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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1905)
f - - r..' THE , OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . SUNDAY..-MORNING,' SEPTEMBER 17. 1805. .'-f,v W O M -j:-f-T Mother' .Congress t And. Home Training. An 4ki 1 ' m ' . .a, . . . , vu wronina.OI JIUIUB IS, SI ins nrst tresbrterlan church, the State I, Congress of Mothers wu organised by r- rToer - Bchoff and Mrs.. K. C. i uric, the national nrssldent and nm sponelng secrstary. At the ftra( execu- uve roara maatlnx Mrs. Qrlce said "The, baby organisation la. born, and aa everything grows so luxuriantly In Ore- Jgon we expect' great ' Things from ths motners or this stats." Tha probiara- ot-chUd-Ualnlnc -finds a - dlffipult solution In every home, small or ..large, rich, .or - poor. ,Tq exchange "- Ideas, to discuss questions, to study tba " best methods by which children may be trained morally. Intellectually and spirit . anally Is the object or the mothers' con. r-greae. In ' order, to' plan the mothers' ; i work a second meeting of the state I -a executivs board wilts neldnt the borne or the president, Mrs.-C. M. Wood, 131ft Twelfth- street, Thursday, r September -Jl, - at 1:10 p. m. Further Information ana ' literature may. be obtained from .the cor- responding secretary, Mrs. R. L. Donald, ;t 4e Tenth street, Portland. Oregon. : V The Horns Training .assoclaton, under - whose auspices . the mothers' - congress . j was formed, has done effective work In ' Portland, the past 'year, ahd parents and teachers have shown Increased Interest '-aa the 'weekly meetings continued. , A new program (or the year ending June .JS has. been completed. . . , ... The chairman -or the special program Veoinrolttee, Mrs. E. C Clement, Is mak Ing preparations for -a muslcaie to - be . given the mothers at the first meeting; -' Thursday afternoon, October i, at I 'O'clock. . : .' , - Having outgrown the former quarters at the Young Women's Christian asso- I - elation, the meetings this- year wlU be held In the committee room of the elty ball. . J. . , s Mothers bringing children- may leave ' them In the nursery adjoining the- meet Ing room; where efficient helpers ars - ready to cars for and entertain them. No membership dues are required. i- . r - M St st - . . -- . a Tft t . . 'For Eugene Convention. - It was .probably an unfortunate thing 'that at the Baker -City convention laat " fall there waa not a woman who had 'pent a- summer-ss -heeteaa,r--rather I l)eea ahouaekeeper. .for a summer. In a vworld a fair city. . It has 'exhausted tbs strength snd taxed the resources not "only of the women of Portland but tbs women or the entire state, and s natural consequence that they look' for ward to the State Federation convent ten with a feeling mors of .fatigue than of Indifference. - By j the first, of October nearly every one will have been to the fair and will be horns preparing for. the winter. T he' natural Inclination Will be to stay ilhre, but every club owes a duty tooths stats organisation, and .It ..will be ifnexcusable, even with, all the ' grnod excuses at hand. If every one-does not send Its full quota of delegates. ' Ths officers of the organisation, who are all mors than ordinarily busy wom en, have carried a burden snd contsnded , with difficulties few have understood, and it la only Just that the women . of t he-estate should rally to thslr support TO DEDICATE NEW CHURCH TODAY t i " p . . -111 " i !: -t-n .- ! I . ' ' ' , ' ! ' U- v A -I The congregation Of tha Swedish Bap- f tlst church has completed its pretty new edifice at ths eornsr of 'Fifteenth and "Hoyt streets snd today will hold ths dedicatory exercises. From early morn ing until lata In ths evening ths mem bers of tha congregation wilt obasrve . ths gala day and prominent speakers of ths Baptist denomination, have promised to take part In ths program. Rev. Mr. '. Vhort at Chicago, Dr. Frank Peteraon of Minneapolis, Dr. Brougber of this elty and several other speakers will bs In at- . tendanca. - . ' Juit three months agt ths eongrega- : lion began work on the nsw church, and . In this brief time has been able- to erect tha building and finish It Pswa. car- j peta and all ; furniture ars In place. Credit for this record la due the.bulld- ing committee of 11. and especially to : the executive committee of tha building committee, consisting of August Ander- ,aoa,lay Bydman and A. C Trogan. E 1NJ ; S C Edited by MRS. SARAH A. EVANS. v Mist; Laura Gregg; Who Will Have Charge, of the Suffrage; Campaign in Oregon. -. '-. ; ' and make ths Eugene convention one of the best In the' history , of the or ganisation, v r v .. . -'- - The program Is wall' under way and will be announced In another week, Jtut among-ths notable features-will- be. an addr6ssby-ofe8sor-tneltar-Csrsonon "The New ' Opportunity." Ths second morning ths session .of tha "convention will be held at ths university, when an address will " be given by President CampbelL Tha guests will bs shown over the buildings and will-onjoy lunch on ths campus.