $400. Trson KlnselL 802 Com mercial blk. PkoM Main 2S23. FOB SAI.R T-room modern houss, 2 Iota 60x100 esca; gooa gsraen, mm; i nmcg car line, close to school: price $1,700, easy Urma. US Broad St., Montavllla. $8d-fMl ' bargain. Braad-hew, atyHab o-ronm pissierea -cottage, i all on aremlsee before 5 p. m. ; Weodlswa or Vernon csr. 686 Fslllng t. - , FOR SALE By owaer. two besuttfnl nsw real- uenevs, s snu i mas, tineir tors ten. Phona Esst 67. or Inqnlr st 621 Esst Wsshlngtoa st ."HAVE som choic wheel farsas for sale . Mp sn oa sssy terms, writs to sr cell M H. D. Bands IL Olsx. Gilliam eoaaty. Or. FOB SALE at a banrala. modera Tj sn Esst Taylor. eliM la; . term-, to salt purchassr. Apply F 42. care JournaL FOB SALE Modera eabaraan aottog. cmm to csr lias, bm locaiios. ground lOOxlUu. 0. W. P. Towaslt Co.. 184 First st FOR SALE Very cheap. 6-rnom newly Mr. nianea list, jsi rioor. moaern coavcnlefiee. 638 Chamber of Commerce. MAKB aa offer for 6-room modera cottars. ' Jo abm., at nswviii station, oa Mt bcott ear Mm. Must have money. $1.860 New 6-ronm cottage and t larg lot on corner tirana ave, aaa Boaver at as owner, 804 Shaver at. BARGAIN Up-to-date asw S-room cottags, good, a Klfe mm ... II , . urn, 84T Krby at -- - - SELL WOOD lota. $6 dowa aad S3 a month I from $76 to 820O. Seuwood Tewaalto Ca. Phone Unloa 1481. - BARE bargela 7 -room bouse, lot 100x128. tin fruit, good nrdea, good locatloa. IT Broad at, Montsvllls. FOR SALE Lots 11, 12. 18, block S. Arista rsrs, sixn esco. . AoareM,. wsosisr, Bsrtaa, Oregoa. NEW mod ecu 8-room houss, -lot BOxlon. H block from woodiawa nr; terms reasonsnis. 864 Ivy at - FOB BALE 8-room bouae oa rar line with acr fruit treea, etc. laqnire mi asss Sixth t. . - -, - 6-ROOM bouse, cheep for csah. Inqnlr I B. Hemlngtoo, ROMmont av., Hontavuia csr. NEW houss on csr tine In Fulton, - rbMp. ' Owner, Arthur Jones. Pbom West 230X FOR SALB T .room bonj Rfxth-wnd -A ats.. Highland. Cau tjp. catoa 8-ROOM house, iota 100x100. at St JohM; kslf cssh! 604 ooidsmita, aid s. BEAUTIFUL I sr I room hoaee. Inquire' at ION Front t. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALB SO acr, 48 In cultlvstlon, an an- . der fence, B-rnom none. ivstorr,- nest as I at tract Irs. fruit, f lewsrs. berries, water In house, good barn end outbuildings, 18 brad cattle.' head milch cows, bslsnc t lad I yesrs old; 18 brad of fine Angora goats, oa -spa n work horses sod barneee, mower, plows. cultivator, narrows sna nil tsrm implement, poultry, pigs: sltusted T mile from rallrosrl ' town. 84 miles from Portlsnd; rural mall and ' telepbno. H mil to sehool, thickly eettlej district; plac Is sdspted t8 grsln, berrhr. bop, fruit or ds try Ing: fkiest outrange In , wMtsra Oregoa; price for all $8,000, $2,0nr - dowa, bslsnM oa long time, 6 per cent A-l drM D 60. Journsl. , . ATTENTION. H0M SEEKERS. Ws must sell thla Discs et once: $ti acre. U from rslh-osd and boat landing, seres In rebsrd, 86 la cultivation, all kinds of " farm tnole. 1 0-room hauM Snlabed la Call fornl red-rood, 2 hern, mllkbona. rhlrke hotiae; other Improvement; prlc. $2 00;' amaU cask parment. balance to suit parchaaer. - . XJ0BAN A TAGGABX, -' v. '"'- JOB SUU St. f " r.t V 'I