Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1905)
! jcu::ai; k'cnrLAMD. sAtuhday evening, 'septemszh i3,v- itcj. - ' ' - - ---. W :r- t:: cr-c:j , daily - JCB3E IS TO ' .t LEADING FIGURES IU THZ TZr 'Zr.XlZ- CCNCr,ZC3 lILIf.3 ffiiiUE r-' 1 r OE THE TIIEuE IS mm ...Portland Will Have .Opportunity of Hearing Nation't Leading ; ; i ' ' Prohibition Orators. . A ;V ' 7 ' . ..v; t . CONGRESS OPENS'AT FAJR ! ON TUESDAY MORNING Meantime Residents of tower Portion of Street Are Wonder-, ing What Will Happen. wMHSsHsawiBsMMssa 1 '.' '' Which, if considered wisely when buying a furnace might save. '-r-'- some people lots of trouble and' expense.", We are here aiTyour''' i: T' : 1 ! : . : ;' . .... 1 : ' . ' . service our advice is free.' We sell such a variety of styles of . . 1. . 5 m v ,- , furnaces for all fuels that it is quite' immaterial to us whether it -f mmmmmwmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmmmrmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmm , .-;- ; be wood or coal. But we can, and want to, tell you about , y RIGHT FURNACE CONSTRUCTION. Buy a few less bolts 7 v. , nd more OOOD CAST IRON I There's no SHEET IRON INf DELAY. IN SHIPMENT ! J OF TROLLEY ROAD RAILS 4 Among the ' DUtlninushed ; Speakers 1; -Whoas Pretence Will Make Meet 4'ilng i of Anti-LlquorJeople.: Metn- That Is the Explanation' Offered 'by the City, Engineer's Office for the Long-r- Poatponernent of 7-Much-Needed Improvement. - rableWill Be St John. f it CLOSED I r-J "Tht Liwti' and Clark Temperance V eonsresa, which begins Tuesday mom- ..Ing at ths White temple W to hear 'jMU Of the moil distinguished plat- 'form orators In the United States," aald T H. irnni todav. Mr, Amol la cnair- t man of the Oregon stais pronioiuun Teentral committee and has In charge sthe arrangements for the entertsimneni Sof the delegate , -m'Z..S ' t "I hone the oeODle of this city wlU v appreciate the opportunity this con- greaa win orier to near tne rawunpi ; advocacy of prohibition by our apeak ra. it will be due tovthem .he men whom the people are honoring' every -s-whr-wlth large audiences. ' .'vr " '"She dominant note In the temper- . ance propaganda Is .. .prohibition. We are unalterably opopaed to the license f system and believe that the only way i i o do away wun m liquor inu.ww .. . 1 .uMKII it . 1 . . i fTh. Humii next week, will - eon ') tlnue from Tueaday 'morning at t ' o'clock until Sunday afternoon, when , there, will be a big rally In the Mar- The Independent Order of 6ood Temp - lars will first have the attention of the congress! There will be papers and discussion- oii the work of that organlsa- . I . 1-1 Ta1.ii T d IaIi. ' , viuii, jjwiu M-uvfrnnT dwM - ,of Kansas will be one of the speakers. George It. Cottroll and James B. O'Far rell will also speak. The session' be- ginning mi v o ciocs in uia muiuui ?' o'clock In th. .afternoon will be da- voted to the general consideration of the 7 Good Templars, and Ex-Oovernor St. 4 John's address ,wlll be at ! o'clock. In 1 OratortoeJ Oonteet on rrohlBltion. "TThe" Intercollegiate Prohibition aso i elation will bo in evldeno Wednoaday, -under the direction of l-. ,llgh Colvln president.'