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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1905)
13 ; - - " ....... -rri rT-. . . - . . " -i.-.- ........ .-. - .... 'V .j I Crmmjom MM:- WA WMV MmMl (oMrMx ; vrr -il t t i. 01 if iU I ffd, I B if i. I f i I & ' ff it 1 I' h J fd, J t (i " lit 1a W J 11 " U As V Iff s.VsgsguL ly&sujixxy- -uuJi-ZJa-- rwyvojizj&-- ujlu; mjuui. ' Entered at tha anstofflce of IertiaBd, Oregoa, tor treosportaUo liiroogae asalla a second . Postage lor elngte copies: re aa S. 10 at II Bag pper, 1 orat; 14 ta JO ft'. coat. i o M page, a cent. uupioiu; editorial , ..MU SM ............. .......... Mala 0" Business Office. ' ,'F0BEI0T AATEBTIETVw miEMHillTI w i . k . i M.wi-i a.wM.altie Asency. - 1B0 Nssss street, New York; Trlliaoa Bull '. iTMCirno SATES. . . t ' Taraia by Carrier. Th Dally Joswn.1. with Saaday. t pesr $7 a oo 75 1 - ! tm itaiiy Journal, rjnr.... ' The Delly Journal, with Sunday, $ nootha. Tha Dally Journal, 8 months. ....... - The Pally Journal, -wit a Sunday. axoatbj . - Taa Delly Journal, S month . . . . . ; ... W7-Tha Dally JournaL-wltk Surrfay.T Wiito.. The Daily, ar week, delivered. Sunday la- claded .. , , Tha Dally, Bar weak, delivered, Sunday ex ,.v capted -.., imTrTjt ..v.. fc , Taraa ba lUfl. 1.03 I-SB .B3 .IS -.10, Taa liaiiy oaraai, wiib annual, a I" , T6a Rally Joonal,' 1 Jr ft "0 Tha Dalty Jmtrnal. with Mnnday; awrhai- Tha lally JowhL aaantha.... Tha iMIIr JaarnaL with 8anday, I aMntb. l.M Tha Dally Journal. S montlia.... Tha Dally Joarnal, with tlanday. 1 Btooth.. .as . Tha Dally Joarnal. 1 Mouth..,., . 9 Tha Sunday Joarnal, 1 roar...... f5! Th Soaday. JaarnaL aworha...... ...... -U0 Tha Sami-Waakly JoanaX . Tha Sanl-Waakly Joarnal. to 11 pataa I lla.m mil aarkal ra ' aort. 1 raar.. ..:....... .....$1.BQ Raailaaaa aboald ba made hy drafta. aoatal Botra. ainrraa ardara aad amall amounta art accaptabat U 1 aad crnt poataya aUmpa. . V-V -' V. i ' THXJOUMAL. r O.- fcoi'ltl. Portland. Orraoaj. - y Willi THX J01WX HAT Bl FOTHn). ' Tha Joarnal raa. ha focad on aala at, tha. BIfc'lTllUHO H. Ballar Oa. W, B. Me- ' CHKUOO Poaaofltea Kawa company J ITS Daaf hora atraat. I DENVER. VOLOBADO J. Black, hliteaath ana Cnrtlm atrrrta. i iiKiia rtTV Van M Mawa aOMBUy. MINNEAPOLIS M. J.. Karanaash. 60 Booth J. Third atraat. ... ww voa nr rrrrT ai..t.'i tnloa aowara. OMAHA MilUrd Hotel nawa atand; Masaath Stadooary cotnnaay. .1308 rarnum atraat. SALT UAKS C1TV Kanroa Hotal nawa atand; Barrow Broa.. 4S Waat Second atraat. amth. T. LOiriS Philip KoaOVr. did Locuit atraat; B. T. Jrtt. av Ollra atraat. BAN rBAXCISCO W. B. Ardtnaj, Palaca Hotal nawa atand and inn. Market atraat; Gold ; amlth Broa.. JS0 Sutter atraat aad 'Saint V rraarla hotel; Pnater A Orear. Parry bulld : lay; K. WhaaUar. Baaabla nawa auad, aor- - nor Market and Kearney atraata. SIATTIJt Rainier Grand nawa atand; W. la Shanha, Hotal Peat tie nawa atand. . i BPOKANB, , WASH1SOTOW Johh W. Orabaai TACOMAI ' WASRINOTOS Central Maws aeav nany; Hotal Taeoma aawa atand.-' - TITTOBIA. BRITISH COU'MBIAJ TtetarU Bank A SUdaoary company. WEATHER REPORT. A dtarnrbanra haa auda Ira anpaaranca off th Waahlnyuai coaat and rain la flltn tlila anarnlnc la that locality. . Ileary rain a bar ' arrwrad la th M laanarl aalkry and llyhter aamants ara raportrd la th knrar lak rerioa and at aeattarad placaa la th sriddl Atlantic , and tha Kaw Enaland atataa. Raporta from . tu aaat Oolf and th aoath Atlaattc atataa , ara ailaatey. i . - It la warmer fa area tern Oraaaa. th ailddla -t Atlantic and to Kaw Knkland atataa. and ronler la Montana and the Canadian north wear. ' Tha tadlrattoaa arc for rain tonlcht and Snadar la thla dHrtrk-Orttlt a BMdarat aaatk- arly aala along tha coaat. ' Weddlnr Cariw. W. O. Smith A Co.. Waib liurtoa bld., cor. Fourth and Waahlnyton at a. BIRTHS. . CFBHART September 14. to Mr. and Mra. ' Pbllln Orbbart. P75 Halyht arenue. a ana, t KOPPERT Auguat 25. ta Mr. aad Mra. Bernard Koooert. ST4 Mleeoorl arrnne, a bob. ' GI'TH BIB September t. to Mr. and Wra. Iran ' R. eutbrle, 230 East Seraateenth atraat, a iWITTE--Saptemher 1. to Mr. aad Mra, Ott 4 Ferdinand wltte. Anabel atatlon. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. - CiJUtWELL Seotetnber 12. J. 8. Caaswrll, a. A. B. easnp. Sellwood, typbold feaer. : DEATHS. ERTrN September 14. Frank L. Brrln. aged 1A year. 82 Darla a treat: cause, typhoid pneumonia. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery, COYLK September 14, KdUh Loolea Coyle. aged 22 year. North Pacific aaaatorlnm; causa. . typbold feaar. Boris I at Lone Fir cesaetery. OKAY September 14. Sarah Jane Gray, aged M rears, A2S Olln afreet : cause, pneumonia. Burial at Columbia cemetery. JOHNSON September 18. Matthlaa Johnaoa, aged 7 years, 123 Fast Alder street: cause, ' senility. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. . rl BiVmiXW CBMXTZBT. ., " Single grarea tin.' Family lot $70 to tl.OOO. The only cemetery In Portland which .per- , petually maintains and re res for Iota. For full information apply to W. H. Mackenate, Wor cester block, city. W. M. Ledd. president. Dunning, MrEatee A Ollhaurb, snrtesaun ta Daanlng A Campion, andertakera and era halm era, kind era la arary detail. Se Tenth aad Pin. .Phone Mala 44)0. Lady aseletaafe. I 'J-- Th Bdward Holman rndertakrag eomnany. I ; - funeral directors and embalmcm, 220 Third 1 . atraat. Phone (07. J. P. Flnley Son. funeral directors and ombslmera. corner Third and Madleon streets. Of flc of eonntr coroaer. Talephona Mala S. , Funeral wreathe and cut flowers a specialty at Rosa Cltr Greenhouse. Tweatyaeeead aad Kaat Morrlaoa. app. cemetery. Clarke Bros, for flowers. 2 Morrison street. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. i Columbia Rel Estate company to S. H .Carter, lota 7. a. . 1, n. block 08. Peninsular addition No. R a T. C. Derlln ta W. A. Heslr. lots' 7. 8. . Hlahland addltloa to- Fast Portland. , J. DeUmaa and wife to 8. II. Carter lota 41 to 47. Inrlualre. block s' Frances addition to Albtna . . B. M. Lombard and wife to Lydla A Csrter, part of lot 9. (llenwond Park F. W. Uherwaod sud ' to W. Reldt. lota 8. 