The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 16, 1905, Image 2

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    Tiii cnrccii daily jcu-iiae. PbaTLA. , c.vrj-3
4 a ..
J C03S
British Steamer Kelvinbank Will
i . Take Flouir anJ Grain to
; the Orient '
Suamthip Iraaurn, Held in 'Quat-
anting Will Be Released Tuesday,
' Much to Relief of Captain, Who la
"'-Very"rathy Ovtf Outrage."
r :
of II days the British
"steamship Kelvlnbank reached Aetorta
this morning fronv Kuchinotia,-Japan.
. under charter to O. W. McNear to carry
. Yflour and train to the orient. "
, wot detained in quarantine, she will
" leave up thte afternoon and arrive m the
morning She la the second i. ef - the
1 tramp fleet, under charter to load here,
. te arrive. .- '
. - The British steamship Imaura, nlcn
'arrived a few days ago and was ordered
. Into quarantine, wUl . be released on
w Tuesday. This Information was sent to
Portland this .morning by Captain Pen
' berthy. master of the vessel, who states
that the water ballast which he brought
front Shanghai will bo taken out over
the bar and dumped Into the sea. Bait
Tweter wUl then be pumped into the hold
- trt banent. The skipper Is very much
.wrought up oyer his detention at the
moutn or tne -river ana- wnw
there has never been any slcknesa en
board his steamer and that oontrary to
the general report be brought a clean
bill of health, for which he waited oft
I.agaau lor xi noura. . .
of this nature are of frequent occur
rence there. " ' '". ' .: '
Var the first time In three weeks the
iteamer Oregon made- the througll trip
from Salem to Portland, arriving last
I night On account of low-, water ww
44as bw,.sUng the Pomona at va-
rlous points on the upper river t am.
transferrins' freight ana pasaeagera .
Captain Xeaaerson any ahlpplnf raoll-
, ; v ittN Are Wet What Ttoey Should Be.
' Captain' Henderson of the American
park Star of Bengal says It U probable
- that his vessel will noon be chartered
to transport wheat from Portland to Ban
Francisco, as. shippers are 'negotiating
- for her. She is capable of handling
1. 100 tons of grata and has been at the
Portland mill for the past month re
ceiving lumber for thy Bay City. -She
wUl bo ready to sail next week with
about 1,100,000 feet of Oregon fir. The
loading has progressed slowly on ao-
ent-of-tne-tow-ntsgsur The river.
- "1 have noticed, several shortcomings
- at thU port, which. If rectified, would
be to the benefit of Its commercial ln
, tercets," said the skipper. - "In the first
place the sailing vessels are frequently
delayed for a day or two off the mouth
th lv.- w-attna fur & til Hvu I Tha
tugboats engaged in this work for other
- Inland ports .are kept on the outside to
watch-for arrlvsls -and tow them 'in
wiiiiuui .woo v iiuifi u i paiww t-,M
, the Columbia river, but for somo reason
-" the tugs remain on -the Inside."
, Pint, I YfanriaraAn atntaA ia -tKa
.' mills could be so arranged here Hhat lum
ber could be placed aboard a vessel In
much, less time than Is now required.
" in the low water season the deck of n
ship la far below the platform from
; - which the. loading operations, are eon-
ducted. He said there ought to be. a
hatchway cut through . the platform
" ... about to. feet back from the water's
. eoge; uien a cnuie to vne vessel s nolo
' - ' could be placed at the proper incline
;. and lumber sent .down It to far better
- - in (Di own a low jwi iu ui lum-
Hf aent eoaarwiaa rrom Portland win
be shipped on steam schooners, which
are not subject to delays at the mouth
. , or the river, and can go between the
- mills without running up heavy towage
bills. , , . . . I'"-'..;..;-
rir Ida nut few -dsvsan escape'
monkey from one ef the ahlpa In the
harbor has been making himself obnox
ious' around tha Alaska dock, stealing
food from the dlnnerpalls of tho em
ployes en the premises, stealthily sneak
ing up to the men In the twilight hours
and nearly frightening them out of
their wlte, making weird notsts under
cover of darkness and performing all
sorts of entice calculated to waken the
nervea of the timid.
. The , watchman ; at . the dock cnaaea
ik mankav all over the dock this morn
ing In an endeavor to la him low with
a club. In bid eagerness to escape, the
wary little animal Jumped over the
head of three menl. ran down to the
edge of the river and climbed, to the top
of a tO-foot piling, where he remained
for a few moments and saucily chat
tered at his pursuer. Me then ran down
the piling and disappeared underneath
the dock. - 1 v '
After his ardor had somewhat cooled
the watchman aald that if he Is ever
able to catch the monkey he Is going
to make an assistant of .him. Others
day that he would make fine sailor
with a little training. ' .
