The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 17, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 21

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J. aa sere for acres. 10 miles ant
1 k(K Washington; good terms.
. l' ,or SOO sr Alrlle,
, . Pol (wnl;, -a mile of two railroads; 4o0
j acre fenced. J dwelllnxs," barns. 4uu ecree
- J"0 tau, lurougti laadu hu ol
aa actV-fu, 144 acre Bear Beaver toa,
' Waahlngton county. ,
. " . fur 80 acres U nil from Oetraoder,
ssulugton.; ua railmil and boat landing; 2
acre cultivated, acre yoaag bearing or.
. cberd. of all klnda of- choice fruit; 10 room
, bouse, finished la redwood and bard otl I
' . Springs; water piped to bouaa and barm. .
' - - 8-room , modem, . well-furnished boues and
la acres, oa car line, on nille from Oregoa
. . 1'"" Piped (root spring la house; price,
- Llvary tbto. 0xl80,and atock mi horses,
catrlagoa and haroesa, doing a big bust new,
, - k a lire railroad town of 1.000; price, Ii.mhv
Boomtnghouees. houses and lota tor ala
- at low prlcea. Vacant totew ei wp, ear in
atalliaent at; -m 7
' IS boaaea In MootavlUa aad 0annjkkt, all
- price, aa rnatallment.
W. It. REYNOLDS. - .
- I0H4 Sixth at., unt Waelilngtua, ream 4.
Why limit yourself to aa ordinary alaed
botldln art? Yon eaa parebaaa Iota aey
where and everywhere, but when yoa desire
an acre tract yon. are at one on tbe bunt;
titer are bard to find, and wore compared
' to lota are aa one to a t bouaa ud. A treat
ninny people want at leant an acre; at knew
they do; that's why we are la tb buelnsei.
That la our epeelalty, ' te aril on aa .acre
' tract (ennui to f or tola) oa ternia Uiat
yoa practical) nice I on . Uie pure base of 00
ordinary lot. ,
We plat tbeaa trerta with full-etaed streets
with water piped to each acre; we plat tliem
o tbat In furore If iron desire to cnt tbrm
1 inta lata yoa can rdo ae. We aril then at
prlcca from to 4 wnat tbe aanae amount
of land coata 70a when bought in lota. Mo
sell them oa terms af f 10 caeh. If 'Ton like,
and f 10 per month per. acre, Tbla (Wee roil
a chance to use tour ready none to balld
aad atart a 'home. Aa, an InToatment or aai
a atarter for a botne later on, jour Jtulg-
' meat la good- If yoa purcheae.' Yea go te
theee scree - oo the name car end par the
: same Be faro th tot ia pare To lot nan
ia your aebrlibor. hot he la reetrlctrd In pue
slbllltlee. Too are wboleealer, tha tot man
'. la retailor.
! , A. C. CHUBCHILL CO., . ; .
110 Hecond Street. ,. ; .
S4.S50 MODERN saw himu nf 1
picte In every detail: fine corner lot; etreele
... all Im proved: la choice location, Eaet Twen
tieth and Salmon; part each, balance terma to
"ult; ready for occupancy. . . .
e3.S0O-.Very nice It-room modern bnaee;
-' everything complete end right op to date;
ready for occniiaocy; Heat 8almoa, aad Twen
tieth: terma can be arranged,
" 12. 250 Nice o-reom bouaa cm Union avenue
- .north, near Tillamook at.: eaay
.." ' 11.800-d-Joeaniew Cottage! everything com
ficte: ready for eccapaney; $.100 caeb. balance
- , fJO month: Eaet Twenty-ninth, near Oregon.
- . Chotco tot ea rUadere, near
.- $i.00 rine tot oa rforthrup. near Twenty
- first.
, $H?M 7-room kouae near tTnloa aeewne y,
. 80 IOOiIOO, aire - VMerb wtth sewer,
i ow Kaaf Teenty-eeventh, aeer Oregon: a anan.
600 ntro oOxlOO-foot ota oa Peetamoutn
'. are. Tbla m a greet snap.
: 7.T0 ftOKO. nice tot, afreet Improved, 00
Beat Taylor, near Twentieth; Snap.
fWO per aero for 10 acrea. all Improved,
over loosing the city,-near cer Mne.
-r 40 for lota tn Ptedmonr park. 1 !
tt Many other good hareama throughout the
rtty. Call and see my Hat.
P. VT. TO HOLE It. 100 Sherlock Building.
- Owing to tbe Northern Pselfle going through
, , St. Johns, property - la advancing fast and
; anme le being kept off of the mark el. for
bigger prlcea. aooe. to be realised. Persona
. , wsntlng ta. double their asoney aooa oa small
investment, better aee Da at once. We have
few finest lots, SOxlOO, we will sell, t and
S blocks from car. good knretlnn, 1IM, K
down aad $ a month. One half block roe-
talnlng tots. 4 Mocke fro mcar. 750.
;. aero- piece, 4 blocks free ear. fmM aa acre,
j. Other Iota In Month St. Johns. 'J0 and up.
All the above property will double Ita price
In a short time. Ixihols A Sherwood, head-
. quarters for St. Johna property, 3O0 MoT
rtemt at., room S. ,
Elegant O-room. .near, modern bouae, full
.basement, gas. corner tot. etc. I East Thtr
teenth near Uorrlaeav I3.T30; easy tevmot a
Sne bargain.
different boneea. froat S to T roe ma.
-west side end close la; prlcea ranting from
I2.40O to a.nOA
- 4 lota on Portland Heights, hOxlOO each,
only t l.SOft; a snap.
aos Morrison t., Rooaa a. '
S4IIH Wsahlnaton at. ' Phone Black ZKTI.
We offer for sole anme eery rare bergelna
la good residence property In the best pert
' of the city, ranging from $1,600 ta $10.Q.
Also nice little homes oa, eaey payments, tots
from fftO and upwards, nice euharhen prop-
ercy not far from the city, farms In Clacka
mas. Marlon. ln. Washington. Unn and
Ysmhlll counties; also In the state of Waah--Ington.
near Ihe Celambla river,, boat lead
ing and R. R.
Special bargains: A welt Improved 1 AO-acre
farm near Poreet Grove, too per acre; parties
wishing to leave tha atata. ISl-acro well
" Improved farm near atreet ear; will trade
for larger farm or will sell or trade all Ihe
stock. Implements aad part of crop for house
end lot In Portland and rent farm. A good
' 07-eere ferm i nesr ft. Yamhill, very cheap,
A good T-ronn umwIcco hotter, large grounds,
H block from street 'car, $2,100; K cseh.
bsleace on eaay paymettta. A aloe little
clean bekerr ana eoufeetlonerr. aversee. aalea
$10 to flS per day. 4 living room a, rent IIS
KITE attaint) lot, very ea.v sk
aU ia
rTehTrircwr .
SOxlOO oa Kest lAth near Mala, eaay walking
. dlatance: a, fine piece of property t $1,000;
. oia, caan, osmnce years,
d-ronm eottag, $700;. (ifto cash, balaace te
' BUlt.
-room cottage. frtiM. stable, rhlcken-houee,
Snnnyslde, $1.8o0; $AS0 cssh, balance 1 years.
Modern new S-large-ronnt bouse, well built, nice
tot, Sl.TM; $Jno cash, balance like rent.
Krw modern S-room nouee, corner SOxlOO,
Sunnyside. $.0; terms.
New stroma modern cottage, leaa aa a pin,
Hnnayslde, $2.0nn; terma.
Modern s-room cottage, eaay walklac dUtaaca,
$2.65u; $000 cash, bslabce like rent.