8. T, 8, block 120. Courh'a ad- ,- ' dltlon A. Kbelebu and wife to C. W. Osy. pa'r. cel . of land beginning 4 chains south . af north weat corner of section 31, ' townablp 1 north, rsnge 8 eaat rfotnt View Real Fatate mutant to A I'hlllppla, hta 26, 26. block 27. Point View. ......-. i , C, S. Foaaelmaa and wife to Victor Land company, lot IS, blork 3, Laurel Park ; . ,C. H. Carey and wife to A. M. Stearns ; lots I. S, a, 4, block SO. A. L. Miner . addltloa , T. J. Barac. trustee, and wife, to L. Trammer, parcel f land blnnlnr 20 v feet weat from northeast corner Mo k , S7. Carathar addltloa to Carathera 130 13,000 b0( addltloi am to as me. parcel or Mn beginning b feet weat of north woe t corner of a bora block M 1: Uorg and wife to Jeaal R. - Aeorge, aouth H of lot 8. blork ftp, - Carter's addition 9. J. Qiillllam at aL I James Qnllll.m. lots . 4. block I, Ab-e s auhdlrlslon - af Iota 28 and 2B. Glenbarea Park R. L. Ollleept and wife to 1. B. Jloli- . an, aouth H of lot, I. block 2M. rlty. W. K. Stananerg and wife to R. A. Par. . lar. block 8. ataaeberg addltloa. Oak Psrk Land eomnany to K. I), Iae1- ter. lota 10. II, block 0."-ak Park ad- dltlon No. t to St. Johns t, r. Watson, trustee, ta Merchants'" In- . , aeatment A Trnet company, to take all Water of following property, berlnnlng " . at enatkeaet earner est , C. tillham'a Isnd at Janctlna of Baa una road and vllham avenue ' I. F. Watan. trust ee. et al. to ,aam. parcel af Isnd In aw-rloae tl, 32. 4swa- ; ship I aorta, raage 2 eaat... Agar ft. Reed to Km ma c. As. mite, lot T. btoek , Canlea' addltloa t St. g.oon l.lou. ' oo ...CoUcga Endearment ssaoelstloa t O. T. , Jehnaon et al h and south W af lot , block li flare ; 111 W. SmHh to H. W, Orimahaw. lot It. - ' bWir 1. Cbvreedale fraj J-M. Mse aad wife ta I. Ci Marc W . K Mack 14 tlevatdak sXeaaioa Ka. l.OOt If - r ' THE SAVINGS BANK OF TJie Title Guarantee , & Trust Co. . PAYS INTEREST: ON DEPOSITS RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK - Banking hours. . . . . . Raturdaya. . .. . ,T. . Saturday ventrjB.-. ,At A, M.J 0. 4 AM- .1 A. M. to 1 P. M. , .... 8 to I o'clock ,240 Washington: Street 1--; sComar Second.'- '.'"' PORTLAND.! OREOON. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Edna B. Ualyht to Lualla B. Lambert. waat V, .of lota a, T. and weat W of ' . a atrln a feet wlda In aoath alda o lot S. blork S. Highland I' Hire SM M. Kronar to II. t Irwin, oarerl af land alonit Kaat Stark and Twelfth 3,880 Mary W Patto to tieorcr C. Carl, lota . l. a. dhm'K wr-w. j. I'atron'a auDairi - alna at blork I. M. Pattnn'a trart..... 830 ttadlr Land eomriantt& 0.V: Clarka. aondrr lota la lrrrna Park... OV 8. B.. Klf (tea and aaBM, aoadry. lota in irrint rarh B. B. Lamaoa at al. to P. A. Knanp, Iota 6. 8. T. 8. buck 142. Courh'a ad dition- .80.000 Oat yaw" fnanranc and abatractaOl. real aatata from tha Title Guarantee A Trnat com. paay. 140 Waahlnytoa atraat, corner Breond. NOTICE. TO THS TAXPATFRS OP MULTNOMAH COINTT, OB.1 Notice la barcby glran that a Monday, October 2. 1806, tha board af equalisation of Multnomah coaaty will attend at tha .office of the coaaty rlerb of aald county and publicly examtna tha aaaeaement rolla for tha rear 1906. and correct all error. - In raluattoa. deecrlptloa or qua lit It of laud. lota or otner property,, ana It u tha amy of all prraona iatereeted - ta appear at tha time and place appointed, and If It aha 1 1 appear to aaeh board af equalisation that there ara any landa. lota or at her property aeaeaned twice or la tha name of a person or persona not tha war of tha asm., or aaet-ed under or beyond Ita value, or any lands, lota or other property not aeaeased, aald board of equalisation ah ill make tha BfOOaal OarisalhWIM. B. D. SIOLER. County Aai Portlana. or., aeptember . wo. MEETING NOTICES. ALBTNA Lodre No. 101. A. F. and "A. M. Stated communication Ibis -iSaturdayt aaenlng at 8 o'cfoVk. ' All M. M. cordially tarltrd. By order W. M. I . .. A. . HANPLAS, aecreiary. SUMNER W. B.. O. NO-: 21. eU the first aad third Saturday af each month it I p. a; la tu O. O. V. ball. cor. Grand are. and B Pine at. Mlnerra At Pierce, president; Ida M. Mardmaa, secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. FROST vAt the resMenee, BM , Eaat i Tenth street, north. September 14, ltxio. Thomas B. Frost, aged H years and 1 months, son of Mr. and Mra. B. O. Frt. Funeral will take place Sunday, September 17. at 1: p. m., from F. S. Dunning s chapeL corae Eaat Alder and Eaat Sixth atreeta. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Aa espenetT laprobe. between 14th and Morrlaoa and IMrt and ullaan, Tbnraday eren lng. Kinder will recelre liberal reward by returning same to 1W Park at.. Ask for O: B, ranoey. , LOST Before aooa Friday, lady's- gold watck and for,; initiate on watca. -uura oa loo; reward. Journal office. LOST Part of ring: onyx oral top art with three smsii tnsmouds. netura to zai aeranta at. 1 reward. LOST Sunday areola. Sept. 10. garnet brace. let. an et. John car; rcwaro. i-aooe ocott 1235. . . . HELP : WANTED MALE. WANTFD Raltrnsd -lsborera and teamsti "laTeTB'TWcgonrTnhter Job, Tree pans. ' Concrete laborers for Baker City, 12.28, fret fare. . Laborers neat1 Idaho oa tha Oregon Rail road A Navigation company, wagea 12.20 per day. free transportation, ship erery night. Beeerel )oba aouth on the Soofbera Pacific. Teamsters. ahorelere, grade finishers, slope rs, dumpers, rock men. bridge carpenters and helpers, blacksmiths, free pass; quarry men. 12.28 per day: board. 14 per week. Labnrera for lumber mills, planing mllla, and several other Joba too numerous to awn- ' SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAS EMPLOTMENT OKFICB. ' 270 Burnaldc at. WANTED Trustworthy man to manage branch office aad distributing depot for large manu facturer; aalary to atart with,' el.AOO arat year, and extra commissions and expenses; applicant must bare good - references and 2.0il cash, capital aecured; einertenc un necessary., .Address- Superintendent,"' 21 Weat Atsrafer at., Detroit, Michigan. I HOI'SB earprntare, R; R. depot work, 3: 4 bridge carpenters. $3. free fare; millwright, W.M to ti: nowdcrman. 