Some of the river men say that the
Harveat Oueea Is entitled to be ealieo
the f aateet eternwheeler in the world."
as she passed the Telegrsph yesterday
afternoon at B't Helens and beat her
to Portland. -; '
8teamship Arabia moved this morning
from tho Montgomery to the Aiasaa
dock, where the balance of her freight
will be discharged. Tho Numantta has
moved from the Montgomery - to the
Irving dock. . - v -'
General M ackensle and party returnee,
last evening from a trip to the Cascade
Locke. After remaining hero a couple
of days the chief engineers will go-to
San rranclaco. where the other members
of the Taft board preceded him. to In
spect, the coast defenses there. : '
rvntaln Oeora-e 8. Ames: atiperintena-
ent of the fleet of steamers operated by
the North Shore Railroad company of
San rranclsco. Is In the city,
Equipped With. D
and Is la Mao Oeaditloa.
- ' After a month at tha "boneyarde,"
.where ahe- waa- equipped -wHh an oil
. burning plant, the tugboat Ocklabama,
belonging to-' the "Oregon Railroad Jk
-'Kavlgation company, la -ready for serv
ice. She , was inspected this morning
i by Captain Edward and Fuller and
.. . found to be in the best of condition.
During, her 'enforced Idleness there- has
Jtenti a shnstage e egejegteanalhe
. v ahrpa arriving atd departing have con
; : sequently been more or 4eae delayed.
Tho Basoalo of the same Una Is at the
yards, where' bar machinery will have
, thorough overhauling and sne will b
; repaired throughout. Bhe rwill not be In
, commtsalon unUI late In tho fall. and
' ,the Harveat Queen will take her rue
, between Portland and Astoria, ,
;.S Just below the Madison street bridge.
n the east side of the channel. Is
shoal point which river men think will
. cause trouble unless It Is marked. The
Elk-kader ran Into It the other day, but
fortunately escaped without damage.
, A gasoline launch struck tho same point
recently and lost her rudder. Mishaps
Chief Gritzmacher Order Sub
ordinate to Collect Evidence,
for Prosecution of Owner.
a - Ranti K. Arrived at l:4t
last night,' British steamer Kelvlnbank,
from- Kuchlnotaa. . - . .
Outside it II a. nt.f a three-masted
barkentlne. -'-'--' "
- San Francisco, Sept 1. Arrived al
. m steamer Columbia, from
Portland, and schooner Sequoia, from
Astoria . '"'.'
Sailed, barkentlne Tarn O'Shanter, for
Portland. . .. -
.Schooner Sequoia collided with ehip
Charles K. Moody and bad spanker boom
and gaS broken and rigging cameo
awav. - -r :f- --
San- rtauclsco. Sept l ' aaiteo, para
Havdn Brown, for Portland. ,
Sailed schooner Monterey, in tow or
tug Dauntless, for Portland via Monte-
Astoria, BepC l.onaitlo. of the
bar at I a Ok. smooth; win aouineaaii
weather rainy and foggy.
: AT WASHir.UIUN S 1 A I c
. '.' (Special DUpatcfe te The essel. . -
Pullman. Waslu Bept, -ls.Themevf
mualcsl conservatory of the Washington
lata collate, la fast neartog eompletlon
and will be ready for ther opening of
Ahonl tiaxt Wednesday. September 10.
The building Is a largo frame structure
and stands almost norm or tno girw
dnrmitorv. It contains a largo recital
hall, with aeatlnc capacity of 160, In ad
dition to six teaching rooms and II
practice rooms, be aides lockers and store
rooms for band Instruments, musla
racks, etc. It Is the most complete
building of Its kind In eastern Washing
ton and will be Of great peneiiie ui;
school, . g -i
The nrosnecta tre tnat the enroumeni
for the coming season will reach 1.000
before Christmas, breaking, all previous
records for tho ernUre year. Pullman
la rapidly filling .up with students from
all parts of the state. Both dormito
ries have been liuea zor several weeas
or the -rooms Dave ail neen ongageo,
and hundreds of students wlU find' quar
ters In -private homes, ol which more
than 100 In Pullman have rooms to
rent to students. The college-faculty
now numbers 11 several new members
having been added during tho year.