Bnnlneaa corner, central, brings $230 month,
$12,000. y
Business , property bringing ,. $110 monthly,
If yoa want a home at the right price, or
' good Income-hearing property, aee
rv-eUCIIS. l4tt-elre at.- r-
$70 Eaat Bumaido.
Qnartee block oa Eaat Tenth and JMne.
IS acrea oa Willamette river fronts .with
.xix asodcrn tmptOTementa. . v------ y 1
s H oases aad tote In Hawthorne' addltloa, hear
Ladd avo., $2,600 to $4,200 terms.. ;
.1 medera konae en cast aide, $8,300 aad $,00.
$ room modem bnaee, barn, orchard, ate., $3,230,
m one block from Car line; worth double tb
":"'"'" price. t,: , i v
. . Btioloese "property oa both west and eaat aide
at great bargsloe. -. ...
SNAP. - '
j,- Beantlfnl room colonist bones; bow, md
f j ern. on I'nlon avenue eer line; near ilne
-i graded school) IS mlhntea from baslnaea n.
f teri hargala for Immediate aato; terma or
-- earn. Buy from owner and eave money,
v Owner one htork eoutb of house at MIS Valoa
Jvenoo north. Telephone Kaat S40S. Call
; ' ' ACRE TRACTSI . '
; . rnlllaed atreeta, water te each aare.
- Toa go tn Iheae acrea oa tbe same eer,
-r fey the nam he fare tha tot msa paye. The
tot ma la your neighbor, but be at re
, atrlcted la matority of featoroa, that auks
a true aaburbaa home.
Vvl. C CHrRCHILL CO, I- 3L ,
VERY OeetraMa sites n railroad ealtshle for
factorlea and msnufsctuiiiyg business or ware.
. '.house. Cs or sddjese. Jo. Bacbttl, S7J
- Eaat Burneio at, . . ; .
Ths Groivtli of
S, ACRKS la. Woadlav,. ory. Sao; $1,100,
half eash. v
SO scree, $H miles from Leatf. S3 la
cultreatloa: good houss, hsra; 10 serve
orchard) Sna dryer; neat school; $3,0oo,
hslf eaeh. ' '
Fine 191 -sere farm hear Treutdsle. ell la
, cultivation and well improved;, good orchard,
ea good rosd; running water: $xo per sere.
IS acrea, miles from Portland, T cleared;
house, bam and well, orchard; M mile from
ear line; fl.SOQ, foo cash, balance easy
' terma. ......
S-room house. Twenty-eighth street; -lot
- 0O1IOO; food brick base mast) Sl.Suo, half
. cash, -
IIS Allsky Building, LVv. Third aad . Morrison.
Y est
Phone Beet 02B. . 4o4 Kaat Moniaoa St.
. S-room modern cottage, large basement;
tot SOilOO; floe lawn, rosea and a larks shad
trees; hear Twentieth ; St.. close to S csr
lines; bargain t $l,lo0; halt cash, balance
$1$ a month. -
B room house la MontavUta. $540; ' $30
down, helsoce eaay -terms.
20 terea. all la harries and fruit; medera
kouae. bora: close to eer Hoe.
t acre and modern 7 -room bouaa la Moots
Tills; plenty of fruit, large ban; will sell
aa eaey terme. -';'- ' :
.8 rot tares oa car llaa. eaay terms, $25 t
$100 down, balance to suit
rOB SALE SI. 660 '
v A snug little homo aahmd at $2,000. Only
' abort rde frmo center of city aud hae a
half acre of ground. Tbe anil Is rich and will
produce enough each year to pay the Install
ment necessary to purchase the place. A
, good place for chlcfceno. Hoooe haa m room a
and large attac aad Is practically aew. -,
cumatanceo have forced owners to eell this
fall. $2.v to $nno csah. ,
. . ... 100 Third Street. ' . ..
We own a . very few tots at Portsmouth
wnere an entire aoaitioa haa oeen etna, loeee
. few tots are not tb. waving but aome are ha
rery best location. On account of their oe-
tag scattered we offer them aU (sixteen? at a
price 44) per cent tower than list at which
all other aalea have been made.- Are yoa In
, tereeted la a little caeb Investment Where
good oroflt can be made? See us.
-Third Street, ' :
FOR SALE 'i .' ' '- '
Pine home, A eery desirable boms ea west
' aide of river. In good location. It haa rooms,
' full baseaient end attic; furnace aud all mod
ern conveniences. It may be occupied at once.
If you are looking' lor eutncthlng good, Invee-
tlgste tbla.
IOU Third Street.
ft)R SALE 5. BOn-
Very fine Hswthorne avenue home. "Hi la la
located In the beet pert of the east aide and
la surrounded by many very beautiful komee.
If looking for an elegant nrnperty. see this.
, 10 Third Street.
MEW modern T-room house with t screa level
land' In hearing fruit trees; chlckea-houee,
etc. IVi htocks car line; so akratea to heart
of city. $2,400: a bargain.
r,, S-room bard-finlehed cottager pantry, -'cloa
ets. etc.) lot SlalOO; near Hawthorne eve.,
1.000; terma. - ' - -
4-room cottage with beeemeor fruit trees;
tot mi 1 too. $i.v. , .
lltSty Fourth St.. .Room 18.
CHOICE corner. Oraad are.. IOOiIOO. good dle
. trlct, mom for t bouses that will rent easily,
only $00. ? - , '
- 100100 corner. East Thirteenth at., walking
dlatance of btialncsa ccntetworth $l,00i wlU
eell for $1,100. , ....
lASVe Fourth HI, - Room M.
-room house, modern with basement; rood
srt of town: price $2,360: terma. $2M caeb,
aleaee same as rent: also S-room modern
cottage oa east aide; alee totr prica $1,600,
aud eaay terme. - '
" ; 2484 Stark St.
1H ACRES near St, Jonnet-S-slprr house, fine
orchard, rich berry and fruit land, for sale
cheep or will trade for dty property; value,
$3,000. Address c SO, care Journal.
GOVERNMENT land A few choice claims eaa
be taken nnder the homestead act: no build
ing or other Improvemeata on them aa yet;
eaa be had by paving a reasonable tocatioa
. fee; fare to them from Portland $1. Particu
lars H. W. Miller. SOS Goodnongf bldg.
A PL'LL block on Grand eve., old buildings
bringing $290 per month; aa excellent tocatioa
tor hotel, -tenement house or store bulldlugs;
nothing better In Best Portland; price $:i&.000:
SlS.OOOy balance long time at low rate of
Interest. Address O 43, care Journal.
it ACRES close In, all ta cultivation; B-rnoni
bouae SO scree strawberries; SO acre reap.
. berries; will he en Id very cheap; liberal terma;
'also ether choice euburban tracta of 2 to 40
acrea for $1.V per acre and npwarda. W. 0.
WaddcL 20oVi Morrison at.
COMPTON k GIBSON, have several Iota for
aale eenrrallT located. In the ilmliissl lll
dence 1IIH1 li I , aee stile, tinTilsn rnrnlefin
nmey at tow rates ror tMiitdtng purposeev
For farther imrtlculsra oall at 100 Abiogloa
bldg. Phone Red JWH.
DO yea want a house and tot on Eaat Sth at.,
aear Oak at., at price of totf If eo. I have
It. Lot 60x100, S-room house, brick basement,
hath end toilet, fine cherry trees; 12,300.
part eaeh. Address O 4S. care Journal.
FOR SALE Nice large tot. 80x113, located on
East Ninth, near ear line; asm a nice new
S-rootn cottage for sale on Tenth atreet. one
block from Brooklyn school. See owner at oo4
Kaat Twelfth, or call ap East 318.