. In the evening there wilt be an oratorical contest among . aeven 'young people representing five states. - . . Thursday the young people's societies 7wui navo the platform at I o'clock in ,the afternoon, and at. o'clock Clinton , N.' Howard will speak on the subject: k"In the- Name of Jesus Christ as lng, ,! the - Liquor Traffic ' Must . Die."' Mr. 7 Colvln' Is reputed to be a marvelous orator. - . . . - -' 4- Friday will be the day' for. the Na tional Prohibition alliance, with Charles JlSU. Jonea a chairman. Papers and dls-" cueetons will be heard In the afternoon, .rand' In the evening Clinton N. Howard 4wlll. address the delegates. :v Oj; On Saturday there . wlU bo- chll . onn aemonairmiion ana w. is, A. U .recaption The children will form ' la Vfroni of 'the Portland hotel mt, Mt J' o'clock and. led by the exposition - Ad imlnlstratlon band.' will march through J th leading streets. . have , a . free car Lride and admission to the fair, grounds (for all under IS years of age. From 11 to 13:4 o'clock there will be exercises , In the Auditorium. - The W. C T .U. ii reception will be from S to t o'clock In the afternoon at the Oregon State build lng., ' v ;---;- . - s ;!.- .- - w woai aunuMT, a ins rareweii ii rally In the Marquam theatre, Ex-Oov-ernor John P. St. John and Cftarlea R. - Johs will speak. .1 .Tf ; T' vo 9tm9tHHAi S'F:: j When laying plana for the congress 'Chairman Amos sent to , A. Crofton. manager of the Brewers' and Wholesale Liquor Dealers' association aa Invtta- tion to appoint a speaker of repute to J set forth the beliefs of the liquor men .on the subject of prohibition, assuiina hlm that the speaker would have re spectful hearing. Mr. Crofton replied. sayfng that the association would not appoint such a representative, for the ; reason that debate on prohibition was T-proqucriva-ouiy or mtsuiperats iwecii.' FAMOUS RAM KATAHDIN , IS FALLING TO PIECES V' IJeersal aeeeial gerrlce.) v V . : Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. . i. i-The .1 Katabdln, the . famous ram constructed after designs made by Admiral Amraen. ''and which for a long time has been lying Idle at the League island navy .. yard. Is gradually falling to pieces. The -navy department la In a quandary con rcerning the ship's future and it is doubtful whether the 12.009 required to f make the most '. necessary repairs on the ship will bo allowed. . The naval J constructors and others have been ex it amlnlng the ship with a .view to asoer i talning whether it is possible to convert It to some practical use, but It Is so ' constructed for . . the purpose of t ramming In a naval engagement that the removal of this principal oharacter Vlstltf ' would eost more than the ahlp would be worth without r the ' novel 'structural function of offense.-' i it was realised eany , that . the VXatahdln was a failure and. It was de- ' .MaA . mm llttl mm wttimmtMm ,be done with It. Aa nobody wants the '.shlp and nothing can be made of It, It r. Is not ' considered . wise to expend any for; keeping It afloat 'For that , reason It Is quite probable ' that the t Xatahdln, at one time a famous ship, I will, bo allowed' to crumble to pieces In the grave yard of the navy At League island. " .t -.: . i -r. .," ... i j L. , I m ' - -A , ' , ' Vref erred Stook Oaaasd Oooda, ' Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. PROM PT DELIVERIES OF HIGH-GRADE POWER TCtT Wr Ars ths Pa ' DODGE M Ajsj UFACTUR I NQ iO JVlpAN Y j v The largest producers ot High-Class Power-Transmitting . Special- ties in th world. ' ? - " '.'. .'-'.. v . , In our warehouse we cany in' stock a complete line of SOLID snd SPLIT IRON snd STEEL PULLEYS. PLAIN, CAPILLARY, AND RING OILING PILLOW BLOCKS, HANGERS, FLOOR STANDS AND POST BOXES, SHAFTING, COUPLINGS AND COLLARS. FRICTION. CLUTCHES. - ' ' , " Any special equipment not carried in stock may be 'quickly manufactured in our ahops, which are the LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED IN OREGON. No other concern offers you such opportunities for PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY ... SERVICE. Willamette lron & Steel tyorks nv!'