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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1905)
TII3 052G0N DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING." SEPTEMBER : TH.r 1CC TOUN TOPICS EVENING PAPER MOBNING PAPED Oh" hundred and 'foertean ef the tarieai oepartsaeot euros tkraurhoat " the United State eere asked wblea - Kpt waa tlx nnst profitable for adver. ln( Ik noralnc or Um eventnsi 10 tnfimd the evaaiac paBeriQ -aie-frrrad tb noralne. - Tb Jooraal will pnbllah a laitar eata eveninc frost ana ef the JO. jv? - - ivenJrif-Ty' f all -means. 80 7 per cent of the department store . igttcinjerjj- '. red the evening papers."' ( Ad. V JJgr.' The - .Bailey Co, Cleveland. . v.''.' v. . The eireulatloB of The Jeajraal -yeoterday war S3.10V aad th' ' saajo portlom of It wm la Vtt TOBIOHT'S AiretPCMT,- ,' Marqoa : Brlaeco am.."alrs. WUxs at tha Cabbaia Patch Vaudeville . ntar lira I Vaodevtll For IV every 8undsy. our people and sueata may- vlalt the celebrated ei.000.. : OOtt Caec&de Loeka, mile -P the Columbia river from Portland,, and on route feaat their'eyes tipon the moat delightful natural scenery In tha world. Tha ilaanur Charles R. Spencer, leav- ln foot of Washlnaton atraet at a. ?m passes directly through the heart "of the Caacada mounUlna, affordlnr -Imperfect view of the mounUlna, canona and alens. Multnomah falls. 40 feet; T the hllla-and dalee. hlatorla . rtoka, charming groves and sturdjr forests, wild, weird jungles and rolling prairies. flshwheela In operation a panorama ef . hautv. and arrandeur unexcelled any where on earth, Thla region la aptly - - k ,.,.,. .-Ph. a.itaerlaad of I TZZZ?.- ;nTB,.li-aerved-gnited preliminary-to the eonte.t. -board the boat, which reeches Portland on return at about p. m. .' , E. P- Sheldon, superintendent of the Forestry building at the fair grounda, will give an Illustrated lecture thla evening under the auaplcea ef the Ore ' -gon State Academy of Sciences and the - Toung Men'a Chrlatlan Aaaoeiatlon at the Y. M. C. A.' auditorium. Mr. Shel- - don ha a for aavaral-yeara been a United Statsa foreatar and haa made a thorough atudy of the forest treea of the north--west The lecture will be Illustrated by - several beautiful atereoptleon riewe and -will begin at S:lto'clocn. rArtlc1ea of Incorporation ortheJLew v lton.8waetwater Jrrlgatloa ; company - were filed yeaterday by W. f Burrell, !Jamea Bryden and E. IJThOmpeon cap- v Ital afbek. 1110.000; the purpeae la the Irrigation of Idaho landa. The kewlaton "Lend Water, company also filed lr " corporation 'CarUelea "7 yeaterday; the atockholdera are K W. aenUgue, ft U Powera and J. . X . Hertman; capital atock, 1200.000. . , - .i! . . Tou lose monaK, by paying tit and - 40 when you can get the aame ault here for tit. Look around before you order and you will aee we are tight about thla. Remember, we have only ' the one price. Any ault In the house to order lt. any panta 17-60; no more, no less. Come in whether you wish to buy or not. Unique Tailoring company, 147 y Washington, near Seventh. r The fifteen-piece mission ' furniture . a-t used In the flrat and laat acta of the Bel a sco theatre thla week. waa suppllel by I. Oevurta 80 Tbla aet Of furni ture coata fl.000 and consists of Morris ' chairs, rocking chairs, couches, and In all fifteen ptecea.. It la made by hand by the Arte and Crats workers. 4, f A meeting of the vsrlous unions of the city haa been arranged for Sunday aft- nooU-Atthe-offlre of the Labor Press for the purpose ofTaiaouasTng Ihe arec- f tlon of a temple of -labor Iri thla city. 