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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1905)
-f v- , .. THE; QRKGON DAILY JOURNALV PORTLAND.' SATURDAY ISVKtaNO. ' SSPTSMSrH 13. 1ZZJ. it FODAY'S MARKETS Extreme Firmness It Shown In the Poultry Market With " Receipt' Exceedingly Small When Demand Is Considered. PEACH MARKET IS QUOTED HIGH Receipts Much Smaller and ; De- J l J Cnma .r t man a I incrwawou1 wvi'" - . T - ; , . .'.. - vr "ISnfaa at Dollar. mm V POULTRY VERY SHdRT V E.OF WHATvTRADE .NEEDS . . . - - .'.' '' 'tr i :. i "ttorVConcord Crapea Are Coming: WwhyiKton Inspector Afain- Con- -demning Oregon Fruit for impos -,' Bible Disease. :'s : ";: ' ' rroat Street. sept.'lS. The prlBelpal trateree i ef lb Port land wholesale mrktu today are; 4 . Peecfes. srs roted signer. . '. ' ."Bsgn ran sad signer. . , ., . i timet' scarcity la ponltry. ' ' - . Mm (Word grape are coaxing. ' . .Wssn,lngtoa Inspector at .lt agenv-'.' .;v Local onions dnll ant lower., , '. , , ... w Hop allaark rather mixed.. - ','' - Car Walla-Walla onions arrrree. ; Better ton om lanea dnUV v; " Freak swats are cleaned us. -Waeat and floor both firm. -.'-j,' 'Towsto receipts bearler. .-. ' , ' l: I Intend eU la lowar. i. ,. ' swathes Ara wastes Higher. ' ' ' -There le bow a sreer Beerclty la the eup- ' pltaa peeeaea. Bacelpta during the past (aw . ear hare ebown a ataad oamaaa aatll at tba moment tba anppllca ara aaMllar tbaa lor aooM tlroa. ranrr ararbaa ara eicaadlaalr . alow la arrlTto aad flulta a aaaibcr at aahs ara reported ajada aa lit(b aa 1 a kos, vita tba a man for Umrf atock at M cobU. Broa tba aatailrr alar ara aat eamlac as freely aad all . tbraac tba narkat tbera M aa Improrad (cal- ' '. Blaek''SraBas tka Kato ftaattfta. '" Thara 4a ararcltr la tba aappllaa at Uaarat (rapaa. 'Arrrrala ot Tokaya ara alaa aajaller Uaa tba draxaad. Ulaek. kowaror. la r auplj with . a wala ranaa la prtrw , II ' corda fraa DUlar Kara )a battar aupplr today aad foand a (oad deauaa M.san Vpaaad baakat. ' Waaabartaa laapaater at It Acaia. ; ' Tba "WaablattoB frnlt kMpartora batra not, , ytt Iranad tbat Portlaad arholeaalara will aa loncrr aund for their eoddaauln( of fralta - (or tapooBHila diaraara. Bowa tliaa aio Tba Jooraal bad aeraslon to tin tba aaaa-ta xaganl to ana of tba fralt toapaecora at Waabbictna. It baa bora tba practlea of aoma ot tba tn ' aaaeterf at ear aiatar atata to aoadaaia fralt frora Oraaoa daalara aa. aur poaribla proTara- .tloa. Paaehra tkat woeld raadllr paaa 1b- apactloa brra vara held ap la tba Mrtrtraaa atata aad eoarlaeatad (or a.iaa allcftd dbwaaa. . Thai waa doae. It la aaM for tba aula parpoaa ot eampcUlac tba dealer of aaatbara Waabbid- toa to bu tbetr aunpllea (mai tba wbolcaalara of Porat aoand aotaritbaUadlnc tba (act that ' taa aaBM fooda, ar battar, could ba porcbaaad , Ja . tba- Portland aurkot fur laa. lamoM , ahlppad by Portaud dealer ta that tarrt tmr .mn ennflaaatad baranaa tha tnapaetor - aald tbay war lafortadith.' 8aa Joaa. aeala. Oorarameat aatborltle rlalatbat aa Joaa acala doaa aoC attack cltraa (rait. Lannaa r ara aooiatlnMa. attacked by arbat la know aa . rltrua mrtit bat tba official report of tba Vntted lutM (oraranient clalia- thla. la on- ttrely banalaaa..'. Tba laat on ot tba W 'I Inert oa at .pec tor ta ret boar la eoademntnd .fruit araa t. A. Deaaler ac Wlalork, VtwH ! rxontr. arbaaa -work' 1 amr abaara by tba ra ' i. ralpt ' of arraral certificate far ktiaana aaaa j daaanad bacaaaa of acala. Baaaral boar arer - reoratly dratrorad by tbbi official and Port ' laod aMrcbaata will' aend him Mil for. tba , ' aaoda . daatioad. Tbey ray they" will coanpel . Mat ta prora that th Vttied ataek war ' affrftad With a danreraa dlaaaaa. -j'. Kara Tlnaar a4 Klckar. - - Althflaafe tbara to nark eoainlanit fro tha ' trad aa account af tba high prteaa ta tba ecf J int nnn m aaaui anmoer '''af aalea helna reported at 17H mti. Tba t caanot,' bowarar, be eaoatltntad aa tba gw- er.l aaarket aa aanat af tba tranctloaa . ara . amend Mti and 77 caata. rHmltry waa balng " foncbt . for alone tba' . atrart tit mornta. - Racetpt ara aat araall, Beitnar are tbry laraa. Tba deaiaBd la aery arret- and jnlxad are bem aoM readily at 14 reata with (ractkai .hlchor for fancy bran. ; , - '' V Has Htaattaa Katkar Mtaaa. Taere I a mixed feellna ta th bee) ajar kef,-, Pacific eeaat dealer are affertee; ebolra ' 1B0.1 to tbr aastera trade at- It- arata dell- arad.- Which woo Id make the act price paid ta ' taa trawar bare aboat 12M cent. " Dreptte . rMa there ara after aol la tba aoaatry raa 1 Inf betarea 11 and 1,4 rente end area aa hlKh " " a 15 cent ha been paid. Toe crop W atlll ' abownta aa" taaraeeniMit both hi uaaflty aad - Quality. . ' .. Fraah ataat Ara Cleaned Vp.