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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1905)
TK3 CHZGON DAILY JOURNAL. FC III LAI. 3. WITDI.ZIDAY ---v.t, r--- ..1IU W- :i.p":poii ft nwECTS '.'."-"..cwn ; Critic Summarizes tht Football Conditions In. i Two Sections. : '-'t CINERAL' GOSSIP Op t ; ' ; EASTERN GRIDIRONS What Bill Reed Expects to JDo With '' the Harvard ElevenDirt WflUama' . Big Task at Pennsylvania Intercit " in Association Football. ' - Jeorsal Special gervleat " Kew York, Sept. JO. Walter Camp, the famous football expert, ..writes as follow of the gridiron outlook at she various bit colleges:. ' ; ' ' "With , the month of September her the bis universities are looking over the football prospects and making football plans with a realising sense that tber is no sport which, has such a rapid sn son tn .point development as that of the gridiron. ..- Men hardly back front their summer outings,"" bronsed with ten. resurrect their football clothes and, llu. Ing up for the first .time. the end of Sep tember, are within leas than two months railed upon to play the critical and final Ctmt of the rear. .'. -, "When .on "compares this with the aseball, or crew work beginning la mid winter and laBtlnl1 ' for- nearly sis Months, or oven with th .track work started wHh cross-country run In the winter and continuing up to the end ot ' !ay. It gives on some idea of the gen. ral rnsh of affairs which com pi i cat the college football season. i,it-.t.-:r.-. "The preliminary wori Tia ln mora marked at Harvard and Pennsylvania than anywhere 1ml ' With Harvard this I, mm been necessitated by a com pie t chsnn In th coaching arrangements. : r. Beld. one of Harvard's moot faweW resarul atbletest ootn in Daaeoou ana football, having finally consented to come on from Belmont,' California, and take charge of. the football interests this season. In order to map out Ma cam ralgn. he eamo east In -th spring; and there Is no doubt but that the available football -talent has been better classified already through bis diligent Investiga tion thsn over before st Harvard. v' At Old snasy. .. ."'.'- "At Pennsylvania t he fact that that very successful coach, Dr. - Williams, TMnablrTtrtlt'Tfts-,posttmriT)r "hesi roach again this year msde it neces mrr for different plan to bo outlined and thfs haa resolved itself Into the ap pointment or a football committee,- Dr. Williams will, of course, assist, but the plan haa such ' differences In Its work from" that of last season that 'earlier consideration must be given to th can didates and the methods. ' , . - ... "At New Haven and Princeton mat ters will not' be opened up until about the middle of September, but coaches have been selected at Princeton. Hllder brand being in charge as formerly and likely to be sssisted by Edwardeand 8-eny, wmie at "now naven vamey win be in charge with th assistance 01 Vloomer. i - .. -. ' t- t "At Cornell. Warner will continue ths task wbic,lt he took, up a year ago and much is .hoped from this successful strategist In vies of . tho excellent work be did for years with the. Indians, Lat season was; a "disastrous, one ror uor nell, but If has. not .dampened the ardor (ft the football men there and Cornell is promised, at, arty rate, heavier material than Warner Tiad '. to work ' with last year. . i.-.-.r . . T"At Columbia Mother Webb,,: weU known aa a trainer of bicycle riders, haa been engaged to train ths football team for the coming season. Webb handled Tom Cooper. Eddie Bald and many of th old-timers In the cycling world, and later looked after the condition of Mar cue Hurley, th world's amateur cham- Cuzrcnkes to Cure Itapfare Cc!rs!td Expert Is Ueefis VnSi Uzrvelsss Sitceess m a New Esse Invention. Catos Case Considered Kopsleos and Positively ouaraat This Wonderful Basalt, . Evsry ruptured man, woman and child may now throw their truss away and cure tneraselves at home. A celebrated expert has invented a treatment - that does away with operations and the an noyance and nuisance of wearing,, a iruss. 11 crw viinom pain, la per fectly harmless and the result la so eer tain that th cur is positively guaran teed. - ,, ' Among those who have been eured are: Mr. Axel E. Johnson. Hill man. Wh, ruptured IS years; Mrs. 1- D. Bmlth. box r, k r. . hh ........ ur..k a .M years: Thomas C. Heaton. S8 Auttnnn st., san Jiw' m, rupiurea i years: 8. C. Arnold, Cor. N. Talr Oak and Mountain sts.j Paaaoena. Cal.: J. R. amith.. Umt Deer. Mont., ruptured 4 vara. and hundred of prominent oeonle throughout th I'nited States. Bend vour nam and address to the Rlectru Co., 173 Wood bldg., Syracuse. N. T and th complete details of 'this won derful cur will be "sent you tree of charge In a pUIn, sealed wrapper. Writ Immediately as this notice will prob- - 1. 1 . ...... ... , VIII mi tAlinn. lielow today. L.-.-.Ji. ., rim Mxjwrvmm eovron. . ELBCTHU "CO.. '17 Wood Bldg., i. Syracuse, N. Y. . - My nam I . . s ' ,. '. My addrfs Is I Town ........ . County mat.. sa - TaUlTODATl plon bicycle rider of 104- Hurley Is th captain of th basketball team at Columbia and helped to get Webb there. It is always a difficult matter to get th beat talent out at Colombia and th loas of their much-beloved captain of last year will be felt. . . 1 i ' - . At Dartmoata-. "Uirtmouth, whoa career last, yeer, whit not ss phenomenal ss that of the saason t before, waa very satisfactory, promrsos to glv th same amount or nervousness to her opponents ss she did In HQS and 1104. -and looms up th largest of th New England institutions outside of Yale snd Harvard. ' "In ths middle wast. Michigan and Minnesota, who failed to meet last year, and who played a tie-gam the year be fore, ar not likely to, have It all their owa way by : any meana. .Wisconsin has been doing. soma changing In plana, aud 8Ugg. now quits, recovered' in health, has plenty of excellent material, and It Is only natural that ths opponents of Michigan ahoull view with some satisfaction ths graduation of Heaton, who has been such a bright particular star In Michigan flelda Farther west. on the Paclno eoaat, Stanford and th University of California will carry. on thir annual rivalry,..' with a rturn to special coaching one more as th agree ment between th two Institutions pro viding for graduat coaching has ex pired, and there seems to b a manifest desir to return to outside coaching. . "Ths gam has also taken such a strong hold In th south, and south west, that Innumerable leagues ar formed, and It . will not be long before w shall have teams coming from the' sections trying out first with outslds teams near- at hand, and. then later Journeying north and east to measure their caliber with older Institutions, , ''j. , Association Oatiook. , "The oosslbllltr of some association football la also most Interesting. There Is room for both games In this country, snd the , 'drlbblng' gsmes would b wel come, especially when exploited by such exponent as England can send over. . "Th Interest exhibited In football as a sport by a certain Elgllshraan of tltl suggests many possibilities, nm pro posal of an international contest would be most attractive If some middle ground could bs'lilt upon which would make such a thing possible. What- would probably core nearest to solving th difficulty would b th playing of two contoats, on under th English Rugby, union ruis. wi vuw untiar American eollesT rules, snd then after these two contests had bean played a committee, consisting of on Ameri can representative and, on English, rep resentative, together wun aom tniru neutral party, to decide upon an amal gamatlon Of. ths two rules for the final mntuL J mlsht not be feasible to effect this all in one season, but with reasonable periods between the con ( and with' the desire to bring It sbout that a fins! contest should be fair to both It might b aceorapnsnea- in spits of th apparently Insurmountable differences."'. - ' '' - AND TROTTING RESULTS BACK EAST " ' (Jearaat perlal Bervles.1 ' ' . v v.1 stent n.-.Hnnrav. at 11 to I, captured the. Sully handicap at Graves end yesterday, defeating King's Daugh ter, the heavily played favorit. Th results were: a ; " ? . - About six furlongs Rotropa won. Sir Caruthers second. Elolsa third; time 1:1J i-l. . 1 V : - ; " ' 1 . Mil f snd a qusrter Torkshlr lad won.yoladay j sw ndiCljj-lght third; Jim. . About" six furiongs Jim on won, Collector Jessup second, Runnels third; ume, i-.ia. . t . , Handicap,' about alx furlongs Hooray won. King's Daughter second. JacobU third; time, 1:11 t-t. Mil j. and a alxteenth Isrs elite, won. Lord , Badge second, Foncasta- third; time, i:n . - ....