BARGAIN S-room, house on Mount Scott car
, line; tot 40x100 -with lereo shed; all fenced
and water: $178. cash $00, balance at $3
month. Address C 67. csre Journal.
Vtfiai lltl IU eeeae eheart vlHi
10-mom honae. along golf lluk earllne: One
bearing fruit trees 1 mnat be .. Inquire
870 Mliwaakw at.
Twe beautiful lota oa East ' 10th at.,
. 50ili0! eewers. gas and water; $700 each;
heat buy In city. Mala 8280.- - ------ V
TO Prospective Bayers: We hsve aome fine
Dure In houses, tots, acreage, hualneae prop-
erty and farme. See oa. Wagner Petty,
room 20Z. Commercial blk.
FOR SALE New modern T-ronte hot tee.' fur
nlehed; corner tot hojioo., Eaat Burnslde ami
Thirtieth: part rash, It one East lae7, or call
404 Morrlaon at.
$200 BUYS four good residence tnta la Ontario;
a good investment. Address Don Carlos
Boyd, the reel eatat msa, Ontario, Malheur
county, Oregon.
rOR SALE H sere at St. Johns, cheep; also
fine farm SO mlleo from Portland; 160 acres
timber same place. 021 East Barnaul, or
404 Morrison at.. - , ,
FOR SALE S-room eottag (large rooms), hell.
- Urge pantry, closets, electric lights, gas;
ii.ran oowa, muanee s ay payments.
FOR SALE By owner., two heautlful aew reat
- rienree, S and 10 ruome. finely located. Phone
Eaat ST, or bioalre at Ul East Waaklagtoa at.
I HAVE some choice wheat ferma for aale
cheap and on easy terma. Write ta- or rail
ea H. D. Randall. Ohnv Gilliam aoonty, Or.
Bl'ILPINO tote
station. 8120:
ana half block from Ftrland
terma eaey. Tyeoa KtneelL
009 Commercial block. . Phone
FOR SALE at kargsla. modem T-room feouee
eo East -taytor.-cliee la 1 terms to suit
parcheeee. Apply F 4S. eer Journal.
11.100 MUST eell at once, sew S-eoom modem
cottage; Eaat 11th,- aear Hawthorne are,;
cost earner $2,400. T SO. ear Journal. -
GOOD aubttrhaa property oa ear line, suited fi
home, or huelneea. - Call oa Mr. Van at Oak
Grove etop oa the Oregnoi City car line.
KEW room hone , built by owner for home;
- leevtne; the city; will sell very cheap. Ap
ply 873 East Davis. Phone Best S032.
FOB SALT. Modem eatmrhao est tee.
to ear line. One tocatioa, ground lOOSlu.
a VI. P. Towhelt Co.. 184 tlrst at.
142011 Iota (2&H00 eseh). near Waodlawai
eecrlflce caeb.- II Ablngtoa hid.
8KB THIS $780 hora large s-ennm house; full
tot to alley. 22 Commercial bid. . ,
S-Boou boose," tots lonxion. at St. Johns: kail
oak. $04 Goldsmith, Alhloa, , y
Went Adverticing
too FARMS, email rrtcta an tota: hergalna ea
0. W. P. electric Hue. 0. R. Add! Urn, Lenta,
Oregoa. -Tsks ML Scott ear. Sc.
$0,000 ONE HALF BLOCK with 100 feet front
ego on railroad; warehouse district; a bargain.
W. O. Waddrl, 200 H Uorrleoa at. ...
$1.400 I'ulOO and good S-room eottag, Eaet
Tenth at., near Waahlngton; berg a la. W.
O. Waddel, Morrison at.
T-BOOM bouse with 100-foot froat, wear twe cat
- Hnee, eaat aide; fruit; roeee; eaay terma. la
uulra 006 Cummercial block.
FOR SALE 10-room houss, 80x123, barn, em
. tern, one block from cer. hire. E. S. Cay,
U3 Smllk at., MoaUvlUa. . .
FOR SALE 870 Sect water froat. 1H miles
slmva St. Johns, on boulevard. , Apply James
Okies, 4BS Kest Clsy st. .
MAKE aa offer for 5-room modem cottage, Joe
. Nash., at Nashville ststlon. am ML ooett ear
line, - Must bar money. ,
FOR SALE Xevf room bouse, all modem
con van ten res: price reasonable. ' ' Ioqulr
owner, T31 Eaat A ah St. '
FARM for rent cheap, and for sale; bargain ta
. city property! house for $1,800; business
ensnare. t Vs Frret at.
$1,060 New 5 -room cottage and 1 large tota
..en corner Grand are. aad Shaver at. See
owner, 804 Shaver at. v
BARGAIN Cp-to-date new room cottaee, good
tot,, oue bloc- from ear line, $1,000, By
owner. 81T Kerby at. ., .
ELL WOOD tota. $8 down aad SB month;
. from $78 to $100. Bellwoud . TewaelU 0.
- Phone Uatoa 14t.
TTH St., - near Columbia Fall lot. I houses.
. , rentlnf for tfil month, very cheap. Address
A 40, rare Journal.
FOR SALE Lot II, 12. 18. block S. Arlett
Perk. $128 each. . Address Kate W aha tar,
'Bartoa, Oregon. .
f-ROOM modern honae, S-roona modern house,
nesr East Ankeny car bar., Address A 81,
cere Journal. 4
PLEASAT homee, faor and seven rooms, fruit,
f lowere,-two blocks care, 4o Magnotie St.,
Wood lawn.
CHOICE homo of 8 rooms, host pYt of Irving
ton: a bargain. W. 0. Waddel, SOSVi Mor
rlaon at.
FOR SA I. B O-room ' honae on cer line with
-acre fruit trees, etc. Inquire 201 ' Eaat
Sixth at.
FINEST tota oa Kelly St.. Sooth Portland, over
looking river, eery cheap. A 48, care Journal.
MODERN B-room cottage, 4M and E. Taylor;
$2oedowa, I lo per aounth. 811 Waahlngton at.
IF yoa want to bay a neat new O-room hone
at a aa V. Schmld, 100 Grand ava.
MT. TABOR home, oa cer tine. T room, bath,
barn, 100x100, tots of fruit. Owner, 128 Sd at.
B-ROOM house, cheap for eash. Inquire L. B.
Remtngtoa, Roeemoat ave Mootavllla car.
BAST .Aaami St., W-rnothTTionee. well located.
.. cheap. Louie Salomon, 112'4 first at.
4'-'nOM ahack and tot, SOxlOO, $300; east aide.
Phono Scott S71S. ,
BEACTIKlTj S or room ' house. Inoulre t
101 Front at. " -
TU acrea, 100 feet af atatlna. electric line,
S3 minutes Into city; splendid garden ground,
beautiful view, all -fenced, ae rock or gravel.
2ty acrea cultivated, road on 8 aide; tbla I
, flu property only P60; terma.
8 , acres unimproved - rich gardea ground.
- near car line, l-mlnute walk to station, eeslly
cleared, water near surface: eaa all be Irri
gated from well with windmill; a snap; $500.
8H -acres on Johnson creek, unimproved;
creek runs through place; easily cleared:
only S3SO.
1 sere, fenced end in fruit trees earn ha
. anld tn tots. 1 AO to 110 eaeh. T tor toterf
1 oioca to station, eras in, at taa ipw price
of $Mo0. . ,
Call 166tt Fourth at., room 88, Russel
holMln. - ' - S-
10H ACRES, 10 cultivated; toed home for
ofd folks: $KM.
11 ecree. 8 miles oat. With crop, ' stock and
Implements. - $1, TOO.