-. "" AHbonrh tha receipt ar freah neat aloaf rr " . iw etreet yeareroay were gaue iinerai au nr- , rrrala arer cleaned ap at rarrent flgarea and toO.y'a toa hi firm and an-nanred. The creamery batter altnatton la rather . we k. alpna r mnt-atr Bid ap ry faat aad aome dealer era . talking ' af maktna roaMaaloaa kt taa nrtra. The followluc ajaotatloaa ara tan paid along .rroai etreet ay raa retail iraoa ror bait 'i aaaltty fc rodnd kMa. Prodacara' price ar aa epecinea: ' tlrata. Plaar and teed. '' WHEAT New crab, TOe; Bed Bi fclnetem. TSc: Tiller. Tic. ! BABLET Toad. 21.r.01: rolled; $2Ut . BU.W: orewina, .m.wjl - .tuKN Whale. Itf.uu; cracked. f2S.a per tea. -' nvB l.5 per awt. . , OATfProdacera prlcKo. t White, $33.40 KLOuB Kertera. r.ui . rateata. : t4Mal ' d M: arralfhta. $4.75; . eiporta, . $3.90; eel ley.' $.M; rham. U. $l.uu. to. ...a. . rye. aie- e.w; emiea, f.iA MILLCTTJFrS Bran. l-00 ner tori! aild. , dUna. $21.00: bnrta, aoaatry, $30.00; , city. - !.(: croa. $18.00. f I A TProdnoer price Timothy, ' neyk nacy.; flrninary, I.oo 10O0; ee.ter Oreroti. $1d.00)ja.0U; aitzed. M.oulta.00; rterer. tt 0010.W; raln. $S.t0J W.Wi emit' h. ' 1 ': - Battar. Egaa ait; eaHry. 15 ' -1 JJ.'BtJTTBB PAT Bweet,- lcf aner. SBe. i. MUTTER City creamery, beat. :31U: aecoad rrade-. ZTMc: nat.lda frr. J7t4 or.ll- - nary, waci eaora. loon'to vaanrraia raacr, EO Jfo.5 freah Orrron, cdled, KQ tic: cold t(:u and eaatera. 25c. f CHEWB New oll cretfui. twin, ItQllHc; lainK it mwin, jmjri cneonar. ie. .pGLTRi'""Olilckeo. ' mHed. " 14c per th: v - faacy bene, 14 VV per-If; Toaatera. old. 4fJlor per lb; fryeray 1.1Viile-par lb; broiler, c per in: .aril. iaiitr per id; gee, . prMOc per Hr t)rkera. inelMc per lb; draeaed. . uaf par idi aqnaoa. 4.iun; per aoa. . . Maf, ,Wol aad Hid. nOPBOontraet. lPn Oregon. ' n18Hr Wpsfilngtna. 1P J4 crop. 14c (or choice, ltftf ' M ( prima aad medium. V. (KllWltKja clip, r.ller. aaara ta aMdlaaa, - rSH;. tv ,tdtjiJe, ,Mtr.tya, efoHAIR ItomtmL ate)S1e. ' HKEPaKN'B Bnearing, IBfUB vtncs medlom waai. $! , , , avrvtfi.ov race. TAIXOW Prima, par ibt 4fi; Be. B aad ..Jl Braaaa. .-.-- r-- .r ' SATURDAY PRICES IN ;: THE WHEAT MARKET . MAtAA . . I ---- "" ""' re.' May';.' X ClUckftj i.....;$!.JtH It-HH " IJaarptMl -!..,, 101 -a ' ... ', -v M . .Titf -. Vllwaukaa .... .$4A - .ItA 'd) . Mk .... . " e d tn. .LeMihi.. ...... v ...... . ; New jrar,v...$i44vCMt-?a TtaiviarMj. l.t l.tttt d j ' : - , iaBramb.r. V-T4rmb baXlar. 4 .-; JOURNAL'S DAILY : : TIPS TQ SHIPPERS f d "With each aal of a dosea 4 . watermelona wa will lv 1 red d 4 an overcoat." Thla la the text 4 of a aJra displayed upon. a pile d 4 of melon along Front treat to- d --lar,- It ahowa exactly the con- - dltlpn of the market. Few deal- 1 e . era any longer pap any attention ' 4 4 , to watermelona and the pnnien i d prices are merely nominal.. . ..'f v,e 1 ' t' 'ft - -'i. ' CHrTTlaf BABR 3c oar fn. -'.' '- - ' HIDKS Dry bldea. Nn 1. Id lb, and an, IddtldUa aer lbi dra hla. X. I Aa 1 lb. 14cl dre eelf. Nn. 1. nnder' k fn. Mtt Iket drf Ml ted kid, ateer. aoond. at) lb ev aHJ He; fiO to SO lba. Ve: aaaer aa ttnt and cow, najarict etaga ana . nana... wh. iip tip. rs to 0 lba. ac: acaad. lu ta 14 lba. BO $4ei ulf. nouad. under Id lba aVaClle: graa (unaaltedk. le ner lb leaa: eulla. le Per lb lew; horMhldea. aalted. each. alJA(Jl.TB: dry. each. tl.Ooai.M); - enlt hldaa. each, aaejaoet rnet aklaa, cammoa. each. 10 JM; Angora, with wool aa, each. BSe(t$l. ..-' i...;.. rrarU aad TagetahfcM. . : ' POTATOES Beat Oregon, 6dT5c; car-tola, 00c ark; ordinary. 4OiU0e; aweet. lQr. ' ONlllNn Neer Onen TelloW UaaTera. $1.00; car Iota, aoe; WaU WallaJl3c; garlla, tlOe nee ,lh ...... FRtitn rBPITn Aenlee. OreroB.' B0et$l.'SS: fancy. $1.60; erabipplea, $1.60; orange, . late Talenela. $5.U0-. bkaatia. dtao ' b! leuooa. cbotce, $A.6023JS per box! fancy. $400 ?r Box; uoiaa.- miik-u, i.m i-n no; nlneannle. Ai.os nee doa: oeacbe. fancy. ftiic.$1.00; ordinary. SOQTSc: plum. Tacfell.Oo par crate: cantaloupe. . $I.00Q1S per crate watermelona, we per cwi; grapaa, .irrsun, ,V)j7V; California.. $1.0001.60; fear. Bartlett, Sic per boa; Winter Nellie. $1.28 ir hot; blackberrl. .Vt$1.00; caMbaa, $3.00 62.00 do; freak, prune. It per ID; poaaegran ate. $1.25 per box. VKuaiTABI. KS Tnrnlpa. new, fl.ov per aacaj earreta, $1. 004)1. pal lack: beet. l.ovj per eeefci Oregoa radianc. Ine par aoa; iireenn. ai.onal.2ft ner ewt: grecB pepper. 23c per boi ; local. totnatov jnWOe'J pa. f 1 txiIl Ift:- atnug beane. itjxc; caallf lower, 75cfa 11.00 due; rhubarb, 2 He lb; noraaradiaa. loe lb: articooaee. per n; ant boner lettaee. eOdlTnc: bead let face, K par tot; greea eoloaa. I0ai2V4c Per awe; nHnaca. ac per lb; greea core, foe per rack; praa. we par lb: ru camber.. T5c per aack; celery. Colorado, .V; local, ,T5iS.1c per doa; rggpiaat, f.3.00 per crate; pempaion, Ta- UHIKD KKUITS A pole, ereiioreoan. car lb: m-lcot 9H13 tier lb; aacka. He aj Me: peaebea. sniac per inj near. lbi Drone. Italian. IVteMUa ear lb; Preneb. tutt4V4e par lb: fig. Caltfornta War. iW,e -ner lb: CeUfornl whit. -- ear lbi etama.. pitted. - per lb: date, golden, da ear 1: tarda. 41.00 Dae 13-: nox- . t ' . Oreearlee. Bat. Bta. , ' '' .. tr3AB ck. baale Cab. $d.T0; powdered. $9fi; fruit graoula ted. $d.46; dry graBOiatrd. $5.48; Coaf. rA.. $S.So; beat jtcanoUtad, $.V8; extra C. $4.9$; gohlea C.