', . ; i
circuit court of appeals ' tor the ninth
circuit will convene In the circuit court
room in the Federal building Monday
morning at 1 o'clock. Judges William
B. Gilbert of this city, Ersklne M. Boas
of La Anselaa. and William W. Mor
row of San Francisco will oonstltute tho
court Judge Gilbert presiding.. The
calendar for tho present terra le brief,
there being but three cases to be sub
mitted, and In all probability the court
will -adjourn next Tuesday to mast In
San Francisco for the approaching Oc
tober term, the calendar for which will
extend into November.
Next to the . supreme ' court of the
United States, tho circuit court of ap
peals Is the highest court In the land.
Its . extensive Jurisdiction covering all
of the Pacific coast states and terri
tories. Including Alaska, Arisona . and
Hawaii. .A
Instructions ' were : Issued to Acting
Captain 8 lover of the Upshur street po
lice station this morning by Chief
Qrltxmacher to secure all evidence of
a tangible' nature 'that - may be used
In prosecutions of the proprietors of
dance halls located . near the entrance
to the fair grounds. ' ; , ' "
Four boys who have been in .the nanit
of spending tho most off their time
around tho dance ball en upsnur Be
tween Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth
streets - were taken Into cuatody last
nia-ht bv Patrolman,. Thorpe and booked
at the city prison on charges of being
out after hours. They were sent before
Judge Fraaer of the Juvenile court Dy
Polios Judge Cameron, v They had been
repeatedly warned to Stay away from
the dance halls.
Mra. Harry TracyT wife of the no
torious convict who escaped from tho
Oregon penitentiary and was shot and
killed in eastern Washington, appeared
at Arnold's dance ball. Twenty-seventh
and Upshur streets, last night in com
pany with another woman. She per
ceived Patrolman Griff Roberts watch
ing bar and hastily loft tho place,
A spieler has been nirea ny tno enam-
rock dance hall ,
klo::oixer is saved fro:.i
Thieves Were Picking Joseph
Poker's Pockets of. Four r
- Thousand Dollars.'
- ROYAL ; :
jBaldng , Powder
1 With Royal "Baking" Powder there is
no mixing with the hands, no sweat of r x
L the brow. : Perfect cleanliness, greatest '
ficiahy, sweet, clean healthful food.'
Fc3 initrucdons in the Royal Baker and Paetry Cook"
took for. maktiMr all , kkd of - bread,1 Meant and caka
'xh. . Royal Baking; Powder. ' . Gratis to any address
" .:.'.'" BWVAfc'aAWIiwrWDtS OS. lew WlUkUf ST. MW VORs, - f '
CE -
Mayor Sends Measure Back to
Council Without His Approval
and Gives Reasons. -
Docs Not Believe- It Can Bt .En-
f oreedCouncIl ... May Pais 1Mb
scHte All Opposition Merely te
Mollify Uquor tntercsts.' ;
ISaeetal plapateh te The JearsaL
- SeatUe, Wash, BepW Joe Poker, a
wail-known Klondlker. wts saved from
being robbed of 14,114 In the restricted
distrtat last night by Patrolman Westedt,
and Joe FcWaai Italian, was picked
up In an alley In the rune district, who
had been robbed of MOO in gold and the
thieves had overlooked tltl In his over
coat Docketi...-. a .
Poker was about tho saloons ; drank,
and had several times exhibited J.Jis
money.-- He left one of the saloons and
was passing . a dark side street when
three men anroached him. . 'Westedt hap
pened to bo on the opposite side of the
street and suspected au was not ngm
and started across, when tho would-be
robbers ran. Poker was taken to head
quarters, where he was ' kept for the
night and this morning 'be purchased
Weateat the beet revolver ne could
buy.-' v -: - -. -" - ;
Facia wss eo drunk that ne ren asieep
In- the alley. While lying there bis
pocket' was ent open and 1400 -tfken. '
The money- in his overcoat pocket was
loose, aa it was the sum he Intended .-to
spend. . . . rt ', i
Alkmwaew es BlaBtv Tka jaAMM.akA
- i j j ws wvya a Wi a auiiui live
appothted -by the -Albany Driving aaso-
ciation cor the purpose of preparing a
racing program for the two days meet
on the Albany racetrack, scheduled for
fbatnhse S and T;-Tiit completed the
work,'". The team hauling. the largest
number ef women to the races each
day of the meet will be rewarded with
IS. Prises will also be awarded at a
show of stock horses and their colts, as
follows: - For the best draft stallion
and two of his colts, f S; best coach stal
lion and two of his colts, $St beet trot
ting stallion and two colts, IS. The rao
Ing program-foe the two days follows:
Friday 3-ygar-olds, half mils, best
two In three, three to enter, - two 'to
start, purse 110 and tl; l-minuts farmer
boys race, one mile, two In three, Ave
to enter,' three to start, til and 17.10;
t:4t pace, five to enter, three to start,
$2S and $10; cup raee, three or more to
enter, two to start;. . running, three
heights mile daah, three to enter, two te
start.' SIS. ' ' .
