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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1905)
. cr t : i. "cu: :day joj:.: :al. r shtland. cuiid ay voztimQi September it, ices. rotrj topics 1 EVENING PAPER MODIIDIG PAPED One ' bandred and fourteea ef ttie larceat aepartawat etorea - throughout . . Ill Ualtol Stales - war aakad -wblea-paper waa tba moat profttabla fof aaver-. tlalnc the morn In t or tin aTanlns; 104 prafarred . tba availing paper, . 10 r ierrai) b luornin. , The Journal will pobllab latter each .. evening frost aaa ef Ue 10a. ' -,f "V "The .evening' and ' Sunday ; Morning papers are beat.' Brook-' ""Iyir if - a" gram ommonity-rof" homes, and " the -' business man carries his-evening paper there at might His wife, the pur '., chaser we are interested in,, has . time evenings - and Sundays- ta j read it. . Justin McCarthy, Jr, , "Adv, Mgf.J Abraham & Straus .: ", . Brooklyn," J . ;y V "' .v: . .'- , - The elxculatloa of Tha Journal yesterday -was I3,8a, and t&e , major portion of W, waa la Tort ' lead.' ,'...,','-' ,V"' "i. '.'' v'- .' tosiokt's mraamtTa( . : ' Krlaaro . ......... . '."Judab'; Tha Kaplre ....... ........... "Fablo Roniant' Hakar ."Tha Merrymakere" lric" .....,.-,.i......"Ta King a Traaapa" Utar .... Vaudeville trand .Vaudeville v TProfessor Rlnglei-s School of Physical . Cultura and tha Portland panning acad amy opens for tha aeaaorv tomorrow at 80S Alder street, near Sixth. This ta tba - - third year: of this popular achool and t Professor . Rlngler promlaea many new features along physical culture lines this season. : There will be a claee for . ' fat 'women, wight reduction by a new method be Ins the feature. Special fenc ' s 1ng and 'JIu-Jltau class and private -in-at ruction will be given. , The. ladies . evening claaa will atart tomorrow, even- Ins; at 8 oclock' and will meet twK-e a week during tha season. Business an '- professional man will 1e taken care of at noon. 40n 1:110 .d'" with the Rlngler system,-will be usedfor a - half ' hour, period. In "connection wTlh the achool of physical culture Professor Rlngler has the Portland Dancing acad emy, together with Mlaa Buckf nmeyrr, Portland s - most popular dancing :ln .. . ' atructor. .. . ' , -. '., -. .. 'V '-. ' j:- Captain W. 8. Kilgore of tha United . .States revenue service will speak at-the men's meeting in theT. M.C A. audito rs . rtum at 8:80 o'clock today on "The Help of Head Winds.", Captain Kilfore has been for nwny yeara In- the ' revenue wrvlce In Alatka. but waa transferred . . recently to Puget sound, and la well . ; known In- Portland, ifis experience in --- different parts of the world has made - him, a ' very tntereatlng speaker to men." The music will be In .charge- of Profoa sor W. M. "Wilder and Mlaa Ethel Shea, v contralto. will sing. r"'. The meeting is without charge and tor men only. ' Vt. : ' Brtjugher.'i pastor at tha "Wlilta "Tfmple, wia ' prominent In .athletic sports Aurins h'la college dttys, and has . never lost his Interest in what he calls "clean-, and wholesome sport." Tonight ' " he wilt ' preach av- apeclaji sermon on .' Boxing and Prlxeflghtlng." and will have . something to aar- concerning-, tha recent fight In San Francisco and point , out, tha difference between boxing and prlseflghtlng. He believes in the value ; of, athletics for both young men and women, in. the development of the truest manhood and womanhood. ., ,, R. T. McLennan, ex-mayor of Dawson - City,' Alaska, is one pf the many prom inent .visitors- to, tha Lewis and Clark i exposition and also one of the most en ' thualastle admirers. "There isn't the slightest doubt In my mind," said he, "that -this exposition will do more for . the Pacific northwest, and- Indirectly for - -Alaaka, than yeara of slow development. We -alreedyieel - the f f eeta np--- Jn and settlera are coming Into that coun- ; try every aay. Reduced Ueastas Tate T VI the A. ft C. R. R ... , To Clatsop Beach, : , - . ' ' v" Only 18.00- for the round trip. ' Tickets good until October II. .. Trains Union depot l,a. m. daily. ' Bee the majestlo Columbia, river , - And the broad briny PaclOc ocean. ' Information 148 .Alder street Or Telephone Main 801. H. E. Clemens and W. J. Lyons of this Tettjr left last -evening - fer-a-4rlp along the Oregon coast: , Oelng , by rail to "Newport, they will travel on foot up the coast through the SUets Indian reserve , te Seaside, Their Itinerary .will include , two ar three daya of hunting .