--$4.86: l ellow. $4.T; bbU, 10c; bbla, 25c; auxea Boa adraace aa Back- lea M3e aer awt tea mk. U ear:, ntaple, UoiSr per lb. . 1 . hOSEr-$jl per crate. - : COFFEaV-Packag braada, fl8.T$L BALT PlJe Bale. . hvH, a. 10a. $1.: Uble. dalrr. 60a, $11.00: 100. 10.TS: Im ported J.lrerpool. to. 417 O1.1 --.lno. tl.M: 224. $16 00: extra fine; bom. Br. aa. 10a. 44. 003.1. Ml: balk, $30 lba. $4CabAX aacka. 604. MOM. . v SALT Core Balf aroand. ; 10IH. par toe, $7.00: 60. r ton. $7:60; l.l.erocal nama rock. $1S.60 per ton: tOJh, rock. $7 Out lou. aa.TB. A bore prlcaa anolr ta aalea o( Ptea than car lota. Car Iota at aairhU erlcee eakle 4a (loetnattooa). . - I' - - . , GRAIN BAGS Oolcntt. TUB. ' ' BICB Imnerlal lanan. Ma, t. 1 He. " t, Ht: New Orleaa head. c: Alex. 4e: Cra- p. m . - - - BKANS gmetl white. te4Ve larca-wMte. tv.c: alak. S!.a8Ue: beyee, dw: Uau. !! MiV-.n reda. . - " ' ' IDTH Pnata.'7Ve: toaibo.'Ue ear Tbt raw. eanoe ner lb: roaatad. v eoeoaant, tvaeoe per doa; walaat. I4rlte,er lb: a In not. lOcliaite aer rbt lilckorr nnt. loe ner Pi; eheernnta. etem. I!I4I1V tr B: BraxtJ nnte.. Ue par lb; fllberta. Idtl6e par lb: faac aaraaa. ItatlCr: al-rond. ISallSe oar Uk. ' ' Panrhv Coal OUa. B.- . BOPB Para llaalla. 14et ataadard. 1214: aiaal. 10 c: 111 brand ataat, e. CQAI. OILe-Purl ar AatreL Caaea. anu per gal: water 'white. Iron bbla. 16a par gal: woad, 1st par gall headlight, 170-dea. euf. 22uc per ral. - -- , - UAfOLJNK an-der." cane, xze per gait won bale. Me per gal: afore, aaaaa. BtWe par al: nt nnie. in ear gal. BKKZINB-es-dee. cam. 29 par gal." ' tree bble. iUe ner gaL " TL'BPENTIKB-Ia caaae. Big par emit waode bbla. Rc per ral. WRIT LEAD Ton lata. T4 par ft; B00-Bt lot. Sc per n: lee lota; .H par lb. , t WI kr KAIIJ! 11-eerat baae at aXTOV 1JNSEFD OIL Para raw. In 6-bbl lot. Bar: 1-hhl lot. 6flr: rt. 64c ner gal: aenaina kettle balled, caera. Me per gal; e-bbl Inta. Ortc; l-bll lot. ate per gai: gronna caxa. car t. aau.w per ton; lea than car lota,. $30.00 per toa. - Keata. tmh aad Pmliliea. raeitn 11 rat prom ' rret Hear 6Qe per lb; pork, block, S38H per lb; park ars, ac par lb: balls. 4tSc par lb: cow. wita neiia, euoc par ;. ti. extra. Sxtivkc: ordinary, 7e per lb: poor. 6t6tte per lb. . HAM. BAt ti. lit: rMrtiand neeh heme, 10 t 14 lba. 14c par lb; 14 ta It! ih. 13 per id; ia to wt in. iat par tt: cottage. $e per lb; breakfast bacon, 1.1tjlH per, lb: nlenle. be ner lb: rexalar aharx cteer. moked. lie per lb; smoked, lie per lb; clear bark. aBuaokad, 10e lb; amoked, 114 per lb; Union nuttn. 10 ta IS In, aaaoioked. 4 par lb; amoked Be per lb: clear blllea. aa smoked. 11c aer lb; amoked. Ur par B; shoal decs. SUe per lb. . ITKe ner lh: oOlb Una. UUe nee lb: team readered. 10a. 10e per lb; 6a. 1014 par lb. ' r' CANNED BAtMON OnhnnMa rtrer. 1-tb tails. $1.60; 2 lb talb). $2.70; fancy. Lib (lata. $ 1.60; inner uau, i.ju, uncy .-ID ... Ml, g. Aisaa. talis, runs. kwu; red. HJQi as. tan. ijiw. riMl Kwk cod. Te ner lb! flounder. 6 per lb; halibut, 6Sc per lb; -era ha. $1.,0 per d: striped ba. 12H par lb; catOsk. 6e per lb; salmon,, ailreraldes. Gc per lb; blnebacka, ne per id: herring, -ac per lb; anle. 6c per lb; shrlospa. 10c per lb; perch, 6c per lb; black rod. 7c per lb; User smelt. It Per lb: lobster. I6e; fresh mackerel, ac par lb; erawosh, 2Se OYSTEBaftbealwatar bay. per gal. 62.26; aer rack. 6.1.T6. -..... CLAM! Hard ahIL per box. $2.00 tlama. $2.00 ear box. TACTICS BY THE CHANGED BULLS Leading'- Interest 1n" Chicago Wheat Market Not regressive ; j -..r Buyer of Supplies.' DECEMBER-MAY ARE ; ' . A QUARTER CENT UP Srptembr Loses Sam Amount on Small -Trading Small - Primary Receipts Help the Boosters .Work tut up."C-'7c;.:.. ,:--': cat. 1 ear ga ,0OU $1.14 -.OOtl 1.1S1? ..ooi i.M!a SATURDAY'S WHEAT MARKET. " . , ( loe . tha Lom Cloaa oU PH. 8t. Year are September. ,64A .834 A $.00 leceniber..... .fa .-.) May., .MB , .6iaB Chic re, Sept. l.-Logaa at.Bryaa eayt The world' wheat . hlnmenm ara en tl ma ted . at .Suo.ooO bashela, . with a decree aa aa paeaag predicted. The leading boll Interest changed Its taetlca somewhat today Inasmuch . aa yes terday 'a aggresalT btiylsg waa not continued int tiut..1. eeeaWa.. The am. 11 nrlmarr Bwra- ment contlkaes to help bnlllsh sentiment,. anoantoa pMjfj0 the position assumed by the recognised bull In terest seem to be nisklng dally conTert to the ball aide. The market seems b aping lmelf better, shsking not tha nndealrabl element, prtortpally the tallefa. Alt the tr.ila waa low, but ther waa a good cash demand at adrandng prices and good (loan aalea, and it seem a ft higher prlcaa wrre Inerltsbl. While the market ta alow. It abowa persistent atrengta. LHtla adraaee hi Oera, The corn market made soma llttl dra ore. which to o emalXDiftcaiit, considering th reactionary aplrlt arnlch.preTalla la the wheat pit. It cannot be denied that eeotimeat baa rhaaged materially. There I not much trad ing, bat condltloDB are bnlliah, and we tnl opthBuUc. Stock ara sot burdensome. , 1 Prerlsttma 6 Shade Batter. CAfiADIAO PACIFIC BULL-LEADER Makesa Net Cahl of Four and ! '.