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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1905)
t r u.... i h' ill' V 1 .4 4. en M ti. . . ..J I a, v t v . i J as k ' J , Vafc k. j w a J k t i -. , t . 1,1)1 I' .;! Fine R&:h on Fees, Nsck, and Arrr.i : Systems Up North rVke r Miners.! Tonnes Cbject cf V ; Vigorous CjLnpaijn. CANADIAN PACIFIC 13 ., VICTOR AT RQSSLAND Great : Northern H Outwitted It Adversary at " More " Important , Point and Nicola Coal Field Are .to Be Scene of Another Struggle. (Special Dispatch to the Joarnal.) Rosslsnd. B. C, Sept. While the merger of Le Rot end other leading ' Roaeland mines has not been effected, ' Bo doubt remains here-that "this will ba done a quickly aa possible. Th middle of thla month, which -was - flzad for changing L - Rol tonnage ' from tha Northport to tha Trail .smelter, -wit-' nested .tha Jlrst atep in delivering thla business j;o. - Canadian PicWa - Interests.! Tne next movement will doubtless ana tha merger consummated, with W. L Aldrldge general manager and Jainaa Cronln la immediate - chare of, tha enlnee. L , '' , 1. It it conceded In this territory that Orat .. Northern caplUl i dominates the - Crow'a Nest pasa coal property and tha Granby mining aad smelting; intereeta. At tha latter 1,700 ton a of ore la being ehtppad dally from tha mine to . the amelter,' and the Crow'a Neat paaa la ; tha Important fuel supply for tha north woat country, Thea two propartlea fell :. to. Great Northern Intereata ao quickly '. that the elgnlflcane of the change waa not appreciated until thla great railway system waa entrenched. ' ; Great Northern waa alao handling the ore - tonnage "between the L Rol and . Northport amelter. There haa been a . atrenuoua effort to eatabllah Trait a the amelter center for the Roaaland dle trlct, to do away with - the patronage - (Wan the Great Northern, and to bring the reduction plant cloaer to the mines. s A. J. MacMUlan. the recently deposed manager of the Le Raj. favored North i port, while the entire strength of the Canadian Pacific waa arrayed aganatt ... him. By change In the directorate H tha X.e Rot. MaeMUlan's majority aap ' port waa tost, and ha waa removed1 promptly, giving to tha Canadian- Pa- v elllo control In tha district, . In Nloola valley, where proralalng -coal depoalta are being prospected, there la another contest. Canadian Faclfle waa within 70 mUee of Nloola Valley. having a atatlon at Spence's bridge. The Great Northern - intereata are already atrong In the , Nicola district, ' but tt ,. seems to be the desire of the Canadian , Pacific to enter there, and poaalbly se 1 cure aome of tha good coal properties. The Great Northern-la expected to ex- tend lta line to this point while carry lng out the Vancouver at Eastern rail- . way project of reaching tidewater 1 In Britlah Columbia. : -;t ..-v . Will Wurzweiler Excoriates the Orezonian't Cf'orts to Dam v S Crook County. , : ITS ATTEMPTS TO KEEP SETTLERS FROM STATE In'lta Efforta to Vilifv Williamson It Is WiSing to Damage; Portland's Trade and to Injure the Standing of a Soid Community, V ; ; sold Copper croup, i sreaw oeaares Vase aporsd to area Sick pbjwee, (Speflel . Phuwach ,, The, JearaaLI Grants' Pass, Or.,' 6ept ' 19. H. & Booth haa sold hla copper claims, altu ated on Pickett creek, to Metsger at Havelln of Toledo. Ohio, the reported consideration, being 1100,000. Nine claima are in the group and -the velna are from seven to eight feet wide.' Mr. Booth bad a ahaft down 04 feet and two crosscut tunnels in which there was depth of about 10 feet. - - MINING NOTES." 2 ' Oranta Pass, 'Or , Sept 1 1. W. T. Keith haa reelgned aa amelter superin tendent at the Takilma amelter, and .after making a tour ef the aouthern Oregon mining campa will return to hla home in British Columbia. Another large - or body Haa been struck in the Queen of Bronsa mine at Waldo. A abort time ago Superintendent Murphy put a force of men at work In tha north end tunnel and. haa opened -up a body of copper oxld or 14 feet in thickness.. which everagee It per . cent aopper. - At the Webb mine. In the' Waldo dis trict, development work is pushed, for ward -rapidly.