- A reception-will be given at the armory parlors to ths o'fncars. delegates and visitors. . Pro. fessor Irving M. Glen, Miss Era J. Sten son, .Miss Abby Whiteside and Arthur L. . Frailer, all of tha school of muslo of the university, will furnish some musical numbers. Tbs second evening there will be a Stereoptlcon lecture Millet In Vlllard ball by Professor Herbert C Hows.- r-r- - - ' J ; . From 'even this much of ths program It may be seen how excellent, It wilt bs and how enthusiastically ths Eugene women are preparing to entertain the convention. ' - H ft A School Work For Women to Foster.., . .. "TJia "School City." which was orig inally founded by Wilson J. QUI In 117, bids-fair to bs an axtenslvs and popular movement as it has been Introduced IntoJ many of . ths schools ofJf ewyork and Philadelphlaand wlli bs put Into some of the Boston schools this fall. It ougRt to bs put into ths public schools every where for no study. In vlsw of ths mu nicipal revelations that have been made In the past ysar, aeems quits as Import TV Nevr wediab "Blptiet Church. These have been Indefatigable' In their efforts until -the wish, of ths-congregation has bean realised. ' There sre about HO members of the church and for ths present , there Is no pastor, although a call la llkety to be mads soon. Ths church Is about to by TS feet The total cost was $11.(00. -Ths base ment has . been finished ss a Sunday school . room, reading-room, library, kitchen and furnace-room. - On the main floor la a large auditorium, with a room for tha pastor's study -alongside snd a room - for baptismal - parpoaaa, . Thar srs living - apart men ta on tha upper floor, which may ba occupied by ths pastor pr an official of tha church. . Tbs first services will bs hsld at 10: a. m.. and thereafter the services will bs practically continuous, aa the con gregation, win'--be present, most of ths dsy. Following la tha program: IS a. m. Song service, conducted by Rev. A. A. Holmgren; hymn, congrega tion;' Bible reading and prayer, Re. J. 't 4'' ,'1.'' , ! t .Xr, ' " x' " . 7- " ' 1 1 ' i ' x . s , 2 . .. . .. .. .. ... , v, . Vi ra o J i .. j M 1 VI . " --tl I , J -r , I S j j i j 'j - I. . ! I , I - mmt- .I,'.. . a m i 4 --'rr?. i ' '. X - . XK -jj L U B' S ant for ths boys and girls of ths present aa tbs honest. Intelligent understanding or municipal government.' . The first trial of ths new system wss mads in a disorderly. school of mors than z.ooa pupils In ono of ths. suburbs ni New York. Ths whole discipline of ths school was 'put Into ths hands of ths children' themselves.' '-They elected msyor .and. eouuclL - Thoir teachers ars present at the meetings of ths oouncll and retain ultimate authority but seldom exerclss it. Formerly ths constant pres ence of a policeman - was required on tbs playgrounds. Within a week, with fright -and -thg rewpnwlbiuty . of aover Ing themselves,-the school became or- aerly. snd -law-abiding -In ona where an' especially mischievous" truant was . elected councilman. ' tha teachers despaired of tbs . result, but the boy- arosa. to tha occasion - saying: "Ton know they (his constituents) expect so much from a .member of the council, Many educators' ars giving this sub ject serious -thought." and 'President Koosevelt has given-It enthuslsstlo In dorsemenW .. ! ... ; . In most -of these "School Cities" thv boys and girls receive the same polit ical rscognltion, and reports show that it lias had a decidedly beneficial effe. on the boys, as It makes them' mors deferential to . girls and women teach ers, while the girls ars stimulated t- higher endeavor, and In both It Instills the principles of civil service and train them to ths idea that merit -ts ths only count mat should win.' . To establish these "School Cities" ts work that - should strongly appeal to ciuo women, as Jt embodies so many of. the idea that they have taken up separately and worked out with greater or less success. H at Kt Interesting Notes iL From W. C, T. U. Sources. County conventions have been having the right-of-way this month. State President Mrs. Addlton has assisted in Lane. Linn. Yamhill anil Marlon rnunlv institutes. Bhe reports an encouraging ouiiooa. Miss Eva Wheeler of Cottars Grove. former president of Lane . county,- has oeen obliged to resign on account of 111 health. Mra Caulklna of Eugene has been elected to nil her place and lira Lissle Norrls of Eugene has bean elected corresponding secretary. In Linn county Mrs. Alice Flsteher or pminvlew succeeds herself as prssi aent ror tne coming mnv -.