-a- Half; Points W New Yortc Market." l GENERAL MARKET: HAS , A VERY, DULL FEELING Chicsgo Northwestern Rises Two - PbmtB-New r York Central Se- cures .Rise of Twe '. ahdTThree Eighths Points. -t t, ; Amalgamated Atchison Car Foundry.. 8ugr U Mmeltar ........... Baltimore H Brook Ira s Cauadlaa ......... 4 M. m H. W. ...... S (treat Wasters ... St. Pul ......... 1 Colorado Pnal ..... Reo. Btsel. pfd... Southern Ry ..... : Bock Island ...... , de preferred.... . M l ADVANCES. .. t Cenbal. . -ri .............. Illiuola Central ... Loulavllle 1 Metropolltaa ...... tt Mexican Central, ... Mlsaourl .. Pacifla .. Out. di WaeterB.A, I .Nor folk PrttTlirtnn rked anchanged to abide Hrl- er. MentlmsBt in tne msrsei iom a,r.'' ImproTemeat. hat trade from the octal d la mall. The packer coatlnae ta make the price range, aad a arm more friendly to tha market at tha moment, ' Their eeasnn of aetrre con- sumption 4s already here and atock are de creasing. They report demand aa excellent. Official quotatione ay wres-Daca. atrr m Cook company: ' . w nii.T. T i ' : . Onen. ' High.' ' 7w. nept;... . .a Mar..... .. -b , ' 1 . COR.1. 1 .64 . ' .6414 ' .4- - '-'.4 '. 3. .44 . " OATS. -2KS i-2" 6 ';;-' Old Sept Old Dec. May..... dept.... Iee. .... May...... .864 .644 ,8 .$4 .46 ' .43 ' " Close. ; 9 .64 A . .64,B -' .BOB . ;.B4 " .4614 .43T4 .30ft MK88 POBsC 15.60 16.46 .2RB .80MB a. . in All , Oct.... 14.63 . 14.67, 14 JO - ix.o 14,0 . IABO.- Jsn...... 12.40 Sept.. .... Oct,.... T. 67 Jaa..... S.SS Wheat ...... Cora ........t... Shipment: . . " Wheat ...... v.. w eaT.otw nn.m Corn .... 802.00O eoi.tsrj 1earncea: wneai, ii.uuo ewwa; .emr, 20.000 barrels; corn. 311,000 bushels; osts, 879,. 000 bashela.' 'xmcMO CASH WHIAT. '' -! Chicago, Sept. 16. Cash wheat; ' v '. Bid. We. t red $ .65 No. 6 red No. 9 herd ..I.'.. :.7.wr.-. .64 4 No. S bard .2 No. 1 northern a No. t Bortbeni ."J No. S aprlnt ; v, , TOfAL RECEIPTS CONSIST OF BUT. 81 HOGS General Dullness Is Shown in . Livestock Market Today ' V Cattle Quoted Fair. 1. Lira- Sheep Portland t'aloa Stockyards, Sept. atock rereipta: : i? ,v '.. Hogg. Cattle Today ...',. 81 .. Week ago... .. ' ,60 PreTtous week .. . . 1 M . ' 2S , ISO Month ago .,...... ' uw .. r,sx In I waa a dnll day lu the local yards. Alto gether 81 bogs srrlred in. Hog remain dull aa areak. attar arr fahrhr flrm-.T Bbeep flrta and rairaa isir. Ufflclal prlcea for llreatock: Hog Beat eastern Orraoa, $6.00; blocker aad Chin fata, $.00o.2i; atockera and font era. St. 60. Cattle Beat eeatera Oregna steer. $.1.00; lletit and mMllum steers. J m: iixttt cows. $l.nof2.00: atockera and feeders, $2.35412. jO; kalian xi no. , Bbeep Wethers. "c: mi I en sneepv glralght ewea. SttSHr: aprlng lamb. 4e. Calrea cad real. 160 tat 2u0 pound, 6J$Mef reagh and heary 8MaV4r. , . , , . Chicag Hog Steady.. '; . . ' , rhk-ago. Sent. 16. Hogs opened steady wl'k 4.600 left "ot. ' Receipt a year sge were lO.rtrX Prlcee- Mixed. $.0...7 I'md aud hearr. IS lSldS.lO: rough, $4.lo6.10; llgut. rattlef-fteany. ' ,-i . j .1 Imsep Strong. ' ' ' ' . . WW T0BB BABX BTATBMIBT. Bew lorkKept. ie. jtaax state meat: .... , ' . Decrexat. wrr:nrr::......... $ m. Reeerre leaa u. .................... !"?";' Iwn ............. e. ...... IS'.Hll.Otlll Siwrt ...v.f,..- ,t,Ul,VV lgsls v.. 4....... !l.lHd.l Iieonatt ..i-.....i.r...ii.V..k 89,0t) 4 CUcs 1 tloa ....Vt,, . ,lJ0 -' 7.70 "" 7.67 , .6I - 4.86 SH0BT BIBS.. ft!:iw" s : i, s:2 -, ' n.m Jan..... S.6t 6.60.' S.45 PBIMaBT BBAIB XOrZKEJIZ. Chicago. Sept. 16v Primary reeelpU; 16.48 14.85 ;. KL87 A T.7 -, 7 67 , : S.8S i 1 866 ' 8.60A 6.47A Today Rnab. PK2.000 j .640.000 ' Tr. age Bush. vat.bon tm.oun Ask. S .66 .86 Vs . .86 ...... .66 . .88 - SAB TBABCTBCQ OBACT MABXZT. . Saa PraBClare, Sept. 16. Offleml close: WHBAT. ..I, Opes. - High. - !.w. Ooas. December ....1.34 ll.OT $1.8X $1.80 uani.ti. DecemBrf -rrr. 1.04H 1.04H 1.04H 1.04H CH1CA00 0BAIB 0AB J.0TS. Chicago, Bept. 16 Grain ear lots- , .Cars, .tirade. Eat. Wheat 46 20 , 48 ot ...316 61 218 1801. 76 . 624 172 . ' llrarpaal Grata Market. I-lrerpool, Bept, i. close: Wheat Decem ber. 6 . lOd. unchanged; March, anchanged. Corn September, fed higher; December. 4 $d. fed higher; January, aa t4, unchanged; Marco, n aigner. . . , COTTON IS UNCHANGED ' TO ONE POINT HIGHER : ; . -i ' i '1 ; ' New Tork. Sept. 16. Cotton fnterae closed nm-hauged to 1 pomt higuer. Official quotatlona by Orerbeck, Cooke Co.i . ' " -Open, High. Low, January In7 146 10:16 February kkui kkui lm March 142 10A4 1042 April . .... May 10.3 IOTA 1060 Heptember October ........... 1029 . Utvt '1028 November 1126 1042 124 December v. ...... v. 108 - 1042 1U.13 Starr Close. 