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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1905)
Li the oregonI daily journal:-. Portland.., r atuhd a nvr::i::o.l sr?Ti:::rr r. ivvxtri X3 ,'f. LODGES 111 ADD THOUSAnOS . ' V- ' State's Cold Production Should J Bi Wonderfully Stimulated -"by New Work. A , - r'-.jve , ... r-i ' ' SUCCESS WITH DRILLS . r f ORECAST THE BOA! S ' r 'm nf Proeoectinff and Somt ' of i .th '.Conditions Attending " Early . V Operatlona-Sl Dredges'' Should "TTTield i'QaarterrMUHon Annually. . . Proepeciiria; for axed- around in ? C Oregon, which has just been taken up f seriously, promises to become one of the moat 4portut idutria at the stats. predKin has possibilities Uttl appre elated In anyauta of tha-union aare California, where a half hundred plants are operatlna proflUbir. Tha frowtnc ,' number of drUla in the Orrn placer ; redone tosurea, pereral Joata for thla BtaU." -'- f :- ; 'v;f (?, if.:.'-: -V '" Prospect work; for a dredire la usually - dona with a churn -drill, the Keystone, V type "belna the .favorite- In California. The original coat of such drllla 1 11.808 :' to 11.800. and4be dally expense of ran nine it from 111 to tie. One drill will make a" hole to feet under favor . able conditions, but where , there are , bowlders it cannot do ao much. Three men rim the drill, and one or two em pert pannera are kept busy handling- the core product, as no assaying is dona aa "i. a rule, the pan being- relied upon to de- . termine the values. As a dredge is cal culated to save gold, the work done by (ha pan is a. sufficient teat of what may be expected from the dredge. Where -water Is. not convenient, carriers-are v kept busy, and the larger machines con S sums considerable fweL v ' y ' ' In gravel that pans an average of II .cents a cublo yard there is a sufficient ' margin of profit to Insure success for a ' Wfill-managed dredge. Pay mostly oe " curs In a well-defined stratum, but a dredge must handle the overburden and what may lie between pay and the firm bedrock, so that there must' be enough in the pay. channel to constitute a good ; 'average for the entire depth of the bank. Dredge men do not like to take up a .proposition where the margin of profit Is narrow, owing to contingencies aria ' tng between prospect work and Teallsa , tfon os the deposit. : When an average ;of II cents a cublo yard la found.' the - proposition la regarded as good, pro vided, other condition! are not forbid- ding. A dredge handling, i.too cubic yards dally, which carries 10 cents a 'yard. wlU aava leaa than 1150 a day. If . 209 days Is given as a work season, .which -doe not -aeem exaggerated for i plants, in the warmer sections' of the -.