r 1 f ' . . v -T v F' " y 1 - T7r-i r ' r - ' ... VC20T tel CnZ3 CZ7MZZ . Eeing tba larrst mill rdcr hov-e on tha cont, wt4ri natu ral batter ec 'rped than ey othit house far-han'I'Kj this Una of businsss.' No matter wiser you live, jro etn trey sickly and eatief actorlly from us. Our 170-paga IJluetrated Fall Catalogue bows you the way. All orders hart prompt and intelligent at tention. Send for the catalogue. It ia mailed free to out-of-town ' folks.- : , , v. 1 " Firtt Floor Dr. Goodwin's demonstration of "Wisdom's Yw!-$ Cream" for the toilet - - Third Flor Demonstration of Asbestos Sadirons, demonet ra tion of the "Universal Cakemaker." -; . .-, V WATCHES CLEANED AND WARRANTED 0N3 YBA3 FCZt 7JS . New mainsprings T5. All other repairing of Jewelry and Clocks at proportionately modest prices. First Jfloor near large elevator." ";" r :. ' . ii.--- 1 ;,. Ha?0'j a,- ClOP.Ce qriop'TAUCON- darqaintopico "fVTOT long ago. a clergyman paid ta visit to IJ the first grade of a school, and was called ' , , upon to. make a few remarks, f This he lenceel'Veinf an educated personead wound up by. asking the acholsrs this question: ""What is" the difference between in educated and en unedu cated man?" . ;,'' - 7 -- This- is-a proposition tod hard -for grown-ups, but since children are always asking us questions J we cannot answer, we give it back to them in kind, and thus get' even. ---'-? " fr T-"' ' r What. is the difference between "an educated and an uneducated man?7 v..,.;- X'Jt Up went the hands:.. ..'" V. ,j.-"v: .'. "Well, you'teir us. Msry said the speaker to' a 9-year-old girl with freckled face and a mole en her chili. S: ' J-v4:'.-?;;;;;4r? -'t, :i- "v4-.' f ?An. educated ms,n is one who never doesny; workf wa the"prdmpt Ind proud reply, - Tr- The clergyman himself told the Story. He was big enough to realize that this little child hid un consciously embodied rin berniwef la. -ringing, stinging truth a reply worthy; of Desn. Swift,, who never. did a stroke of useful work In his life. h. t.:- r ' ':,v l i The Manual Training School opens an avenue leading to a change in tjis condition. The mora education a boy , receives in this branch, the more enthusiastic ' he becomes , over .his . work. .Manual training is the most effective weapon you can put into your boy's' hands with which to go forth and fight the baitles of life, v-, . This Store Has Obtained 3 Scholar ; ships to Qlye AwayFw - The three scholsrships we have " secured will be awarded on Thanksgiving' dsy tot the three boys or girls who receive the three JMghest totals in the popular voting contest now on. A vote will be issued with every 25-cent purchase- Bil-lot-boxes are Vlistributed conveniently about the storeai in former contests, and the three boys or girls receiving the largest number of votes before 6 p. m. of Wednei a free scholarship. ednesdsy, November 29, will receive NAMES OF LKADINQ TEN CONTESTANTS' IN AMERICAN ; MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL VOTINO CONTEST. WITH: STANDING OF EACH AT .? 10 A. M TODAY. George Slater, Ladd . ... 5,030 Robert Holmes. Harrison... ...,...,.. .4,671 Roland Malm, Sunnyside .............. ; . ; 3,104 ismes Winston, Harrison . 3JD27 Isrion Ogden, Ockley Green . 2,S0t. Hatel Olmstea,d. Highland ...... 2,034 Grant McDonald. Ladd ................... Lewis Thomas, Sunnyside iohn Whetaker, Conch ................... 'homes Dickey, Harrison Scattering . ...... ...w.......,;...,.. IM0 1,724 U95 1.4M 721 Tptal'. 