40 acrea, well Improved. IS mile Out, 1 mile
I. feom electric ear, $3, TOO.
40 acrea fine Improved, every foot cultivated. 1
mtlea from electric car. 13 mllea out. $4, BOO.
153 acrea. all In cultivation, running water, to
ecree hop", flrat-class soil aad tocatioa aear
MrMlnnvtlle: a alien at $45 per acre.
1,000 acrea near McMlnnvllle, neat of Improve,
meata, adapted for anything Oregoa produces;
dlrt rhrsp at I2B.000.
Any one of these terms 'la a hsrgsln, aad
can be had on essy terme. If you went a
small or big farm la any part of tha north
1 ': T. FfCHS. ltM First at.
$4,500 38-ecre, fine Improved, oa Base Unt
rosd. wita crop, store ana implements.
il.BOO Equity In n complete
s mill Imptwisll mill at Sherwood.
St.fl'lOTo-scve well Improved fruit feral at
Hood River. J
$S,00O 22f-ecre well Improved arfa well abneked
'dairy ranch la Clackamsa county.
$11000 32 acre floe land, good Improved,
Beer Mnli lie.
Ft rt'CHS. 140H Flret at.
B ecree floe land. Bo gravel, all la ralrrra
ttoh. house cost $700. bars cost $250, chlckea
yards, housee and fence coat $200. well aad
pump cost $128; good bores, wagoa aad
harnem; S One fresh cows, 1 yearling aad S
- year-old calf; 100 Sne hens; S acrea la po
tatoes, worth 8300: 100 fruit tree, H acre
Sne strawberriee, 10 cor da wood; remember
tbla la only BOO feet from the electric car
line; eaa giro terma. Price only $1,000.
If yoa want a home don't ml tbla. Addrea
F 48, Care Journal.
184 ACRES. II mile from Portland; good
county road; 180 acre la cultivation, from
which 173 tone of hay and l.04Ohusbr1e
of grata were harvested tbla year", raoatly
level eab awale lend, nearly . aa good aa
beaver dam land; all well tiled and drained;
house, hem and orchard; ihla le one of the
'beet farou la Oregoa; price $80 per acre
and rery eaay terms.
. .1. . oo Ablngton Building. '
BIT-ACRE farm aad stock ranch, la valley:
- 173 acrea cultivated land, good orchard, good
T-room honae, S barns and other buildings, i
creeks through Place; R, F,'D. mall; T
miles from county seat: BMJ Bead of stock;
good farming Implements; prlc BIB.oriA;
-terms. Mrs. H. F. Ball, Owner, Corvallls,
Or. Rurgl. route No.' 1.
FOR SALE 4lty-acre farm, known ae Marquara
, komestesd. 14 mllea from pontofflce; nudes
rultlvntton. plenty spring water. 1.800 as
sorted fruit trees, living honae, bsrna, etc.)
an Idesl picturesque home for ecrnery; this
trset caa be laid out for heaatlfal heme.
. Addreee R fiB. car Joumsl.
80-ACRRS good rich hlsck soil, rolling land.
In Yamhill county, close to rallroail; good
f frame 2-story houae. barn 80x42, all necee
eety outhulldlngat good orchard, ep rings and
spring branches: close to school and market;
.'. H. r." V'l" lric i.uiw, pan caaa.
11. .423', Morrison at. ' ,
ISO ACRES, part la cultivation,- near poat
, of See, store, etc., 8 mllea from 0 W. P.
electric car tine; 0-room bouse, bam. orchard-,
about SO heed stock, sU farm Implements,
. waxes -and' 31 time of hey; $3 BOO; would
, exenange inv ciovo improvea property,
Address C 88, Journal. '. , .
T30 ACRES at $20 en Roys river, 400 acre
In high stste of cultivation, 87.000; Ideal Im
provemente. Haa rnaimerctal and eoetat a.
rranmgc: oO'rallroed end electrl power line;
a lovely place and home; Ideal for small
trsrts. AddrsM . W. N. Ruble, T31 WU
Bsme are.- -
40 ACRES-of land situated In Wheeler eeamty.
eeetem Oregoa; 140 In cultivation, balance
hunch grsas. with aom timber; goad honee
and barn, aboadane of good eprmg water,
Joung orchard, well fenced; cheap for ceah.
nquir at North Pacific Sanitarian. Room 88.
0NB B Bad oa 10-ser tract, ef a mile
from O. W. P. electric line end Oedarellle
tetioa) eery Sne Boll, lays level aad eery
eaay te deer. $2B down, balaace Very easy
tar me. There la nothing bettee oa the mar
ket, T 48, aare Journal.
836 PER ACRE so acrea, 00 cultivation, all
level, food bulldtago, four acrea orchard,
timber fir 1.000 cords wood.. So water.
ernool. 1H mllea to marhet towns oa elee
trie line near Portland. US Ablngtoa bldg.
FBIE LAND IN OR SOON aade the Tsrej
Irrtgatloo Act. ! direct fa .aa aula.
Write today. Booklet aad map free, B, $.
- Osoke t BU Aids L, PrUaa4..0r,
... V
lo Proof Tjiot
A WANT"Advsemtnt is,
A essentially, tu telegrm
'' -s tnc8K ol extreme ,
importsnco to some one person,
but which, in order to search out
- the person, has to be made a
"message general,'' addressed to
everybody. .,...: .-.
T The housewife knows that,
somewhere in the city, there is
to be found an available servant
rt and if she knew her ad-'
ess she would send her tel
egram. Not knowing it she v
sends her a message in a want
' .advertisement, to b read by ell
servants looking for places, jhus
. reaching v the right one; the
"fyaUaUe" tne, by also reach
, iitg a ew "wrong ones." ;
5 The man who haa a horse to
sell or-a cow, a ' city lot, a
bond, A piece of machinery, a
4 bicycle,-. - step-ladder . - or.- a
store, knows thatr somewhere in
the city or near it. Uvea the one
beat buyer the man to whom
he can sell to best advantage,
Again, -Ti telegram would be
quicker of a trip to aee him ; .
if he knew the address. But, aa
.he does not, he must put his
offer, his message, into the form
ol a want advertisement, and.
trust yy its far-reaching effects.
Whether you call your mes
sage Want Advertisement, of
Classified Advertisement, this
form of publicity ia one of the ;
real forces of today's lif rt--aim ":'
plifying the. problems -that
-would "stump Sherlock
Holmes finding the' man ' or
the thing yoa want with amaz
ing ' quickness untwisting tan
gles in homes and trffice in-,
troducing people who have busi
ness to do with each other.
1M ACBE8 A J toad. 80 acrea I cultlvattoa;
about 40 acrea of wild meadow, 60 ecree
high lead clear, about 80 acre aleshed ready
: to bum; located on tbe Sandy road, weet of
I'slrvlewi sll feared and crosa-f raced : a good
groom houae. wood ho use, - chlcken-bouae,
harae; -family orchard One aprlng water
piped, lawi the hinaiii anil t r Inr MTF1
acrea of potatoes, 1 acre of core, 80 tolas of
1 needed to clover and timothy) 8 good borers
nsv. xoo nuanem or oau. oeiset-e oa aainia
and 2 goo marea, weignt i.euu pounua;
Bow and 11 pigs, 3 ahntca. S head of cows,
B heifers, 1 wagoa and harness. 1 mowing
machine, new; 1 hsyrsks. plowe and har
row and other tools too numerous to men
tion; price SOB per acre; kalf can etand long
time at tow rate - of Interest. Be member,
this la etoee to tha city oa .a good road,
and caa be rut ap Into lo-aera tract and
sold for $75 to tl0 per acre.