- with - "Wild Bill," whose fame is known to everyone who has camped or roughed it In the coast counties. The trip will '" occupy two.- weeks or more. ; , , Lewis St Lewis, architects and butld- ers. yesterday begun, suit In the' circuit . court against Emma O. Roblnaoia. Kate Henderson and Bessie M. Teal for f9(S, alleged to be duo'for repairs made to a building at Second-and Hall streets; f ':. i0 Is also asked for attorney's fees. ' ' ' M Woodward's Dancing academy Of the ' Western Academy of Muslo and Dra- "a' matlc Art. Second and Morrison streets, Mondsy and Thursday evenings. Twelve ' lessons It. Everest's orchestra. Three step a specialty. i ' . ' ?- Mies Florence C. Baldwin, a' graduate' bf St. Luke's hospital of Chicago, has been employed by- the local Visiting TOE ESTACADA o xi or cs, w. r. xucotuo mrH nr the hiait or thi rnrxa oa . ,-.,m 0LA0KAMA1 EIYim. ; ' ESTACADA. OREGON v f . a roruiAB ualtk lira axoasATioa ESB0ET. Uoantata cHroMng tmat ' ftahlnf.' 80-aera pin fir park, lama eaarftif paTllloa, hotel proTlded witk city wat.r aad aleatrla llfkta, fin batha. telepbaaa direct ta rnrMane. Tboaaaade of acrrs of fir foreet -evpreuad tba yaau city of Eataeaiiy . . is Man rmox pobtiajio.- Itatea per day..... 10 Hatea per week lB.O Bpeclal tlckt. locladlng roead trip far and dlnoar. ........ , .,. l.TS- gn.-lal tlckst. Ineladtng raand trip ' fare, ena slfbt's lodflag aad three -SMals 9180 TICKIT OmCS miT AID AtOXS sTt. L. B. MARTINEZ. A'.anc-ir ' XITAOACA, f . ... . Ycltfcl D-inters make jnen and women of means. Give ..youV boya-and-glrla tnk r booka with, the Imprint of this in- ' stltutioa .on them, even if , you'- Can arrord only a few dollars to atart tha fund. and. note tha Inter-, eat they'll take In making the ac count a well. Note, too, our 4 per "cent interest, Compounded ' semi-" annually. Then you'll - see why they won't' die poor. .Booklet free for the asking. ; - - - Crcooh Saviiifls . Danli . arpKTX aUm aromaxMir. Nurse's association and will take up her work on Monday.- She may be 'found by telephoning - Main 717 or Nau's Pharmacy, corner of Sltth 'and Morri son streets. Owing to the very healthy condition of the city during the past summer the sasoclttlon has not had a regular nurse in Its employ. . Frank -Christiansen,' a l(-y"ear-old (boy; so badly afflicted with rheumatism "that he da hardly able to .walk, was picked up at Second and Alder streets last night by the police and taken to , the city prison. There the' boy told a ssd story, He said his father and brother work In a local bookbtndery and -that he came here yesterday from Castle Rock to look for them, but hsd been unable to locate them. City-" Physician Cauthorn.' was niuioned ' snd after - examining theied said that If his relatives are not located tomorrow he will have to be sent to a legates to Hie I'unVgntTon of psi- aenger agents, that concluded Its session Friday will visit Seaside today. In order that, none might- be left in Port land today they slept In the cars of the special train last night The train will leave the eity early ""this morning. Many visited the fair yesterday, others made the trip up the Columbia, while a large number made the trolley trip on "Seeing . Portland" cars. - ,. -t ' .-,, All this week - is chiffonier week at Calef -i Bros.', : 114-1-8 - East Morrison street. 1 Calef Broe., the -pricecutters, will sell during this eale, for caah only, quartered -sawed golden oak and birds eye ' msple - chiffoniers, with a ' full swelled front and, a ilxlO-lnch-bevel plate French mirror .for $17; without mirror $11. Regular "price" is $26; and HMi'v.,v.';.'.;'?., -: , ... .'".'.'.;';.,":. Mrs. C. J. Brown, whose 'address Is 237 Market street,- and M. C. Barto of Tacoma were arrested last night In the rear of a Fifth street saloon by patrol man Craddock. As Barto. in te" nded leav ing the city last night, he waa released. The woman' was also given her liberty, but cautioned to remain away from saloons.- -:-ry -TT-..---Tr.; y-- Tp7 The opening . party of Woodward's Dancing atdemy was held on Thurs day night at the Western Academy of Music hall. Over one hundred couples participated.' One of. the features of the dance was the threestep. which Pro fessor Woodward If teaching. Everest's orchestra was in attendance and Profes sor Woodward served punch in person. ' Trolley " trips on the -O. W. P;" today: To Oregon City, Canemah Park and Gresham, 15 cents; to Estacada and-upper Clackamas river point's, SO cents round trip. Dinner at Hotel Estacada 71 ,ceuU.