3490 TUESDAY SPECIALS IN THE Jewelry and Leather Goods Aisles . First Floor West Annex. - ( BOYS' WATCHES. Stsrt your boy to school c time. " We have last secured a new line of Open-Face Nickel Welches, good timekeepers: vslues at, esch f 1.00 1.SS S1.SO fl.TS f f 3.S0 ; Better grades at, each.........,.....;,.,f 5.00 ; : OIRU 39e BRACELETS i9c ' finnd quility Rnlltd Gnld -Wirrr-BraeelettrwfTlr pearl ends, regular value 39c; special, each 1S. v GIRLS S1J9. BRACELETS 69C ; r Sterling Silver Wire Braceleta, with signet tope - or stone setting, regular value $1.39; special, each . . . . , ................ ... ... i ..... . . . . GOLD FILLED NECK CHAINS f 1 J9 IM IM An. assortment of Ladies' Gold Filled ; Besd . Keck Chains, in sterling or woven wire, sol . dered ends, .with perfect catch, regular $175 - valuer special at, each flJtO Another lot, large sise beads, regulsr $2.25 value; ' special at, each..... ............91.69 Gold Filled Beads, Close-Fitting Neek Chains, Graduated Beads, regular value $2.50; . special, each . . . . .....4l.89 GIRLS' LEATHER HANDBAGS S5c 65e 73c New Leather Handbags, for -girls, in blatk. brown - and tan, good quality metal frames, nickel and gilt finish, bil clssp; values at, , each., ..................... 55 6S and TBf Ravtshlngly . Beautiful lr tha v Autumn Millioery "Bijou" Millinery Salons Annex Second Floor. The" time, for the Annual Fall Openings is drawing nigh. Our .expert force of trimmers are working overtime with an enthusi asm and determination to outdo . all others. The women of Portland have learned to . expect won ders from our trimmers at the timt of the aesson'e'jj openings" imne Millinery Section. We are sure the verdict of a critical. pub lic will h more 'than ever favorable this season. ' Our artistes have -aimed to achieve the most tttsutiful, magnificent effects ever shown here, and bow well they. have suc ceeded will be fittingly illustrated at the open ings later in the week. The season has ushered in some modes of wonderful beauty. The effects shown offer unusual range of artistic conceptions. Esch ,of our hats this Tall if a whole study in itself, vsrying in style and trimmed to bring into relief the beet traits of esch face. Opening to be annotmced soon.- Come in todf snd the wonderful ---' -t st from t to f, -3 in tailf 1 r ''.'-' EOTA SPECDAL LLAIESMEWSI JFrcniPqrtknd'sGrcctcot Store ;Dc!cy Pcge Annou 1) R,are, fliagnif icerit Oriental OPENED ;TODAY ON THE FOURTH FLOOR . Indian Robes and Blankets Underprlced Rues, like oil oaintines. sre not oriced bvthe yard. 'The auality of the wool, the closeness of the rav. the beautv of the dves and the rsritv of the osttern all enter in the clement of cost Take two x rugs of the same sise, same make and similar pattern, both in perfect condition; one may be worth half at Z much againas fhe other. . ...,,.. ,J r ; 'i Fine qualities of Kirmanshah, Tabriz, Serapi and Kirdistan Rugs are usually in a limited assortment of T . sizes. Our recent importations enable us to offer sites suttsble for large or small rooms, halls of almost X " . . ' LZL v any shape, oblong or square, in colorings. from, a delicate, light-toned Kirmanshah or Tabriz to the dark i I reds or blues of Kirdistans or serspis. . t r Oriental Rugs In small, medium and carpet; sizes, including Taraghan, Bokhara, Khivas, Soumaks, Kaskks, - Anstolias, Rrinai. Afghani . Rrlnnrhlnin. CameUhair. Dasheitan. Delhi. Kabistan. Kirmanshah. Khorasan. Shn- vans, baurlc, Shuav etc Regular J X. : Regular i Regular ! I Regular : Z Regular ! Regular ! . Recular : Regular i Z Regular ! Regular J A nnui.1 ' f Regular : Regular i I value, special at, each..'