'The matter waa discussed are meeting of the Federated Trades council - last night, action waa taken. , Tacoma week at the exposition begins on Monday and will Include a - good many Interesting events, chief, among which will be another Tacoma day, September 21. ExcuraVona will be run front Tacoma and exercises will be held In the Washlnrton building. . The hostesses will arrive Sunday. : Veteran firemen will assemble at the Fifth atreot entrance to the city hall thla evening for the purpoae of organ ' istng a Veteran Volunteer Firemen's - association of the Paclflo coast. There are local organisations In many coast cities and efforts will be made to secure affiliation with them. Mlaa Henrietta Moore, a alster of Miss . Bertha - Moore of the Portland High leohool, hns bean appointed to the chair of English language and literature In the, University of Idaho. Tha degree of ' doctor of - philosophy ' waa recently awarded -her at . Columbia university, New York. u;vv-r-i- ir- The Jury on awards for the depart . mant pf wearing apparel, composed of Messrs. A. B. Btelnbach. F. N. Pendle ton. Ben Selling. Charlea Coopey and a Japan a , Osawa, have been working diligently during .the past week and yesterday finished up the oriental da- Announcement ADr.lIMSTRATION RESTAURANT ; 1 Continues to-Serve. ; - Every attendant should not fail to visit this restaurant. Price will convince) you that it is not necessary to' carry lunches. .'v'' : partment awarding St prises., The llra't la gold., afcond silver, third bronae and a diploma for the fourth- In rank. The position la purely honorary, but . the juror a, -all men of large Intereats, are spending their ' valuable time out of public, spirit, lending their experience to the success of the fair and for the benefit of Portland. Andrew' Hamilton, who conduoted the so-called Interstate Introducing society, waa - yeaterday . found guilty by a Jury In Judge Sears' court ef petty larceny Hamilton waa charged with withholding I64.10 from M. V. Toung. The jury found that Toung waa only In arrears 111.- Hamilton had a habit of selling- a one half Interest in the, society to whom soever would purchase, but at laatold the whole concern Kp D..A, Brakeman, formerly of Seattle..; 2f the settling of the 'affairs of the coaipany, Toung, one pf the former parUera. thought that he did not receive -hi)i share. The exposition management haa. ar ranged wth Captain Baldwinto have the airahlp make at least one, and" fre-" quently two, aacenta each, day at the fair, owing to a popular demand of visitors. , Since the marvelous exhibi tion of yesterday there la a keen desire on the part of many to aee the Gelatine In : operation. , .The flrat, flight of the new aeries waa to have taken place at 4 o'clock thla afternoon, but the breese will probably be too etrong. .The next, therefore, will be on Monday at 11 o'clock. , ' u .. f : 1 J. M. Healy, L. E.-Latourette and' 8. M. Ramaby, appraisers, . thla - morning reported to the county court that they had- found the eatate of the late Edward R. Whlttock to be worth 16,(00,' the furniture -4 and - personal . ; property amounted to 14,000, while local real es tate holdings are aald to- be worth H,- too. . . - . v Portland's veteran firemen .will meet tonight, In the city hair and reorganise their society, which has, been inactive for three years. There are 0 or more ot the old knights of the nossle living and since their organisation dlabanded bave felt the lack of the comradeship they enjoyed in the daya.when they held their meetlnga, . . . ; Thomaa B. - Froat of East Portland died at tha Horn of hia parenta, S50 East Tenth atreet, Thuraday after a brief Illness. He waa 20 yeara old and a worker In the First Chrlatlan church. The funeral ' aervlcea will be held to morrow Afternoon In the chapel of the J". 