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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1905)
THE7 onnGOW SUNDAY JOURNAL. FORTLAMP. SUNDAY MORNING."' SEPTEMBER 17; . 1SC3. . ' 1 k?t t W I New- Belto, Gloyoo ... New Corset Cover" Embroidery", at reduced prices 20 inches "wide, in openwork effects, top finished with narrow ' beadingfor ribbon, 50c values. . For, yard. . ........ . . j 23 Wewl Drebo Trimminco Beautiful collection of new Trjmmings, in spangles and ap plique. They come in bands and festoons,-from one half to tour inches wide. Price, yard from.. ... .25 to 9750,..' UTailor-Made Belts.Tniadelorsilir taffeta and . peau de seie , Uilk, plain and girdle effects, blacky brown and navy, . to .. each , . . .v . it:, . . ., ,s.'..iU .(;,;, v. &o ; Silk Gloves, elbow length,i;20:oclea. long, with double; tip fingersrwhiteTblack, mode, lavender and pink. ' fiV . : ; eah ', .,...,',.,,, ' '" , ; Kid Gloves, 2-clasp, regular $1.50 gloves; ; They comen the new fall shades, brown, tanrgray, tiavyh red,. grtenv-.;?, pair . , .". .;... ;.".,. . .t -VrY Yr uunKiMIMNM mi Roberto ItitoV wU and careful buyer to save money on th? very best goods. No matter what J2n tfPY?:!!..," ;yy ;ng nf l or satisfactory wear and the more you , buy the tnoteyouM " -' ''-L" - ' ' ' ' II II 1 I The Now Fall Grown Calls fbr a New : ' .COBSET And we are better pre pared than ever to auit ; your corset whims. Those of yon who are - looking ' tor 1 comfort Z giving iorsetijjeed not necessarily a c r i h c e stylishness. , Gome to : this corset section and be fitted in a R. A O. CORSET. We will see : to it that you get a ' corset which combines' .comfort and style. , R. fe G. Corsets are Guar anteed in Every Particular ; If any R. & G. Corset fails to give the pur chaser satisfactory wear a new. corset will be given in exchange without charge- Tapering Waist Styles R. ft G. Corsets No. 250 Model for medium figures, short hips and long fronts made of finest quality of .Coutille, trimmed wUh deep -tace..d 1 CA and ribbons, sizes 18 to 30. Price. q)ltU Deep Hip Model R. ft G. Corsets No. 827- Deep hip, straight front, full gored, low bust, made of Sterling cloth, 10-inch 'clasp. "Col ors white and drab, sizes 18 to 30. (f A A Special. . .... 41UU Straight Front Model R. ft G. Corsets No. 912 Medium hip, straight front, full gored, low bust. Made of Sterling cloth, "3 1-inch clasp. ! Colors whUe, drab and black, Price. V. ........ 4. . $1.00 SALE OF WILL A euDerb showing-. Our own direct importation. Moderately priced, ine Jona in wnxen arusuo design is found.; The kind in wnicn tne oest maieriai is usea. , . l The Scotchman's productthose whicbr need but to be mentioned centuries ago and will for many ne"o.?.te of bleaching pWes. is a decided improvement, oversold method..: - v . leaving at 1 doei, the fabric in a snow white condition. . . , . l ? V . Not one piece goes into the sale that is not at least one-thirdless than regular prices TABLE CLOTHS. TEA CLOTHS, BUREAU ; SCARFS; SIDEBOARD SCA kins, luvvt-w, .; ... , . Jy . . LINEN TABLECLOTHS, all sizes, in plain, fringed and hem stitched effects, napkfns to match, jlf you wish. The designs and , , , prices will delight you. For this sale , ' , gl5 rdfn $5-50 P6Vn to 95ciEach LINEN DAMASK SETS Plain and hemstitched effects, in hand some new designs,' consisting of one cloth and twelve napkins, . . . unequaled qualities .. , . ' O From $18.00 Down to $3.50 Set XTNENDAM AS K, in an- Extensive ."assortment of new desirable patterns, bleached? half bleached and unbleached. -The prices will 1 surprise you. Speeial values 4 , ; s from $1.75 Down to. 30c Yard LINEN NAPKINS, plain, fringed and hemstitched, an endless as ; 'r choose from. Unusual values From $5.00 Down to 65c Dozen LINEN TEA CLOTHS -A splendid assortment, air new patterns, f ;-- in any desired size. . Special prices for this sale ( ; From , $2.75 Down to 75c Each S LINEN TRAY CLOTHS Aqhtxterisive assortment, in pretty new patterns, hemstitched, all readyt for. Use. Special prices for From 98c Down to 25c Each LINEN SCARFS, suitable for sideboard and bureau coverings, all ; lengths and widths. Special prices for thi. sale' ; From $2.75 Down to 35c Each r LINEN DAMASK AND HUCK TOWELS, in great variety. Special prices for this sale From $1.50 Down to 5c Each Warm Underw'r We have a complete stock of . Flannelette Underwear, carrying at all times specially large sues. Our- prices never fail to agree- . ably , surprise, while, qualities, . stylet ana fit are such that customers return again and again for duplicates and send their friends. What is the advantage in waiting when you can buy now like this? ; S " j,. Outsize Gowns lllade of best quality outing flannel, nvex- tra large size. Skirts are very wide. Yokes ; made double, trimmed, in tucks. Sleeves are' full. Colors white, pink , and blue striped. Special price for - f- .; 1 75I Monday's sale. ; . ... .; .'