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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1905)
-. -v r TkE OREGON SUNDAY1 JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO, : SEPTEMSS3 17. - KZ3. JOURNAL mo r Vant Ad " Rates r y ' P 1 til 111 s ' Eatared at the postofflce n( PortbiBd. Oregon, , Urn traaeeertaliea teroagk tb Balls eaeuae- ttess BaatfeC - "" ".. postage tor sing is enpUs: Par aa B. 10 er It Ml paper. 1 seat; IB lu 80 us get. S cruls; I W 44 pagse, teats.-' - Editorial Rooma ,' . Besluses Of (lot U.I. OSA ,. roBxta ASTzsnmo epbibittatitb, ' Vreeland-Besjamla Special Advertising Aticy, ' lta Nsasaa eueet. Aew luck; Irlbsns build ' lag.; Chicago. t . . y " ; V'."'!'; iVMCKimO BATES. '' ' ' '": Terms by Oarrlsr, .... The Dally Jem-sal. vita Buaday. 1 ar...lj M The pall' JoaraaL T year ....... Tba Jally Jountsl with S4oavA asratha AJB rTbs Dslly Journal, 4 saoutbe '"' ' The Dslly JoaraaL with Sunday. mootaa. J.5 .The Dally JouraaL 2 months..,., , Tka Dslly Jouraal, wlta Bandar, 1 month.. .03 i The Daily, par work. dellrered. Sunday la- eluded -A Tka nlly,-psr wark, delivered, Sanday ex espted ,...,.,,........ 10 ' 'v "Iftnaj r lUil Tha Pally JoorasL with Sunday, 1 jaar..tT.M Tha Dslly Jouraal, 1 year.; . 8.00 ' Taa Deity Journal, -with Bandar. noothe; AT Tha Dally JournaL months ; Taa Dally Journal with Suaday. months. 1.80 'Tka Dallr JoaraaL noataa..... l88 . Taa uaiiy Jouraal. wlta Buaoay, A aaoaia., , . Taa Dallr JoaraaL 1 month.; -30 Tka Suaday Journal. 1 year. .............. 'B-tsJ Taa Sunday JouraaL aaoutb 1-00 , ... Tfca gem l-Weekly Jsurual. Tha BcBl-Waaklr JoaraaL I W 11 aa Lhu nhiAtrat rail .aaarkal ra aorf. 1 raar.. $IM RanilttaarM abMild ha mda br dTafta. poatal ' aotca. aiDivaa ardara na4 amall mount ara .ceaptabla la liW I cent poataca tui : P. O. Bt 1M. Portland wnas- thi iovuu hat s romro, ' Tba ioarnaT raa ba tDtra .-aar aaHTarTha tnllowtnc plar! -. .BOIftC. IDAHO B. BalUr A Co.; W. B. Me- CHH-AOO Paataffle Kawa eompanyj Tt Dtar- XtRN'VEB. COLORADO J. BUck. BUtarath aa Cnrtl atrta. 1V1I clTY.Ti Kot Kawa eannaarj-'- ' allNMtAPOLIS M. J. Karaaaocb. SO South Third atrwrt. Krw Vriav riTTPrantiM1!. fTaloa anuara. OMAHA MlUard flotrl ncwa atand; Maath Ptatluuarr coannaDy. 1301 rarnuaa atrrat. ALT LAKK CITT Kruyoa Hotal aawa ataad; Barrow Una.. 4k Wut Baeoad atrart. aaath. BT. LOUIS Philip Boadar. Ill Unal atraat: K . t Tt ana mi.. . a5T rRANClSCO W. B. Ardlmt, Palaca Hotal am atand and lona Harkrt atract; "ho vmltk Braa.. 38 Suttar atraat aad Saint : TYaarta hotel; Foatar Oraar. Parry build- in;; N. Whratlar. aaarabla acwk ataad. I . U.P mwtA IfMNH MtM.ll 8EATTLB Ralalar Orand am ataadj W. U Nh.nk. llnl.l akatrt . atand. 8POKANB, -WASHINOTON-sloba Wi-OrabaBI TACOMA: WASHTXOTOK Caatral Nrwa caaj- pany; Hotel Timmi am ataad. TIOTOBIA. BRITISH COLThlBIA TletarU Book Btatleatry company . WEATHER REPORT. '- Mailt rata fcaa fallea reaorally In tba Kortb Parlae atatea. axrept la aaatera Orafoa and - aoatbera Idaho. It hi conlec ia Oreon. weat era aad aortbara Waahlnctoa aad la aoutbweM ' - ara Idaho. ' . Tba Imllcatlona ara for partly cloudy araatber with abnwera la thla dlatrlct Sunday. Taa ? temperatarea will rlae durlnc tba afteraooa. . ObarrratloBa to ft p.' a. Mailman, tempera-.- tura.. M dearraa; L ailnlmum . tcmparpMira. 62 . rlecreea; rlrer readtn at 8 a. at., 8.1 feet; ; caaaaa la. paat 24 houra. foot; total pre. ' rlpltatloB. I p. au to p. m., 0.18 Inch; total ' nrx-lpttatloa atare Sertemher 1. It. 1.31 : liw-hea; nartmal aradpltatloa atnea Beptesber 1. 0.T0 rneta; areeaa. 0.B1 Inch: total anaablna,- Septeaiber 16; innS 1(1; poaalbla ' eanahlne, Sepleainer 15. 10taV.i2.3a: baroBMUr v tredneed to aek terel) at B p; 'jaaaaaaj ; : MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' : k , R. W. MrDonald. 44: VlctorU Lleealey. U. ' - Wilbur P. Marab, Eureka, Waahlnctoa. SO; Joale Blarklow. 40. . ? Prank J. Cooper. Haultoa, Oraaoa. SB; Ida Adama. 22. - - ' - K. jr. Lore land. El; Blanch Wallace. 21. - - Macnaa Norbr. 28; Sonhta 'lnan. 2B. , Italia A. Carlaon. 22: Leeta D. Baker. 22. f Oiocoina Caaataelll. 2R; JUUe Traeeraa. IB. . Weduinft Card. W. O. Smith A Cm.. Waak : tnrtoa bide, car. Paortb and Waahtnttoa ata. - ' . i bxtebtixw cotrrrmT. ; , SlngW fraaad flO. family lota I TO to 81.900, Tha only eeaaetery la Portland which per. petoally aaalutalna aad carea for lota. Par full lafornattoa apply ta W. R. Mack earl. War. uatar block, city. . W. U. Load, prnaldaat. ' Dunnlnc. McBntao A Oflbanch. auccaaaora ta iNjualniT A Campion, aadertakara and embalm- - era. atooera in ararr aauii. nereata aad rua, Pbaaa Mala 4B0. Lady aaawtaat. Tha faaaral atraat. a aad aBbaliaara. . 220 Tairi mm. . - i.' I. P. Ptoley A Sou. faaaral director and omoaiaieTa. iw aua a uii ioq eiauisoa aiiraia Of nca or county coroat.TlrpBaa Mala a. Paaeral wraatba and cut flower a aneelalt at Bone ftyQreenhonae. Tweptr-afconil attfl Oet roar Inaaraaea aad ahatracta to eal eatate from tha Tltl Ouaraatee 4k Tract coav aany. 240 Waahlngtoa atreet. roraar Second. FOR SALE BY Charles K. Henry Morrison Street Property, -j " Tho1ca ouartor block on ho bast part '; of Morrlaon street. In the vicinity of ' .Una Improvements, beat buy about tha . city lor future profit. . .Burnside Street Property. : ?Q9 feet ron t je on the north side of Humside street, between - Ninth and ' - Tenth streeta. Very, dealrable property to Improve and sura to Increase In vslue. .. . i Glisaui Street Property. . Quarter block on the north aide of ' Ollsan street, very deelrahle nnd If lm- (proved will pey bl Intercut on the In ' vaatment and crow (really In value. Eleventh Street Property. , Near Waktilng-ton street, full SOxlOO. , , Harsaln at the price and aura to, en . '; hance In value. A dealrable buy. c- Fourteenth Street Property. ; Hslf block, frontlns on Fourteenth ..atreet Very - dealrable f or . flats and .. cheap at tha price. . Warehouse Property. ' 2 acresi frontlns