..,. ...................... I value, special at, each..)...........,.,........... value, special at, each,,'..,....................... i value, special at, each............................ I value, special at, eacn...... is.oo 13.50 14.85 18.40 I value, special at, each.w,. ,...f 24.00 I value, special at, each. .......... ....r;... .525.60 lvalue, specisl at, each.. .80.50 I value, special at, each..,, . ....... v..f5S-00 I value, special at, each . , . . $84.00 I value, specisl at, each . 8S8.T5 I value, special at, each..'. ........'...548.00 I value, special at, each.... ........ S4S.OO lvalue, special at, each. ,...858.00 lvalue, special at, each'.. ....w.... ...... .......... f 50.50 821.00 Hegular $75.00 value, special at, each... .....,'....858.00 : Regular $85.00 value, special at, each... .50.00 Regular $90.00 value, specisl st, eackj.. ................ ........ TS.OO Regular $100 value, special at, each i . . $85.00 $7.50 INDIAN BLANKETS S4-9S. The Original Pendleton Navajo, Blankets, fine fleecY wool,-' and Indian souvenirs for visitors, regulsr value; special, x Robes, suitable for tlku , , . .............., .. .4.05 2 '? FANCY INDIAN ROBES AND BLANKETS. Regular $4.50 value, special at, each,;,. ................ ,,.f3.60 Z Regular $5.50 value, specisl at, each... ....................84.50 Kearular $6 50 value, special at. each . Regular $7.50 value, special at, each....,.,. ,. .....fO.OO MMI t MM ABOUT THIS TIME FALL SEWING RE r . MINDS OF THE NEED OF ( A Family Machine Visit Today th Home of the "O. ' W., ft K." Sewing Machine Fourth Floor. With all the fall and winter Sewing piling op in . front of the busy housewife, she naturally rets to thinking oi the help a first-class Sewing Ma chine would be to her. , Sometimes the price stsnds in the way of fulfilling her desire. And f that's where this store steps in and provides a machine that the agency asks you to pay them $50 for at only '.;,.....,, . ;....fS4.00 A word of this machine: Golden oak cabinet, ; high arm and ballbearing, hand lift, drop head,, with : five drawers. Guaranteed for 10 years. Same as above, except having automatic lift, the regular $60 agency machine; a grearvahty-hereT at,,., .............. i. . ... ...... ...f3.0O lii Art Stitcherv Shop " Second Floor West Annex. '''-; ; v New Art Goods are coming in daily. . It is to your sdvantage to buy your Fancy Goods now, so as to get your Christmss gifts done in good time.' We . give free embroidery lessons daily. Also stamping done on short, notice.,,. We . stamp, any design which ydu may suggest ,We make our own perforated patterns. LEWIS AND CLARK SOUVENIR , PILLOW TOP8 FOR 39 CENTS. .."., " These Pillow Tops are stamped in Oregon grspe , design, with pictures of Lewis and Clark. Ore- Xon seal and motto; plain back to match top. . diagram given with each pillow top, showing - colors to be used. - Specisl for Monday snd all week at, each ii,8f 4 ' NEW LAMB$WOOL SLIPPER SOLES For knit or crochet slippers, very soft and warm, - in all sizes from the smallest infants' sizes to the i' very largest in men's sizes. . ., - JUST RECEIVED. New Swiss Shopping, Lunch and School Baskets, . in Art Department, Second Floor Annex; each . . ,...1 ,....;...,.........85f A TIMELY SPECIAL SAH OPENED TO .