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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1905)
1 ' . - w ' . J v w V - v , v v V v . v v v,y Vw vv v v ' ,-. -v ,i In Twa lTt "'. tm Natural fllB f ' , at ArOMcial w , :- j LtTinSJttZCXUDESUXNSTALLmO) i, ' . .- " ' ' r " i wv i iii):iiia: 1 1 i I I I I mm .;r" , j Kw,::r:H, i .J ... ' .'.Hist Bell, Daughter .of . the Governor, of Vermont v She ChrUtened ' the - Battleship Which Bears the Name , of the Green Mountain State. - niRS.HIDDEriLOSE : HER CASE- jA014 mm Puget Sound Methodist Confer. enc6 Exonerates Elder Lan-: ; den and Pastor Elliott; - ' WOMAN FAILS TO PROVE . CHARGES MADE BY HER Vancouver - Church . Scandal - Palls Flat at Everett Meeting Accuser Does Not Appear Upon the Scene .,. of the TriaL .'. .. :, '; (Special Dlnatck to The lotiraaLt , . Everett. - Wuh, Sept 1. On account of lack of evidence to. support th mo cusatlons mad by Mrs. Hidden of Van. couver. Washington, against both Rev. ft H London, presiding elder of the Central! district, and Rev. T. E. Elliott of the Vancouver M. E. church, ' the chaj-ges wcrcrccommendsd fee dismissal y the' special oororalttee of the Pua-et souna conierenc appointed, to Investl. Sate them. .. . i , witnesses and principals - had been summoned by telegraph, but failed to respond to the'summon. - Mr. Hidden telegraphed the prosecution In the El liott case and asked to have the hearing postponed until deposition, being taken yesterday, could reach the conference but this. was deemed Inexpedient, 'and this morning the committee reported to tn conierenc advocating the dismissal of the charges, which was' done. Rev. London went Into minute ' ex. planatlona before ' the commute and was vigorously cross-questioned by J. W. Miller. After , hearing all the evi dence he was completely exonerated by the committee and the conference tody aaopiea me , s report. .Bishop McDowell regards the Bros. eutlon as Inspired by som other parties wno are Keeping in tn background, and regards the whole affair aa unwarranted and disgraceful. . - The Methodist Laymen association of Paget sound 1 has been organised with the following officers: . President, TV 8. Llppy. - Seattle; . vice-presidents, C. C. Oridley, Vancouver; R. A. Devers, Seat tle; a. W. Bullord, Tacoma; 1. H. Beeley, Everett; J. O. Rudene, Pleasant Ridge; secretary-treasurer, 0. H. Morford, Se attle. . . , ... i - , PREHISTORIC MONSTER ' SET UP IN CHICAGO ........ V 1 " ' ' " ' . ,. (Joeraal Saaetal ImtI.H i Lander, Wyo., Sept H.-rThe first In stallment of the .fossil bones of a gt . gantlo dinosaur, which Profeeaor Wlllla ton of the University of Chicago un-' " earthed about six mile from-here, has . been sent to Chicago today. The enorm ous bones have been carefully collected '' and boxed and will be put together at their destination, tn form rr of Iha palaeontologleal exhibit of the Fleldl . museum. The rest of the skeleton will be Shipped In a few days. - Profensor .Will la ton Is continuing his exploratione and hopea to be able to make another Important find before he has to return to Chicago to resume his duties at the university. ,v,..,, Low Excursion Rate to the East An. sal September 10. II endlT, - th -'Rock --Island rsll- - way will sell round trip tick. tg to eastern jol"e t " t r-" -eel r. for f ' f ' -- - t COLIBKIE TO OUST GEORGE -GOULD: - ..:-!-1 BSSxSaBiMaaBaBMteaMMsa John D. Rockefeller,' E. H. Har- rlman and A. J. Cassatt.Unit s to Seize the Wabash. ;t , : i : ' RUSSELL SACE COMES TO . ' THE RESCUE OF MAGNATE Charged With Breaking Faith, With t Adversaries in Extending Lines ' From Ocean to' Ocean-Prtsident -Ramsey Seeking Proxies. " J V . 1 llannal SwUI mUrwi New' York. Bept l.--aorg J. Oould Is" In the biggest fight of his career, John D. Rockefeller, his old-time friend. now his Inveterate enemy, E. H. Harrl man, also the active foe of Oould. and A. X Cassatt, who like him least of all. tiSTS mnlt'r fgi'nf hlmi -Ttntrtnlt Sag has come" out of his retirement and' is helping to atand off his assail ants. : . , . ; -. ,.. - -. V . The rich prii for which all of these captains of Industry are battling Is the Wabash railroad and the entire Missouri Pacltlo system. - The warfare which has been going on ander eover for a year has now been brought into the open by Joseph Ramsey. Jr.. presi dent of . the Wabash, whom Gould wanted to oust and who ta now striving to oust uouta rrom th property In which the later bold neatly 40 ser cent or tb aiOoK. -;. - Oould's amblUon to extend hi rail. road lines from th Atlantic to th Pa cific in order to control an' ocean to ocean rout has given his adverssrles their opportunity. - He Is 'charged with breaking faith In making th extension. Ramsey has issued a statement In which he asks for proxies on th behalf or stockholders for th coming election OFFICERS IN FAR EAST . ORDERED TO RETURN '. " (Jeoraal BaecUl Serrlce.1 " Washington. IX C- September It The war department haa sent out orders to the officers of th United States army who have been with the host tie force during th recent war be tween Russia . and Japan ' to return t their respective posts In the Unitett states. Th American eltixens who have been a observers with th Jap anese armies are: General Arthur Mo Arthur and his aid. Captain Parker W. West; Colonel B. J. McClernand. Mkr joeepn K. coon.