-Cars leave First, and Alder atraeta for Oregon CHy en the odd liuus anq every te minutes; ror EBtacada 7:80, 1:30, 11:80. 1:80, 8:80, 8:80. 7:1.' , ',. ; r The Washington Pipe Filtering company yeaterday began suit In the circuit court against Charles M. Robin son for 81.811, alleging that -several months ago he purchased wares for the building -of. v system of waterworks at lone. Morrow county. Oregon, and -that a portion of the ' bill still remains "un- pld'v . .-v - , f:i 'yz.-f-K The circuit' court department of the county dark's office hss been removed upstairs : -into- the quarters it occupied for many-years. This was done at-the request of many attorneys who objected to running up and-down the "elevator" to see legal papers, as well aa for the convenience of the clerks of the court , St Helen's Hall school term begins Monday, September II. Corps of teach ers, location. ' building, equipment', the best .' iiormal . kindergarten - training class trr connection with aeademle -department Music, art, elocution ' in charge of specialists. Illustrated cata logue on application.. ' ' r -- ' L: , ' -' '-. . It was baby day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.. W. Bottom.-' 820 ' Fremont street yesterday. 'Girl twins, one weigh ing five and the other four and one halt pounds, were- received and they and the happy mother are doing well. ,-, " . . Tour credit IS good. - We have 'added to our business an Installment depart man U .You sn buy watches, diamonds and. Jewelry on weekly payments. Mats- ger Co., jewelers and opticians. Ill Sixth street ' ,.? ,;;... "-. For San Francisco the elegant steamer "W. H. Kruger" sails direct Monday, September 18,-at p. m. t First csbln psssage 118, meals and berth Included. C- H.- Thompson; agentr 181 Third street Professor Ringlet' announces the open ing of his ladles' physical culture claaaes next Monday evening.- A limited num ber of memberships will be sold for II for the season. 801 Alder street " Dr. Breughel's topics S .the White Temple. Sunday, 10:80 a. ta.,, Trinity of Burden-Bearing"; T:I0 p. m.. "Bene Ing , and Prlseflghtlng.'' Special i solo ist, Mr. Montelth. Baptism. Portland "Dancing academy, opens for the season next Tuesday evening. Pro fessor . Rlngler and Miss Buckenmeyer, Instructors. - 800 Alder street - Lessons 60c, 1 J lessons 1 1. , ,, '--4i, Dr. it A. Studevant, formerly of .The Dalles, la now with Wise Bros, at rooms tll-lt, The Falling. Third and Washing ton streets. "Phone Main 8021. ,'al h i street ; car seeident at the west i.,. each of the 1. n...on street bridge. iua;:3 ticles o;i iliSITOR- GovernrtiBnt Agent Mitchell In forme Judge Dennett That He : ' 'Was Under Surveillance. , LAWYER SUSPECTED Olv . - INFLUENCING WITNESSES Testimony ' in Land . Fraud . - Case Against Williamaon and Others Is - Almost AU in and Arguments Will Begin Monday. - '- s .".-.' ;.' . - Evidence for theprosecutlon In the Willlnmson land fraed trial was vir tually concluded ""yesterday 1 afternoon. One of the .government's witnesses re mains to be cross-examined by the de fense," which will then present Ita evi dence. It Is noBJJkely that the case Will reach the Junffcefore Wednesday even ing, .or Thursday morning at the ear liest; as the arguments of the attorney will undoubtedly occupy considerable time.' "-. - , .. i'y.. - y -v . The" proceedings yesterday , afternoon assumed a humorous phase when Judge Bennett, of counsel for the defense, sought to entangle one of the govern ment's witnesses, but found the tables turned upon himself. W. J. Mitchell, an assistant special agent of the Interior department whom Judge Bennett des ignated sarcastically as "the detective.", wss on the stand" and xn cross-examination' he 'was asked what work he had been doing during the land fraud trials. . "I have been watching around to see these people who have been" tampering with the witnesses,' replied Mitchell eoolly.