63 acrea la Waablogtoa county, IT acrea la
cultivation; good orchard, apples.' pesrs,
runes, cherries, etc., plenty of email fruit:
acrea la clover; good spring and well: S
barns, 1 bead horses, cowshed, goat abed, fair
houae and household furniture I aee Hat at
efsce); I Ho. 4 separator, team, harness
and -wgou ,j; cow, 1 -yearling, helfera. 2
aprlng calves, 8 hogs, harrow. 23-galloa ket
- tie. 100 chickens, new Oebora mower, gardea
U drill and cultivator, hoes, pitchforks, key-
forks, pulleys sod ropes, xu tone 01 aay, a
kead of goats, 8 ah rep, stands of bees.
41, acres late potatoes, Va aire la turnips;
Interest In telephone line of the orntmltf
See; northeast of Hllleboro, 2 mllea to
Uteocoe. ea a good county road,; prlc $2,800;
. terme will be given oa part.
80 acrea. 22' Improved, some floe aaw tlm-
per oa tbe place;, aew 4-room cottage and
pantry, -all nicety' finished: also, lumber
enough to build large kltchea and chlckep
bouse; good Kara, .nearly new; 14-foot drive
way; room for 10 head stock and 30 tone
hay;, potato-houae, wood bouae
with upetalra for tooVe, 8 acrea of potatoea,
H acre cabbage, H acre corn, rarrota. fruit,
and all crops go with, tbe place; about 8
acrea of orchard co Delating of all klnda af
fruit, alt la bearing; 8 cowe, S horse. 1
wsgon, 150 chickens, cultivators, plows, bar
rows and all kinds of fsrmlng nnd. garden
tools; food cook end keatlag-etorre, - nearly
new; B bode and eprlngs. all furniture,
dishes and crockery: no better toad la 'Ore
gon; all goes for $25.00.
00 acrea bench land. rat-els ss. part la cut
tlvatton. well fenced: B-room house, fslr
hern, pigpens. eMcken house, good orchard,
large trees, eelrrt fruit, small fruit. Urge
gardea. picket fence, good toed. R. F. I.
mall. y mile to.scnooi. one spring rtiaaar in
In a
grove, email creek oa beck of
nlace. 2vt mllea from beet store In the
county. If mllea from Portland; price $1,,
H down, balance long time per cent; fine
timber, -Sr aad cedar. .....
Ml acre. 13 In cultivation, balance goo
timber and pactum good -room houae, barn
aad other building, good orchard, oa good
road, H. F. D. mall, phone In tb houae. good
weter at bonaa and barn, creek on tha place;
good team honrea aad new wegnn, all kinds
farming machinery, 1 good cows, chickens,
pigs: 14 mile to store, mile to school;
,V00, -terms. '
Boom 1 Hamilton Bldg.T Third St., Jwtwees
Waahlngton and Alder.
ATTENTION, bomeeeekars aad Investor. Buy
direct from the owners, eave commission. We
toeded ap tost year aad moat dispose of ar
' holding to rstse money.
S.1S0 for loo ecree In Msrion county, tim
ber and agricultural la ad; SBfiO for 80 acre
In Washington county, 6 acres beaverdsm;
$2,400 for 180 acrea near Portland. 110 acre
In timothy and clover, an railroad and boat
' landing; 40 acre near Newberg. all good aoll.
$l.i; 20 acrea. all cleared, good aoll. level.
. T mll-e from dty ball, $.1,000; 4 acrea near
Troutdale, all cleared, fenced. $2O0; .48
seres nesr Forest Orove,-all-teTel. 12 ecfea
- cleared, $1,000; 830 acrea near Forest Orove.
: $7.50 per acre, oa county road: 820 acrea
Bear Forest Grove. I-room house. 8B acres
. cleared, S acrea la trait, oa county roed. all
good Boil. $18 per acre; 180 seres on Columbia
.river. 40 acres .cleared, good aoll. S-room
' house. 1 bsrna. B2.100; 11 acre on Colum
bia river, 40 acrea elee red. bouse, 1 hems.
- fruit and vegetable, good soil, oa aew line
of N. P. B. R . Sl.TOO: 14 acrea, all good
soil and level lend, near Beavrrtnn, land ad
joining Belling $70 to $RB per acre; we mnat
dlanooe of thio and are only Baking $85 per
acre. 850 acrea, "0 acrea la crop, bona and
bera, 80 eerte good alfalfa land, creek run
ning through this bind, 2V mile from rail
road station, $15 per acre; 0-room kouae and
13 ecree at Oregoa City on monthly payments.
Save commlselona by buying direct from
' , loov Sixth at.
$3,T50 prTS $4,500 farm ef 130 acre, e
room bona, . bar,- good water, 1 14 miles
from warehouse, Itt mile to school; $1.00
. cash, balance 8 yeara' time. F. J, Mahoaey,
Tekoa. Waah. '
HOMESTEAD relinquishments with soma Im
- provemente, rery cheap If taken at once. In
quire at office Hotel Imperial, la evAnlng
' between, f nnd 8, or Sunday between aad
B p. m. e .
laf-scre ferm. large out range, fair Improve
. meats, adjoining 190 acre government land,
well watered. See Lrppert. 110 Second at.
SB PER acre 100 acres of good la ml. is mllea
fmm Oregon City) strekm running through
the place, goon roan, . plenty ontrsngeAd-
A O. eevw eourria .
B0 ACRES of good land, neer North Yamhill
ststtou: will eell or exchange for city prop
erty. Sea Lea, SIT Fenton bid., 84 tb at.
FOR SALE 80 acre of unimproved farm land
S mile from Keleo. Wash.: only $250; owner
must eell. rhone East 4444.
SO 0B 40 acre of good land mllea from her
oa tha eaat aide. $110 per acre. ' Address
- A 40, rare Journal. t
840 ACRES la western Lane county at a bar
v gala; good for roekralslnf. Addrea XXX,
. .cam JournaL
FOR enu them Oregoa real eatate. large or small
' tract, .ntllard 4 Clay toa. Roeebur. Or.
HOOD River 10 sere reach, good kouse, bar a.
orchard ia heerlng. Owner, 120 Third at.
wsstat. eo Grknd area. heanlfTiil
Imported canary hlrda, reasonshle; all good
Blag are, mm MtmfecUoa Suaraateed. .
Advertising in The; Journcl Pcyo
QUARTER la T. 8.. R. 4 E.. W. M.. for
am; Biami i.uuu.oou leer kit ana eeasr; s
aero. Address t. T. Johnson, 431 8. th at.
FOB BALE- 'ws homaatesd rrllaoalahnaent
claims; sed growth; will eell cheep, ej.
P. Nlelaoa, Bubal Bhelnpfala.
FOR homes tea 4a, timber -claims and farmland
aee A. E. Mathewa Go., ZilVk hturrlsua St.,
room i, ruriLaaa. ur.
WE CAN locate 4 or 8 people on good timber
eiaiuia, neer raiu-osa. J. morieueon, sii
Moerlaoo et.
CERTIFIED scrip, any alaa piece; lowest
prlcea. W, 0. Howell, BBS Cham bee st Cem-
40 ACBES Umber-lend, Yamhill county, $300.
oppiy bjw , aiiasiseippi eve. raoo- vuiwb
04&1. . ... .. - . . ..
FOR HOMESTEADS, timber claims aad scrip
-apply to '808 Commercial blk.' ". r--
FOR SALE FIbo team mare T years old.
weight l.noo, Kindt- and gentle, work elnyle
and double: also fin IT-montha colt. JV C.
Edmonds, Willamette. Oregon.
FOB SALE Horee (rery gentle) ' with bust'
aad harness. $80; One cow, 4 Jersey, 4 gat
. gons milk. $40. Call 417 Ablngtoa bid.