-) . . . .. un. . m,r won. Saulsbury second. Aucassin third; time. l:tl ; . . ;. - . ri'f rsji CnrcmlJ aUaaltg.r-'.': Columbus, Ohio, SeptIO.thS. Grand circuit results yesterday were: . Kentucky 8tock Farm futurity, t-year-old pacers, two in three, purs ll.sOO Bonalet" defeated Miss Adbell In , two stralght'heats; time, :llt and 2:11. 1:18 claas, trotting, thre In five, purse 11.000 Pat TV won first, second snd fourth beats In 1:1114, 1:11 snd 1:11. ui.. vinn.. win Mrd haat in 1:11. Blsck'Patchenr Edna -Oh ko,- Main Sheet. Jos N., McRane. Nordics. Hughey Mc, Bella C. Kate 811 go, Lucretla, Kipling., Beannett ' Cecil , and Fsrmella - also stsrted. - ' Hotel Hsrtman purs. $5,000, for 1:11 pacers,. thre heats Hal C. won second snd third heat In 1:11 and 1:11. Albula won first heat In 1:1114- - F. J. D. an nniM vif also started. ' " '.Columbus purse, $1,000, for 1:01. trot ters, thre heats Norman B. won three ..ih ,.. In 0U. liftTSi and 1:08 Masetto, Anglols, Zephyr, Redan and Direct view Siso stanea.- v '.. Hoster-Columbus Breeders' stake, 10.. 009. for 1:10 trotters, three heata (un finished) Olenwood M. won first best In 1:0H. , Leonardo won second hest In 1:1s. Maud Maxine. Jack Wilkes. Angle snd Clarita also sUrted. 1:1 class psoing, thre In flv. purs 1 1.000 (unfinished) Martha Young won first heat in 1:1014 Crystal O., Electric Storm.- William Huron, Miss Kipling, Alice Brookssns and Tommy Burns also stsrted.- - ' ' 1:11 class, purse 11,600 (unfinished) Texas won first. hest In 2:lt The Judge, Miss George. By He Wilkes, Ethel Rice, Begins, Brownie, Wild Brine, Alfalfa and-Btorado also suited. ,, - " Wi; A; A. C.' WRESTLERS WIN THREE OUT OF FIVE ,V'. . '' ' .-' The finals In the' wrestling tourna ment at ths Lewis and Clark Auditorium wer pulaed off last evening In th pres a mm nnraclatlva bunch Of SDeO tatora The representatives of the Mult nomah club, Montagus, Teller and Frank, won tnre out or nv or xn venia, ouv classing , their opponents In decisive ..hin Th other-two events were won by Duncan and Bsgley of th Olym pic- club or Han rranciaco. Th work of tho local clubmen was very good and the boys wer given a hearty reception by their friends. The visiting wrestlers will lesvs to day for thetr homes. Th final results for both nights follow: lli-pound class Teller, ' Multnomah, first; Myers, Multnomsh, second. - 125-pound claas Frank, Multnomah, first; Burney, Olympic, second; Klllsn, .... . - lil-pound class Montague. Multno mah, first; Prentony, Olympic, second; forfeited. Wagner, third. HS-pound ' class Duncan, Olympic first; Livingstone. Y. M. C. A second. 161-pound claas-rBayley, Olympic, first; Helnrlch, Spokane,' aecond; Pink hamv . Y." MV..C A., third. i ' Harvard Man Beport. ' - J ' . , ' (Jearial Special gervtee.) ' " "' ' Csmhridge. Mass.. Sept. 10. -Nearly It csndldate answered the call for ths first practice of th Harvard football tesm on Soldiers' field laat Saturday. Among th men wh reported wer Captain Hurley, Brill.; Montgomery, Parker, Cunnilt, Wendell, Hanley, Starr and ShnrUetV: V ..i v P!S8I!G of m CLOSE ilT ICO Greatest Llhtwel;ht Boxer Will Soon Join the Class $f ( Has Been's. COLORED BOXER CANNOT, ; 1 y , MAKE THE WEIGHT Nelson Declares That H kWill Not Fight Herford'a Protect Becausa Ha Haa Everything to tosa and Nothing to. Cain.' : ' :': "J Latest quotations on the pug market. Nelson, 0 sbove proof. ... 1 Jimmy Gardner preferred, about par. 'Brttt,. Ja; v 'iH.-i,-,-.Urv Baltimore coon stock, not quoted. Market actlv. . Top stocks strong. Futures excKed. Nelson has corns out In open meeting and declared .that, under no manner of circumstances, will ho fight Jo Gans. This Is too bad. , Nelson gives some good reaaona why he will hav nothings to do with th Herford-Oana combination. , And all he says Is true.." '.' Oana haa been so crooked that he can't He straight In bed. HeTford would cross- himself. That's where h stands. Ths Bsttling one. say a that no matter what he did -to Gsns ths affair would look wrong to ths ' public If he knocked th colored man out no one would gtvs him credit for It. All would Jay that Gana lay down . to him.