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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1905)
c:. co:j daily ' jcut.::aU r c:;tlak&. U7-DAY EVENING. SSFTEMSZX 13, cnunci TOf.GGtPT NEW TENNIS CLUB HOUSE OPENED TAK1TED ..t)l lh...i Manager McCrediaVLl Newest Pitcher Visits the Clouds In . ' thetxtrThIi7':rr American Board of Missions by lJja-jyUJority--A4)0pto k 7 RoeKef9llrt coin . ; j GLADDEN MAKES STRONG HOUSEHOLDER SCORES f GIANTS' TWO RUNS FIGHT AGAINST ACTION Moderator ) States That Gifts. Pub- Angela Heavy Hitters vFaU on New ' Pitcher 'and Drive Out Single lidy Made and Accepted Are an Indorsement of the , Methods by Enough to . Win the , Came ' Which Cash WM Obtmed,. Sweeney and Mitchell Off..' v; 01 AI WELSBACH J: i ,;":-'r;i:':ir::fO ? , (Journal Special SardeM ','':' .Los Angeles, Sept, l 18. The Angela . took their flrs came of yie. series Irom ' the Giants yesterday, through a bunch ing of hit on Hendereon In the atxth inning. Portland's new pitcher started out like a real winner, and did not allow m hit until the fifth Inning. In that Inning Bwetney and Mitchell mada two ; rank errors.' When the sixth came along Hendereon was slightly dlaturbed and bealdes hitting Tim Flood, 'allowed four safe drives, that netted three rune. The . fourth run came In the eighth on a baae "On bulla, a ateal. a safe hit and a bad mlecue by Sweeney; - Portland's runs 'were ' driven ' In - by Householder in the first Inning after two men got on the circuit through two bases on calls and two Steele. Houee . Holder's single-was beauty. : For the Xlrst-Jtlye: innlrgs it looked as if Port land would walk away with another vic tory, -but when the Angela got after Mr. Henderson In - the sixth It waa all off with the Glanta. as "Spider" Baura had the . vlaltors " "buffaloed." Henderaon has ths style of a atar twlrler and even though he loat hla flrat game. Mana ger McCredle has certainly secured, a strong pitcher.. ' Sweeney's work at third and Mitchell's at first was not of a very high order of excellence. The score:. . . -,';V -"hOa ANGELES. ''' ' " " AB. R. H. H. PO. A. E. Flood, 2b.' ....-.., ills e Toman, If. .... ...... I90 0 -rrmitnraor . ; i i 8-2 i Braanear, as. ........ Z I Dillon, lb. 4 Cravat h, rf. 4 0 Rose, IX. 4 , Spiee, C ............. 2 9 Baum, p. ........... 8 its . eve ) i . o i 1 . en i e x e i "-.TTotau .: 17 ai i PORTLAND, - AB. R. H. PO. A. E. an Buren. If. ...... 4 Mitchell, lb. ........ 4 . Kchlany, lb. . . .. 4 Houaeholder, rf. ..... 4 McLean, c. I McHale. cf. 4 - Pweenev. 8b. ........ 4 Hendereon. p. ....... J. McCredle -, (. ....... 1 ') v Totala . . iMJ7'?s nillon nut to huntlne- third, strike. MoCredle batted for Henderson la ninm. - -ri... -r-r , SCORE BT INNINGS. 1)1(117 11 ...e oeeotei , ou Angelea ...o e e 14 1 l I ri e-e v 8 i Port land " ., '- SUMMARY. " ' ' i Three-baM nit Hrrtltn. Two-nase ' v u Van Riimh. T,m Rerf.rlflM' hit . Toman. . Flrat baae on error Los An' ..1.. 1 Portland. 1. Left on bases 'Loa Anrelw 4; Portland, f. Bases on balls Oft Baura, 8; 'off Henderaon. .2; .' Htruck out By Baum, .12; by Ilender i son, 4. Stolen' bases '-Ats, Braahfean. Krhlaflv. Houaeholder. Hit by - pitched -ball Spies, Flood. Time of game One hour and 46 minutes. , Umpire Davie. ' PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. 1 '!- CLDBS. . Oakland t rnrtland 'In Angelea ........ Taenma " Ran rraaclaeo ...... . Seattle ,. V 'teat''...'.. , .14 .Ma 1M .475 .42 .421 Ii7iejipj2i 121 123' lie! 