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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1905)
1 1 41 V w - - a a .-a L. iv:e;;;::3To; tod:v " , Vc !:ave cs handsome a display of Fine Furniture as you will find anyvyhrre. Cca.C: Q;tfttcr. Tryinj.t3 .Hav Uiw Text of Charje. Ajainst " VVynffel and U i arI Who. Sho Sayt,' window display A HANDSOME' BEDROOM SET OF CROTCH MAHOQANY. Tried to Cat Canator Platf a Lova-Lattara From .- l-v.: , Her by Craft. . :: . ' V.'orkara Cat Aaida. ft WOULD MA&S'UCS OF, ? IT.SXPERIZr.CED KIN Anthracite Workers ' Formulate : D ' manda , Which WW Be' Presented Employer by Joha' Mitchell the Firet Week. iaJloveiabefc : Special Mustek by Lease Win to Tbe iomNl) , grant to John Mitchell. prldnt ortt united Mine worker 01 America, ironi . visew York, warned nun to -prepare tor a big strike la th anthracite region of '.. Pennsylvania. Mr. Mitchell wu told of - the desperate attempt being made by the coal trust to have the law which ; safeguarded the Uvea of the HMOe 'miner In the anthracite ' region . aet aside, a that next April 1 the operator may be able to tell the miner to quit work ir they want to and taen rui xneir place with untried and Inexperienced men from Immigrant ship. . District Presidents .Feher and Dettry '.progress of the examination of wit nee "before Commissioner Wend t for two days. . V The batUe in which the United Mine ( 'Worker hare locked horn with the .operator la an obecure Pennsylvania rase, brought in Lackawanna county, by the commonwealth against M. J. She, Bbea, it la claimed, went before the In 'iBflrlfln and falaalv obtained a eertifl . cat aa a miner without having the two years experience required for auch eer ' tlflcat and without having any knowlf - (powder In blasting coal and the us, of ' safety lamp. He waa simply a yoang man Who wanted work aa a miner and pplier for license which, under the Doeeeaa before he could enter the mine. , The aM waa u ImnArtent tn Uu hnhworkrr f the itau that lhat or- ganisation i iook up tne matter, ana when It waa learned that the lawyer for 7 the Delaware Jc Hudson company, which '." employed Khea, were going to take tea . tlraony In New York from miner of the oft coal region. District ' Presidents Toih with John onerfoTtieraitrU;i attorney of Lackawanna, county. to make the 'fight for the United Mine- j i Local labor union official today re .reived official statement from - Wllkesbarre on behalf of the TJnltod ' .Xlneworker of America stating that . the committee with which th anthracite b mine worker will formulate heir 4 s mand upon the opera tora will be held . at Shamokln tb first weel: in Novera bsr. Th official statement aysr f rue delegates - representing all the iiaimvBn u mi miaeworxers 4are to be present, while th central flg vv4 will b John Mitchell. It I believe J , tht;Jhe demtodg, wijV.b;jttbUaUalJy as follower rr .Tiwgnlon' tf fh union efght- jiour oar; me present scale or wages; - f th weighing of eoal and payment by . I V. - 111..! L. . - , ,lng upon thraama principle aa th pr . ,ent on but with fewer member; th .sliding seal of the preeent agreement; - "the checkwelghman and checkdocking - , ' From now until th election of del. gate to tbla convention. President i-, Mitchell and the district officer wUI v continue their effort to Inqreas th membership , of tbe union.", . . ? SOBRIETY IS MOnO OF ? , , .. ,,i wnit vnnwi I kwng (Special IMost ay Us we Wire to The JaaraaU 1 - New -York. .Bent. X "Hntiriat v itur. 8seeUI OUsstd. by Leased Wire e Tks learasl) ! Omaha, Neb, Sept Ma Wood, th ex-clerk in tb postofflo department at Washington, ha at last filed charges with the state department against Conr sul-Osneral Wynne and Consul Miller on account of their alleged actions against her in Nw York two year ago, wnen. she brought suit against Senator T. C Piatt. Th charge . have been mailed from Omaha iim! will wrh WatrtrlniTnTl Bunday. They ar addressed th secretary of Stat and ar as toiiows: , RaUavlna- that .repreaentatlvea of th tat iiinirtnMit