Saturday 1:19 claas trot or naea. Ave
to, enter, .three- to start, 140 and tit;
2:21 class trot? Ave to enter, three te
start,-160 and $10; free-for-all. trot of
pace, Ave to enter, three to start, $54
and $10; novelty race, five to enter, four
to start, $14) $11., Ill and $20. slow-
mills race, riders changed, Ave to enten.
three to start,
Mayor Lane today vetoed the box or
dinance railroaded 'through tne uw
council at the last meeting. He has bad
legal advice on the measurer and baa
been Informed that th wording la ara
blguoua and If the ordinance becomes a
law will plunge the city Into litigation.
Hla message accompanying the veto fol
lows: ' - ... i
"To the Honorawe city wunoi-wi-.i
... t k.Mwith return to you ordi
nance, No- 14.121. without my approval.
My reasons for not approving this ordi
nance are as follows: ; ' - :
"The language of the first section is
ambiguous and leaves the meaning
doubtful, makmg it dlmcnlt to ear what
conatruction Is to be placed upon It.
."In my opinion the'passage of this
ordinance will bring the city inte end
leas litigation before the courts,. and
thus all measuree for the relief of the
people from tho evil sought - to .be
cured will be indettnltely suspends
i ( aald that In sstte of the feet
that It has been discovered that the or
dinance Is dsfecUve and cannot be en
forced, several memberg of the council
are oetermmoa .w
over the mayors-veto. . .
City Attorney McNary, although he
has not passed on the ordinance offi
cially, his advice not having been
asked, has stated that the ordinance
was smbiguous and could never be en-
IMhe ordinance Is passed It will be the
result of spite work on the part of the
city council. It Is claimed. Several
members of the body ere outspoken in
their allegiance to the Uquor Intereats
and will welcome any ordinance which
will be to .the Interests of the Uquor
men.' - -;m
, ; AGEtlTS FUY'
Visrtine Railroad Men See City
Today and Will Visit Sea.-;
"One hundred and seventy-five travel
ing passenger agenta are In Portland te
A .mnitu them eel vea ' Convention
dutlea have been concluded an pleasure
The day waa spent In various ways by
the delegatea A number went to. Cas
cade Locks, others to Vancouver, while
tha rair. int-num""Jt
however, took- advantage of the trolley
trip and "saw Portland." Owing to the
heavy streetcar travel, it was necessary
to divide the party and three cars were
run -for tho benefit of the delegatea.
Tho cars left Second and a Morrison
streets at t:IO o'clock this morning.
'The agenta will start for Seaside
early tomorrow morning. In order that
nnna of tha-aaonta may bo left In Port
land because of the early start, the care
of the Special train will bo occupied to
night At Seaside elaborate arrange
ments have been made for the enter
tainment of tho delegates. A fish, oys
ter, clam and crab dinner naa oeeu ai
ra.nd in order to sivo the agenU an
idea of what the Paclflo ocean, the
Columbia river and neighborhood
streams contribute to the deUght of .the
epioure, " 't
i rv.i.a wan entertained at various
buildings at the exposition (rounds yes
terday afternoon--AC 1:10 o'eock lhey
were received, by Preeldent and Mra.
u.u in ha nree-on building, after
rtull HIST WS1S iwwmneo mi i"
Washington building. At the California
building they were received by Commis
sioners FUcher ana vriggiua. -
At the American inn aat wiai imj
X.r-. antartalned at a ball, which WAS
one of the most successful social events
of the exposition. ,v
tfgpeclil IHapetck te The Joernat) .
Lew ) ton. Idaho, Bept. 11. Rancher!
in the city yeetsrday from the Grand
Hondo valley report a' party of O. R.
a N. engineers making a aurvay from
the proposed extension from Elgin to
a connection with the new line now
being constructed to Lewlston from Rt-
parte. It Is atated thatmembera of the
engineering party have atated the, line
wlU be extended to Lewlston as soon as
the surveys can be completed and the
contract awarded. , t
The work in the Elgin -section laun
der the supervision of Engineer E. C.
