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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
TIIS .'ORSGOMr DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY .' EVENING," SEPTEI.ISZ3 ' 13, 1CC3, TOWN TOPICS EVENING PAPER rs. On ' 'kunilMut mwJl - lanha of fc " lavgaat 4wrtamt aloraa thraturaoui . 'the Untied Kim at aaaad .wktea ' . fipr m the fat nrofltabte foe advr- , . Ilnltif tti norntnc or the TMlnsi 10' prvfrrml ala paper, 10 tra- fcrrad the worelne. . r : c ' Tb Journal will aabllah letter each Tn(us ese of tha 104.. ' We prefer.the evening papers.' ',I.f.'i m sincere belief that they vare decidedly the. heat, result? ,'bringera.- The eveningr paper is .carried horoc.-while.mne .trnthi. -of - the. morning; editions: are taken to business by the men. 1 . -v ?chas.'J. shearer, . jjtjijtoeay & "Bufhhan, Brooklyn. , ." ,The elzealattoa. of, Tha Jparaal ' jrMttdajr wm " a4 'Je..' major portiom f tt was U fcrt- ' i. ,. .;. v.'' : TOKOHT'i AsnrazitzBTa. ' V, Marquaa. , Bolaaeo . . Mrs. Wls f the Cabto few' Kwplra ; LyrlcY.-,'. tokrr. ........ .."Qves etse Highway" ..-....."KlBf Trampa" ........."Kaatnckr MM" urtna Star . .... vaudmu .... VadlU '. For $1. very Sunday, bur people and guests mar visit tho celebrated $4,000. , 000 Cascade ixx-ks.- mtles up . tha ' Columbia river from Portland, and on rout feast their ayes "upon the most delightful natural scenery In tha. .world. V Tha steamer Charlsa R. Spencer, leav - - In- foot of Washington street. at a. m.,- passes directly through the heart of the Cascade mountains, affording; a ' perfect view of the mountains, canons ' and Elena, Multnomah falls, 840 feet; tha hllla and dales. hlatorto rockaj ""chsrmlni; groves rand sturdy forests, - wild, weird jungle and rolling prairies. flshwheel in operation a panorama of beauty . and grandeur unexcelled any where en earth. This region la aptly ' termed by travelers "The Hwitserland of -America." - Excellent -- meals -eerved -on board the boat, which reaches. Portland - on return at about f p. ra. . A. A. Allen's connection with' the Ore- gon Savings bank la causing consider f able comment among railroad men. . He ,.la. vlce-prealdent and general manager or tne Missouri, Kansas 4k Texas rati road, an ally of the Oould aystemK and hls coming to Portland as a director ip . the reorganised Oregon Savings bank ia -. regarded at this time as - significant. . , The Nevada, California 4k Oregon rail road has been acquired by the Oould - - people and la building to LakeVlew, lo - - southern Oregon, with a survey that ex tends northwest through the Klsmath "country across- the Cascades and down the Willamette valley to Portland. (i . " ,: Adjutant-General David Vlckers of .the staff of Governor Qoodlng of Idaho ,. ; has been In the. city for. several, day. remaining after the oeparture of . the ; " other members of his party. He" will , flepaxt for Bolae tonight. . He was ln . . snector-general of the Sixth army corps ' during the Spanish war. General Vick- 7 ers was a brigadier-general In the civil ra at 14 ' mar. At mmm anrf mtmm that eommlaaioner sent by Prealdent XJrant - to Ban to oomlngo in iiti to settle some delicate questions which Involved the " i federal -administration. v . .. . . .