8. Dunning undertaking- rooms. , RepreaenUttvea of five states will take part In tha Intaratata oratorical con teat . of the Jntercollerlate Prohibi tion association at . the White Tampla Wednesday evening-. More than 100 orations have oeen written ana aenv- London's Clothing, company filed ar- Jtlclea of Incorporation In the county clerk'a ornce yeeieraay. ine capital atock la' $26,000, the object la to manu facture and deal In clothing, and the In corporator are O. A. .liowlt,- Charles Wright and N. D. Simon. . First Congregational "Church, Park and Madison Streets Dr. House will preach In the morning.' Sermon, topic, "A Model Man." In tha evening Or. Washington Gladden, D. D., of Columbus, Ohio, will occupy the pulptt. : Special muslo by quartet, choir. ... PbrtlandrT.amale Parlor, 144. Park street, between Alder and Morrison, -the only place In town where enchiladas, chile con earn with frljolea, Mexican style, also' the celebrated Frits' ta males, are made. t Open from 12 m. to 11 p. m. Special rates en the O. W. P. Sunday 1 Xp Oresham. 26o: Boring. Eagle Creek and Estacaoa, toe rouna trip. - dinner at Hotel 'Estacada, 76c' Cars leave Flrat and Alder atreeta 7:10, t:0. 11:10, 1:10. 1:40. i:44. 7:16. , ' On the O. P-' Trolley "Lines Sun day: To Oregon City, Willamette Falls ' and Canemah- Park.. 26o round trip. , Motor care with trailers leave First and Alder streets on the odd hour and every 40 minutes. - j , , ( ; ' . Six thoroughbred carrier, plgeonekeve been grown In the-Tacoma booth ef the Washington building and will be turned loose tomorrow or next day with "Watch Taqoma Grow" wrapped around their feet , . . - ., . For Ban Francieeo the elegant ateemer "W. H. Kruger" sails direct. Monday, September 16, at p.Jm. - First cabin passage $12. meala and berth Included. C H. Thompson, agent, 121 Third street ' , ' " Afternoon Overtur, - Professor Rlnglenjouncelhe jpen4rgr-HdTT sJcal culture, .classes next Monday evening. A limited num. ber of membershlpa will be sold for $S for the sea eon. $0$ Alder street. Portland Dancing .academy opens for the season next Tuesday evening. Pro fessor Rlngler and Miss Buckenmeyer, Instructors. 200 Alder street, Lessons 60c, 11 lessons $&. The Portland Walters' club will hold their dance Saturday evening, Septem ber 16. In Merrlll'a new halL A -prise will be given to the beat lady and gen tleman waltser. Dr. H. A. Studevant, formerly of The Dalles, Is now with Wise Bros, at rooms 111-12, The Falling, Third and Washing ton streets. Phone Main 2020. 1 Dance for $40 cash prise every Tues day and : Friday 'evenings, Lewis snd Clark pavilion, Twenty-seventh and Thurman atreeta. , 1 . Spitsner's "Philharmonic. - Rehearsal September IT, 1:10 o'clock. Second and Morrison. New members of all Instru ments admitted. Dr. Mrs.' M. B. Hlckey has returned from her vacation and will be found at her chair as usual. $17 Dekuna building. Why pay $$.60 to $10 for eye glaaaea when we guarantee a perfect fit for $1T Metsger ek Co, 111 Sixth street. . Window carda of all colors and de signs. Foster St Klelser, phone Ex.' 66. ' Sheriff T. M. Word this morning ap pointed M.