- Mrs. R. M. Btsel of Turner has been elected president, of Marlon county for tne litn consecutive .ysar. Ths stats convention la to bs held at Tha Dalles October - and tha pro gram is. run or interest. A musical contest, .a grand gold medal contest, a reception and honorary members night and a platform night - ars among ths good things. Mrs. Mattle Oravea, na tional organiser, will speak on platform night. Tuesday aftsrnoon stats ex ecutive mMtlnff will hm tiM. - - j October ZT to November 1 ths national convention will be held In &cs Anacles. to which a rats of 188 for ths round trip. Is offered with (0 days' limit and stopover privileges on the return trip. A large delegation of northwestern women will no doubt avail themselves of this opportunity to visit ' southern Johnson. Damascus ; solo. Miss Elisa beth Johnson; dedication service. Rev. Erie Rosen, Chicago; hymn, aaals quar tet. - -'v.---:.;-. '....4. ll:s a. m. Sunday school.. , ll:4i p.. m. Luncheoh. 1:10 p. m. Bong service, O. F. Kling; hymn., congregation; prayer. Rev. J. M. Shulen'e. St Psul, Minnesota: dust MISs Elisabeth Johnson and Mra NeU son; report - building committee. C it Anderson; hymn, male quartet; sermon. Rev. Frank Psterson, D. D., Minneapolis, Minnesota: short speeches by pastors of the city. Rev. Mr.. Muller, First Osrmsn church; .Rst. C. J.' Rnhard. Swedish Lutheran church; Rev. Theodora Ous U f son, Swedish Mission -church: Rsv. Mr. Moody.- Swedish M. E. church; hymn, congregation; supper. - ? p. nj. Song service, Isd by C H. Andsrsonv prsysr; hymn, choir; sermon. Rev.- Petras warta. Chicago; hymn. mala qaartet; sermon. Rev. Frank Peter-. sen, IX D.; closing bymtt congregation. California. ' Details will be found in the September tssus of ths suite official or gan, tbs Whits Ribbon Review. Multnomah county convention wtll bs hsld ovsr until after1 ths temperance oongrsss. Saturday, September Jl,. is W. c t. u. oay at tba- congress. A. cnn- drsn'a demonstration will take place In tha morning, an object lesson In two of the lines of work In -thin all around or ganisation, vtst Sunday school work and Loyal Temperance Legion. . In the aft srnoon a reception will be - tendered visiting dslsgatss and friends and ' an Interesting meeting Is expected. Muslo and short speeches will precede a social hour. Ths reception will ba held in the Oregon stats building on ths-first floor, Mra Antoinette Hawley of Colorado will speaks- , . .. Headquarters for ths temperance con gress hsa been established at W. C. T. U. headquarters, room (OS Journal build ing. Fifth and Yamhill streets, where guests will ba received. Information Imparted and all the detail work of the congress will ba dona-. Mrs, - Additon.waa th only woman apaaker at ths Labor day celebration at Cedar park.-. -Notwithstanding that aha waa the very last speaker on a long program tha audience listened with closest attsntton to . her remarks on "Ths Purchasing Power of Woman and Msr Relation to Organjsed Labor." The subject waa handled la a scholarly man- nor.' i 1 " 1 1 Mra., Henrietta Brown, state corres ponding secretary, came down from Al baay and will be at state neanquarcers until after tha stats convention. s The W. C. T. IT. booth In tha Oriental building at tha fair la In charge of Miss Patlencs Dickenson tbls month. - Japan day ths flower mlsslonfli st r o- uted quantities of sweet . peas among their friends of ths orient. Mrsl Detker Answers r Four Pertinent Questions. r Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker, presldsnt of the General Federation or Women's clubs, who haa lived in Colorado ror many years, has been sskco tna ioiiow- Ing much-disputed questions: ' 1. Do ths earnest. --blgh-mlnded women of Colorado vote? "2 Does not the vote -of -the disrepu table - class - o'. women . counterbalance the vote of tha cultivated, thinking clsss? ' :.''' -"( I... Is It not tha case that women -generally vote as the men of thslr own households dictator .