'J '.." '. -.;'. Tigars Chat Oat. - " (Special Dispatch to Tke loeroaLl ' Taeoma. Wash., Bept K. Miller shut ut .the- Tigers yeaterday In an Inter- lesting cpntestwXcpma:s.twcLJltjrara made In the nrst inning. The score: R. H. C Taeoma... 9 0 0 0 0 2 2 Seattle v ...... . 1 9 0 4 Q ft 1 J e Batteries Fitagerald .and Hogan; Miller ana rrary. umpire Mcuonaia. ' ';lexrmd wiu Another. (Special Dispatch to The Janrnat) San Franclaco, Sept. 14. Blexrud won Ma second game . yesterday, letting the ' Beals down with four hlte. . The score R. H.B. . San Franolsco ..0 9 9 0 I 0 0 2 4 9 Oakland . . . . . 0 2 9 0 9 2 9 4 19, I Batteries Williams' and Wilson; Blexmd and Haclcett. Pmptre Perrtne. ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been- Danger ous In Portland. , Do the right thing at the right time. " ' Act quickly in times of danger. : Backache Is kidney danger. ,v; ' Dean's Kidney Pills act quickly. Cure all dlstreeslng, Mangerous Ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. Mrs. C Richards, wife of C. Rtcharda, ' painter and living at 471 Market street. says: "Mr. Richards. valuee Dotn i Kid ney Pills very highly. Hs has had at taoks of kidnex .trouble for years.. He is a palnUr by trade and there is no 'doubt but the turpentine has had more or .lees effect on his kidneys, as I be--yeva-most. painters are more or 1eaa afflicted with kidney troublea. LaaFfan he had an acute attack when Doan's ' Kidney Pills were brought to our notice, anA got Mm a box.- Thay ao regulated his kidneys that relief came in a re markably abort time, t have heard him xpreas'hls appreciation of this reliable 'remedy." . . j, . . - . For eale .by all dealera. Price 19 cents.' Foater-Mllbura Co., Buffalo, N. 1 Tr.. sole agents for the United States. Remember the nae r " Vs art 3 taJte no other. iwetfct ttt,am ejawei It Durham and A. B. McAlpln ' ;' " . . , Miat Joeepht . ;' . ; " Tlie : Xrvington - Tennis i club's ' new home and courts, second td none west of Chicago, are the scene of the handicap tournament arranged for - the formal opening of the court a. ,: PlayL.coramenced last Saturday and will cloao today, when the finals will be played and the prises distributed.' '' ; - The magnificent new eourta and club. house represent an outlay of 119,999. J The scheme whereby interest was created and plans formed for the rala Ing of money to carry out thla work found ita origin during a friendly, gath ering of tennis players on the lawn of W. K. Scott's home at Irvlngton last year, after an exhibition match between Major Bethel and Walter Ooaa. Those In ths party were W. K. Bcott. V. a Hardy. K. V. Lively. Frank J." Raley. C. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. 79 72 - 4.; Lost , 4 , . l 41 1 40 41- . ,4 ,-24- P.C. .419 - .689 1 .922 .404 v.404 492 472 .249 Philadelphia , . .'. ,., Chios a-o . . . . Cleveland . , New Torlt ... , rioaton ........ Ietrolt . . Washington . . . St Louis . Ai'Ohloago. - r- ' " " '' ;-" '..- ; ' ; R. I1E. Chicago ..211-4 St Louis .............6 19 1 Batteries White,- Smith, Owen. Sul livan and McFarland; Pelty, Sudhoff and Rt,th-. , i'r;:;;'.: v' :, At ew Tork. ' '." R. H. B. Washington 1. ........ . .v. .... .4 12 1 New York ....... ...v... .2 7 4 Batteries Falkanburg and Klttredge; Cheebro, Kleinow and McGuire. ., i, :.; At Vhtladelnbia.' ',---':' :''". ' First game R. H. E. Philadelphia . ................ .4 2 2 Boston-. . ...... . . . . . .v. ..... .2 101 Batteries Coakley and Schreck; Win ter and Crlger. .-.,-.; , Second game 1 . , . ; .R. II. E. Philadelphia . . 