- state, the yield of one boat should be . I about 145,000 a year. Many dredge propositions have higher average valuee . than 10 cents. The possibilities of such an industry are positive, and a ?half dosen dredges would In all roba- Diuty add a quarter or a million to . Oregon's gold record annually. T r V '.jfJi The big Champlln dredge , on Foot's ..: creek of thla state, which 1 one of the ' .largest ever built, has buckets of eight i cublo feet capacity, mt . - against - an -r average-. also of three to five feet for , the early California boats. - The Champ ',. lln dredge, has handled aa high as 1,200 to 2.400 cublo yards dally, in tight gravel, nd la loose formation,' where . not digging to great depth, has run up , tit 4,000 and' 4.S00 cubic yards dally. With such a monster as this In the field, S where values run above 10 -cents, the annual production may reach 110,000 to 1100.000 for one boat. -( These figures suggest what may be done for the metal industry of the state by dredges. ; OrovlUe, Caiifpmla. has 14 boats.' and as the available dredge ground at Folaom of the same state is aa great aa the OrovlUe tract, a like number may be expected there in the near future.. The boata have added several hundred thousand dollars to the annual .gold production . of w. California. nd should do aa tnucli or more for Oregon, where both the east and west sections oi toe .state have Immense swear aireaa. , $ , ..M . ..?: MINING NCXJES. rv c ". - 1 ' r- ' . - . y 'Cottage Orove. Or.. Rent 14 a Churchill of the Four Montea Dronert . . .kA 1 . I . i in omng nis sunepsraent ha CTirrMeTns:til8-lnoh arkTi" W uur-iew rem jm nign grade. . no eeim are rrora lour to. twenty feet , .ewlston, Jda.. Bept 1. But little work will be done on the Imnaha paopertiea urttli the stockholders of the Kureka company have mestlo broil, a decision - is , expected mvm on ins application for a receiver.. jjaaer city. Or.. Sept, . Manager tf,d of .the Balsley-EIkhorn mine . near oere nays mat tie la having dlffl. culty In securing all the good miners he wont at the property, a crew of 40 to vuiiuyaa inert. , .v ' i v odre x. o. o. r. if r-Uoeraal Bpi :UJ Vrrtea.) - I mnaoeiphia. Pa gept. II. Odd Fellows from all parte of the country are arriving here with every train to inai, annual aeasion of the Sov ereign a rand Lodge of Patrlarcha which .win open , here on Monday. . Judging from the number of members of the order already here the attendance thla ; year, will, be greater than In any prevl, oua year. Many of the visitors are ac companied by their wives, and hundreds of them hare already registered at their . nesao.uariera. Tne convention will lat until September II. There will Be parade nd prise drills. 1 1 ' 1 ,S5BB,JBI-Sg XSecaosa it it tb but, Tha nst? ( it during the pat twenty years iaa reaulte4 in railliom of aatiafied 0UewlTe.-: " . '' i jC:::;5f:r2oc:nIa Ddhfng Ponder CHURC H SERVICES i TitIw Mtr Itcw - rrmmr la Dnraatt BlMirt, Mtor. 0:W a. si., clanca: 10:30 a. DL, "Not Uallllan Bat Gasalne"; 1J'1 p. at., Suaday artMwl; :S0 a. ., Kpworta leacar: 1:30 p. m.. "alaaaa. lalthtul. la llll Jlouat. TBf Bos' eaorai eaolr br(ina today. TrinitT Cau Tenta and Oraat atreetai Bev. Harold Onara, paator. Ooaimuutoa aarvlee,' 11 a. a.; tbe pastor will be aaalated by n, Iwtuat prearblna. T:30 p. m.t Bandar aebvol, 10 . a.; Epwortk leairaa, a. m.. 41raea-C-aer Twelfth and Tark streeta: Clareace Traa Wllaoa. It. O., Daator. 