- County Clerks. Recorders and . Auditors' association, says the convention of that ' society; will be held here September II end SO.' Thirty-three county clerks, 10 recorders and one county auditor belong to the essoclation and Multnomah has the only county auditor in the state. The associations officers are: Frank 8. '. Fields, Portland, prealdent; George W. Jones, McMlnnvllle, vice president J. C s Slegmund. Salem, aecretary; cL A. ' Srandes, Portland, treasurer. At the home of his son, Oscar, at 20 East Ankeny street. Rev. John Mll- , ier, oni ui uirivn s Mfvui Known pionevr preacners. is in me vauey oxtne anaaow. Mr. M tiler la nearly . ' years- old and - has been a resident of this state since 1162. when he began preaching through ..see WIHIaniitte-Tariay, TTi wag-T-mem-ber of the missionary conference organ ' Ised at Salem. March IT, 1S6S. l Reduced Seaside rates Via the A. 4 C R. R. To Clatsop Beach, j 4, ,uniy 4.ou ror tne round trip. . ii,ch uvu wiuuer it. . . . ' Trains Union depot a. m. dally. '' Se the mafeatle Columbia Hv.r T And the broad briny Pacific ocean. ..information Hi Aider street Or Telephone Main 90(. ' After several hours' discussion the Jury In the case of A. Swsnson, who con , ducts a saloon at Twenty-third and Washington streets, charged with sell- Ing liquor to 16-year-old George W. Belts, reported late yesterdsy afternoon that it could not agree and was discharged -by-Judge -Sears. --District'1" Attorney Manning yesterdsy dismissed an Indictment againat William Grlmea for selling liquor In violation of the prohibition law. Aa there was only one witness for the state. Grimes' con viction was doubtful. , He must stand trial on another charge of the same sort. '" From September 26 to October 1) the ' Southern Psclf le will makp a, further reduction of 20 per cent on, present ex- ft Exaaixzn TS. DENNEY WK-ARB 80LB -AGENTS for this well known and popular hat Fill-Shapes Now on Display titwwttf Crtdley Q Co. ,. '":-.'- ' M4S Wmthinglon Xfrirgl r mLaJi t-.ujr nunM. -:7 eurslon rates on account of the Lewis and Clark fair from southern California points.. Th est will brine the excur sion rate for the round trip down to figures lower than tho ordinary one way jure, -rn company. expects a great tide of travel from authern California territory In the closing days of the fair. Borne competitor la making rather rrantlo but Beamingly unsuccessful et forte to sell a few "Meyer" pianos, which proves again that, a good name aione wont do If the stuTT Isn't there. Or is u done only to discredit the A. W. Meyer piano, one of the highest grades or pianos ever pur on xne market, which will be here in a few days and which fact Was announced - several months agor or is it used ae a bait to draw people to the store and then switch the unsuspecting customer onto one of their so-called $600 pianos, which for various reasons are sold for 8360 and more, and wnicn were offered to me by the manu facturer for less than 1126? You call on me. examine my pianos, get my prices and you will realise that It Is a, mighty hard proposition for some - houses to compete in a legitimate way, which may explain soma -of their tactics, A.', W Meyer, 74 Sixth street, near Oak. The San Pedro. . Los Angelea AY Salt Lake rayroa'd, the new line lately built by senator Clark from Salt Lake to Los .Angeles, baa Just Issued a very handsome book 'bearing 'the- attractive title, The Story of a Trail," a copy of wnicn nas just been received ' from Traveling Passenger. Agents H,F. Gen try of Los Angeles and Kenneth C. Kerr of Salt Lake City, who are in Portland with the traveling paasenger agents at the annual convention.' They are with the California, delegation in itr own car, which met the special at Butte, and the party will continue" on- the .trip as far as Banff. . The California crowd Is well equipped and Is doing Its share of entertaining on' the 'long and delightful journey of the paaeangar agent Onions nearly as large as cantaloupes and with flavor that - la aald to be aweeter than any ether onions- grown come from Jackson county. F. H. Hop kins of Portland, who has a fruit farm near "Central Point, returned yesterday. bringing some marvele that measure . 