- H. "Merrill a deputy sheriff. Dr. Amos, surgeon. Dekum building. Frits's tamales are. the beat . . ' r Maamal Tralalar. The -Toung Men's .Christian Aaaoeia tlon wll conduct a special class, fer boys over 11 .yeara 'of age. In manual training. This class will. bet supple mental to the manual training given In the publle schools. : Boys who show special aptitude. in the handling of tools will be given a .chance for further de velopment Th4 time will be largely spent in making- things. The jelaas will meet on Monday and Friday After noons from 4 to 1:10 o'clock, under tha Instruction ef Mr. William J. Standley. The fee will be $6 for a three-montha' term.,..'' . .. . ' . , - r . vlls ef Today. . Tonight at the Volunteers of America hall, 247 Vken etreet Mrs. M. K. aretes will speak on the "Evils of To GOLDEN WEDDING VBY MR. AND r ::. .Mr." and Mrs, David Perrin. (Special Diapatch to The loaraa). t Corvallls. Or.. Sept., 1: Thelr golden wedding was-oelebrated by Mr. and Mrs. David Perrin at their home In Benton county last Sunday. : Thirty gueats were present, and numerous presents were bestowed on the couple. For 22 years Mr. and - Mra. Perrin have resided ' In Benton county, near Bellfountaln. Mr. Perrin waa born at Columbus, Indiana. December 11, HIT. " When 6 yeara of age he went to Jasper county, Iowa, where, ' 60 yeara ago Sunday, he was married , to Martha Crouch. For 2$ HAWAIIAN S0K6 BIRD KEVER HAD A MUSIC LESSON. rVTr.? Nans Alapai, With the i Island Band, Is a S'elf . . . Taujht Songstress. Madame Nane Alapai, the soprano of the Royal- Hawaiian band, whoae singing of native songs haa been the rouslcat sensation of the fair, "haa never had a muslo lesson In her life.- " " ; ' All she knows about vocal I am Is" from her own observation and the Incidental i' f --i: - -a mm 1 I. M r Mme. Nane AlapaL rehearaals given her by Conductor Berger. Her voice Is naturally aweet and her talent distinctively native. Madame Alapat has been married for a number of years. She Is ambitious for operatic work, and there Is Just a pros pect that she may lead a -native opera company In Honolulu within a short time. , '- FAREWELL" CONCERTS ' ' r.V ,7. OF, HAWAIIAN BAND ' The Royal Hawaiian band will play the following programs at tne exposi tion on Sunday, the night program clos ing the local engagement of thla cele brated organisation: Afternoon Overture. " Festival " ie- Holy City" I tAdamsl :vocal. ,a) 'Pua Alanl,' b Nua I Ka Palal," Madame Nana Alaparntndependehlly ofall Othera, mnmpetn selection, "Patience" (Sullivan); vocal (a) "Old Plantation, (b) "Maunalua." Royal Hawaiian Glee club; suite. "Look ing Upward'' (new). (Sousa); vocal, (s) "Hole AValmen." (Ijr "Oiwl Nanl," Mad ame Nane Alapai; waits. "Blue Danube" (Btrauns); vocal, (a) '.'Lani Hull," (b) "Wl 1 Will Wai." ROyal Hawaiian Glee club; march, "Uncle Sammy" . (Hols man): "Hawaii Ponoi.' "The Star Span gled Banner." Bvenlng, (farewell con cert) March. "The Lewia and Clark Exposition" (Young); overture, "Poet and Peasant" (Suppe); vocal, (a) "Hllo Knpa Loke." (b) "Mahine Malamalama." Madame - Nane Alapai; Introduction, Carmen" (Biset); vocal, (a) "Pupu Kant Oe," b) "Hoeueu." Royal Hawaiian .Ghe club; "The Grand International Musical Congress" (Sousa); vocal, fa) "Leu Vablne," (b) "Hone ' Ae Net." Madame Nane Alapai: waits, "The Wed ding of the Winds" (Hall); vocal, (a) "Honolulu," (b) "Hula-Hula," Royal Hawaiian Glee club; finale, "Stars and Stripes Forever" (Sousa); "Auld Lang Syne," "Aloha Oe," "Hawaii ponol," "The Star Spangled Banner '."Pan" (literally, 'That'e all"). - -- NEW ENGLAND INVITES - FRIENDS TO LUNCHEON At the Massachusetts building a re ception and luncheon will be given the American board of commissioners for foreign missions on New England day, next Tuesday, and invitation la ex tended to the officials of the state of Oregon and other states, the Lewia and Clark exposition. United Statea govern ment, of the army and navy, atate and foreign commissioners, members of the New England - society, and visitors or former residents of New Englsnd to be present from 1 to 4 o'clock p. m. - The program follower Muelo, Adraln latratton band: prayer, Rev. H. W. Boyde, Forest Grove; address of wel come, T- B. Wilcox, representing Gov ernor of Massachuaetta; addreaa. Presi dent H. W. Ooode; ' sddreas. ReV. E.. L, House. Portland; addreaa. Judge H, H. North rup, president New England so ciety; addreesea by speakera, -from the board. Rev. 