on railroad, ault- with . ten cottages thereon, and reai . bargain In warehouse or factory alte. NOTICE. TO THP TAXPATERfl OP MULTNOMAH COt NTT. OB.t Notice le kerehr gleea that oa Monday. October 2, 1000. the board ef eoaallaatka of Multnamak rouBtr will attend , at ina office of ta county clerk ar-eai . maty aad Duhtlrlr examine tk aaaaeameat rella Sw tba year looft, aad Correct all error iw varoanoa, eearrlpttoa or Qua lit lea -ol tnu, tola ar ether property, and II la the duty . of all maana laUeeated ta appear at tba tlaw aad place aaantnted. . and If It ehall or-pear ta anch brd at eaaetlaatJoa that Vf Sm' -. or other property - or ia the aame of a peraoa ' ? ewaor of tha earn, ar -, ,4vJ"MlT "fraad Ita aalae. or anr iTaJfU . ,hr errertr not aaaeaaed. Ik atmt IBbb M a . ' . PwUaad, tar, 8t.t u iwu,-ito; trzz rrrr ii i i ii i mi ami iiiii i in mil iu a NOTICE. PORTLAND. Or., Srpt. , KMX. 8-l Mda win aa raeatr at taa ornoa ( iu araooi Hark, rltr hall, up to Ik m. oa Wedaeadar, . iwpunm vk iboo, lor aara'aunt ana auo . work (or tb baramit. nr.. tut tha Eaat Portland Hlk 4k-nool bulldlnc. PUna - and apod (Ira ttoua (or 4iM aaaia t-aa ba aa at , tha ntttem ot taa xboc.l clark. I twIlfW rhwk (or 10 for rnt o( ta aont of tha proposal Biiiat awpaipaar tba aanw; otaarwlaa tba bid will not br rvualdarrd. Tha arhonl board laaarraa tb rl( h t to triret any all blda. . , T. J. JONBrt. Arrbltrrt. MEETING NOTICES. AD. URN'S LB AO IB RrtreUr moallnk M.iif . aaaaaiaj -mt-nr luwrr room or conimarrui riuo at I.Sil. At 2:30 thrrr- will ba aa open aiart bm nrld kt tba narlura, by Hon. J. A. Filrbar of t'alironila. LadMM art ranrtbillr larttad to attrad thla mertln.i Doaia and yoa will ba allhtad and bialroctrd.- . . 0RKOON ClBfXB. So. ITU W. a W., Bta alaaday alght ta I -Ions' kaU. eorar Wll Uaaw ara. , and Knaioll at., at o'clock. - ' MAHV BANDALk Clark. LOST AND POUND. LOST Part of ring: anya aval top art with . thraa amall dlaatoada. Kctura to 241 Bereath at. I reward. ? ' ; . LOST Hooker, female, i Retura to Pnrtlakd Bird Ca., 12T North Stitk at.; reward.' HELP WANTED MALE. OKKICB OPBM THIS MORNINO. xparlrarad at Mm ahvrrl angfnrar a ad cranaaan: tool aharpraar. canp. t.1; i bna or man ta Bra donkry anclna. $1.15; I awa .ta) wlpa mclnra, roundbouar, ohanra for ptw notion: J rarpaatcra. .'!: 4 fallr-ra, U.Tft; 4 barkara. 3.5; 4 bockrra. tl bii; awamnara and akld nd Bani-aawnlli laborara, -city-. Y1 to; fambaDd, tau; raocrata awa. a2.Za." , . Cook, waltire. kltcbrn hrlp. bfllhora. : HA.NBK.V'H IMI'UITIIEAT rri K, tk ROCtlH carpenter., librt p: blackamltk. 8.1; nlaner fiwitFi-a 12.211: Inmber arader. t2.2.r: trlmmarmaa, $3; X Bill and yardmen, 82 . up: 4 awn to go to. work In city Monday Kn-ning: an wooaamen. up; aiaora. -uroc open winner roreanon. . ' LUMBERMEN'S' LABOR BUREAU. " . A4 Morrlaoa 8 bract. i WANTED Immediately, plaamg Ball foremaa, wagea 8100 par awath; sharper and band Ba-rar.- kXao aa dayi molding mem. 83; atalr bulldara, 84; Sana bat ateady and firat- . ciaaa Bel aaea apply. aoqraas ammonia Lumber Co., Mlaannl. Moataaa. HOP-PICKERS ta pick 64 acrea bona; all da alrad accomaaodatlona, rorcry, bakary, rva tauraar, autcacr aaop. Mautirui caaap aroaao. " daaca hall, pure anountaln water, etc Bourn f t4l Mnerlock bid.. Third' and Oak. PKBSON to repreaent Btanafacttning bona, with dealer aad a renin: permanent, aamniianei bualneaa; aary 824 weekly; aipeaaae .ad Tiaced.' Addreaa Maaager laloa, Cotno Mock, hlcago. '" . . . BBUABLE airrartMhtg repreaentatlTea wanted; leading puhllratlona, Bewapapera, perl oa lea m; liberal romBbmloa. Apply . Monday. No bona ar waated. KIS Cbambar of Oommarca bldg. STATION MBIT, rock work; road prlcaa. saw work, wta or It, aid rata, all winter, aaatera Orogoai froa far. Partlcalara at Haaaaa'a Bmpwyaaant Office, as berth Second -at. . B0TS wanjtedr-Seeeral boya can cam part or all or tneir tuition or a cmipie Boura- wora each day.- Call Monday, - MaltBomah Bail Beak . laetltata, SB Sink at- J , . WANTKD Saleamaa for ahors, crockery, liquor. etatmnefy; alao trarenog man ror uregon. Boatnaaa Men a Clearing Home. 110 Second. WANTKD Aa experienced crockey ae lector for our Seattle branrh; aooe other nerd apply. M. Brlkrr A Co.. S. B. corner Fifth and Pin ata. WANTED Strang boya ta work lathe Bill; none othera aeed apply: 81 par day; pay "weekly. Apply !OT2 Macadam at., S. Portlaai WANTED Able-bodied men with amall capital i to la exploration party; deetlnallon. aew mining dlatrlct la Mexico. B eo, care journal. WANTED Caaraaarra ererywUere: aaay aaller; Bo aaperlenca reqntreo. For tn ror mat too au drena A 42. care Oregon JouraaL WANTKD 4 or B atea to locate oa good tlnv , her claim, near railroad. Inquire of J. A. Horteuaoa.. sua aiorriaoa at. WANTED Meat eaey. bealtbfnl work: "83.00 or bmto dally; write for part leu Ian. Continental Dwtrlbutlng SVrrlce. Chicago. WANTED A ana a experienced la aelllng fur niture, earnete aaa wau paper. HoaaelurniaD Ing Co., Salem, Or. WANTED Well -borer to contract for deep welL Addreaa awo vaneoarar ara Portland, ot. Phone Eaat 2962. i WANTED Demnontratoce la ' all' gak town; nothing to aril: aalary. C. 0. Bamlnf A Co., 4 WAITERS. Admlnlatritloa reatturant fair grounda; gone . wagea; a newer Dy phoaa. Pair 8. . . , ..j '-.j WANTED Bor. not over IS. for beveling de partment of TVagoer'a Mirror Work. 412 Dana, PIRST-OLASS broiler and luochmaa Addr xt. ja. uampoau. oai . ear aa - ai ooaiue. - w ana. WANTED Sailor for Manila and Auetratlev Apply at Sal lore noma, corner aa and Ollaaa. 10 TEAMS for tie kanllng: S mile S cent a eac'.i. Inquire 2BS Eaat Portleth at. Phoaa Eaat BIS I BOYS waated, permanent employment, good pay Weetera Union Telegraph Co, 181 Tblrd at. WANTED Shoemaker, la at era. factory haada. appiy pin aeon ue., tiregoa city, ur. ADTBRT1SIN0 aollctton. 88 to 810 dally. Sea Alice morning, lur BBerioes Bldg. WANTED A boy with wbaal. Apply Oregon Creamery, luv rourta at. WANTED Shoemaker; ateady Job, B. Lv Irrla t'O. aaicm, srr. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' BRANCH. MAIN HW2. 2 rauka. fM. hotel; 2 enoka. 816; 2 . waitrene. and room: a at w; I at at: 8 chamhermaloa. (2A, fjli and 8-10; 2 ereond grria, - '; houaegirla, numemua piacea, gai, ' a and 8-- sea aa Monday ror good iitu atlonr. , 243 Waahlngtoa RL, cor. Bereuth, f'patalra HOP-PICKERS ta pick 24 acrea hope; all da- ftirea ccoaimoaetiona, grocery, uasery. rca taurant. butcber-aboD. beautiful camo gronnda. dance hall, pure awontaia water, etc, . Boom 441 Bherlork Bidg., Iblro aaa uak. WANTED 150 gtrU to ' make vrerall aad ahlrta: inatmcttona glrca to Inexperienced Apply NeuUdter Bro., Standard Pactory ISO. 2, corner Eaat Taylor and Wf ana are. SOMRTHINfl new; eeery btkieewlfe buya It. tba ualay cwtneanin a: it anoea on line aneai of clotbeae eample poetpild 80 eratgi Weatcra Hupply Co., Meeker. Colo. WANTED Ex nerlenced ladr ta Dree en ladle' garineata: 8J a day paul for the right party at ine r.aai i-oniana cieaaipg gt wye- worm las uraao are., ciiy. GOOD girl for prlrate cnnklng; plcaaant, Cbrla tlaa borne: erenlnra free: aonl waa-ea: nernia- Dlaca, Pboo Mala fiOAS. tan i.i Hoyt at. WANTED Woman for general houaework , enuntry;. permanent to right party. Call at VU Nortk Sliteentk, belweea B aad 10 a. B WANTED Tonne ladle who wlab te- become raineo auraca. aoaraaa MotBer superior, at. oerp aoapnai,. poernee. waaa. SIRIi wanted for boukework la amall family. L. mmom fo. s Eaat rifteaatk a. vipeie. naay or floe at. tare.M WIDOW, unlncnmncred. raa hare good boeve: "'e pan iime. aanreaa, ana age, - alae, beaWh. A 41. rarf JournaU HANSEN'S LAIES AOENCV U1U W.ahl.e. ton at., eoa. Breath, upatalra, Paoaa Mala aoea. eaaaaa aetp waateo. . , WANTED School air I to work ' hoar room; two la family. .Addrea T 84,, ear 1 r 1 1 i ii. A WOMAN ta keep'kouae for widow waft ta . .mhlntM Anrlne the Amw ml I... . 11 - - - . ' - - wan MM' My. Addreaa A ST. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTKD Biuerleaced aura alrl to aaalat ta . taklnf rare or baby Bad llftu upatalra work Pboua Kaal SWII. WANTED . Herman alrl fur evneral houaework . In tlarmaa family. 674 Eaat Taylor at. Phono aaat xuuo - WANTED Aa offlra alrli anil ba neat pu man. Room 2. orr L. 8. bank. Tblrd and m . . .i . ... i EXPERIENCED coat fbilaher. . Apply Zin Waablactoa at., rooia a, IBira innr. WANTED 10 rlrU for dreaaanklnc .acbooL ziii aiorriaoa at., cor. r our in. AMNTKDTotlbc lrl fur lirbt bonaawork. IT Kaarney t. I'bon lciric im. WANTED Second cook (or rwtaurant, , Baa or uwmaa. . 412 aiorriaoa at. r ; WANTED At oar, a rood, atronf chaoabcr-. bum at wan nrat at. GIRI. for caneral houaework; malt bt compo- irnt rauu Eaat ioo. . . . . WANTED A good euok; alma. aacuod girt.. Ap ply iw King at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THR demand for competent bookkeenera aBd ateaorrapbvra la graater tnaa in auppiy. rroat Auguat 1, 11NH. to Aiuruat I. 1W. w piaeea 2(T la good noaltluaaj bad ca 11a for awre than Mm; our graduatea are ALL employed: wa will aaalat you ta a poaltloa whea cowpeteat; enroll aew; Bay or Biaa. noBnaa-wauer Bualneaa Onllrr. BUarna blk.. hUtk and . Morrlaoa ata, ' V WANTED 2U bora and glrla from 4 to IS year, wko want ta take part in tha graiui earniTal aad percent for children, which take nlaee on Vt'edwailay from a a. m. to d. B. Com for the reheareal tomorrow. Monday, Borulng at 11 a cluck at the Oaka. WANTED Teacher: Prlarlpal, 800 aad Bp ward; grade teachera, 848 and upward; music, vocal ami Instrumental. 8001 edence. - man, 89ft; Engtbrh aad Latin, man, f7fi; rural. . t to 845. rteka Teacher' Agracy. LWO . Wllllaam are. ' I'boaa Eaat 844. . WANTED Lady ar gentlemen acuta to repre aent old reliable hoaae oa gilarantree aalarr 818 a weik and expeneea. tall today bet. Hi a. m. and 12 m. and 2 to 4 p. m 2314 Market at., earner Second, room IS. LTIIMIB dramatic committee want amateur who bare bad an me experience: reacaraaia e. rentage ao tnterference- wtrh bo1lMa: op- Ca-lunlty ror experience; giro run parucu ra. A 48, care Jouraal. :- e WANTED 100 more hop-pick ere at once; beat yard; from II to in oar picking; Dooming flace: tenia fie rent. - Apply Andrew Kaa A o., 2MT Morrlaoa at, Sunday. Open 2 ta S p.- m. .- - ' WANTED Lady and gentlemen Bnltcttnrs for the best paying proposition in IBs city: to 86 a day eaally mad": kuatlcr can. jnake 810. Call forenoon at 2X1 North 16th at. WANTED At eaea, a bright,': energetic, pre. ratable Baa or woman, a goi. taiarr, to take ap aa attrartlea propoalthm. lnqulr TS8 Chamber of Commerce. B a. at, - WANTED-rEnergetlc. lady or geptlrmaa ta rep reaent renaiiie noiiee; salary aw ana cob-Btseloa.- Call 211 Sixth St. SOLICITORS Mea or women: permanent a pwymeat to hnatlera; experience anaeci aary. 006 Dakum bldg. . HELP wanted and supplied, .mala or female. R. O. DRAKB, wish wssoiagtoa st. clay 440. SITUATI0NSW ANTED MALE. POSITION wanted by maa with family: over 20 years' experience la Baraware. farm im plementa aad gTocerlea; good bookkeeper, oum pttent to take charge of bualra; alight ex perience In general merchandise; best of ref erence: will work oa sslsry or take maaage meat of bualneaa for Interest In profits. Ad dress T 64, care JoaraaL BNEROETIC bualneaa men, well posted In cloth- big, "Tnrnlshlnga, corrcapond Kiigilan. tiermsn and French, would Ilka suitable Job: will eventually Invest 13.000 or mora. Answer O 51, care Jouraal. WANTED Position by bsb experienced aa an engineer and flremaa. with oil as a fuel. Phone Hood AtiH and ask for Mr. Lowry, -ur call 240 Jefferson at. WANTED Poaltloa as shipping clerk or work u office ny maa ot exprrience; csa mrnisn Best of reference. Addreaa R 43. Journal. WANTED by an all-round tailor and ratter. poaition as inreman in doming atora; a 1 refersneea.. Addreaa C 48, Journal. POSITION of any kind, by lira young mas; conaloersnie Dusineaa experieuce; ax reier enoes. .Addreaa C 43,- Journal. EXPERIENCED young Ban atenograpber wishes position in aiternooa. Aoaress x i, .ournsi. YOPNG Oermsa chamlat. Dr. Phil., wants chemical altuatlon. - Addreaa a ou. journal. MAN and wlfa'wlsb situation on farm or ranch; no children. Address A ou, care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE A THOROUGHLY competent young lady etsn- ogrspber ot two yeera- eiericin5injitjLi. 