10 Inches In circumference and weigh over three pounds eaeh. .They are white and perrecuy lormea, .. Tomorrow , evening E. . P. : Sheldon, superintendent of the forestry, fish and game exhibits at the Lewis and Clark exposition, will give an illustrated ad dress at the. Y. M. C, A- auditorium on "The Forest Trees of Oregon." under the auaploes of the . Oregon . State Academy of Sciences and the Portland Young -Men's Christian association, No aamission fee. , - - Special rates on the O. W. P. Sunday To Oreaham, 26c; Boring, , Eagle Creek and -Estacada.. 60c round trip. . Dinner at Hotel Estacada, 76a Cars leave First and Alder streets 1:10. :I0, U:I0. 1:10, 1:40, 6:44, 7:16. On the O. W..P. Trolley, Lines Sun- day . To Oregon -CHy, WHt Falls ' and Canemah Park, 26o round trip. Motor cars with trailers leave First knd Alder streets on the odd hour and every 40 minutes,. Tourists, aa wen aa city people, finan cially embarrassed, will And the Port' land Loan Office. 7 Third street.-the safest and moat reliable place to trans act their business. Rates reasonable. - Professor Rlngler announces the open' Ing of hie ladies' physical culture classes next Monaay ayening. a limited num ber of membrshlps will be sold for 15 for the season, lot Aider street, Wanted At Igorrote village, at all times, short , haired dogs of masculine gender. Beys bringing saw to villrge will be Suitably rewarded. Pet ; and hunting dogs not desired. . Portland Dancing academy teSew'a for the season next Tuesday evenliig.'f'ro fessor Rlngler and Miss BuckenmeVer. instructors. 40 Alder street.' Lessons 60c. 22 lessons IS. , The Portland Walters' club will hold their dance Saturday evening, Septem ber 16, In Merrill's new halt . A prise will be given to the best lady and gen tleman waitaer. Medical department University ' of Oregon. will commence l-oth ses sion Friday, September 16. Matricula tion book la now cpen-at 610 Dekum bulldlng. Follow the crowd on a Saturday to the uptown market and fill your arms or baskets' with choice meata at bedrock price. - Bee Friedman'- market ad. page 13. Price of meat go down. Both beef and pot roast very ' choice, will be sold t 4 and 8 cents a pound at Friedman Packing company,- 286 First street Dei II. A. Studeiaiif foriiieilr nf Tint" Dalles, is now with. Wise Bros, at rooms 211-12. The Falling. Third snd Washing ton ireeis. -rnoni fliin isz. Dance for 840 cash prise every Tues day and Friday evenings. Lewis and Clark pavilion. Twenty-seventh and Thurman streets. : ... v . k We clean and press your clothe and shine your shoes for. 81.0ft per month. Unique Tailoring CoJ 847 Washington. Main 614. " . - -r r Any watches cleaned, 21.00: main spring, 81.00; all work guaranteed one year, Metsger Co.. ill sixth street Dr. Mrs. M. B. Hlckey has returned from her vacation and will be fouod at her chair as usual. 817 Dekum building. Dr Stephen 8. Wise will preach at Temple Beth Israel at 8 o'clock tonight on "The j(ew conecieno.- ; , Cloth signs for special eulee, ort short notice Fostsr Klelser, phone Ex. 66. Frits' tarn! are the best ' ; Market Basket. t This Is the day when The Journal dud- llshes the "Market Basket' aa well aa tne many grocery and market advertise ments that ars so very Interesting- To the housewife and thoee who do the buy ing for the home. - Be sure you read them all, as there are .many bargains. Talk of the, Tavern. , That Is the finest rsfe and grill In the city. The Tavern: Fine musical pro grant' every evening. "After theater sup pers a specialty. Opposite thojOre gonlan building. . Ladles' - annex 80 Alder street. - ...i. . .. . . . . v, Tp? Heiler'a"; Millinery T77 Mrs. Melander, having Just returned from the eastern' markets. Is now readv to meet her patron with an extensive line of hlgh.