should be men of ln- tegrlty and ponor.;th TVlator. -Maa.C Wood, herein repecruiiy ram s-wur -tentlon to certain act of - J. - Martla Miller, tonral- to Aix-la-Chapelle. - Robert J. Wynne, eonaul-general to Lon don, praying an Investigation, of th charge, which if found true,' as et forth, show tb ealdJ. Martin Miller and Robert 1. Wynne to unfit for service representative of th tat department of th United BUtea, and' tb relator requeeta that such sctlon aa may be thought necessary, be taken by the department for Investigation of the chargea, which ar a follow:.' ,. Allege ooaapaxwey. rirst That th said 'Robert J. Wynne and J. Martin Miller did conspire to gether and with other people prior to ntober 1X-' vm. to ooiaia v1 certain document which th relator had received from Senator Thomas C Piatt of New. York., , , ' - Second That eakl -Robert 1. Wynne and i. Martin Miller did consplr to gether and with other people prior to October 11. UM, to gain poesin of thamanucrtot of sj book entlUed Th Lov Latter of a Boa.' aaid book being nartially compiled from letter oeing written to relator by Senator ,T. C, Platl.- '- ' - ' "Third That In carrying out the terma of thta ' conspiracy th said i. Martin Miller did attempt to administer or cauae an attempt to b made to ad minister certain drugs to th relator on the afternoon of October Ix. 101. at the Victoria hotel, New York. "Fourth That tbe said S. Martin Miller and Robert J. Wynne, ft al In carryinfc-out, the terms. of-ah com 1 splraty, did . decoy the relator to the Victoria hotel. New TorX city, oa ucio ber 12. MIL for the purpos of gain ing possession of said book. Th Lov Letter of a Boss,' and of th original letters from Senator Piatt Irom wnico th book waa partially compiled- Flf tkThat la carrying" but th j tmi nt Oita consDlracy. th said J-1 Martin Miller held, -or assisted at hold ing lh Relator a priaonar by threats and fore for three daya beginning October 13; 110 1. Curing which tint tb relator wa forced to sign certain documents which aha would not have bigned bad she been free from restraint. , -Sixth Said J. Martin Miller and Rob ert J Wynne et aL In carrying out the term of tbt conspiracy, did orlginaU ih. xvaiied Piatt-Wood . scandal for the'nuraoae of discrediting th rltor. "Seventh-Tbat In carrying out the (arms of thta conspiracy, and la confis cating th original documents from Sen ator PUtt and the manuscript of tb book- Th Lov Letter of a Boas,' tn ..i f Martin Miller and his a, alstants did damage th relator In th sum of 131.000 or mora. . "Wherefore, having mad th bov trea which ' ah, being first aworn. 1 depose and say Is th truth, th relator 1 amln nrar for an Investigation fl their tnithfulnees. and for such action . a, ikl.b I NAN ' PATTERSON'S SUBSTITUTE m EGGED WHILE SHE GETS MARRIED .Ing bnslnes . hours 1 our motto,-and that I why wa ar doing business. .said Secretary Gorman of th National .Professional Chauffeurs' club today. Tha club Is comiiosead of member of th International Association of Machln rlets. -' . i . "Rlrh man" Mrllnui. Ajwmiii aM employing nur metnber. Jecaiiae iM-i gtmranre mat w win not drink during business hours, and because -w ar '.competent, machlnsts,-, who . can make .'ouraelve Very useful In th event of a ' breakdown on the road. (Bsedai pupstcb by Lease! Wire to The loarsel) New York. Sept. !. Nan Pattereoa. was billed to appear at rreenoia, r.ew Jersey. In a vaudevtll ahow and there was a large audience In th theatre when the eurtam went up laatTrtghtraltasger to get a glimpse of th woman who waa on trial for th murder of Caesar Young. But Nan did not appear ana to auai enc became unruly, repeatedly . calling for her. Finally the management intro duced a woman aa "Nan". Patteraon. but th audience hissed and there was a shower of egga for the woman. Men In th audience declared ah was not Nan.' Patterson, and aa they drove from the. etas th audlenc raised, such a rumpus that lb police were called. STOLE $400" AKD "SET FIRE -WTff:$T50,000; BOIiOS 0 ' 1 awnanses"ewJ. - H, - Loa Angela Woman la Accused . of Having Taken! Money v From Her Employers. but thy war - powortesarra auw.ui disturbance, and tha curtain wa rung down. More eggs greeted th members r the traon when they cam out of th theatre and th police had to escort thm to" ttietr hotet.