-v - Portland.' oRtcou.u:s: A 1," ' 'ZJ Charleg R' Jones. ., T .PW1flWJ,1' ('.W.i . V 'JgA.i ajjessi spi.i II j a ii i, s Clinton 'N. Howard.. . i f SEVEIiFlllE HOLIES : III OOE DAY Work Begun on Residences That Z: Will Agregatf.'... Twenty: : Thousand Dollars. rush Vor BUILDING:: X-v! : IS COMING; LATE . eMsasiaBBjaBaasBaBsa8- ' . . 'f v vv; :-. . Northern ;llqdtaK Hu-Msds People ' Reallxe Prices Are 'doing r VP and They Are Not Waiting D- J cline Following Fair. - Seven residences were started yester day, -the -aggregate -coet of which will be 110.900. Three of these will be flats snd the remainder pretty homes of business men.' All will bo finished bo fore the year closes. , i .' " - The building pace, grows, wun me optimism prevailing In midsummer, there would have been many score more homes completed this 1 year. Men who are waiting until the fair closed to. de cide upon their plans, with the hop of getting property mora cheaply ana per haps picking up some fancy cottages al ready built, are realising that the close of the fair, will witness higher average prices than' prevailed., ' This sentiment Is causing a rush to go in early. ' People .Ka A.f.iVli Knvlmar flnil that ttijtv trtnat act quickly- os. pay a larger price and out to aet .property. The u-ongesirrecentdevelopment of an encouraging nature has been the railway work. With he Northern Par cifls planning to make thla a terminal point and expending large sums oi money in the work,' Portland property. owners ..are more .confident than ever that there will bo a tremendous growth of this city la the .near future. This conviction - has been a wonderful Influ ence on property. ' Values are going up and will continue to rise for some time. Ia response to the. general prosperity of the rltr there Is a' rise which will have broad i afinlfloanca before , the .close of the year. . ? . . , - . . ., .. ,-' : t . ; ' .III -Irf, . - jr.- . COUNCILMEN BUILDING. , J, Aaaaad ; Kaar .OoisWeaeed Work o Pretty esldeaee U Zrrlngtoa. ; The' prettiest -home commenced this week -Is that-of Councilman J. .Annand. manager of the Postal Telegraph com pany." Mr. Annand will erect a home to cost mora than IM00, consisting of. two stories, a basement and. attic - The site chosen Is on .the dividing -line between Irvlngton and Holladay,' where there art many - beautiful - places. The architec ture will be - of -the- Bllsabethan order. dark basaltic blocks forming the steps and piers for the porches. On the first floor will be' a billiard parlor, living room, dining-room, kitchen-, and minor 1-ooms. - bedrooms will 'occupy the sec ond floor.'. : V. ,'. ' v : . -.. V- BUILDING PERMITS : ' V r .. -T "- M. E. Marshall.' three flats on Second TRANSMITTING MACHINERY the f John P. St. Johns. ; '.-,-... Hafi Af-ifaefejsvAsjejaag .1 W ji.' Amos.! , street between Hall and Lincoln streets. to cost lt.500 -each; total, ,17.600. E-JVBrawer, dwelling-on A Ihina' ave nue, to cost IIDO. ' I F..L-Wright, barn' on Curry street be tween First and Front, ITS. J. R. Mahn, dwelling East Tamhlll be tween East Twentieth and East Twenty third,- IJ.760. - ' , . 8. A. McNeil, dwelling on Wasco street between East Twenty-sixth and East Twenty-eighth. 13,400. i. Annand,' dwelling' on' corner Wased and East Twsnty-Mrat, M,53. . L. IV HaUVr-dwelltng on - East ' Ninth and Caruthers. 