1 lauiuuei'sllie poslf ltlon; rerer- en res; ae oh led loo oat of city. Address C So, rare Jouraal. WANTED Position as bookkeeper and stenog rapher ey a Jauy willing to tag email ssl sry to start. Addreaa Mrs. Mabel E. Walsh, Ml. Raleigh at., Portland, Oregon., WANTED Poaltloa s governess to child In or near city, or willing to travel with par tire leaving, by refined young lady. Address B 48. a care Journal. PERPBCTLT educated lady atenograpber and . typewriter wanta position; nnderatands cs4 talUatlon and punctuation). T 68. rare Journal. BY exnerlenced telcDhone operator: nrlvste ex. rhsnge; will aaalat with office work; best of city references. A B. cars Journal. LADY - with - small - child - wsnts position as housekeeper for elderly gentleman. IDs. Adams. 81 Nortk Sixth at. WANTED Position as stenographer or billing cierg; csn girs rriertnces. Address B 4X, rare Journal. WORK wanted by the day. Phone Main 4101. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFriCE. PUU MEN. M N. Second St. Phone Main 1K2S. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contrse- tors; aeip ire to employers. 215 Morrlaoa. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS "will nnd It to their advantage to list their vscsnt houses snd flats with our Pros Rratal department. Our Vacant house directory hss become a recog- alsed Institution In Portland, hundreds of , tensnta being weekly placed la suitable - Quarters. -- We - make so charge . wbsterer and owners shoold tske sdrsntsge of thla aerrtre by calling at our rental department .-and filling la aa "Information Blank." If yoa bars a Vacant bouse, phone the par tlrulsrs and leav tb rest to as. Wa woa't allow It to remain King Idle. H. B. EDWARDS. M0I SEPI RNISHER, Free Rental DeparUsent, 13 to 181 I'lrat Tit. ' IOCNG aaaa,' permanently located In Portland, desire room snd board la rvflued private family. Address S 40, csrs Jouraal. WANTED RE. L ESTATE. FARMS WANTED All klfula atork, . poultry, - fruit, grain and hop farma; nrnat be good and reasonahht la price; (Ire full description, price ssd terms. ' f 306 Allaky bldg. WANTED Two bits with or without 6 or B room modern bouse. aear street csr line! isrt cssn, nsisnce urooiaiy. aiiuress, glrlng ull descrlptlou. - locative aad terms. C 42. Journal. WANTED Buy fia- cash, bnalneas or residence property oa west side, close to center anist be cheap. Addreaa D 40, Journal. WANTEIV To rent. 8 to 20 acres land near city suitable for gardening. Address B 41. -csrn Joarnsl, . : Y " I. LANDIGA" will pay cssh for cheap eotUf aad faraltaree Pbone Hoed 141. - WANTED REAL ESTATE:? n Yoe to call at oar office aad let r a tell you about that uouutaln ranch of lttu acres mat w naea to enliang tor a few acre near tha city. Also that lft-acro boms Bear Newberg for price of IBpror. urate. Or If yoa want a large stock, .dairy or wheat raiirn, ' nara tneni. NOKIliWKoT LAND CO MB Morrlaoa at., Hoom 211. WANTEI 5. 10. 20 and 40 acre tracta of land, Improved and Batmproved. A to 16 ml lea from the city; prlrca unit be raaaonabla. Alao hart buyer fur auuie guod farm, aad dairy fa acuta. 1 .. . NORTHWEST LAND CO.-. .; ' Morrlaoa at.. Room 211. ' t 'WANT to"-tayy fnr-rskk,'"at ' reasonable rtgiire. a earner tut or inaioo lot. racani or aide and Morrlaoa and from 8th to lath ata. Addreaa A 80, cam Journal. ItA.MEIt.! or a win on corner; man; reaaon- uir', give mmtrsmi wan. vmmvw-vi www. side. Adtlreea C -40. care 4nraaL WANTKD 7 to H room modera houaa la good locality, at bargain ror cash, rbone raclflc Sin. 402 Commercial piog. j WANTEI Por-aale. many amr rnstonera for bargalna In good aoeaee. fceliy 4t BtaiaBata, ltU Morrlaoa at. WANTED AGENTS. A0KNTS WANTED Te aall our auperlor ' high er a oe anrarry stock : , new and complete out- ?t rurnisnea rree; eaan wecaiy; write xouay or cholv territory. . Capital . City Nursery Co., Salem,.' Dregua. ... .. AtlRNTS-raa eeelly make 1D a day aelllng onr gold window tetters, aovelry algna and cnaiisenoie einne. eieewTei inw. r,,iiiiTan Co.. 4 W. Van Daren at-, Chicago. IUIbow. tnrNTfl .maka tilg I I I atlllng "nnr "Mend srip to larnicra; you nara ina pan ny ine anrns" It test, II rlTeta, T. Foots Co. Loa Angele. CaL -WANTED FINANCIAIeT- WANTED To borrow 21.500 (aacurity) to com- Att.trees L 46. JouraaL WAXTEIv A loan of 8" ea 10 acrea lav proeed la lid. Addreaa A BS. care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS . PAINTING, apraylag and whltewaahlng treea. Daaements, osraa, ooegs, etc.; largest gsauuaa apraylng outfit oa tha roast. M. 0. Murgaa A Co.. 70 Mllwaukl at. Paoaa Kast Mil.. 'ANTED Home for 'little girt 12 years old, during school term. In prlTate family; will Ing to do light work Ja ercnlng. Addreaa "T 48, -ear JouraaL - 0RCHESTBA. 2 pieces, wanta engagements evenings, Sundsys; musle for all oecaaloaa ery HIOMHST caah prk-e paid for hot tie aad ju;ik of every d.acrlptlon. - Portland Bottm Sur-pty Co., 8SI Kortb Elghtaaath. Phone Mala Ztt. WANTED Hand camera. 4 by B piste, good condition, cheap! state make and price: uf rloso aampla print. Addreaa A 86, JoaraaL WANTED To buy aaotor bleycki In goad con dition; name axske, price, etc. Addreaa C 41. Journal. HK1IIEST prlcea paid. Mea'a old clothing, shore. I'ncla Joa. 6u Third st. Phoaa la rifle 48, BOOKS bought, anld and exchanged at the Old Book store. 22B Xaatklll at. - - WANTED Printing" presa. about 10x11. Ad dreaa T 62. care JoaraaL '5- " r. J. BTDEB. printer. Seeoad nA JR'sahlag toa ata. Pbuna Mala 6AM. WANTED Secoad hand sidewalk elevator.' 