10:30 a. m.. "Tae Law af ReviTala In Krllaton"; T.'SO p. ai pralaa aerrlee, qneatloe bos aid rum oa "Prepare to Meet Thy Uod"; daaa tins. 0:30 a. .: Suudar eduwl. Yi.iO D- bl: Epwartk iMfM. :W P.' am. - ', Vrae Ooraar Kaat Ninth and MHI streeta: J. Outa, pattor. Praachuig at 11 a, at., loitered by elaaa BMetlu. Bellwaod C. X tewia. pearor. Cloelnc serv ice for the conference year; Sunday at-bool. 10 a. m.. A. r. Miller. pertBteadeat: 11 a. m., "Tbe Oreat Surrender": a p. n., "The Peril et LtTlac la"; Enafla-th Imbiu. 1.1 - wwi swivel : imir-wn aiani trteta: lieary T. Atklaaoa. paator. Sunday school, 10 a. m ; It a. m., "The Flrat Com auadarrnt": 0: p. bl. Kpworth learue; 7:4i r-.i aula ihi aninM. " Central Tornar Ruaaell and Karny atreata;. r. U VoBBf, aaarnrr-Hrrrleaa at 10:30 a. ra. and g a. -a.; Moouay acbxiol, 11 at.; Kpwertk irajrae, B6 p.-m. -v- --. Thlrty-alnh atreata: T. B., rord. D. !.. paator. to av at., tmaaay. arajoai. u. a. uaiaaa. -luteadeat: 11 a. m.. ha nl lam. rereptloa or membera end aeraaoo: 11:13 p. ., class Bieet Ins. 1. B. Kelley. Waders 3:30 p. m.. Jankar leagaje. Mlaa Mary Sharer, auaarlBteadeat: 6:48 p. aa., Epwortk ieatne deeottoaal meeting, Rnsk Kraaa, praaldent; $ p. aa.. aaiaion by tbe paator. Thla will be !. Ford's laet Buaday la bunay aid before coafereaee. . Central Raat Twentieth asoT xaat Ankeny atreeu: William K. HaadaU, Ulalater. Bpeetal dedleatory aerelrea, 10:BU a. aa., "Hrtara That Bloaaoai"; p. en. Bernoa by Rev.. J. Whit, eunab Brragber: T:30 p. a., aarnmoa by Ree. Leonard W. Kilty: Profeaaor W. K. Wararbkal. Boa Ira I dlreetor; allaa Rath BboffreB. onraulat. Hwedlab a-orner t irteanta aae Hoyr atreaia. Pieaeblua at 10 a.- m. by Rt. B. Uoaea of rblrago, and at T:45 p. m. by Hr. Fraak reteraoa of Mlnaeanolle. Dr. Brongber otil'ort land aad Kev. fatrua (tchwarta of Chicago. Hero ad Kaat Keren th and Kaat Ankeny etreeta; Rev. BtaKlon C. Lapbam, paator. 10.M a. a.., "The tettght ot Rlgktsouaneaa": T30 p. 'Tailing la Love"; prayer. 10:13 a. at.; Bible aehool, 13 m. Toaug Peopla'a antoa, 4:6 p. m.i moaie br -ehorna choir i i. t. Baav rora, organiaf ana director. Flrat. the White TamDla Corner Twelfth aad Taylor .atreata; Kee. i. Wblteumb Broagbar. B.. Daator. 10:11 "One Accord' prayer neetlng; 10:.TO a. m., "Tbe Trinity or BiiTdea-Bearlng": Bible school. 12:10 p. at.) n. x. r. v. aemea. s:ao p.. aa.. u. w. Mania, leader : f:30 p. aa., a perl a I area a Bambera by Mlae Keaap, followed by baptlam: aermoa. "Box ing and Print-Fighting": aioale by Tempi quartet sad chorea; special sole by Cutve Moa- teitn. Calvary Corner "Kaat Klahth and Kaat Grant atreeta; A. Lawrenea Blark. . paator. Bible aehool. 10 a. Bk, I. W. Howell, auperintendeut; II a. a. aad T:l p. aa.; Toong People'e BMeting. 6:30 p. at., Caarlea Johnaoa and Oelnert Ptaanard., leader: - araate nnder the dlrvcUoa 04 Ueorga Beward aad Mrs. Mettle Owens. .(..... nnBTTXXIAV. " ' t '.- Calvary Eleventh and Clay atreeta. 10:30 a. n., rrhe Conreraioo of Ualab"; T:46 p. aa., Rav. D. A. TboBipaeB of Rellwood will preach; quartet choir; H. V. Mllllgan, organlat. i airo Kaat lameeBtB ana nae atreeu; aav. Andrew. 