- ',' -' . "Watching to see if they did tamper with the witnesses," suggested Judge, Bennett by way. of correction. . - "No." replied Mitchell, "not to see If they did, for I saw them doing It" - In response to further questions. the witness said that on one occasion he watched Dr. Oeaner, and Judge Bennett then asked 'Whether he bad watched any one elae. .w -. i. -I -watched you," -was the unexpected response, and a laugh ran round the courtroom. f . ' 2yv'hen was thatr aakrt Bennett ellpetlina-as..whn I saw, you fiTthe evening Jumping around on Wash ington street and looking as If you were trying to find some - one. Then you went over -on the east side and I went with. you.",'-..: .;-.- . , """Ohyou followed me over there T ' "No, I went along with you," said Mitchell. - - ' "' ' . :.. .' " .. -'Judge Hunt suggested that "the evi dence which waa being obtained from the witness was "more interesting thsn relevant," but he - - finally permitted counsel -wf or She defense' to - further sat isfy his curiosity as to the manner in which he and . his .clients ' had been ahadowed. ...-.:' .-, j. "-"Were you -watching any one yester day?" y S.-:-"Tes,' I was watching you i: for an hour." ,...:-v , .... .... The witness stated that his Instruc tions were, to sea that the defendant and their, attorneys did not tamper with the government a witnesses and he had devoted some -time to keeping Biggs unaer surveillance. - , ' Mitchell, who has been engaged for many years in timber cruising, Waa sent last month with John C Murray- and David Edgar, also veteran ' timhei cruisers, to make an examination for the government of the timber entries which are the baala of .the pending prosecution. . All three of them were on the Stand yesterday afternoon and their testimony seemed to establish conclu sively that the timber on the claims is of little value. Alt coincided in the statement that the amount of Umber on the claims taken up by Williamson, Biggs and Erneat Starr Is but a frac tion of the amount named by the. ap plicants III their filing affidavits. Each of the three witnesses had made an es timate of the actual amount of mer chantable timber on the claims and the figures were given. This testimony is iKeiy to piay an important part in Mr. tieney s argument to the Jury, as it seems ta show lliat ttie oBlectof THe defendanta in taking up the elalma was not to secure the timber, but only to sdd to the grasing grounds of the WTP liamson-Oesner aheep ranch. late yesterday afternoon,; man had his leg broken and several other passengers were severely shaken up. It is reported that a Brooklyn ear was standing near the bridge . waiting for several passen gers to sret on board when a Woodstock car ran into Iff rom the rear. tr Dance tor 840 cash' prise every Tues day and Friday- evenings. Lewis snd Clark pavilion. Twenty-seventh snd Thurman streets. 1 . Dr. Mrs. M. B. Hickey has returned from her vacation and will be found at her chair as usual. 817 Dekum building. Webber's mandolin, banjo and, guitar studio removed Aiaer, corner West Park.' Phone Main 8185. -Mr. and Mrs. P. I Hilton of Chicago are visiting their cousin,- Fred Johnston, 108 Mill street ' v , . ;'., ' Miss Bertha Stuart has returned to New York to resume her art work. ; . I M-iw fair vlattorai atnn at "Tha "Awnings? Noon Bar Co., 1st 4 Couch. Fiits's tamalss are the best' ' . Good cow for sale. Reason-for selling, milk too rich for baby.- Apply to W. E. Eddlngton. Federalaburg (Md.) Courier. Fair Annonhcemcn! ADuWflSTRATIOrj RESTAURANT 50cDIKI Served continuously firom 11 a m. tov8 p. m. Every attendant should not fail to visit this restaurant Prices will convince you that it is not necessary to r ' carry lunches. . iiH se;.!E:c ST CEASE : Railroads Say They Will .Stamp It Out and Arrest C H. ; Thompson pFFICE FORCE TAKEN A , , IN BY SHERIFF WORD Eastern ' Lines . Considered 4 ' Advls- v ability, of Withdrawing the Chep '1UteSchsdtttst07tteJraition If Reselling Was Not Prohibited. C. It. Thompson, for many years a local railway ticket broker; waa ,ar rested 'yeaterday" afternoon ' by" Sheriff Word on a warrant charging him -with violating the state anti ticket-scalping law. Frank Botlam. M. J. Hlglcy and John Cullay, employes of Thompson, were also arrested on the same charge. All were released on their own recogni sance.' but It Is stated that each will be placed under I20S bonds tomorrow. Dan J. Malarkey. father of the anti- ticket-scalping law passed by the. last legislature has been retained by the dis trict attorney's office te prosecute the