-tlrtrbreasr-of the 'tunnel - being in ore that averagaa fit tn gold, ' with amall valuea in allver and copper. DALLES SALOONS IGNORE : SUNDAY-CLOSING LAW' ' K ""' entassjaaBseBaaBmeBajenaa ' (Ipeetsf Msaetca a Tae Jearaelt ' - The Dallea, Or., Sept. It. The pass ing of Sunday closing ordinance by the ' city council did not affect the aaloons , or other bualneas houses that are usually opea for bualneas on -Sunday in this city. - All. saloons were- open fer business Tuesday aa uaual.;. - 1 " ,w - .a ;iHo, for Attoria. ' swift steamer Telegraph leavea Alder street dooK T:I0 a. m. dally except Fri day. Returning- leaves Aatorla I p. m arrlving'Portland S:S0 p. m.k Sundays leavea Portland t a. m., Aatorla 1:10 p. m. . Arriving Portland t P. m. - 4 ' V ' . m . . Xugane Schools Opo. ' ; - Bpeelal . Dtspstefe to It Joorasl.) ' Eugene, Or., Sept. It. Tha Eugene nublto schools began their fall eeasiona Monday with . a Ngood ' attendance. After the hoppleklng aeaaon la complet ed the attendance will be larger aa many of the puplle are working In tha hop fields. All four of the aohool buildings have been thoroughly renovated. The schools are again under tha aupertntend ence of M. H. Arnold. .' . . i Prlnevllle. Or'.. Sept.; 1-Te the. Ed Itor of The Journal Aa a bualneas men of the elty of FrtnevlUe, a, resident of eastern Oregon for the past 1 1 years. Interested in the growth of both the clty'e and counta'e social. and bualneaa Institutions and th obaervanc -of the In, nermlt me the arjece in which to comment briefly UDOn the scurrilous at- taeka from which thla section or tne state liaa aurrereflTir-tn uanoa-wr-xne Ovaa-onlan durlna the week lust closed. The reading publlo la probably fully conversant with th Craln fire, the aom nUta refuUtlon of. th Oregonlana re port and Insinuations as they appeared in tha resolutions - or aenunciauoa adopted by the Cttlsena' Bualneaa league of thla city and furnished to xna ure goa Dally Journal .for publication, and tha editorial announcement mad by the Oregonlan prior to the appearance of the reaolutlona, that if it nan maae an error in chronicling the eventa aur rounding the Craln fir (It aald nothing, however, about th wholly unfounded chara of incendiarism . it bad laid at the doors of th defendanta in tne lana casea) It would make a retraction. Let a how truthful, honeat and Juat the one mighty Oragontan. really, la. , '.;. The TlgOaatee soer. The day following the publication ef th-. resolutions it published, with due regard for a prominent poeltloo, two storlea relative to the fir and Crook oounty in general. It aecured.a atate ment from Craln concerning the fire, which it colored to. it own liking, and then to emit with a. hotter iron it pub lished art allege, communication, aimed "Moonshiner." dealing with th pioneer history of Crook county, the Vlligantes' organisation- aad their depredations, and their final downfall in th early year a of Crook ' oounty'a . settlement ' when scarcely mora than a handful of people tn this aparaely Battled region dealt un feelingly with violators ot thy law.- Ia short, it la tha eort of record . upon which 'nearly every county tn th atate, and practically every -atate in th once atyled border land .laid the foundation tor lta preaent American- cltlseneblp ahd law-abiding peopt. . But th Or- gonlan went -farther than a mere por trayal -of the erlmea Incident to the oc casion mentioned. With malignant In tent lr aeeka to bring -tha peat Into con taminating contact with tha preaent life of this oounty, asaertlng that life Is un safe, tha aountry overrun with lawless ness and controlled politically by crimi nals." Take into consideration for a mo ment a few of .Jha -statements aa they appeared In th Oreaonian: "A number of th original Vtgllantea stilt remain In this county who, together with other lawless charactera, now form what la termed the Sheep-Shooters or ganisation. Violation of tha law la ao common In thla oounty that very little notice is taken of minor erlmea. There are a good many cltlsens In thla county who are eking out aa existence In fear and trembling -moo would - welcome change. There are good many of oar law-abiding cltlsens who feel that they are in a position where they ar forced to pay taxea to protect criminals In crlm and ar themselves left to the mercy of aheep-shooters and barn burners. It is only a question of time whan thea cltlsens will ba .forced to take th law Into their own hands. . It is believed by many that there are but two reaulta possible If tha present con ditions prevail Tor any length of time. ana tney- are mob rule or martial law. Thea conditions do not prevail to-any extent in om farming aiaincta. .., ..waa Xi ivetteer ... .