500. ' ' - - . Mrs. Wetsel,' dwelling on Commercial and Fremont streets, $1,000. Mrs. Malarkey. dwelling on Schuyler anl East Sixth. U0, . . w . . D. H. Klneald, dwelling' on "'"Paclfle avenue at the oorner of East Twenty seoond. $460. ., . -1 E. Wiemann,. dwelling 'at. Cleveland and Maigiey. iioo. - - - 1.' Be hade, dwelling- on Tillamook street near Union avenue, 1,700. Miss Caroline , Beck; - dwelling ' on Weidler between East Seventh and East Eighth, IJ.000. . ... .--.w. " REPAIR PERMIT, ' J. Campbell, dwelling on East Eighth at the oorner of East Grant. ISO. , . ' ALADDIN'S PALACE MODEfiNIZED Brioksca's Oaf a, Besaodslaa as a Family assort, to Save BrtUlajrt Openlag. 1 Transformed into a modern family re sort by the artisan.' the changes and Improvements requiring many days, August Erlckson's cafe, admittedly the premier establishment of its kind on the Paclfle coast, will witness a grand open ing tonight. ' - - . surrounding the -musio , stand has been arranged a beautiful balcony. elaborately furnished for the ' comfort and convenience of ladles and their escorts. Taken aa a whole, the cafe Is a magTjlflceiit affair ana can be appre ciated as It should only by -those who have seen its Interior. . - . The celling Is decorated In the most approved stylo known to the art of the frescoer, the floors are covered . with tiling, myriads of electric lights, their radiancy softened by ground glass, dot the celling and throw Into bright relief the brass and nickeled chandeliers of the costliest pattern wth which . the establishment abounds. - Hugo French-plate mirrors cover the walla reflecting in kaleidoscopic splen dor the electric lights and chandeliers. the handsoms furniture and the unique and btsarrs decorations. ' t Under one roof may be seen the larg est hall of Its kind on the coast and a mas tod onto orchestrion,- the biggest in the' world. In fact, ont to" have seen Erlckson's cafe Is to have -missed' one of 'the leading attractions of Portland; to have seen It .means to become a regu- larvlsltor. v . ..- , : Music -will bo furnished for the occa sion by the Bohemian Ladies orchestra. an organisation which has - frequently evoked praise from -those competent to criticise. - "Refreshments of all kinds.' Including roast chicken and other products of the cluinary art so tempting to the epicure, will be served. Only ' the finest wines and liquors will be furnished, aa well as Imported beers. - 1 ( - The entertainment to' be provided le high-class,, the- performances Including features aeen nightly In the best vaude ville houses. The ma nsgement 'desires to draw attention especially to. the fact that aa the cafe Is a family resort not the slightest objectionable feature will be witnessed. To those personally ac quainted. wUh Mr. Erlckson and Manager Frits nothing further need be said -than that all are Invited to come and enjoy themselves for aa evening. f .i Entrances are at '11 North Third street, 11,' tS and II - North . Second street and HI. 145 and 147 Burnside stlreeW'A.'i' :, . SEE jTHE. SEA r AT SEASIDE. tla tks Astoria ft Columbia TAItat Bail . .i i .'' .' roojOj. f , Trains dailv at S. m. . from Union depot. . . Round trip every . 4sy, ' 11.00; Saturday-Sunday tickets, .I0. Infor mation at 141 Alder street, or telephone Mahv 0OV'. ' ' ' ' ' .-V: Fat Folks. - 1 have reduced my weight II pounda, bust nine Inches, waist eight Inches and hips nine Inches In a short time by a guaranteed, harmless remedy ' without exercise or starving. I want to tell 7011 all about It Enclose stamp snd ad dress. Mrs.