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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1905)
cr.zcc:: cu;:dav jcur.::AL. rcTLAi.'D, cu::day koiuhko, ssPTCMcrn 17. 1 v- iu::iv iro DELAVED DV Eatt Side protett gainst Laia 1: uraly Crldja Matiioda Again v j : ' ; Find ;.; Voice. - ,i , ; CONDITIONS ARE AS BAD AS THEY EVER, HAVE BEEN River Craft iptoreT' berrianda of Great City and Laxily Puff Through the Drawt In Long Line While Traffic Waiter V.S' -..'"tinneoeesary. delays at -the draw bridges. sro trying tha paUence ot ?ort--1nd people;; the; time has coma to make -the supreme effort to effect a ' perma nent, settlement -of the question," aid : Joseph Buchte) last night. "It may be j that the only thing 'to do b to carry ' tha appeal to Washington and procure .. the laauanea of ordere from, tha federal officials requiring rlvermen to respect ; the rlghta of others. : The county court, i Is answer to demands that hara been ; made for years past, recently Instructed . brldgemen to handle' tha bridges In a manner to obviate tha annoying delays; but the results are .not satisfactory. The boatmen are now aa bad aa ever and the east slder'a Ufa Is mora or less .' miserable on account of tha uncertainty ' aa to bow long It will take blm at any " time to go across tht Willamette. ' ' "The other day 1 waa passing over the ' ' liver and the draw swung to let a boat -' through. Just aa the bridge-tender waa ' about to close the draw and when the and ot ltwaa .j within five feet of the j bridge another boat whittled and the '.tender opened tha draw again without ; permitting the accumulated ' traffic to t pass over, .r- .-; . . 1 Carelessness tba Smls. -v"I told tha tender that ha waa rlo ' Ja(lng the Instructions under which be waa working and that I would report blm if it were repeated. Tet the same - ?. thing baa happened many tlmea since an4 unless something is dona will hsp- pen numberless times more. i' ? .. "I am in favor of taking up the mat it tar and persisting until permanent re "' aults are accomplished. - Let us learn 1 our rlghta and then inalst upon them." Renewal- of the agitation for natter v ? conditions on" tha bridges has elicited expressions of opinion by many men ' Informed on shipping to tha affect that the service In Portland's harbor Is not " . up to date. In other cltiea situated like : Portland tha work of tnorlng barges and " logs Is dona by tugs constructed so aa to permit them to pass under all bridges without opening the draws, - Portland Behind the nates. For instance. In Chicago, , scores of bargea pass under tha drawbridges every ; day without delaying traffic and the - same la true In Milwaukee and Clove. ; 4 land and other places. Another method v- - V adopted there for tha purpose of avoid Ing useless opening Of the draws is the t'- use of tha dropstack. A number of J craft on tba Willamette river could ' easily paaa under tha bridges with the " I possible exception of tha steel bridge, which is a double-deck structure,' If Aha J drop stack were used. But among the t scores of 'tugs and steamboats In 'corn el mlsslop here not one hat auch a smoke ' i staok. ( .1 '.N;.. ,. ' v v-.; - V . "The fsot is," said T. O. Greens last ' 1 night, "our river craft used In harbor . work Is mostly out of date. Portland Is ... -i far behind other cities located on rivers ' . In this respect, and there ahould be such persistent agitation and such In ' slstent demands on the authorities te ' J, set In the premises that the rlvermen , would be compelled to bring their fleets' ' up to data." . ' i '; .,., Tag Servioe Aatlqaated. -' " inquiry aa to tha foregoing brought ' out tha fact that large, cumbersome ' ateamera are uaed for ordinary tow work In Portland's . harbor, which would be ' done In other places by tugs. A bridge tender cited in illustration of this that . In -the paet few days ha has swung hia . . J. draw about 1 tlmea every day for a V certain steamer of standard dimensions, and that each time tha ateamer had taken up stream or down stream a load mi- iwalj -thalsomajof the gasoline ' launches here conld easily bavsba'n ;' died It. vi, . ' "W'ere tha tug service up to date," said he. 