7S and found; tool sharpener. 9: conks, 5. $W. 60; kitchen aad dlnlng-ronm help. UA.NSKN'K EMPLOTMENT OFFICE, ' 28 North Second at. WANTED Immediately, planing mill foreman, wagea al0 par month; abarner and band sswyer, II. SO per dsy; molding men, $3; ststr builders, 4; Bon bat steady and flrst rlaea men need apply. Ad'lrea MlaaoaU Lumbar Co., Mlaaoola. Montana. WANTKD Men to prepare for November dTll serrlce examinations. T. M. C. A. evening Inatltnte; iiersnnal Instruction. For full fornistlna spply to edticatloBal director. As soc mtkm nidg. Yaniltlll its. third floor, cor. Fourth mi Hnp.picKEKS to pick 824 acre bona; aU de- sireo accommodations, grocery, bakery, re .tauraat, hatchet shea, beantlfol eamp grounds, dance ball, pare mountain water, etc. Boom 441 Hherlork blag.. Third and Oak.- - STATION MEN. rock work; good prtcee, new work, lots of It, alda rata, all whiter, eaatern Oregon; free fitre. Particulars at Hsnaea't Ftrplorment Office, as North Second at. WANTED Bright boya. 18 or 10, for office wars sna grocery store. Apply employment ntretsry. V. M. C, A,, Fourth sod iamhlll sis., aetweea 10 and 10:30.' y. 0T.,, wanted Several boya can csr part or . all of their tuition by etstple" hours' work eseh (lay. Call Monday. Multnomah Baslaeaa Institute. M aitth st. WANTED Stran bora t. enk latKe ailll none others aeed spply; (1 per day; par weekly. Apply 10J2 Macadam t., S. Portland. WASTED A man experienced la selling fur-I,''u7- peta and wsH naperi Houaefurnlsh- - . - 1 . WANTRIr Welj.horee to contract for deep well. 22IrV ""'"couvef are., Portland. Or, mmm BIS, 4- ANT person to distribute oar as moles: - tl r."rfci-e"?M- "Baaplra," 4 Wells WANTEI-sllora for Manila and A o trails. Apply at aallor' Berne, aura Id aad UUaaa. v OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.2 PORTLAND. -U SATURDAY HELP WANTED MALE." 'FIRST-CLASS broiler aad luaehmaa. Address . M. CampbcIL S2u Jar a st BaattM. Waaa.. ' r BOYS wanted, permanent employment, good pay. n cetera In Ion Tlegraph Ca 101 Third St. WANTED Shoemakere. lsaters. factory hands. Apply Capla Shoe Co., Oragua City. Or. ADVERTISING aollrttore. 83 to 110 dally. Sea Alien eoiM-Binga. iufancrioca otog. - ' WANTED Shoemaker; steady job. E. U Irvla aa to., oaiem, 107, HELP WANTEDFEMALE. HOP-PICKKHS to nick 24 acrea bora: all da alred aorommoilailona. arorarr. bakerr. rra- 1 tauraat. ah.ip. btautlfnl ramp (ronnda. oirne aaii, pure muuntain, water, etc. tfooia ai anrrtora Dray.. Jhirana (lah. WANTED ISO girls to maks veralht and ebh-tn; tnatrartluna givta to Inexperienced. Apply isenatadter Bros., Htannard rectory ea. a, corner aaat ayior ana wan ava. WANTKD Expel la need laili tu imaa im lidles gsrnienta: 4 a ay pa 10 ror tn ngut party at-tbe Eaat Portland Cleaning A Dy Works. ita uraaa sr., city. ' WANTED Womgn frw eeneraf honseanwk , In country; permanent toflgbt party. Call at XZ North Sixteenth, betweea 8 and 10 a. WANTED Young ladle who wish t become trsiueu aiirses. Adilrea Mother naparlor, BU eoeepu a aoepnai. aoaraeen,, vtaan. GIRL wanted for housework ta small family. can forenoon No. Kaat ruteaeUi at. aouta. avnaeay or tine at, car. WIIXIW unincumbered.' can has food home; iiicnt oaivi pert time. Aoureaa, wita age. alae. health. 1. . car Journal. . HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. SUH Washing. to st., cor. nrventn. upstair. Phoa Mala 2oVX Penal help wanted. ; WANTED-School airl to work for board and room; two. In ramliy. Addrea T 4, car Journal, or phone Kaat SIS. WASTED German girl for general housework in Merman lamiiy. ai asst Taylor at. rhoaa Eaat 2uuo. WANTED Womaa to amlat la cooking; wagea m per montn. 10 norta awventa at. WANTED 10 glrla 21l -Morrlaoa at.. for dressmaking Fourth. WANTED Olrl to wait aa tabla.ta boarding-. Bouao ax ju riorra oeventa ac WANTED Toong girl for right housework. 771 Kearney at. Pbon Pacinc 1ZS. GIRL fur ye feral aonaework; moat ba com pa tent, rnone aaat eion. GIRL wanted to take car af children. Addrea 8 48. car Journal. WANTED A food cook; aleo a aeeond (IrL Ap ply iw niuy COOK, no eacoad work. Call BMrnlng 800 r landers st. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. Til K demand for competent bookkeepara and ateaoyrapbera la greater tbaa the aupply. From Auguat 1. 1S04. ta August 1. 1008, wa placed 20T la good pneltlona; had call for mora tbaa ftno; our graduatea aaa ALL employed; we will aeslet yon ta a poaltloa when competent; enroll now: day or plaht. Bebnke-Walker Bualneaa College, Stearaa blk., hllth snd Morrlaoa ate. . WANTED Teaehere: Principal. ISO and Bp- wards; grade teachers, g4a and upwards; music. Vocal and loetruraeuul. 800: aelenea, sua, $80; English aad Latin, man. 870; rural. S4 to 90S. Flake Tea chars' Ag.ocy, UuO Ullllsma axa. I'hon Ksat S44. -WANTED 100 mere hop-pickers at once; beat J ' M , ' Jm .u wa f. ... -w-.. . . ,' Place: tcuta for rent. Apply Andrew Kaa A o,. 2X7 Morrtsoa at, Sunday, Opea S to 3 p. as, - WANTED At oar. -Jrlght, energetic, pre- aentaoia Ml m-49BSHpaBB. a aooa laiaer. t take ap aa attractive prppositioe. Iaoulra -738 Chamber of Commerr. B a. m. WANTED At once, flrst-claee prlvata teacher. lanr or gent; puiiapia at eny sow; gooa pay. Call 271 Flanders su. bat. 3d and 4th ata. Phona Weat 82. SALESMEN Eirluetv agency fin underwear nd seam lees hoeiery: gooa opening ror bright men and women. Sli Commercial blk. SOLICITORS Mea or women: permanent em ployment to hoetjers; experience anneces aary. - 80S Dekna bldg. HELP wanted and enrolled, mala or female. K. a. DBAKE, SuOH Washington at. CIsy 440. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POSITION wanted by man with family: over 211 yeare' experience la Bardware. farm lot. piements and groceries ; good bookkeeper, const petent to take charge of bualneaa: alight eti perlenc In general merchandise; tm of ref erence; will work oa aalary or take manage moot of business for Interest la profit. Ad- iwdaeaa T 54. car Joarnal. JtANTKD Poeltloo by man experienced - aa an engineer and fireman, with oil aa fiwL Phona Hood bod and aak for Mr. Lewry. BT young man. bandy with toola; can do car- CHINAMAN from California, flret-claee cook. Wong yea. 141 for hotel ana restaurant. Second at. , EXPERIENCED young man atenographer wishes poaltloa la arternooa. Address T 47. Journal. TorNO German chemist. Dr. Phil., want! chemical si lust Ion. Addreaa B 6. JournaL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE LADY with amall child wanta position as housekeeper for elderly gentleman. Mrs. Adams. 81 North Sixth at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOTMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN. 28 N. Second at. Phona Mala 1B28. PIONEER EMPLOTMENT CO. Labor contra- tore; help free to employers. 210 Morrison. WANTED TO RENT. , PERMANENT partle desire suite light nonae. keeping roocna ; muat oe neat ana gooa neian boehood: nreferablr watkln dlstanc Doat- office, though will consider nice cottage In flood suburban loco Hon; esptera parties loosi ng berai refers see. Addreaa B 61, Joarnal. TOITNO-man. BrntaSntly located In Portland, family. Addreaa 4M. care Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Ton to call at our office and let na tell yon aooai mat mountain rancn 01 inn acres thst we here to rxchsnge for a few' acre near: th city." Also, that H-aere home near N'ewberg for price of fnruiova. ments. Or If yoa want a large stock, xlslry or wheat rancn. we oare mem. NORTHWEST LAlND CO.,' - 2r Morrlaoa t..- Booai.,21 1. WaKTwn 8. 10. 2u and 40 act tracts of land. Improved ana neasuprovra. to 10 miies irons the ctty; prices - hmat be reasonable. . Also hsve buyer ror sou gooa rsrm ana aairv - raachta. ---- . . &.A n 11 . 968 Morrison at., Room 211. ' WANT to buy for cash, at a resson.hle figure, a corner lot or inside lot. vacant or with bona, oa th eaat aide, between Burn- . aide and Morrlaoa ana trout Bin to tain ate. Addreaa A 0O, rare journal. ramus WANTED All kinds stock, poultry, fruit.- grain ana nop iarma; must oa goou - and reasons nie la price; giv ruu aaactiption, price and terme. 208 Allsky bldg. WANTED t (o 40 acre trarta near city; have customers for tnem 11 Bargain, n. nose Wood, HI rirst at. - r e WANTED Far asle. many more customers for nergsine in ST"! nwen. rveiiA o ninwmi. taa Morrlaoa at. ' J. LANDIOAN will pay cash for cheap cotUgt aad furaltura. . Pbon Hood iA WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Artwd aalcailimi f pr. our. XJU1 tiem l. una -jeeier. paieni peuuing; neat suing out. eouetblug new. and aolla oa eight; rata logo and aanipl SB cant postpaid; wholesale price ta agvnta. aouwy at. u. Caw Boa no. Shirley. Inn. AGENTS WANTED T sell ar-anpeiior high- -grade nursery stoca, new and complat out It furnished free; cash weekly) writ today (or choice territory. Capital City .Nursery - ie., Baiem vregoa. WANTED Agent to aell good article to store, office and homes. 03 First at. . WANTED FINANCIAL. WANT to borrow 88 000 oa faraltor of roe . lug-house worth. 110,1X10; two year at low rat ut lutercat; iiisurea ror giu.tam, ir you bar-, the money Investigate thla. P 48, car JoaraaL WANTE1V To borrow 81.600 taseurlty) to com plete furulshlng hotel rooms la beat location, Addreaa L 4G, Joarnal. . . I WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ; PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing tree, baarment, barns, docks,-ate. ; largest gsaolina - apraylug outfit oa tha coaat. M. U. Morgsa A IV, 70 MllwankI at. Phone Kaat SUIT. WANTED Toang ma a for companion oa a . aanting crip in us mountains; am laminar with tba grounds; good time guaranteed. Ad dress T 81. care JoaraaL ORCHESTRA. 8 plecee. , waats j engagement,., duuh. .' uiiwic ur en ocoe.Mjue reasensble. 48 Lucre! la at. TsL Mala 8508. UIOHBST cash prlc paid for not t lea and Juiik or every-oeecriptiiHs roruana not tie suppiy Co., Svl North Elgbtoaath. Pbon Mala S2s WANTED Hand camera, 4 by 5 put, good condition, cheap: state make and prlc; In- Manine num swim m bk, .iwraaj. II0HE8T prices paid. Mea's old clothing, shoe. Uncle Joe. 6U Third at. Phona pgclflc 44. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at th Old Boolr etarsr 22 TauhlU t. " i" P. J. BYDEB, printer, Seoood aad Washlngtoa eta. rnone ataia ouo. WANTED-Second-band sidewalk elevator. . 290 intra st. .- - WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TUB KINO New building. - handsomely for. aianoa, eqnippea with every modem coorea lence; on direct ear Uae to axpoaltloai aU eutalde ruoma; heat, gaa, ehretiie llghta. porce lain hatha; vary low rataa; take Fifth at. car fromtnlon depot to 80s Jeffarsoa at. Bear City Halt'--M4se5 , TUB KING-rNew building, handeomely fur- nieaaa, equinpea wiib every asuaera conven ience; 00 dlrvct csr line to exposition; aU outside rooms; heat, gaa, electric llghta, por celain hatha: rataa. ftoe. 75c and tl: take Fifth st. car from onion depot to SOS Jeffervl bob ex.. sear city nau. t'hone suck 1811. HOTEL TAN NOT. Commercial men' headquarters. Brat elaaa, water la aU tba rooms, bath free, central, "direct care to depot aad exposition. U Third at., cor. Pin. THE HAMANN. 138 N. 18th.. cor. Hoyt Newly furnished rooms. II 60 up: eoavanlent locatloa. L It mloottS" walk to fair gronnde; Morrlaoa car ax union uepox oiracx to Douse, rnoae aaiO. MARQHAM HOI SB. 14BH th Rooma on eulta or single; booaekeeplng rooma; gaa atov, batb. electrlo Ughts; trsnsleats aollclted. THE BELLETTE CO rooma alcely fnrnlahed; . price raaaonabl; traveling public aollclted. lets rourtn at. nooa tui. - THE ALDER. 