- Charlotte .Woodward, Ore gon Clty 0 - .,g ;- ; - , After spending more than a year try ins to "set to and from business ovsr the rotting pianK roaoway . ana ricaeiy hridres that oomnoaed lower Williams avenue, the property-owners two months ago were delighted to awake one morn- Ins and discover a force or men grsvei- inr the street . preparatory to making permanent improvements. Eight weess later the first course ot gravel la still on the street, the barricades are SUM up and there Is no Indication, that thla, one of the busiest of east side thorough fares, will soon be resdyifor traffic. ComDlalnta at ths office or the city engineer elicited 'the statement that the Portland .Consolidated company was to blama for the delay, because it nsa not Disced the rails reautred by the loaclfl cations. and ths Warren Con struction company had not teen bdio 10 proceed with the work until the raUs were . ia-ld. The railroad eompany has experienced difficulty In securing ship ments of heavy rails from the east and several of Its contraots are delayed until the raile arrive. . f ' MUSICALE AT LENTS. vaaglloal AaaootaUoa Vlaaw -Biahoraie , Frog ram for Tuesday, -, The missionary committee of the Evangelical .Young People's alliance at LenU will give aa elaborate musical program Tuesday evening. September It. at Davis - hall. ' Lenta. Professor Soeby, violinist, will be one of the chief soloists. The-program follows: Introductory remarks. Rev. H. O. Hen. derson: string trio, Mr. and Mrs. Ham 11 ton snd-Prefeeeor Soebyf soprano solo. "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree.' Mario Ellen Ash; violin solo, Professor Soeby: soprano and contralto duet,- "En treaty.'' Alta Heath and Clara B. Coff man; trombone solo, "In the Forest, X W. Hastings; contralto -solo. "Once in a While." Olive Viola Henderson; quar tet "Take Up Thy Cross," Henderson, Cof f man, . Soeby, Ash; bass solo, '"Ths Great White Throne," W. O. Ash: plane solo. The Dying Poet." Miss Hender son; recitation, "The Preacher's Boy, L. Mae Hamilton; violin solo. "Flower Song," Professor Soeby; - soprano solo, "Angels' Serenade," Mlss Henderson; quartet, "God, the Father Almighty." BIG FAMILY REUNION, Aft Thirty-Three Tears ChUdrea of J. -o -W . Bavia 4asaa im Ftrtlaad. Today'at the home of rMra.,:J.f W. Craig, 414 East Grant street, the 10 children or J. .W. Davis, an Oregon pio neer of '64, gathered In a family re union with their children' for the first time since they left flofjje II years ago. With their , children the 10 sons and daughters brought together a family of nearly 0 direct descendants or Mr. Davis. - The reunion was plsnned a year ago by Mrs. Craig. Those who met with their families were: Mrs. Msrtha Per- elval of Crook county, Mrs. Sarah Tlbby of Condon, Mrs. Busa Hedgpath of Rose- burg, Mrs. Mary euuott or rrtncviiie, Mrs. Belle Guthrie of Monmouth, Mrs. J. W. Craig of Oregon City, temporarily residing In Portland; A. A. Davis of lone, - CsX: Mrs. Jennie Dempsey lof Rlckreal. Or.; J. M. Davis of Junction City. Or.; James Davis of Clatakanla The head of the family crossed the con tinent In 1114 and settled In McMinn villa afterward moving to Polk county. where his wife dleS. Some time later Mr. Davis died while m a journey from his eastern home, to his Oregon rela tives. .. .. - p.-, . Take Advantage of aide Trrpa Holders ef certain Lewis and-eiarh tickets are entitled to fifteen-day one- fare tickets on the Siuthern Pacific aa far south as Ashland. Particulars by asking at Third and Washington streets, Portland. . " -',- FBBTTT BBZSSOra SAOX. , 1 Produced by Peerless Pattern No. 1711. A' veer slmole yoke dressing sack in an attractive design Is here ' pictured made with flowing sleeves, and may also be made In bishop style with rolling or standing collar, figured lawn, organdy, gingham, cashmere, albatross snd many other materlala are recommended for the mode. Cut in eisea 13. to 41 Inches, bust measure. Price. 