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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
A. . Li 1 - - FIRST FLOOR Dr Goodwin's demonstration ol "Wisdom's' Via- v - . ' " 'Jet Cream" for this toilet'1- ; THIRD FLOOR Demonstration of Asbestos Sad Irons. Demon- strationof the "Universal Cake ' Maker." . ' ; NSW, UAINSPRINCS, 75c ALL OTHER k?AlX:;a OF J2WELRY AND CL0CH3 AT. PROPORTIONATELY MOP-"'. EST PRICES. FIRST FLOOR NEAR LARGE ELEVATOR. , tzz'jzz . ot c a o m b&Q o " SAIt-AY, StPlttmn 13, IS05 v ; cl O P. CV 1' ' ' . I ' - 'I NE of the' first requisitions received from ' k newly' ap- ) : pointed railway station agent was:' "Send me a gal- ' 1 . J M U- J.nitM 1 1inrni'" Tht' wouldn't be a bad thing for readers of many of the ads. in. the daily papers. to be supplied -with just at this season. 'They should hanz danger sirnals on the.carelesa and over' drawn.atatcmcnta of manyJol-4he-atore-writeratrAfirm--4 advertised the other day lot of blankets of a certain sire at I a certain price. 7 A buyer brought one in to the store to show us how she hid been cheated by another house the , blanket was under-sixe, not up to the .advertised measure ment, and she had paid more for it at a -Special- aalehan 'we had them plainly marked to sell in a regular; way. -The r ! exact duplicates of ours, except that our blanket wat FULL, J SIZE Arf D LOWER PRICED. H wonder some stores' . advertising is nof RBSULTFULvtherefore not successful. 4 TRUTHFUL ' ADVERTISING IS THE ONLY, SORT ' THAT PAYS. This store is thronged daily nd keeps GROWING, because the great Public-has supplied iu "dan- , ger lanterns" with "RED OIL," nd hung them ort'the care- : ' less statements or stbrerwritertwho -juggle -Withthe;" TRUTH? A reputation of more than a quarter century of , square 'dealing has helped this store mightily . in its BUSI . NESS BUILDING, and stands behind every printed or oral statement it makes. -J A GRAND AND TIMELY; BARGAIN IN ' , 1 Silk Gloves Spcciclly Priced to Close . y . XM AND is SILK GLOVES FOR 70. ; Fof vtomorrow we offer alt of owe fine Silk Glovet, m' black,-; white ' J and cqlora Our $1.00 and. $1.25 yaluea, at the special., tale E"c - of, the. pair . ..,...;....'.....,.' HOUSEKEEPERS AND HOTEL1 FOLK WHO SEEK HERE . WILL FIND TOMORROW SOME RARE BARGAINS IN - Household Linens Dbmesti csi . .r"-: FIRST FLOOR SHOPS. '-rr-": 'Here are the very thingt yop need, at prices so reduced thativst . to take-advantage of them 1 to?your pursers jMitive wjusUce.; Judge somewhat by the brief list printed todsy. v-ri. ;v ; r V, fW' - : TABLE DAMASK j ... . r New patterns and special raluea in JRichardson s Irish Lnen Table Damasks. We offer three great-special -vuesriced at,.. 4he r yird..... ........ ,....., ...a .,... Sf and f.w4 :; .: , LINEN SHEETINGS. -J ,.'";.- - ..; Woven of Round-Thread Pure; Flax; Ty-ps r 2i yards wide Priced at, the yard. .................... ; i.fl. 2J4 yrd wide Priced at. the ' yard ......... . - BLEACHED LINEN NAPKINS. .r' ' IvV ' Iii many handsome patterns; full -dinner size-rOur $3.00 l.u"aKj T cial at, the dozen. V. j....l.....Af,?,i BATH TOWALS. .tr. .' TT : V OT 1-Se-6x Mches.tiealry qnahty, t pectat at, each. f C LUT oixe incncii iwa quwuj, jvii h v... . .. . -r ' LOT 3 Sixe 24x45 inches;' extra weight; special at. each....SOf $2.00 FOR LINEN SQUARES WORTH U7S. -Pure Linen Fancy Drawnwork Squares; very pretty; gd quality-- Our $2.75 value; special at, each i . . W VV? - - HEMSTITCHED , SHEETS. . ' ' . i; ,i , v. ; '.V.y-'r.i ' l Jixtr lonfftade of best quality , sheetmg. - -fl s '' JU ytrds by' 2)4: yards; special at, each..; .:,t..,.',tt".Of . 