'A. E. Dunning 4) f Boston, Rev. P. S. Moxom of Springfield, Mae sachusetta; Rev. 8.' B. Capen of Boaton. An Informal luncheon Will be served from 1 to 4 o'clock. - - - ' Similar exercises will be held by the Maine state . commission Immediately after the exercises si the Massachusetts building, v . - . .. ' . 1 "- ' . Xfebraak Kxklelt. . . , Free, moving picture exhibitions. Neb raska) pavilion, Agricultural paiaoe, : j ... . ' .;,',' CELEBRATED MRS. DAVID PERRIN years the couple resided In Iowa, Mr, Pkrrtn serving Uhree years In. the civil war aa a member of an Iowa -regiment The COUP.U-has .four . sons . and Jhree daughters.-.- , " The guests present at Sunday'a cele bration were Mr. and Mrs. David Per rin, Mrs. Mary Pierce. Mrs. Sarah Reea, Mr. and Mra. H. I. Perrin and daughter, R. L. Perrin, Mr. and Mra. J. C. Perrin, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Perrin. Mr. and Mra, O. W. Humphrey. Mr. and Mra. W. 8. Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. -O. J. Black ledge and 14 grandchildren of the host and hoe teas. . ' STATE SUFFERS AS DID THE CITY Census-Takers' Many- Errors ' Show That Klamath County Has Lost Population. WOMEN APPEAR LIABLE J - FOR MILITARY DUTY Notwithstanding That JhlM Haa Been iBeat Year in Oregon's History, Mistakee-Wilt Indicate a Decrease in Number of People Here. . Glaring errors snd omissions are said to have -been discovered In the census returns sent to Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar at Salem. It la believed that tneHinumeralloh "of this year will ahow an apparent decrease in population In counties that are known to bave en joyed a material .Increase..: Thla la no tably true In the returna from Klamath county, which has had large additions to Its population, but which, according to this year'a , census, will appear to have Jgstjnanypeople. , . : rr - Not only le the enumeration Inade quate In some Instances, but errors are numerous .In filling the different col umns with notations required by law. One of 'the common mlstakea la -to re turn women as liable to military duty, which doea not affect the total popu lation, of course, but Indicates the slip shod manner In which the census was taken In some countlesj ," , - Klamath county's aaaessor returns to the secretary of state recorde that as sert that -there are only aeven Indians In that county; the federal ceusus of 1(00 showed l.llt. The footings shew Klamath county to have now only 1,181 people, although in 1100 there were i.70. It is probable that that county has Increased from 20 td 10 per cent In the peat Ave yeara Inasmuch aa the set tlers have been going there by hun dreds snd enormous areas of land are coming under cultivation that formerly were used for grazing. . Klamath county haa been . experiencing an Irrigation boom, too, and that haa accelerated the Incoming of people; yet the assessor shows a decrease of population. - The errors, in part are due to the un wladom of the law. Aaaesaora are ex pected to take the atate census, and as a rule they are not versed In the science I of