4AS Alder st. Nicely furnished rooms, convenient ana quiet, bath, phone, central location. . ...:.. -. - - FRONT parlor for gentlemaa of refinement who wisne room Bear u center 01 city. Ml Bverett St. . FINS room, euttahle for two; bom cooking; mwinii, THuua ui. , cvaiireu - hi -uspae keay, tb. . -'. ' .... A: NICELT furnished front room for' rant per- mawntiy: aui table lor two gentle me a. 403 Salmon et. THE GLADSTONE B12H Savior at., furnished rooma; anacr new management; price rea sonable. CHEAPEST and beat located rooma la Portland, (1 week and up. Oilman, First aad Alder at. NICE newly furnished room In prlvata family. f. yww DwuiB. e' .. . aiuL Aiiier. BOOM and board 14.80; fnrnlahed rooma SS. Mrs. M. tans, ava Macs asm roaa. FOR RENT 8 furnished rooms, upstslrs; no children; gis. 194 uraaa are., n. A 'WELL furnished grout room at 528 Market st.; bath, phone; gio per montn. THE GRAND, 46 4 N. Third St, Room for men. i.ou per weea ana np. FOR BENT Two rooma; breakfast If da aired. 721 Mlsslsatnpl av. - THE CASTWt372, Ws.hlngton at. 1 furnished rooms. . Phona llaltf aV. MKN d.alrli.r nice quiet place to room find It at 24 Water at. FURNISHED and housekeeping room for rant. telephone Esst woo. FOUR tooai for rent," 18.7" Inquire 7ft Water IT., close to border. FURNISHED room for rent. 29 Union av. rbone Esst 87 40. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room la beat brick block on eaat aiae; gas rsnge, bath, ate; no transients! prices moderate. Logan blk., KMv, Union are., corner Eaat Alder. Phona Union 328-1. HOUSEKEEPING apartmenta. quiet location; v-room suiie, iiv mum". -. -.... , . -. w " . phone. ster free. Dickson. University Park. Scott 12U6. HOUSEKEEPING rooma or tonts. full qnlp- mnt, 1 per month. rnone Kaat aiz-i. Lewi and Clark camp, Mt. Tabor Heights. HOUSEKEEPING apartments, 4 -room suite, tlO montn; a-room, smiini im,m. .. w. Dickson, University Park. Bcott IMS. - 1.7B PER week, large clean furnished house- Keeping rooma; istinary snu oeio. - o- oamr man at., South Portland. NICELT furnished housekeeping and slngl . rooma. with use of bath; rent raaaonabl. 132 Kusaell at., Albln. 430 QCIMBY at., bet. 10th and 11th Newly rttrnianea nouaeaeepina; -euiie. wapswp rem 10. ONE farnlshed- bedroom., rootn. Phone East 8S0S. two housekeeping FOR- RENT OFFICE . ROOMSe. LARGE top floor for lease. Morrison at., Bear poatofflce; elevator; suitable for office. Ad dresa M 41. care Journal. , . FOR RENT Centrally located office, with phone. K. le tata. 110 oeamo et... city. - OFFtCB-ROOM for rent, eeoooi Boor OosaV - Bough 4U. Apply eiavaior. . OFFICES and rooms Twls building. Inquire v nite. imm leium qiob. ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS room aad board for permanent people, $22.60 and $26 par month; table board $4 per week. Astra- house, 7th and Madlsoa sta. Tel. Main S2-.ll. TUB 1RVIS0 Elegant aecrnnmodatlona. exorbitant "charges; dining-room In eon nee- - tloa: price akrht. - Corner INIb and Irving. ROOMS with board for permanent tenants. reasonable; first-class homo cooking. 281 Plxth at. FOR RENT FARMS. I FARM la Willamette valley, good tar ma, .cash A real. Apply 1$ K. Tuwf ti.. PoiUsou, ot. EVENING, SEPTSMSSU r 18. . FOR" RENT HOUSES. FOR BENT New T-room bona, hot aad eokf water, near Montavilla car tin, north Mount Tabor noatofflra. in Orchard Home tract. U lnqutr aaat boue waat af property. W. F. oodea. COTTAGE, modern, five room aad bathrooax, full brick hasemsnt. No. 838 Madison St. Inqtilr Wakefield. Fries On. and Joe Klostorman, 81 North Twenty-first St. FOR RENT Hone, rooma. hot and cold water, $14; bouss, 4 rooms, $; at Willamette atatloa, St. Johns, ear. 11. N. Smith, owner. v uiametia gtauoa. STUART atatloa. Mount Scott car 4 large rooma, outbuildings, modtrs; parti oa without 1 caudren; rurnltur ror aaw. (bu tae smu vus. Fourth and Salmon. -i - 4-ROOM rottaaa In Hla-hbind. aaar car: will rent cheap If tskaa Muuday. , Call at 10V3 - Ksst iota St., n. - FOR RENT 812 Smell B-room cotuge, fju location, no bath. Inquiry 876 Eaat Mala at. '' Pbon Eaat 1478. r' - , TO RENT Nlcalr furnished cottar at Sunnr- -; aide-. October 1; 8 rooms, 28, ' Address T 43, care journal. ' - FOR BENT A 4 -room cottage at 824 Uama ave. Addreaa or can ai isou rssinsuiar ava., city. FOB R E NT $ 1 5 -T-room boa, 880 East. 27th at., Keullworth curve. Phoa Mala 4620. MODERN 6-roean house, 881 HolUdsy sva.;Tlsa locailon; rent $30. A HOUSE of alx rooms with bath. 426 Seventh st. laqulr al HOUSES - FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. Ft'RNITT'RB for asle Furnllur f S-room flat, ready for bouaekeeDlna. bed. chairs, nature. wardrobe, dreaaera, stove, etc.. all complat witn utensils; gooa location, waiaang aistane; rent reasonaDie; a Bargain, tall at bargain. Call at room - 110. Sherlock bldg.,- or phi Mala 2107. FOB bast result oa- ' ' , . "FUBJHTDRB.W L , Whtther to buy or sell, ring ap Mala 69&S. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, , 211 Flrat at, ' FURNITURB of 4-room cottage for aala vary cheap, cottaga for rant, also cheap. J8S . 8bermaa et. " 4 ROOM hoas for rent, furniture for sal. $228) snap ix xaaea ai one, xva Bvata t. - FrRNITUBB of 4-room hoaa for sal for rent, $8 monthly. 848 Fourth at. FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN B-room flat, oa block north steel bridge, fronting; river, eaat aid. laqulr 288 S-ROOM flat'. Including basement, aa of bath anq water paid; no children; 410, 6Z- Mill at. BUSINESS CHANCES. BARGAINS OFFERED BT W. MILLKB, 20 Goodnoogh Bldg. Hotel of 28 rooma, furnished, la good town In Una coaaty; splendid trad aad good loca tion. ., .. , . Bakery doing a apleadld bnalnssa, ' On of th best farms la' Gilliam county, Oregoa, la center of grala growing aactloa. 1 Several enole patanta covering thla state ; aad Waahlngion. . . Soma cbolca resldenc property la all parai of this city. PATENT covering several coaatlea oa aa article that la wanted by each store aad ; la a ready seller,, moat b Bold oa account , of other bualneaa; hare la a chance to get .. Into business oa small capital, wher yoa can msks big money la a abort time; will soil county rights cheap sad will take acre - ag or lot In exchange; Investigate thl it yoa are loosing, xur a Duain opening. , H. . W. atiu.KK, luvtb aixta at. Al BUSINESS propnaltloa for sale Logging camp, -ait construction worn, eouiee. eaio waya, bridge and roadways completed: buna bouaes, kitchen and atable erected; 1.200,000 feet ebole red fir and 76.000 feet extra fins piling; locatloa aorth fork Lewis river, 8 mile from Yacolt, Waah. Great opportunity for logger; $900 will take It, Apply to E. A. Eaton-. Yacolt. Wash., or J. A. fcUwf field, 278 Stark at.