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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
'4 THE OREGON DAILY IQUItNAli. PORTLAKD. FRIDAY EyinrO. STZi; 3 - 15, f i - 1 - . . ' . . . . , . ... - m mm A IktfN - 1 iKI. I - I tuic CTnDD IC AT PIRST; STRHH . Bh WbnN AYLU f AINU DALMU N J - . I ' ' : : i v 500 Mert's high class, custom tailored, -- hand ilk-sewed and -rtoulder-"" padded Suits,, unbreakable fronts,' if imported tweeds, -cheviots, home- puns and whlpcbrdsequal to any, garments in any clothing establish " nient on First street; splendid val ": ties at $35, and now without the slightest damage, except that . Vmoke-atJ . . fiPJEO- .-T...! . $30 Custom-made,' hand sewed, silk lined, i double or single breasted ... dandies, i in, cassimeres, cheViots,: - worsteds and -vicunas. ' At ' :jtbs great Pire Sale. ....;. ?8.75 200 Suits,, justdampened'by a sprav - f water, as good as when they left ; the fingers of the makers ; always ( sold at, $25, byt at . this as- -. tdunding . Fire. Sale only. . .$7.50 "$15 Stylish ' Suits, not: hurt, a bit, slightly disarranged by ; firemen. L.Witt be sold Llhis- Firew ----. Sacrifke at . . . . . .?6.00 $13.50 Fashionable Garments plenty good enough for any ordinary busi- ness man. Magnificent values "at M'' ...... M ' ' $5.10 $10 Meit's' Working Suits, well made , and always 'considered remarkable c values at this price, finely tailored, ' substantial in every detail,' not in-. -1 . jured in anywise except by damp-, ness and smoke. At this wonderful;Fire - Sale only! $3.98 litf) ft ' Tcn s stronc. -substantial , AVorkinJf Suits, hundreds of them' .worn by men ot rortiano. , uoing at this appalling-Fire Sale '- at ... . . . v; .:. . .92.95 Marvelous Pants ScJo These 'garments were in the. rear 'end of the store near where the. fire, first burst throurh the walls. ''and were daimaged-by both watei1 and" smoke. v .Properly pressed, However, ? they are none the worse for the fire, yet we are selling them off at almost no price at all. - All those Pantaloons "formerly hold at "rr ""T""-7: rrrr -r -$2.50 novf fired:ofr at ........ 70 j he $1.6'0"kind of workmgmen' , , . now . .. . .v....... ....50 -The-' $3.50 ;values,-not damaged x , ? vcept by smoke, at this bie. 1 " " "F,re Sale v .... .....V...f 18 'All our $4. $4.50. $5 and $6 Men's Trousers ""ire Sale-price ' "f " v Qnjy ;.i . . ."'. ." . s . . . . . . . . . . .ipX.05 "ordolhinfirllats, Ccps, Hen's FuThisWro Gcofls ana Can's ana Uozen's Slices- cin conscientiously report the most successfal stampede toward bargain counters ever witnessed in Portland. We suffered great loss by th fire that : w! "n en.n81Zl" v!-m.:: -iC:!ru J- .r. .rt,nt burned, the entire $50,000 stock was damaeed by smoke and much of it by water. . untorxunaieiy visiica our ucvuw, iuiuuSu Kw- 4 v . - -- . . - , M517.35oJtti84ssfc Which payment enablef us to dose out the stock at about 25 per cent of the value of much of it, and from30j 'i'j WE ARE GIVING OUR FRIENDSJTHEuBJEMEEIXJJE ytx --penny' wotth of DurrpeTcnandise nas Been aoia. ?. - : 1; . ... .. ...-. 7 .... -x-k-.e t-tt-.u- t?rir thu TJT7T.TTT AT? and ever I Read tKis unpar alleled price list and ee for your selves tKe money , you 7 can save by, iP if t r o n Is In fLu s, llMMIMIMi a :-r I UmbrcHas - ; Not in the slightest damaged, not even by smoke. ' " ; -; : -Values up" to $1.50, go at this - iFire Sale price of . .... . . . . , . .23 All the finest jDmbrellas in the house, ' Lin tmluM tin to $4.50. but here icy jy ... wwt - Full line of Rubbers and Rubber Boots. .' "'":"' . .t--------- -7'- We offer our lady friends bargains in footwear that arouses them to the importance of providing themselves with stylish and fashionable Shoee for a year to come. None of this footwear was injured more than by the . , .r 1 .2 J i m f, lm,nr.i mall Aarrut 9K hv' water, but Dreaing 01 uie dumb, v .. . '.i , even then not nearly so much as would be experienced by walking a few; All $2.50 welts and turns..... '.20 JRegularj$2;aad $2.606 heels just dampened, by. water..... Wf $2 and $250 values, discernibly dam aged 1.00 Regular , $2.50 and $3 values, only shoe boxes soiled by water - - and smoke .,. ........... ,'.?110. Misses',Tslightly . damaged ; regular $2 values . . . . i ,?1.14 Children's regular $1.50 values, dam 'aged by smoke only........fS0 Women's spring heels, regular. r$K50-values r . . 