2 .1 Boston.. ...... .'.1.... .2 9 1 Batteries Ty gert and ' Powers; Hughes and' Armbruster. '. r V- NATIONAL LEAGUE, ' Won. i Loat P C. ' I :'.'. i t. new xora . .... Plttaburg . .,.. Chicago . . ..... Philadelphia, . i j , as -1 . .ins 91 74 is "'- 44 I ' .444 .R73 .649 .492 .281 t incinnnti St. Louis . ..... atnn . ... ' 29 .235 Brooklyn . 18 v A A trt. Xoals. T HP. St. Louis J....... .......... '....4 11 9 Chicago . .,.2 9 1 Batteries Taylor snd Gradyi Brlgga and Kllng. : Umplr-Banaewine. ,x. .. . ' 9DMmf' ?.''"-; . R. H. E. Clncltmati '.",, .'. ..;. .t ....... 7 10 4 plttaburg . . ...'. ..'...'....I II 4 Batteries Overall, Clieclw- Swing and Schlei; Leever an Pelts. .... ,.- ' '.' At Bostea. ".'' ' . .. - " . . 4. R. H. E Boston . . 2 4 ; 2 phtladelphterv" -.-T-rt . ' 4 - 1 Batteries Fraaer and Moran; Nichols ana uooin. umpi-- ' BMinf a Oraveeend. (Jeornal tiwdtl Bw lea. I New Tork, Bept "19. The race results at Gravessnd track' yeaterday were: About ' els - furlongs Roeeben won, Lady Amelia second. Rapid Water third; time, 1:992-1. ' ' . Five and a ' half furlongs Water Grass won, - Alntla second, , Sufflelency third; time, :0t. Speedway and Folds toeo f -lj ' est - a - f'.'r. ? rtiaio'- won, in Action on Court No. I at the iWfagtonennUTttnument. r H.- Woodward.1 Ed Morse and ". Samuel I - ', M H.1 . ' J . JLOCa voeutv- oesff raw - uovww . .11 a. their courts at that time were entirely too small for their uses. .; ' " . Money waa needed and a committee was selected to solicit Sharea were sold, and the late C H. Presoott ss sured the committee that .he would help to the cxtenf of making up the deficit; after an effort was. mads to sell the atook. ; Through . the committee's hard work and ths generoalty of Mr. Preacott the 110.000 waa raiaed and the future looked bright for the Irvlngtoa Tennis club. v- -; " . '. '. ; ' " "''.'.:' '-- Twelve lota were, purchased In a wooded section In Irvlngton, directly onj rthr'Old7trairtGravel hill, at Twenty I " . . 1 . . -mu. . m lirsi na-tuuni)wn tunw. tin wiu cost 14.000 and 14,000 waa spent! for a clubhouae. -eourta ' and . tmproveknents The new courts, six In number, have! bean carefully made and oiled under the supervision - of an - expert . A. grand atand haa been fitted up and every Im provement added .that will lead con-, venlence.' '" .-.! . t The - clubhouae ee a- ballroom ari ranged with . good taate. and . ahower baths and dressing-rooms a kitchen and pantry.. , -. . . The clubhouae waa formally opened laet Friday evening whea an elaborate reception waa held. ' .The magnificent - new clubhouse and home' of the Irvlngton Tennis dub .was formally opened last evening with a re ception and dance. The affair was slab orate and was attended by over S09 of Portland's aoctety. people. . To most of the, vial tore laat nlgntr the new clnb-1 houae was a revelation. 'While many were , aware that a clubhouae and ten nis courts were being -constructed, at Irvlngton. little did they - dream -that creations on such a superb scale were under way. ": ; -.J - , V - Last night's reception marks a proud epoch In the history of th Irvlngton Tennis club and thoae" who are responsi ble for the management of the affair felt well repaid for their efforts by the large And appreciative gathering that assembled to celebrate opening night From the end of the Irvlngton car line up Tillamook street to Twenty-first over Twenty-flrat to Thompaon street to the clubhouse both sides of ths streets wers . lined with Japaneee lan terns, making ths sntrancs look more like fairyland than anything else. The same order, of decoratlona was carried out on the clubhouae and eourta. . Inside the ' club the committee did welL . The Interior without embellleh ments Is very artist tc. but after the touch of thoae clever dealgners, -It was transformed into a home of beauty. At Volady second. Monsieur ' Beaucalre third; time, 1:4 2-5. Five and a half ' furlongs King's Daughter won' Toob Duck second,' Ruth W. third: time. 1:97 4-6. r v- - Mile and a quarter Right Royal won, Leila second, Tennenworth third; time, 2:97 2-1. ' -Mile .'and'S - Sixteenth Cutter wot Regal aecond. On the Eve third;, time, LJU-. L , . .' CANADIAN ATHLETES HOLD AMATEUR GAMES (loeraal Spetlal Serviea.) " : Montreal. Quebec, Sept. 14. Athletes from all part a of Canada." the 'United States- and even a' few, from -England are taking part In the athletla meet for the annual champlonablpa under the aus pices of the Canadian Amateur Athletlo unlon. A Marge crowd congregated on the grounds of the M. A. ' A. A.' this morning ' to witness - the varloue . track and Seld events. The, entries wee un usually numerous and included aome of the beat eprlnters, endurance' runners, vaultera - and ' other athletes 'of ' Panada and the United Btatea. - . v v x - The . New T6rk Athletic - club Is well represented. 1 far; better than ; last yean The ' Canadian meeting waa-- originally set for September 22, but wis advanced one week, when, It watf discovered that that waa ths day for which ths athletlo meet, of the New Tork" Athletlo . club wag set. Among ' the entrlee for the athletlo eventa are Morrow, Molson, Lukemah. Stanley, Arthur Smith, Peter Deer, Desraatteau and Me Bride. -The . program will Include a 109-yard run. a 220-yard run, 440-yard run, 884 yard run,-one-mile run. one-mile , relay race, two-mile run. 120-yard hurdle race, running , high : lump, ' . running - broad Jump, throwing 14-pound weight, throw tng 14-pound hammer, putting 19-pound shot and throwing the dlacus. -,- . MMWsasMaajBjBsSsBassB-aa.A ' " . v . ' Portlaad Orlekeiers. : " - -In the cricket tournament yesterday at the exposition grounds, the Portland team defeated the Waahington aggrega tion by 47 runs.' The loca.s outclasaed the visitors, scoring 111 In the rirat In ning, v Charles W. Lawrence of Port land scored 80, the hiihest mark of the day. ' - " Strikes aUddea Books, . : When your ship ef health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneumo nia, et., you are loat If you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKlnnon of Tal ladega Springs, Ala., wrltea: "I had been very 111 with pneumonia, under the care of twb doctora, but waa getting ho better when I began to take Dr. King'a New Discovery. . The flrat 6pae gave relief, and one bottle cured tne.'V Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, roue ha and oolda. Guaranteed at Hktdmore Drug Co., 181 Third atreet. Price lOo ei4 $1.09. Trial bottle free. .... ' ... ' ; . ".. v : : -v- - . r . ' the north end of the building a big fire burned- la the grate. The trophies that have been won-by members of the club were on exhibition, also ths cups -that will be given to the victors In the pres snt tournament-4 ..'.--! The gueata began to arrive at o'clock end were received by Mr. and Mrs.-W. F. Woodward. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook. Walter A. Goee and Mr a. John W. Goes. After refreshments were served, danc ing was started. Brown'a orcheatra fur nishing the music The committees who were responsible for the success of the affair were: Invitation, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Raley; mualc, Mr.. Scott and Mlas Woodward; decoration. Mr. Leadbetter, Mrs. Scott and M'aa Schaeffer; refresh ments. Mrs - Letter, . Mrs. McLauchlan and Mrs. Scott ' r .:';. , v FINALS 0RAWING NEAR ; AT IRVINGTON TOURNEY On account of the rain early In the week It is not likely that the finals in the tennle tourney at Irvlngton w"U be' finished for a few days. The matches yesterday, were well contested. The play will anoa have the n luuers' sslac teX f or the finals. Yesterday's reaujta were:. -Ewlng. owe 16 4-9, beat - Raley, re ceived 15, 4-4. 4-2;. Wlcersham, owe 80, beat Roaenfeld. scratch,- 4-1, -J; Forbes aad K, McAlpln, received 2-4, .beat Goee and A. B. McAlpln, owe 40, 4-4, 4-4, 4-4; Manchester end - Leadbetter; received 16 6-4, beat Forbes and K. McAlpln, re ceived 2-4,. 4-4, 4-1; Miss Josepht and Miss .Weldler beat Mra. McLauchlan and Miss Leadbetter. 4-2. 4-2; Mrs. Bald win, owe 15, beat Mlas Fording, 8-4, 8-4, 4-2; Miss Robertson, soratca, beat. M!ea Leadbetter, received 6-4,-4-4, 4-2; Mlae Josepht- and Durham, owe 15, beat Mlse Morrison and Leadbetter, received 15 4-4, 9-4, .4-4; Ewlng, owe 15 4-4, beat West. Scratch. 4-2. 4-4,' 4-2; Mrs. Bald win .beat . Mrs.. "McLauchlan. 4-4, 4-4; Wlckeraham beat Andrews, 7-8, 9-8, 4-2; Rohr and Wilder, ows 6-4. beat Leadbef-ter-and Manchester, 4-1," 4-2." -8." 4-2; Morse and Durham beat Lively and An drews, 4-2, 4-1. i ' . k . ,r if.-...-Today's schedule Is: -: -' - 9 a. m. Mora's and Durham vs. Herd man and Ewen, seml-flnals. 2 p. m. Ewlng ve. Wlokeraham, final men's singles; Miss. Robertson vs. Mrs. Baldwin, final ladlea' singles. , . . ... 8:80 p. m. Rohr and Wilder vs.. win ner Herdman and Ewlng-Morae an I Durham; Miss Josephl snd Miss Weldler vs. - Mlas Fording and .Miss .Morrison, finals, ladle"trcubles. v.: . SPORTING GOSSIP. ' V "Twin"'-Sullivan had Joe Gans prec tlcaly knocked out last night at-Baltimore, having the colored men outpointed In every round, but Referee O'Hara de clared, the contest a draw. The crowd eet up a greahowl.'.,.'.' ', Charlie Neary and. Maurice Thompaon fought a 20-round.draw at Spokane laat tight. Both men-were. badly, punished ..... e- ; " If Henderson can keep up the work he displayed In the flrat five innings of yesterday's gams,' hswlll certainly., do for Portland. z r" 7 , ' - ' -i - ... ... " e e - ( , '- MUllona to cream puffs that Bill Es alck "will tear out s victory; from the Angels this afternoon. '. Steamer Telegraph for; Astoria. Round trip dally (except Friday). Leaves Alder street dork 7:10 a. m. Re turning leaves Astoria 2 p. in. Arriving Portland 8:29 p. m. Sundays leavea Port land lam. Arrives PorUand 9 p. as. , (Jaeraal Speelal Serriea.) Seattle Wash.r St--14 By- vote of 44 to 14 ths American board or foreign missions of the Congregational church last , night tabled the "tainted money" reaoIuUon offered by Dr. Waan Inrton Gladden. With Gladdan'S reso lution also went the substitute resolu tion, the board declaring it a eubjee? that should not be considered. Dr. Gladden made a strong plea for the adODtion . of a resolution in speech in which e caustically referred to the methods by which Rockefeller had accumulated hla wealth although he mentioned no names. Rev. rnuip Moxom of Springfield. Massachusetts, aqd Kev. & O, Updyke spoke strongly In support of -it' j : After, the