- at thia nour nan -iisran waa pn. parjng to remarry her former husband, Leon C. Martln.'ln her father's home In Washington. Th wedding wa planned for last night, but was poetpone until noon today. ' The marriage caused lltO surprise among friends. Mr. Martin baa been de voted in his attention aver since Nan'a first arrest. Nan's parents brought about the reunion. Martin manages a bote! In New Tork . ... - , - i Nowhere in the city will you find a better assortment of Furniture; WE ARE COM PLETE HOUSEFURNISHERSa New goods are arriving every day and are being put on the floor. SEE US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE. ' 1 ' HENRY JENNING & SONS 172-174 First istreet I (gpeeUl IMsaatek hy Lssaed Wire to T Jsarael) Los Angeles, CaL, Sept. . rornuu romplalnt waa aworn to by th police today charging Mrs. Alll Yaager with grand larceny in connection with th theft of f 400 from th residence of Dr. W. W. Ordway and th attempted de struction of ' f TtO.000 ' In government bond and pther aecurltlea and mort gages. - '"- Mrs. Yiager waa. thoroughly-sweated" during the day. but notwithstanding the faet that th chain of circumstantial evidence-against her 1 so. strong as. to leave tactically no doubt of her guilt. sh could not -be tnduoed to admit that aha had committed th theft or had had anything to do with saturating the valise containing tb aecurltlea with kerosene oil an$ setting It and th house. "Th dollar Is leas potent than 'form erly.", aaya Governor Folk, who probably remembers when, he could iuy a steak ror a aouar. FRUIT AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE- V- . ,.. . , - Nature Provides ; Its Own Remedies Which, If -J Used Judiciously,-Insure Perfect : i 'Health at Alt Times . v . i ; v v ': v . . - Aside from the pleasure of eating seasonable frnlts before beginning the - - first meal of the day, thla custom haa - tindouhtedly arleen from th well-known rtct that nearly all fruit and morpar ,: tlciilarly plume and PRUNES contain ; natural : laxativ principles, which act , directly on the atomach and bowels. Constlpetlon, that dread and trouble eome complaint which Is undoubtedly -the baslo cans of nine tenths of th . dyspepsia. Indigestion, biliousness,, ete., so prevalent among our people today, !. - and which, if neglected, surely leada t more . complicated and serious organlo ' dlseaaea. can surely be prevented, and .. when not too far advanced can be ab solutely cured by the Judicious us of the modern laxativ and cathartic Call-' " fornla Prun Wafers. " Thev are not a patent medicine in th ArrfinaVv aenaa of the word, belna eom- ' pounded from California Prunes, which ,,vry Intelligent person know is truly nature s laxative. -. A dainty little wafer, always th : game, compounded In a highly toneen- VEALTHY W0"EII Oil ROAD TO THE BAD PUCE- Professor of Chemiatry Makes Rerrrarka to Women's Clubs Which Shock Them. '( peeUl Oltpateh hy Ueeed Wire to The Jeorsel) Bt. Louts,- Sept. 1. A commotion wss eauaed at a meeting of women to con alder th organisation of a 8t. Louis woman' bualne club by the declara tion of . Profeor Wlllam F. Arm-bruater- that the desir of wealthy women seem to b to rush straight to helL Th professor's program waa to tell the women something about chem istry.