10401(141 111441)14)1 KKvttir.i O.VIU. 1067 5 V 1024(1 28 UtXi'fi 14 102t:10 ' lUflJ7 - BO8T0B C0PPZB STOCKS. Baatoa, Sept. 16. Official copper cloe: Bid. Adrenture . . . Atlantic . .... Alloura ...... Bingham .... Pal. Aria... Calnmet . . . . Copper Bang. Centennial ... Daly West,., Kim Granby ...... t.reene) I Hid 6.76 22 12U . .12.26 ' 26.00 lt-J.12V - ntt.on , 24.60 , 16.76 2.6l 7.6714 .26.121 Old Immlnion. 26.00 Mohawk .... .66.60 Michigan ' 18.00 Usee, Osceot $ WU.62U Parrot Pboeaix ..... 76 Qutoer 100. 00 Shsnnoa 6.76 Tamarack .... 117.00 Trinity ...... 8.724 rmted ...... .$6.60 Victoria ....'. ' 4.87K Winona 10 IW) WolTrrlne ... Ctsh 46.00 Royal 20.66 V. B. Mining.. 24 .VI Brltiak Col.,.. 7.37H ' SAB PBABCISCO LOCAL ST0CBS. Baa Fraaciaee, Sept. 18 Official elnaei . Bid. Aak. Contra Coat Water ' t n2 66 Hpring Valley Watef oU 40t4 Mutual Rlei'trlr t pZ 1 7 m, S. V. klec trie .,. M Olaat Powder -,...,m,h.i TT 78 llawallaa Com...; 64 86 llonoaea iwgar .................... ins. lluti-hlneoa Snear i llakaweli 8or. ........ 86 Onumea 6ir ,-,4 Paanhae Sngar .... ....... 811! Alaska Parkers' ttti tieeento wranwu. n Pacific Statee Tel..... ....... vzvr toes corrii makxxt . t New Tork. Sept 16 Coffe futtsra - closed atesdy. nachanged to polula Bp. ' Bid. Ash. $7.40 $7 46 .7.46 .7.60 6 HO 7.00 7 7.06 T.Mn.lO . 4-.," B,tt 16 1.1'.i 66 86 22 H e4 .10214,103 nfielal auotatlerts: . v. Bid. Aak. I Janaary ...$7.10 $7.' June. .... Pebrnar ... I 2o 7.25 .Inly ... . March .....7.26 T.lHIiOctoher April ..... 7.60 7. S6 ' NiiremleT Mar I...-. T. ' :f r - 1 401 Pmbr '' " m Haw Yerh Cask Oafraa. ew ' Tork. Sept. 16. '..M rot fee Bio, $e; Ba saatoa, a Panylranla ..... Pacific MaU ..... Pressed Bteal Car Meaning ., 1 SoutherB Padfld .. ' 64 Tennessee Coal ... ' H Wabash H J I 00 iM-eirrrsu.,.,. . m bECLINh'8. , . .. I People's Oaa ...... 64 ....1 I Republic Steel .... W --i Wlaeesala Central.. - ft "Wall Street. New York. Sept. 16. Canadtaa Pacific waa tha leader of the market today and Blade a rapid rise at 4 points. Chicago A Northwestern rose points, while LeulsTllie msoa a net gsin or Ths msrket wss gene Offlctsl quotatione Cooke comjisny: frhelter; pfd tuesapesxe 1 point on small trading. ratty dulL Orerbeck, Starr DBSCRlfhON. Amal. Copper Co.... Atchlaoa, commoB .. da preferred ...... Am. Car m Pound., c Am. HugVr, common. Am. Smelt., common de-preferred .- B. A Ohio, common. . Brooklyn -Rapid Transit. tan. racinr. . Cbl. 4k Alton, de preferred mi, a u. w common. Chi.. Mil. It St.1 Paul.. Chi. N. W- common Chesapeake Ohio Colo. Pnel 4k Iroa. com. Oolo. Sootbent, common. 00 za pre r erred ..... Delaware Hudson. . Delaware, U 4V Went. D. 4k B. 0, commoa... ' do preferred Brie, common ...... do 24 preferred do let preferred .... Illinois Cen tral .". LoulaTllle A NaabTllI.. Metropolitan 8t. Ry..., Manhattan Railway ... Mexican Central Ry.... Minn.. St. P. 4k Bte. M do preferred ........ Mlsaourl. Pacific ...... M.. K. T.. - do prefi New York Central Nortbera Pacific Norfolk Writ., com. North Americas N. Y., Ont. V Western. Pennsylrenls Bsllwsr. , People' O. U-dt C. Co., Preened Steel Car, com. Par. Mall S. 8. Co. Beading com moo do 3d preferred de 1st preferred ..... Rep. Iron A steel, com do preferred ......... Rork Ieland. commoa... do preferred Bonthei u Ry .. eemnxoa. do preferred, ..rf...... Sontbern Pacific do preferred St. L. tt S. P.. 2d pfd.. St. U tt S. W com... do preferred Texaa Pacific Tens. Coal A Iroa Tol.. St. L. W.. com. do preferred Union Pacific, commoa. do preferred........... U. S. leather. V. S. Rnbber. do Bref erred U. S. Steel Co., common do preferred 1 Wheel. Take Krie, e.l no an preierrea ...... Wla. Central, commoa.. Western Tnlon Tel Whash. ertfltmej i;;.T. do preferred , f 8 i 81 H 60)4 106 66U 18S 128 123 . 112 664 167 21 U 56H 484 274 42 65 61 3 75 824 179 14a 13744 2SU 14X 107 344 i48M 208 6H! 644 143 44 1184 i 22 4 24 88T4 101 67 11844 664 .Mi 8A4 SO VI 1814 124 Ra. 1114 664 1064 26 , 82 ' 64 44 33V 44 '4 2 VI 106 86 136 Va HI 128 113 172$ 2144 ITS 684 48, 274 42 V, 37H tit 824 180 1404 1 1373 '3344 141 H i.ioit l3Mt4 66)4 1104 MV4 a 81 H 106 83 V4 13H 126 122H 112. SUB 167 44 2114 17814 t. . . 6)14 48 2714 43 86 88 61 7444 62. tit) 14764 137 23U 144 107 $4 146 308 65 '$44 12 '4 118 61 22 2 8 'ssi. 1604 6744 BT 1 35. 68 8614 66 684 1814 86 Itn 68 1184 6714 36 MliJ BT 864 60 '4 68 1188 . Pel l?t 118 87 I 86441 864 1044110841104 12S 6814 111 LAST 1101(8 M OEIOG I'JELDEO Prosecution Finishing Its Case Agalnstjngressmaa .- . " . Williamson. ; ATTORNE-YS' ARGUMENTS . ARE CHIEF. THING UFT kvidence Today Chlefl Devoted to Showing That lind Taken Up Was Mot Suitable for the Purposes Al leged. ';'; :. .v- . Th laat llnka are being; welded la tha -chAln. ot evidence wblcb. the prosecution expects to -secure tha con viction of Cona-ressman Williamson and hla eodefendania ta the land fraud trial. The defense wUl basin to put In Its testimony either late thla afternoon or Monday moraine nd this . win prooae bty conaume at least a day. Arguments will follow and In the Jlsht of tha pre vious trials. It Is doubtful whether the oaae will reach tha Jury before Wednes day or Thursday. Most . of tha testimony riven mis mornlnc waa designed to .establish the fact that tha land which the defendants sought to acquire, though taken up as timber land, waa in fact 01 lime vaiue for its timber. 