-t,- In th face of present day faeta, dia metrically oppoaed to the , above. wa people her do not consider that th quoted statements are ' worthy of single proof in contradiction. The as sert Ion a are -ao -Iniquitous In design.' ao rar rem oven irom anythlnr but Infa- moua yuiainy, tnat tney pass a aane denial. Ana tn--communlctlon" as a whole savors strongly of a rummaalnar or tne old rues, the sweat of th city editor or hla subordinate, under direc tion of th maste mind. In lottlnr notes from th age-yellowed copies of 'SI. the innnit -car taken to chronicle ' events carefully and turn thellraellght of th paat onto history derogatory and detri mental to present life In thla countr. f. Th papers here, during th past two years, have told of occasional shooting ot-sneep in an isolated region, and only a. few. days ago three men were sent to- th penitentiary for being Implicated n mia ciaaa oi crime, -i Likewise the Portland papers have a-ecently been filled with the account ot the Van Dran murder and tha futile efforta of the au thorities to locate the murderer. What does tha Oregonlan suppose thla same police force, railing to anther apprehend the. murderer or aven produce - suffi cient evidence to connect a person -with tt) crlm what doea th Oregonlan suppose this police force, , which it patted on the back before the preaent mayor or Portland aaaumed , office, would do when a crlm waa committed In a remote . aeetlon of Crook county, whose area la seven times that of the state of Hhod laland. Would It suc ceed In convicting three men tn less than a year after th commission of the crime T nut, again, does the mere fact that occasional crime la committed within tha borders of Crook county make all of The Best Scotfrfag Soap ITjuU A Seourlnj Soap , ""A MetalPolish , ; "A Gli:iCnef - ;?-t Wc lta Ptln Until ; Psrwfi; ty Aether to Try Cut! .1 cum Speedily nd . PERMANENTLY CURED BY CUTICURA REMEDIES wThree years ago J wee tortured by hat . dreadful diseaes ecsema, s fin rash appearing oa my face, neck, and arms. I sought medical treatment, but found aothinf. to ease my pain until persuaded by my mother, who had always used the Cutioura Remedies, to try CuUcurs, whkh I did at onoe and was soon relieved. I took twelve bottles of that blessed Remedy, Cut eura Resolvent, using Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and have never been bothered with ecsema since. We all use your Cuticura Soapjtnd Ointment. . They are the best ia the world. I use your Cuticura Soap-for the face aad and it beneficial -to the akin. I thank you very much' for the food Cuticura has done for me. (signed) Lixiie Ellis, : Woods Cross, Utah, liay 15, igCaVV '. : '"-V;. v BABySITCHIKGHUMOR ,'.v ;-.' Curs4 by Cuticura , " The Cuticura Remedies have been used with success in many eaaes of skin and scalp disease that I know of. and f every ene that haa used them gives mem praise. Last summer my baby waa troubled with an itching humor oi the akin, and Cuticura cured her in a little while, (signed) Mrs. Alice Dead wiley, Smithville, I. Mar. 18, 1905.' ' Instant relief aad refreshing sleep for skin-tortured babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, in warm baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle anoint ings with Cuticura Ointment, the great Skin Cure, aad purest of emollient. tawslflis Sstsvesl see tetmal VtsSJMet sw Mf Bail t nil fimftm H lereftiU. r ImtoMtr ( Af. hmuUm at Catlrars htt SM, Otnttisl. Mi, knak tcm, ax. (la ana 1 Ckmks Onus PUU, ax. fm l )), awrke(UeralH. AehalianM tsBMI1nM(nf MiwlwaaWlktkw hMfilw Chmt. Cwy- ! ri.M.. amis. . ear MiuiW,a.6.wit.iitM.air th 1,209 people living in Prlnevllle and a ilk number living east of here, crimi nals and blackguards, as th Oregonlan attempt to make th publlo believe? ; aiwu 'a-oruawa-a UHitnt, I ask any fair-minded man possessed of the five senaear whether this exces sive vituperation, lately Indulged in by the Oregonlan, la Mecent or respectable journalism.: Ar the mallcloua, insult ing, vindictive - falsifications against thle