- ' , . FOR SALE A well established abort order res taurant and deilcateaaea 00 Morrlaoa ex., close In. cheap rent; good trade; a money maker: alrknee cause for selling; coat $776. will take $400 cash. Investigate thla at one If you went a snap. . Chsrleeoa A Nelll. N. W. cor. Morrison aad Third eta., room SIS Allsky bldg. Phona Weat 881. WANTED Man with a smsll amount of csp. tai aa a partner la aa eetaouanea paying bualneaa; moat be willing to eater to th wants of customer; bualneaa la bow eetsb llshed; long leaee, cheap rent. Thla la a grand opportunity, li. W. Millar, 2o wood noiigb bldg. -, FOR SALs; The beet paylaf restsarant la Beats 7(1; BO meals lea then tic: 6-yesr lease; rent $30. ywnaa asaTitner nusinrsa mat r. qiiir8 gltor hlitinnrtenng tu ieviiiisnile party. Addreaa owner, P. O. bog 45, Marsh , field. Or. 4 FOR SALE Fine located confectionery, cigar and tobacco. tore; lo -cream parMT' doing good busineae; g year' lease; a living rooms Tn tb rear and baaement: Mr bargain; rd res sou for Bailing; no agent. Address 40, care JoaraaL FBEB LANDS IN OREGON. FERTILE aoll, pure water, delightful climate; - land of alfalfa, apple and clover. For full information addreaa tba Columbia Boathera Irrigation Co.. 638 Worcester blk., Portland. GROCERY Old ests Wished bualneaa, 4 rear liv ing oom. delivery rig, barn;, root $17.60. Actual business seekers should see this. It's , a snap: owner retiring; all for. $400. Home Lnd Co.. 146H Flrat t. FOR SALE Fine stork sporting goods, guns, smmunltkin, fishing tackle and repair shop, doing Al bualneaa, centrally located. WlUam otto valley, with or without building... Ad dress T 40. care Journal. PARTIES wishing to keep posted regarding the v opening of tba Indian reservations In Mon tana, either the Crow or Flathead, can do a by calling or writing to SOS Ooodnougb bldg., . Portland, Or. BARBERS 2-chalr Shop with bathroom, county seat town fat beat county In Oregon; fixture, stock, etc., will invoice $400; sell st a sac rifice on account of sickness. Lock bog 31, Mora, Oregon. NEW hotel, beet location. 70 rooma, all taken every algbt, completely furnished;, clear $2,000 per month, long lease; account ef elck nee must be sold Cheap. ' Addrea O 37, Journal. - . rnk RAI.S Oa account of slekBosa. alee, clean. monev-msklnr buslneo oa et aide: ealea from $14 to $3S per day) price $1,400. or will Invoice; no agent wantea. u ow. in journal FOB aala or ' exchange Furnished rooming house, worth Sl.ftoo: don't depend OB tbe fslr dolr . good business past 8 yeare. Addrea A 47, rare Journal. I'Done Hood 1044. a tiixin navlnc clear.- Ice cream and con fectionery buelnee for sale; cheap rent and release. 1 living room mmienea la cvanecirm Call et one 312H Burasld et, . 11 1 I 1 1 ' . run DALir--iiaii , . -, 7 u,.., . neos doing a aafe and good business, in good , .1 AAAmm B9R . tl.... II morning or pbon to Eaat 1 IDS. RARE bargain If taken thl week, reetaarant opposite Piedmont car barns; fine bulne-e chance. Call or ed.lreee 2 KlllmgaworUi are., oa St. jonns car una. QUARTZ A high grade, free milling large ore body In Boathera Oregoa) will bond for devel otiment; capital wanted. W. N., Ruble, 731 Wllllsnf ave., Portland. FOR SALE- -A tin dslrv. feed and all aecve- ssrr fixtures, wiib large city mote; i In - coma $.100 to $400 per moath. Address S, race journal, Bslsm. in-. L. WIEDER A CO. opened their furniture bono at 27 First et. I'lesse com and ee them for bargain for Bw and aecond-kaad furniture end etovee. FOR SALE Rooming-koue at 14 a aoap. 2C4 ruth at, r 400l. ' ItCl BUSINESS CHANCES. f,e m e. m, ipeewaoesti. FOB SALE Stock of goneral merchandise la good location; aalea from $900 to gl.ouo par month, Addreaa Lock Box a. Tangsst, Or. FOB sal for $3. peylng bualneaa, man' eg woman. 632 WlUlama ave., cor. - Uussall, room 14; "L" car. Pbon Eaat 4108. FOB SALE Establish d photograph - studio; splendid equipment, good busluesa. Address a". U Box 407. Oregon City. Or, FOR sale or trade 32-room koues, doing good bualneaa; vary flneet locatloa oa Bixta at, Ad drea owner. T 44, car Journal. FOR BENT 80-raotn hotel la beat loco tloa la city for momy-maker ; cheap reat. . Belly A . Bteinmata. 1W3 Morrlaoa st. , v . WHKN looking for -a -locatlaa. altha city or . conntry. call oa tba Northwest Laad Co 2U " Morrlaoa et., room ail. FOR BALE One fourth Interest tn well estab lished comniloama bualueea; good proposition. S 42, car of Journal, .. . . - - - NEWSPAPER plant for aala la a growing town; well established baalneeaslnutrg t. I, ' care Journal. FOB SALE Flr-ela"aa hotel restaurant, cheap: , moat eell account of aiekaeaa. Address a . 60, Journal. , . -.,' FOB BALE Brick hotal, SA rooma, good furnl tare, epleadid toaae; la Portland. T 44, Jour ask. FINB opportunity la established bust Bees; need, kelp aad capital. . Addreaa G 64. car JoaraaL GRAZING- lead hear th coast to eell or trade -for city or suburban property. TJW. Journal. FOB BALE Salon a, restaurant la connection, at a bargain. Addreaa T 65, care Journal. a. PARTNER 1a real eatato; moat be a Bond out - side sua. 208 Allsky bldg. . WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO. I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACBH TRACTS'. 