45& . Infants' Shoes, regular 75c - values . ...... ;.'... .40 Boys' Shoes.regular $2 values ; ' - boxe8j?nlx,dama.ged by Arc .98 Misses" Sandals and Leather, regular 1 j$l.50jyaluc5iireSale.l- - price ................ .60 Black and Tan Boys' Shoes, ' values up to $3. ..... . . . ; . .f 1.12 Children's all leather Sandals ; ; ' regular $1.23 values..:. 50 Misses' and Children's White Can- 'vas Oxfords, Regular $1.50 - values ... ....-,. 89 . Men's Shoes, damaged by fire and water, regular $2.50 and $3, values. Fire Sale price. . ;79 Men-'-Box Calf, V4ci,-Blacher-and- Bals., $2.50 and $3 values, now ........... ...ii. Men's Box ( Calf - and Vici, Blucher .'; and Bals.j $3 and $4 values, not noticeably-damaged, now."? 1.56 Our $18 Cravenettes, next to no i damage . ........... .", 1 .?3.99 Regular 15c Sox go at. ; . . .4 . Handlicrchiofc ;i Regular 15c values go at........ 4 ; ' fSuspcndcrs ; . President Suspenders go at.. '..19 Our complete line of Ties, regular ice values, go ai . ........... One carload of Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases, practically no dam age, 20 cents on the dollar. T THEE ASTOUNDING SACRIFICES-ARB ABSOLUTELY TRUE,"AS OUR FRIENDS.WHO CALL' UPON US WILL DISCOVER. -Do icfound in the newspapers at any time. This is an honest, bma fide clothing fire tale by one of your i home merchantsscourged by the flames, and the garments are not surpassed in any store in Portland or any other town. . . mm 207 FIRST STREET "Dctwccn Taqlor and Salmon 7 At ten Ttrj cm cf ra " As an indication, of tSesupe'riority of "OUT high class merchandise,' worn ; upon, the backs cf scores of citizens desiring really fashionable apparel at our well known modest prices.: THIS BIG FIRE SALE brings into the foreground a brilliant array of the cream of New York fashions in our $35 Paletpt, Belt and Box) Ulsters - '' and Universities, all wool, hand tail ,' ored, unbreakable fronts, up-to-date 1 in style and every attribute of fash , ; ionable London and New York, which we will donate, o all desir . ; ing them at Uie insignificant . price of . . , y . . . . ...... .lOiSO,. 1 JsTdTifoj-elnan two to a customer, and will nof be sold to the trade at these pricesr r " ':" '-'.-' ' $30 Pick and choice of any of our ele- gant and stylish Top XZoatSr-worth" . ; every penny of their former -'. price, $30. . Now on ly . . , '. . ?8.75 $25 Swell all wool charmingly built ; and" magnificently : tailored ; -Top Coats, at this surpassing Fire1-. ' Sale only v, . . . . . . . .. , . .?7.50, $15 Best Overcoat values ever, offered in. Portland at the Fire Sale ,. . Price of . v,.i...?6.00! $12.50 An Overcoat worn by many of the- well dressed merr oithis city" . all last season, a very nanasome garment . pronpunted "swell" by. v' many wearers" at the Fire- 1 ' Sale price of:., ....... ;.i..f5l0j $10 A perfect peach of an Overcoat . for the money; at the Fire T Sale price of. . ........J..V.if3.98 Fanushins .Goods - ' "'The cream of the rnanufactureri was represented here, and -here things go at these unbelievable fig ures ' ";..;,.v":.-! '';.':. -'-A r "Men's" Shirts, "ranging in yalqe fioim .$! to $1.50, at. .w.........74 50c Golf Shirts,' now onlyv. . . .29 : Stoiw Hats : .Values from 50c to $1.25. . , , , . ,29 j (These hats are -practically good -as new. -rrT... - -" - .-r.--1 All other Straw Hats, ranging in value from $1.50 ta$3.50rgo;i- "-5" at t 4 . k i - . . -r s 79 cy,;noE work is SUCCESSFUL , 'X, Portland Man) Machine to Save i . Flour Cold Civen- Its First Ttt RESULTS SATISFY THI HY-BAR MANACEMI '4 ; K iCravcl Taken,Up by Hone Scrapers an8 'Given Coarse Concentration for 'i Gold and Iron and Then Leached for Gold, (SpMial DUpatab U Tte JmtmLI TUwIiton. Ida.. BepL II. Th xpH . ina, plant built near her on th 'Portland man. K. J. Oarrln, hia proved , M auccesa. In aavlnc tha. flna gold raluea of Snak rlvar aravala. ' Mr. Oarvln haa mad .Tilr flrat run iwltB 4h machine erected for thla oojn .pan? and flnda that hla cleanup for the five-day teat checked cloaa-to the aaaay value of