'Numerous photographs taken on the seVeratlalms were Intro duced in evidence and they plainly Illus trated the contention of the prosecution, showing for the most open glades with scattered trees, here and there but vary little timber of commercial value. By the' testimony or David Edgar, an axoarlenced timber cruiser. It was shown that the entry men, in filing their affi davits, bad grossly overestimated'' the amount of timber on the claims. Where the v represented that a .claim carried 1.600,000 feet of timber, the expert's estimate waa but erne-fourth that amount- Congressman WilHamaoa's es timate of the timber on. bis own claim was 2.000,000 feet, and tha expert stated It would not exceed 110.006 feet. . A klrallar eras seration hael bean made by 17 26 .124 4 444 id 82 644 32 Total sales for the day. 302.400 ah area. I,, T0B0PAH atTBTBw ST0CU. Sap Praactsco, Sept. 1. Tonoosk stocks, ot flctal close: - Bid. I - ' ' . - M n.iWoms f .14 Mnntsne Midway .. MrNamara ..... Belmont . North Star, .... Resme feold MonntslB.. Jim Hotier Bed Top Toa. Nersda . Toa. Ex tea .1 floltlfteld ... Sandstorm ..... Sandetorm El.. Adsms DenTcr Dixie ' .38 Kendall .,r,..,, 1.4S ' Celumbla Mf.... .66 Jumbo :K. ...... .! Sllrer Pick ; .11 Jnmno Extra.. ,, .. jav Biscg uutte .... ,.44 looldrn Anchor.. .. .12IRay O'Brlea ... S.O0 Ton. Ohio ..... ... .62A to. Bnll Prog.... 62 .' Dlamondfleld .... .1X1 - . .22 immm rttsr . Cash Boy ........ lEcllpse 12 .16 .16 .86 .06 .16 .24 .00 ,06 .28 .20 .88 .!) .16 .43 cokstocx Msmre s'tocxs. 16. Official close Baa Francisco. 1 Sent. 1 Bid. BnllloB ........ .8 Belcher ..'...... .21 Con. CsL-Vs 1.26 Ophlr ....5.87 t aienonia ..... .96 Mexirsa ....... 310 Andes ......... .21 14 Ssrsg $ .82 . Potoal 2jii'..... .06 , t'nlon Cob .... .60 Yellow Jacket.. .12 Excheduer 48 Hal A K or cross 1.26 ISoorploB , .12 POtTLAKD BABX BTATXaTZBT. Clearing nuances ..1666.1.16.4: .1 6S.S7t.14 '' tarllng Bate.-' , New York. Rent. 16, Sterling rates; Demand. 484.B6g48B.26; 6t days, 482.60Q482.40. EDMOND GILTNERWILl: JOIN BENEDICT RANKS Edmond C Olltner, Secretary of the Portland chamber of commerce, and also secrtary of the state commission of the Lewi and Clark exposition, will join the benedicts. His engagement to Mlaa -Zora M. Forrester of Portland la an neunced among tha cloee friends -of the couple. Mr. OUtner today admitted thst the report was true. The wedding will occur next spring. The young people are . Portland natives. The bride-to-be Is a daughter of a well known farmer near. Qreeham. The en gagement Is a romance of the ?mr, Mlaa Xorreater having . been connected with the office of the president of the state commisaionr-whlle Mr. Olltner acted as Its secretary. v zudaeed states e aTaaata Bprlaga. Th Southern- Pacifla eompany has placed on m, mt ta -Portland off leas round trip tickets to Bhaatg Springs s a rste of 2. Beautiful, lUustrsted pamphlets descriptive of this raeort eaa be secured from aay ' Southern Pacifla agent. - the defendant Biggs, when he took up a claim -' 'v - ..- ' --:.' Edgar, testified, that he had been in the. business 0 timber cruising for It years and had been employed by many of the largest . lumber firms In the comitry.-In- company-with A. B. Meat- pin,, the photographer, and two govern ment employes , Edgar ' visited Crook county and made an examination of a number -of the timber claims Involved in the pending case. ' He found the tim ber very poor, and he gave detailed esti mates of the amount ot timber on sev eral of tha claims. '. . ' - - The photographs taken by McAlpin strongly ..reinforced Edgar's .testimony snd gave the jury an object lesson ss to the real character of the so-called tim ber land. - - -"--C.-E. SV-Wood was on ths stand for a large part of the morning, testifying to tha leases or wagon-road landa to Williamson 4c Oesner and to the rival Arm of Morrow 4b Keenan. letters which passed between the witness and the defendsnt Oesner were also Intro duced.-. v ---" ' ..---- e. -- ' I. C Perry of Prlnevllle was called for the purpose of establishing William son's presence In - Prtneville between June It and June 14. 1901,- when the ar rangements were being made by Oesner to procure timber entries. Perry related a conversation which he had with .Wil liamson In-PrlnevlUe within the dates mentioned. . , STATE 4 DIPLOMAS ISSUED TO MANY TEACHERS v . .., . . . .'..,,. '- As Result of Rectnt Examina tions, : l Forty Applicants , Ars Successful. flpedal Dlspateh te The Jearaatl, -'Salem. Or., Bept II. -As a result of the recent teachers' examination held throughout the state, the state board of education has announced that papers have been Issued as follows: - State diplomas- Arthur C. Strange, T-Tlnevmer Triors. Smith. MBartrra,-Anna t Lindgren,' Melrose; Amelia Sorenaon, Harrtsburg; Gertrude Wilson, Medford; Edward Allen Miller. John Day; Mrs. Minnie Stephens, Salem; Joseph 8. len ders,' The Dallesi Emma H. Richards. 