208 Third at. WHO IS M. G. MORGAN A CO.! FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE KING New building, handsomely for. . stalled, equipped with every Baodera conven ience; oa direct car Una to expoaltloa; all eutalde man; heat, gas, electric lights, por crista , bathe; rateai' Mir, 75c aad 81: take Fiftk St. csr from anloa depot to SOP Jeffsv bob St., sear city kail. Paoaa Buck 1811. ' HOTEL TAN NOT. Commercial mea'a headquarters, tret elaee, water la all tha mo ma, hatha free, reatreL direct care to depot aad expoaltloa, . . 62M Third at., ear. Plea. BOOM' for rent, furniture for sals: both res- annahle. all 12 m. to s p. m. Sunday, s to 12 a. m. Monday. -07 Ooodnough bldg., oppo alta postofflca. THE HAMANN. 138 N. 18th.. cor. Hoyt Newly furnuibcd room, up; convenient location, 15 minutea' walk to fair grounda; Morrlaoa csr at anloa depot direct to houaa. -Phone 8470. NICELY furnished morns, single or suites; tran sient; rents ressonahle: brick building, xiov, First. Excellent location. Close la. Phons Clay 73o- , --- r, NICELY furnished front Boom, aultable for one or two gentlemen.- 82 per week: alao one -st 81. no; eleaa aad qnict. suoft f irst at Mill at. MARQCAM HOI'SE. 14BH tb Room ea suits or single; housekeeping rooms; gss stoves, bath, electric lights; transients eollclted. POI'R gentlemen roomers permanent; walking distance; new- noose: pnrats ismny; gas, bath and phone. Eaat 4606. , THE BEIXEVL'E 60 noma aieely furnished: . prices reasonable; traveling pubue aollclted. 218S Fourth at. Hood T0L - , . AROOM furnished boner, atodera conveniences. fine view; ttr the whiter to adults. CaU 180 Lsn St. Slid see the owner. NICE newly furnished front room, walking dis tance. 82.50 week: excellent car eervlce. 08 Grand avenue north. f THE ALDKR. 4:15 Alder at. Nicely tarnished rooms, ronrentcot and quiet. . bath, . pboae, central locstloo. .. - FRONT parlor for gentleman of refinement who wishes mom near toe center ox city. . asi Everett at. . -.. PINE room, snltsble for two: home cooking; modern: reaaoasble; oeotral. 4H7 Eaat Aa- keny, th. A K'lrFT.V SHCnlaheA Cmnt emm for Cettk BeC' matwntly: suitable for two gentleaen. 452 - naiuma st. a THE GLADSTONE S12H Bsvler St., furnbtbed rooms; under new management; prlcea rea- aonabls. CHEAPEST and best located rooms In Portland. . 81 week and up. Ollmaa, first and Alder ata. NICE newly fnrnlahed room la private family. 81 per mouth. 12U Eaat Eighth at, eor. Alder, FOB RENT One large front room with r Inert. Impure st 133 Fourth at. rnone i fcuic no FOR RENT Large unfurnished front mom, oat- sine entrsnce, 90. a.t mw - ROOM and board 84.50; furnished Mrs. M. Ysns, P74 Mscadsm road. 83. FOR RENT 8 furnished rooms,' npststra; BS children; 216. 184 Grsnd are., . A WELL furnished front room at 628 Market st. bsth. pbone; 81" Per moata. XHE GRAND, 45k N. Third at Rooma far mea, ai.ou per wees in hi. - FOR BENT Two rooms: breakfast If de- alrrd. 721 Mlsalaalppl are. THE CASTLE 872 Waahlngtoa at. I fnrnlabed rooms. Phone Mala 1870. - MEN desh-ln nice rnilet place to room will Had It at 2Mo water at. FI'RNIHIIED snd honsekerplnf rooms for rent Telephone Eaat 2)128. - ' FOI B rooms for rent, . Inquire T64 Water t., close to ooreer. FfRSISIIKD room for rent. 28 Culoa gve. - Phone East 8740. . BUARD. rooms. 118 Orertoa stM aear , fair grounda. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR BENT Farm T mtlee front Vancouver; SO seres riesred: good bonee. nara sua siocs; sll Implements: large prune dryer, Addreaa V eae-xare. jouroai.i - rf yf r.-.t7 FORREMT HOUSEKEEPING FOB RENT Furnished housekeeping rooma la best brick block on east aids: gaa ranges, bsth, etc-1 no traaalenta; prlcaa BJOderats. Logs a blk., lusts Union are., corner Eaat Alder. Phoaa Union AMA - . HOUSEKEEPING apartments, quiet Iocs t ion; ,4 room suite, 810 month; 2roonv, 88 Biotith; phoac, water free. , Dickson. LulTeralty Park. Scott 12WO. NICELl firnbmed rooma. single or anltse; tras slent; rents reaeonable; brick building. Slvi , First st. Excellent location. Close In.- rbone ' Clsy 736. :; 81.T8 PER week, targe clean furnished bouse seaaag-rsoaist isuiiory a so -oaiax xov bbw lisn st., South Portland. KICELY furntaked. honsekaeplpf aad alngle rooma, wltk use of bath; rsat rsaauaable. . lia at- Alblaa, r-r - ' - NKA7H.Y furnlsbed housekeeping rooms, with bath, hot snd cold water. , Apply at OoS . Fourth at. . 480 Ql'IMBY at., bet. loth end 11th. Newly ' rurnlahsa Bouacgeeping smrs, complete rsni TWO alee furnlsbed bmiee keeping rooma for rent: bath aad pboae includes., eae college St. ONE furnished bedroom, twe housekeeping rooma. Phone East IS-. . TWfT 'or three newly furnished . housekeeping rooms. 2H7 Knott at. - . ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS roorss and board for permanent rpis, gkXBO and 8-0 per montai table Doers per week. Aator bones, Tta aad. Madlaoa ata. ' Tal. Mala 281. TTfTHTINa Elegant accommodatloea. - ao amrbitant chargea; aining-mom la coonee tloa; prlcea right. Corner 18th and Irving. BOOMS wits board for permanent teaaata. reasonable; nnicua nems ouocing. . zsi Sixth et. 1 , ..... - THE ILLINOIS. 18a Tenth Lsrge, hsndaome rront room wlta boaro. arst-riaas tanir; per. manent. v' 1 - FOR .RENT HOUSES. FOB BENT BY THE Dt'NN LAWRENCB COM . - ' PANT. 820.00 S-robm bouse, hot and cold watery ga ( ana ocner aoaarr uoaTennmcem. oo Hon Rafael. $12.80 Beautiful, aew. etrlrtly modern Aroom cottager aa esrgsnt piece; win rent it with handanme furniture for 2-0. 848 ' - Eaat Dtrlakon. 112.05 Nice S-roma hoaae, bare: beaatlful place fa Hea. 602 I'mattlla- are. 1200. per annum 111 airs piece on Mount Tabor t WTTTt- a roam nouse, gonu oara. aco 1 1 ' " before the rash commence. Apply, at 14Vk.rirt at. IS -mom furnlsbed bos rdlne -house, rent 240, price gea! s-KW-essb will kenoie thla. Balance s- per asoath. Thle te a paylirg bnaan and will be better after the fair ta over than It la now. H. K. Edwards' rents 1 dent.. 186 1st St. STVABT atatlon. - Mount ' Scott ear 4 targe rooms, eainniininga. saoaera, pernee whuwi children; furniture for sale. Call the Belle vaa, Foarth aad Salmon. .,. , , . POR BENT Houaa, T rooms, hot and cold water, f 14; honor, e rooms, en; ai vruiamena statloa. St. Johna ear, H. N. Smith, owner, Wlllaaiette atatioa. FOR rent for the winter. S-toom modera fur nished bouse; gooa tocstioo. wits line view oa the west aide. Call at 180 Leae at., and sea the wear. UNFURNISHED boose by October 18. 10 or 12 rooma, modern, rent reasonable; waning ois taeee of bsslnesf district. ,. Addreaa O 40, Journal. 1 T ROOM hoaae. targe grrxrmts. one block from two car Unas; Highland, eaat sue; quiet neighborhood; 1 per eamta. . Pboue Scott 104 A - . - -- a - HOI SB B noma far rent, furniture forkale: eampw-ta outfit, nearly new. eneep rent, oeei tacstloa for rssMence la city. A 50, Journal. SIX-BOOM aew modera hoaae, earner lot, near Hswtborae. iifl.w montn to anon tenant. Pboae Pacific 81 8. 402 CommercUl bldg. FOR BENT A room bonne. 80S Twelfth at., be tween Columbia and Clay. Inquire Mrs. J. 0. Hlracb. Hobart-Cartta. TO RENT Nicely furnished cottage at Sunny- side, October 1; a rooms. jo. Auuree x so, care Journal. 1 t ' FOR BENT A B-room cottage at 824 Union . ... ti , in.n Bul.,l.. are. siouraea or iwjv . ...w, city.' -' FOB, BENT 815 7 -room bouse, 830, East 27th St., Kenllworth curre. rbone Msla 4520. GOOD six-room eottsge. 404 Mississippi are., 214 per asonts. laquire wi tstrraoee. LOOK at the new house, corner Third aad MODERN B-room tiouee, 861 Holladay ave.i flat location; rent .. -BOOM cottage. . CaU at 688 Peltygrove at. 812 per mooth. NEW A room hooae, aiodern, 250 Montgomery vtieet. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNL TURK fOX 5AL1S. - FUBNITl'BB for sale Furnltnre nf Aroom flat. roe noueekaenina. neo. cnsirs. wuan, wsrdrone, dressers, stove, etc.. sll romplets with BtomrlU: good location, walking distance: tent reasonable: a harsaln. , Call at room 110, Sherlock MOg or ra msm aioi. FOB beet results on . - TtmmuBi. ' Whether to buy or aell, ring ap Msla PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. 211 First at.. FOR SALE Elcgsnt furniture ef 8-rnom op- . . . . t...A. mttie. lMrlMlte sno TO-osre lie' - , - gss: Dirnare or atovea; Ax : Mil. 2HT a j, ii.ii. 10a . sin nevenrn, near . .-. 8. a Help. - " 8300 Rooming bouse, rooms, clearing 830 . .monthly: your time ant required; takes csr or itaeit; excepiooa "w" .n,, - r W. noa e. , i T . . : . .w ao feio. h.ts knlll ins; locsiMio o....." : ,"" ' -"'S.- this; nrgt rrsstms w wiuui, .. Jefferson. - ' - - SMALL cottsgi for rent, cheap. fllj, tacstloa. csr una; iiirwmre ev- v " ---- . ' near corner 16tb. . . .. FURNITURE of T-room house, plsao; 814 Mad! son; would trsda piano for vacant lota. Phone Mala 8546. riTBMtTtTRS of 4-room cottage for aala very cheap, cottage for , rent, alae cheep. jJSS ROOM bonee for rent furnltnre for aala. 8229: a anap n taa.a aa once. i.e e... NEW furniture 7-root boose: money-maker. 148 7 Tenth. Oeleeen Morrlaoa aad Alder ' ata. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. LARGE top floor for lesss, Morrlaon at., aear postofflee: elevator; euitaoie xov unices. o- drsss M 41, care JouraaL. FOB BENT Centrally located office with a . , . . . ..a " - - . mi mtt pooae. n. tj. vsie, n. owwmw OFFICE-BOOM for ' reat. aongh blda. Apply lev tor. OFFICES sad roooss. Lewlg building. lnqulr Whits, mm iiesam niog. FOR RENT FLATS. , . amM' evb,tt swoiteps. S 1 ivn oaiii -tit ' siorns sno , i q.A. ". - ' Wliusma ave. rnone sm euwa. unniii a.rom ' fiat, one block north steel bridge, fronting rlret, eaat aid. .Inquire 288 - Lasrsbee at. - r ' ' 6-ROOM fUt. Inctadlnsj basement, as of bath nd water psia: no cnitnren; sio. sao sini mi nd BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB SALE Soomtsg bouse of 14 rooms. 8450; g easp. xo.1 ruin st. WANTED To s.11: A plumbing buelnrei, AI dress C, 40,. JourasU - BUSINESS CHANCES. 6-ROOM' flat, 83(H); 2 rooma, rented for enough 19 jsy rent aua water. v rtsk narket at s bargain. :' 10-rooB 'bouse, 8450; t room rented for 870 par SMutk We" sold ' cigar-etsnd ' lsst week;- list ymrrs; we -csa sell anything by our aew aysteat. , -' . ' -.' SMITH BROS.,' r ' & '. !"".")' SM ITII -BROS:,' " . :;'.' SMITH BROS.. ' ' . W3U.' Sixth St.. cor. Washingtos. v ' Pbuna Mala eOSt. . . , r . BARGAINS OFFERED BY H. W. MILLER. 2W8 Uooduough Bldf. .V-, One of the beat paring saloons la eatterq -Oregon. i'.-,. ;,r. Hotel of 28 rooma, funilstaed. fn good tows In Una county; splendid trade gad good Iocs- tloa. ' . ... , . . . . :, ' Bakery doing a splendid .business. ? in ef.the beet farma la Ollllaa county, ; Orrgoo, la csater of grata growing aectloo, ' Several choice pa tent a reverlas thla state aud Waahlngtoa. . Boms choice resldeace property ta all parts of tbl city. . .. 1 PATENT, nlrerlng several eeaatlas oa aa . article that ta . waated by each autre and te a ready seller, ttnet-be sold -ea sceosnt of ether boats raa; bare la a cbaace te get late buatneas en amall capltaL where yoa can msks big money In a sboat time; will aell county rights cheap aad will take acre age or sots in exehsuge; Investigate thla If you are looking for a boat uses opening. H. W. MlLLkR.-lueSt . Sixth St. T RERTAIRANT, good par lag ...8 nmiur.ll, bmu lor-aiHOl. ID. atrau..... vw Puraltnre and lease of flrst-claae coua- ' try Dotal, gaoney-maker,. ... 2.000 General -Mors, county Best, doing Mg bnslnces , , .500 Lodging-hoiaie, 82 nicely furitlabed rooma l.OUU P. ll'CHH. 14H First St. ' FOR SALE A well estsbllsbcd abort order ret-I tsursnl aaq aeiicatrearn on Mieriaoa St., cbsw la, cheap rent; good trsde; a money maker: sickness csuee for selling: mat 8775, will take 84i cash. Inyestlgate this at once If yow- want a anap, CnarlcWou A Nelll, K- W. cor. Morrison aad Third ate.,, room 818 Allsky bids;. Phone Weat 881. BOOM1NU-HUUSB BARUAINv - a-ronm bouse, 8 blocks from Washington st centrsl; furnllnre good; best psytng bones of else In city; 'full year round rent Sett, lease 8450; 8150 down, balance monthly pay- "Oregon associated exchangb. W5H- Poarth St-,-Room --a BESTAUBANT for Bale, see ting 80 people: one of the best trsusleut on the market; well furnished Bad established for three year! oa one of the beet streets In the city, clear ing over 22s) lsst month; if yoa are looking for e profltsble business It will pay yoa to Incest Igsts this; few real; price fiOO. . A 88. care Jouraal. ' ' . . p i . MANAGER wanted to manage Spokane office ot Oregon rorporattoa; must hsve l.oi Mi cash; sslsry 21,000 per yrsr, guaranteed, and com missions. This position I good for ll.ota) per year to a hustler. Girs sge. former occupation end reference Address Attorney, AW Psatoa- bldg, , i WANTED Maa with a smsll amount of es pi ta 1 as a partner la an estsbllabed psying bnalneas: must be willing to eater to tha wants of customers; business la now estsb llabed; long leas, chesp rent. This Is a grand opportunity.: ft.., Miller, Ki Uood nough bldg.- - FOR BALK The beet paring restaurant la emit be n Oregon.- oa main rmatness street; aeata 7tr ao meals leaa than 25c; 6-year lease; reat 830. Owner hss other bualneaa that re fill tree- all nf kla time; terms to responsible Jsrty. Address owner. P. O. box 45, Mar sh ield, -Or. -. v - FOR SALE In casters Oregoe, first-class 'and old estsbllsnea Bakery snd confectionery; sickness In family the only reason fur selling. This hi a money-maker and will bear Investigation; only those meaning business seed answer. Addreaa T 80, care Journal. FOR SALE Fine located confectionery, clear snd tobacco etore: also 'Ice cream parlor, doing good business; 2 yeses' lessr; 2 living rooms In the resr and baaemeut: ble bargsln; rd reason for aelllng; ae agents, Addrraa 40, care JouraaL FINE confectionery and cigar etore: poolroom in connection; must sen on account ot sick ness; a good bargala; would trade for prop erty; no s rents. Call Sunday or erenlnra, Mrs. ITovost, end of. Hunuyslde and Mt. Tabor car Una.----.-- -.- - FREB LANDS IN OREGON, ' FERTILE eolL pare water, delightful climate; land of alfalfa, apples aad clover. . For cull Informs tloa address the Columbia South era ' Irrlgstloa Co.. 630 Worcester blk.. Portland. GROCERY Old estshllsbed business. 4 rear llv. Ina rooms, delivery rig, barn; reat 817.M1. Actual business seekers should aee this. It's Land Co.. 146 Vj First st. FOB SALE Fine stock sporting- goods, gsus. ammunition, flaking tackle and repair ahop. " A dng At business, centrally located. Willam ette valley, with or without bulldlnc. Ad dreaa T 48, care J owns I. ., PARTIES wishing te keep posted regarding the opening of the Indisn reservations In Mon- - -tans, either the Crow or Plstbesd, raa do so by calling or writing to 208 Uoodnougb bldg.; Portland, Or. - ' . , BARBERS 8-chslr abop with bathroom, county sest town la best county In Oregon; fixtures, atosk, etc., wilt Invoice 8f; aell at a ear rlflce on account of sickness. Lock bos 71, - More, Oregon. v NEW hotel, best Iocs t Ion, 70 moms, all taken ...every sight. completely - fnrnlahed ; clears 82.000 per month, long lesss; account of sick ness must be sold cheap. Address O 37, , Journal. - FOB SALE On account ot sk-kness. nice, etaaa, t, money-making business ea east slda; aalae from 818 to J.T8 per day; pries 1,400.- or will Invoice; no agents wanted. 0 60, The JoaraaL FOR aala or exchange Fnrnlahed rooming. mni.r, www - , , u,i in. fair, doing good huslncae psst 8 years. " Address A 4i; cars Journal, I'hone Hind 1844. fecttonery business for ssle: chesp rent and lesss. 1 living mom tarnished In connect lou. FOR SALE Hslf Interest In a grocery bust. j-ins a mmtm .nn MimI Ia.Iw. ' 1 . . ik" ' - .... - ww-.uvnn, m .imq location. Address 835 Hoes st. 1'lssss cell mornings or phone to East 1188, WANTED Partner with 21.000 to 22.000 to , start legitimate, well-paying bnalneas; will i rarest eipisllyt no risk: answer quirk.' Ail v dress 0 50, rare Journal. IstAVlNG Dreeoat forced te -sacrifice eld est. Isbllahed real eststr office; good Hat; elegsat location; chesp rent; hslf cost fixtures. , Ad- . drrba H 44. care Journal. - FOR BALE A fjne dairy, feed grid "sll neces ssry fiTtnres, with lsrge city ronte; In come 8,100 to 8400 per month. Address 8, cars Journal, - Sslem, Or. . l gi:ASTE A high grade, fres milling lsrge or body in Boot hero Oregon; will bond for devel. opment; eapltsl wanted. W.- N. Ruble, 781 Wllllsma ave., Portland. L. - WIEDER A CO. opened then- furniture . house at 2KT First st. Plessa come and ae then for bargains for new and Second-baud furniture ana stoves. . 76 Hfsfsrold estshllsbed, good money-making 1 Om nuJ LmIL. mm! II.. cheap rent; ownr'r leaving stats. Address ti.son Flftr rooms, worth 82.200: brtct build. Ing; location not affected by fab-; Inveatl- sate this; Best,, reasena ror sailing, owner, S7 Jetteraon. ' 1 300 Roomlng-boose, 8 -sooms. clssrlng 8-KI montnir; your lime aoi renireu lases oars I Itaeit; rxcsptionai opportunity, rorier, 1', 0,-box 441. . PARTNER, sain general agent, AKW te 8508 ,, eapltsl required, fully eerured; light rsctnring;-enormous promt. Hooia iw. laoit rirat at. PARTNER la realestats; must h a good eat ale MS, - tut AUsky bUlg. .. - , .s;- : vhtotR Ny classification .Flvcdtots"po:lJat No ad taksa for tees than 18c par day. Seres worda, as a ruls, oonstltute a Una. but each Una la charges re gar disss ot lbs number of words. ' WZEJCLY RATE V insertions ( Insisting Y ea Bunday las as) 80 CEAIB Bar Use MONTHLY BATE ' ftaeludlag kll oundsj ssuaa) 1.00 per line per msstk. AXVERTI8MEaflB I moat be la Jseraal easiness efnos by 18 e'eleok weak ears nq ay 10 e aiook satureay svaalag far the 8 as day ieane, te w pure Display rates lives . apoa eppUoatisa at the -ef toe.' , THE JOURNAL -BRANCH offices .: ;-: Win be received at. regular msra-efOce rates. Following Is a list of antheelasd agsnts,. who will forward year ladrertlae. meat la tints for publluatloa is the ssxt ut i ' " V' '.' 2I01TH BIDX. B. A. Prestos, droggUt, ' Twaaty-tUrd aad Tburmaa straeta. Nob Hill Pharmacy,' BBS Ollaaa street, earner Twenty-drat. -'-.- A. W. Allen, pharmacist, Btxtaeeta gad MarshslI streets. , McCommoB's pharmacy, ' Riaeteaatb aad Wsshlagtoa streets. - -" OUTst BISX,'' ' B. P. Joaes A Ge., druggists. Front Sad Olhba streets. Coftel Drag cempany First aad Grant straeta. - - ' amia-;ByerTey duggUl. lOtneffarses street, eatner Tenth. . ' . Bettmaa'a Pharmacy, aoTMe Sixth sad Harrison streets. - Plummer Drug company, 260 Third street tor aat Msdleoa. IAT IIDI. W. 8. Love, druggist, roraer Grand svssns aad East Burnalde atreet- ' , Nlchole A Thorn psoa, 128 BnsseB Street, earner Alhlna avenue. Janrke Drug company, earner Hswtboras and Grand areaues. W. O. Csbbj, druggist, earner Bollsdsy avenne aad Larrabee - atreet, near steel artdgs. a R, A. Wllsoo. - its Grsad avsaaa. aear East Morrison. r-WBallr-B5-sMt tatastk stresC earner Stephens. , . , -L - - ' WTnyT a yp P. Ji Clark, druggist. 1008 North Calea svsnas. . . . . ' TfsTVTUSB. J. B. Worth. phsrmsdsL BOB Bslmswt atreex. . Braoktya Pharmacy eompaay, Powell sad Milwankis streets. . . - ABUETA 0U00V, Arista Phsrmscy, Mors aad Faster streets.. BUSINESS CHANCES BESTAUBANT finely fitted dp In heart t'l , city: 5 years estshllsbed: clearing per month; price U.wuu. Addreaa C U, art JoarnsL . I HAVE the Belling of a patented article; hsve more territory tbsn I csn look arter: nostra to aell anme. Call at 183 Fourth st... Monday. WANTKD Able-bodied men with smsll capital totloln exploration party; destination, uen entnlrnT-etatrtrt- t-Alcx1r; B" 4Tr Jobrnsl." FOR SALE Stork of general merehgndtse la guoq location; asies trom aono to pi.uuo per -month. Address Lock hex 8, Tsngeat, Or. IF yoa want to Invest immediately ahedlately aare proposition aaq receive tei nw eeeryuH lar In reared, address 0 54, care Journal. FOR ' BALE Neatest, best located rooming- house in city, cnosp; twe nierxs ina mi tand hotel. Address C 47, ivurnat 1 " , FOR SALB Established photogrspb stndlo: apleadld equipment, good bualneaa.. Address P. O. Boa 407, Oregua City, Or. i... FOR aala or trade S2-room hose, doing good DUBinesa; very rineat location mm aitia st. ' dress owner. T 44. care JournaL - fcrvr. ltr,rti sais meow nuaine ior ".ii win wviw at Inrnh-e. lab) la a good paying buslBcsa. Addreaa P 63, care Journals DESK, two armchslrs. enc reTulTlng-cbaJr; .elt..K.J new; cost si-oti; you tsss it awsy lor eo. Porter. 107 rlherlock bldg. - . FOR RALE A fine grocery store, the best bow on the market; would trane tor resilience. , un dress H 40, care JournaL WHEN looking for a location, either city or country, call oa tba Nurtbweat Lead Co, Sol Morrlaoa et roam. 211. . FOR SALE One fourth rn tercet In well estaV llshed commission bnaluess; goad proposition. R 42, care of Journal. NEWSPAPER plant for aala In a growing town; well eatsbllshed business.. Inquire T. L. B Mr. JiMirnal. . . FOR SALE First-class betel restanrant, cheap; net sell sccount of sickness. A duress n -Journal,' yTT FOR SALE Smsll ' grocery stork, 'ressonablet CsH or iddrras Mrs. L. Packlngbsm. St. Johna, Or. , - WHAT have yoa to exchange for ' a food rooming-bouse. Call 817 , lentoa bldg., 84 Sixth at. FOR BALE Brick hotel, 88 rooma. Food rural, tore, splendid less; la Portland. V 48, JoaraaL FINE opportunity la estshUshrd bnalneas: seed help and capital. Addreaa O 64. care JoaraaL GBAZING lead Bear tba coaat to sell or trsde for city or snburlsta property. T 62. JournsL v FOR SALE Hslf Interest or whole In saloon doing good buainess. T 4. care journal. HA YE I,000 with Barriers; answer particulars' what you sot. - Address C 58. care Journal. FOR SAL8V Saloon, restanrant in connection, at a bargain. Address T 56, csrs JournsL - WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO. I FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE.' B. KRONER, .architect and contractor. - Homes built In sll psrts of the city and sold on monthly1 paymsnts; plana and sneclflcstlona;. btilldlnga superintended. Hooia , Cam bridge bldg., Third nesr Morrison. . 850 BUYS 10 well Improved residence lots la Ontario) cssed well, 205 feet deep, fnrnlhes ' an abundance of pnro soft wster. Addreaa IVon Carlos Boyd, ths real estate Ban, Oa- : tarle, Malheur county, Oregoa. - OWING to sickness I will sell chesp my sub. . i i -J.. .,i . a u.e lota, new fence. frnlt trees heerlng. 7-room bouse, with at) necessary outbuildings, sll in good repalu Adilrcas 8 52, Journsl office. 13. OnO 8 ACRES well Improved, all In na fruit, fair buildings, 4 blocks from car- v line, can be bought on very eaey terma; lm B'dlate txiaaessloni will take part la real . elate. Call 107 Third st. CHEAPEST YET Pine let. 80x125. alt feaced, with ehlchcB-house or stsble; Stanton at.. nar Union are.. 8Kio: sl kit on Sellwncd st fenced! BtiUZV for 8550. Csll'427 Brll wood sl nesr Union sv. FOB SALB To settle eststr: Most deslrshls acreage: tracta to enlt: aear Lents and car; , good soil; terras. - Johnson A sn .ante. At- ' 50.1 t'ommcrcial bWf ., Porllsnd. .Trie- - . .1-1.. aj.p.0 - H0ME8TBADERS We raa locate v yoa oe vscsnt wbest or IrrlgsMoa Isnds til esstera Oregoa. Cell or writ Vsa ClrsVe A Scbolk ' Bssl Eststs Ageata, Acho, (UmsUlU oouuty, Oregoa. ' ' - 1, NEARLY new J-roma booae on 40x100 lot: 1 blocks from good car Unci an unusual bargain, that cltr bonieaeekera aliould see; for cssh, only -"0. Home Land Co.. 1451a Flrat st. , 83(100. A GOOD 50-foot lot en Park: In.OOO. 12 ronm bouse on sightly corner; (i.sno, new 8 ronm house snd S acrea nice snd level bad. - Grnndy-Melrith t.. 24.1H Morrtaua St.. . YERY choice tat, 50x100, Hnllsdsy's add: stao ' a home, at, ML Tabor, looxliA ea car line: ' Ball Ran water. 7 rooms, batb. bsro. all. ' . " klnda fralt. Uwsrr. 121 Third at. i l.ono TO loss on- good seciitlty.'iPbone East Uti, 404 At Morrlaoa SW- ' - . ; ' l-'T-:.t- "- :