'The frequent opening of the draws : .. for this steamer would not be Mecca j, " sary. If that towing company were ta V , . get modern tugs it would not only save the public much Inconvenience, but it ,. would also be better for the towing company. 'This. bridge requires only three mln- utes' to open snd close. This, plus the v .time consumed by the boat In reaching . the bridge after the draw opena. rapre . snts the total time needed for a boat -. to paas. If the' average time be five ' minutes for each boat, the. towing com- ' pany to which I refer causes the drew to be open at least minutes every 14 v, hours. - . ' ' "Now.' this " is only ons company. There are several others and there ere r W" - - - - - - 1 - Products el, ni'iE :i OPEfJ DfiAVJS many independent boats. Practically all of the towing Is dons by stetmers of standard dimensions. . Inasmuch ss there Is a csr a minute ovsr ths Burn side street bridge during moat of the day. It Is essy to see that the deley eauaed by the towing bdats Is consider able. The . company of which I was speaking stops to ears a day, beside ths msny teams sod foot passengers.". , - Oeaa Trefne Vast Bother.; 'Men Informed on Portland's shipping Interests say that ths water traffic that eensuuiies- inseciiy s-principal uwe " commercial leadership the ocean traffic -is nearly all handled below ths draw bridge . Scarcely any of it comes above th steel bridge. snd not . enough to smount to much originates above any of tha others. Demands for better con ditions on tha bridges - have been met with this; .'..:, v', " i- ' - "Don't Impede the growth of-. Port land's water commerce. ( Let ths ships have full liberty to coma, and . go. at wlll Agitation In favor of closed draws during ths rush, hours wjil Injure .Port-. land.", v : . .,'. i. , Bpesklng on this , phase of , tha sub ject T. O. Oreene said: , . ' "I ' have Inquired , into ths matter aomewhat and am Informed, that the water commerce that comes above thb bridges Is not heavy. The - foreign traffic la handled below the bridges, ex cepting the lumber shipped foreign, snd that, it . Is true, - is loaded above the Madison bridge 'in gret ,prt . But properly built tugs would obviate de lays IB taking logs upstream and care by the pilots In not causing the draws to open too long before the boats reach ths bridges would correct most of the present evils." .... . 1 ' . . Xlghsr Bridges Wseejed. Msny believe fhet the "Ultimate solu tion of tha problem - will be the con struction of bridges high enough to per mit all craft to pass them 'without the use of draws. Announcement thst ths Northern Pacific is to build a bridge ele vated sufficiently to allow all, boats to psss without draws has aroused Interest etlong this line. . - , ... , "The Journal's championing of the Interests of ths east alders' rights in this matter Is backed by something like 40.009 people whoso homes are across ths - river,".-. ssld , Mr. , Greene. 'The authorities will- do well to heed It, too. for' the east slders are aroused snd will be satisfied with nothing less than Jus tice." . : , LOVE'S OREALIS PAST FOR six u:;happy people Thret Woman Tall Sad Storiaa 7 In Applicatlona for Di vorca Yaatarday. Tba divorce record established on ths first Friday of ths September term of tha circuit court will likely stand- for some tlme, but It will be pushed, If Indications mean anything. . A number of suits were begun last, week ;. yester day afternoon papers in three wsre filed. Bekle Goldstein began sujt for a di vorce from Samuel Goldstein, a local tailor. She alleges that they were wed in New York City. August il, 1194. and soon after he began to throw dishes at her -and strike hen with, pieces-of furniture. She - swears, too, that he told-her that he would cut her head off with a knife. The couple have two chil dren, aged I and t years. Mrs. Gold stein wants the custody of ths children and 110 a month alimony. -. - Xsoalse Berreth says John Btrreth wss exceedingly cruel. They were