-T-. i- DAY. IN r -1. Vc.nciiV Knit Uriderwoirt ':,' ". V:.. i First Floor. For Four Days, Starting This Horning, 'We Shall ; " " Offer These Great Values. WOMEN'S tie VESTS AND PAN T8 SSc 3VhiteMerino Jersey-Ribbed -VesU-and Pants vests with, long sleeves, silk tape and neat -crochet trimming; pants ankle length. . French bands 65 per , cent , wool, regular , value 85e; special, each .........SSf I WOMEN'S $1.00 UNION SUITS 75c ' Pure White Cotton Union Suits, fine ribbed, soft, fine fleece lined, medium weight, long sleeves, ankle length, regular value,$li;, specisl, the. suit .... ........T5 WOMEN'S $4.50 WOOL UNION SUITS SZ49. Fine All-Wool Heavy-Weight Natural Union Suits, half open front and open across bust, regulsr value $3.50; special, the suit., ..3.49 - CHILDREN'S e5c VESTS AND PANTS J9fc A broken line of Children's' White Wool Vests snd . Pants, regular value 85e; special. each......S3f 'Tis a Commanding Figure, Milady l! AN EXPOSITION OF AUTUMN FASHIONS AUTHORIZED BY THE DAME HERSELF. ( In th Grand Salona Second Floor.' And imperious Dame Fashion has issued man dates that hark us back to the days of the reign of the Empire at the court of Louis XV. . The sccompsnying illustration, drawn , b a leading eastern fashion artist, is an authoritative chart of . fashion for the prcscntscjon.'i , towns. .Word I comes from Paris that Paquin has succeeded in ' restoring the dfess of the reign of the Empire Francis has. introduced the short Empire cost - Beer," Is making short Boleros Doucet '. short , skirtaj-and Drecoll jackets , and the Louis XV style with waistcoats of embroidery in old tapes try colors. Hundreds of models; without ques-: I tiori the most comprehensive showing of the times in ail the west is at this store. . This is to be expected. No stoe in Portland, no store in :'Frisco; no store" west, 6f Chicagor few "stores "in America, have such complete assortments of the 'new, and absolutely correct in dress ready to wear as the OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING store. W have the reputation for .bringing out every sea son more new and acceptable ideas thsn any other V western garment house. ,ffre ie a store positive ly unique in the" personnel of its managerial and ' selling . force and its satisfactory service to the public and it is the largest garment store west of Marshall Field's Chicago esiablishment On , every side in the monster" Salons of Dress one is surrounded with new idess in dress and parts of dress shown for the. first time in the city. As sociate the garments 6f4ti?s . ator. with custom fitting. Every garment here is in the height of fsshion. . See the new sleeves, the new collars, the new trimmings, the new yoke, the new belt ' -effects and the new embroideries.. . t . THE PARTICULAR SUIT YOU LOOK BEST IN AWAITS YOUR CALL HERE AND , INSPECTION TOMORROW, j" Maybe the particular suit that best strikes. your -fancywill be one"orihose cuts and natty jhort -B6lero"orJacket'Vtyles.Theseare"to be seen in all the' new season's favorite colorings', strapped, stitched and diversely trimmed according to the best tsste dictates. Also an immense and varied assortment Of those long and graceful fitted eoa( suits which must be awarded the "palm" this sea-. son for precedence in style.. Rcdingotes, Etons and jacket suit all find favor in Fashion's eyes. These smart costumes are being shown in varioua . shades of gray, blue, red, tan, green, brown, pur ple and black Mannish styles attract many Swell dressers; paddocks and boxy. effects are popular.