-- i ', " -- 4. Haa ths women's vote purified DOlltica snd havs ws bsnished saloons? : ' JTo " Jhesa ; she has given most em phatic replies, saying: --"In answer to tha first question, yes. I-do not hesltats to say. that tbs best women of Colorado havs far mora con science In fulfilling their responsibili ties aa voters than ths men of the asms Class. ":;" -r , ... ' - To tha second:. Not'- tha i women of Ths half-world generaIIydniotTVOto, They are constantly - changing tneir residence and their names. They do 1 not-wish-to give any data, concerning themselves; their, age. name, number or street; . they prefer to remain unidenti fied.. Occasionally some disreputable master compels these slaves to vots for hl-own.purpoae, but that la a rare oc currence, v.. - - . , "In reply. to-the-third; euch-ee not been my experience. Among the labor ing classes If. the wife cannot vote as her husband desires, and ha is not will ing shs should msks her own choice, she refuses to voterat all. I have been sur prised ; at tha honest maintenance of opinion In this regard among the wives of laboring men. One. of ths most cnl- tlvatad -and Influential ..women of the stats waajlttlng ss a delsgsts In ons psrty convention not long sines, while her husband was st the same time ad dressing another aasamblaga represent ing opposlts party views. Nothing was thought of it Suffrags makea men In dividuals. . To both of ths questions In No. 4 No. It would bs beyond reason to ex pect such a result. Women have been In churches and ta society sinca ths be ginning of - tlms, but there are still vicious minds and sinful deeds In both religious and social circles. Tha pres. ence of women at the polls ss officers and voters haa brought quiet and order. while party contentions are much freer from-, personal wrangles, profane lan gusgs and vulgar allusions, because women are sitting as delegates. All thinking women admit - that ws havs mads some mistakes slnca ws have had uiv rism us wuuragv out - mat - nas been ths experience or all newly enfran chlsed people, vin tha beginning or sausl suffrsge In Colorado the women voters hsd no guide except. the tradition and advice or tha men or their families and acquaintance. The teaching was ths old blind lead; and to me it waa a terrible awakening to discover that-m- nartv was juat aa bad as ths other, and the other party runy as high-minded as lit j rivr. "Bite-In spits of sny mistakes, disap pointments and discouragements, there is an indesciibabls uplift In ths thouaht inai ons is no longer cisssed with crimi nals, paupers and Idiots." . at ' Personal Chat of . Prominent Club Women.- Mra. Samuel Whits, stats corresnonrf. Ing secretary, who haa been spending tne summer in r-ortiand, returned to her home in Baker City the early part ot the week. - . v , , Mrs. M. L. Spauldlna. National Fed eration secretary of The Dalles spent Tuesday In Portland. r. " . Mra Edith Flynn. ex-oresldeni of the Alpha Literary club of Baker City spent the past week In the city. Mra Abigail Scott Duntwav. who ( been taking- a rest at tha seaside," re turned the first of tha week. Her visit wss cut short aa aba wss needed in con sultation for Ahlnll Hrt . r. dsy,' which will be celebrated at the (air uciooer s. Mrs. Ana belle Parrish. treMnt nr the Keramto club, went to Hood River and -other points on tha Columbia ror a wsek's rest -r .. .. - Mrs. T. T. Oeer scomnanlMt kw'V... band from Salem this week to take part In ths festivities Incident to th. of tha governor of Missouri, who Is a personal friend of Oregon's ex-e-nv. ernor. , st (t at. .J.:.. In Memoriam - 1 " : Ji" Mrs. C E. Stolte. - Vnder the heavy blsck Hne hh-'hi. paa dedicated In Memoriam of the ysar book- of ths Woman's club in nlns rears there have been placed but nine names; bat when it is again, made-tip It will snroll ths beloved nams of Mra. same Stolte. tha wife of Dr. C. -E.. oione ana Daughter or u. c and Emma uogart. to whom tha silence came week ago. Mra Stolte was not a member of tha club who took "part, in s oenatee or contended ror Issues In hlch ths club interests Itself, but was known by her silent power of faithful and conscientious service. Her beauti ful personality, her quiet Influence and thoughtful attention , will be : sadlv laaed. . .