Pollard,' who until a few -months sgo
was Identified with the Northern-Pactfla
engineering corps. The O. R. aV U. Co.
Is now reproted to be hiring all avail
able men and teams In the Qrahd Ronde
valley for the railroad work and promise
the men Steady employment In extend
ing the road te tne Lswlston connection.
' . ' s-
' Aato Vmngea Over Bridge. ; .
. Uaersal gpeflal Sarvlee.) -
Weehendon. Mass., sept, if. An au
tomobile- containing members of the
ftartr accompanying ijovemor n, u,
Olenn of North Caroflna plunged over
a bridge near here yeeterdey and four
were eertnusijutnjured py oeing piahed
underneath the machine et the bottom
of the ditch. ..-
- Smeelal
- Very low 10-day UckeU east offered
by O. R. -N. September' 14, 11,
h. n h. : a, N. aelU 0-day spe
cial excursion tickets to eastern points;
a to covers granted going and returning,
particulars ofttW. Stinger, olty ticket
arent O. R. N Co., Third and Wash
ington streets,' Portland. " ; . - t
' v I - ll III '
What miaht have been onb of the
moat costlr fires that has. ever swept
tho city was averted this morning by
the prompt work of the crews of engine
company NO. 1 ano nose company
Tha firm rtanaad bv a spark from a
donkey easlne, started on. tha rear'of
the roof of - J. U. Arthur Ca's ma
rhinarv warehouse.' on tho corner .of
Eaat ,Tavlor and East Watsr' streets,
about 10:1ft o'clock.
- The warehouse -t located In the
northern section of -the east side whole
sale and factory - district, and across
from Arthur Coa-warehouse Is the
Troy laundry, while to the north are the
yards of the - Standard Oil i company.
Knuth nt tha warehouse are scores of
wholesale and retail houses, machine
shops and shipbuilding yards, nearly all
of which in constructed of wood. .
The alarm wae turned in from the box
at the oil company's -yards and waa re
sponded to by many companiee ana mo
fireboaL When tho fire was seen to be
under --control, some end waa sent te
turn In a recall. Going to tho ell eom
pany'a automatic box. he turned the
handle,-: thereby sending -In a" second
alarm, which started nearly every en.
gino and hose company In the city to the
fire. The damage was snout f zee.
1 Better"than money:
Schilling's Best is as good for
you as it is for your grocer;
and moneybacke '
r , r - a-w
i J ' J-' -:. : 1
' - -t-r- 1 1 -
'.tt tttit tt'- a -; ; f '' C
-;'.' V.. -7...... '!.;.-...' ; .1. ' ' - - ' ' " - J ' . -
1 - J j . 'i if-- - 1 . - --J W..-
HONOLULU, the capital of the yoong' territory, is in many ways the inot beautiful of tropical
. - e. . -f . - .... ..---'..,, ' . 1.' ''-'''"....;.' '' . . Vi. . - - . "' '"-'.'.',' ' ' - A.,
, ; cities. ; s . v.,.i'-.r'j i; i:y-;::'.- .,."'--'":.:' '' ,' --';- - (- -.-
THE NUUANU" PALI, a cliff with one thousand feet face, at the gap in the backbone ridge'
.rof the Islands of Oahu is one of the natural yrondws of
PEARL HARBOR- the wonderful enclosed locks, where the United States will build its most
- extensive Pacific naval station, is but a half hour from Honolulu. 0 . ; -; l
' HILO. the second cityl from "whose bayV WpunJed by. tropical vexdure, one may lobfc .
auv iuu o"V"
KILAXJEA, the greatest of living volcanoes, lies beyond Hik, reached by combined 'rail and
v- '.'carnage inp mrougn ciqc new aim m vi. .. . t r, ;:,'';,'';"i,;,'iV',,').
HALEAKALA, whose dead crater takes first"ink for extent, offers rare yiews from two miles;
'.. above the sea. , ,':.v :,r-.', .Vr;- i, V;:;:r.M' ,'--v-': r, -::' yS i."