enumeration. Another defect la aald tobe the laclc of a stipprrtatng- need 14 (h. niia-talr1na Rarh assessor works no one is placed the duty of directing the labor of the enumerators. In late years there has been agitation In favor of creating a census bureau or giving the -work Into the handa of the tabor commissioner, which - office would build up a system of records and methods that would be handed down from time to time as the administra tion changed. ; . . - If the omissions In the returns of some of the counties that have reported finally to the secretary of atate prove to be general. Oregon In the best yeara of her history will be made to ahow very poorly aa to Increase of population, luaWas baa been the esse with Mult nomah county and Portland: the city, according to Assessor Slgler's returns, will show only 10.000 increase, al though all other criteria .commonly ac cepted as giving ' socurate indlcatlona prove that the increase haa been 16,000 In the past Ave yeara. The Olaxemoat Tavern for Chicken. . .- . - -' One of the pleasure places that te making the region about the city famous is the recently opened Claretnont tavern, 11 miles north of the city on the Linn ton road. The grounda and interior furntahlngs are In keeping with the highest ideal of the landscape and house decorator," and on the coast no more handsome resort may be found. The kitchen of the tavern has al ready become famoua. It being under the direction of a chef who haa for yeara catered to the moat critical tastes and who haa built up an 'eastern reputation by hla Maryland chicken, game and fish courses a ad shellfish dishes. The resort Is the general stopping place -of the many auto parties that nightly take a apln on the Llnnton road, and so popu lar has the place become that. regular automobile aervtce haa been established between the elty and the tavern! -.The auto -leaves the Oregon and Portland hotela at 1, 4. , and 10 p. m. dally. The reeort la alsoreached by water, the Fox line of steameja and the Republic and America carrying parriee every aft ernoon and night from their varloua city docks. H. B. Wlnsor of New Tork Is manager In charge and has Introduced many 'new Ideaa In roadhouae manage ment that have "caught on." . " aTews fee Judge WOlsv Judge J. H. Wills, representative for the suwramento Valley Development as sociation at the. Lewie and Clark expo sition, has been called to. hla home in Auburn, California, because of the sud den death of hla brother-in-law. Dr. T. M. city. , , - .promlni ntcltlsen, of, .that c?fc::ei jtotas: jed t::::ey Dr. Washington Gladder ' Will V Tell Portland Why Rockefel ler's Cash Is Bad. Dr. Washington Gladden. - famoua as the clergyman who refuses to accept "tainted money" for missionary uses and who refused to speak at the-expo altlon tomorrow on account of the open ing of the Trail Sundays, Is on. the wsy to this city. - The people of Portland will have op portunity to hear him. In the morning be will preach at the Flrat Presbyterian church. In the evening he will give his address en "Tainted Moneys . Dr. Gladden was secured aa one of the speakers for-the Sunday services a the exposition when It waa understood that the Trail waa to be closed Sundays. - it Is satd written- assurance waa made by the . exposition ';. management ' that tha Trail waa under control of the expoal-tlon-. directorate- and would - not - undei any consideration be permitted, to open. Cancellation . of . engagements of sev eral other noted men resulted from the opening of the Trail on Sunday,, and It waa stated that the exposition manage ment did not make e. real effort