10 cents. . OBBOOaT DAILY JOtmSTAS WTXA SB ITS ABOTB VATTBBST FOST- . -FAID VFOB BBOBXFT Or ; ... FBICB. -.'. . Ko..,.........'.t Slse. .., , 1 , . ,' , ; '-.-. ''' ' ' - Kama .................. .'. . . . . ... '. - r: Address y. city suu J..., DEFEAT OF TEDDY IS PUIIIIED Railroads Agree Upon1 Program of Action to Head Off Rate Control Legislation.; - AGREE TO CONCESSIONS ' --ON PRIVATE CAR LINES WilrCoaeent -e-ReguUtion-ol-lU-' f rigefStdf . Cars and Teratosis Trust ' Prepared for Campaign Has Senate Fixed, 'yyy.. - (Jonrsal Special Servlee.) Washington. Sept, II To forestall rate legislation by concessions against private car lines and terminal facili ties Is ths program ' of the railroad companies in the struggle during the coming winter with President Roose ...i. hj. nntilin cmlnlon behind him. The railroad people know what they are about They have aevar pian j.n say;. ,i- 1 . k Jmm m,m kailave conaress is going to pars a railroad raU bill at the sugges tion Of the presiaenf ine prwnuen to Win Out. WUi get ."a"- Wo are not strong snough to stop him.' But the wort of legislation the rail-m-A .n.ra mrA their adroit attor- iiiwii,.. Khant-and the sort that the president favors are different things. t-k .uaMuit wants the rate-making power lodged lit federal agencies as a corrective, lr not as an onginu i. ura this power will be exercised broadly, and vnarittionalv anoua-h to attain the re forms which the country Is asking, ; Railroad managers ana aiiorneys wm, legislation to regulate private car linos mm terminal itnt are annosed to . ths placing of the TUe-maklng power -In the hands or a recerai ooay. . .. Railroad people believe that by of fering no objections to private car and t.mla.1 lorlalatlon. thev caa stave off action on the really vital point, which Is rate regulation, -toe president le noi ready Jo accept the Tall way plan, but the MrMnttnni tiavo arained a strong tosl- tion In the senate and -there is 4anger that the presiaenx wiu om mun.- y AT THE THEATRES. V "JudarT a Stronc Play. - 'Jndah." the stryJ4f ..a-atsa who' "perjnred blmeelf like a genUemaa," eoatlnoM aa a dre. Bane eenfiK - . . . . Wmb. anil jmjb wit. . IUU VK BkJJ J UJ. Hvm.. problem et BoraUty and love. , A better, pro deetwa was sever made by a stock company.- Xext week's offering' beginning Monday alsit, will be "Oeptaia Inki ef the Bone MartaM," as erigmaur ptarra ur aumi wit' , ''Chaefons,' Next Week. w kimImI aosMdr haa become so nopnlar as Jaldore Witmark'a aocceeaful piece, 'The Caape- roBa, which will be sen at tae Marquam to atre all seat week, with matinees Wednesday and Saturday. The' prodneUonr tula season ia .reamore elaborats tbaa ever. New scenery antf-fw eoetiy sew wararooe nan orra pro vide, while the eompany has bees deeerlbed aa one of the beat musical orsanisatlcoa ta Ameries. , At the Baker. - .. n.M mm Um m MrfnmMM at th. Baker tonlcht, as tbe company m obltsed M leave Tor Mas Fravnero immiuiii. iut uiv m.. tnee. SUrttng tomorrow arternoon. the "W rymakers" will open for a week's ran. The lAMMlhM1 Anmt.fM nj.fl. MtOTBbl. thlmf. The show la bnmsht to s clnae with "A BhU of Scandal," s tmrleaque that B s scream w laughter from beginning to end. , , .. "Fabjo Romaru'.Tornon'ow. The Empire will be 'dark tonight. but tbe bos efftee Is opaa for the sale of stats ror sett -- WMk.. Starting tomorrow afternoon, -r.hlo Roaianl" will be the week't offerlns. Tbe play is rnmaatle In samre, roll ot thrill, big bamas Interaet. - and sever