-- To her closer and nearer friends k death waa a shock, and to her famllv aa Irreparable loss. Her , devotion to her. mother and her own family waa her moat distinguishing characteristic and was a matter of comment among all who were privileged to Know her aa a daughter, wife and mother.-. Nor will the bereavemsnt which haa coma to tha family slid near friends of ' Mrs. Stolte ba felt by them alone, for. the large so cial circle which she enjoyed haa lost a valuable member, for - she waa gifted and accomplished far beyond moat women, and had literary ability of high order. Several years ago a brother of Mrs. Stoltes met with a aad death. A fsw days after the heart-broken mother found the following beautiful lines between tha pages of her Bible, wners it had been slipped by the daugh ter who, In her grief and sorrow, hsd written it to consols ths mother. Dr. Gilbert read them'to- agsln comfort the mother at the daughter a funeral: "Why. should ws so sad and silent be For the loved ones wa no longer see? Do wa not know their absence here . Givea to them a place mqre dear? A aweet reward: At rest at laat. With all earth .cares and- Borrow oast Then cease the weeping, dry. tha eyes. ror tn death alona our hope of heaven ,. nas.:- i' . t SCjawea Association Passes Some Reaolutic Ths . following preamble snd resolu tions were unanimously psssed at the meeting of the Sacajawea Statue asso ciation, September 1J:-7 -.'.. "Whereas. Justice, equality' and a rso- ognltion or the psrt women-took In ths nptrottdmr of - free and Independent re puoiio are . the basio . principles upon wnicn the Sacsjswsa Status association- was founded; ajid. - . x. . .... jWhereas, Ws do not bsltsvS thst these principles can ba . carried out while the mothers of ths country occupy an inferior position and are denied ths WKUagaoX:ltjxB.shJp bjrJUis govern ment they helped to create: and 1 "Whereas, This question of Justice and the recognition of women as Indi viduals nss now become a live and vital one In the state of Oregon;' therefore OS II . "Resolved. Thst ws. tha - mem bers of ths Sacajawea Statue associa tion no heartily indorse the work of ths ixiuai Burrrage association In it. ef. farts to obtain ror . ths women or Ore gon the right or suffrage at' tha nsxt general election, snd we pledge to them our earnest and cord lsl cooperation and at at - st .. -- A Worthy Ambition i ; .r About to Be Realized. Ths first real coooerstlve ' anclal tlement house In Chicago wss plsnned snd Is being erected ty Mrsr-Harriet M. Van Der Waart, a prominent clubwoman ana aettlement worker. Mrs. Vsn Der waart nas been for some years head of "Neighborhood House." a comnaratlvelv small settlement, and It has been her ambition to build a large house which should serve ss a real social center to the community. The people are mostly hard-working, thrifty mechanics, small' tradesmen 'and laboring men. . Every one who chooses belongs to ths association. nd a large number have bought' one ur mure anarrs in me ouuaing. Tne entire neighborhood is taking an actlvs Interest In the erection of ths houss. and a volunteer committee of expert work men win inspect every bit of material and work that' goes into It - , - - .. . at .at ."' .-. --i-." Point -This rSuts-.4r- -----May Have to Settle. . -- Miss Estella Gordon ' was recentlv elected city clerk of Centervllle. Iowa. Her election waa contested on the ground that ths office could only be filled by an elector. " The city attorney gavs nia opinion thst electors did not necessarily mean presidential electora. and as Miss Gordon - waa qualified to vote at municipal and school election when the question or bonds is voted on she waa eligible to election for a elty office. :. The decision, slthough a local one, is of far-reaching slgnifioaace, aa In many or tneatatss thass . same conditions exist and the query aa to what con stitutes an elector may coma up at any time. - CHURCH SERVICES MCTHODIST. i. Tiylor Street Or. Praneis Bnrsetta Short. putnr. S JW s. m.. elaar; 10:30 a. St.. "Not Utilities! Hut Geoulne"; 12:18 p. ra., Sunday rlMol; S:f p. m., Kpworth leiae: 10 P- si.. . raitsfai. in Ills Hvum." Tbs ennrus ebolr besln, today. Harold Obers. pastor. Cnmmniiloa serTlre, S. rn.: the Ml will ke - aaalstad br - Rr Iwtoa: preachins. T:SO p. si.: Hanilay scneol. v a. ai. ; cutworm learne. s:au p. m r-ateltll utiir. l(:3!rT (.larence True V. llano. l. I.. paauir. a. m.. "Tbe Law ot RertTala In KeHttoa' T:SO p. m.. pralae aerrlee. qiteatkm horn and lean "Prepare to Meet Thv Uod"; claaa meetlnc, S:30 a. m. : Snnday srnoel. IZ.tO p. si.; Lpwortb learne. 