to de feat the effort to open the Trail. Dr. Gladden Is In the . publlo eye a the man who raised a protest against the acceptance of money - offered by John D. Rockefeller as a contribution to the funda of the American Missionary society. He based his sction on the claim that the church should not sccept money obtained In an Hmmoral manner. The laaue raised was taken up by thouaanda of clergymen' in the United and newspapers and magasines ana cnurcn reviews priniea mucn mat ter relative thereto. The society haa been In seaslon In Seattle, and, although it voted agalnat Dr. Gladden on the aubject, he declares that the tight haa only begun. His ad dress tomorrow evening will present the Issue from his point of view, and Is ex pected to attract an Immense audience. When In Seattle Go to the Rathskeller, a hlgh-elass place to eat- Sea fooda, eastern meats, large -orchestra dally.- Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern. end Seattle faoes. Take Sell- wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. Preferred Stock Canned Coeds. -Allen at Lewis' Best Brand. CHANGE OP TIME - jaw anAHxa ' v Chas. R. Spencer Betlsslng ' Monday. September 11, Win leare ber dork, foot ef WMhtnrtea street, at T a. m., for The Dallaa and way polata, oa Moadir.' Wedeeaaay aad Friday. Be taralnf win leave The Dalles en Tuesday, Thnraday and Batarday at T a. av, tor Portland and way peiata. - ON SUNDAY; ':; Tti tnrf 11Tt th Tmrn trly to Caacade Locke, learlnf fopt of Waahlnctoa etreat at a. ., arrfrioa- aoaee at p. m. Round Trip $1.00 : Bee the Oehoatla ' Siver tteaataiaa. peaks, forks, leda-ea, eeayone. gorsea, larraiia I MUlinumaa, levii. wrvYwm aa foraata from the derka ef tbla fbe faateat steamboat plying tbe waters of these rivers. Telephone Mala 1421.. x. w. arnroxs. General Manager. Portland. Oregon, GIRLS MAKE MORE MONEY " Working for us than aa type , - - writers. WE WANT ELECTRIC IRONERS Vho are eompetent to do the beet claaa of work. Ours Is a great -laundry, provided with the very latest makea of machinery, our work la Al, snd an appreciative publlo, keeps us rushing all the time. We have -the only staam heated collar and eufT polishers In the state. Theae do not burn the "linen. . ., UNION LAUNDRY Tel. Mala SM. ad aad OolaxaMs. AKTJ SSZTT Theatre MreetJoa SJ. W. T. Asm. C Beillg. rree. Marrhun street botwooa eth sad Tta. I raane Maui 14a, LAST PSarOKMANOS TONIGHT AT 80 O'CLOCK The Cabbage Patch "Tbe greateit hit Is TearT' Pertland Pally Papers. -.. v 77. - PHICBS xoe, SBC, soe. Toe, ana 1.00. Beau Mow Belling. Marquam Grand Theatre ALL HBXT WRKat BKOntNINO MOXDAT, SEPTEMBEB . IS. Speelal-Priee Matlnaea Wedneeday asd aahwday. ' Tbe Big Knaiaalenaody Baeeass, ' "THE CHAPERONS" Oergeeas Oaetniaae ' Pretty Olrls Oaiaky Xaale Hear the Latest Bong Be . "The Whole Daiao Family" PBICBB Bvealncs. 29e. c, toe, TBe, ft aad II.BO. Matloeea, tVe. ISe. BOr. Tie aad II. Beau Are Xew-ea Bale. RATfFR THEATRE SS 3d and Yamhill Hnone Male ISOT. ORIOON Til BATHS CO.. Oen. U Baker, Maaatev. Tub home or BraiX-Hira. Matinee Today, 1:18. . Laat rwrronaasee tt Whallen A Merteire Oeeet - "XBMTVOKT BILLBB" " Xltrarafiaaa Cempanr. latrwaaetag the Sereast . Ih raree. ' 'IfWaTI' MIBTBatS" ' Ufa. Merrtmt and' Maaae. venlaa. Tte. M. see. 3b I aaatll 9. Ih. . KrXT WKKK. Blartlag-Tei "Tbe Meni makers. ",- rew. After liavs. WILLIAM THE RENOWNED CONCERT OROANIST OF NEW YC-X CTZt - Now retuminf from aa extended tour through Japes) aad the) . the Orient, win give two redtala in the . FffiST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCJI ; Friday and Saturday Evenings, Sept. 22 and 23 ';s- ' Assisted by : . " VlK . : : WILLIAW WALLACE GRAB AH S. Hr jLUEN-G00DVYll- Violinist .Tenor, , ' i. ':'.