0UB SPECIALTY IB ACRB TRACTS 1 Srall-etaed ,treetg,, water to each acre. TEEMS $10 PEB ACRB CASH $10 PEB ACRE PEB MONTH. To go to there acres on the earn car, Cy tba earn 6 far the lot mea pays. Th t ma a la your neighbor, hut ba la re stricted In majority of fssturea that mak . S tm suburban home. A. C. CHURCHILL A CO.. I X J10 Becood St. ( - BAST SIDB REAL ESTATB CO. - Pbon. Kaat 626. - 404 Kaat Morrlaoa at. 6-roosa . cottage, alas In. prlc $1,300; $000 eaah, balance easy terms! Investigate. Bow's this for a bargain f 4-room bouse. IS minutes- wslk from Morrison nruge, . ai.wu; cash SAW. 1. H acre, 1 block Car II n. close to acboot; T-room modera houae,' good barn, all hind t bearing fruit! nrlc gxauo. aaav terms? W have several new cottage and houeea for aaw oa eaay payments, from 40 to aim dowa, balanca to suit; cheaper than paying reat; cloa to car line. Also acreage of all kind listed at a bargain price. Call aad ace aa before yoa boy. SPECIAL BARGAIN $8 FOB $1. Tracts $2 front foot. $16 feet deept eaa have a many front feet ae yoa went from 60 feet Up: all ta cultivation, all Mvel and ' nightly, S mlautee to good 10-room school, 8 eradea. near stores, noatofflee. chnrch and car station st Lents; 6-eent fare to any part , 01 rortiaaa.-r This xe l-s price; icrma 11 wanted. O. ' B. Addlton. Jnta, Oregoa, wusc. Take Mt. Scott car, $ cant. LISTEN. Business lot on UbIob ave., SOxlOO, good opening for hardware; price $600: eaah or terms. Lot, bouse, furniture,, price $.100; bargsla la Highland, nice home for tba money, - 4 -Too at bouse, good repair, corner lot, fruit, sear car: If eold Monday only $880; $100 dowa. balance $10. month; owner leave city Tuesday. Call or addrea Ogdea, 1003 Eaat 18th et., H. 60x100 ON KEARNEY et., $1,830. Brand new a-room cottage on mvisioa St., $1,008, eesy terms. , Modern S-room eottsr oar Ivy at.t all tmprov. menu; seel nny in Ainina; fi,iw TYSON KI.VSEt.U 802 Commercial blk. Pbon Mala 2S28. GOVERNMENT Isdd A few choice clalma can be taken under the homestead act; ao bulll Inge or .other Improvements on them aa yet ; can be had by paying a rraeonsbl location fee; fare to them from Portland $1. Particu lars H. W. Miller, 2nd Goodnough bldg. A FULL block ea Grand av.. old building bringing $260 per month ; sa excellent locatloa foe hotel, tenement bona or store buildings; nothing better In East Portland; prlc ;ta.ovo: 816.000. balance bins- time at low rata at lntereet, Addreaa O 43, car JoaraaL ' FOR sake or exchange, snbnrbaa home. T-room Bona, aiooern; o targe sosot nase, irui. i all kind, hearts; 4 larg kw; good burn; will aell cheep or trade to tb valuation of $1,400, bakwc easy taraia. 404 Kaat Mor rlaoa et. DO yoa went a boo aad lot oa Ksst sth at.. Bear UIX m. ax prm 01 en r si eo, . Vm. SAvtOA M.Mnm hiwu. hrlch KM.Bl.nt. bsfh end toilet. One cherry treeiJiUSIl psrt eaah. AdVlrees 0 48. eareJournaL SSftO BUYS 10 wail ImorovedesliUmSToiteTri Ontario; canea wen, je m reex aeep, lumi.ovs an abundance of pore eoft water. Addreea Don Carloo Boyd, the real eatat msu,iOo tarto, Mslbeur county. Oregoa. - a $2.800 B ACRES well Improved, all la Bna fruit, fair building. 4 blocks from car Una, raa a bought en very eaay terms; Im mediate t-os as salon; will take part la real aetata. Call 107s Third at. CHRAPEST YET Fine lot. 60x128. all fenced, with chicken-bouse or stable; Stanton St.. near Union ave., $oVx; also lot on Sellwood at., fenced. 60x126, for $660. Call 427 Sell wood at.; near I a Ion av.- HOMESTEADERS W csa locate yoa oa vacant wheat or Irrigation land la eastern Oregoa. Call or write Vaa Cleave A 8c boll, Baal Estate Agoata, Echo, Umatilla county, Oregoa. . . - ' NEARLY new T-room house oa 40x100 lot, 1H - blocks from good car Mne; an nnnsaal bargain that city bnmeseekers should see; for -rasa, k 'oaly $A60. Home Land Co.. 14A First at. $6,600,, A OOOP 60-font lot oa Park: gt.OOO. 12 roora bouse on nightly .corner; $7,600, new 8 room bous end S acres nice end level laud. - Orutuly-ldslrath Co., 28 1 - Morrlaoa St. TERT rholc lot, 60x100, Holladay'a add; aleo . a bom it Mt. Tabor, loosino, oa car Una: Bnll Bun water, 7 rooms, bath, bars, 411 . klada fralt Owner,, 129 Third at S-B0OM aaw modern bom, every part of which la of the best; nothing better la. llolla.lny Park: If yon want something nlc see this, lenkkt A Baker. 217 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE 4W acres, cheap, with' modera 10-ronnv bouss. slong golf link csrllns; Bne - bearing fruit trees; must be a.Ml, Inquire on premises, 870 Mllwaukl at. TO Proepectrce Buyers: .Wo . hsve some fine hare In honeea. lots, acreage, business prop erty and form. See ns. Wagner A Petty, soon 202. Com morris I blk. - FOR AI,E-7 room modera hoaa, S lota 60x104 each; good garden, fruit; 1 block car line, cloae to school! pre$i,700, eaay terme, 833 Broad St., Montavilla. $200 BUTB four good real donee lots la Ontario; a goad Investment. Address Don i'srlos Boyd, th real estate ma a, Ontario, Malheur ' eonnty, Oregon -. . . - FOR SALE 4-room cottage (largs room), hall, large pantry, closets, electric lights, gaa: t $1,000 down, balance easy payments, Esst I HATB soms fc choice wheat farm for sal cheap and on easy terme. Write to or call ea H. D. Randall. Olex. Gilliam county. Or. BUILDIN0 bite on half block from Flrland station. $120: terms easy. Troon KfnsslL ' 802 Commercial blorlu; Phone Main 2821. . FOR 8 ALB at a barcala. modern 7 ea East Tefmr. die la; teems to salt purchaser. Apply F 42. care Joarnal. $2.1 MUST eeft at once, new B-rooen ajodera cottage. East 11th, near Hawthorne ate. I cost owner $2.oo. T 69, care Journal. FOB SALE Modera eubnrban cottage, etoaa to car line, Sa Iocs tloa. groaud 140alW ' 0. W. P. Xewaalto Co M4 I tret St. JOURNAL Want Ad " Rates UNDEJiyY CLASSIFICATION JivtXcnts pallatize- . No ad tskaa for lees than 18 par day. Sevan words, a a rule, eeaatl Into a II. but each line Is charged regard! of the number of words. . WEEKLY BATE T toaartlen (laalUlag aaa Soaday laeue) 88 OUT per Urn mSntHlV BATE fraaladlng n Baaaay . Issaoal $1.00 per lies per month. ADVERTISEMENTS meat ba la Jeuraal euaiaees oftoa by 18 e'eloea weak day ' - aad by 18 e'olook Saturday evostag fa -' ta Buaday Issaa, to eeeure sis tsttostlen SUplay. rata givaa npoa the. ftoe. apaUoatiea at rHE:j0URNAIrr: BRANCH OFFICES ' -- . :' ADTZXTISZMZBTS ' Will be received at reeulse aln-efaea rate.. - Foliowlna la a list of authorised a font, who will' forward your sdesrtlae- Bient a taauet nt la Urn for publics tloa ta Ua aai "".' .