- "S CI23 to CJ75 AN JNTERESTING STORY, OF THE NEW w AND SEASONABLE IN - . : First Floor West Annex. We print below a brief summary of new arrivels to be added to our immense stocks of Men's Un derwear for fair and winter wear. Seasonable in texture, reasonable in price. In Linen Underwear we show the originsl Dr. Deimel's Linen Mesh in two-piece and combina tion suits. ' - ' - . We slso order garments made to your meas ure Psjamas, Nightshirts, etc This underwear is warranted to give utmost . sstisfsction. . ''.:' -.. The rrlebrsted ?'Stwtaarter" Is a Germai tary underwear, second -to none. We show it in both two-piece gsrments and combination suits, in five different weights and styles, both single and double breasted and buttoned on shoulder. We show - the same make of goods also in Nightshirts, Abdominal Bands, Knee Warmers and Hosiery. - - - -,- The famous Staley Underwear, the best west-ern-made gsrment manufactured. We carry this mske in 23 different styles and prices, and in both union and two-piece suits. ft V Union Suits in white royal ribbed worsted, blue .Derby ribbed . silkojine. and. worsted,, and-natural royal ribbed worsted, u The two-piece suits come in royal and Derby ribbed styles. ' - ' ' " : . . These gsrments embrsce a variety of 'colors blue, pink, silver, Oxford, blackV natural and . ecru snd range in price from, the far- ' ment . ..61.35 to 84.50 Men's Underwear of .other makes than those mentioned above, in cotton and merino mate - rials. We show the best and largest assort- ment in the city. Priced tip from.......60Tk NEW AND FETCHINO IN WOMAN'S DAINTY NECK DRESS. ' r Fanc ' . , First Floor Shops. - - . - Ladies'' Linen Collars, with two rows of hem stitching, made to launder,, our 15c value; spe cial at, each ...... .............. :.;.....10f Also Ladies' Plain Three-Ply Linen Collars, m same lot, at. each lOf New , Wsshable Stock Collars, with front tabs, in white, also some fine Embroidered Waist .. Stocks, priced at, each.......... 25 and 35 New Chemisettes, in embroidered or lace effects, priced at, eachr-utr-from .85 New Collar and Cuff Sets, in Isea or embroidery, very handsome, priced at, the set, ; from . ..'. ....35 up to $10 Bcsutiful New Scarfs, IH yards long-, in dotted crepe, also some in Dresden designs; prices, esch .; ..S1.O0 and li Ladies' Nsvy Blue Silk Windsor Ties, in black, white and all colors, some m plain, others fancy silks; prices, esch ............... 3 end i- Hsndsome Feather Boss Certainty there is noth- - ing more dressy or more comfortable foe wetr these coot autumn evenings than a f.ae Cctrkh Feather Joa, We have now a vy cr::';te showing of OstrKh Boss, made ly t 1 - .1 manufscturers. 1 .'y c 1 " r" brown,, grsy and f r i : J sccording to len;: j ! r v froa . portland's greatest dress goods store Offers some extraordi. nary.inducementsjrqjall---- . buyers this week. 1 : v Fifth Street Annex First Floor. Special Prices on Both Colored . Dress Fabrics A Grand Opportunity for Dressmakers and Home Sewers. COLORED DRESS OOODS. fl-ZS grade, special, yara. ....... , si .50 grade, special, yard......,. ja.T $175 grade-spcciaCyardl ......... f l.?3 . S2.00 srrade. soecial. vard. ...... ..8a. . - Pure Silk and Wool Crepe de Paris this dressy, wanted fabric so much in vosrue. at soecial re- 'ductions for three dsvs. should brine every lady in our city- who needs a pretty dressy gown. Our- ing the coming season, bvery evening and, street shade it here, includint? cream. Our reg. $1.00 grade, special, yard........k.T6 Uur reg. Our reg. Our reg. Our rex. Our reg. $2.25 grade, special, ysrd.,.......flT8 Our reg. $2.50 grade, special, yard.. fl.'3 These are for three days only Monday, Tuesday - i and' Wednesdsy. " ? ;';': ..j x..;:-. Rainproof Fabric for less,, right at the time they are needed most. All the lesding colors and weaves are here and for three daya we place the following grades at special prices: Our reg. $3.00 grsdes, special, yard.;.. ...,93.83 Our reg. $2.50 grades, special, yard..... ...83.19 Our rear. $2.25 srrades. soecial. yard ..,81.84 Our rea. S2.00 arades. soecial. yard......l.3 Our reg. $175 grades, specisl, yard. ...... .31.43 We also call youtattention to our Moravirr Chif fon Broadcloth-at, yard................f 3-00 Thil jdotlLia.sponge(Lahrunk.an"d- warranted spot- . proof. ' Call and sea tms ciotn. BLACK DRESS OOODS SPECIAL. 