-Jf ths coon boat him, hs would be sent back to where4ie wag . before h-. whipped Britt. Bo, with everything, to lose snd nothing to" gain In reputation by a fight with Oans, why should hs take him onT - Pretty good reasoning, at that. , Still, It Is too bad that Nelson and Gana may not com together. Oana Is th lightweight champion. If he can make the 111 . mark. Harford haa alwaya declared that Ui can. But tn an affidavit mad at nty suggestion by him Herford makes th statement "four hour before th fight." t - That won't do. Th weight called for Is at th - ringside. Herford's . "four hours' l,an admission on his part that his man cannot make th weight " - And If he cannot, hs must stand aside, gtvs up hammering th public ear thst he is still the nhsmpton ef his el as, and let the other boys fight for ths title. . ., Wher the . public 1s Interested"!s"ln th fsct thst - this Gans haa been - ths greatest champion-In his division. Aa a, fighter he outclasses sll ths Nelsons snd Britta that could be grown la a puglllatlo incubator. , It may be . now that his time haa come as ,lt comes to sll. champions. If so, "ths followers of tho ring would ltks to know It. J : ' ..... But It is hardly posslbl that ho will aver .know JU. j: Nelson won't fight him and no ens can blame lilm for. his action In ths matter. ; Gans vtdently can't mak th weight. ' No on would believe htm on th level If they did come together. . " " So, it does look ss If w had com at last to ths pssslng of Jo Oana out of ths lightweight class at least. - And if he bad been honeat what a nam he would hav Isft In ring history. No lover of th gam would ever hav remembered that h was black. ; ' Who ever eared about Oeorge Dixon's color? -.; ...-'- ? AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia t-., . , Chicago . , Cleveland . :. Boaton . . .til .601 .H .501 .604 .40 .4(7 New York , Detroit . . . Washington 8C Louis , . , , , . . .144 - At sTew Tork. '" First, gam : . New York . B, H.E. . 11 9 Phllsdelphia II Batteries puttman and Klelnow: Coakley and Bchreck. Second asm" . - R. H. E. New York . t ...... . .......... . 0 Philadelphia . . .1 II Batteries ooode, Qrirath and Kleln ow; Bender and Powera . .... At Cleveland. First asms . - R. H. E. Cleveland . .................... 1 t 1 Detroit....... .....1 t Batteries Moore snd-Wakefield; .Don ovan. Drill and Doran. Hecond cam - - R. H. R Cleveland , . 4 I 0 Batteries West and Clark; Kltson snd Drill, . , . At WaahlBgtoa. First aarae .'-,., R. H. E Washinaton . . 0 11 Boston 1 1 0 Batteries Townsend and Heydon; Xoung snd trigsr. , Recond asms ' R. H. E. Waahlngton .... 10 0 Boston .7 10 " I Batterles-Palkenberg and Klttredge; Berry, Tsnnehiii, Armorustsr and - Crl- ger. -: i:'",.i ,V'-' .? ' At . ltoala.' ' .. St Louis. 11 1 Chlcaso . . Is! Batteries Glad and Roth; Owen and Sullivsn. "' '.; Vancouver to have ; ; ucrosse tourney . . (Sped! Dispatch to Ta JoaraalV -1 ' Vancouver, B. d Sept. 10. On of th f nature of the-Dominion sxblbltlon, which will be held st New Westminster from September 17 till October T, will be th big lacrosse tournament at which thre of th premier teams of Cansds will compete for honors. On September 10 the Vancouver and Nsw Westminster teams will meet In ths flnsl champion ship match of th season... Th success ful tesm on this occasion will hold Hh championship of British Columbia Be vi trei thoussnd dollar, haa been wagered on the result, betting being - at even money. In October the Capitals, off Ot tawa. Ontario, ar scheduled to plsy the New Westminster team, while two days later the chsmplon Vsncouvars will go sgainat th Eaatarn Stars. On Satur day, October 7. ths last day of tbs exhibition, th winners of th Vancouver-New Westminster match will meet the Capitals. - .Ths western teams ar training hard .and should hav no diffi culty - In winning from th tesm from eastern Cansds. ; attsaursloa Bates t Vewpetn. ' Th Southern Paclflo company has placed on sal at all "- r art land offlcss round trip tickets ta Newport st rat of 14. limited to October 10, HOI. snd for II Usturdsy to Monuy tlcksta Ampl botl sccomn-odstlons st reason able rat ar provided,! this popular rasorV -..