6: SO p. m. KrM i ttrnmr Raat Klntk fend Hill ihwat,- J. Oles, pastor. Preaching at II a. a., followed or riaaa meenaa. Bellwood C. A. Lewla. paitor. C Mains serv ice ror the tnference year: Sanaa v erhnoL 10 a. m., A. P, Miller, annerlntesdeat: II a. m.. 'The ftreat flurrenilep"! a n "Th PW11 of Living la Sodom"; Ep worth leasut. T:13 r-pwartD iim . Twentr-tnirs aaa imns Streeta: Henrv T. Alkinaon. naatop. Sunoav school. 10 s. B).; It s. m.. "Tht rtrst tom- nundment"; 6:48 p. n.. EpwartS leasut: 7:43 p. m.. "What t'briat Hald About Rualneaa." Central Torser Knseell and Kerby atraets; T. U Yoan(. paalnr. gervtrae at 10;SO a. m. and p. m.; Handay acsoel, 13 Jn. ; EpwortS Warn. S 45 s. -m. ' Honnralde .Yamhill. Ivtvna Thlrtr-Mftk and Thlrt-aUIb alreeu; T. B. ford, I). !., pator. 10 arm.'. Sunday aebooL C. A. uatska. auper-l, Daptlsm. rereption or 12:15 p. bl. elaas meet- umbers and Inf. I. B. Keller, leader: S:an n. m.. Jnnlor learae.- Mtas Wary Shaver, anperlntendent; S:4.1 ., cpwnrtn league oevotional meet Inf. rliw mm. nrealdent: S n. nm.. nvmna hr tba Daab. Thin wilt be Dr. ford's laat Saaday Is Suns ldthfore Cooference. 4 BAFIISI -Central Kaaf Twentieth snd taat Anken atreata; William K. Randall, ml alitor. SprrUI dedleatnry aervlees, ,iii:0 a. ta., "Briars That Blonaom" S p. nm.. .. seri rmoa by Be. J. Wbll- comb Bmnsher: n. m.. avrmon bT Ra. lonard n . Kller: proteaaor W. r. vtaraehknl. naleal director; MIm Hath ahnsren. ormnlat. Hweitlah Corner rtfteenth and Hojrt atreeta. Piearhtng at l' a. m. by Bev. K. Boaen of Cblraao. and at T:4A p. tn. hT frank Peteraon of Mlnneapnlla. rtr. Brousher of Port Und and. Kev. petran Sehwarts i i ot fa Unso- serond Kaat Seventh and Eaat Ankenr atreeta; Rer, Stanton C. I pham. paator. 1M::HI . an., - in iieiishi KiBti'anaiiiai": I: to., "raiting In Love" I prarar, 10: IS a. .; Ihle Srbool. 13 m.l Tonnar Peonla'a nnlon. :4S p. m.; msnle by rbormu cbelr; i. W. Bam ford, ersanlat and 'director. rtrat. tha White T.mnU- rnrnae Twelfth mI Taylor streets; Bev. J. Whltcomh Brwiflier. D. I)., paator. 10:1a s. an., "One Arrord" prayer aoeetlns; 10: a. m. . MThe Trlaati ot Bu-oVn-Bearing "; Bible srbvnl. 1-M p. ni.; B. V. P. i. aerrtee. S M n. m.. K W. Martin. reader; T 80 -p. m.. rperiar anrin saisbeia -by Mlms Kempfollnwed by baptlam: aerntoa. "Bni- quartt.t aad rhotsa; pecinl sole by Clalta Mva- laitn. - . Cnlrary Corner Eaat Fla-hth and Eaat Orant at ta: A.- Lawrenee Blark. paator. RIMa arkoot. 10 a. am., J. W. Howell. snpaTtntendent; aerneea at 11 s. m. snd 7:43 p. m.; loans Penple'a nmeetrnr. S SO p. m.. Charles Johneon and Dalbert Htannard. leadera: moale noder tha direct kos ef tieorgv Bvwnrd sad Mrs. Kettle Owvns. " ; nXSBTtUIAJt. Calvarr Eleventh andrtlar atreeta. I0:M s. m., "The Comet aloa ef laalah"; 7 44 p. m.,. Bar. O. A. Tbompans af Redwood will sraseh; anartet ennir: H. V. MlUla-aa. oraaalat. imira MR larrraenrs nna r iM arreeoi; aev. Andrew J. Montsnaaerv. n mtor. W a a. m. . "What the t fcarrh SlMaJ.1 Stand aw Is the Omiiaanltr T:46 p. na.. "Tha Abundant Life"; RiHtday aekonls: Moms aehont, 13 aa. ; Twenty, etrhih ntreet ehapet, 11:1ft p. m.; Cat-tins Eariceenr, t St p. m. ' Mlaeah Raat Ttttrteestw sn4 rnwnft srrea'Si Ban. JaroSM B. Mcvwde, IX 0.. pestar. W ) ,'wktoo. aVsMef. '.re . ' jiJi- A ) , -', '2. i '. m. ea- . XfifffZ tS - ' ..aIentaa V" .,. ' yWv Borax W the Bash. -a '',., ; "BOIlaAJl. : DsDgttftrl Ifld pQfV Osip ka the correct pofc1ioerst jjeriactlr, is auxtiseptfc, It ttsahes the aitin vetvetr, cfcssr ace, hands and babr. More aaaftarr tfaaa cake of .been tsaod bt ft sat, oV by others. 30 MrttofTem BeseM See-, sbr tha sjbaolntcly pare and agtaafly cnotaln a large percentage of pore bonou Kaanry so-called borax eoenpe do not contafat ggnaiue borax, bsni aretnUed with hss uiiui rhrma'als windi huure sabrfes and lerlflfja the ha w la ! Bay the gtiiitirw apatite Team BraadoBor - Seasi (or beantjrnOy Ihxstrated booklet, "Borax la ah wluch exsntaios liifte'inalam csf tasnc to eatay vsosnsao . V FUtl asDnple of Borax, rJBoraae Bath Powder."- Ask your dealer for sSarfaa PAOeffO OOAT RAX a. m.,"The Steret of the Irlrlne Favor": T:Sn p. m.. ''What the Scrlptwrea Teach Coneernlng Hell.' . Mlaa Ruth Eddlnn will alas at the morning aerrlee and Mlaa Carrie Johaaos at the renins aerrlee. Flrat Cumberland Corner Twelfth and East Taylor atreeta; Rar. B. Nelaon Allen, pastor. Services at. 10:30 a.m. and n. m. : IS m. Hnnday achool; O HO p. m.. Chrlatlaa Endeavor; Oonbi qaartet: Mlaa (.tnesan win sing. Fmtrth Flrat "and Olbba atreeta: Ber.