I KAUAI, 'whose rare valfeys, great canyons and impressive waterfalls ire all too littte known,
. calls for a voice 'of beauty. :, v'- K-';--'--; f'r'w
Every road is full of striking possibilities and the industries,the views,' the people,; the spec-
-j-r taClCS arc au wrw ecvuir puujivwuig.;, , -,. ;, ,t, 1
Votes received vp to Friday, evesias in tht Jocrad'i lUwala Tri
Of Tha Joorturf
HeweiUn Tonr
irtT-tABr yeaef
IwiJt fer T
mt twe walMaawa
at the autriet la whleb ake raelask
nmiD-mrM fedget agreeable
laer eeer IS
uid at ur ttsw
Tee leeieal. with tte
ef aae
hlaaka prarli
.... . aH. 11
II.I.Ul V a. . -.
etSciallr aanooaee tk. lna-c la each dta.
. trlet, eee jreeag lady, .na-)
eaea. oiaincv , M1 - . . ,
' TXtBS aa talent elaetloDS. each dla
triet ekaU rote faparatalr. The vets ta
eee eauat effect the ettaf. M.ttara ara
erlr eotHwrBlag tba diatrtet wlU ba etttUd
kr the wlakae of the majority. . The wta
aar shall bar the rlskt k sasw a srexy
U saakle te ettead beraalf. , r, y
D,mnbar SO. at S e'ele f. aw 1B0S.
Coepena atoat be -oted wlthls serca date
aftrr Ura. Oeopese ! 'It
Jaaraal Brat be neatly trimaMO. All
mp. wk-tker aiagla or epaeial, wert baa
the sasM el taa eaameeie e ea
,". oovyon ass orvxir as roxxewsi
".. yiTTH--S1nla eaepeaa, eat fi taa daflr
aae-T. are good or eae vote, tabacrlettoa
to the Braalng Joeraal and Baralay MMntag
(arnat. thr-a swatha, ll., s aeeolal
eoapoa ef 150 totes (paid ta adraiMa).
Bobaerlptloa e E-ning ead Bnaday Mora
ine Journal els BMetha, SS.TB, a spatial
eoepoa of 880 ot-e (paid le edraaeo). Bvb
ecrlptloa to tha g-olng an 4 BuiuSir More
Ing Joarnal It Bwatba. , IT.Se. a special
eoanoa ef TOO votes (paid U aoranea). '
Sjabacrlptloa te the Krenlng ead Saaday
Mora laa Joanul. throe awntbs by suit.
'f. aaraa-a). tabaertptloa te the Bmnlag
aad Snnlr alornma; wnu r -"
eaontba, U.TS. a epaetel aoepoa of SBO eetae
(paid ta edTanea). tabe-rtptioa n tke
Smilna end Saodar Moralng Joaraal by
vaU 3 BJonthe, T.O. e epaeial ma ef
TOO to taa (paid to edvaaco). Sstl-waaJtlJ
JoraL Sl.SO a roar, asocial eaesoa mt MS
votae (paid la ad--aee)
SIXTB Ooopoaa aboald
baaee-uuoora aaaraet roe a
eoepoa sepertmeut ef The
... - - balaw.
eoaet-4 Moedara. W-daaadan esd Prtdare
and tke toule aaaeasead te tke pakUe the
laUewiag ear.
Asy eaeaidate wHkOrawiag rresi no ees
at eaaaot ae kor rotaa eoaated'ssr ea-
oetad at the
atallad te the
JoaraaL, or at
win do
' emntte. Votlsg place, Cos pea Deaartaeat
I eraee.
rttet piaUlot i btnltaoamk esd Claakasias
ef The
- g.aaed TJlaUUt--Caloa. ' Oa-ttllla ' asd
Wallows eoaatlae. , - - . .,-
Thbd XMatrle Waeee, gkersias, Otlliaw.
Terrsw, Wkealer aa4 CreeS
Chest, Earn
" yartk SwtriaWBaker,
sad aUlkear eeeaMea. .
r fifth IHatitat " rMnaiWa . esd ClatM
eooatlaa. Orafoal Kllekltat. cowilts. Olf,
PaHSe. WakkUkea end Skaauala eaeatlae,
Waablngtoa. ,.-7. ,., ... .' -;:
Sixth Siatriat hfarloa. Uaa' aad Lsss
ecaatlaa. . ;- : -,( ... , .-
" a.-rnth tHatrlaV-Wicklnatna. Tlltesjoaa,
-Taunl:il. Bantoa. Palk ead Lincoln eooatlaa.
X1(th latrlrt Doerlaa. Oooa,
loaapblna, . Jackass, . Klaatath
eoeattee. , ,. .
ead . Lake
Any Information refardinf con
ditions ol tha Hawaiian tour should
b addressed to the manager of
the- Contest Department of The
Journal. ; .- . ,r -y.',
"" ':''' ' - sosTsaor sro. s - ' -' .''."' Total Vote.