160 East Twenty-third street, Portland; Leone Francis,' Albany; Alvln C Baker, Aumsvllle; Marsha Frances Traver, For est Grove; Charles I Holway, Weston; William I Tucker, tax Grande; Emma Sturchler, Mount Tabor; William .Mc Queen, Elk ton; Pearl Hall, Laker lew; T. A. Fleck, Portland, 105 Sixth street; Fanny Getty, Empire; Daisy Belle Short, Myrtle Point; Laura M. Wise, Myrtle Point; Anna M. Jeffrey, Salem. State certificates Elisabeth Ferguson, Medford; Mary 1 Strahberger, Oregon City; Berritee . Adams, Monmouth; I Lotella Dickson. Ashland; Mary K. Fryer, lot Tenth street, Portland; Louiaa'P. Ooulet, IIS Flint street, Port land; Elsie Parka. Pleasant Hill; Ettle Logan. Cecil; Roby A. Jackson, Rainier; Edna Pearl WhfSa, Sauvles; Maud Matt ley, Corvallls; .Flora B. BloBgh, Lafay ette; Wlllard 8. Buel, Sheridan;. Edna M. Bement Baker City; Nettle B. Cana da?, Baker City. . - . - , ' MIKADO COMMANDS KOMURA TO GET WELL ' (Journal Special Serrloa.) ' .-. New fork,- Sept 14- Baron Komura's condition is satiirfactary this morning. His symptoms are unchanged. The fol lowing ws received Dy iKfrtnuTS'; this morning: . "' . 1 ' "Toklo, Sept 11 Hie majesty, being much concerned at . your Illness, has commsnded me to Inform you' that he wishes you to tsks car of yourself snd hopes for your speedy recovery. . : '-GRAND CHAMBERLAIN." " The report that Komura Is slowly committing suicide is indignantly de- riled by his ' suite. - , -' - J Ho, ' for storia. " Swift steamer Telegraph leaves Alder street dock 7:10 s. m. dsUy except rrl day. Returning leaves Astoria I p. m., arriving Portland : p. m. Sundays leaves Portland a. tn., Astoria 1:1 p. nv Arriving PortUnd p. sa. . , lses rtee of Orade OIL - i (Joaraai SpetfaT BerTlce.) -v Pittsburg, Sept. , l.-e-The Standard Oil company -again raised the price 'of crude oil ' today, the-higher gTSdas I Cents,' the lower t cents. . ' ( . j,, : - ' - - ' - - -,' " ' 1 mm ; The Greet Ccctcf ! LOCATED IN POtTLJtJfD ; SINCE l80 , He le called great because he cures all dlaaaaaea without resorting - to the knife.' Call and have a free examination. He will ' tall you the exact nature of your trouble. He treata sucoeaafully every form 'of. fe male complaint all. orivate and blood din. a. eanuar. Daralvsls. tumors, rneumatism and all dlsordere ef tha stomach, liver and kidneys, be has had great succeed In-curlne eoB- m oiseaae, 1 - brewa hla and' veaatnhle teas, all of which are entirely harm! a a a, and whose medicinal properties are unknown to American ooctors. xie uses in nia prsotioe ever 600 aif ferent Oriental remedies. Hundreds, of testimonials from grateful- fm. ' tlents. ' -.. i. - t. .. - '.' OR. WIINO i LEE :?J vv'.O Z U W0BTBT TOtTBTM STBUMT.' - - ? ,''' -; aTOSTZhUTO, OaUCIOaT. H aiomacn, liver inu aianvs, bm uu s - sumption whan the victim le not too much run down by tl snd will stop hemorrhages in an incredibly short time. . He own medlclnee from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks and TJB. T. . WTBX IT DID1NT HURT )': A BIT,' Is wkat (key any af ear BMfkada af olg dental work. W da work for pespia freai et ef tba eity enlckly te seoid aay delay. Brarytklag ap ta data. Opaa aTaalags aad Saadays. Mala BOaa. WISE BROS.; Dentists . Tka FaOlBS. ear, tatrd aad Va4klaStas. - saassaBBSBsaBBaBBsssssaasaaaassssssBaBBBSK PB. W. A WTSB, OVERBECK. STARR t& COOKE CO (.,, '.. Members cnicago eoara ox iTeae. . ' : . aaAnr, worxnoBrs, cottow, btocxs ajto bobtos. : - . . :r , ltJ xhlrd Street McKay Building. Portland. Or;. J V V -wraj BO A (reexaOTXiT OOBODBaUOaT MVUXnMM. f u. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd S Tilton. tsankers, and unites latea auona4 4fans g ronitwa. DISTRESS SIGHALS ON THE BAR Four-Masted Barkentins Is Re ported Ashore on Deadly Reef " of Clatsop. SplIiUi-: - f MAY BE ABLE TO, GET. OFF ATHICH WATER She Tried to Cross Under, Sail and Met the Fata That Has1 Been Com mon' to Ships Without Pilots snd Tugs.'' ''j''r v:'7' :';j. ; Observer KellinV ot the North Head weather station, sighted a four-mssted barkentlne aground and nymg aiairaaa signals on Clataop spu m roormiiB, Hevsajorted-ahe matr...a, a. tugboat was dispatched from Astoria to aslst Bar. ; The llfe-aavlng erew ox a on ,w ... V..e ales, left for the BOneY . i i. .r.tad that tha craft Is not tying in a bad position, snd It is supposed, h.t aha will ba able to get out into deep water at hlgn tiae mis Tie iitantitT nil not wean "afiwi, t Clataop spit Is one. of the-most dsnT gerous points at "the mouth of the Co- iMmhlat tha ' bones ol many a nailing vessel lie bleaching on the sands there. It Is stated that the oarxanunw in .ma trass was trying to sail In over the bar. a procedure which usually ende in dis aster. . k.' " - '' Early this morning a message waa re calved at ths local weather office from Point adsms stating that a four-master h.d attamnted tO OTOSS ths bar last svenlng and dropped anchor