2 yards by 2M yards ;'special at, each..;.. t;...iyi,Vf Bargain Brevities for Satur-- day choppers J 1 FIRST' FLOOR SHOPS, X;; WHITE PEARL SHIRT, BUTTONS. Two or four holes; one dozen buttons on card; all sizes; special t, the ; card . . ; . . . ; . v . . . .v .V. .. ..... OMO ZOUAVE DETACHABLE : DRESS . AND. , CORSET :' :.- -x.W" : SHIELDS, .--;,vv.-v.'vi: In all sizes Onf 65c value; special at.; i.u,.. f AVUWi" cVt V VTNTftU THREAD. i ; hi-metser-30Taid suuuls; in Mactrtmly rttv-VvrH2L A Uur IKK vame; special ax, fcn . ............ , . : FANCY SHELL BACK-COMBS. ' . Our 15c values: special, each- .;..:. . . .;,'. . . .'. a ,Vj; Of FINE IMPORTED ENGLISH PERFUMES. In bulk; violet, rose. clover blossom, lilac, pink 'and heliotrope odors; we furnish bottles Our 50c value; special at, oz.. CLEAR GLYCERINE TOILET SOAP.' r ' ' Large size cakes Our 10c value; special at, the cake. ..... ...Tf " ' ... FANCY LACE EDGE SHELF PAPER. V m . In all colors; 10 yards to piece Onr 5c value; special at, the piece.of TWENTIETH CENTURY" NEEDLE AND PIN BOOKS.' : ' Our 10c value; special at,' each . .'. .t.., .'.i.vT r - FELT SHOE POLISHERS. Reversible; used Instead of cloth or brush Our 25c value;' special ' at. each ..'.......... In tubesi'tor all kinds of fine black leathers; easily applied--25c ; .. value; special .'..' ........ ,XBf ;v NaOLET-PERFUMED TALCUM POWDER. . Delicate and refreshing uur iuc vaiue; special ar, cue.,...,i.'.'.vv . PLAIN WHITE JAPANESE CREPE PAPER NAPKINS.. 100 in package Our iSc -value; special at, package. ....... .. .10f ,vnA.ivin vrrrrtDTl TWTTTA T ROT WDfTINfl tAP1T.n TVnittllU Vw. ........... " - Initial embossed on each sheet; all letters. Plain white 'paper with , . . . . . . t. y ic. ...!... ....!.,., 1Ai ' enveiones 10 maicn vui ojm t,iui i-. miA. - - "LEWIS AND CLARK" BOX PAPER. - ; . ; . With view of Fair on each sheet of paper and on envelopes Our 35c value special at, the box .-'.A. : .;'.; .,'.., .'.S5 ains Saturday Shoe "YE SHbE SHOPPE ON YE 'FAIRWAY' "SIXTH STREET . . ' . . annex-Ifirst floor: $2i0 FOR WOMAN'S SHOES 7 ; . ' " -jv' WORTH $3.00. v - . ; : These Shoes are all late arrivals and are in... '-'the newest designs "for fall and winter weari' They are-the famous line ot shoes fot women callede "Test." TV hvt stood T .J . 'the t,est,, as thousands- of women will test!-'. : fy; and; re worthy the name given them. . ...We have five styles in these shoes, all new' 7 - and correct in every detail, jney sen every where for $3.00. For Saturday we offer them ; , at,- the pair .!,........,.. .' . f 3Jp ; FOR MISSES' SHOES WORTH $2J0. " : Misses', School Shoes, of best wearing quality good sensible styles, sure to give. satisfaction; our, $2.50 value.'