-': V0BTR BIDE. B. A. Preetoe. druggist. Twanty-tklrd aad Tbnrmaa atreeta. Nob Hill Pharmacy, 880 etreet. earnar Twenty-trat. . . . A. W. Alloa, pharmaelst, 81 xt aaatk aad Morahall atreeta. . ' 1 McCommoa'a Pbsrmscy, mnetoanth aad W'sahlngtoa streets. - '' - ! B0TTK BISB, B. F. Jonee A Co.. draggUto, Froat aad Olhloi street. ' . Oottel Drug company, Flrat aad Oraat atreeta. '-'' Fahlaa "verier, dugglst. 400 Jefforeaa etreet. corner Tenth. - I . Bettmaa'a Pharmacy, earner SUtk aad norrison etreet. -- t Plnmmer Drug eomnany, 240 Third etreet, corner Madlsoa. -. " EAST SIDE. ' ' W. 8. Love, drugglat. corner Grand ave aad Eaat Burns! do street. . Nlehole Thorn psoa, 128 Ruaas 11 etreet, corner Albln avenne. " Jaacke Drug company, eoraer Hawthorn aad Graad svsnuea. .-'-. ' W. C. Cable, drugglat, caraer Holladay aveno and Larrabe etreet, aaar ateel bridge. R. A. Wtlsoe. 134 Graad areaaa. Boat Xat Morrioon.' B. W. Ball. SSd East Saveatb etreet, eoTBer Stephen. " BieaxAVB. ' ' a i, f ivgg1rt. Kfft f'h V'-T - - "' TBsTTSIBE. : J. B. Worth, pBaraweUt, BBS Bslment StretC . Biooaxnr. Broohlya Pharmacy eompaay, Powell a4 MllwaukU etreet. ... .... ,-, -AfxJtT1 CRrSOsT. Arista Pksrmacy, Mora aad Foster street. FO SALE REAL ESTATE. weaV s rTT0 A CROCK ETT. . 346V, Waahlngton at. Phone Black 2S7I. . We offer fiw sale eoaw very rare bargain In good residence property la the best part of tbe cltr, ranging from $l,6oo to llO.ooO. Also nice little homes oa asynpayment, lot from 850 and oowarda. blc auburhan prop. eVty not far from tb city, farms In, ncks- mss. Marloa. Laae. Washington. Llna aad Yamhill counties; also in too mate 01 w 0.0- In ton. pear the Columbia.. river, boat land.-, luea and R. R. . 1 ' ... Special bargain: A well lutproved 10O-cv l farm Bear sorest urove, . per acre; partiew -wishing to leave th Mate. 181-ecr well ; Improved farm near street car; will tr4s for larger farm or will aell nr trade all th stock, implements and part of crop for sous and lot In Portland and rent farm. A good 87-erre farm Bear N. Yamhill, very cheap. A good 7-room .modera bouse, large grounds. H block from street car. $2,101); $300 cesh. balance on eaav payment.. A Bio little , clesa bakery and confectionery, average sale $10 to $16 per day. 4 living rooms, reat $13 per month; price $350- , 1, i . 8-BOOM new modem cottage. a , very pretty house. In minor swie: easy termo 11 oeairau. lleukle A Baker. 217 AMngtoa bldg. m SNAP la koaee end lot at University Park! $1.20ti haadlea if. juouitoa ocooey, iiiom bla bldg., 866 Washington at. , $1,860 New S-rnom cottar and 2 large Iota on corner Grand ava. and Shaver at. See owner. 394 Bbaver et. BARGAIN Up-to-date new 4-room cot to go, good kvt. oa block from car Una, $1,900. By qwaar. 847 Jterby et SELLWOOD lota. $9 dowa aad 88 a amatht from $78 to $200, Sellwood Townslle Co. Phoae Untoa 1491.' 7TH at., near Columbia Full lot. S houses. renting for ana amain, very rneap. aaoress A 40, core Journal. FOR BALE Lot 11, 12. IS, block 2. Arlet Park. I12S each. .Address - Bats Webster, Bartoa, Oregoa. ' B-ROOM modern bouse, - g room modern house, .. . . . LAAm . St near r.o, -" a w, rare Journal. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 4-room house, pleatsnt- y .1, tl.l-U, . . MM.. , .. - -1 .... - . , flowers, two blocks cars. 460 Magnolia St., VWoodlaWB.. for SALE . -room house oa car line with acre -4rult trees, etc. , Inquire 241 East Sixth" et. FINEST lota oa Kelly at.. Booth Portland, over, looking river, very cheap. A 44. care Journal, MODERN 6-room cottage, 43d and E. Taylor; $200 dowa, $16 per month. 211 Washington at. IF yoa went to buy 'a neat new 4-room house et e aacrtflce aee V. Scbmld, 100 Grand ava; 6-ROOM bouse, cheap for eaah. Inquire U E. Remington. Hosemoni ave., ainnisruia cor. MT- TABOR home, on csr 'line. T rooms: bsth.t barn. IOO1I0O, lots of fruit. Owner. 128 3d at. $42021 kite Z9xlon eacni. near noouiawni , T - k , , U . ....... UtAmt I BEE THIS $760 have lore 3-room hoaa; full lot to alley. 202 Commercial bldg. B-R00M houae. lot 100x100. at St. Johns; half eaah. 804 Goldsmith. Alhlna. . 4-ROOM shack and lot, 60x100, $360; seat aide. Phone Bcotx sua.- BEAUTIFUL 8 or S room house. , iqulre at ltsta Front 01. - FOR SALE FARMS. HOW IS THIS! '"-i"-- ; 6 acre fins lend, ao gravel, all la cultiva tion, houae coat $700. born coat $280, chlckse ' yards, houae end fane cost $200. well and pump coat $126; good hora. agoa sad . harnem; S Ana fresh cow. 1 yearling sad 2 ' year-old calf; loo Sna bene; S acres la pa t store,-worth $300; 100 fruit tree. sere . Bne strawberries, 10 cord, wood : remember this Is only BOO feet from tbs electrle .car. tax 1 rl glra terme. Price only $2.000., "you want a home due t mlsa thla. Addreaa F 43., ear Joarnal. . , SO ACRES good rich black eotl. rolling lend. . In Yamhill eonnty, close to railroad; good frsm S-stnry house, barn 80x42.' all neceo aarv ontbnlMinge; good orchard, aprlnga and spring branchea: close to school snd market: R. y, D.; price $2,000. part cash. . Room ' 12." 42.1 H Morriaon St. ' - 720-ACRES st $20 "on Rogue river, 400 grre" In hlgB tat Of CUlllVOHUII. """, WOII.;lor provementa . Hsa commercial and soelsl' sdj. vantagea; on railroad aaa electric power nnw, . a lovely place snd boms; Ideal- for small trscts. Aaares rt . rt. nuDnrr" lei - vex. name avs. 4- ONE B end' one 10-scre tract, Vaf a mile from 0. W. P. else trie line end ; Cedsrvtlle atatlon; very ine aoll, lya level and very ' ssy to clear. $26 dowa, bslsnoe very eesy terma There le nothing better oa the Mac. ' ket. V 46, cere Journal. . $36 PER ACRE 0 acres. SO cultivation, all level, good building, four acre orchard, timber for 1 000 cords wood. One wster, school. 2tt "miles to market town oa ale, trie II n near Portland. 11$ Ablngtoa bldg. FREE LAXp IN OREGON under the "Carey Irrigation Act. Deed direct from etate. I Write today. Booklet and map free, a, a, f Ceok A Co., 2&1 Aider aU, retUaad. 0a :- v. '"''!".-; A' .1 f- 4 1