near Clat sop spit. An hour later about the Same ..mi c me from Fort Canby. end this wss immediately followed by a dispatch from Observer Kelimer met tne vesnai waa ashore and nying signaiB 01 mis tress. . V' vv. ' Storm wsrnlngs were shown this morning all along ths coast from TUia mook to Port Townsend. Shortly, after daylight the wind was blowing from the southesst st the rate of 44 miles an hour. By 1 o'clock It had subsided te Anotner scciaenv- Is fepoeted' this morning, from JBan ; Francisco. While the schooner Sequoia, lumber laden from tha Columbia river, was entering th harbor ahe collided with the ship Charles B. v Moody. ' The scnooner - naa ner spanker boom and gaff broken and the most of her rigging carried awsy. , . GREAT SEUSATIOn CAUSED BY CAMPAIGII GIFTS Policy-Holders Indignant '. Over the Expenditure of Their ls Funds In Politics. ' V (Joarnsl Spsclal Serrtca.) -New Tork, Sept, 16. The legislative insurance Investigation committee hss adjourned .until .next Wednesday. The sdmlsslons of campaign contributions made by Insurance companies to : the Republican party have caused the great est sensation of ths Inquiry, and wide spread criticism from indignant policy holders is heard from- an parts 01 me nation..- -. r '.( .'.. . ' The damaging admissions msde by witnesses snd -the - revelations of the practices of high finance have confirmed In the mind or tne puono me complete I Alliance of the big ' inaurance-eorroarns P-iih Well aieetar eietit' aanAaad tha mxnln- ulatlon of their funds to aid the oper- Istlon of speculative syndicates formed by nroKers. - - . 'Testerdsy afternoon - Vice-President Perkins of ths New Tork Life . ststed that ths contributions, approximating 11(0.060. made -to the-Republican cam paign funds In 18e. LW0 and 164. made because . Democratic I. success would jeopardise insurance! Interests, were ourelv executive action, ana naa never been brought tS the atttentlon of the frnsnoe committee.- " ..... The contributions, were msde in the form ef checks drawn tn favor .of J. P., Morgan A Co.. for "convenience." . Perkins - stated that other Insuranc concerns made similar ' contrlbuttona, and thought that ths practice should be forbidden. - -; ,W.- Perkins admitted thst bonds ttsd been trsnsferred to. J., P. Morgan Co. and taken eck again to deceive the Insur ance inspector by showing thst ths .New Tork Life's books complied - with the, '.i"(. Xstoaliahai Wi. our nudik oc. ttsiiifoaiG tn PortUnd sad an eeer the sertkwest eaa tesUfy le ear great pad aa Sfsinled nooass. v GONORRHCEA May Be Handed with the travast eeajpnea. tlona if Begtected a laipreparly treated. We bare e specie trestssaat wkleb. aarae eolakly, safely snd pslntoasly. . . I fs saother eoolred dleaaea, the tavagas ef waica - wsea ratty aTsapss aa . pea - eaa da cribs. Wfcea it show by akla eraptlaaa ar by aer ta mootk or tbreat Its korrors are already begas. We safely aad ther. eagkly car yoa sad ae Blaersi potsoas are aaspjoynd. , , --- -. Varicocele "and . ' W treat and ear, sot by the eld anrrVal petiaadure.. pot by a pa la lee Bietaod solely ear awn. . We llkewlss will eare yoB aa) are . yoa th . suffering associated witk Bsresas SakUlty. Lent lasAoed, Iays4saiy. ByanastiBikaaa, Baotarnal garlaeiea, Bre asatara DaaUaa, laaa af afaasary, gasig aad Ajnsltloa la the briefest Usm It eaa be doaa aad wa lnaara yea a aafa aad' posltlT enra. Coosa Its tloa aad exaa&lnstloa free. " Writ for ayaxptoa blask sad beak It yoa sesset call. OfOee BToarat s, Bx, te B. avi Ssa Bars, ie ta li : - ; ST. LOUIS ' ':- Mttcat and Surgtcat DISPENSARY Oar. Si Sad TsaxklU SSk. Tartlaas. Oa, $1.00polfe$T.OO Turkish Bath K lawaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMj BBgtB,-a King's Bath Seventh atM) Wi ingtott Bta, and largest bb the estjr. bad fbsj swbSbJ . 6Sd S3 Scclfs Snlal-Pejsn Cjscl:s A POSITIVE CURE r V --tar Sale 'by yorlnfismwsMon orastarrlief . taa Bladder snd Diseased Bid Bars. BO 0UAI B0 SAT. Cares qntokly aad aermaaently tba worst eases ef Slaaiarrbesa and Slews, a natter af bow Jong standing. A b a e 1 a t e I f harailas. 6oid by dragfiata. ' Priea 81.66. er by Bail, gea6e paid, al lxXI OXs, 76. jKEsmAL-frnm tUtsaroa tsiaw. ObbS. 4 Waadars. Clark Oa. ' TEETH For modern dental work. World-re nowned specialists. -Lowest prloes consistent with first-class Oo.te the ''v. .. . NEW YORK DENTISTS . rovBts uro mobuubobt btb. Opaa day and night from 1:10 a. aa. antU 16 fc rn. - BOWBTTJr. BTOPkiaTB 004 -:-. -. gsatabiiahed lltt.) AJTO STO0X aUtOVJUS, aVoess 4. Oroaaid fTeor, ' ' ; ' Or 00 ' jjgnrjm . - sute Isws rSgardtng-fnvestments.- . He - Admitted acting In a4ual capacity, rep resenting both ths Insurance company snd Morgan In the transfer of ths bonds. and that 1ft syndicate transactions con ducted by Morgan hs furnished .luutis from the New Tork Life, conducting all Joint scrpunts' on' behalf of the insure ' snos concern. - 1 1 , . Preferred Bteck Oaaaad eae4la, AUea Lewis' Bsetfrsjid,' 1 ; f, .... . - .. a .- - t ' " V...