54-Inch All-Wool Panama Suitings, in plain and neat novelty weaves. These are tne newest weaves snd best wearing fabrics made. , These fabrics are purchased direct from the makers, ; thereby saving the middleman's profit With out doubt they are the best values ever shown - In the city at our regular prices of $175 per " yard;, specisl for three days only, yard. ,31.31 RilTV? in Another Glcd Heportof Un usual Vcfcos the lir.cn Store and V Aisles First 'fcTP1 t' - T-' "' The fw ttema we quote are the inestratton of this Important - Autumn Sale. Tou'U find the evlBsrs in every ease worth while. 1 Tittirs Te Oletha aas Tee Clothe maae of beavy llnen-HnUh tlser cloth, plain hemeUtehed. elM SOzSS. ,8plal at. eh...... ........S3 Oaasfs fe She Hemetltched and fancy rawn work. slM ISMS. Bpectal at. --eh 58 as TO SOa SiUe About IS 4omu All-UnB rrln4 Ooiim. allchtly soUed; reguUr value SSa. ep elal, the dosa. .....,4 mi ewla aoe Extra. Weight All-Unea Hiick Towala. large Special at. each 80 TrflTf Tt-' "4' r in n. w. . -Craah, IS Inebee wide, soft and absorbent. Spe cial at. the yard ISM Cable Tlans Iwinrli Reninante of Table tJaen and odd halt dosea Napkins at greaUy, reduoe4 ' -' prieca. .; - '"A""v . Vew WU naamda rail naqsMla, la white, en- , brotdTd, scalloped and hemetltehed .effsete: value at the yard 85 T5 Sad g Whit AnsTotw Cnoaktag1 For epor capa and cnu V area's eoata, l lachaa vISii value at, the yard ............4 ..83.54S OmtUf naaael ioe plaeee ZJcht. Medium and . Dark Outlna Vlannels. Special at, the yard..g; ' Just received another shipment ef now Plaid . Walatlaas. patterns Ot all the different elans. : gee them. .,. .) ye .-.'j- y : r- - - j ;i . Here and TJicre Ainoc; ths Small Wareo A Host of Prettjr Savings for Thrifty Folk. , ' - ' First Floor. , , Nickel-Plated and Black 'Safety Pins, with guard ed spring, all sizes, best quality; specisl at, the ' dozen ..... ... ........... 5 Mottled Enamel Stocking Darners, in assorted colors; special at, each BeK Quality Sewing Machine Oil, will not gum or corrode, our 5c val: soecial at. the bottle.,3 White Pearl Buttons, two holes, all sizes, two dozen on card, value 10c the dozen; special st, the cssd of two dozen-......... .....; ....10 Linen Mesh Dress Shields, absorb like a sponge, our 25o value; special at, the psir. l Fine All-Bristle Hsir Brushes; our J5e value; te- Fine Medifim Site ' Silk Toiiet ' Sponges, our 12c vsjue; sperial at, each i ............ . . . $ French Tooth Brushes, extra quamv, assor'-i styles, our 25 vslue: special at, each.. .... Jtnportcd Italian Castile Soap, in green or whsu, finest quality, large 4-pound bars, our 75c value; special at, the bar ..............- Hand Mirrors, with hesvy bevel glass and h r rubber back, either black or mottled, our V ' . .value; special at, each ............ : . 1 STATIONERY - Jspanese Ljnen. Writing Paper, plain, tn 1-r packr. with Z sheets of papee in r; . our 2e value; special at, pack-t v . ... . . Envelopes, extra fine cream -e inches, 25 in pscka;e; s;t...l i-, t I Or, the. box sorted KyU e- : ' C-'VCovere 1 " ' C- ':-Coverf 3 1.1, r r if