motlcraa been tabled ur Gladden said that he would continue the fight, which bad only Juat begun. Hs said; . "I have orten been in tn minority in this board, but I Have seen the minority gather strength until, it became the maloritv. Bo it will now. shall not bring the ajuesiion up again at this meeting, but the right is not over; It Is Jua3 beginning. la his speech Dr. Gladden said:. Olfts Bepreseat atvec. ; "It' is only gifts which require some pubna recognition , or the giver , sna which connect 1 themselves with the giver, about which any question can be raised. Every such girt represents me aiver. , "Using the discretion whtcB- thtl board must uss In soliciting donations, there are one' or two simple rules by which thev should be. guided. 'In the first place they must not seek the 000 pe ration in tnetr work or per sona whose calna have been and are be ing -made by acandaloua lmmoralltiea. About thla there la no dispute. "In the eeoond place, tbey must not Invite gifts frornpersnS Jwhjarecon; snlcuous enemies of society. , "It U a bitter truth that auch a claas exlata among us- and that the nation Is now confronting, with anxiety and fear, the problem -of reetralnlng its denredatlona. The class Is composed of persona who have rapidly eoqulred enormous wealthy- The number of these persons Is not large. - but the power which they have acquired la prodigious. No such aggregation of . wealth have ever, been known. . , " , WTMloeiie, . . "Trie existence OC suck fortunes prima facte evidence of eoclal injustice. I think, that a man may, by meana fairly legitimate, accumulate a con' slderabl fortune, but no man can pos alblr render to society a kind., and amount of service whloh shall entitle him. within a generation, to heap up for himself a.fprtune of 11.099,900,000 or 8600,000,000. The . existence of such fortunes is an , enormous peril to a democratlo state; they could never have - been . accumulated, in a democracy, without a great deal ef eoclal and political rottenness. . I think that the church cannot afford to culti vate their friendship or seek their co operation in Its work. . -. - n "The Baptist cnurcnes, acooraing to ur, Joslah Strong, are giving . 40 per cent less now than 19 years ago, even count ing the much heralded . donatlone- of their largest giver. Wise men In that church attribute that ahrtnkage to -theaa big gifts. . WIU Prove Suicidal. "Simply ' aa a matter of economy, therefore, the policy which the commit tee -in Introducing - Is likely to prove suicidal. But If thia policy la followed a moral Injury la to be apprehended whose effects will be much more dis astrous. - Ths result ' ef cultivating friendship with men of. low moral tone cannot be healthful to the work of the board, auch an exhibit as hss been put forth, lh connection with thla case, f sordid reasons for the propagation of rKriiilaa missions illustrates the ten- Saney to which 2 am calling - tttTmqtrt There le no help in aucn alliances; mere Is weakness in them. ' "A kindred reason why this board should not make friends with predatory wealth le found In the grief snd shame and weakness It brings to the churches whose agent the board is, with whose life It la Identified and upon whose strength It must rely. This board is not an Independent organisation. It is the representative of the Congrega tional churches. For whatever it does we must bear the responsibility. Of the glorious work It hss done, snd It has done some of the best work this world has ever sesn, we