county, appearing In the Oregonlan from time to time, tha limit of that pa pet's baseness, -or can it stilt Stoop to more degrading cepthaT - la the type of Journalism displayed b mallcloualy"by the OregonlanC th kind that weaves the spirit of good fellowship among these Isolated portion of th state and Fort- land, and which would keep open and, uuwuii iuw viiiiiiv v& 4iwii inm maw sections to the metropolis of Oregon? Are t these slaaderoua and reviling arti cles aanctioned by th Portland chamber-of commerce, -which seeks to pro mot th supremacy of Portland's busi ness Institutions whose support comas mainly from polnta . outalde that 'city T Is it right In commercial Sena that a newspaper like the Oregonlan. because of political antagonism to th congress man from this city, should be foremost tn driving th trad from this lmmenee Interior region into the marta of San Francisco, a .city which, if aothing more can ba said of It, leavea us alone and aftorda ua decent treatment? . , A Campaign ef Abase. :'-It-ehould not be and yet th facts bear-, witness that the aaaaulta of the Oregonlan are- du to pur and unadul terated malice, and Crook, oounty dsnea the Oregonlan, lta oinca cat; the "Moon- shiner," or any other of Its hangers- on to prove th contrary. - Portland ia reaching for the trade, the good will, tha business of- central - and - eastern Oregon, and th Oregonlan, with sys tematic effort, is driving all these to a point far beyond roach or control of th state's principal business center. If th Oregonlan and lta adherents do not believe the statement, let them follow the next influx into thla aeetlon ef the representatives from th Ban Francisco wholesalers, th cattle buyera from thl Bay City,-th abeep contractor from California and th agents of a dosen and one other bualness institutions in that state, and they will see In detail undis puted the results of the Oregontan's in famy. --;."-' i , . t . In closing, I do not hesitate to admit that these abusive articles have worked their detriment to Crook county in the past and are doing so at the present time. They make thrilling reading for the outsider and can easily be used to induce quick settlement of this county and the investment of capital in Its In dustrtes.- People aa a rule enjoy living In a country advertised by the paper as a place In which life and property are left to the mercy f criminals and m coterie of lawless followers. Aa adver tisements, they are wsy above par, and along this line I would suggest that the editor of the Oregonlan ua this elass of articles In the future In connection with the campaign- ef advertising car ried on by one. of western Croek county's Irrigation companies in whloh he holds stock. But tn Justice to the balance of mankind let him label them aa they ahould be labeled s "Pure fiction appli cable only to Prlnevllle and th country aurroundlng the home of Williamson. Poor Williamson! Crook county suf fers for th sins of her sons, her father, her arandfatfler. her great-great-grand father, and the barbarous acta or the first and only tru American m In dian. - ; WILL. WURZWEILER, POLK COUNTY BRANCH ' DEVELOPMENT-LEAGUE (Special fitasetea I Tse learaaLl Independence, Or.. Sept. 1 A county organisation of the Willamette Valley Development leaau waa formed her Friday. Carry Ilayter of Dallas waa elected president; O. A. Hurley, Inde' pendence, secretary; Frank Lucas. Mon mouth, treasurer. Th following were elected i delegate to th. convention to be held In Eugene September t-IO: W. W. Perclval. O. A. Hurley,; August Sper ling, A. Huston shd T. Donovan.-' Inde pendence; 3. B. V. Butler. Professor IS. D. Ressler, J. R Hawley and F. Lucae, of Monmouth ; J. Or Van Orsdale, H. a Campbell, t F. Tecum, M. B. Fuller, Dallas; Frank Buyer, 4. n. , Teal, . Our fxll etxi cICzjzzts end tltz hj crri"cdl tl'ctisjV cicni. idt'cd fcvt;--tC" : cf. my previous ycrr. ' Zzt cf til, vra purcirci tl!j cc!z ruch cxccptJcnrl conditions that we tsc lvJLi tD make you grext tavlri in ths cert cf ycur til Crr crrxrls, We c&n utfsfy eyery Carpet need, as our tlzz'z ranges IVom the modr't inertia to ths crutccratis Wutm. czd in m great variety of desijnx ' ; ... j suUful ' Velvet Carpet from fl ifV a V V Vr 4 lathe land, sewed. ISd and fl ft A ? r- tinson's Tapestry Brussels, - well S - j - S