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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
f 1 V. -r o v ' ' " '. .- GTT3 TEL G:D : . - - . v. II Mill ir i3 -3 wmmmnuM ST. 10r-o USTAOiSOW'STtCT ; iOOS-oTm2sm'i6it m ' - TIB45 HCT CASH',9 ci$im$ pr Muct.wtj flowed except 6y tptcill $jremenf.. I :.L. TEL : iop;r.i SATiO-: . ... -,-. gThcre arc no disapji exacting in your demands as we arc in our announcement, and you will find that the ts. Big Double Salesroom stock oi Jtioiiana wos. is Deingrcoia jit kj i aij ana vyiiuJLiibAij; at an average of 13- f- 1 ri i i rm TOT-A-TT iiiii r -r r --r; (Milren's Softs 500 Suits, all sUei from S to 16, includinj th Utcstt fall styles; some sizes are getting low. r. Read these ; price statements and ask to see the goods.: 69 for 3 to 6 sisesValUwool, Value to (3JB0.- '- ', ,894, and, 1.70 lor 1 to 7 sixes, all-wool, 2 and S- pieceVyalue to fr.-'f't' ; Sfi -f 2.89 and 39 for extra quality all-wooV dou blebreasted.. black . or fancy materials,"; Value to long Pants Mis ysiNVTTwtvAtu fMe luuitvuf vamu mi f w-. f 4.65 -Black, blue or fancy materials,1 inchidbg clays and serges, value to fit. :ryy f 6.65 Big Boys' and Young M en's, to 80 years. Unlimited assortment of plain and fancy single and double-breasted, value to $18. V; ; : ; Mothers in particular are familiar with ' the brands of goods quoted below and , know their It. ,Ki .'.; r.'v retail value. Diurnvaisis ; 1,000 of Them.' -',;. -iv'."-y ; 19 for Percale Penang; all siles; also white; ' ; some Mothers' Friend brand among them; value up to $1. School starts soon. , -i u- 39 for choice of plain and fancy Percale, Madras , and finest quality white also flannels; Mothers'. ,. Friend and Star brands, worth' up to $2.- - ; ' OiUflrcn's StocIdF.cs 7yf for fast black 15c qualities. v ; ' , - i:; J. 39 and 69f for Wool Sweaters; values to $180. 19-for Children's and Boys' Shirts, colored or white, values to $1. y.:iC:i'J .f ' v".v, ' MothenH-If you value a real saving opportunity, investigate - these' prices, r : , ." niflhes! Grade RubliarDcota 92.95 for . Knee, $5 quality. ' , : -; :'- f 3.95 for Hip, $8.80 qualityV- '- v! ' , Over 1000 of them, of all kinds C? 4 C Wm 8T7: Union Melton $70 4)40 Overcoat if we can fit you; sizes 86 to 40 tf i QA Will take a better in about 10 styles to $ TCy U choose from tjiol all sizes hi every style, but. $10 and $lt values:, also tan and etit real lyrayenettesr - - Ctfi OH CrtTentte, eilk'lined fall Overcoats; UyU:weedsrmeltons-and fcerseys; values up CO 0nve vou cnoict ot 500 elegant hand 4)yU tailored fall and whiter Overcoats, Crav enettes; 50 styles; values up4o $25. ; . V Afi Tops off an Overcoat or Cravenette 4)1 leW that sells up to $30., . Buys Overcoats and Cravenettes fit 40 U for a king. .The kind that make others ask' who made your overcoat. There are values among them up to $40. " ' ' C ' mmmMm '. I '. I ... '' . . ... . .. . ...... ... I- lill" iJ We will show you two hun dred orf more different styles of materials from $2.45 td the best on earth. J ' 6- '' V - Broken size sack or frock Suits; worth up to $10. - CfJ OA Sbgle or double-breasted sack or frock eyft7V Suits; up to $15 values. "Opens 'the gat or frock Suits. CfT A ft'Opens f the gates up to $18 values, sack CO OA Hm buvinK power of. $35 in single 4yyU or double-breasted sack. - frock and Prince Albert Suits. , , ,. j for 10c cotton.' i - i ,. ..V I v.-,-.-; WUVW ' ... , V- s- .