mar ried In Portland. June T. 10I. She wants their ons child and M a week ali mony. , ' t Alleging that -shs 'wss deserted on August II, 1(04, Florence C Krebs yes terday .applied for a divorce from Nlco- ) lous Krebs. They were married at Ona- wa, lows, August il, lot . , , .. . . SEA-LEVEL CANAL IS " FAVORED BY PRESIDENT -'" iearasl Sseeuil arvtee.'t Wsshlngton, D, C, Sept. 17. Consult ing eYiglnasra of tha Panama canal this afternoon made public tha rerosrks of the president nt Sagamore Hill on Sep tember 11. v- Tha president urgsd the members to study carefully the ques tion of type .of canal, expreaaing the bops that it will be poealble to build a sea-iavel canal, and made it clear in hla remarks that ha considered this in the light of a suggeatlon and pot a direc tion, i - '; , ... - Tha prime considerations of the presi dent are said to be for ths utmost prac ticable speed In canal construction, and tha practical certainty . that the plan Rnally'adopted will be feasible, and that it bo carried through with a minimum rlak. -- - . -. livv - TiS; - y -v WeHHs) .Xtiat:- ,v . osti.4airivCwi.jift .&m , Louisiana snd Texas on Exhibition PffT0 a ILL REPUTE Santimant of Canaral Publlo AjaJnat Plaatarlnj of PlaraJ .With Big AJa. , PROFESSIONAL MEN ARE " ,.'-' OF BUT ONE OPINION And That J . Decdedl; Advawa Jo the Proposed Decoration, the Idea Being Scoffed; at as Chtap and ; Degrading; -' -. .v-r-' All Portland Is objecting to the pro posed action--of" the county - oommls sistters to-let a contract dor the- use- of the piers snd dra wrests of the county's three WHlsraette river bridges for - adverv tlelng ' purposes. , ', -! , . ,. ' Boms time sgo th eounty commis sioners considered an -off sr. by Attorney Allen R. Joy for the use of the piers snd drswreste for advertising, purposes. Mr. Joy offered tha cotaty tlOO a year for the Use of. ths piers and rests and this offer wts considered by the, of ficials as a very good one. But it has not appealed to the taxpayer In the asms light. - -- . Former Municipal Judgs H. W. Hogue Is opposed to the granting. of the con tract and expresses himself plainly: - "I do not approve of the plan at all," he ssld yesterday. "If ths county wss getting ft. 000 or IS0.00O a year for ths use of its- property for sign purposes, ons might stop snd consider ths- offsr for a mlnuts or two, but I do not -believe It should be granted at all. Tha moral effect It would have against ths crusade for clvio. Improvement would be so- great that a- contract of thta aort should not be let st sny price." R. M. Grsy, looking at tha subject from a businees point of view, ssys: - "It would look awfully .cheap to con sider a proposition of thst sort at any price," hs said. . "The paintings of ths piers snd rests would cause strangers visiting this city to form ths opinion thst Multnomah waa a " very cheap eounty."- ' - W. O. McGarry Is also enrolled among those who object. !" ' "My opinion la." he said, "that It would be a sin to plsster the bridge sup ports with words praising Mrs. Blue bacon's liver pills snd 1m Bummadeo cigars. I would hats to sss those signs glaring at mo from ths plera and draws for S6 day a each year." s. "No person would wsnt his prints property painted with aigns 'of . all sorts," said James R. Ewlng. "and I do not believe any citlsen of Multnomah courtty wishes to have, .tha public prop erty decorated in aucb a manner." "AH wrong! JThe whole principle of the thing ia wrong." said James Laid law, for many years local British con sul, when asked regarding his opinion of ths proposed pier paintings. - - Mark W. GUI said: "I do not think the commissioners should .allow the plera and draws to. be decorated with plug . tobacco and V hair . tonlo . sds soy more .than- they- . should permit - praises of . various brands of axle-grease and breakfaat food from flaring from the courthouse and the county hospital." Lucius J. Hicks stated: "It should not be permitted. I. wouid be very sorry to see this sort of work -done In this city.