f x r popular sewed, laid and lined, j Think of it I A beautiful Velvet Carpet from one of the pest mills lined; for only, per yard Roxbury and Stinson's Tap known , and ever per yard, only A new showing in Body Brussels Carpeting; awaits your inspection. You know what Body Brussels is unquestionably the most satisfactory carpeting for all-around aerviciroir-the market today. We have twenty five patterns on display in floral, Oriental and A c r y small conventional designs, and the price sewed V V'J 11 KA -Va laid and linedis only, per yard. . . . ... ... . . . . . . .V, ty ii 0 Jf Extra Axminster, a high-grade carpet, per yard. . . . i . , . ; . . . . . . ,t)l.3 Saxony AxminstcT, per yard . . . . . . , .....-... 1 . . . . ". : . . . .1.44 ....e....i:. Wilton Wool Velvets, per yard . ...I.:. . . . . . ; . . .gl.44 Extra Quality All-Wool Ingrain Carpet, per yard . : i. '. .V.'. ''. .e34 Ingrain Carpets, half wool, two-ply, per yard :C3j Granite Ingrain Carpets, per yard.. .''; ' ' - "'" . v ' "' ;"".- f.i,- The above price include sew ing, ; laying and lining. Not 7 "lining as some dealers use sheet 'of paper? but two sheets of heavy paper, with a sheet of tar fuxx between them, well stitched, forming a perfect moth .proof padding.'; Uc lYiisl Cie Peop!2-Yca Pny VIid Vcu K:2 cnil Vta-Ycu FZ2c:2 m lie Stove aeaaon 19 here and we have the heating: stove that meets every requirement-r-quallty, appear ance and price. A Pint-Class Air-Tight Heater. Heavy steel body, cast-iron bottom, top and main front ; cast Inside sectional linings 18 inches high, tn circling entire inside of body, protecting steel from tire; swing smoke-guard nickeled swing top and foot rails, lever-turn keys, spring slide 'Tt : knob, large fire door opening. . ; . ; j . i Of - '-A No. leC-Pirebox 17 Inches long, &r fa y inches wide... t : . . ... . . ... . . . iJOeOU No. SO Firebox 19 inches long. C A IT A uy inches wide.. ... ,f... , . ;;.5y.J)U No," 8Va-Firebox 21 inches long, l&ti f U todies wide.... v............fJl.UU No. 24 Firebox 23 Inches long," A A 15 inches wide ............ ; . : r.ljZeU V Eclipse Ranne M.tJ Cmci ttXi atTcti It te eupplied with hlsh eloeet and du plex irate, sprlna-balaaeed oven doore: la made of the best ' quality of cold rolled steel, adapted for wood or coal: has unsurpaaaed baking; qualities, and win last a luetime. we ar able te sell you a splendid alx-hole . range, on,. above , term at only. $35 'rC OWN TERM$ A UTTLC D0WN.-A LITTLE AT A TIME ' '': mj). I. Qevurtz c& SoriaS Oil :v!i- -: 173-175 First Str 219-227 YamhUl St. " -";!"' i - - mm Jtoktct&bk Preparalionfbr As similating teFoodandBeuta ung (he 5 toinacto ailBorela of Promotes DigedtioaCheerfur ftess and Rest Contains ndther CyitmuMorphine norHLoerai liOTlUacoTio. yfleSaaV1sejBat A perfect Remedy forConsHps Tlon.Sour Stomach.Dtarrhoea Worms Xorrvulsions Javeriih-J nest and Loss or Sleep. ' easBBBaaBBSBBBBBBsBBeeeaaejBssBBBSBBSaaBBt raf Simile Signature cf x new youk.' -1 ...... ..- For Infants tn4 CMldren. Th3 Kind You Itovo Always Dousht Bears tbo Signatnro ' . of Am - ' Oso Thirty Yoaro nEOEniDEn TOMORROW IS YOUR DAY AT r'1'S' TT7 MS5' Take the ears St First snd Alder streets, the beautiful ones that are ran by the O. W. P. A Ry. Company, sad that will take you directly to the mailt entrance. It won't eoet you anything to set in, and you can stay until 6 o'clock ia the evening. Yoa know what .you ere going to enjoy, ..;: ' v, - A Grand Carnival cnO Pencil ' ' Led by DTJRBANO'8 ROYAL ITALIAN BAND to where CINDERELLA will reign on her Royal Throne. There is where she will present her Golden Slippers to the first girl from I to 13 . years who tan. wear them, v,- -".7 y 1 - " Then comes the contest for the prises for the handsomest boy snd girl from 4 to 12 years. . Next the pretty Maypole Dance, end not the least, the free dancing for all in the beantihil Ptvilion. -.-r- ; " Adults are cordially invited to come to The Oaks." There ere - so many. delightful things to make Ufe happy. - , ' ; ; - . It costs but 10 cents to the grounds R, R. fare S cents. And have you ever tried s dinner at the "Oaks Tevern"? , None -better in America or Europe so say ail visitors. 1 t-- 1:- TlTDAr;:w;DC7r;cn:ir ;'-;.;c2 0c:3n:;-3 Carbed V"-e, WSre end Lewa Ttz ' ' . I . ry l.'jttirj. LM. Bryan, FaUa City,