the sold In the ana. The ex. traction waa more thorough than the 'management expected, which .la ac counted for br the fact that the void ta . fine, abnolutely free and the thorough aKltatioa of the leaching plant insure "all partlclea coming In contact with the 'eolretrt. ' The : time for 4reatment waa 41 n average of eight hours for each Jour-ton lot handled. As discharging the pulp after treatment requires but ' Jlttle .time, the machine la capable of treating about two and a half vats . .day. giving the four-ton vat a capacity f eight to ten tons dally. In the previ ous tent made by the management for . prcolatloa cyanlding thla aand the sand waa subjected to the solution nine daya ... and the extraction waa not so thorough : as that reported by Mr. Oarvln. h Thai plant used for this work consists of an ordinary road scrsper with-whlch the gravel Is scooped up and dumped . into a. trommel to eliminate th heavier ' pieces, '"hlfle concentration and wet liable work finishes the separation 'of gold . and .black tend from the: waete. The motive . power used at . present Is gasoline engines. It Ja th purpose to effect tha cheapest possible coarse con ' feentratlon by water, nnd then leach the concentrate with the Portland man's : 'machine. . ' - ' ' ' . President Xehrood of the liy-Bar company . ia delighted with results at tained in tha hrat work, and feels con fident that tha problem of saving Snake river flour gold In an economic manner haa been solved. For such deposits of gravel as are not above water, permitting o Deration of the surface) plant now used, i economic dredging devices axa possible. by meana of 'which it ia believed the gravel can be handled for 1 to 4 centa a eublo yard. . On either submerged or ex- nosed bar there will be no atrneuny in digging the gravel and delivering it to tha plant at a low ngure. y , , READY TO PLACER, i Sites John Fropexty MM a Sixty-foot . -.. Oravel Bank to Waah. - Spedl Dbpatek te Tke learaaL) ' OranU Pass. Or.. Sept. U. N. E. Emerson has returned from Seattle to get th Dutch John placer mines ready for ' tha winter run. The mine la lo cated en the aouth bank of Rogue river. between-Shan and Pickett creejtv and is owned by Mr. Emerson ana i-rr. w. ti. Flanagan. . s The bank la 16 feet high but th gravel Is rich enoogh to pay dividends after moving the heavy overburden. The equipment consists of two giants, on No. I and a No.' t. --The water aupply la from Shan creek and 1.100 feet ot pipe ia used to give th head of ISO feet 111 OF WHEELS MAKES IC ' .-,-, - rj . lf-V"' Inventive Genius of World Shown in Wonders of Machinery L ,4V. Building. WILL REMAIN OPEN TWO NIGHTS A WEEK Fair Management Determines to D rot Tuesday and Friday Evenings to the People Who Are Interested In the Great Mechanical IDisplay. F"o"rest fires this summer destroyed section of th flume and men are at work rebuilding It. Mr. Emeraon spends his summers In Seattle and winters at the mine. - ; m ; The Might of Bight. ' For several weeks, the. Immense big sale of Holland Bros.' fine $100,000 stock of suits, overcoats, cravenettea, hoes and furnishings for' men and boy has held th almost undivided at tention of thrifty buying consumer and merchant. High-class merchandise was never offered at so low prices in th history of Portland and the sale ha been auccesa far in expectation of the management. An Immense corps of salespeople is kept inisy and thousands of satisfied buyer have spread tha new until the big double salesroom at the corner of: Flrat and Salmon la the mecca of thrifty buyers. The might of right J predominates, although several aales of' th questionable kind have sprung up In almost every direction. The publio was not ao easily gulled a these taker thought. Some of them have put up their shutters, and th few that are 'attempting to eep up, ere singing their swsn song, for want of patronage. Forty per cent on th dollar for th Holland Bros. . fin big stock waa too much for fake stores to over come and the consequence is First and Salmon streets Is the busy, plae and there are no disappointments. IP . Treferted Stock Oaased Crooda. .Allen Lewis' Best Brand. - iHuiunixi Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip t ' tlonolflH Hawallaa Islands r , r- t vote for...,,........,., ............. ..vv... ....4.. This coupon must be voted on or before Sept t JllflB. -JMaehinrha t-thr lw tamnd rivlr axnosltion there la always th 1.1- .I.n. m.hln.. nil tbawhia of iinleaCTmechanlcal contrivance. Rep. , in h. hullrllna- are firms that make hug, locomotive and normou .niiiM and those which make th .i.i.t ee iTTOvai ox in terested people throng th building from th time it is opened until it is cioseo. t At.i tfi.t . hn.. intrMt In ma ..!.. i dl.nlivi ma have amole OD portunlty to examine th wonderful ma chine tne rair. management tnui to kecD the building open on iiaiav -and Friday nights until . Th building known as Macniury aau la located in the extreme northAst eor .f th ' sTntinds. Firms from all parte of th ..United States ha'v exhlb. it there and among tn most eiaooraie r the display or certain r-oniana firms. Frank J. Smith is superintend; On of the most striking exhibit , is h. 'ih. Vriha.Ma.nn Machine com pany of Philadelphia, which, has In op eration a new puncning ana mium ma chine. It waa mad for th purpoa r4 M.ntif.rturlne. Iron and ateel plat. copper, brass, rubber, leather or fibre washers, nuts, armature, discs ana eiee trtnat and 1 hardware specialties from scrap plat metals, rubber or fibre. The mechanical . conatructlon Is so .aomplet that mo or' boy of ordinary intelli gence may ope rate it without any pr Vioua inowirun vr - v warVttaa Xnar aaiM. I. iimoit tha entire center area k. h.iiMIn, li the exhibit of th A. H. Averill Machinery company and th Aultman-Taylor Machinery company- great traction ' englnea. locomotive, threshing machines, separators, clover hullers and aawmuis. wm nw i est engines on th market r turned out by thos companies. . - Klckard'e electro radiator r an Inter !... fMinrt Tha . machine la ODr atad bv th Inventor,! and la aald to be ... the moat remarkable Invention ever Disced on th market Electric ira woven and electrical cur rent gr forced t -p'tfoi-m. th " most The Willamette Iron Steel work of this eity has on of th notable ex vikii. in the hiilldlna-. and th Willam ette portable, sawing machine attracts & - . . a. am. Inn kl 111 h. ,a gree. av.i v. ....nuv. ...... .n who pronounce it a remaraaoie ot TlOJi - - r tsiiaO-aiJt-adtBU-r or.- Op- aratlna-. drag . saws for th cutting of log for shingles, two-foot wood for lo comotives or logging engine fuel, cord wood and -heavy timber for bridge work nd for general use in timber and log ging camps, displacing nand-powr rig now generally used.-. Th same ' company also operate , a hug aerial ear. ' Th - Truscott Boat . Manufacturing company haa an exhibit that 1 attract ing a great deal of attention, Thla oncVrn ha th launch and boat conces sion' on Guild s lake. Th display con sist of the lateet pattern of launch and boats of all sort. Fairbanks, Mora Co. ha a vary Interesting exhibit There ere tiny scales on which a child might weigh a doll, and engine and hoists an every contrivance that th firm produce for saving time and labor. Looal rinu Xv Ti Display-"-Tatum Bowen, a local, firm, vnd also on of the oldest and most exten sive machinery firms on th coast, ha a select exhibit of leather and rubber belts and a general lln of supplies. including the Albany grease, that ha won dlatlnctlon. The John A. Roebllng Son company ha an exhaustive display of galvanised netting, wire cloth, fire-proof wire lathing,. nail and barb wire, wire rope fining, I ted meased eaWtsTubmarlne cables, glass and porcelain Insulators nd othsr articles. 1 Th William Powell company of Cin cinnati has on exhibition what la called th "Powell Patent Whit Star Valve." tha only one of the sort In existence. Th Whit Star valve haa a disk with two wearing faces, and th carrier I o constructed that th upper or unuaed face is thoroughly protected, keeping it in perfect Condition until the lower faoe 1 worn out when the disk may be reversed. Borqulst Brother, a local firm, ha a striking display of loggers' tools on ex hibition In th building. Oauld Klfne, another Jocal firm, is exhibiting various devices in th i way of toilet articles. Th Byron Jackson Machine works of San Francisco, ha a display of centrlf ugal