cases. -He la also the attorney for the Railway Ticket Protective bureau,' which prosecutes the charges against scalping for the transportation eompantes. Several months ago the ticket scalp ers in the vicinity of the depot were ar rested and In the municipal court the scalpers lost ' On appeal to the circuit court Presiding Judge Fraser upheld the state law. The small ticket brokers went out of "business. """" 7i'T r Henry A. Koach of Chicago, assistant ehairman of the Railway Ticket Pro tective bureau, recently arrived to In vestigate . Thompson's 'ofllce. Eastern roads had made complaint against him and it is stated on good authority that they were considering taking' off their reduced rates to the' Lewis and Clark fair if Thompson was not forced to stop ticket selling. -,f "When I was here last summer," said Mr Koach last - night "pushing ' the eases against the scalping offices about the depot Mr. Thompson - Informed us that he would stop selling tickets In violation of the law. But we learned at, ha did not stop and his..buslpess waa so great that it was noticed in the general offices of many of . the large eastern rallroada. They ' prepared to withdraw their reduced fares to Port land If this scalping was not stopped. The smaller ticket scalpers were forced to close by ; legal proceedings -against them by District Attorney Manning and other offlclala and why should C. H. Thompson . be allowed to continue , the same business?" '.. '. ' - In fepeaning of the crusade for the up holding of the law which he - fathered, Mr. Malarkey said: "It Is simply a question of whether or not the state law ahall be enforced. We -are going to push these 'eases un til this business . is done away with." NEW ORLEANS SITUATION NOT SO BAD AS REPORTED Major Clarence W. Murphy-fisf New Orleans, - city passenger ageniMa the Southern Pacific, attended the conven tion of traveling passenger ' agents In this city last week. Major 'Murphy de clares that when he left New -Orleans the yellow fever plague bad abated and the situation waa under tne control of the United States marine hospital serv Ice. - : ' ". --''-.. -. "It' was September t '-when I left there," he said, "and , the situation seemed to be in absolute control. A comparison of the death rate with other cities, such as Atlanta, Charleston, Richmond, Mobile and other - southern points showed . that : even , during the fever plague New Orleans had a smaller death rate than .the others. " "The situation Is good, notwithstand ing all adverse conditions and the etlJ ergy, courage snd industry displayed by! all classes are worthy of the highest commendation..-The fever will now be I rti 1 nr r (I '"h i f "" m '-'t nl therefore the present attack will prove a bless ing." - ; . - . Major Murphy is enthusiastic , ever his visit to Portland. He declares that tha scenic trip down the Columbia can' not be surpassed by any other section of the world. Major Murphy Is a mem befof the' staff of the- governor of Louisiana and is. a hustling railroader. He Is also a composer of many msrl- torious musical compositions. When In Seattle Go to the : Rathskeller, a high-class plsee to eat Sea foods, eastern meats,' large orcheatra ..dally. '. , ;, , , .-, , i - Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take .Sell. wood and Oregon City cars st First and Alder. v.r ,t ..... '''.. , iraate la Ohurchee Today. The following program of organ musto has been arranged for today's services st St. David's Episcopal church: Morn ingPrelude, "Ave Maria." (Otello), (Verdi); .offertory, "Of fertolre In O" (FessyM postlude, ."Orand ' Chorus In B ' Flat'' i (Dubois). Evening! Prelude, "Cantilena Nupttate", (Dubois) ; offer tory, "Barcarolle," atn concerto. (Stern- dale Bennett) ; - postlude, "Marohe 8ole- nelle" (Lemalgre). -. -v " - ' Carl Denton,-, organist of , Trinity Episcopal church, has arranged the fol lowing program for today: 11 s. m. Pllgrtms Chorus" (Wagner) j "Festal March in C" (Calkin). 7:80 p.) m. "Communion" (Batiste); "Postlude In F (Cappelln). - Mrs.'