BARGAIN Bay mar, fins traveler; sound, city
oroaa ana aare ror lady to drive; also haraees
aad buggy. Call 213 AlUky bldg. -
STYLISH, well-bred mars, ynong, Bound, gen.
cor. Main: Phone Eaet 3084. .
HORSB. heme and comblnattoa twv-meted
Buggy, the whole rig. or eeparats, for aale
dirt cheep. 224, Yamhill at. - . . - ,
A f INI top boggy, - bore and ha mesa, aoet
$815. for eel cheap, or trade for. toe A. B.
Backer.'. 14 Washington at.
FOR SALE 3 rlga and l.tsama, one draft, on
driving. . Address 34T Fargo at.
BLACK mare, worth, (100, to aell for $40. 324
1 ACRES aear White Houae road; eplendld
new of river and aurroundlag country; ex
change for good tot or bouae and. tot.
W. O. WAD1IBU - ,.
' 1004 Morrlsoa St. - V
10 ACBES (cultivated) ea R. B., mile Port
land, 2 la bcaverdam, email house; will trade
for honae and hit, or $1,140, Horns band
o.. jwn rirstiar.
120-Ena Incnhatoc and brooders, 40 ataadard
white WrandotleJ. pullets., for cow or yonng
Block. Pnon Scott 2hl. 1030 Denver are.
GENERAL mercentll store, eonntry town; will
aell at lavolce or rxchenge for farm or city
property. Call 81T Featou bldg.. 84 Sixth at.
LOVELY T-room bona, new and modern: will
,. ryrhsne fiar -farm pcoierty ; rains 82.000 1
will rent for 1B. AOdreae A 0, care Journal.
WANTEIxt-Te trade, chicken for a horse. In
quire 61st and -Courk sts,. Central, Or., 4
blocks aoetk of Montarllla ear line.
FOR exchaage 30-acr fruit ranch and furnl-
1 turo of 7 room riat mr nm-ciase rooming-
in Momaes ex. . . ... .
TO EXCHANGE Note of 8000. payable 818
per month, on good tot. B)4 Msrgoerlte are.
AN elegant tot of second hsnd machine. In
cluding the New Home, Singer, Horoemle and
- White; attarhmenta complete and nil war
ranted: 83 to 810: oak and walnut finish.
- Call Monday, J. 8, Crane,-350 Morrison St..
iewu stag.
MBS. HOWE'S BULLETIN Good stovewood.
. cleaa and drr. reedy to cord, at 82.50 per
cord; oak and Sr at rut rata: brick tor aato
. cheap; expreae for hire; bouses for real.
. Phone Union ITS or 12o Eaat Dirtolc at.
FOR SALE A solid fireproof safe. Inside di
mensions 444lls, four-tumble Tale combine,
tlou lock; need only a few mouths, good ea
new: cheap for cash. STS Stark at. Mala 10.
BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rest ar for
aale on eaay payment.
48 Third at., fort land.
BOO DOZEN Mason's frottjara, all alses, seed
once, good ens new. cheep. Portland Bottle
. Supply Co., SSI North Eighteenth. Mala 32ft.
WANTED TO SKLL An aprlgbt show esse, 8
, feet high end 4'v feet around. Inquire at
room laoodoough bid., over Journal ornc.
WE print yoar name on 80 calling cards, proper
else and style, 25c; B0 bnalnee esrds. $1.
Brown Bcbmato, 229 Flret, Portland.-Or.
WOVEN-WIRB aad anholetered cots, asm
store, hammocks and camp furniture Pa
ctBe Tent Awning C.. 0 Sorth first.
LARGEST stock of hot tie hi northwest
filled promptly. Port lend Bottle - Supply Co.,
801 North Elghteeath at. Mala 3388.
PORTLAND BIRD CO, lit North Slxtk, offers
Angorcti.psrrnor flue talkers, aad fir
vaiietlee of pheasanta to make room.
LAUNCH for Bale, length SS feet, 10-H. P. en
gine . large carrying capacity 1 pxaee vwy
cheap. Address II 88, car JournaL
FOR SALE-2-Largeat alae upright plane; coat
$.100: in sret-clsss condition: for fuo; tear,
log dty. Mrs. Mann, fiol Mill St.
A If font launch fitted with Palmer engine;
new cnshMna and topi will sell st bargain.
Audreea C 43, cer Journal.
DESK, two armchair, tone revolving -eh elr, all
: new;' root 2T.&o: you tak It sway lor w.
Porter. 10T Sherlock bldg.
GENUINE hand-mads Indian blankets at kalf
Clco for a few day a only, zua stare au,
twaea Front and First. -
FOR SALE Ftret-elaes plann, rery cheep; own
er going away. Call T1 East Taytor at.
.-I'hone fnloa 3048.
FOR RALE A No. 8 Remington typewriter,
need only weeke, cheap for caeb.- 875 Stark
at., or Mala 6100. . . I
FOX terrier pups, beautifully marked: from
prise winner. BOS Sherman at. Phone Pa
rifle 150. . ,
SPECIAL aele of crockery, glassware, etc.,
days, beglanrag ' oh Monday, Sept, 18. 100
Second st.
FOR SALE-rFJrat-clsea loeubetor, brooder and
- green -hone cutter, cheep. : Address A 84, rare
$400 NEW upright piano, $1.15: Webef 850
orgaa, zo. rirat. oear main, npeiaira.
CALIGRAPH typewriter, first-class condition,
813. a II. Hggott. lawyer. 4 Mnlkey bldg.
FOR SALE Pointer puootee. 4' months old: $3
eaca. can nummy, iho iiaumioa ave., n cer,
FOR SALE Second-Band Bridge-Beech range,
almost new, cheep. Calk-07 1 jt. Morrlaon at.
AN extra fin spaniel pup for sal at yoar
owe ferrve. im. eua a. V, vuauK-,. .
GOOD aewlng-marhlBe for aale, cheap,. Call
000 colon -ave. .-Norm, mono East auu.-
FOR SALE New 2-foot torpedo stern geaolln
lanacn; price fan. t'rtone teat lois.
' ' 1 1 t
FOR SALE I email air mnipreacne, cheap. M.
O. Morgan A Co., BT0 Mllwaoklo at.
COUNTERS, shelving, old doors aad aaah for
aa le. cheep1. Inquire 300 Fourth et.
FINB 5 mont he-old full Jersey heifer calf for
eaie; price e. a w, cara ewaiif,
CHINA pheasants for sale,
-N. Phone Beet 850.
401 East 10th st.
FOR sale or trad for good cow, one gentle,
. trusty family or delivery mare. 12X7 East
14th at ' Phone Union 1158.
FOR SAI.B CHEAP A Jersey cow. Inquire
after Sunday at 1308 Kaat Mam. near For
tieth el..
ton htork. Colhretlona mad threogbeal the
I sited Slate; bankruptcy aeattere a eperlaltyl
bed tenants ejected; rents collected ad gen
srel law bnelneee; notary poblte.
a u TiKVrs strovoev. SO t em mere la 1 blk
Second aad .Washington am. Phone Main 812.
1 Main IU
I. T. TAGGABT.f'attnrney and mnaaltot
4i Chaaibee f Uommore Be,
DB. -ALPRED Ii. ANDERSON;' Beurapatb. ciirea
an enroaae -ami aerrvaa aieeeeea, eaca aa
rheumatlem, catarrh, paralysis. Uvea and
kidney trooblee; all bead ead ateaaach
trouble, such as constipation and dyapepata.
are cured In the ahorteat possible time; ell
aerroua and ' female weakneaaaa are perma
nently cured. Dr. Aaderaoa In bla treat meat a
lose not na any drugs, but applies the
celebrated neuropathic treatment, which gov
direct to the cause of the aliment. HI ofrkva
are dally crowded by those who have failed
te get relief by the aee of drags ar aargorr.