. Special Sattir 5 day at, the pair i v . . . ; . V. .ft.9)S W rJ. AUlM-.iVy.lL 44 rBWDSfJS UP" TlillE WEECi AND ITS '. CLOSING DAY IS FRAUGHT WITH INTENSE INTEREST TO ; EVERY SHOPPER WITH ANYTHING Tp feUY FOR PERSONAL WEAR OR HOUSEHOLD USE. When fish are plentiful throw out your lines and when bargains are numerous take ad vantage of the becasioru" Such as this Saturday, sale affords. It matters not whether it's a stylish tailored puit or gown for. social, function a .chic, and charming hat for street or dress wearing curtains for the living rooms at home" or china . for the tables. .They're all here, at' less to pay than other houses ask. Visitors, shoppers and buyers are alike WELCOME. Come and enjoy the store and its privileges BUT COME BE FORE 6 P. M. for this is the "DIFFERENT" store THAT CLOSES WHEN THE DAY IS DONE AT 6 P. M.THIS STORE IS NOT OPEN EVENINGS. THIS STOREBXTENDS TS SINCERE COMPLIMENTS TO PORTLAND'S t; LITTLE i ROSEBUDS" WHO HOLD HIGH CARNIVAL " TOMORROW 5 , . 'BABY DAY ATTHE FAIR AND TQ ' ti:e exposition to the and. .'M'-f'-v'--! McALLtN May hw bright shadow never grow, less 1 ' And length and happiness be added to usefulness of a life that Portland folk are well proud otYer.and, Danl , Yer a FOR WOMEN'S FASHIONABLE AUTIMN APPAREL i t ,v One Must Positively Come to This Great Home of Authoritative Styles LARGEST AND FOREMOST GARMENT HOUSE WESTNOF MAR SHALL FIELD'S CHICAGO ESTABLISHMENT. y .." So interesting are the many and dive rs? design of .the. aututnn .an4 sHmer apparel that a walk through the garment stores on the spacious Second FJoor is alike, to a tour through some great Style Exposition. . Some great exhibit of the world's famous modistes and designers. And t really is a big com petitive show of themost favored modes as approved by Queen Fashion in. her latest mood. Suits, Costumes, Coats and rich Furs have a spontaniety and .... - i.. L:k : . A t in4vt4talitv which must im- youtniumess xo .roe wu.u '"."v; . r i.' j ... it. c - oress you on your first viewing especially f you have looked upon the bar ' gossa sea of flotsam and jetsam in garments .shown jn the. ordinary , shops . about, town. The perfection of. fabric and ideal touches of fashion evinced in our fall apparel will, without question, afford you- rare satisfaction.- A v srrand aisplay ot stunning cosiumci m ,if., .v. -.. Mions priced modestly. Smart novelties in Rain Coats at popular prices, y ; THE" PARTICULAR SUIT YOU LOOK BEST IN AWAITS YOUR 5-L-CALL ? HERE AND INSPECTION TOMORROWS ;f " Maybe the particular suit that best strikes your Jancy.wUl be"oe Of tnose 1. cutJ and natty short bolero, or jacket -- the "new season, "according to the-bet-jUste dictates.w :Also an Immense and varied assortment TxTf those long and graceful fitted coat suits which must be. awarded the ."oalm" this season for precedence In ityle. Redmgotes, Etons and . jacket V y. . t c. -'.- Ti '.mart costumes- are beinff suits au una iwui in V . ' r . . ,..,7 shown in various shades of gray, blue, red, tan, green, brown, purple and black. 1 Mannish styles attract many swell dressers; paddocks and boxy ffct r ; popular. -The price range is wide,........... .............." SUPERB NEW LINGERIE WAISTS have'arrived. ' Magnificent hand-made t.;.-. . t,nm 7.50 ta 428.50. rDaintv-nulls and linens predomi- ttffll fir S nate in the showings. .: V.' ; , ; ' ' : ; . O. ' iSflf TiJi r urnuRM'S NEW. COATS Overwhelming assortments and wide choosing ' in the great convention of new fall coats. ; Three-quarter, and full lengths. Serges, broadcloths, cheviots, coverts, tweeds and faneir mannish mixtures sha Tin popular' favor.; All the favored shades and colorings. Choose from sVio'rdiVlonguTSS scale to the paician. It 18JS: "stop where you will at. the m-between price ..tations, ?JSvl rleaT.rr gen.lng and gr.cefU of sturdy materials. - --r ' . " " : r.,. ffirt. (mm a to 12 vears of aae. . ' - v ' r includinsr serges, cneviots ana rancy mixiur. - -.