- M. D. McClelland, naator. ' 10:30 a. m.. aenoos by Bay. -Br. Uunnlng: IS m.. Aanday achool: :45 p. m., tlirlatiaa Endaeror; evealng worahip la charne of E. C. Rraoanrb. .- Piedmont Corner Cleveland end Jarrett IMM,? B,f ..L afreAfi tlmiafei naator. Hal f Ices at 11 a. m. and 7:48 p. ss.; Babbsts scnool. 10 S. .B , , ' .- V ZPiscor-AL. ".' C Trinity Nineteenth aad Krerrtt atreeta; Dr. A, - A,- ml written, rector. Holy communion. I a. m.: mornlns service. Jl o'clock ; evening aarvtce, T o'clock. St. David a Tweitts ana seimont . aireeia; Rer. Georse B. Van Waters. D. D.. recti. Hulv mifemunlni anS aermon. 11 s. SI.: eveolllS prayer. 1:90 o'clock; Sunday achool. :46 a. m. 81. Stephen's CWspel Thirteenth and Clay atreeta; Rev. H. M. Rameey, prleet Is chars. Holy eommonlon. T:Su a. m.l Sunday schopL, :4A s. m.; aervlces at 11 a. m. snd 7 S0p. m. Ht. Jobn'a Memorial seuwoos; tier. w. h. Powell In char (a. Service and aermon. 10:48 Oernt ShenaXsWRcUn'ood street and Tanfonvar avenue; Hr.r J'a mwm, racwr. awmiiR prayer and sermon. It o'clock; e renin prayer and aermos, 7:80 o'clock Sunday achool. 10 a. ... . . . -J. M. Matthew's First aaa varataers mreeia; Rer. W. A. Sf. Breck la charse. Servlcaaat ll a. in. i rmw"'F '.vTtj nr i Woodmere: ,4 - mlaaloctary. la cbarac, serIca and aermos st -,. . . -., !' .-.-h oeneaieaTaftBAJ, Flrat Ma dlaoa and Park atreeta: Bev. B. U Houae. D. D.jiaator. W:. a. m.'. "A Model Man": T:45 p. m., "Rev. Waahlngtnn Oladden, I). P.. will preach: Sunday school. 12:1S p., m., C. C. Mlkle, aupertntenilent; Y. P. R. C. E.. S 4IV p. m.l Mlaa Lenora riaher, srgsslstl Mrs. Hone Bioca-iMaer, auioiai. HaaMlo street Eaat He with street, sortn. mi li.rraln atreet. 1S:S0 a. nm.. aermon br Chaplain A. L. Knadaoa of Trinity ehnrchLoa Anselea: Bunony scsooi, u ai mriauau u- dearor. S p. nm. -- Highland Corner Present -and Eaat Sixth at reel, north; Rer. A. M. Rocswood. paator. Sunday school. 10 a. si.: It s. m., "Benactors"; 1:4a p. St.. IjCXWine; anwq. Cnlreralty Park Arttaas temple, portamoatn; s.w I) a. firar. naator. No aerrlee oa ae- ennnt of the meeting of the Americas hoard at Seattle. H under achool at 10 a. m. . Hiinnraide orner r.aat larior ana ui Thirty-fourth ntreeta; Rev. J. 1. Stank, paator. 1 a, nm.. io nnw in uo.. .-ara., , . ra., "Large Butlaeaa na Hmall Capital"; innriar achool. 10 a. m.. S. C. Pier. auDerln- tenuent; Junior Cbrlntlan Endearor. S p. ., mti Kitltb Ron. annarlntendent: Senior Ea- dearor, S.30 p. m.. Mlaa Sophia Huff, leader. OHBISTLUr. . Central Eaat Twentieth and Salmon atreata; Rer. J. F. Ohormley. paator. Rer. r. ft. RllHnoB- will apeak Jt 11 a. m.; paator will apeak at 7:4ft p. m. os "The Vast ot the Spirit"; Sunday achoot. I a. ,m.; Jnnnr En dearor. S:SO p. m. : Senior Endearor. S 30 p. .; Mra. Mrl'heraos uaie, csuriatrri miee am syau. orgaplat. m , Afl.ent necono yiireet, wiwwi nan mnn uir eoln; Charles Haffendes. paator. Sunday achool. lu:ao a. ra. : screening nt ii;i n. an. nna j:v m.t. pralaa meeting. I p. m. Flrnt Corner Park and Columbia atreeta! E. Unckler. mlnlatrr. !"':) a. nm.. "Th New nenwtcracr"! T:M) nv a.. Tbe Four Bleaalnsa": Bible achool, 13:15 p. St.; Chrlatlan Endearor, e:0 p. m. rntV ITAVotUCAL." -Flrat Corner Eaat Tenth and Sherman atreer- A. A. Winter, paator. io a. ta.. Sun day nrhool: arrrices at it a. m. ana i:mi P. St.: e:.i0 p. m.. K. L. of C. E. meeting. - St. Jonn I III I nn anv ifiino, an ym ; g. B. McVlcker, paator. 11 a. m , "The F.mam nle of Chrlaf': p. BL, pnlplt eci npled by k. C. F. ReHer of Fnllertos. Nchcaaka: Jankw K. U of C. B... t:S0 p. m.; Seslor k. U of C. P. m. - Second corner e-erny nna r nrsn ntreets; Bar. Bowemox. paator. - Prenchlns at IV a. m. and T:4S p. m.; snnoar arnoot. is s. m. Junior. S P. ! ".. I- or t-. t p. si. tick ley tlrees Sunday achool at S HO p, ts. and iirrarhlng at 1:80 p. m. by Bar. E. E. Mc- VW-ker.