-v-, -f-,yr"r. , .co;x;iK Portland Continues Its Wlnnlnj v StreaK by Taking a Scalp From Van Haltrsn's Belt BATTING RALLY DOES , THE FANCY TRICK McCredic's If en Fall Upon -Blexrud ' in Fourth Inning And Give an Ex hibition in Heavy Hitting Catea Pitches Good Came. V (Josraaf SpeeUl Berries.) i f Bn Franc laco, Sept. 20. Th Port' land batsman took another fall out of pink-eyed Mr. Wexru4 yesterday after noon at Idora park. Oakland," driving thst lata recruit. . to th unmeasured Umber. -The score stood 4 to 1 la Oak land's favor at th beginning of the fourth. Inning, bat whan th .' clouds rolled by It was to 4 against th horn performers. ; Srhlafly -started ths trouble by driving out a triple. Mc Lean hit safely, and four hlfh cams In succession, with ths exception of Mo- Cradle, who was ths only Portland player not to got a hit. McHala, Mo Lean Van Buren and Sweeney hit ths ball . with - terrific force, securing tw hits apiece. Graham succeeded Blex rud, but had great difficulty In holding th Giants down. , Portland added 'an other run In th ' seventh for good measure. .' , Cates pitched, for Portland " and couldn't keep his curves out of harm's wsy In th first two Innings, when ths Commuters ran - four rwna-serosa -4he horns plata After th record chapter. old" "Ely" settled down and no more runs cam to - Oakland. " "Buck" Dev ereaux collided with McLean tn th third Inning and waa compelled to quit th game. MoCredl played In- Houae holder's pises In right 'field and didn't get a hit . Th scor u: . ' , PORTLAND. ' .".'". AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Ats, ss. .;i 4 0 .1 If MoCredie. rf. ........ 4 .0 0, 4 0 0 Van Buren, If. ...... t . 1 1 10 Mitchell, lb. -. I I 111 0 0 Schlsfly, 2b. X 11 I I t ' 0 McLean, c 4 1 1 0 1 McHala, cf. ......... 1 1 J 10 0 Sweeney, lb. ........ 4 ' 1 1110 Cates. 1 Q, 1 - 0 Totals.. ..........11 7 11 17 II 1 J s - OAKLAND. - - :' 1R R. H. PO. A. TtL Vsn Haltren, ct:... 11 1 1 0 0 Kruger. rf. .......... I 0 1,1 0 0 Dunleavy. It 4,001 0 0 Mosklmau, lb- ...... .0 0 11'. 0- 0 Kelly. 2b. ...7....... 4 0 11 I 0 Richards, lb.- ........ 4 011 10 Devereaua. . aa . . . . . l O'O O'l Hackett, c. ... I ill 11 Blexrud, p. .......... 1 0 0 1 1 Francks, ss. ......... 10 0 1 ; 0 Graham, p. I 0 1.010 Totals .. .........7.11 4 I 27 14 I 8CORE BT INNINGS. Portland 0 204001007 Hlta . ..,,...,,0 III1K1I 111 Oakland . . ......1 1000 00 00 4 Hits - .........1.1 1 0 0 1 0 0 11 'i. ' ; SUMMARY . . Hits-Off Blsxrud, 'I; off Graham, I. Runs Off Blexrud, 4; off Graham, t. Three-base hits Vsn Haltren, Srhlafly. Two-baa hits Hackett 2. Mitchell. Bacrtfic " hits McCredle. McHale 2, Schlsfly. First baae on balls Oft Catea I; off Blexrud, 2; off Graham. 1.. Left on bases Portland, 7; Oakland, 0. Struck out By Catesv 1; by Blexrud,' 1 Hit by pitcher Blexrud. Hackett Dou ble plays Ats to Schlsfly to Mitchell) Hackett to Moaklman. Tims of game One hour snd 40 minutes. Umpire Per rln.',.. .. -. ' - V ' . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Oaklssd PortlixV.. . . , Los Aacelai .. Sesttle Bs Fraselsce .004 .624 sol .4M 4.4S3 an Tse Lost ............. ..!SOl2l)'2Sl2n 1S1 Bala Xelped Seattle. (Sseelal Otspatck Tbm ioaraaL) Seattle, Wash.. BepC 10. Yesterday 'a gam between Seattle and Tacoma waa called at th end of th fifth inning on account of rain, giving th Slwaabee the match 1 to 0. When th gam was called th Tigers had two mn on bases. Th scor: . ... . - " It. H- E. Seattle. v s o 0 12 1. 1 Tacoms ...0 0 0 0 00 1 1 Batteries Miller and Frsry Emer son and Hogan. Umpire McDonald. " Aaa taa AagalS Bmd. ' "' (Joevnal 'Special Scrrice.t Los" Angele, SeptTO. Th "Angels outbatted and outerred ths Seals yestsr- dsy and consequently lost th match. Hltt pitched a careful game. Score; .... to 'Angeles ...001000000 1 l' 6 8sn Francisco ..00100100 11 1 0 Bstterles Tosler snd Spies; Hltt and wuaon. umpire uavia. ... ,4 '. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE. , Won. Lost P.C New York. .......... S SI.. .701 Pittsburg,. 91 , 47 f" .160 Chlcsgo . . ........... 71 17 i ..671 Phllsdelphia . ......... 74 10 - .652 rinclnnstl . 16 . 17 .411 St. Louis 61 15" ,111) Boaton 41 . 01 i . Ill Brooklyn.. ...i I , l " .211 V-ViJ . " At Oaloago.". V . . r. R..H.E. Chlcsgo . . ,.l II 0 Cincinnati . , , . . . t , ... 11 1 Batteries Wlmen Reulbach snd O'Neil: Overall and Schlel. Umpire Bausewlne. . ... " At FttlaaalphJa. First gam . .. , , ,. R. H. E. Philadelphia,. ....... .1 11 . 