- E. Amson -will sing at both v services. "-- - ; v : ... ... ' , .' ' : "Xa Valals Boyal Opening. La Palais Royal, at West Park and Washtngtoir-8treet,-wlH- have-its first fall opening tomorrow, afternoon from 1 to p. m. During the afternoon rausla will be furnlshed-thy, Webber's orchestra. IMI ratals rioyai, aftnougn nor a year old.' has well established Itself In Port land and la one of the best shopping stores in the city. The fall opening this year promises to be unusually In teresting, as the firm has received a large shipment of exclusive designs In hats, aults and gowps. ' The display Is very attractive and should .be aeen by sll women.' ' . , " tow Sate Slda-Trtp Ttokets. Holders of Lewis snd Clark tlckete sold east of pocatello or Butte and tho western boundary of Atisona are enti tled to flften-day one-fare tickets to certain points on the O. R. A N. Par ticulars by asking at Third and Wash ington streets," Portlsnd. . ; : , Kabraaka Sxhian. '' Free moving picture exhibitions.. Neb- I rasksj pavilion. Agricultural palace. ' I 0AI1SEN CASE GAY DE RETRIED District Attorney Says All Court Orders Regarding It Should Be Vacated. COMPANY IS WILLING v to Have suit brought If Money Is Refunded Consolidated Will Accept It and Let New Hear- inr Decide Iu- LUbiUtywDUbarv raent Is Hinted At.". : v, - - "County Judge Webster should vacate all orders .. that ' have been.' made - by hint" touching' the 'Rudolph Janeen "es tate," said District Attorney ' Manning last night "I have been given. to un derstand by' John M. Oearin, one of the attorneys for the Portland Consolidated Railway company. - that' the company will accept the I. ,500 that was paid by it to H. H. Rlddell as counsel for the administrator, R. O.' Scott. In settlement of the claim for the death of Jansen, who was killed in the Montavllla street car accident . . 4'i-:"' , v':;';. ;.'.'-'. "Were the company to receive back thta money, the whole queetion .as. to settlement of ' the estate,., would be opened, and prooeeding'f'w'ould be had that would correct all Improper trans actions that have been entered into." . District Attorney Manning '- believes that, Herman Jansen. who. came here from . Spirit Fans, Wisconsin, to settle the estate of hue brother, was Imposed uponr and-he may- f lle-n- Information against Richard W. Ruff In for . what will be alleged to be criminal acts by him in obtaining money from Herman Janaen. ,-: . The ease of H. H. Rlddell who, ac cording to the record of the Jansen case, msde false statements as an attor ney before the county court'1 It having been stipulated that he waa tq consider himself under oath, and later : when on the witness stand admitted that he had falsified, . may found to be-not .within the purview of the Oregon statutes. It Is claimed by Mr. Manning that Rld- d ell's acts did not constitute perjury. He bellevea, however, - that Rlddell's se should corns ,betorelthearlevance committee of the Oregon State Bar as sociation. ' :. - ' - ."Both Rlddell's snd Jay Upton's cases should be investigated by the bar as sociation," said Mr. Manning. . "Certain ly, If ' tho ' facts alleged be true, both would be subject to disbarment : They should nut. object to such Investigation. Innocent . men charged with . acts that have been laid , at . their, doors would want vindication," ,i. , . . . - " Mr. " Upton la a " practicing attorney and since his resignation as bailiff of the county court has been In court sev eral times for clients. ; ( , . PQRTLAKD POINTS THE WAY, IS KEW Prizes Awarded for Short, Sharp, Shrill Yells for, City's j- Day at the Fair. "Portland points the way!' - That will be the slogan, conservative as It la, for Portland day st the Lewis and Clark" exposition, September 80. and this will be. the yell. "Portland great! ' Portland fine! Five hundred thousand In 10!" The committee which had several hundred' contributions from which to make a choice got - together yesterday afternoon and awarded- first honors to the quotstlons given above.. The mot to, or slogan, was furnished by John C Brtnton of Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania, and the "yell" by John li Tomllnson t n M,"'";i'r'"f""'"' ' Each of these men Twill receive . IIS"fronY th expos tlon, '. , - , ' ' ,'..',.. The ' . committee found. In going through the mammoth bundles of ef forts, a decided Inclination on the part of contributors to. Imitate the now cele brated "Watch Taeoma Grow." But as that expression-is unique and inimitable contributions of that character were generally consigned to the waste basket iCTs a peculiar coincidence that the winners . are residents of other states. It is a rare indication of the great In terest attracted by the competition out side of Oregon. ; -,- i ;,--- INTERESTING EVENTS! v AT FAIR TOMORROW The order of Interesting events st the exposition for tomorrow - (Monday) which hss been designated Oregon State day,' will be as follows:- t - a. Hi. Exhibit - buildings. Govern ment exhibit and Trail open. , t to '18 m. Concert, Administration band, Agricultural building, 10 a. m. ana hourly afterward Free moving pictures. Nebraska ' pavilion. Agricultural palace. . ' - e -10 to 11 a. m. Concert United States Artillery band. Government terrace. ' 8 to 8 p. m. Concert, Administration band. Transportation building bandstand. 