-'-; '.'' '". Accompanist , ' General Admission $1.00 - ReservedSeats $1.50 s-an-ae e I cia-cxva rianu nwatjuiw"i ... i BSAI9 un I .amAnaBn ri lavr n rn lr..w tar.kl.. ' f ALE AT I A. Ob d FBLDENHEIMER. Third aad WBshtactoa ; It's Not as Hot as .Hadsa BUT IT :T Is where the Thermometer averages everywhere. The very atmosphere Is We Devote Particular Attention . - " - - m , To the strangers who ere visiting Portland. Come out and spend a day and you will go home healthier, happier and enthusiastic ' The only plaoe where you can enjoy the Chutes. Mae, Bumps. Laughing Gallery, Merry go-Round. Ferrla Wheel. Giant Whirl, 'the. Gaiety Theatre, the Dancing Pavilion, the Japanese Tea Garden. Penny Arcade. Miniature Railroad, eto. The great Swimming Baths, and the other splendid features, all for aa Admittion to the Grounds, 1 Oc J Q2rea, 3c , The O, W. P. A Ry. Co's ears take you direct to the Mala Entranoe from Flrat and Alder atreeta for a i-cent fare. - The Oaks" open dally from t a, m. to 11 p. m. ':-''".,.""'',.' ..-''", ' - . . -.' . " .." U)Q Next Splendid Event") , TruiiiTiiiTinon Chflircn's Crand Carnival Day , end Pcesst Admission to the Park free to all children from 4 to II years.: Read. the Great Program In tomorrows MMVUMMMWX. - To Famous for Maryland Chiclien BEAUTIFUL 453 Auto Leaves Oregon Hotel, Stopping at the Portland at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 p. m. Daily. ROUND TRIP $1.00 it-' White Temple Twelfth aad Tayloe sjereete. SATURDAY, SEPT. 23 L ' ; at 8:15 p. m. : NORELLI a PatTJtA BOsTsTA OPmAJTO, . Metropolitan Opera, K. -T. " Royal Opera (Covent Garden) London, FIRST AMERICAN APPEARANCE, AFTER HER EUROPEAN ; v TOUR IN . . Grand Operatic Concert . TICICETS $1.50, $1.00, 73c On Bale at Woo4ard, Clarke A Co.'s snd f - ia l:rt5ns and at door. Claremont Tavern C. CAT: 9TOT ZV AUb TOVTULX9. IB degrees, now. . Restrulnesa hoverej inevitably dreamy, quiet aad eheee bo, no a. m. to r. i paper. TDE BEST ARGUTaTfiS In favor of the pianos we Bell are that they are car- , ried by the largest dealerB . all over the country and are . bought ;hy the best musU , clans and the better class of peopled . v'?1 -Vl And Other High Grade Pianos K IhmdorePloCo. 233 WASSTCn StZHt We Ought to Sell You Yccr COALCOCIE We handle all the beet arades of do- mestlo and foreign coala, and ean there fore sell yen anything In that line yeu may fancy. ' . We can supply you wlUi mixed loada or tons or half a dosen aacka, no two alike, so that afterward ou may order tbe una . yoa iiae ta est. . - - - VaTlcan Coal Co. a lap ho BID a. it. m awb rta. LOUIS H. BOLL PUNO STTDIO XOW OPBM POR rCTTtaV Parlors B sad 10, Ml4 waaUastea sc . ABTffl Bciasco Theatre letk aad Waah. Selaaee MSysr. Press. ; 1BTB WBEK BBXABCO STOCK CO. . . ' TONIOBT. B:JB. ; ' MATIltBS TOMOaaOir.'v BKNBT ABTBVa JOKES OBKAT PLAT. :. Blabarate Ptedncttea Plae Oaet. r nnlfpc Ifatliiees see. BBe sad BSa. IViWs-,? Mlsbt-BBa, BBe. SOs sad TSe. NEXT WKIE "Castala Jlaks, ef tke Bores Mariae.M . ... ' , EKPIaE tgeatce v jsrk aad Worvjaa, raeaa Jtaia m. ." TBS POPCIAA. THBATSS. Drk Today and Tonight 'A-. EVtSIXOS I5e, Me. B5e asd Oe. 1 at ATI X ts 10c. 1st sad He. . Vast Weak. Starttat Tesaerrew lutlaae, . pabio Romani 'V A DraaMtiaattea ef Marie CaralB 'faaa - . Novel. "Vaeavtta." TH B ORAND JaSovr a o aa : fbip p"Toe t- TBS aaUauiaCOFK. - Aaaaval arlmlaalna lw: wmrf easts asj teTfW- Sue. twllr aaattaaae, eetlre Itwee hZ . eeata SK. THE OTAi: rr -f ' v ' 1 . -I t JUDAH 1 ' 1 ' 1 " "l 4