2 New York ..........t 9 1 Batterlea Plttlnger and Dooln; Me- Qlnnlty. and BfMnihtn, , , Second gam , R. H.'B Philadelphia .......... ........ 1 I 0 New York .......... .1 9 I Batterlea Duggleby, Sparka, Abbott and Dooln; Matthewson and Bowarman. Umpire O'Dsy snd Klem. ,, - , OREGON AGRICSVARE . IN ACTIVE TRAINING (Ipedsl Dtapetcfe to Tse losrseL) " Corvsllls, Sept. 20. Practice t on In earnest at the O. A. ,C athletic field. In preparation for the alumni football game. Ths event' 'takes plac on th thirtieth, and Utters hsv been sent to all ths old. plsyers, 21 of whom ars Ox pected to be present st ths r" lt night's1 practice consisted of lniv; al coaching and In llyht team work. A' ths new men out for practice wer i.-a- isp ss guard, a young giant who strips St. !( pounds,-. and . flam: Dolan. who playe tackle. . By th, middle of this week, signal and tackle practice Will ba sin for th alumni game. " : . Negotiations ar pending for games between O. A. C. and loau. and Pull man. Nothing definite, however. Is yt obtalnabl concerning elthev. ' , In plac of Don Walker, who has not yet returned, but "Is expected back to take his old position. Is fcancsflald, of Amity, who Js Urge, but very actlv, and promlaea to mak an excellent man. Th second team Is being coached by A: Stack le. brother of Dr. Steckle. coach of th first turn. , Thr la promts of a brilliant season for ths Aggies, and plenty of material at hand for th de velopment of some nsw gridiron star. - atkletic cmc:x Walla; Walla Institution Opsnt This . Mornlnj . Under Bright ' AUspices Football. '."" (BpecUl OtsMtek to Tbs lasrssLl Whltmsn College, Walla Walla. Wash., Sept 10. Th college year waa enthu slastlcslly opened In student affairs this morning by a monster- meeting of the Asoclated Students. The. meeting 'wasij ealled to order at . 10:11 Immediately after chapel, by Louis Sutherland, ths newly elected president, who, la "a abort inaugural speech, reviewed the condition of . ths students and outlined th plans! of tho xeentiv committee for tb yr. . Football plans snd prospects were dis cussed by Manager Gillie of ths football team and Coach Everett J. Smith at soms length to the students on 4 he gen eral benefit -to b derived from gymna sium and athletlca Galus Oreenalade, an old college de bater, did the talking Tor Debate and Oratory, reviewing Whitman's .glorious record for tho benefit ot-nw studsnta The two glee cluba wr represented by Muriel Bod wall snd Frank Evan. Anal Ru,' who waa editor In chief 6f th Pioneer Uat year, pleaded for In terest of studsnts In th college papor. t Harold Ellis, track manager, said that with th fin muscles w had to start on and ths good new material which was coming-in victory waa certain on tbs eta. dsr psth this year. Cantata Tomml Dutcher of th base ball team thought baseball was pot be hind th other in th prospect Una Captain Toxy" Reser said that prac tically th asm basketball team - as Whltmsn hsd Ust year was going to win th championship this year. Marion Kea "blowed op" th college band and outlined Its plans li t witty way. '"-.i At ths clos of ths meeting slips srere passed among; tha studsnts and a largo part of tbs 100 present signed) their namsa to become members of th stu dent organisation which ' controla alt branches of student activity. ' . SPORTING GOSSIP. ? ; Portland' continues to do good" work on th present trip to .California. . So fav-th loeals have won four out of six games. amV If all goes well a few mors Victorl.a will b recorded this week. Householder's plac In right field . was token by MoCredie yeeterday. and -th customary ; bit - by Householder was missing from th scors. - : : '. . . ' s ,..'"',.'.. '. ' '' " Virgil Garvin left Ust evening for Ban Francisco to Join th Portland team. Garvin's preaence will help oat th club considerably, -v . ' . . - j " " ": ' '" . '!'