-cless novelties. . . When In Seattle ? ' Go to the Rathakeller, hlrh-clsss place to eat Sea food, eaetera meata, Urge orchestra dally. : Itspraska "):' '.' Free moving plctute exhibitions. Neb- 'raaka pavilion. Agricultural palace, , ,. . o:;ey dut DIED A PAUPER Luzerne Betser, Ex-Chief of Po . lice and Councilman, Dead "at the" Poor Farm. WAS A PIONEER AND : MADE A FORTUNE Fire, Unfortunate "i Speculationa and Unsecured Notes Proved Hi Un doingand Five Yean Ago He Be- came a Ward of the County. ' Lucerne Besser, formerly chief of po lice and city councilman of Portland. died at the county hospital this morn ing; of 'Bright" disease.- At" one time be was a factor in municipal life and was a very wealthy man. but Are and financial reverses reduced him from af fluence to poverty and he had. been an inmate of the poor -f arm for the last flvs yeara. . 4 - Mr. Besssr was born In Clark county, Illinois. October 26.' 1628. and" his par ents lived on the hah k of the Wabash river, about two miles south of the town of Darwin. 7-He waa a pioneer of Oregon, having croeeed the plain and settled here In 186I.' ' . . . Engaging In the milling buslnsss, Vfr. Besser laid the foundation' of a great fortune. It-Is estimated that at ene time' he was worth mare than $200,000, Fire devastated his property and he met with a number of financial reverse in rapid" succession. A great deal of hi money Is said to have been loaned friends, who never repaid him. He was unablf to collect -what waa due him, as in a majority of cases 'he had failed to ask for security. - For some time Mr. Besser was a po litical power, and served as-city coun cilman for about 10 year. He became chief of police In 187 and held the of fice for two yeara - --. The burial will be attended to by rela tives. Funeral from Flnley s. - - CONNORS-CHARGES WERE NOT PROVED As the evidence ouered In the police court this morning in the cases of Thomas McOlInn and Samuel. Boiler, charged "with assault and battery, by former special policemen Den Connors tended to show - that. jjehsd attempted to secure money from them, - judge rcameron alsmissed the ease. James Hull, bartender at .the Tuxedo saloon before Its license was revoked, ss well aa McGltnn and Boiler, testified that Connors' created a disturbance, that he threw the former special officer out of the saloon. . - Edward Johnson a wore that Connor went to. his roomand offered to drop the charge .for 210. which amount lie said had" been given a phyalcian to new up a cut on hla scalp. Connors ad mitted going . to - the room, but . said Johnaon sept for him. ' ' RAILROAD TRAVEL GROWS ON PERMANENT BASIS1 .-' -La -"- '-.. ', ;'' Treascontlnental railroad are. feeling the effect of a permanent- inorease In travel .between the -middle west and the Pacific . coast. The Chicago and Northerwestern, which operates a through train In connection' With the Union Pacific system between Omeha snd San Francisco and a- special csr through to Portland, haa put- on new equipment for the entire train. . The O. R. A N. today added another tourist ear to its Portland-Poeatello run. The ear will leave Portland dally o No. t and return on Not 1. It Is Id the Northern Pacific and Great Northern are preparing to strengthen their regular train service between St Paul and the pacine coast. rlo, for Astoria. Swift steamer Telegraph leaves Alder street dock 7:20 a. m. dally exeept Fri day. Returning leavea Astoria I p. arriving Portland 8:80 p. m. Sunday leavea ' Portland I i. n, Astoria 