If yoa ar one of theee, cell ea Dr. Aademua
for free consults t Ion sad advice. leva
building, earner Morrison and Pnrk. - Phone
1 Pacific 40. Office hoars from .a. a. I
s p. m.;
pB MEN! ' , -
r. r t r lrairowerl tablets will res tors te
yoa, the anap, vim aad vigor of manhood; If
yoa are lacking la the Bower of vitality, Ita
aoae reecuuag irom inaiecretionn aaa exc
r4- thee, tabirie and h esa.
elnced of their merit. By mall In piala pkg.,
8VS Loyal Guard bid., Detroit. Mich.
DETECTTVB asenciee Oonftdentlsl tnvsetlgs-
tionsi reports made oa any Individual baeiaesa
or property; boohs viper ted; beet city refer
ence; char gee reasonable; correspondence so
licited. Oregoa Detective Service, offlrea
814-aia. Columbia bldg., 80S Wsshlnstoa at,,
Portland. - Pheoo Mela Ml. -- : -
0UABANTEED remedies to bleach the hair, to
bleach the face.- Uuuld Rouge for tbe com
plexion; developing "be bust, to rrstors gray
hair, to remove wrinkles; speedy cure for
pimples; eny formula, 23e: whole complete,
l. Dr. Walker, SIT CommereUl bldg. -
VIBRATION equsllsse circulation. Breaks dew
and electa wear tiasae. renuiia new see
healthy cells; free demonstratloa. Of Bee aad
treat lug -roo ma, Vlbratorlom. ealte 28 30. Lewis
bid, cor. t'arx as, aaornsoa.
VOI R fortune told. Send name, aad addreee
with 2-cent stamp sod oat et uirtn ana
will aend a pen-picture of your life from
tne cradle te tne grave, rroc. xaw aun,
leept. A SB, tiriagepori, vsas.
THB 'Matrimonial Rer later," 10c, contains
ill aeilnt lone and Bert leu 1st or aeveral nnn-
dred residents of Oregoa and Washlngtoa who
wish to marry. Interatate Introducing bo.
NO DRU08, no operatlone; Prof. Duaa gtvea
eateopatny ana magnetic treatment, reaueee
rour flesh, relieve en pore seed asontbly urea
alarltlea. Oonealtatloa free. Office, SOS
uooanouga- Ma. 1
LOST aowera reeteeed hv tha great Dr.
Lereaa'a Nerve Tonic Tablet: zhc per box,
bexee for 81 .SB. Write or call at EyaeeU'a
Pharmacy, SZT Morrteon. bet. 1st ana go.
GENTLEMAN.- Srat-rlsaa -rharactor. wishes -ec
Juaintanca refined ladjuwlth mesne, not seer
l): object honorshle; no trtflers: give de
scription ana emtaiia. Aoorsas 0 bo, journal.
UlKt.T ele-e S S,v ta, n.S.ala Mai
utotmieo. vn mail uvsisiasi, e
months, SB; aeat securely sealed by mall.
Ag ea is, rvoouare. ciaraa m tv., reruaao, we.
BOOKS! . Here they are: - "Decameron."
t a moron" "A Hot TamaU." "Fa nay Hill,"
-'Twenty Tear a JTakar." "Forbidden Fruit. "
BOe each; llata free. A. Bchmale, 130 Flret St.
SELECTIONS made. Is trod net lone given! beaor-
aoie is nice aaa gentlemen. Anarcea - wita
atamp. Mrs. H. 0. Wilbur, B3S Williams ava..
cor. RuaaelL Alblna. U ear. Phone East 4108.
kola Tablets. Nature's great tonic for either
sex, 3Be by msll. Albert Berat. Second aad
wasnington, agent, ror nana. or. - r-.
man on say iiii vni. ai hneineas or prop
erty; books , e Xpert ed: beet dty references.
loci bos XT 4, netuntv ur.
WANTED To confer with those eantemlax.
Ing a eboslness course; to yoar parson a I aad
flna-telal interest to lBveetiget. , Address
J 43. care Journal.
GENTLEMAN from the east, stranger la cltv.
desires: .tb ecauslntsnce of a lady between
. tne aes or 20 ana au: ooyrcr, company.. AO'
dress C 40. JournaL
CHRISTIAN gentlemen, with email cent tel.
wishes to meet refined working woman of
. 40 or 45; object matrimony. Addreee A 44,
care Journal. ,
LADIES Ton annear 10 roar roaaarer.
. aiove all wrinkles, have akin like velvet
. by using oregoa Grape Skla Food, n
East 1207.
lOr NO lady, seeking milder climate for home,
. wlabe gentlemen correspondents 1 object mat
rimony. Address Marie, 3150 Calumet are.,
MEN) WOMEN! Raymond's pllla positively
care Bervoasness and lack of vitality; $1, 4
boxes $3. Pmmmer Drat Co.. 180 Third.
LONELY yoang man desire to meet yeun
tody seat and attractive; object matrimony.
All Baa were held sacred. A 45, care Journal.
WANTED Able-bodied anew with email capital
to tola exploration party; destination, oew
mining dletrlct la Mexico. B 48. Journal.
BUSINESS woman of ability
oentlemaa of mesne for busts
- ad vie. Address Basis las, cars Journal.
SUITS arsees white rem wait. BOe, Ladle'
skirts pressed SOc. Gilbert, iov4 Sixth St.,
RITA L. BRIOGSV-Deetajner of hand-mad tally.
dinner card, etc. S-'tO Rosa et. Samples at
- Woods rd. cisrks ft Co. aad OlU'a..
CLEARANCE sals ell kinds of waists.
mnslla soderweer, etc., below east.
Cboa Co., 833 Morrison at.
LILLIAN B. CRAM Chiropodist, nfanlcurlrig
and abampooing. rarmr 4aeDmg-toa pug
Portland. Or. Black 1863.
WANTED Addreee a Mrs. Parry, who celled
oa me shoot 1 months ago. TsL Mala Iwuu,
or 423 Seventh St. ,
DB. ATWOOD-lS Russel bldg.. cor. 4th ft Mar.
rlsos. Dlaeases of women. Conaultatloa tree.
FBBB sample eora, bonloe aad wart care. Ed
wis U Doaa, dept. E, Taaatoa, Maae.
GYPSY EENOBIA'B herb, roots snd barks sure
al disss see. Rooms S23-S Allsky bid.
EXPERIENCED drSBSmskrr will msks aagagw
ments la fumllles. la Ion 544.
Isadacepe nrtlstl instmetloe lo oil painting,
water color, etc., and drawing; art gallery
connected wltk etudlo: pictures for sale end
framing to order. 848 Alder at. Phono 160.
THE LATEST FAD" BOe bays sew and Ink
sketch of yourself from photo or life. Fey
- King. 838 Raleigh aL. near Tweety -fifth. M
0. ft M. BOTTLING CO., bottlers ef fin car
bonated beverages; family wines ard honors
' s speclslty. 18 Union sve. Phone Best 15.
THE Pelsee Masssgs Parlors la ths snip place
to get a nice Invigorating hath -ar Beaeeagej
- yonng tody, - 18 - year old, - with - aaelataat,
recently from New York. Stark at., between
Third aad Fourth. The Taooma, rooma 11-33.
MISS BNOLISH Experienced Bora. give
medicated hatha, electric and megnetle treat.
me nt; also removes corns. 140 m BUth SL
' eer asr Alder, rooma 14-15.