- In the course, of hi addresa he witched off onto th woman problem and suddenly gave - expression to his Ideas concerning women of wealth. Th desir of women of th moneyed classes seem to-be to get much money as possible and then go- to hell as fast aa they caa with It." Hie words met with spplause until be mad th surprising sertlorund thin ilm omen werrso startled thai they aat atUL , - - ; -' Realisation of th Import of his strong words caused belated Individual hand-clapping. H continued: - . i Ther ar exception it I true, and yet It seems strange to me that wealthy women, who can, do not do the" noble work they could . for th help of th world. ' "Tin hop of this country He In th middle claasea. Some time I ahall glv you my opinion of th ridiculous cus toms, of th present dy society. . Tn applause that followed was more assured and Professor Armbruster went on with hi chemical experiments. WTO VfflElfllEFORE THE TRIAL " Boy Who Said He Bought Liquor - of Tony Amaud Suddenly - J.. !--' Disappeara. . '::: ir.'i .'- uu.n hn accuses Tonv Ar- nwm j jr - - . - . - , naud of' geTllng, liquor to a minor, has disappeared. . Tbe boy la aged l year and wa era ployed at th Fashion stables aa general utility man. tie waa iounu u . . - j w iin rtetMotlvea Kay and Jonea and confined In th city prison. He confessed to securing the liquor from Amaud. who conducts a saloon at Fourth and Kverett streets. Deputy C ty Attorney Fltsgerald filed a complaint against Arnaud and b was released o depositing WW casn oan. - -.. .-..I ut tnr Frldar morning. Arnaud was on hand but Meyera failed . u- BMMralit had th case Iff ap7rr. ant - continued IndeOnltely, declaring that If th boy wa not locatea ror iz mopmi Arnaud shall b prosecuted, and hi bail 1 tlll la th hand of Clerk. Hen oeaay. ' - " Investigation by Mr. Tltigerald and Clerk Hennessy last night discovered that two men went to th Fashion ta wi Mm., ana aaw tne hov. Diva - - They saw th boy Thursday night and at that tim h told a harness washer at th aUbies that ha waa in a quan- ry. " . -.. :- ; ''J-!.. : . - "If I teetiry against Arnaua, tney tell me." he asserted, "he msy go to jail tnr atv montha If I don't It means something tor m" ' ' i I f -is beltrvtiorth a I he waa given money to so to Wei lac. Idaho, where hie mother Uvea .... ; - .- " OBEYS ORDERS OF ' THE HIKADO m . ' sBsjsjssassnansj sxesasaaw " '"f Baron KomUra Proceeds to Get "Well When Instructed to by the f5peror. FEVER LEAVES AFTER RECEIPT OF MESSAGE How lucky It I for th csar that he had sense enough to Keep jiis , wit tea sbout htm. ': MOTOR CARS READY FOR VANDERBILT CUP RACE t rated form from .' f reah California Prune,- they are a natural dissolvent, acting on the content of th stomach and bowel and not on th organa them aelvee. . They regulate the Liver and Stomach, Cleanse lh lyatm and Purify the Blood, Cur all Bowel Trouble. Bilious ness, Had Hreath. Haa Blood, wind on th Btomnch. Bloated Bowels. Foul Mouth, Headache, Indigestion, Pimples and Dullness. , . Kvery houeehold snnnur hvt fam ily package of CALIFORNIA PRt'NE WAFKR8, and at lh ilrst sign of ap proanhlng Illness, or ' when under the weather, take a couple pf -wafer, and th doctor' bill will soon b . mujch mnller than they are now. You ran eat what you please- If you follow each meal with a CALIFORNIA PRl'NB WAFER, which quickly dis solves th most -Indigestible food, and helps to carry it through end out of th system In t gentle and healthful manner, without the slightest pain, griping or nausea, 108 Watera for 26a. FRUIT IS NATURE'S LAXATIVE A Natural Dissolvent and Cure" for Biliousness, ; Constipation, Dyspepsia and All Bowel Troubles - .i-. ft bsbM - 'eav a . saal ' ' nwk III " - ata har wetter man fin or purge 1 OO WAFER 0 . 25 C E N T O v.'..''" ' , . '- - .- ' . - " " , ' , S. O. Skidmore & Co., Druggist's 157 Third Street, ' f 4 4 ' f r Pcrtlind, Orecn (Sprclal Dlspateb by Leased Wire to The arai ! New Tork. Sept.; 1 Two of th American cars for Vsnderbllt cup honor, the 110-horeepower Locomobile and th 40-horaepower Turner car, were tried out over th cup couree on Long Island thl morning. . . : Th two Pope-Toledo car arrived at Garden' City tonight with their driver. I.yttle and Dlngiey, ana tne unriatl car I xpected ther tomorrow morning, while the Thomas and Whit ear are looked for by Monday at th latest. The grandstand Is nearly completed at Mtneola and all th course haa been oiled except a section of two mile near Lakeville.' - ; -r .