- Ths ladies', drawing for the.eonsoU tlon st ths Irvlngton tennis tournament rssulted as follows: 1 Miss - Woodward vs. Miss-Josephl. Miss Moors va Miss Lamberson, Miss Fording va Miss Mor rison, MUs Fox a bys. - ... -. . , ;v-,.v.1;;.,i..i '',.....; ."t On of tho most remarkable features of tb Britt-NelBon battle was tha great gameness displayed by the Britt sup portsr In . recognising Eddie ,.Grany's ruling declaring all bets off. i ... . i s . ' .. " By Jeffries I was ths innocent vic tim of a delusion. Tho promoters of ths Brltt-Nelson fight talked so much sbout carrying a wsy their money In, s private car that I thought It would look very bad for a ulgb-pncM light Xf uav a cneap rierv. . ..:. - i . - S ". " . . .i, .. . How to Roast Chlcksna. First catch your chicken. Then kill It. - All author ities agree that th chicken should be killed before It is roasted, never after ward. This spoils ths delicious flavor. After ths chicken hss been caught and killed it should be dressed. Look In th latest fsahton news to learn th proper garments worn by dead, chickens. - If you are so sltusted thst you cannot gat hold or ths very latest rash loo bulletin, a gown of pal blu chiffon trimmed with a HttU pat d pumpernickel and salt, made over a dropsklrt of ssffron- hued nearsllk, will do. A spangled Jet gowa of net over black silk would also be appropriate. ' If not available, put on any old clothes thst you have. Our grandmothers, history tells ua used to roast the chickens without sny clothes on. That la w mean tho .chickens didn't hsv any clothes on. - Alwsys rosst chickens in a hot oven and Uav them In until dona . . , . ;.;;.' -. .,' , :,a, ."? :j'J .:':: x Fin tjnderwork. It is generally con ceded that Frank had the best of ths bout from tho beginning to th snd, be cause hs waa alwaya on top; but th underwork of Barney was superb. This alone ssved him from getting a deculon In ths negative. Rarely ever before haa such underwork been seen In Portland. , . .'": . . . ' ' 0,0', .. . ' .." - - It will be In. order now for th great exponents of tho fistic gams to tsks a well-needed vacation.' : Every one on th coast 1. a, tb real, live critics picked Britt to win the dsy. b'sfors ths bsttl. but th following day declared thst Nel son hss alwsys. been Brltt's mastarv and that never In his career could the Cslt fornlsn best th Dana. . ', ! "' r "T-;-' .". e s ; ' ' Bo finally ths buck hss been psssed to Baa Johnson. Ths big leaguer csn buy no mors thsn ons star from sny team In th Coaat leigu, snd hs must psy 11,600 for the man he plcka The. rule permitting the major organisation to draft ' two men from ths minor tesms was th rock upon which good feeling spllt-rhen-CUrk tJrlffltn started ths assodstjon of claaa A leagues. Now It Is rumored that Ban will accept the In evitable, and. If he does, San Frsnelseo for one will be willing to drop Its clsss A affiliation and llv In peso with ths Nstlonsl organisation. If th majors tsks a fancy to a promising Coast play er, tl.loe will not be a bar to hi pur chaee, and it la better thst ths wsstsrn tesms should let one good man go for thst prlc thsn two for hslf sa much. Ths tesm thst falla on ths money end of ths season might want to sell ths whore nine In order to get a surplus In the treasury, butauch a practice would find sulck discouragement st home. By th wsy, It 1 said that a good figure, for-such a v i youngster, waa paid for 17 O C7T3 Are made from such variety of select faMc .tUsd told at such reasonable prices that men In every walk of Ufa can be fitted and suited ' from 6ur immense fell ' T . stocks without loss of time : Tcers are Coverts ci Ctevicts : Every. Garcect PRICED S2 Boivn CJ-C7 7t!rct St. &ctnQen StQrhm Cztt Mlahss uro. QFlTHSGtSICVOaiB Tkeamsdi Is gesilssd aad all svee the aertawest caa tsstiay-ts ess great aaa. as- GONORRHCEA May ke atteaded with the grsvsst sesmnes ttoae if Bgl et Iwpntesrly. traateS. We have a eeeeiae treataieai wsteh. ssras aiekly, safely sad tslnlsssly. -; ' Is aaothee sesalnd alssase, tb lavages e wblek wkea tally vloped ae sea aaa Sesnrtbe. Wis It shews by skta erssttoaa e y ma ll smU er tbrost Its bsmea ere atoeaSy kegaa. We eafslr aad taa eagbly ears yes aad ae aalasral bosms are aapleyea. ." .. VJaRICOCELB AND HYDROCELE. ST. rma mm wn mt TMw .IQ araise. stssstsre. bet by aaalaleM wtlMd -aUlf w as. wwv wut m r sv yes tb. safferlBS sssoelstod with Vervess SebUlty, Lest ktudwea. Iatpaiy. gjsiaistiwfb.ia, Seetanal Iwlsilias, Vie. Bwtare Peells. teas f Meaiery, Saergy aad AstbltieB la the briefest tuae It aa b soae aa we tasere ye a aaf aad sesitlv ar. OeoaarUtle aad uarinatlea tree. Write far ay