THE 8NOWDEN BATHS Lady attondantn.
3M7H Alder St., tub and vapor baths. Baa sea gs
aad electricity. .Phone Mala BOOS.
TWO young ladlea giva maeaage. tnh and vapor
k.,k. UAH VMrih a. .- .
unwK tiAVimt A iislim
nprtvvv-fj upsii iii wym; m im
ENurui) tii'NPT CO.
riNi noAB w; .
x PrtlBd, Orf.
coal a::d v;c-
CHt Rf HI.EY Bo. - re ' t I
vmwtm et. n, 4ar .y el... a
Bane the largest wu-.ysrd la
Ing all klrnia et woaat aud e-l. .
GREGORY ft MORRIS, eaoreeaor t t-
Mr K una. dealers la Wood and Bee! it I -prlcea;
eetle'aettua guars' d. Ctar, V
and Irving. Phone Msln 4o.
ALBINA FUEL CO Dealer ta cnrwc4, c
M green and dry slsbwoude R. B. s I
blue see., 8 block e east of furry. t.
STEEL BBIDGE FUEL CO Deelere la re-l.
earderovd aad dry aiebweod, i'hoae Eoe ...
ill klnda of coal
Phoae Mela 00.
eu. BUS Aider st.
KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water at... wood aad coaL
rami (tela asaa.
FOR SALE 8,000 cords Hi goad.
( -TBI '. r ,' -
1'hona Kaat
WROnERAtaC fvkMPt sstJ sr la tha warm.
iirtia m t-.. iw xm 10 iiftn, cor, pun
DOBS anybody ewe yoa aay aaonayl W collect
wagee, notea, rentn, hoardoiiia awl Baa mt
of all hinds; garnish us served; old judgment
collected: bo chars antes successful, Office
hour 8a.m. to 8 p. m. Snndeya. a. m. to
13 m. Northwestern lit ft Collection Co.,;
123 OraBd are., room 13. over Cithern henh. ,
.. - .-. - ,
STANDABD Carpet Cleaning O., Urgeet plant
oa the coast, Loring so noram- sis- tei.
- phono Beet 180 Csrpets eleened. refitted,
eewed snd Is Id; both steam and latest com
pressed air process ; renovating maltrioaae sail
feather a apeelalty.
HAVE your walla etoaaed: wo- etoaa pa para 1
ana pa In tea wails; aanerecteoa gaarantseu;
price reaennabla; referencaa. - Bed 3033.
SANITABY aarpet clesnln. sacttoa aad soar-
preeeed air combined: carpet e leaned oa floor
wnnout removal, main oeoe.- ansa sue. y
CARPETH cleaned, oa the floor; wo rats ao
aliaBt Min. I'le- aai. -jk deeaaufeat retina. ; I
HUNTER Steam 1 carpet snd matt
oloaBoe. S Jefferson.'- phone Mela 214.
MMB. LUCY (Wsltmsn). San Frearlsco'e ejoet
micceosfiil spirit as I aa hualnees Baedlnm, for
the abort time remaining -In your dty will .
grr full life readings for 50e; sm also pre
pared to giro genuine magnetic maaaag.
Hours, a. m. to 8 p. m. 23314 Flrat at.
Phone Hood 644. Sea Francisco friends al
ways welcome. ,
QUEEN THELMA Otfted eptrtnal medium and
ciairvoynni. scieaiinc paimiai; ncnnowivogvq
by thousands tbe moat reliable Is, Portia ad
ea hueineee. marriage Snd succeea. Commit
her If yoa wast facts. 144 N. Ota at.. Best
depot. . -
fILLIB LEE Gifted child from birth, bow- ta
Portlend and will give tost readings for 15c;
- four manners of reading; locate mining aaa
hidden treeeurmv. Boon. 9. 234Vx FlrsC
Telia paat,: praaent aad tutor- Ne matte
what your troubles are she will help yoa.
Boom 838 Allsky bldg., Morrlaon and Third.
MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, - palmist.
card reader.; I give, facta reliable and Impor
tant oa ell affairs of reel lit. Heeding BOCe
8 Seventh at,, near Oak.
r 1
MBS. M. X. PALMER. Hatrreyant and trance
medians, win give special readings tnia war a
for 0c. 188 Morrlaon st.
DAVENPORT BROS. General eemmtastoa aser-tf
chests; fruit snd proance: consignment . as
lie 1 ted; prempt returns.. . 150 Front U ' -
IP you want to get
food returns for yoar
produepv-abtp to
pay nigncax pne xor
egga r. e.- B,
P. Miller ft Co.
EVERDINO ft FARRELL, Broducs and caaxmla
elon merrbanta. 140 Front. St., -Portland. Or.
Phono Mala 178 .- . .-
Works: practical hatter la connection: feather
. boaa and plumes cleaned snd curled by a ex- ,
pert. Ill Fourth. Phoae Clay TO. ,
CLOTHES cleaned aad Pressed $1 per month.
Unique TBI boring 10.. mt waaniBgioa st.
H. w. TURNER, professions! oyer and cleaser.
BOB JerrersoB St. t-Bene maia zois.
mini i 1
CHAS. H. CARTER ft CO.. cement con tract ore.
040 Kaat Twentieth st. I bum jgssx ibia.
All work gosrshteed.
IF yoar feet ere out of order, go to Dr. Worley
BenjeaBla, Seventh aad Stark, ta foot ssev
cisiist. rnonei mecx ai.
AUTHORS ft WOOD, carpenter, halldera; re-
K airing ssd lobbing: store aad office flxtaro
uilt. Shop Columbia. Msla 5287.
THE OFTICB 2B Washington gt.
Pboa Mala
77 L semael vigneenx.
SHIRTWAISTS, wool or waah atlk, aaaOe far
81.13; ehlrtwamt anlm. tJ0. 4oS Bast Mar
ket, rnoa ataat mmi. . -
UP-TO-DATE ntsesmaklng. ladles' tslleelng;
eoau a specialty, iiaom zit AUaay Bad. ,
DBRSSMAKINO Strictly ap to data; latest do.
signs, ana tiiy sr.
KEY CHURCHMAN, deattot. 834 Maraannt
hklg.. Sixth sad Morrteoa. Phono Mala lloo.
DB C E.BROWN. D.V.S .D.C.M Dog. Heree hee.
pltat an 1 BnrnaHie. tTronee: Meln4fleui:Ksstzt:
Company. 90 Star St.. fort la a a. u. A. t"C
everything la tha electrical line. Pbeee
Mala ISh. ' - " "
PACIFIC ELECTBIO CO. Engl Beers, cos trac
tors, repalrere. electric wiring, supplies. 4
First, cwr. Stsrk. Msla SM. R. H. Tate. mgr.
N FnrBltar Manafactarlng Company-
manuiennrern OS iwrniiere aw. . v a-.
I4.-tUaL Or.
rURNITURB mannfnrtnrln nd special erdere.
li Ituvensky's furniture factory, TO Frsat at.
Ie SB M. Express Compeer. HI Weehlatrtea
St., Psoas Mala 304 furniture, piaea. sad
sxptoaalna promptly stetaded to. felly to
BOYNToN warm sir fumaeea aaee fueL - I.
Barer Furnace Co.. 35 Second. Mela 41.
WAPHAMS ft CO- Wheleeel gvoeeva, a
farturrre aad commtoelua aawrehaau. I.
aad Oah ate. -
AM k ft LEWIS, eommleaoa aad pee
ehaata.Feoot aeDaveta.. f-
J, I. BOG, maniifseturv ef bo--
etc. e e r -a aiaia, r .
Portia r
suete t
t " .