-Mia SallleMadlean.-)lds,-Wortman ah King Storwr.7VTrv..V.;o.4IT
miss Minnie B. ramipe, oepuiy oiersrpircu win ..,...... ...,.j.o-j -
Miss Sadie WiatormanUe, City Dye Works 4.... .......
Miss Intra Baty, 110 San Rafael street . ................... ..-.;..l,s2 -
Miss Oretcben Kurth, telephone operator Portland botej ..........11.111
Miss Ruth Lee. MV Hood street..... .....IJ.HJ
Miss Sess Sharon, IIS East Thirtieth street .,..... ..i..H,0M
Miss Henrietta wlnkleman, 4ST Beat Couoh street ;...........,.14.4T(
Mtse iMey Gould, telephone operator Oregon hotel .............. ..12,fM
Mies Sophia Olson, 11 lyy street .. , ...lLlIT
Mlaa Marion Leahr. WoUard. Clarke Drag Co. ...........,.1J,I
MIU'Alvena 'Horn. Oregon City ...........ll.TJJ
Misa Xdlth Bern. I4S Stark street .-.........., ....... ...,--....ll.il7
Miss Margaret Bmitn, f wuiiams avenue .,,...,,.,11,11,
Miss Irene Hlgglns, ft( Everett street . . ............... J.e4 ,
Miss Cora Jolly, Til First street. !Z'
Miss lAiira Derbyshire. Water street, . .....,.i. ...JO.JJJ
Miss oenevieve Holmes, Harrison street., .................... -o.i -
Mlsa Elva - Harlbert,' St. Johns .............................;
Miss Ilea Grlsssl. Iti Eaat Thirty-flrst street . .... T.llt
Misa Bursa Roddick, Oregon City . .......... .................... f.klj ,
Mies Nellie Manger, l Raleigh atreet . . ,................. .... 4-0T .
Mlsa Cornelia Barker, lit Grand avenue .
(Voting place. Coupon PepartmenW Journal efflee., f "--,
Miss: Katie Kash, Ia Grande, Oregon . .,,.r.f.MWT'.t-.-.,.,
Miss Mollis PrOebalel. Ial. Grande, Oregon . . ........... J-f. .10,161 ,
. (Voting place. La TJrando. stelnbevk aV Biever eonfectionery.) '
Miss Agnes Fletcher. Pendleton, Oregon . . .... .. 11. 1
Miss Graoe Hawks. Pendleton, Oregon. . ...................... .-,ie,HS
. (Voting piece, PendletonTBrock A McCoraaa drag store.) .,.;
- saanexow sro. s v.. ' ,'
Mlsa Emlle Croesea. The Dalles, Oregon., .w. .;... .V,
Miss Lucille Crate, The Dallea. Oregon ........ ............ ......,lt,?t -
" (Voting place, The Dalles, recorder's office.) ,
Miss Stella Kichardaon, Hood River, Oregon. . ,.11,461
Miss Laura Cramer. Hood River, Oregon . . .,.,,,,, t.Ht
(Voting place. Hood River, Wright's store.) . '
Miss Florence George, Arlington, Oregon , . 7,111
- . (Voting place, Arlington, Brabant's confectionery.) ; ..; . , . ... . ,
,Mlss Clara Swain. Burns. Oregon-. .......,......ill.MT
Miss Hattia Barton, Baker City, Oregon ...ll.OSt
Miss Ethel Parker, Baker City, Oregon-. .........,....,..,,, ...lO.Ctt
Mlaa oertrude Tloe, vaaer uity, urogon s.isa
Miss Myrtle Braiton, Baker City, Oregon . . ....................... , .
(Voting place. Baker City, Le-inger a drug atore.) ,v
Miss ElBe Mae King, Onteiio, Oregon . . r.......
Miss Daisy Belterlsy, Vale, Oregon ....... w....... , lit
szsrmiov wot S ' ' "' r
Miss Amelia WlllUms, Keleo. Waahlngtoa ... ...,."......,. .ll.Ul.
(Voting place, Kelao conenlonery.)
I Miss Katharine Gore, Kalama, Waahlngton ........................11,11
f" , (Voting place, Kalama, Coirey"o store.) -.,- .: . :
.Miss Mary nerge, novum vauay, r,aninaion t,ih-
, Miss Flo ran oe ueavren, Vancouver, Washington ................ f.Zlf
- t voting piece, vancouv
t-lflSS Est her A ndertonr ASti
(Voting place, Vancouver, (II Main street.)