8:80 p. m. Opening concert Ellery's band, bandstand. Gray boulevard. - 8:80 p. m. Organ--recltaI, Profeeeor F. W. Goodrich. Forestry building. 8:80 p. m. United States llfesavlng service eshlbltton on lake. - ' 8:80 p. m.-s-Ttmber testing exhibit and test. Government Forestry building. - 8:80 to 4:80 p. m-.Concert, United States Artillery band. Government, terrace...- ..'....: . ' ; 8 p, m rOrand ..operatte.concertKl- ralfy's "Carnival of Venice" company. on rustic steps. (Free.) (In event of. Inclement weather this concert will be held in Auditorium). . 8 p. m. Government exhibit closes, f p. m. Exhibit buildings clone. T:0 p. m. Grand concert. Cilery's band, bandstand (or Auditorium). p m. Wrestling tournament Pavil ion annex. . , ' ; ' '.: 8 p. m. Grand electrical Illumina tion. ':.,.-. .; . - 11 p. m. 3ates close. Heller's Millinery. - v Mrs. Melandar, having lust returned from the eaatern markets. Is now ready to meet her patrons with sn extensive line ot high-class novelties. Where to Dine. v I ft. C Rrandea' new grill, 108 Sixth I street. etreet. will serve a fine table d'hote din- ner for 10 cents from 11 m. to 8 p. m. i 'Any -one , would sacri- fice each of his five senses before EYE SIGHT, yet many take' ' the enormous risk of losing it day after day by ' using- an inferior ; fitting glass or no glass at ; all, when a few moments with a skilled optician would ' remove the . danger. , For the beat lense made and fitted by none but - graduates, see " A. ft WRIGHT te rm i . . . The - Iowa ; Jeweler ii " - - . - aT , f d, m v m i t .T.J3a. :r-: sspi.j,-'. LOUIS H. BOLL F1A50 BTtiDlO KOW OPEN FOR PUPILS. ,- Parlors B aad 10. MJH Waablagtoa at -. PLAN TO CAPTURE IT i I Farm . . Implement Makers ; '.. of Country Will Be Invited to - Meet in Portland.' : STRONG COMMITTEE -TO . PRESENT CITY'S CLAIMS The Gathering Is One of the Most ' Important of All' the National Or ganisations and. Its Coming Would .' Mean Much to State. -".: X. -J.- : Portland Wholesales .and ( manufac turers who held a meeting at noon yes terday at the Commercial club decided to go after the next annual convention of the ' National Association " of Agri cultural Implement ' and Vehicle Manu facturers... A strong - eommlttee - waa named to enlist the cooperation of eaat ern manufacturers and - present Port land's claims at this year's convention, which meet a st Niagara Falls, Septem ber 8 to 89. , The commute: it. wr Mrtcheir. ox Parlln. Orendorf Co.: W. O. Munaeil, Scott Munaeil; A. H. Boylan, Inter national Harvester company; IS. " M. Brannlck, Studebaker Bros. Manufactur ing Company, north west. ' "ft has been determined by Portlsnd business men to put forth efforts to se cure for this city a number of impor tant national conventions of the eoming year. ' -. - i , .' The association . of Implement makers employs capital to the amount of $300.- 000,000.- Its payrolls Include ,180,000 men. Its annual product Is valued1 at ttOO, 000,000 and it furnishes 8,000.000 tons of . freight annually for the railroads to haul. It Is said If the trade with the orient Is going to be increased, as a re sult of peace between Japan and Russia, It behooves the American manufacturers of agricultural and other implements to come out here and get scqualnted with the principal oriental gateway. INTERESTING , EVENTS , , . AT-FAIR SUNDAY The order- of events at the exposition Sunday will be as follows: j - .. - ; '" - 10 a. m. Gates open. .18 m Exhibit buildings and Trail open. ; Government ouiiaing . remains Closed. ",.t - '.i' ' -' .-. 8 to P. m. Grand concert-. Royal Hawaiian band, bandstand. Gray boule vard. . ' ."'"...'. p. m. Exhibit buildings close.- . , . a S'SA n. m.-w-Farawell ennoairt Roval Hawaiian band, bandstand.. Gray boulevard. ' , 8 p. m. Grand electrical Illumina tion. .'