. . . . . . . .$lLO, r t J Flannel Gowns A Made of pink -and blue striped outing-flannel with square double yoke trimmed in finish ing braid. Cuffs and roll collars are trim- ' med with narrow ruffles. Some have cuffs and collar's -of1 plains cotored flannel, trim--. 4Aed-withcmbroidery.' A variety of styles; xL choose' from-Your choice ' CiT Monday, each .ii.V. . . ..." . . ; i . ; .:. I UU lann Skirts ; -y Knee Length Outing Flannel Skirts, in col- t ors pink, blue,- cream aqd white. . Skirts are. tutgored with deep flounce, trimmed. with tucks and fagoting, also wide lancy coiorea r embroidery. Special price for . . . f7Ef ' Monday's selling. ... . . . .. . . ; , . . I OU, Knit Skirts 7:: :; Women's Elastic KnH Knee Length Skirts, in pink, blue and cream. Drawing string band at top. Skirts are well strapped with full flounce, trimmed witji tancy emoroia- ered scallops. Special for tomorrow I!'.: ?!t!'?.,s..:..35c j A September Sale of Kemarkable Values in the Knit Underwear Section , New Fall ITnderv:ear For Women and , Children TWO GREAT FACTORS contribute to make this month of September an especially desirable time for you to purchase your iall and winter underwear. The first is the daily arrival of im mense invoices of new fall merchandise affording first opportunities to view the many lines we carry. THE SECOND FACTOR is the special price reductions pre vailing on all numbers that have been purchased by, us at a con cession owing to the great quantity we handle. The manufacturers', prices on re-ordera later in the season are invariably advanced, lience we advise early purchasing. jgcjrRA . MONDAY'S SALE An Underprioe Sale of Women's Fall and ' Winter Weight Union Suits 200 dozen jersey ribbed Onieta styje Combination Suits for women, lightly fleeced garments, in gray or white; ?5c and 83c Cfy qualities. . On sale tomorrow only at, the suit. tJyw Women's Jersey Ribbed Wool Union Suits, Regular $2 Values, Q1.19 A special lot consisting of 40 dozen, fine. wool ribbed Combination Suits for. women, in gray or white. , These come, in -three quarter, open down front, soft warm garments absoluetly non- d Q shrinking, the best $2 qualities. On sale tomorrow at. .. .. . .. .... . ja?J?r-ilftp'-'-,'-l?r',"""' '.. ''"X ' -;r ChUdren's Fleeoe lined Combination Suts, Regular 5 Oo Quality, Tomor .i. row 25b Suit ; 1 : AH sizes, in boys' or misses' fall weight, Combination-Suits, soft, fleecy lined garments, sold regularly at 50c the.suit. On sale here tomorrow,.at. .. .vv; .'; v. i , . . .. '. .HHAtF PRICE Women's and Children's Blaok Tights A full line of the popular Equestrienne Tights, in stock, .alUwpolr silk and wool or heavy -cotton worsted "garments ,'at the most mod derate prices. A special sale tomorrow of "Alpla" brand .'Cfl- .Tights, regular $1 quality, fast black, all. sizes, at, pair. . . . . v. OUw ' Women's Knit Corset Covers, Special Tomorrow 25o j ; . j . BOlDozen Bleached Knit Corset CoverseguUr 60c quality, at 23 Tomorrow we offer a real 60c ' quality Corset Cover for the first time at one' half the regular price. Fjftydozen-high neck and -'long sleeved garmentsrsilk trimtned, fine bleached yam. and never , before offered at less than 50c. Oen day only at... HALF PRICE x ! Children's Wool Ribbed Vests, Pants . sizes -in Children's Swiss-Ribbed Wool Underwear tomorrow 'at ' reduced price. Garments. are jtwo thirds wooU come-w-gray' r or .whiter sizes cr"34, usually sold at 75c. Un sale to- Qfln morrow at, each. . . ... .,. . . ... . (i i . . .uvw A Grreat JStbclr of Dress-Goods Newest Styles 1 The qualities, the designs and the prices have been most carefully watched. We be lieve we have surpassed our own best pre vious efforts. ; We can only extend to you an invitation to come and see these new dress goods beauties; if you would know the new est, the most approved dresa goods pat terns you must see this assortment. SOME KINDS AND PRICES: Colored Dress Goods stock of chif- ular price $1.60 and blues, browns, tans, grC inches wide, reg- Choice of blacks-, ens and7 (M flfl reas, ai. German Broadcloth .Fine . " velvet . finish Broadcloth. 50 inches wide, regular $2 grade. The finest thing wrhaVe ever of- tf CA fered, at -. ... 41 OU Wool Venetiana-rOne of our choicest fab rics for fall and winter suits, 52 inches wide, choice of blues,4 browns, black's, greens, tans and reds, at the popular AA price of.... .......... ... ........ $ 1 vU , Blaok Dress Goods z French Prunelhw Double dyed, solid weaves, 42 inches wide. One of the sea son's prime favorites, the very fabric for fall and winter wear. Special J QQ Pamela Cloth-rA very Jine Panama weave. 