2:80 p. m. Arriving Portland p. m. Milwaukie Country Club. . Eastern end Seattle race.' Take Sell wood and Oregon City car at First and Aider, Classes la Aaterieaa Oove: ; FoUtie. A new clsss Is to. be given thle year In the Toung 'Men's Christian Associa tion night school on the subject of American government The course will deal with federal, state and municipal government and will give special stten tlon to some of the problems of the present day. " The regular class work will be supplemented .by debates and discussions. Several prominent official and political leaders will addrees the class from time to time. A regular conrse will be followed . under the In struction of Mr. E. 8. J. McAllister. The term will begin Monday, September 26. - , ... ' All Kinds of Babies. Single babies, twin bsbles arid triplets, all do equally well on Mellln's Food. There are a few pictures of theta In the Mellln's Food Exhibit at the Lewis and Clark exposition. We have hundred more pictures In tha Mellln's Food of fice In Boeton and lack of apace pre vented our showing you sit of them. but there-are enough in the exhibit to show you that Mellln'e Food babies al ways look heslihy snd happy. Mellln' Food Exhibit Agriculture building. ., """" ' -awaeaa-as1) runs for 2teat. - A fine farm , (grain, fruit and stock) beautifully located on Willamette river (Ellers landing), near New .Era. 18 miles' drive from Portland, a tract of either 100 -or 200 acrea,a dealredt I offered for, rent to thoroughly respon sible pertles on attractive term a place la well storked and supplied with neca essnry machinery and buildings. Ad dress in writing Hy. Ellers. 861. Wash ington atreet. . ' , - Temperance leeAare. v 'j At the Volunteer of America hall. 807-Ankeny-etreet.-between Third and Fourth. Mrs. M. K. Graves of the W. C T. IT. wilt lecture on Saturday. AOTttlCBkTTS. LYRIC THEATRE wztx rraamio moxdat. trrcxaxB it "THE RING OF TRAMPS" A Rural Drasia of' Anwrtrtn IJfe Is Tom Act br P. n. M-Leea. .. IS tae ritM Wltfe Bantne- Usiys, tk Xayar Tnusp, the Lyrlawa. ASMIStJOJI 10. . BISEgVtO MAT t0 VMNT OLD : FASIIIO'JEO PIANOS Owners of Sqaare Piinbs Cm . . Sell or Exchaazs Tbem lo . flood Advantage Now. Ordinarily,- w -are- overstocked with square pianos. But of late ao many peo- f ie who ilvw I'lf the country, and have, herefore, plenty of houseroom. have called and purchased these square pia nos, that for the first time In our his tory we ere entirely sold out of squares. We have orders today for four good equare pianos, knd we are ire prepared to give any one an except tonally louir o leal" on a-rood, rellnbla Instrument. Will bur a sauara nlana or two for caah Or allow liberally for same toward pay ment of an elegant new upright :r grand piano. There are many homes where a choice little Chiokering Baby grand should sii- perseae tne anii and see our "bal intlquated equare. Come in "baby ahow'r and rid of the square, and ..give the young .muaUl clan or tne family a aquare deal by pro viding a atrlctly up-to-date. Mtatrument Will also accept a square piano or two in part payment for Metroatyle Pianola piano. Telephone or call at Ellers Piano. Mouse, Exohenge.lJ,--retaU. eaies- rooms, 861 Washington. ZZZFZ Theatre . W. T. ASi'M C. Hal Us. rnMv tk aa4 Ttk. . ; TONIGHT AT 8-20 O'CLOCK . padal Prlr Matliie TnaMrrnw. Laat . 1 foraiaoc Tonra rr sw Might .:.'. ''. oy . v .:;;'.- The Cabbage Patch ."The greatest bit is jpara" Par tuad pally Paper. i PRICKS SSe, 8Se. BOe. TS. 81 sad 81.60. SeaU Kow Belling for tb Entire Wex. Marquam Grand Theatre X NEXT WEEK ' BEGINNING ; MONDAY. . , SIPTEMBEB IS. Special Price Matinee Wedoeaday aad Saturday .' The Slg Miel-Bay "THE CHAPERONS" dargeea OastsB Pretty Owls Oateky steal Later Swag ta eea. TOe Whole Daiaa FunDy! PHIOW Brenlag. ZSe. sBe. Me, Tie, 81 sad Uttlneea.