--.,--, v. . BKS.OU tO f0 houscv-lne lines -are too vanea ior ac.mvv.y.. -; "'." --( ',,. leading fur .houses engaged in manufacturing high-class fur garments and wraps. ten, minx, squirrel ana Dear........ -t-- ? ym'',': r ' "' rst . r . Arj. SPECIAL SATURDAY QNLYIIandsome anins ior Very attractive styles in Voiles, ttammes ana ranam. "V"? ,"f,J:": T: :.,,uTwVarJ Some in walk" fully trimmed in taffeta bands and pretty, tsncy. Draiaa. ' y " ' T 7."." 7.1.7'. f6.98 A GREAT PRE-0PENING EXPOSITION TOMORROW Of the Low and Medium Priced Hats that May Be Crowded to the Background " " BUOU" MILLINERY SAIX)NSANNEX-SECOND FLOOR 7 v 4 Paris creates the styles in millinery; Pouyanne, Rebaux. Esther Mayet ,nd a few ; w i. a..: .h-Ti,t that ir, worn bv the smartest dressers in fcu- - ri ."raouA"":'": ".,r,.t,,;; :il t; richness of color, beauty of design, sug geMion'ol iutimnuste and iharm about them that requires the handling of a Paris, istan gestion oi autumn c v....... - th,t th. h... artist, who knows .so wen now to oiena mw 'TC"A, '"7 , ' """"t, iT.,. are never overtrimmed, but rich, simple and beautiful Of course the cost of soch hats s extremely high, and in order to supply these styles at the greatest possible saving, our ownTxpert millinerand some ofew York' .leading arust "U"T act counterparts of hats shown in the swellest Parisian shops, and have priced them at a sav?n?Po7tland women and easier tourists will be sure to apprec.a e . . Saturday we invite you cordially to come in and see the immense beauty showing. A I Idm tyl". Zfhm rrluive with this house. Women's. Misses' and Children s models. Every .A,,l.f .haoe and color included. Remarkable values, sll--and every Usfe suited. You may range in price from 8t, a 1.4 9. fl.98. can be f2.49 and tip. to f lO.OO. AMERICAN MANUAL TnAi;il?:G SCi:CCL VOTING COriTEST , WHAT A PORTLAND PROFESSOR ' THINKS v OF THE ; AMERICAN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL COURSE. Professor W. A. Law, principal of the South Mount Tabor school, : who is taking the Normal course, says: "The more I work at it -the :bg tier I like M rT-Beardsley's methods. -He eertmUy knows hw . to get down to the Side of a boy and lift him up to Manual Training." THIS STORE WILL GIVE THREE FREE SCHOLARSHIPS ; IN THE AMERICAN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL. r - The v three scholarships we . have - secured . will, be awardeJL- on ; : Thanksgiving Day to the three boys or girls who receive the three "highest totals Iff a" popular' voting contest how on.T "A" Vote ' will be " -issued with every 25-cent purchase. .Ballot boxes are distributed ; conveniently about the store, as in former .contests, and the three ( boys or girls receiving the largest number of votes before 6 p. m. of Wednesday, November 29, will each receive a Free Scholarship, with all tools and books needed in the course. ; ; i '. NAMES OF LEADING TEN CONTESTANTS IN AMERICAN .MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL VOTDMO; CONTEST, WITH ' f : .-.-.v;;, STANDING OF EACH AT 10 A. M: '-f . George Slater,- Ladd ...... ,.. ..."