1. Montgoaaery. paator. 10:30 a. an., "What I the Churrh Khould Htaad for. la the Coainiaaltr"; T:40 p. m., "Tbe Abaadadl Life"; Bnnday erboola: Home aehool, 11 at.; Twenty eights, atreet ebaprU 12:1 p. m.; Cbrlatlaa Knileaeor, 6 :0 p. m. - . Mlapah Eaat Thirteenth aad Powell streeta; Rav. Jerome R. MeOlade. D. 0., paator. 10:80 . n., "1'h Beeret of the IMvlne ravor": 7:30 at.. "What the flrrlptarea Teaeb Concerning ell.'1 Mlae Ran KiMlnee will atn at the BMwatBg aarvtce aad alias Carrie J oh nana at the evening eeevtce. - nral cnmlMeWRa Gamer TwelftM aad Kaat Tarbar atreeta: He. K. Nehnn Allen, naator. aervleoe at Wt a. am, aad t-.Wl b. aa.; it aa.r mtnoay aenooi; a:an p. ra.. Cbrlatlaa Enaaavort oouoio euarrea; aim t.inenan win a inf.. Foarth Fira and 6Hbe atreeta; Rev. M. I. aletlellaad. paornr 10:30 a. - at., eerawa iby Rev. Dr. Dunning: 12 aa.. Sunday arheol: 6:4S p. Ba.. Chrlatlan Endeavor? svealng werahip la ebarga of O. Rroaaagb. . . Piedmont Corner Cleveland and Jarretl atreeta; Rev. U Myron Booaar, paator. Merv. leea at 11 a. Bv. sad T;B p. at.; Ba booth scbooL. 19 a. m. ' . . ''i.f,-,r. : IPItCOPAL. r.'.t .."-..-. TrrnltT Nineteenth and Kvorett streetar nr. A. A- Morrlaoa,. rector. . Iloly eomnujiloa. 3 a. m. ; mornlug aervlea, 11 o'clock; evenlnf aervlea. T o'elork. St. Baeld'a Twelfth aad Belmont streeta; Rev. Gears B. Vbb Waters. D. D., reetor. Holy eontmualoa and eeravm. J I a. aa.; evening praver. T:S0 e'eloek; Honda r aehool. 0:B a. a. St. Btepbea'a Chanel Thirteenth and Clay atreeta; Rev. H. M. Rasner, prfeet la charge. Holy communion, 7:30 a. m.; gunday aenooi. :40 a. m. ; aervieea at li a. at. aaa 1:30 p. nv St. Joha'a Menvartal Sellwond: Rev. W. R. Powell In charge. Service and aermoa, 10:43 a. m. : Sundar acnnol. II B. '. Good Shepherd Sellwoed atreet aad Taneonver avenue; Rev. John Haw ana. reetor. - Morning prayer and aarmnn, II o'clock; evealng prayer and eeraaoa, 7:30 e'eloek; ' Sunday aehool. 10 a. m. St. Matthew's Flrat. aad farntaer atreeta Rev. W. A. M. Brack in eh arc. Services at 11 a. m.i Hn ariay aehool, 0:46 a. Si. St. Paula Wondmere: C. L. Parker, lay Btleloaay,piavirbarg, hgulce sad eeraaoa at tiP-'aa. . . ... . . '. 'sii' ,.-. -e.' COBORIOATIOBAL. Ftrat Madlaon aad Bark atreeta: Bouee, T. D.. paator. 10: so a. m., "A Model Man"; T:48 p. m.. Rev. Waablngtnn Gladden, I . . . K I "". ' 7.' pais, miiiin.l aimil. l 1 J Ttr m.77 eupenntenarni: 1. r. n. u :4B p. m. ; Mum Lenora Flaher, organ let; lira, anee moeB-naner. aoeisar.. . Haaaato Street Eaat S-veelb atreet. north. and Harrels atreet. 10:80 a. m., aermoa by Chaplala A. L. Kaudana af Trinity eharr-h. Lot. Ana-elea; Sunday school, 13 m.: Cbrlatlaa a- Hlghland Corner Preeeott and Kaat Slatk atreet, north; ttev. A. M. Rorkwnod. paator.' Sunday arbool. 