44 inches wide, in rich black and small checks, suitable for either house or street gowns CreamMoKairs-A-large-shipment-of-the popular cream Mohairs, in small neat scrolls and pin iots, very preiiy xor iau ana ull winter waists. Special ... I ........ . ,.t)Uv Women's Correct Apparel for Winter Wear We aim to give pur patrons the greatest value in style, material and workmanship for th$ money to be found anywhere. Those who are quick to recognize quality combined with moderate prices are most enthusiastic in what they find in our popular Suit De partment. Monday we have arranged to give you some splendid bargains only a few of which are mentioned below:. Women's Coats 7 at-arriviU-'rif Wlllliril 1 llfll 1 ar either house AA Special....;... 31 UU Biapli Silks r-ryery Special- TaffeU Fine, soft and durable, all silk. ?9 inches wide.. exceptional values- at- CQ ?5c. Special Monday and Tuesday, Oy Sf Black Taffeta Chamois finish, 2? incnes wide, regular 95c quality. Special Monday and Tuesday.......;,. Taffeta Excellentualitv bLsihVvery soft ind bright. 36 inches wide, would be. cheap at $1.25. Special price Monday and Tuesday i ....... 1 V '79c nuarttr lentrth Coats, the verv newest fall and winter models. Materials are kersey and covert. Some are satin lined through out. Best values ever offered ai the price. Monday's selling prices run $6.50, $8.50, $10.50, $12.50, $10.50. Children's Coats Children's Long Coats, for winter" wear, made of newest materials, in all colors and sizes. 'Every garment strictly man-tailored and fashioned after the most charming and dainty patterns. . Special prices for Monday $4.50, $5.50, $0.50, $7.50, $10.50. Walking Skirts A new lot of Tailor-Made Skirts. Very latest ideas. Materials are Panama, chev iot, broadcloth and covert. Correct pleated effects With a style and finish that no home tailoring Can produce. Prices ". for Monday..., $6.50 and $7.50 Women's Waists New'arrivals in Taffeta Silk Waists.' Colors are black, blue, green, ibrpwn.,.Jv'ileand plaid."All are hewesCideas7 with plain full tucked fronts, tucked backs and legof-ftuit-tOTrrsleeves with lontr cuffs. All sizes. New Fall and Win ter Golf Shirts for 2)D ' T ' Tlegular $1.00 and $15 Values, tor otff?. Owing to an error on the part of 'a I large New York shirt house we re- " ceived a double shipment of our fall order of Men's Golf Shirts. Rather' I than pay double' freight lor the re turn , Qf these goods, the house al lowed us a"big reduction,, which we,' gladly took advantage., of : and as gladly give our customers the bene fit of that same reduction., Not a shirt in the Mot intended to sell for less thm$tn6$t33rtXttrt. with silk stripe and fancy figures; wnue, wun dic uoi, inyy blue, tan and gray check; plain tans and blues and many other shades. Every shirt bears the maker's guarantee for perfect fit and stitching. - Come, with or without attached cuffs. . All AQp size's in the Tot. Your choice for this sale.... .............. Perfect fittine carments.' On sale Monday. . . .$4.50, $3.00, $5.50 Very Pretty .Wrappers TJnusual Values at Only You won't know how delightfully fresh and. pretty these are until you come and. look at .them. .They're made of the best quality percale, in the very latest styles ; nicely trim med 'and neatly made. Other stores ask $1.2. for this quality. OUR PRICE ill. I OllI 13 C $1.00 "Churchill" Hat A'. $2.50 . In all the new Fall ' t Styles and Shade , ROBERTS BBOS. . Sole Agents Law of Cause and Effect in Relation to Shoos We are endeavoring through the daily papers to aid those who do not buy their shoes of ua and are suffering-with their feet, and to en lighten them ho. they can get permanent relief. Any shoe man that understands his business may get the 'same results we do.JLThe aue-,.. lion Is "how" many "are there in this city that . really understand their 'business. No many, you can rest assured. They must thoroughly understand cause and effect before tney can talk to you intelligently.. That is one of the laws we have made a lift tudv of- Weltell - vou - what - has - created every defect of which youre sufferer and how to cure mem. This is all free and we do not ask you to buy shoes; either. Yet we have them for sale at all prices and in all leather. -. !t: f r2 WOMEN'S New . Shoes at . ... ...... I . .'. , . .;. . A .. .'.V. .. . 1 30 WOMEN'S New Shoe'at:,..k.;;.;....,.v..'.'''.';''-?C3 WOMEN'S New Shoes at .Y. . . '. . . . . ' fSZO And Extra SfcctarHand-MadT$3.50 and Sfiocs Monday. X27. MISSES' Kid All Solid Shoes, good for dres as well as wcr' 1 of pKd, serviceable .wear. ..... ... .... boys An r !:i shoe. ;:........