-.: - 11:80 d. m. Gates close'. Trail closes.' Grounds dark., , . - - ' ' ' , v vT Cottschalk. What daifeious "memories "that name Inspires, : the composer of "The last Hope." 'The Dying Poet" etc.. and that grand somber "March of the Night.' When Tin New- York. Jtist before his death, he quoted the-following words: "Ths Bohmer piano bar power, purity, richness and equality of tone and I pre fer It to all others." This beautiful Instrument la on sale at Hhe Manufac turers' , Piano Co,, where a fine se lection may be had. We assert Boat tlvely that we sell at factory prices. Can; all are Invited.. 850 Alder street only a-little ways from Washington street. Hut you save the difference In rent ot the piano.- , , . ' Dear Catcher Caaght, - Max W I ! 11 afhA.....niii ... Ku t Charles Reld In a saloon at Fulton three weeka aeo and. was In hiding until today, was piacei un tr srreat yeater day, whlln -t -- v' t a. dep uty -pouiK i. j i m fl out llcent v, - . . , COfJi'EfJIIOfl ImCOLwtLL Successor to A J: Pdrmer. imotMit8 Ami mzTAX&'amooBm. sal, S83 sad SSS Thlrtt Stn Oox. jeCeeeoa quoted below will save you least x per, cent; Best .Dry Granulated- Sugar (not beet). 100-lb. aacks ..88.88 18 lbs. Best Dry Granulated Sugar (not beet) . ; $1.00 1-lb. can Roynl Baking Powder... ..40e . 1-lb. ean Schillings' Baking Powder. .85a 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer Soda,... to Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg..,.10e ' 8 lbs. clean white Rice ..ISO 18 bars Royal Savon. Soap ...... ...tap 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca ...,16o Hard Wheat Flour, per sack. . ...81.00 Best Eastern Hams, per pound ...... He Picnic Hams, per pound..... ....... e Shredded Cocoanut per pound... .ISo k-lb.-pall best Jard.... 8e 10-lb pail best Lard ..............81.00 JO-lb. pall beat Lard ..8tS Best Soft Wheat Flour, per saok..$1.00 Java and Mocha Coffee (regular 8to), per pound . ...... .... . .......... .8te 8 lbs. broken Java and Mocha (equal ' to- 80c). ..w-.. .......-..88e 8 cans Primrose Cream. ....... ....lte ; Tiger Cream (rearular 10c), per ean.. fte English Breakfast Tea (rag. 2&c), lb. 15o Scotch Oats, per pkg. ........... ...10o Tar Soap, 3 bare .................. Bo. Fela Naphtha Soap, per bar ... So Postum Cereal, per pkg. ....... ....tOe Boxla Crarkera, iO-ifa. boa 606 " East Bide deliveries Tuesdays and Fridays. Woodlawn, North Albina and Piedmont, Wednesdays. . . , , , -..)-. OS.:.'- ,.-' .'..' Great Auction ot aiiri8se; cr.a JapaneseGo83 "'"" ' )- 'V '' Owing to being overstocked for the Fair ' trade and the - vary limited room in our store, we con cluded to force our goods at auc tion sale. The. largest stock of this kind in the city, consisting ef beautiful silverware, clolsaonne, satauma. new brass ware, ebony carved . furnitures, : embroidered Silk kimonos snd flne decorated porcelain tea sets, etc. ; Sale eommencea 8:8 and 1:80 p. m. Continue retailing before or arter. auction; wnoieaal at house. Andrew Kan Co. MT sVoRflsMa StrMta rraxtkwMA anm. Do not be hasty buying yoer goods at the - first - place yon come into it is best to investi ' gate several ' legitimate stores and then convince yourself st u either of our .-,; .. TWO STORES i Ccr. Ilrsl zzi Ys"3 ssd Cse Ccr. 3rd tzi , bur newly arrived stock con sists of Men's and Boys' ' Clothes, with a .general line of . Shoes. - also good 1 variety of Trunks, Vslises, Suit. Cases. -Blankets and Comforters. Every article marked in plain figures. You save 20 per cent by buying , - with vs. -.' - - JOZ:.EBlAR,Prcp. Oregon Pino EradiCeitcr A destroy sr of the ntoeae nutstinee the! Is both complete and lasting. Our erad Icator is nonpolaonoua It does not kilt the mice;. It simply drivea from your home or place of bualnaea Yoi ?n uae It Without fear of baying youe children or pets polaune.1. NaltHer Is there any danirer of mire eying In the walls or between the nMra AWall. i mouae deatmyers made of polennoi druss. aa moat of thanj are, raua r.. end f trouble in this direction. V a poaltlvely guarantee that mice will ti die on your pramlaes as the result the ae Of our remedy.. t .pmXCM S"e per" package, sent by mH. We have t :nn. N money back if It rt n the , um an-nrA ' I -tr. which we furnleh i C. C TBellStoFe Prices ouoted below will save you at MOUSE 'f