... Robert. Holmes,, lIaxrisohw;.,....,..v".......'i1...i. Roland Malm,;Sunnyside. ......v................... ,..... lames Winston, Harrison J.910 Marion-' Ogden,' Ockley Green Thomas Dickey, H arrison 1 22 Grant McDonald, Ladd ..Z 1,163 -William Smyth, Atkinson ...... ........... 91Z Lewis Thomas, North Central .............. 900 Loring WheUker, St. Laurence 873 1 Scattering .......'. ...... ....,. ....'.. 65J Total Our 1N3. Our I 4. Our S. Our S 6. Our $ 7. Oar 8. Our $10. : Our $12 Our tS f pur $20 50 values; 50 values; 00 value's-K ,w ----- I , ,50 values;1 .50 values;. 00 values; 00 vilue; .00 values; .00 values; Great; LaceCuitcinp ON-THE FOURTH FLOOR A. -7. TOMORROW. . , . Irish " Point ' Lace Curtains, aboiit'2S-diff erenr styles 16" se-' ' - lect from, with from two to 36 pairs of a kind In the lot . Most of these curtains are samples, or curtains. that have been used for display : and are sliglitly soiled or mussed from handling. On sale tomorrow only at big reductions , ; .n-i a 1 i th rtsif... ........... special at, the pair ....... i ...... . . . special at, the pair......;................ snecial at. the pair special at, the pair.... special at, the pair.... special at, the pair,,,. special att the snecial at. the special at the. ca.TB ISM M.OO SK AA pftir swjiji." 5? pair ( .................. . . . . t T. . pair..., .... . . . . tff w.1 OO o 00 BIGGEST VALUES IN NEW FALL SILKS :vS'',.''-c." SHOWN.ON THE WESTERN SLOPE. ; W; ,;We shall offer tomorrow the greatest values in new and stylish Silks ever' offered at the .opening of any season in local store history.1 ' New Novelty Chiffon Taffetas. New Novelty Louisines and New Ombre effects In all the most popular and wanted colorings. These ' are the Identical duplicates of silks termed "unprecedented values , lby smsller stores With limited buying facilities at $1.00 the yard. ,tWe will SHOW you. again our complete mastery of. the SILK, markets of ,the world and again demonstrate our position .bo lute arbiters of low prices by offering these silks, at, the yard..OTe WE WILL ONCE MORE DEMONSTRATE TO YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION OUR POSITION AS LEADERS IN BAR GAIN SELLING OF FASHIONABLE DRESS FABRICS. , : i i SPECUL IN COLORED DESS GOODS . i Our tegular $15 values in new 1905 Novelty Suitings, all in the most wanted hard-finished makes, such as Mohairs, Roxanas, Mohairs and Wool Panamas, -All-Wool Panamas and Herringbone and ; - Chevron Serges.-These come in all the new colors and styles; spe- vial for Saturday, yard . . . ; r.'. . v, r; ivt. ". ;. ; . . ..94e ,52 and 54-inch All-Wool Novelty Suitings, in the largest assortment ; of new weaves and colors shown in the city; our regular SIM values;; special fof Saturday only 7. ... ..k 4.-.;., .4 . . . ..a. BLACK DRESS GOODS SPECIAL 54-inch All-Wool Panama j Suitings,. in plain and neat novelty weaves.' These are the newest ' weaves and best' wearing , fabrics made... These fabrics are pur chased direct from the makers, thereby saving the middleman's , r profit. Without doubt theji are the best values ever shown in the , city at our regular prices of $1.75 per yard; special for Saturday only,ryard I . .v.. .v . . i ' .... ... . .., LSI SATURDAY SPECIALS IN THE - Women's & Children's ; Hosiery Aisle : FIRST FLOOR. 