- or th engineer corps, and Captain Charles . Lyach, . of th medical corps. Those . witn th Russian forces were: General Thomas H. Barry, Colonel John Van R. Hoff. of th medi cal corp; Major M. M, Macomb, -of th artillery .corps, - and Captain 8. A. Cleman, of th Infantry. Th general staff and army officers In general await with. - deep Interest the full report which these of floors will make after their return. - Irvlngf. Bacbtt Wafers s Cure all Kidney Trneblea. atnp pale la the hark, lake Inea ( alhnmfa la the arlne ImpaMlble, nt actuallr rebulUI the ahrankra wall of the Kt1noye. TbfT eoarala Jmt wbat la wanted to fo tne dlarine. heal, toe aore apot and atrf.nthen t1( wMl, orpan. Thy nvver tall b.. r ' -n a If mi kmr aa rare to 1 r Itl b. a box by :;-.;The fornicrricc of tKcsc wcU4mo ligbta wa $1.0(XiWith thc tcduction of gas b Isttb;$I15 per of lighting by gas . by far the cheapest light on ; the market .elsbadi and Lindsay Hht save both ; gas and money. , It's the way. &ey are built They save several times the cost during the year s-''- ; V. W, t4.--d , With the Circulating Gas Water Heater and the modern mode of heating, gas is i by. far the most convenient as well as economical LET US TELL YOU ABOUT THE SYSTEM! m ram and YAr.miii streets FflHTlArjD, OaEGCFJ J V V, V HERE'S A CHAf.EE TO BUY A COHPIETE FAIR Those Needing an Exposition In I Their Business Should Apply to State Cornhfiission. . If any of Oregon's capitalists would Ilk to own th xposltion, piecemeal er as It stands, he will hav an oppor tunity to -purchase - it by offering figure sultabl to th centennial com mission.', t " '''' " - It has been deflnHely decided to ad vertls tor bids for the purchase of th buildings erected by th state. All bid mast be in by October T on week be fore the close and It was left to Com missioner Albert and Secretary Glltner to prepare th advertlsetnente and gat ble. , , . t Th stt owns ths Porestry building, th Oriental. European, Agricultural, Manufacture e. Mining and- Transporta tion palaces, beside the Oregon and Ad. ministration buildings and th group In cidental thereto. Any person of stand' ing may bid for any portion of any of these, either for the material In them or for their removal In present form. . It may be stated. Incidentally, that it will cost pretty penny to buy th fair outright. . Th commission also passed on a list Of "group Juries" presented by th cor poration. Wo fault was found, but the name ot th jurors will not be pub lished until they begin their work. , ' DISASTER?MODIFIESv - ITALIAN. CELEBRATION ' John 'Cordano. president of th four local Italian societies tn charge of th celebration of Italian, day at th expo sition, this morning stated that Septem ber ! would be fittingly observed. Mr, Cordano said: ' "Th Italians will celebrate Septem ber 19 St the fair. Plana war mad for the celebration before the recent earthquakes at, Calabria, and whlls w hav decided to do away with th band and float that were to appear In s parade on Italian day and eend - th money to the sufferers, still w will celebrate auletly at the fair. Tb mem bers of th Italian societies will meet at the entrance of th fair at a. m.. September IS, end from ., there march about th ground with their respective flags and later hold exercise at the Auditorium or some other building set aside by the expoalton official. . .. - "Dr. C J CandlanL local Italian con. sul. has started that I was not elected the nrealdent f th four societies for th celebration. - Th doctor ta mistaken, for I was honored with the last afflo at a meeting held! th laat - Sunday in August. I hav nothing personally against Dr. Candlanl; I hav only th highest regard for him, but he has sn object In view thst I believe Is not bis own planning." ' '; MORO CASTLE DOOMED TO FALL ONCE MOR ..,,..v ..... : . .