-v: . ; " STRUGGLE IN SENATE '. :,V ; OVER RAILROAD, BILL (npeelsl nilapstck by Ueseg Wire to The iearaelt Washington, D. C, Sept. 1. Tha seriate committee on Interstate . com merce to which has. been submitted th drawing f a bill that will meet th president wishes on th rebate vll Is hopelessly split. . Senator Dolllver is fighting the Elklna railroad .crowd-and-etand with th president. With him ar Senators CiAom 'of Illinois and - Balrd f Ne braska. ") If th Democrat an th com mute join with the Polllver contingent Elklna will be beaten, for ther ar1 eight Republleana .and flv Democrats on tb co mm it te. . ,'-'", Cwartaaarttal Foatpoa. " ". (gpeclsl Dispatch by Leesed Wire to The learasl) Vallejo, Cal., Sept. It. The Benning ton rourtmartlal met thl morning at 11 o'clock and Immediately adjourned until 10 o'clock Monday morning, : arrAJmr oss. '; Produced by Pattern No. 1IM. --le. Infants Bnh,Wlth the Front Extended to Form Part of 8klrt. Tb nattarn I in on else. A reDresanted. th rob raqulr yard of nalnaohk S Inches wide. win i j-aras or yoa ing (insertion and tucks) IS Inches wide for th front, and H yard of Insertion for th wristbands; 4 yard of Insertion to trim ruffl and klrt portion. 74 varda of edging and 1H yards of ribbon. pric. It cent. Tn oaso-OaT PAH.T yotnawAt Win galTD ano vsi rTTis ruiT. 9 iad vrow BBoarjp or rrnxoau.;.: Envoy Not Altogether Out ct th Woods, but la Much Improvtd and on tnt . Koad to. Kecowy jap anest Much Rejoiced. . ' . ... . ,- v - (Speelal DlapaUk ky Lsa4 Wire to Ts Jesnal) New Tork. Sept. II A If he war literally complying with th command of th emperor. Baron Komura. th Jap anese peace envoy, who I 111 at th Waldorf Astoria hnUU started upon what appeared to be th road to recovery today, shortly after he had received a cablegram from th grand chamberlain of th mikado In which th latter' wish that he be soon well again wa expressed. Th baron replied that h would fol low "hi majesty's commands" and Im mediately proceeded to do so. Although th J s panes statesman haa bean suffer ing from a for IT tnsl haa sasslril inT Urafemfnent physician as to it true natnr for th psst week. It Is a fart thst since th emperor's command was received his temperature haa gone to normal. "The baron's condition I much Im proved," said Dr. Prltchard. th attend ing physician, today, "and th record of the day haa been th best sine hi Ill ness began." Ther waa rejoicing among th Jap- aneee who mak up th baron's suit today- after th cable from tbe mikado was i-eoelved, with th exception of a word from his wife it Is th first In formation from th outside world In many day that had reached the pa tient over whom tha ahadow of typhoid haa hovered sine h cam from Oyster Bar. eight dsys ago. - Th baron Is not altogether out of th woods,, for American physicians have not yet learned to hang a much lm portanc on the command ; of the mikado 'aa th baron seem to, but If th improvement of today continue the baron will probably be able to start for bom In a week. . ' No..... . Blie...... , Nam ; r. ' .,-';.' a"1": - . , ............ . ... . ... .. . . . . . 4 Address City . . . . . . . .'. . .... 'J' v . tt' ..... . . ..... . . ... ... . :'. ttnent, th missing tickets not being found until- th company had pasaed Chicago1 on th last lan for Philadelphia. Then they turned up, having followed en th next train. , . ., . , i i .. 'i i' ROBBED OF THOUSAND ' TRAVELING ON CAR (Speelsl DUpatek ay Leased Wire" Tke Jeoraal) Omaha. Neb.. Sept. II M. Flnl- ' Oak Park, Illinois, a pasaenger ' Overland limited, an rout fro r , We are now placing before the public at auction the finest lift qf Japanese and Chinese) goods ever brought to this country. The goods were brought to this city for the-ea-bibit at the Fair, and are the best th makers in tha Orient can make. We sell these to tha highest bidder, without limit or reserve, and this is an opportunity for all to get these vain, able imported goods at their own terms. -' Satawna, Cloisonnes, "J Canton China, ajft goods, crepes, brass and all others that xome from those countries. Hand-mad goods ar .rare, so take advantage of this GREAT SALE. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 'IMS. . Dally at 2:33 end m r 329 IVasiiinfllon Streel JAKES M. KAN, Ctntrel Kanier. A. U ICVyEKSTEl?!, Auct.'::.::: BUTCHER5 SUPPLIES TOOLS, MACHINERYLSPiCESPAPJSISJ ",. SAUSAGE CASINGS, ETC. C S. Birkenwald Co. Tha Pioneer Butcher Supply Houae. Telephone Main 6361. LX 304-306 Everett Su Portland WOMAN BLUFFED WAY ' ACROSS THE CONTINENT (fleerisl DISDsrch ht Leased Wire te Tke learasl) Philadelphia, 8epU II. After bluffing their way across th continent Captain Urn. Allc Parker and her company of girl soldiers arrived laat night - from Ban Francisco to march, in. .tb parade of th sovereign graQdiidse-f -Odd Fellow next Tueaday. Captain Parker aaya ah bought IT ticket at Ban Francisco and th agent there, to save her trouble, tied them In a bundle and with her consent banded them to a conductor, who gave a re ceipt. When the girl got on th train, however, th wrong conductor showed un and would not believe their atorv. He decided th. company must get off and walk. Mr. Parker showed her re ceipt and threatened ault. The- con ductor then said h would leav it for th net conductor to settlKThanwar'ni ICCT QC TUC npi MfVITC th wa out of it. dear aero th eonXM U C O I Ur lilt Utll..Ul4 I O cago to th coast, was robbed while crowing Iowa, Thursday night, of $. Upon retiring, Flnlen placed .his wallet and a roll-of money under hi pillow. He forgot to take It out when h d re seed and went to th diner-for breakfaat. While eating h uddnly remembered hi omission and ran back to hla sec tion without stopping to finish his ml He found that tha berth had bn md up. and though h had vrything care fuHy searched, ' th - money was mot found. Th porter had not seen It. On arrlval at Omaha detective Searched th car, but without result. ..: , , BURGLARS FLEE IN AUTO FROM WOMAN WITH GUN V '"V- .- (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to The learaal) New Tork. Bepf II. Through the coolness and pluck of Mrs. J. U Ker nochan and member af hr husband's party, Including Perry Belmont, th Ion band of burglara who have been raid ing th varlou country places of Na. sau" county wr foiledln n attempt tn steal the silverware at the Kemochan mansion at Hempstead. Th thieves were on th lower floor when Mrs. Ker- nocban and her guests wer awasenea, nhe etarted at them armed with a re volver, but they fled across the field and entered an automobile In which thev soed-away. Mn Belmont and other gueats wer doe behind Mrs. Kornochan. DUCHESS C0NSUELO IS t " (SescUl Mepatck by Lease Wire te Tkt loornall New York. 8ept II. The Duchess of Marlborough, who arrived front England rldy evening, left today for Long Is land, wher ah will spend moat of her three week' visit In thta country with hr mother, Mrs. Oliver It. P. Belmont, at Hempstead and ber brother, William K. VanderMlt Jr., near Great Nc Th ducheea, who waa 'met at t Steamer tv I'r. n J're. r' -. ' ' f it I y BEWARE OF FAKE25 1 ' : ' Who r U i a yove H a I a ? t nMUAiuaaisM tor Feltlfct FkeasllsJ v J. PIGCHER.aW Will Dy for you or Clean and Slock , , your Uata. ,. sou ho. axxTX bt: vxosa aa x sFeMfLU--.lJJ 3 C duchess was becomingly gowned In bin nd whit striped silk. A black hat trimmed on on sid with a black feather completed th American ducheaa cos tume. - ( .': 1 ',: . ' . ... Clarence II. Macks y gives a ilnser and, musical In her - honor- ner "tur day at Harbor hill. JHoslya. at which the gueat will number tut . it will b a beautiful affair ana win opv.i th season there. . . MILLIONAIRE DREXEL TO BECOME AN EKGL1S!)" ' (Speelal Piseatrb br Ussed Wire te Tse tm Philadelphia, Pa.. Spl. II Soelet r humming over a report thst Anth Drexel. son Of Anthony J who fu th fsmmis hanking hus of Ir Co..waa about taeKpatrlaf hlmee" followlng the essmpleof William Astor -settle in Kngland end hav Ing further io do with America celled bt ineome from t.Js i Ireel refuses te d-'-v -. t has nnoonc'-l tht wlniT h ' I ' the 1 ' I . 7 ". -