- As It Is I hste to see every corner v and : vacant lot in the city paated up with billboards - and. such trash." - "It is sn outrage, a perfect outrage!' exclaimed Dr. B. J.' Barber. , VETOES AMBIGUOUS . BOX ORDINANCE Mayor1 Lane yesterday vetoed the bos ordinsnoe railroaded through- the. city council at the Isst meeting. He hss had legal advice on the measure and has been Informed that, the wording Is am biguous and If the ordinance becomes a law win plunge the city mto litigation. His messaga accompanying the veto fol Iowa: - "To the Honorable City Council Oen tlemen: I herewith return to you ordi nance No. 14.11!. without my approval. My-reasons for not approving this ordl- nance are as follows "The language of the first section la ambiguous find leaves the meaning doubtful, making it difficult to say. what construction is to be placedr upon It. -"In my. opinion the passage of this ordinance will bring the city into, end less litigation - before the courts, and thus all measures for the relief of ths people from the eVU sought to be cured will bo indefinitely suspended Low Excursion Rates to tha East. On sals September 10, It and 17. the Rock Island . rail- war will sell round trip tick sts to eastern points at greatly reduced rates. For ' full particulars call on -or addreas A. H.. McDonald, general agent. 140 Third street, Portland, Oregon. -- sirJaVw4iU.J wtatt..:asf'i at the Fair. OH USE 7T ! i " t " " ' - 1 t , ;-, " ill! I i : I I, ! in Next month we move into the new Elkj' , Building, a complete floor of which has been constructed specially to our ; order,: and is being equipped with the handsomest and most mod ern business furniture that-is -manufactured anywhere for college pu poses. - , .- " ; , Studying in our new home will be a : pleasure.. ; You know how much nicer it is to do things amid cheer ful, light, inspiring surroundings. We HURRAH FOR H. U. ' s. - - G.O.P. Portland Republican Club Wanta ' Harmony and Unity in Party ' ' , ' In Oregon. ISSUES C AL1, FOR PEACE CONFERENCE IN FEBRUARY State League Wanted That Will Be for Sweet Concord of Policies and Not. for Promotion of Candidacy of Any One Individual. ' Preliminary steps have been taken by the Portland Republican club to organ ise a stato league for the' purpose of uniting all ths factions of tha partr In Oregon. At a meeting Friday night of the executive committee of the club. lntdudlnk""1 Tyler Woodward. Willis n.her. Chariea"Tgn,oekWUoa." R. W I Hoyt.- W. A. Storey. John QUI. D. J. Qulmby, H. H. Northup, C W. Not ting ham. B. r. Jones, W. P. I(eady. H. H. Newhall, H. R. Albeo and N. D. Beutgen a call waa Issued to all the Republican clubs In the state and to all parties in terested to send delegates to attend a peaoe convention in this city February It, 1S0. The call followa: "Tou are cordially invited to attend and send delegates to a meeting at tho Armory, In Portland, Oregon, on Mon day, February 1. ! at 11 a. m., for the purpose of organising a Republican state league of the Republican clubs of Oregon. This meeting is designed for the purpose of aiding and assisting In securing and maintaining harmony and unity in the Republican party In this state, and not to promote tho candidacy of any particular Individual or candi date for office. It Is suggested thst ssch Republlcsn ' club send four dele gates to this meeting, to consist of the president and secretary and two mem bers elected or sppolnted by each ciub, and that , in. selecting thess representa tives, they he chosen equally from the wo factions thst have heretofore di vided" the party In thia state. We are dealroua thst harmony and unity shsll prevail In the Republican party through out tho state; that ths direct primary Is w should be given a free, full and fair trial, and thst- ths candldstes nomi nated at the primaries should receive the hearty and unanimous support of sll of its members at the general election. "Tours for harmony and unity and the success of ths O. O. P. "By order of the executive board of the Republican rlub of Portland. Ore gon, , CHARLES B. LOCKWOOD. "Secretary . Tyler Woodward. Charles E. Lock wood, secretary; F, E. Beach, John QUI