EgtnsrAnasrsonrAstoriartjregon . : :.i
(Voting place, Astoria. Owl drug store.)
' - .--..-. . - aISTaZOT sro. i .
Miss Madge Bat tee, Eugene, Oregon .......,. , ....... A. ......11,101
Miss Emma MoffetC Eugene, Oregon . ....... .k 10.04S
(Voting place, Eugene, Hull's drug store.) ,
Miss Lucy Morcom, v7oodburn, Oregon ........... .TT, ........... .10,4l
Miss Myrtle Trask, Woodburn, Oregon ................. ..i. .. ....10,111
(Voting place, Woodburn, Beebee Whitman s Store.) ,
Miss Llxxle Veateh. Cottage Grove, Oregon ......,...l.i
Miss Effle Stewart, CoUage Grove, Oregon 1,414
Mies Maude Blair, Cottlge Orove. Oregon
(Voting place. Cottage Grove. Olll'e confectionery.)
Miss L. Belle Darby, Salem, Oregon. . ...10.SI1
Miss Mary Davidson, Salem, Oregon ... 10.041
Mlaa Pearl Shelter. Salem. Oregon . . v...... w...l. 411
Miss Nettie Reddekoop. Salem, Oreron ..,.,. 11,
Mlaa Minnie Achenbaeh. Salam, Oregon ............... ill
Miss Blanche Brown, flalera. Oregon........... -tot
(Voting plaoe, Salem. Haas drug store.) . .
Miss Maggie Chambora, Albany, Oregon ........... ...... 1.411
'Miss Pearl Savage, Albany, Oregon . v. ....................... . I.TIj
Miss Alice Locke. Albany. Oregob
Mlaa Ktnllv O. Hill. Albany. Tirearon , . .
(Voting place, Albany, Daweon'e drugstore.) . , ,.
Miss Kathryn Oarvla, Sflverton, Oregon . . t i....,,,... ...... 7,(11
fVotlnar nlaaau HilvartotL. Brook'e dnis? store.) ..- - - ...
M1ss Addle Simpson. Lebanon, Oregon ........................... tl( ,
voting piaoe, ijeoanon. wouon s tora. - ;t , - ,t
Miss Bertha Courtemanohe, McMlnavllle. Oregon . ...... ......r;.ll,((
Votlnar nlAca. McMInnville. Houser's Store.)
Miss Hasel Kennedy, Lafayette, Oregon ... ......... 11.S44
t voting, piece, Liarareue poatemce.f
, hiss uora up
Mlaa Roaa B. Bowser. Hlllshoro, Oreeon
(Voting place, Hlllsboro, Schulmerlcb's store.)
jaisa winnie
l Minnie Roy, Dallas, Oregon I,!
(Voting place, Dallas, Stent's confectionery.) - -
l Minnie Butler, Forest Grove, Oregon . ...... , 1,1
a Cora Spangle, Dayton, Oreron .... A f .......... .10,111
(Voting place, Dayton. Harris' drug store.) . . ..
e Msrls Hostetlsr, Hlllsboro, Oregon,. ,. i. ... 1,401
miss liiiiian wenster, fnnomatn, uregon . . ... 4. ........
Miss Rosale C llolshelmar, Beaverton, Oregon . .
.Miss Olive Stratum, Newberg, Oregon.. ....... s...
(Voting place, Newberg, caiwell Co. drug etore.)
... . U . - aaw ,.
Miss Kqna rarsiey. noaenurg, union . ......................
Miss ixue Harmon, Keaoourg, -uregon ,
fVnilnar nlaoa. ttnaahura. tlatnll tnn'a druar alnre., -
Mlse Louise T. Jones. Jacksonville, Oregon . . a. ... , .... T.I
Mies Frances Osborne, Ashland, Oregon. , i ............... 1,000
(Vntlnar nlana. Aanland. Buttan'a nawa atand. and Savlel.I ,
Miss Maude Berry, Grants Pass, Oregon -,.,-.,,......,.,...,.. l.ltl -
-Miss Mauds Bader,-Grants. Pass, Oregon
(Voting place, Granta Pass, Smith's drugstore.);
Miss Jennie Woodford. Medford, Oregon
(Votlpg place, Medford, Russell's confectionery.) .- - -
- " d , , i
Coupon Free Ha wallan Trip
i - rienolultt, Hswafua Ulauses '
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This coupon muit be voted on or before Sept' II, 1161. ..j .V'
Hon day i Vci-
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