sutee .bleak aad beak If yes sasaet WOfses BerTa a 'm, ' b. sv i Ssa. says. 10 to U. .,..'; ,, st. vovip Mtfdleal and Surgical k DISPENSARY l- aaa TakUl saw Vertlsac, Or. Bobby Keefe, but th psrtlss to ths deal will not betray ths sum. . Ths dicker waa closed, by Danny Long and Mike Fisher on ths train at Elko, Nevada Danny was on his wsy horns from ths east, wher he furthered th arrang msnts for - bringing out - th two big teams that ars to give a grand-opera season of winter ball. Dsn- ssys that Tip O'Neill for ths Nations la and Caiv tlllon for tbs Americana ar not ready to announce th personnel of v the all- star aggregation, but promts a number of new faces with a fsw of tns old ones whoa absence would be sadly ' missed. Ths list will be mads up from th host of applicant tn about thrss weeks. Ssa Francisco will draw 11 ramea be tween th two teams, and possibly s con- test between them and tha Coast pen nsnt-wlnners. Bn Frsnelseo Chronicle. PRINCETON TIGERS : ; START AT FOOTBALL "' Uesrsal SeeeUI SertUM ' ' Princeton, N. J., Sept to. Captain James . Coonsy of ths Tiger football eleven ' called out tha candidates for positions In ths varsity today and ovei 10 men responded. Csptaln Coonsy got ths men down to work at ones In prep aration for ths first gam nest Tuesday. Cooney says thst ths . Tigers' , chsnces srs good .for a . successful season. Cooney. halls from Scranton, Pennsyl vania, where hs lesrned taarrudlments of th game st St. Thomas' -college. Afterward ha sttended Phillips" Exeter academy, whr h prepared for Prince ton. He plsys Uckls on th Naasau eleven snd Is ons of th greateat play, era who ever wore a moleskin. Ths college year began her today. DIXON AMD MURPHY ' V TO MEET, TONIGHT . (Jearaal Ipeclal Bervias.) '.' Philadelphia. Sep. 10. Members of ths sporting fraternity here, aa well ss In other psrts of tha country, ar look ing forward with great interest to Ahe prlseflght between Oeorg . DUon ail : or money. .llv-e-.-V. G'jorcctecd. i.': :.; V ..". r FROM . to $123 PLANE FACTS about hard war. ' W hav a larg assortment of mechanlca' tools and builders'' hard war at a low prlc for superior quality and manufacture, to bo found In any houss dealing In. this lln of goods In ths state. Build era and contractors will suit thslr Interests by looking at - our. stock befora ; purchasing elsewhere. Avery SI Co. 4S Third SV, awt, JMa aaa ASh. JEDVOATXObTaX. ever ths Iftsnnll. SMMtTOOATtollM. M.S. ly Mall J, sk. smi a. Of sail ar write war local tpraa . clva, Creorge rrassv, room a, US td art. iimiinjiaitiiTJiDoiuKt; FOBTXJUrD, OBBOOV. vr ..-''. v Forty-seventh scholgstlo year begins Tuesday, September i, II 0S-. -' Flrst-clsss boarding and day school . for glrU. . ; (.,. '. v T- ' Courses of elementary, secondsry and ,' higher sducstion. Conservatories of mutle ahd art. m If PM'iasrtTrabaiararaMclMtsbCl Mrn mrn i ! Bnll.l BllttlllfciTI .fiTM..i.nMW ui. I ?MnTli?oi?sasii?raMTi" fV S SSS, S a, fm. ttc Allen Prcpawrafcry Scfeccf . Corner East Twelfth aad Bslnoa sts. fits for all esatatra eollrgrs snd srleatlfle scaenta. - Fine ' . eppnrtanlttM for-ostaoxr sports. Flftb yesr beslns Sptih.r X, inns. For estalnfu addrma MAKOARRT V, AUJtX. corasr Ksst Tw.lfth aad Balmoa ats. Tommy Murphy, which Is to corns off hers tonight Dixon Is a colored boxer snd for many years was the champion-, featherweight boxer of ths world, . Tha remarkable feature of th fight Is that Murphy, who Is a Harlem pugilist, la . young snough to be Dixon's son. Dixon hss not sppeared In the ling for msny " y .ars. and hla reappearance at this tlm Is mors a matter of neceeslty than of cholca Hs Is In nsed of financial as slstsnc and hopes to be sbls to Im prove his fortunes by convincing ths lovers of ths manly sport that hs still ' possesses to, a considerable degree th strength, endurance , snd agility which mads him so fsmous during his' sctlv career years ago. It will depend largely upon the showing hs will make In ths fight tonight whether It will ba posslbl for him to pick up other engagement. Ths fight tonight will bvfor five or six rounds, with a fair division of ths purs. Two million Americans suffer ths tor turing panes of dyspepsia. No' need to. Burdock Blood Bitters cures. At any " drug stor. ., ...4-....... .' j-U t ' k t