- The officials of th xpoltlon eonfl- dently predict that -the sham naval bat tle on Guild' lake this evening, com mencing at 1:10 - Clock, will be th greatest of svents of a similar paturg given at th fair. , - It wui reproauciios Of U light TEETH -: ff No Pain No Pal A 1NICE TEEJH ; W are th' discoverers and orie-tnat or of th only reliable ' and scientific system of Painless Dentistry. We ex tract, crown, fill and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee all work . for fifteen year. Our work la the hat. nur ttrlcea the lowest con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our platea are unde tectable from the natural, teeth and are guaranteed to fit. . FILLIN08 SOO, TO and fl-OO BRIDGE -WORK . . ., I !! . ' . . . . . . ..O0 FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. ,.SA Opea for basU natu S 'lk vnlas .. .... ;'-. Boston Painless Dentists IH Morrison tnV, Ovp. Meier si Pramk ana trowtomawt HOURS : a. m. to S. p. tat. Sun day. 1:10 a. m. to 11:1 p. nt. t . Off Santiago harbor between Schley and Cervera, . which virtually terminated the Spanlsh-Americsn war. Besides the eight mimic battleships several hundred soldiers will man Moro castle, which Is nredestlnsd to destruction. In view of the great success of th last previous event of tbl character. It 1 expected that a tremendoua crowd will turn out for thla . on, which 1 Ukly to b th last - -J INTERESTING EVENTS' - AT FAIR SUNDAY Thm, order nt evente at th xnoaltion Bunaay wui on as luuuwa. ia i m t imr mm bhil 10 a. m. and hourly afterward Free moving pictures. Nebraska pavilion, A ltltiirl nilara. ia m. Exhibit buildings and Trail onea. . uovernmenv nuuaing remain closed.-" ..'......,;..( Ia g l m flrmnA AAnMri Ham) Hawaiian band, bandaUnd, Oray boule- varo. x . S n. m Rihlhlt bulldlncs Cloaa. Royal Hawaiian band, bandstand. Oray LDOUieTsro. s p. m. urana eiectncat illumina tion. v-;.- -. ll:S0 n. m. Gaite close. Tratr closes. Ground dark. ? .. OREGON WILL TRY TO WIN PRIZE AGAIN . . Oregon college student are Interested In the prohibition intercollegiate ora torical contest to be held .Wednesday evening at the White Tempi In connec tion with - the Temperance congress. ; Mama&itr Weak Snot. .' Tkere arm aanre death tflreetlr ene ta ml hi aga tban te all etb-v 1lnaaa eomhlaed. Tba are knmanllT treat spot the breed I n so la ee ef eonmi nipt Inn. Wb'i the allghteat avnptome of trouble hi felt la the Inns ron altnald basis the ua or 1T. noeonee a Merman errup ft en. It la made ee-rlallr M aootbe, a -a I and atrengthca I ha limn., tbraat and bennrblal tubrs. Ortiia Br""P I a n-TT falllr rrmmAf f"r eonanaintlnn. Trial settle. m. bit knttle. TSc - Al all arsggiat. Sat Oread's AlaTsass. SStMMMMMMltIMIIMMSMMSS SSSSSiSt lmi EsFI(D)i "ESaGes ! To Astoria and Ocean f Beaches on I Steamer LiUrMpe ThCrJDay-BoatjDown-thC'Golumbia Leaves daily from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A.M. Call up MAIN 613 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeey Roimd ARE NOW LOOKED UPON AS THE PLEASURABLE EVENTS OF THE WEEK, THE Leaves her dock at 8 o'clock on Sunday morning, runs down to our sister city, remains there an hour and a half and is back at her berth in 12 hours from the time of starting. This steam boat runs like it is chasing a hurricane, so rap idly does it glide through the boiling waters. This is a 200-mile steamboat ride at a cent and an eighth per mile. ' Portland to Seaside and c:Y,f return, 18 miles by fail from Astoria, $3. Tickets good till October SO. . : DOCK FOOT OF ALDER. STREET ' ROUND TRIP EVERY DAY BUT FRIDAY. Boat leaves at 7:30 turn Sunday 8 a. m, "Re-' 1 f V turning leaves Astoria at 2 p. m, arriving in Portland at 8:30 p. m. -. - Last year Walter R. lilies of Pacino unlveraltr. Forest. Orove, Oregon, won th national contest and ther la Sd that the honor may fall again to Ore gon thla yr. Th winner of th contest Wednesday night will so saat to represent tb west tn th national contest. The orations of th eva contestants are In the hand, of th Judges on thought snd compoaitlon. a second board of Judge will p en th xcl Ihnce of delivery the night or th con- teat. In th final oeciaton tnougnt ana composition count n half and delivery on half. More than 104 eolleg students hsv tried for th bsnor of speaking in tit contest Wednesday night, and ppejlml narlea were held In.. Texas. Colorado, Washington. Oregon and twa In California- Th Institution of northern California; Including Leland Stanford, 1t and th University of California, held ' n contest, and southern Cali fornia collegee another. amrvr r-. Statlatlea srinw fro "'fii e p jr- at 1 1 LOWEST WATER HEFC.".! FOR SEVENTEErj yz: (gpadal Dtapateh to The I Lewlstoo, Idaho, Spt. 1. . water river reechel i 1 - ' year than I f it' c. r. r i : - r 5 .1-