bnrdere on the aboard or eeneattonal. A smre than ordlnartly good eempany will present the piece . Flne Bfll it Grand. mA ' : - ' rw1. and tomorrow will be tbe latt' oppor funltlee "for aeelBr the- Mr vawtarllle-Wll at the Orand. The UoSaewortha have n fm. im Ing and eonwdy act and th. Aklro brother are among tbe beet equilibrists la tbe bualneo. Tbe BnsrS ramiiy or gymnasia aro a amrtm bit. Ail the ether arts ea ths bin ate ap te the erand'e standard. ' Good Bill at the Star, i' Clsnry asd Swarts bead s splendid bill at ths Star In a novel dramatic sket-h. - vtolet Cooke, a wlraeralker, hi very grecefnl and hsal s rbarmmg prseesc. Ma Jaae with J pretty stsee , erreere emga Tory iwmir. ih Rin.LVj. are eler boopronere. Beteval ether arte and a eat of Interesting pletnms by the ataroeonps eemplete tbe bill. , - f ' rThe King of Tramps." Tonlcht, asd Mnnday will be the last ebanre to see P.-. Mefea a big serene entitled "Tbe King of "Tramps." wbMi baa mad enrh a pba- blt at tae int we wees ess prevea M- .- t. ; ' , , A PERFECT. " t i ' .The Kind You Have Always Vk use ror over SO years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and w Just-as-ood'lare tm& ' rxIixperlmOTtJrtlt In&nts. and OiUdrcn Experience acainst Ehperlmens - - -- 1 What'io CASTQRIA : Oastcrla Is a harmless substltu-te for Castor Oil, Pare- , Sorlc Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It ' contains neither Oplom, Morphine nor other XTarootiA ; ' eubstance. Its age is its fo&rantecsw It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind - Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation i . . and Flatulency, it assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and BoweKving healthy and natural sleep,""-'- y The- Children's Panacea-rThe Mother's Friend.-- ... ; ctjnuiric eAST.ORIA. A-AVO Sears the TuMTon Have Always BouUM in uca ror uver w rcaro. J SHOW ING OFHTEW FOOTWEAB TOE FALL Mj THIS Mannish looking shoe ia one of the sea son's smartest models. Patent colt leather, welted soles, -dull nnisn buttons. Price..;..... ,yw FULL AL1 283-85 MORRISON 8T fv r -j jj Mr. MrLeas te be s eharaotar aetor of will... rat is lent, next wees "The ailenf Wltmss." - - w ii . ". . i Ust Performance "Mrs Witt."-, Tonlcht at :J0 oVbw-k th. last iwhm.j. or "re, wins or toe retinas r.t-n" win bs lino at tn. Msrqaam rand theatre sa starrt- son street between Sixth and neronth etreeto. Tbe theatre Is sold en at every porfnrmen . ' - ermrstoa r-a be rewport. ' The f-'tm I r:a c"-ny has plap- - . . ' i ... rf 1 ef flees r rste- e ' S"J f aw V . Many f$?s Entirely iO I Donht, ftnd which has born '"'"' luui borne the signature jf and has been nsde nader bis pe ' aonal soperrislon since Its Infancy.' . ATiowno one todeoelTeyouln this.' . JSlgnatura of 1 -v . sPcrtlar.: PORTXJLNU OREOOX ' ' ABMrlcaa Plan $1.00 a Cy .', .. aaej swareL - HEADQUARTERS TOH TOTaV ISTS AND COMM:-RClli. TRATBLEIta, . Speclsl rates msde to fannies , and single gentlemen. A modern Turkish batL establishment la the hotel. . , .m. o. aoirnav PALACB HOTEL. J t X a j t Whether he roes By or aee, the traveler will find It a delightful trip to San Francisco, where he should stop at the world-famed Palccc Hotel ; and enjoy. Its toanr attrae tlve features. For fuller Information write te the Palace, or see . , o n 2 0 et the Portland Informa tion and Booking Ageasy, Hotsl Portland. . Ve MlAht Tern Cat Poor Prlotlsg ; If we mi esrwlTss ebon It, be .sre tnsslne we woold mss. a spS fallfif.-ef tne Jo. We r St worh"ild M tlt-li Mt T .J our sfforis. We ars mmtm4 tot U ef ear prlntlug. l4f r0 NT IT. Bet. Morr! r