-.ji. 1,000 pair: assorted, incomplete lots. 9SI for Shoes, value to $8.50.' fl9 for regular $3Ji0. lines. flJBO for irregular lots,' vslue to $3.50. vf 2.69 All styles and sizes; values to $8. 5", y fatsS ',' $00 dozen soft and stiff Hats.: 39 for chdioe of jodda soft and stUfo )$2..::li 691 foij choice of odds soft and stiff, to $i.' i: 1.39 and f 1.69--Regular fall styles soft and "Vtiff,4o$5 value. . : ' ''(-''; -v! -V:?-;' C1 1 i A Tuxedo, sack, frock-i and- Prince Viltv Alberts; up to $30. ,,. - , CI A A Pr,3ise of the best that man knows VtIOU : how to produce. Youll not be disap pointed in values of our clothing, even if we don't' display on carpeted floor and palatial fixtures. , PSHtS We will start at worklngmen's goods and go en up. i: : to the millionaires' kind. , i;:;.:lJ 39f for $1 Hickory OverpanU and blue and black . Overalls. 7, ; ''::--,r7-.r'' r.":!l 59 for $1.50 Pants, dark color; the ones built for ' wear. : - '.-s . . 9S for extra quality Jeans, Corduroy, Union Worsted, etc.; up jo $2.50 values. K : f 1.30 English Corduroy,'. Worsteds, Casilmere, Cheviots; up to $3.50 values. . - ' v fl. 89 Custom ' finished, ' form fit ' or peg-top styles, Holland's; up to $4.50 values f2.S9 This is a price that' will Uke you into Pants Heaven.. Values up to $8.r; . f . $3.39 and 30 HolUnd's bit: the kind that tailors get up to $1$ a pair for; 100 styles.. , There is a stock of good and fine pants here that will win you if our. salesmen were deaf and dumb. 34 iot Cbc value Shirts or Drawers,' value 50c ' S9 Commercial wooC jtd and brownstripe, Itnit ' stock, yam body, sizes 33 to 42... A.- 40e Sanitary Jersey rfbC '' merino, derby, wool fleece, blue flesh, white, sky, tan, gray and flexo . . colorings; $1; kind. . -t v , :':s t', 'yT 79 Wool merino, ' gray .: shades 1 only, broken y sUes; $3 value.;.. . . . ; -J:.: -; J, ' C9 Straight lines,, all the different weaves and weights and colore; limited amounts of flexo col orings; $2.50 value. - ; : ' .v;;. Hen's Sox 1ZxAf 'or $5c cotton and 5c wooL J 10 for 35c wool '4 VV ' '-?; t3e and 35 for 50c and 75c knit lamb's wooL 9eyl24 22 for suspenders worth to $L Ex.S2iFlAimoanc2 ICO dozen Manhattan, Monarch,' Standard, Famous, etc., white and colored, soft or stiff bosom; some collars attached, etc.; value up to $2; divided into . tw0 lotI M follow . . 29e for Monarch, Standard and Famous, white and 'fancy, up to $1 values. ;yr :'y' , ' 49 for unlimited choice of Manhattan, Monarch, J etc, whiu or fancy of all styles, including full dress, $2 values. Not over 1 dozen sold to any one person.; This is retail day. : 30f for Union, all sizes; values to $1.50. ; 7ff for all-wool; values' to $a.50.-'w .' ' CO, 91.39 and 91.89 Small lots, all sizes; original package broken ; values to $3. " . - , Handkerchief sr ' Umbrellas, - Heckwear, etc -. at - 43 per cent of value. '. f;'.. TTHl U ff f ' I V I I M I A 11 T7 morc tnn " Pr cenx "scounr on any diu ot roods bought here, and you, the consumer, can secure goods here at i I V I I V I PrcJcally the same price as they. . Why pay a big profit? Corner First and Salmon.. Big double salesroom fUIed with A ,V UaA J ... t , - fine goods at 40 per cent of value. The Bee Hive of Honest Industry The great evening paper has contained a warning against fraudulent aales. Any stdck offered by any dealer, whether a tramp merchant, fire faker, bearing a Holland label, was bought at this store, and in no case do'raerchanta receive' r