'r ' 'CHILDREN'S BLACK - CASHMERE" . - . HOSE. - . . , J Children's black, . fine ribbed , Cash-, mere Hose, good winter, 'weight, seam- . less, double knee- ; ' . U , Sises 5-to 7)4. regular 25e value; spe cial, the parr ,..................10f Sises 8 and Syi.' regular 30c value; spe cial, the pair ...83e ". Sies 9. 954 and 10, regular 35 value; " special, the -pair , . CHILDREN'S 25c HOSE-. 17c. Children's fine ribbed black Lisle Hoser v sizes 5 to 9, regular, value 25c;, sne- ' ;,vcia1. the pair. jj. ........ , ' . CHILDREN'S 45c HOSE 29c. . f!h;Mrn'a black fine ribbed Cotton Hose, t hnnorted. sises 8 to 10. reiular value ? .'..45c; special, theZpair'.'.;."...'..... . WOMEN'S 50c HOSE 35c ; . ' Women's medium weight, black Cotton , . Hose. special, heel and. toe, spliced - seam, double sole, O. K. brand, rrru lar value 50c; special, the pairi..SS , WOMEN'S 25c HOSE 19c. 7 Women's black Cotton Hose with white ' V'double sole, regular value 2Se; special, the pair . .". .'. ... . i . . ...- Bargain Spials fe dB Shojpp6rs 1 77. FURNISHING" SHOP-FIRST FLQOR-WEST 'ANNEX 777s7i7Z V-7 MEN'S '50c .SILK, TIES t9tt.I;--l ; ' ' 'U A lot of Men's. Silk Crepe Ties, in brown, champagne, blue and red: regular value. 50c.. Special to close, each.'.. ................. .v 7 : MEN'S $1 j UNDERWEAR 9c . k"--V!V''.',-A line of Men's Fall-Weight Camelshair Shirts and Drawers, just the things to wear now; regular value $1.00. Special, the garment.. .y..;.';: 777-r777 . MEN'S 20c SOX itjflC '';' 7:- i -77 Men's Fall-Weight Cotton Hose, "The Lasher," in plain black and' -1 tan, seamless; our best 20c value.' ; - - " ' , v Special at . , . i ...... ir, .TWO : PAIR ?5e OR tX PAIR SATURDAY BARGAIN MAGNETS LIKELY TO: DRAW' ; :. I .THRIFTY FOLK TO THIRD FLOOR. r. i GREAT SAVINGS - TOMORROW ' IN 'BUYING ' 77 :,v 7:. ' ! thiriji floor.. ; -r7 7 7:7- EIGHT-DAY CLOCKS. - with oak frames, 26 inches high; striVe hour and half hour. Special Sale price, each.:...: fl.W CLOCKS.", same as" above " with :' alarm. ; Special ; Sale P', ' - each ............. .'. . ... .,.C1 ECONOMY BARGAINS IN PRETTY DISHES. ; i These Dishes are of German porcelain, decorated with blue flowers. FRUIT SAUCERS Special at the doxth,?. 1. ...7.......... OATMEAL SAUCERS Special at, the doaen ..t..:.. ........ .Z4 SALAD BOWLS 10 inches in diameter Special at, each X94 ' Ribbon Bargains Tdmcrrov FIRST FLOOR. SOc AND 60c RIBBONS FOR 33C "T-rt '"" " '""" Yards and yards of bright, new Ribbons, Satin Tfftas Fine Print Warp Ribbons and handsome Maline Ribbons, of best quality All our 50c and 60c values; special at, the yard S3f .: ;7r . ' A GREAT SALE OF . , ' V- 7::7 WomerifHandocm Fancy Silfi Umbrellas IN "THE UMBRELLA SHOP-SIXTH STREET AifNEX FIRST FLOOR. PRETTY AND SERVICEABLE COL , ORED SILK UMBRELLAS WORTH 15.00 SELL FOR $3.00. ' f ' ' A fnrtunat chance broufht them tO-BS. -sit a litUe more than half their worth and listed manufacturers price, to w nny. so we' sell and our patrons share the luck tomorrow. ' Bewitchingly ptetty. ', splendidly servieesble and full rain size. ine, coiors are ,. navys, browns, greens snd a few swe.l plaids. AH hsve paragon frames with ; steel rods and Princes, hsndles of bo--wood Very smart In sppearstice I durable in wesr. In order nr.t thotteht rsrtial we also crrrn to t:-:i r.zzuw - v For a few'tfsys only, (.ood utrong ..ira.e ' made' frbn f rt if '" si" ; i v'r '""-HI v U ' : JtrdC t - m ' at i Si- T