10 a. m. : II s. m., "Reflectora"; :w p. aa.. - uonaina; anrnio. I'nlveralty Park Artlaaa temple. Portamoatk Rev. V. B. Gray, paator. fie aervlee on ae eoant of the meeting of the American board at Seattle. Sunday arbool at in a. m. - , Sunnyalde Corner Eaet Taylor and : Kaat Thirty-fourth atreeta; Key. . I. Staoh. paator, 11 a. m.. "To Know tbe love of Chrait"; 7:S p. m., "Irg Bualoeee en Small Capital" Sunday arhont, in a. nv. S. C. Pier, superln- tendent; Junior Chrlatlan Endeavor, 3 p. ra., Mlaa Edith Roe, . auperlntendeitt : Senior En deavor, 0:30 p. m., Mlaa Sophie lluff, leader, ..":"'-. cmsTiAir. ' Central Kaat Twentieth and Salmon atreeta Rev. 1. T. Ghormley. paator. . Rev. F. K, Bllllngtoa win apeak at 11 a. m. ; paator will apeak at T;48 p. m, on -".The Unity of th Spirit"; Buaday aehool. 10 a. m.; Junior En- oeavor. s:m p. m.: aenior nnaeavor. m m p. m. Mra. Mrfberana Gale. cborUter; Mlaa Era Ryan. organiat.i , - Advent gerund afreet, berweea Hall and LIB enln: Charles Haffendea. Btator. Sunday arbool 10:30, a. m.: preaehlng at ll:.m a. m. and 1:30 p.' m. : pralaa meeting. T p. m. Flrat Corner Park and Columbia streets: T. M. Mark ley, mint at re. 10:30 a. m., "The New nemorraey"; 7:,10 n. m., Tbe Four Bleaalnr I Bible aehool, 12:15 p. m.; Chrlatlan Endeavor, :80 p. i 1 TTBRIO Iv-AVOniCAli Flrat Corner Eaat Tenth ' aad Sherman atreeta: A. A. Winter, naator. 10 a. m.. Bun day arbool; aervieea at 11 a. M. and 7:30 p. m.l :ie p. m.. a. k NU a. meeting. it. jonn a c orner Joan ana ivannn atreeta B. E. MeVlrker. naator. 11 . m.. "The Etiiti pie of Cbrtat": S p. m., pulpit' eernpled by lev. C. F. Bella of Pullerton. Kebraaka: junior i or v. r... z:u p. m.; senior M. L. of C. F... 7 p. m. Seeend Corner Kerb and Fareat trta - Um9. i Doweraox, paawr. rrearning si II and 7:4a n. m.l .SnnOav aehool tA a. aa. ! aonmra. a p. at. I K. I OT I n. Bt. oekley Green Snndav aehool at t:M n m. and preaeblng at 3:30 p. IB. by ReV. E. t. Ue Vleker. . , - , , LUTXIXAJI. St. lame' ' fullik-iWiu. Wt Park -J Jetferaoa atreeta;, J. A. Im, paator. Her Tire i it s. m.; nunday aehool. lo a. jb. ; Lnthet league. 7 p. m.. led by Mlaa Ixmlae WlekUne. Nnrweelaar k r .wwt 4 'nnu. wmm m-A Grant atreeta; O. Hagoea, paator. BrrvlcM at II a. bl and 8 p.. m. , . . .. : , Bethenia Danlah Ceenee t'atna ...... mnJt Morrla etreet: Uadmusd Grill, aeatne. Bmi.. raeol, 8 p. m.. , . ' ' . .' 'V,' CATK0LI0.''' : , r? ' St. LSWraar. Third and Sheeiaaa ... . Rv. J. . Hiighea, reetor, Maea 7 aad i m.i nun niaav. iv:au a. veapar aad benedictloa. I :il p m. . XVAaaSiilDAb A88OOIAT10B, rirt 'Engllah Corner F.aat Slith and IfarWt- Streetp; Ray. IV A. Stewart, paator. Preaching Rev. Uam mora Cixa Czroe Cmea' V39 streRzib of Oooom nixotf with aKS9r, sUSrdir or rowroot, and la, tbarm f ora , f, r mora aoonomloaJm T ; "t ' 'Vt ValterDa!(or&Co.'s eakfast The Finest lifthe World v Highest Awards ; - in JCuropt mi Amtrha ' A new and handsomely illna t rated Keclpe Book aent free- walteiBaKei&Co.Lti. at 11 a. at. and S a. bm Sunday school, 10 ai.. Albert Bit titer. raDetinteudent: loons Feonle'a alliance, T p. a.; Mlaa Maud BmlU. leader. Klrat GermanCorner Teeth and Clay atreeta: Theodora Mehauer. naator. 