- ' ')' LtrratBAB. at Jamea' Enallab Corner Went Park and Jefferaoa atreeta; J. A. Iaa, paator. SarvtcM at 11 -a. m.i Sunday school. In. a. ss.; l.nther league, i p. n.. ten ny Mias uouwe Wlrklln - Norwegian Bysod torner Eaat Tenth and Orant atraeta; p. llagoea. paator. Serncee st II a. an. aim n. m. . Rethanla uanlah 4 orner T nlon avanno and niorrm arrovti utanuaa urili. Danxor. . Bandar achool. a p. at. . ' T . . IVAW0XUCAL ASS0CIATI0B, Flrat Bnsllah Corner Eaat Sink and Market atreata; Iter. S. A. Nlewert. paatne. Preaching at II s. m. A p. m l Similar r-txil. 10 St.. A aunertntendettt YralnaT Pertnle a I , . . .. hiias kaaoe Smtin. Flrat .k tad C f strae' ofao ioviae9aatior aad daisxtSy iwiusnl. and heatthw. Dae it for the body, 20 Mule Tema Drcsd i OCX. SVAM PftAMOt0(. OAL. 5 Theodore . Schai . paator. S:S0 S. nm.. Sssaay achool; eerrtcee st i ut:w a. am. , and p.m. - ' . c mm rv St. Lawrence. Third and Shermas atreeta; Bev. J. C. Hnghea; rector. . Manaen T and S m ( ltlb. , n . . . henedlctkm, 7Uh p. m. ,; - mw.uw aw, . - ,min IDU . .. . oniBTIAJf SCIEBCX. First Scot I lab Bite cathedral. Morrleoa snd Lowsadal atraets. aervlces at II a. m. aad S p. m.: auhject of sermon, "BeaHty"; snuday acnooi at cMee ox anornms service. Second Auditorium building. Third, between Taylor aad Salmon atreeta Bervieee, at II a. si. snd a p. m.: anbjeat. "Reality; SuBUy school, 11 a. m., la ta mdlng room. r - It. X. OBUBC'a SOtfTBT. ' Flrat 171 V, Sacnnd street, Forester kail: K. H. Mowre. naator. It a. na.. Tmne thai Law of Compensation Grow Oat nf Bible Tench- -Ingr'i S p. m.. "Will the Individual Be Held .linwilil, rr IB, Bin n IH r. I IttM aaai the Stater" IO a. m.. Bandar srheol: T s. am.. Epworth league. - . taox. . ' Chrlatlan Catholic Annetolle Chnreh In Elnai A 1 laky bullillng. Idorrlaoa atrert, soar Third: Rer. Charles A. Hor. elder. 1 n. am.. Rlhle atndy:' S p. m.. "The Joy of tbe Lord I (nar 1 strength": 7:80 n. m.. "The New Heart the Kay te Dlrlae Btaealsg." CHRISTLAX AVD MISSI0XABT ALLIAXCX. Chrlatlan aad Mlaalonarr Alllnaea Sixth and Mala atreeta; C. D. Saw telle. aupevtateBdent. Sunday achool, S:49 a. m.; 10:n a. as., "t brtat ' for the Body, or Divine Healing": evunsulical aervir at I JO p. am.; ashject. "Christ la ths "' - ' -S-lLlL. jw-m i. B. XX. CHRIST. Flrat Corser Eaat Fifteenth end Mnrrlaoe "reera; H, Ci fV"Z r-" Bible achonl. ma. m. : iter. i. s. Knoaaa. rn preach at 11 a, an, ssd p. m. rioruvs sxbtiox. ' ' At the penow' aervle la ths sear Trinity church Sunday areolns at T:30 e'ehtch seats free. KrerynS"1 n-eleoBi. There will ba special singing, ssd Hr. Morrlana wlU presea. . . 8WXDEXB0B0IAX. : Portland New Cburch Soctrtr Beewntiaa hart. Mulkey building. Second and Morrleoa atreeta. 10:Sn s. m.. services by Bev. Hiram Traaamaa of Boa ton. VXTvXBSAIJBT. - . , Flrat Eaat Couch snd Eaat Kljrhth ntreet t . r. nnian. m.iot. a. aa.. ' l ninainnr nirai Being"; 7:43 s. am.. "The Modra Lots ef the Marvelous": 10 s. m.. Sander school. ... . .. ... . ... TrjTTTABlAX. 1 Flrat Tamhlll and narrth ntreattn- Th l ' C. Crraaey, paator. II a. m.. aarvlce with dla- eonra an - iwea iseoiogy loses Vharactarr'i Snsday achool. 1I 8 p. m. XISCXXLAXXOVS. ' Oil re Brasch Uoapel Mlaalos. rtrat near Cla street. Services every ewslng ssd. Saaday at S and T:8 p. m. Flrat Bible Hplrltual Society A. O. I . W. ball. SeHin, nirach baltdtna.-S th a,-r 8 T. a.r-Urtnre-. DO '"Th Artltorle Mrs. Liiaai uurker Lyacaa as "Th J Inantratln. Itellslon and Sctese Toward Truth." followed by Mr. Lsdd riaieaa with spirit steaaages sad tests. Mlllennlat lwwa--Q. A., R. hall, nnrtkeait eorner Second sad Murrlaon atraets. Barriers . st S:M p. as. A lector 'on "Chrlatlan Mratlriam" will bs f ives at the Theoaophlcal moms, Allskf katl'l ng. ball "i. Honilay erenlng. Tlrat Splrttnal Hoclety Aritaan ban. Third treet. hear Washlugton: N. P. tlrnHa. pa ilna. jis. m. im s p. at., Tn Annually et tne Earth and th Origin of Man." . uinn 'imrn enter nan wit. nnaar tnmii,t- Ing. eorse Third and Moniaon atreeta; T. M. - Mlnard, pastor. Service at 11 a. am. ( hrlaTlan Soelallata 1A2 ftecond treet. Drew building.. Be. J. W tVella will apeak S ' 'Socleltasm the FslflUsment ef rtupsaey.- NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY HAS BIG MEETING The meet Ins of the New England so clety, Monday evening, waa attanded by over 0 members, Atsr a vsrjr anjoy- able program, consisting of a reclts tlon by Mra rscksrd. plsno solaa h Mrs. Bliss .Boule and little Beatrice Wilson, snd vocsl solos by C. H. Hoeg, a short buninrts meeting wss held, nt which M wss derided to hold New Rne land day'st tha Lewis snd Clark e ambi tion on Tuesday. Beptember l. s. bers of all ether stats societies era I vlted to take part In all tunc 1 , this society aa thst day. r which will ba ptibllnb. t I . An unusual amount t . t shown st this r s strnnf srt t. cletv a" I ' ! ' wou' I u ' i It us f.-.jf. . . v I t'