andW. Pi- Keady-wero- appointed . to make all tho necessary arrangements for ths convention. Following the busi ness sessions there will bo a banquet In celebration of Lincoln's birthday. --, Ths Portland Republican club Is com 4 posed for the moot pert of Independent Republicans who hsvo refused to cost thslr allegiance with any (faction of the party. '(' The real reason for desiring to hold tha peers conference ta said to be to plan tho campaign for the June election. GIVEN EIGHTEEN YEARS FOR.COMMITTING MURDER --' (Speelal Ptspstck t Tie Jesrsst t - Spokdns. Wesh.. Sept. If.' John F. Mo Dermott pleaded .guilty to the cthergO of murder after being Indicted .by the grand Jury and Waa today stntenced to lM 'lSft'' MID X9VOATXOVAJLV. TTTT i - r New Location of thd Bchnkc-Walker Business Elks' Temple, Opposite Public Library v Portland, cordially' invite you to call and; see the premises any time you come to Portland, .whether or not you enroll with us as a itudent.We. shall, take great . p 1 e a s u r e in showing you through-the-dif ferent departments. The pupils in the business practice department occupy individual office desks, each desk containing five drawers.. The fixtures in the offices are just like thoseof a bank, all in oak. . The pupils transact business - - m . -- -v . ' During the paat ten yeare we have taught thou. . . sands of earnest young people who are now holding . desirable positions by reason of the thorough train rJns n4 Inspiration received from us.. The success x "of these young people is positive" evidence of the effectiveness of our methods. ." ' -. ' . Why' not enroll with us now at the beginning of our fall term, September 25th, and secure advantage of our special low rate of" tuition. We give thorough and progressive courses in Bookkeeping, Business Methods, Shorthand and Typewriting and English sub- tecta, and permit the atudent to take a combined Business and Short land course for a single tuition fee that is one third leas than other schools ask for -one course alone. , Authorized headquarters, for Gregg Shortland. . - . ST-,:- --' - v'. v J'-..-.. . V Night Sessions For the- benefit of those who cannot take advantage of day ses sions we conduct evening classes. These begin on Monday even ing, September 25, and students are given the same instruction on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings that is given our day students. Why not enroll in our Penmanship, Correspondence or -Calculation Class and brush up for that increase of 'aalary you are in line for? The cost la insignificant and. the results cannot be eatimated. ' 1 -. - - Call, write or phone and we will be pleased to furnish particulars. IflifltnoTnlTBusine M. A. ALBIN. Manager.. Fbone 66 SIXTH STREET. No Pain No Pain NICE TEETH We are tho discoverers and orlglnst ors of tho tmly reliable snd sclentlfle systsm of Painless Dentistry. Ws ex tract, crown, nil and clean or treat teeth abaolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen years. Our work Is tho best, our prices ths lowest con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our platss sre unde tectable from the.. natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit. FILLINCJ8 ......BOO, TSo "and fl-00 GOLD CROWNS f-0$ BKIDQB WORK . . . v t' -I-00, FULL. SET NATURAL TEETH. . . .a.00 Opest fot saslaess aatU t o'clock evenings. Boston Painless Dentists tlH'atevrlaoa OpP- atete a Freak - and Postoffloe, HOCB8 l;I0 a. m. to t p. m. Sun day, 140 a. m. to U:l p. m.-'- For mod era dental work. World-re - nowned speclsllsta Lswest-prlces consistent wita flrst-elast v . . - work ." - r : 1 Oo te tao - -- - - NEW YORK DENTISTS , roumrx ami mobbxso sts. Open day and night from a, as. .uui is a SB. . .. .j.ijj.