0:30 a. m., Sunday aehool; services at 10:4S a. B. and. 8 p. m. ' ' CRRISTIAX aciEBcr. . Flrat Sent.),, uite cathedral. Morrlaaa'and Lownedaaa atreeta. Sewlcea at 11 a. m. and 3 p. nj.; anbjeet of aermou. "Reality"; Sunday BphnnJ at rbiae Mff Jiumlnr .... tr. r . Heeond AudltnTlum buHrilne. Third ' between Taylor and Salmon atreeta. Hervlres at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; auhjret. "Realliy"; Buaday aehool. It a. ai., la the reading rouma. ... X I. CHirxoa bouth)' ,: Flrat 1T1U, Beeaad atreet. reratrera ball; K. H. Mowre, paator. 11 a. . m., 1'Daea the Law of Com pen thin Grow. Out of Bible Teach htgr': ft pb-m., "Will the Indivtdnal; Be Held Reaponalbl for the Mine of the NatlonamL tbe stater 10 a. m Sunday achopl; 7 p. m.. cnwvriat ceague, - . : ' - . - ZI0V. Oirtatlan Tarbotle Anoatolle Cburrh IB Eton Aliaky building, Morrlaon atreet, near Third; Rev. Char lee A. Hnv. elder. ' 8 o. m.. Bible atody; 8 p. m.. "Tbe Joy ot the Lord la Our Strength"; 7:30 p. m.. "The New Heart the Key t Divine Bleaalng." ' t v CHRlSTIAJf AVS MttRSIOllAaT ALLIAaTCZ. Chrlatlan and -bluoioiiary Alliance stub and Main' atreeta; C. O. Sawtalle. auperlatendant. Sunday arbool, 8:40 a. m.: 10:30 a. m.. "Chrlat ror tn oar. or luvin rieaiina": evaneelleal aervlee at 7:30 p.- n.f aubJect.TChTlat in tbff iBDemarie. . , , v'fj, B, XV CHRIST.-';.v i Flrat Corner Eaat Fifteenth and Morrlaon atreeta; B. C. Shaffer, paator. Bible aehool, 10 a. m. ; Rev. t. a. Rhoada. The elder, will preara at li a. m. and s p. m. "'' nonx. Bxxnct. ' ' At th peophi's aervlee In the aew Trinity rhureh Sunday evening at T:30 o'rlork Beats free. Everyone la welcome.- There will be apedal alnglng, and Dr. Morriaoa will preach. vV MWtxannwuiaT ' ' Portland Sew Chitrrh Horlety Reeeptloa hall, Mulkey bnlldlng. Second and Morrlaon atreeta. a. m., strvlcea by Bv. Hiram Trooman of Boa ton. . , c ' ' irirrvTRSAUiT. ' " "' "Flrat Kaat Courh ami Eaat Eighth atreeta; W. F. Small, pgator. 11 a. ra., "Thinking and Being"; 7:48 p. p.. The Modera Lov of the MarvebMa"; lo 8. n.. Sunday arbool. "tjiiTtariav. "' Flrat Tamhlll and Seventb atreeta; Pr. O.'l v. -raaey, naator. 11 a. a., aervlee with dle ennra on "ro Theology Tourh tbaracterl"; Sunday arbool, 12:30 p. in. . . . . : ' 7T- MIBCXIXAlflOUS. ' J.-0IW Branch . Uoanel Mlaabm Tlrat near Clay Mfet-jt. . -BervJeea every evening aud Buaday at 1. and T:3 a. m. - Unit Blti le Spiritual Sortety A. O. 1'. W. ball. SelMng-Hlrarb building. 8 p. m.. lectnr by Mra. I.I la Dnrker Lyue on '"The Attitude I of Inaplratlna. Religion and I TrnJlKfolload hv Mra, neiene Toward iptrn meaaagra ana teata. Millennial Dawn (J. A. R. hall, nortbeaat corner Second and Morriaoa afreet. Service at 3:: p. m. A lecture en "Cbrlatlaa Mratlfl.m" will be given at th Theoenpbtraa rooma, Allaky build ing, ball 3n. Sunday evening. Flrat Spiritual Society Arilaana hall.'Thlrd atreet. Bear Waehlngtoa; N. F. Bawlln, naator. 