pumps, hydraulic fittings, pulleys, shaftings, valves and similar articles. Meese , eV Gottfried eompeny -of San Francisco, engineers' and . machinists, haa an attractive display. . . BEACH RATE REDUCED. Tare Dollar fox Benad Trip Anaoameed ky a B. ft , O. Th everyday round-trip rat front Portland to North Beach point haa been reduced- by th O. R. N. Co. frovn 14 to $1, ticket on sale until October 15 with final return limit October 11. Particular and O. R. A N. Summer Book by aaklng at Third and Waahlng. ton streets, Portland. .. - Xff Sawmill for Balnier. .. . (special Dispatch te The Josrsat) Rainier.. Or., Sept IS. A large saw mill under th ownership of L. R. Ruth eyford and H. R. Heawer, eesWn par ties, will be located here. It will occu py 700 feet waterfront In Moeok s addi tion. - ' . - . PIER SIGNS : FIND FEVi FRIENDS Protest Against Defrfblng Bridget Across - Willamette Grow ..onger Each Day. MANY LEADING MEN " WONDER AT OFFICIALS Express 8urprU . .That th Propo sition Should ,HaV Bten Con sidered and 86ms Are Willing' to Take MatteHnto Courts. CASTOR I A ' Tor Lolints and CMldren. Tb tki Yea K:tj Ifcijt l:z$ Bears the Sife-ator . Protests against, th county . convnts- Ulnnwa granllrg a eanlisi l fin mi uss of th pier and draw i rests ot tn bridge across the Willamette for ad vertising purpose eontlnu to pour In. Mnv cltiaen did not 'at first bellev that th commlaaloner would consider such a- schema, but when it wa learned that they were about to grant th con tract, and that th county would reclv In return but $300, th protests became numerous. In speaking Of th matter, T, N. Strong aid thl morning: "I would subscribe . to help pay th cost of an Injunction vault to restrain the commissioners from aJlewlng th bridge. to be plastered. There Is a time when business economy In county af fairs eeaaea to be a virtue, and thl la on of th time. X; think that nearly m aelf-reanectlng cltlsen would al most soon have hlav house painted up with signs a to hav th. bridge plas tered In the manner proposed." -x Wv D. Fen ton i also opposed to th a antlna- of th contract .. i' . I do not think It should b pittd,, ta said. "A lot of unsightly notices that a majority of eitlaens would not car ro have shown in flaring colors on county nronertv would be JMtlnted on ' th hrlda-ea." , ' ' "X think If anything of th ort- I proposed - It should be quashed very quickly," said Attorney C. M. Idleman when asked hla opinion. ' City Attorney McNary I also oppoed to th signs. - ; "Nothing Ilk' that should sver be al lowed," he aald, "and I shouid - hav thought that tha commissioners would never have considered the queetion for a moment" . , .. . ,. , NO DA MAGE TO HOPS -BY-HEAVY RAINFALL '""'"''' M--M--Be '"' (Special DUpatek te The lesraaL) ' McMlnnvllls. Or., Sept 11. Th flrat general rain which ha occurred her for two month fell Bfonday evening. Th rain waa accompanied by terrific lightning and thunder; It wa th wont thunder - and lightning that has been aeen here for years. The rain put out th Are In th mountain and cleared away th amok that ha been banging over th valley for th paet week or two. No damage wa don to hops, al though grower wer not able to pifck ny Tneeday a th' rain continued through Tueaday night Some of th hop wer dry ncnif h te begin picking again today. .'.; ... ' " .:- iv i. ....A ... - ..;.'.',- ill!-. if W":. Lare here! yes, come a-runmng Of .course there are more styles, patterns, etc. to be seen when the new things are first spread out to your gaze and the man who gets his clothes the first day of the season gets Ll the longest and best wear out of thenu . . - ldity Is Our Specialty VVhile other dealers talk price we talk quality and price-- ' a man may iorget wnat ne paia ior ni tiouica, ou . b u never forget how they looked, how they fitted and how they .wore. Our faultless clothing saves a man paying made-to-order prices and the unpleasant feeling of wearing the ordi- - .-V ''",' '' . .'.. narv rearlv.maHa. , ' ' . - i J j j X Good Suits and Overcoats All 'alterations auicklv made by our expert tailors and suits repaired, sponged and pressed free of charge for one year OUTFITTERS TO MEN AND BOYS. 7 lb6-160 Third St., Nenr Morrison V A.. .