nave naa in credit. Of the mistakes It has made, and It has made some woeful ones, we have had ha blame." J ' .v j, Will Interest Bachelors. Josraal fipeelat esrvlea.r Toneka. Kin- SepL' 14. The demeatlo science contest for prises snd diplomas) which la one of the most interesting features ef the day at the etate fair. Is attracting a large crowd of marriage. able men at the fair grounda today. The conteat gives bachelora an excellent op portunity to become acquainted with women who are experts in domestic mat ters, cooking. i sewing, darning,, eta. Everv facility la .offered to the con- teatanta to display their proficiency In the various branches . of domestic sci ence There will be prlxes to the women who bske the beat bread, cake or pie, to the best sooks In general snd In specific branches, to the beat seamstress, the moat accomplished darner ofsocka. etc., alao to the woman moat 'pioflclent In canning fruit.1 Jelly and even In setting h Ubl- ' " ' ' ": ' ttoy- ' - BEACH RATE REDUCED. 1 Three BeUare foe Botad Trip Auonaoed . r o. b . oo.. . Ths' e-rery-asy round-trip rate from Portland te North Beach points has bean reduced by the O. R. N. Co. 84 to $1, tlcketa nn eale until October 15 with final return limit October 81. - Particulars and O. R. 4k N. Summer Book by asking at Third and Washing ton streets, Portland. '-.- avow Bete Side-Trip Tickets. , Holders of Lewie and Clark tickets sold east of Pocatello or Butte and tho weatern boundary fArlaona are enti tled to flften-day- one-fare -tlrkets -te certain points on the O. R. A N. Par ticulars by skklng at Third and Wash ington streets, Portland. ; i . ' ' '. '.'.'.' ''.''.. ."' - '''! ' ' ', k oa the lslel of dis '7r , . ' y. Q The best and most econocmcal 4Z' ' ... '.'"'".i J baves eyetignt, gas dius, manues ana repairs, . ST A.L f -'.?' v;? ' i': '"' Tn .rf I Genuine ; I . WHa vm Y ; v i Imitations, are Worthless' and : Extraragant fy'i'ii ; : v of 'Moping' yourself with so-called constipation cures that never cure ' only giving temporary relietA "darigcrous habit Jthat ruins your ,i lgestive organs Constipation Tobhts ' - '": '"'i..-'-'.'' ' : :': ;' ':'" : A..-': ,' They not only relieve i The longer, you take thejn the ? 7 ; less you need next time. They go V to, the ' cause ; of . the- trouble and ' t, restore . to working health your ; weakened digestive organs. . Be . ' .': healthy. ' C ';..'.-'.'-. :7-" - ' ''-"-.' -r' -' J -. :'- .. W WATCB-8HAP8 BOTTLES THAT FIT TBSTPOCtOtT. TOintt, DStJOOIST, OB - ,,, 25 cents sW FOR SALE BY WOOD ARD, CLARKE & CO. Yon can make your household possessloos spick i and span with a little of your own spare time, a' brush and s can or Do it yourselfno skill required - Sanitary, artistic, durable. real enamel-to which dirt and clean by occasionally wiping .: i-retty tints ana colors to matcn ruraisntngs. - . atesWBjisrteaVsniaMasnBAswka. ' ' . ' ; . Acta Vhiie Lead & Color .Worts, Detroit, fclch. . - For Sale b; The New Era Paint lad Varnish Co. ' 208-210 Front St. n at Si ported ; :o:ji:c::s Phone Alkln aooo '" ' . tit Ts. 3 J ! I Olymt' , Mead 1 . 1209,004 1 ga fight in the worlcL, ', "..' -. f Welsbach Mantles lwjckj cm xmj m torn uum. beyond repair. , WW . TH8CHASS MFO.CO. '.. 'K.T. . ;'"'.;' INeal s tnamcls. Give S hard, lustrous surface- dust will not cling. Kept i with a soft, damp cloth. niMFJiv iiFFf rF mil r:i If k uiuin nut vi s iwm a. Barbed Wire. Wire end Uei Fencing Poultry Netting. Ete, ' si j n-AN0-"3 r- r t r n ptircha5 T .1. the b 7