11 . m. and 8 p. m.. "Th Antiquity of the Earth, aad the Origin of Man." , Divine Trnth Center Hall Zol.Vllaky build ing, corner Third and Morrlaon atreeu; T. M. Vlluard, pa I tor. Servlre at 11 a. m. . DANIEL R. BIGELOW ; " -DEAD AT OLYMPIA (Special niapatrb to Th-Journal.) ' , Olympla. Wash., Sept 1. Daniel R. Blgelow. one' of the oldest pioneers In Washington, died at his home In this city yesterday at the age of 81. pe. ceased came to Washington territory in. 1851 and settled In Olympla upon- a site which rjow comprises most of the northeastern portion of the city. ., lie was a native of Jefferson county. New York, and graduated, from th Union college at Schenectady, receiving the degrees of. A. B. apd A. M and afterward graduated from Harvard with the degree of JUL. B. He was nrn... cutlng attorney. ; territorial , treasurer, auditor and several times a member of the Washington legislature. His wife and aeven children-survive hlip. ' . !wtheBaiy it bahy who frets, worries, or ; cries, or sleeps poorly is prob'" aioty poony nounsnea, unless there is actual disease. Menin's Food provides plenty ot jood nourish men! easily digestible, and does away with all fretting and crying. Try Mal Ha's rood; we wtil aaod roa twnpl C!f!!IJ,'..rrlJ. V..r "T Feed, which received the ed e.i.. he Mdheet award ef the Lealaiaaa rmr caaH aapeain 9t ha 14 speeitiea. St, Lawia, IM4, lUlw -meai... .. nets ii mum i tooo co, ttoiTOrt, mass, ililliiKiSiiil mMmm Ip An t - 1 jna.... ;v rxr: -?-:-Cy J.':-.0-: : :. - -'.'-: V' ' ' -'r- -. ., .'. ' ' . :. ,V-' SOLID lEASONS FOR ITS Intcrvieiv l "Considering Its Advantages It Is the Cheapest Arti- neial Lieht World" -r-f "It electric light the cheapest of all llluminants? This question was yesterday asked of Mr. S. 0. Reed, secretary, and ,1" treasurer of the Portland General Electric Company. - " . Sitting at his desk in the general offices of the company, at Seventh and . 'Alder streets, Mr. Reed looked at his questioner and unhesitatingly answered: " . "Considering its advantages, electric light is the cheapest artificial light , , in the world.' .. i ----' I'. .i'r-'; v;i::f;;;,f:-t ; ": ."And theadvantages?:"'T':":":' '":V;r , "They are multitudinous and ' all-important - - - -' - .Advantages ofiElectricLight "Speaking of the advantages of electric light,1 continued Mr. Reed, "I ' can hardly begin to enumerate them within the scope of a newspaper article. - "The most striking feature, perhaps, and the one which cornea nearest ';, home to those of ift who have families, is the safety of. electric light, the. elimination of the great fire danger,. burning. matches in the hands of care less children and others. ' - , "f ). v'. .v-vil:."'.- "Then there is no smoke or product of combustion to vitiate the at- -mosphere. Jt does not soil draperies. It doer not kill house plants. It . does not ruin fine bookbindipgrs. - It does not burn the oxygen out of the air that ought to be . saved" for , the lungs of 'the men and women, and, most emphatically, of the children. That one consideration alone would make elec tricity cheap even if it cost twice as much as it does.". , ,..:: "V ; VA . "Then you advocate its use on 'the .score i. of health?' . ;4 V.;, -;, JU' "Most 'assuredly!- ;f -. ' v., ;v:'".