-..t.i-i..Jttl'-- J IS yearsv Imprisonment In Walla Walla penitentiary. McDermott shot snd fatally wounded Otlg Delaey, a waiter, TEETH r . u : ..... .. Oregon 'y-lC with these offices. Every transac tion is performed over the counter, the same aa in actual life, from tht daythe pupil, cnrollf until he . gradu ates. This enables our pupils to 'do satisfactory-work - in - business-from the start. . , . . ' Remember that last year we placed 207 Behnke-Walker graduates in po sitions, and could have plaeed 500, as there were that many calls from Portland business men. Our guaran . .. -.. Enroll Now C W, KITTj Principal.. Main 49ue. PORTLAND, OREGON, SLOADTS AQDEriT AfiD COLLEGE , OBT&Ajn, omaooaT. Forty-seventh scholastic year begins Tuesday, September S. 106. , - First-class bosrdlng and dsy school for girls. ( Courses of elementary, secondsry and hlgner education. Conservatories of music and art. - Hotel Eaton , Career Heirless sad West Park attests, ' NEW nasikraaMty fsrelsbed. elefiBtlr sestpeea Srapreot, Sts Bilnetes' wtlk frma keart el shopping sad keslaese dUtrtet. sU lante, sir, eatsMa roesie, strsa heated, tlectrle llfhts, trl-pbene Is ssfe aiMrtaMa. ate. Lars efSces. loaaains. estokles. wrttlna. ladira reeaptlea parloca Room rssettas tr stall ar tlepbaae. ' ' ' . W emaibes suets train! ead steaaara, " Roohim $I.OO to fS.OO Day -- - Bpedal Bates U OeaiSMreisi stae. - . VII. XII UTOI. (rorswrly e( Betel aeopatb, - Spakaaa.) Clatsop Beacb, Seaside, Or. , . ..v, . au yi.U 4 KJ only hotel on the beach overlooking' tho rinMl mimm n tm. 1 M. ocean, sea looea a specialty. Tha hotel baa boon rebuilt and hewlv furnished Hot salt hatha Fine surf bathins? di rectly la front of the hotel Strictly nrst-claaa. American plan. For terms and reservations address ruv ' x MOORB. proprietor. " t Hotel r. oore July 11. The defends nt asked tho court for leniency 4ece,uss he bad been drunk for several days preceding, the crime. ' ' ' , i - ; - College; tee means that you can have the op portunity of your life to obtain a sit uation, in a first-class Portland Busi ness house. - Once in such a situation there's no' limit tok your advancement. ; Graspevery opportunity that comes your way, and you are bound to be successful in life. - Grasp, the oppor tunity that exists today nowby writing for handsome illustrated cat- alogue.- Behnke-Walker Business Col- ' lege. ;"; ,: ... ; -".Jtl Write, direct to Dept. 19. t ,PEasoNai.v I 'iNSTiaUCsTON. cotfft HOMEOTUDY. i If 5 SCHOOL U A SCHOOL FOR . EMPLOYED KEN The Teas; -fn'e Ohrlstiaa Vlgk Sebeel - . Thirty -iTeaoaare Torty Siffarwrt ab)Mta TaagBt Tail Xasss egisa - Soptemker S. ' . . : ; '-;' ' "' Fee. ' Sabjeets " 1 S-llo. Tera. Algebra ....SS.0O Aaxrraa OwihsmI .......... l.OO - Arehlteetaral Drawing ......... I on , ArltbsrTle 1.00 ' Boakseeptng ' S.00 Carpeatry 8.00 CItII Serrlee Claaaas (pae sae.).. S OS Coaimeretal taw ............... 1.00 ElK-trtolly .-. &.00 " Enflnaerliw, Uathastattcs S 00 asllab Uraaaaiaa . , IWI Foratrr l... IN - rroebsnd Drawing T OO Oeoarapby , t en Oaosietry 8 00 . Oersiaji 4.00 latarlor Paaorstlng T.eO Inaeraaee 8.00 Maeblaa Daalva IN Mandolin. Guitar S.00 . Maneak Training ............... 8.00 . Meebanleal Drawing BOO ' Meehanlrs S 00 Mlneralosr ,'I.M Mining Methods sod Machinery.. 800 -penmanahlp 1.00 . Plnmblns ', Pnblle Speaking .s t. 8 00 , Rradlng and Spelling 10 ' Rbetorlr ........................ 8 on ' Slsnwrltlng S.00 ' Shorthand 4.00 Vpanlah 4. OS Bteam Knslnearing ,i ' Trlsonometry 1.00 ' Trpawrltlng ,.-4oo' Toral Muale (elanantarf t ...... Iftn WooonrTtag ......... ......,. 8.00 ,' The Annnat stranerahlp Pee, far Blent, sehool atudeetn has boon reduced- froa) IT to SA Call at Aaaoelatloa SalldiDf. corner Foartb and YaoiblU sts., tor U taatrated Cauleswe'. Hill miliary Academy IB MniTADV k i . MTVh, A mate ess Boarding School ff Bora, fiasaal TralM Ins. ' Mintary I'lx-t. plluo. Col lets Prep arattoa. larMt ead tnftket - asiblttona ef rests rourased and demlonae. forS ef any ass a4illt4 st aay time. Fail Tersa Opeaa Bop, ea. Send for ilhjstratad eataWsa, emtalnlnt Mil kafersuiuos, teraia. eta. Address Hilt Military Acmdtmy POaTLAKO. ORtOOM. . Oregon Portland St Helens lk!l A' Girls' School it (He high est class. Corp 6f teacher:, location, buildinff, equipmc- the best. ' .. - Send for catalogue. Cptns SrpK. 7 i, . VV. S. WA' The AllsVy. f hste snd inort Have tlM t. a. a rsy m sv I THE A 3sr ASSOCUn0N Lfi a-: