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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1905)
1, REAL ESTATE NEWS : Th moat eenaatlonal advaneee In realty - laat weeir - occurred about the center of rail war operation, tha new and old terminal ground .being tha hub t lntaraat , One quarter block wall known to dealers want begging at 110, . 000 only a brlaf tlma ago,' and thara waa - confidence among th Informed tbat It eouia be purchased for or (is 00 cash. , u haa already ' Jumped . to (30.000. and eme to be aoarlnr. alL aa a reault of the prospective work of th Northern Paolflo. ... . . ' . v This Is but ena Instance. - yet eervea ,. to illustrate . tha general condition of affairs. Realty la the north central i dietrlet, eapeelally cloaa to tha prospec ' tlv alt of the Northern Pacific and tha - prnt teratnal""- grounda," JuuT been rlelng. . Options have been taken right and left So many are suspected of working .for tha railway interests, and ao many othera have ' been . getting ' optlona On speculation, that tha real persona In Intereot are dlffloult " to - designate. There have also- Bean- two or three movements looking to estab lishment of institutions adjacent to tha terminal grounds, -of course contingent , upon railway development, but entirely Independent of It. Theee ' have been eonfuaed. with .the buying by tha railway company.--. , . s w , : '. Outside property, tha residence dis tricts of .the suburbs and Immediately beyond th pale of retail and wholeaale bualneea, began to- feel, tha prosperity Influence thla week. It haa been cauaa for complaint In aoma Quarters that tha realty of the outside eectlons waa not responding . to - tha general movement Business property has climbed rapidly, and still hss a strong upward tendency. This - distinctive ' movement was plained on the baala. that suburban dl Ltrlcta had, their flurry- earlier, and that bualneea waa now advancing to meet the growth of population; Thla theory would not contemplate a movement In residence aecttona for some time, but trary to any auch solution.- thara la ' already considerable excitement In tha popular sddltlons. The buying there' IS less spectacular than-I-. exchange of title" to business property, aa alngia lots sna nouses are usually purchased, and , the consideration for each la not large. - But It la apparenr that suburban and '- mora central residence property la In : . demand, not only by home builders but - by men who are willing to speculate. Several outsiders are . eager to put money itao residence sections. . Some contemplate holding until there la an advance, while otherwwwUl . build cot- tsgea or flats for rent. . Thla flurry hss i . not taken the proportlona of the move ment of Inside holding: yet. but is In - vidence, and Is confidently -expected ta .-'grow rapidly.' Tha price of business 1 property has been advancing with such ' stride that there muat bo an Increase In that of reeldenoe sections to main l tain the proper balance.' . . Aa a 'result of the vlalt of thousands ' to the fair thla year many peraona have been Induced to make their homea In : Portland. . Borne of theee aeek a con ' genial -community and want to be In a ; city where- advance of property values insures returns upon their investments. ' The demand for home property by thla ' claas la greater than was expected, and V is only Just being realised, es auch" buyers want time to adjust their af ' fairs at homo before moving. Many others have been Induced to bay here for the business opportunities offered, These' are " taking outside property, usually In. the -remote auburbs, rand either building or buying homes already ' up. .With the immense Improvement ae- ' Sured th city' tbey feel aura that they '''will 'find broad opportunities for em ployment , Tbey want elbow room and buy where from two to five lota may be secured. i .. . , Everything points to a rush for home property, which will make the eirburbe - f livelier than ever -before In Portland s history. ' The opportunities for laying out beautiful homea within corporate : limits snd the territory contiguous are , unrivaled. Fashionable districts are springing up on both sides of the river and the atylea of architecture in each . are distinctive.- Eminence look upon th river or broader vlatae where beauty of Isndscap. tar' unaurpaaeed. Level tracts for the lesa ambitious and , more neighborly re numerous. Club houses are aperadlng to the more dena suburban districts, making themaelvee cities unto themselves. Suburban Ufa ' In Portland Is msde - metropolitan by reason of rapid transit. Students of population movements believe that th atrong upbuilding elements at work la PASSES mw commander or th Forte at Mouth of the Columbia Dad -t r : of Cancer of Stomach." " SERVED AS VOLUNTEER THROUGH CIVIL WAR Fantral Held Sunday at Fort Stovtna and Ktmaing Will Be Shipped to Waghlngton for Interment. it Af. "'" linttoru' ' 1 (gpedal Dkpatch te The JearaaU " Fort Stevens, Wash., Sept. it. Lieu. ' tenant-Colonel A. D. Sohenck, command- Ing th forts at th mouth of th Co ' . lumbia, died early this morning of can . car of th atomach, after a long lllneaa. He was II yafs ct ag. Colonel Be he nek. had-been A-suferer from cancer for several ars, and two ypars ago was operated upon In Chicago - by Dr. Murphy, th famoua physician. At that tiro Dr.' Murphy told hint he , could live only on year. ' Last evening Colonel Schenck was 'removed to th post hospital, where Dr. ' J. A. Fulton of Astoria and Major Eg bert, surgeon. U. 8. A., held a consul tatlon with th object Of determining - Upon another operation. Aa tha colonel waa then dying th operation waa not . performed. Death cams at. A o'elock. Th deceased waa a. native of Ohio, and when President Lincoln called fot volunteers he responded.- becoming a , member of Company F, First Ohio in fantry. He reenliated iff th Second Ohio and served with distinction throughout th war. He then entered West Point, and wss commissioned seo V ond lieutenant In lt(7 . ' In U0 be waa elevated to' fh rank held at the time of hla death. Mrs. ' Schenck snd two daughtere survtvO him. A- military funeral .will be held at Fort ' Slovene tomorrow and th body ahlpped ' to Washington, where he will be burled " tn Arlington cemetery. this oltv sr lust Influencing the sub' vrim, -anA-that - another yea.wUU see i '"Why your leading cltlsens do not enlist themselves immediately In a akyacraping building nrojoct la more than. I can un derstand." remarked J. O. Rountree yes terday. Mr. Rountree was enraged in tha realty bualneea of Ban Francisco for a long time, and makea deauetlone partly, upon, the lasts, of, experience there. . -:' ' ' "I remember when th big. . .Mills buUdlna was erected." he continued. "It seemed a big venture. At .that time Montgomery street was iinea wun tow office -bfrttdlnas.- without elevstors, poorly'llghted ana Tentllated, -hVpr-tn the most slovenly manner, ana yet tney were filled with professional tenant. Juat aa soon as ths Mills building wss finished,. It waa crowded to the doors with th most desirable tenant claaa of tha city; ' Professional men f locked1 to It, taking larger 'quartere than--. they war wont to ocoupy and fitting up officea in aplendld etyle. .- -"The Influence of one good building on the -city waa made apparent then. All of th old office -building began renovating. Installing elevators, . paint Ing end giving better service In the vziort iq noja meir irmai. imm-awmj thereafter other big buildings - were planned. Th Mills building- waa so popular that It could not bs competed with except by large; new atructuree, Many old buildings want down.. The Milla building gave San . Francisco ths greatest building Impetus It had aver received and caused the erection of some of the prettiest office structures or the wast. w . - - ' "Portland haa aoma good office build ings now,- but there. Is a strong demand for nor and larger-ones. If a building or about 20 stories wss but un. fitted with all modern conveniences, and giv ing professional man . opportunity to congregate in neighborly faab Ion, , th Inducement to -occupy- - It -wouid b strong. Ths same tendency that filled tha Mills building upon Its completion would 1k here. Th Isrger a building Is, the more desirable It becomes aa an orric center this BDDlylns- un. ta.cer. tain limits, of course. " A skyscraper nere wouiq oe lined, at once, and If wii constructed - and : well , managed wouia oa a Dig lnveetment." ... ...... . . . "... ... Twelfth street to th west, or come be- Vonit Hnvt ti th mitKt" i a... question. It Is well known thst th rsll- way i-umpany-a interest nav absorbed aDOUt avervthlntr luitwoaia Unv Bm Twelfth nil Mlnth mA tk... .u ' era! rumors that options ar being uwn wrung aim una. A deal reported yeaterday a Rem, to confirm the rumn that ih AAmM. im getting farther out Into the city. WII- wm n-rai. wno naa oaen credited With buying for ths railway Interests, pur chased tho riarth hie a .w. 1.1 l. - -- ... V . V.1 UlWft bounded by Fourteenth. Fifteenth and Irving, streets, .tor 118,000. Mr. Reldt wi care to state ror wnore he had been art 1 n w In th. nn,Mh m t.. i . ... believed that he had bonded for- the company estaDiisning termlnarground. If the railway company haa extended Ita holdings wet of Twelfth, speculs tton aa ta tha ultimate ... i t nw.v.M wuim- ary becomes a popular aubject. People iiiiuui in now wnat win be finally ehoaan for terminal accommodations, uu ,it wiml majiiKr Km DUlla Inci anil tracka will b arranged. There I equally keen tiunilrv into h tive condition of atreete in. th territory " . tne company . used the ; ireurei ior terminal property exclusive!-: ' thara bo no need for streets. . aa the in. tivunui except according to the line of com- dudiic noma niM t, u.... , k - j cated streets would broma ..)-.. A renore waa im.ii..j - . .-- " 'ri- -"-"'ii rnteraay that C. K. Henrv tun j - . . wv.u w UUIOIUV tnree jots at the southeast cor ner of Seventh an.1 rillaan s --.wH tur conaiaeration which could not be learned. inia tn neetern hotel property and Would command a avwvl - - rt.. i. cation la good and It la known that the owner was noiding the, tract and bulld- mut;,! niinir oi laia tnan property In that dlStrlot anM fn a - - - . . ' t invnilll "Btj. rarticuisra or th deal will de velon oulckiv. . 1 . Mr. Henrv at tha mm tia ... mated th deal for th atreetcar tract diagonally across from t he Western hotel property. Frank Klernah waa the lyn;nwr m tnis property. 7 . , - ISP0KANE-CREMAT0RY- REPORTS WERE PADDED . 1 . ISpseUI Dlenatth te The JearasLl Spokane. Wash., Sept. 10. Th man agement of th city crematory la likely to be thoroughly investigated under the direction of th mayor. For some time ritlsens hsve doubted th authenticity of ouparimenaent latroa reports rejrsrd- mg tns burning or garbage st the plant A quiet investigation, revealed the fact that th report waa padded, the amount of garbage being swelled by many tone dally in the effort to make a fins record ior in city. . - Financial dishonesty Is not charged againat Tatro. Because th crematory waa D.icTea w De sunjeot to the in vestigation or ths grand Jury. Tatro wisnea to make an unparalleled record. It la stated at th city hall that he Is la anger. 01 toeing nis orricial need.. . BREAKS PROHIBITION UW, CANT GET BOND (gpsclsi DMKeiea-te fa ' ; Corvsllls. Or.r Sept. IT. Merwtn Mc Malnes wss brought back from McMtnn Vllle yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Waiia accused of aelllng Mquor In violation of th local option law In the Cor vail Is Social Athletlo club. He waa unable to give oona ana ta atm In Jail. Hla bond on several chargea amounta to t.oon. John Klger, George Brown and Frd Hencye, caught JhooUhg China, -. ants out of season by Oame Wardens Thomas How and J. V. Wilson, sp- paarvu id auBiica noigat s court this morning and paid th minimum Un, fit ; Round Trip Dally to Astoria. . Excureioa steamer Telegrsph make round trip dally (except Friday). D. parts from Alder street dock. T :S 0 a., m. From Astoria 1p.m. Arriving Portland 1:10 p. m. Sundays leaves Portland a. m. Arrives Portland a, to. : , - f- '. tow Baearsloai Bate Baa. On ' September - 1. 17, tha Great Northern railway will l ,xour. Ion ticket to Chicago and return for $71.60; St Loula and return. 7. St. Paul. Minneapolis and Duluth ai.4 return, f0; tickets good for going pas- sags iot iv na-a; .mat return limit, 00 days; good going via Great Northern railway, returning same r any direct route, stopovers allowed going and re turning. For tickets and additional In formation oall. oa or addreae H. Dlokson. C. P. aad T. A.. Great NorUlera Ry' 1 if 1 Third street, Portland. . . t ' I Wlnkelbeek. a' prominent , lumber mu and capitalist - of Hartford City; Indiana, has been making a number of Investments on the east side of late through the .Dunn-I-awrence - company. The present week' Mr. Wlnkelbeek has taken up ' several residence properties on th peninsula and last "week bought seven mora. His Investments are prom iaed to be on even a larger scale as he has great, faith in the future of Port land residence property and Is confident that there will be a boom tn outslds districts. 1 Before Investing here Mr. Wlnkelbeek' made a tour of ths entire Paclflo coast looking "at properties . tn the big cities, but concluded that port land had the only - real buy open and rs-putttng nls surplus. JS her"." T' Goldsmith St Co. yeaterday completed two teala for two quarter blocks both of which ars to be Improved at an early date. The most Important was of jk quarter block on Eleventh and Flanders, the .oonslderatlon for. this property new. Ing 125.000. The purchaaer Is a local capitalist whose nam ta withheld, but the repfiWt; Is circulated that a' ware house will be built her In th near future. -.. .- Th sama Arm also sold the quarter block on the northeast corner of Twenty first and Marshall to J. D. Henneay, ths wholesale produce merchant. Workwill be commenced immediately upon four residences for this tract, the buildings to .be modern and sightly,- and. before th- end of th year, they will be ready for occupancy. - . . . Loula Salomon haa sold a lot it by 100 feet on Eleventh street between Stark and Washington, the ' considera tion named In the deed filed being $8,000. R. I' Gillespie Is named athe -vendor snd I. R. ; Holxman ds-the -purchaser. Thla lot la close to Stark street and has a house on It. It Is across Eleventh from the'Ruseell A BIyth tract, which was bought ' from W. Pf under. No new building is contemplatsd.. r t ' ; M. E. Marshall has commsnced-work on three flats which are to be built on Second street near Hall, each to cost $1,500. ' The -property will be mad neat residences, to be finished. wlthlnthree months ' ' . . . -.. Th temple for the Women of Wood craft at Tenth and Taylor, Which was to be finished by the early part of Jan uary, - Is being rushed as rapidly as Tenlno sandstone arrives.-.. If deliveries ars prompt there will be no delay. ADDITION Tats sightly tract Jast pla4 a the market, -Ita sOxlaOl aU front sast. Fine Residences, Good Water Supply Taks atonat Tabor ear -to avenael waik tare blocks aorta to Baa use road, bote S4O0 and upward. installments to suit. . .. INVANHOE ! "THE SIOHTLIEST SUBURB of Port land, lots 00x100 feet, with alley In rear: EXCELLENT WATER SUPPLY. Take either Mount 8cott or Woodstock rer Sunday afternoon and view thia addi tion of comfortable homes. - Man on the ground.' Lota $100 to 1175. ; - A $5 Down and $5 a Month A. H. BIRRBL.aU McKay Bldg.. corner Third and Stark. T. J Hammer sis oo: KOZAZi StUlO. Ontv I.rftnm rnt t. aa nn Vm mt U.ln near ia si.; 101 sixioo, nicely rencen. Price 95 1400 down, balance . SIS tnontmr. : r .. ; ,T. J. HAMMER ' an coaTsrcmnTiT., ' tl? Wfl A a''' pleo of went--side aUOUU proparty, brlnalns; l.g0 In yearly rentals (which is low),- of which ss.ftvc ran rnn at e per cent, i ma will pay In the clear 20 per rent on the 11.000 investment, wiin ins increase in value Owner want quick money. --v W'arehouse Sites Jt X II i 1VTJIU1I est-1 wt, . fj 1UT5 1. T eat. K ; any !m. Will buy ground and build fox PPklaiualk aaauAS aal Jk av a. . tnni on ions icam. , RiM.WIL.BUR SOS XcKAT list, ; For Speculation 100x100 on Union and Hawthorne avenuea with aeven house. y ' ; . V.;SCHMID ' ; tot omajTB atsu R. M. Wilbur SOS KeXAT BtnUOIO. Haa for. sal a Jsrf number of real eetate properties, paying from I to It per 'rent. ' 1 "'' ' - ' " Real-Estate Owners Who wish to sell, pleas rail on me or call up Main 15(0. . R. M. WILBUR j SOS McKAT BtnXDZjrO. . Ricli Man's Home Poor Man'i rVIce Attention! Homes etkersl Attention! f 1,400 Nswly rompleted modern home; on tne vernon car line; e diocks . from the Hlchland school; terms to suit purchaser. Photo and owner can b seen 111 Morrison ' street. Fhon Main I10. ACREAGE We are aelllns tracts of land -on ths O. W. at T, electrlo line. Just eaat of Bell wood. or lit) per acre, on monthly Inetallmenta. Call at our office for Plata, to, v - . ' . - narr, . Boom S, Oaamswr of Ooauaare. WALLACE Tiis real estate number pf A , - ' ' FEW : PACTS' ABOUT It it the highe.t level on the peninsula. - -. .r. - From it one can tee oyer all of East and West Portland, the val leys of, both rivers and Vancouver City and Barracks, v . v It is by far the best home tite now on the market at popular prices, f '-; v:'-" .The immense enterprises now forming on the peninsula water fronts make . : - :'. ..; 1 A Sure Tlriiig Take a Vernon car. -( Go out today. To see will be to know. The lots are from $90 to 5400, sold on easy payments. ' Ask about our new and unique club plan.Itisdifferent.and greatly to your interest. An' agent oh the ground. - Get into the path of progress. Investment Co. , OWNERS -; -151 Sixth St. - Phone Main 16. : V ,$11,000 00xl0k 11th at., near Flanders, 1(5 par monin rent; win sreany increase. $13,000 10x100, Park at., near Mbrrlsdn; 171 rents; sure increase. 314.000 looxioo. 10th St.. corner, south or CHIsan, lib rents; 1700 strset Improvements jusi compieiea. . . . 540,000 KflslOO. Fifth" at: rent a nn tu , , . per ctnt nvu .. B. aJ. DALY sas raUUur BaUala-. LOOK! . - CK0ICX iots a EV-ELVN $113 At 10c a Day Tbhi rsiSim iplAlv- trowlne -Mhtjrb la en SaaU Ifrf tfta t.aat si 1 1 a 1 ri a aa oatntaa- aa) fan. IMMtMl Of pi water, bkck 1t alteys. n.!- InvMf la rsal Mtate Sin II anaa asea B. AL.FORDSOIS OmOI STXX.TV STATXOir. J. W. OGILBEE Boom 11 145H rirst Strp-t. $ACA Cholc lot. 60x100 feet, with rinil (-room house in Stephens' Ad "wV .dltion; lot worth ths money; muet bs sold quick. f I0AA Two ,ot' 1(9100 feet, with I fSllli ood (-room houee, near Pow. 7 5UVV ., n. Rmt 17th sta owt . . . terms. -. ,. . . $.9nACholclots. 50x100 feet, Cloverdal Extension. " :r $350 And up Good building lots, 50x10X1 feet. Homestead." In . Tlbbetts HOW IS THIS? 50x100, with 3-ttory brick,' centrally located on West Side; income $175 month; $2200 . " T" ThiHcaly ; Investment Co. 210-214 Abinjrton, 106J4 Third St DKStniftB AND BUILDER. aoa.4th st. Ji HOrSM SPILT N IKITAULMEMTS. an raicKa. Mortgage Loanr 56, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. , " . lasuraace la All Uses. A. H. BIRREUU S0S-S KoKay MUgt Vk4 aa Stark Sta. ;aent who scslis possible purchase m TT ' ' ':'. ; ; a Don't think It ovar too long Good things don't . linger hera " ; . . Just as natural tor ma to lead as . for others to follow. , Planty . ; r to attract .you Mora to Interest you, Tha power of your money"':. : LLw haver commanded so much as here arid NOW.-Thosa who havi ; ;' lookad tha city over realize tha' fact that i .: '; LADD'S '. '" "' ' "' ' , , y .' ' - ' . "r .-. . J -. ... PHONE PRIVATE The Shaw-Fear 245X Stark Street Has the largest list of any v dealer , in the state of sub stantial farm properties and at fair and reasonable prices. No property is taken unless ' it can be offered at its mar ket value. Abstracts are re quired of all owners,' insur ing to purchasers perfect titles. Money can be fur nished in part payment when wanted. ' . Call or send for list. ; We have chbice acreage tracts on car line and river where values are constantly on the increase. These tracts can be sold on reasonable terms with a fair payment down. ... ;, -. ;.. ' -We have also- business and residence properties in best locations and most desira ble building sites. SOLD SEVEN PLACES LAST WEEK Cat (alt a Uo .at of our list of kar- a-siaa. wnat nave tae pnauo to oer. Whll lookiar for Vargains yen saoaia mi overioox laeeei $5800 Very handsome, stylish, strictly mooern, 'up-io-aaie -room rest ..dene; Swell locality,--close -In, west side. . S4500 One of the best KO-acre farms .in the state; J miles Estacsda electric oars; TO seres in culti vation; (0 acres a-ood timber, balance pasture; food buildings, choice fruit, living- water. A gen uine snap. S&S00 Nie SO-aor nlae. south alooe i ; . foryami neignts; Bit miles ouei- neas center city. $8300 Very nicely Improved US-acre rarm, so acrea cultivated, Dal v anoe oak Umber and nasture . rood bulldlnsa.-rich soil: 7 miles -a- Sheridan, TamhlU county, Ore- eon. $1(00 Nice, new and atyllsh (-room cottage, on HASt Taylor atreet. Bunnyatae. 9 SSO Very excellent acre and a quar- . ter lot. with small cot use, choice variety fruit, berrlea and now - . era; a dandy for, the money, close to care, uaa urove. a T80 g-acr place, on graveled .street, s DiocKseMectric cars, uaa orove. - Remember there ia no (5,000 ..I ii reeidencor-anyother tmprove- ments on tnis. it a very ex cellent rlece of land. f STS (6x100, with small cottage, close io cars, uai urov. ' miMnimTTO THE DUNN LAWRENCE CO. i4su ran miir. . -h Ta rash . tae free aoaiastead leads sf Western Canada Tha only country In ths world Where homeeteads of pralrl lands sr to be had free. Ia a genlsl and healthy cli mate; whar the finest wheatlielda of modern time csn now be seen; where 100,000,000 buehels f wheat Is ths crop of th present ysar. taky th. settles that get there Srst, for full partlculsra apply At room 1, Chamber f Commerce, rortland. Or. . Company Like the Klondike ways to keep up with ADDITION, are the FINEST RESIDENCE DISTRICTS Stop paying rent. Let your rent P&y for a home. Come in and talk it over with ma. Own your own home. It's just aa easy as to go on paying rent to your landlord. ' . v Hawthorne's First Addition 1nstanttynchalnsaattintlo?trorshrewd buyers. And if a i, easy to get a home there on a rental basis. Houses built on tha. Installment plan on low monthly payments. J '' "' "' "' ' ' EXCHANGE 70 - FIRLAND Th beautiful suburb you -hear so much about, where lota are sold for (lift l ' down and ( per month), and homea ar built and sold at rent rates. Water . . malna through tract, streets . graded, smallest lot (0x104 feet, beet electric ears oa ' coast pass through FIR I.AND every 1( minutes, (a ' far to any part of olty. GEO. W. mtOWN SOS ,T alUag Bids-. . rkoa. Mala suS. .. . Open Evenlnga . . BOBSJt A. TA1XOB. . Offce, Firland Station. Safe Investment ' Houses sr Us heavy demand at University Park. . Prices art advanc ing;. Employment forlaboreri an mechanics is ahundant. It is thbon ton reaidenc portioaof th whole peninsula. It haa th Columbia Uni versity, Portland public schools. Bull Run water, electric lights, electric streetcars, elegant homea, liquor pro hibition, milla, factories and shops, irt short, everything; necessary to build s great city. There will be a great city between the rivers and University Park will be it business and social center." Prices of lots $100 and upwards, on eaay installments. Take the St Johns car and stop off at University Park. Seeing will con vince you. .You have been reading advertisements of University Park and notice the advance from month to month. How much higher will you let these prices go before you buy? Francis I. McKenna, 600 Commercial Block and University Park Station. New Additions a Bingham's On the Fulton car Un and Mount Adams road, and directly opposite the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co.' a plant. All lots ' (0x100 feet. Prices )100 to $600. Madras ..- On th O.: W. . V. Co.'s Iln. near Btewart s station. joia fioo to ilia, Overton Park Acres -W hav eub-dlvided Tract "C Into acre lota and can aell them away down. Take th 0. W. P. Co.' car t. Anaoeu or niewan a. trice ftftO to , sevv. lerms io suii. Wakeaeld. FrieoSi Pha Mala 14. SSS Stara Wtr. FOR SALE- Ten acres of cleared land ana leneeo, mile eaat of Monta villa car Una Price 1H10. alao 14 acres of axceUent farming land on John son , in me on ana gas belt, only 3V par acr inquire , J. L. Wclb T: Co. ihe tiniC3 I:.. The HOME BUILDER ... i- in Portland 113 SECOND ST. HOUSES! ! HOUSES! Persons . desiring V' new, seven or eight room, well, built houses, close in on the east side and very res- sonable in price, either for . a home or for investment, should call upon C. K. HENRY .273 SurVt. 5 and 10-Acre Best sofl no gravel meet beautiful location, on county road and close to Oregon Water Power Ca Ry.; five miles from hera V.Schmid,LRenfer 109 Grand Avenue, East Side ar la a few f tM Bairalas stUl left .. aa ZaveetateaU. 11 H aeres, that will make K0 per cent by platting and sumg In lots. S good (-room cottages and lOOilJ feet of ground, will rent for $21- and can be had for 11.(00; terms. . A 4-aer orchard, 1 blocks from cen ter of town. ..... , . ..,.. liots close to Railway company's ground at ronabl pricea ; - ... aaa w. x. nro,' . . -w OSU whr tae r stops at St. Jokas. Holladay's Addition Per Sal A sear (-raa fottsfe, an m vrnlvaras, full raat h"""1. strat Slrfrreitt awl bltt tkaa aarihina- la 1. 1 city, fslly latere; a ?rr aslrhla fcv .. ttoa, ' aMiaal ta twe trailer Itsoa. the BKKlora. omplrta. s.l.ta S rma r -eeoa, taraar ririsaetfe sae I'lartsews , : r7 (pttalr I V Lata Sale aa lil'llla. . teraia to hoairhulldare. - 1S Orejon Real Iti!5 C . . SSS Tllra St.. Baaai 4. PAnni$!UMT:!::3r sOasllsaaa 1CT1 REAL EOT.' -nir-1 r AZT3 t Tracts un 250 A! --A