-.''' -.'": . " V V r'::-'t . "There are three principal ways In which electric light is a healthy light. ' The most important of these is the fact that the electric light, inclosed within - its vacuum bulb, neither consumes nor. pollutes the air we breathe. Most people do not appreciate the importance of thisfact, and as we are a good -period of our time in rooms illuminated by artificial light, and the purity of the air we breathe has a .potent bearing -on our health and spirits, the over whelming advantage of electric light in this connection may be readily recog nized." . - --'Y-'' . ' ': ' ' ' ' ' ; ,'.''r '. ..'.; "Does the medical profession agree iVIiafPhysicians Say . ; : : "Most emphatically I Many physicians even go further than this and ' advocate the use of electric light for the prevention of specific diseases. Pro- . feasor Irving Fisher of Yale, secretary of the Anti-Tuberculosis Association, , ,- in a recent article in the "Outl66kM. on consumption, says: ; V -"'Before any progress can be made, however,' our change of habits must ' be radical. WE MUST SUBSTITUTE ELECTRIC LIGHTS FOR OIL AND ALL OTHER ILLUMINANTS. WE MUST LEARN ANEW ' WHAT PURE AIR IS AND INSIST ON HAVING IT.' , v "The heat thrown off by other illuminants,- too"; especially in the sum-' : mer time, added to the already over-heated condition of our homes and 1 stores, has a very real effect upon our physical condition. .-. '-, ' "". "Then, again, in the matter' of eyesight, how many thousands wear , glasses and have trouble with their eyes, all due to 'a bad light.' How many eyes are ruined, which could be saved by the use: of electric light, : with . its soft, steady, unflickering, evenly-diffused rays, grateful and even ; healing to the eyes." :; ;-;,'-;; ' ; ..,-. t vv.i . . , "The fast increasing number of electrical appliances must conduce great- ; - - ly to the comfort and convenience of your customers?" . - ;,, v ! Varied - Uses at Little Cost ; , 1 1 ' "This is the Electrical Age,"- replied Mr Reed, "arid the ultimate ofeject of all research and invention is,4o make . life . pleasanter and more usefuL ; X)ur service in a customer's home means much more than electric light, all important as that is. 4 It means electric power. The same current that sup plies the light will run an electric fan, or a sewing machine, or heat a chafing dish, a tea or coffee pot, a warming pad, curling irons,-pressing irons and . scores of other appliances which add to the comfort and convenience of the ' household." l ' -.V, YV ;y.;,''. . - ' - "And the cost? - ' --.V ' . ' Y , ".' - "At the reduced rates now in effect for current on meter basis every ' resident of Portland who can afford anything better than candles or kerosene can have this high-class lighting and power service in his home and place of . - business." . . -..m-., v i 'y- , . . ..v .-, '. r ",.; ; . .'",'.;;--,- - ; 4 v-r-. V-,..-;-o. -, .::.. ?': Mr. S. G. Rccd in the with that statement of the case?." ). ::; :,.t.: :-" -.V i M .r- rt -.-,T;-.-- pa hi 4 i, Ij m . T .a P 3 jj.. 'V ll ... f r.