-JOerSnc. WC,TS and L a.t ar Kn tut la " Bclnsco .Theatre umiii lith sad Wash. Blaae Mayer, Props. ' ith Week belasco stock co. : ' i ; 7 TONIttHT. 8:16 ALL WEEK - - Matise : Tosnrrew snd , Bandar. JUDAH , BENET AKTBUB JONES' CHEAT FLAT. . XIaborat'e Prodoctlea Pla Caat . , J DDlrP Metis 28c. 8ft aad SO.. r .tl? Night SM. 5e. Oe aad T5e. NEXT WTK-"Cantala Jlnka. of the Bora Mannas.-' BAKER Theatre oa ana xamiuu Phone Main 1SOT. OREOON TMEATKg CO.. Geo. 1 Baker. Mnaer, THE HOME OP BUKL8QtK. No Far for ma oca Raturdar Niaht. ill IVmlght and Tomorrow Matinee, Laat Perfora- anee or wnanen maritn a ureat KZXTUOT BELLE" ExtraTagansa Company, Introducing the 8Jeresa ing rare. BnrtPHT' MISTAKE" '" Life. Merrlai'nt and Mnale. ' l-ntas. 1 5c 60c. S6e. Dfte: SMtlBMa Bee. 26c, I5e. - V'VVV WW MmwiM Imil. W. Tha Merrymaker." EMPIRE THEATRE 13th aad Morrlaoa, ftum Mala 117. , r THE POPTXAB TREATBB.. . Tonight and Tomorrow, Dark EVENING 15e, 2Sc. 88e aad 60c - MATINEES 10. 5e and J8e. . , Next Week, ttirtlng Senday Matlsee. --iFabioRoiTianlJ Dragiattsatloa of Noral, Marl Coram- Vendetta." Ptmoet THE a RAN D TBI rOTTE XXUNOrwOBm JAMES HAWLXT THE BDSCHl PAMILT BBOOKS AND BX00X4 ALDBO BBOTHERg . FB.ED PUBINTON THE OBAMDISOOPK. ' - Oanrl aamlatlnn loci reoer- tea fa oa lower floor 20e. Dally aatlBaaa, eatlr lower floor loe. box ta zae. THE STAR CLAW CT AND IWABTg VIOLIT WELBTOOOKI THE OHXAT MA tXSXX THE BINALDOI JOHlf M'OBATK B0T M'BRAIX THE STlaOSOOPI. fieaeral 1mlalon l(ie; i-rTd seat ea I1I7 I fa 3Be. floor ine, bos eaa Great Auction of Chinese and Owing to being Overstocked for the Fair trade and the very limited room In our store, we con cluded to fore our goods at auc tion sale. The largeet lock of thl kind In the city, consisting of beautiful silverware, clolsaonnev 'satsuma, new brass wsre, ebony eenred - furnitures, embroidered Bilk kimono-and-fine' decorated porcelain tea sets, cte. Sale commences 2:28 and 7:8 p. m. . Continue retailing before or after auction; wholesale at ware kouae. , . . v , . . , - '-V-. Andrew Kan & Co. tT Btorrlsea Btreet, stwssi .-1 'Venrt. aad fifth, -; KEW FALL WHS N- EW and grnart tailored models as illustrat ed in pleated and shirred mohair waisti. The colors are black, white and embossed dotted effects and the 4iew invisible ' Checks. Also a complete showing of cassimere in black, brown, tan, champagne and light shades. New sleeves ' and cuffs and fancy stock col lars. It will pay you to step In and see these , waists as well as many other things in women's apparel which we are showing. The low prices and easy teiins-Mf-youi, like- make this the most attrac-. ' tive place to boy f-50 OS. A WEEK -i " L ClIYSf A WAIST J The Store Where Yonr Credit is Good OUIMTING CO J8I WASClNGTOil STREET E. B. COL WELL Successor to A. J. Farmer ouBiu aw m-TAXz. asooxm. S8L, M3 and au Third at- Oor. JeBersoa Price . quoted below will save you at least zo par cent: Best Dry Granulated 8ugar (not ' beet). 100-lb. aacka IE 26 18 lba Beat Dry Granulated Sugar not beet) 11.08 l-lo. can Royal Baking Powder 40c 1-lb. can Schllllnga' Baking Powder, ,86c 1-lb. nkg. Arm and Hammer Soda... 6o Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg...,10o s ids. clean white Rice ..zne 18 bara Royal 8avon Soap ...... ...25c 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca .....26c Hard Wheat Flour, per sackl..w..1.0rf- uest m a tern Hams, per, pound ,...14c Picnic Ha ma. oer nound to 8hredded Cocoa nut, per pound 15c rd 60c -.l.'.-Hlllllilil1l 20-lb. pall beat Lard ...... ..i. 61.60 Best Soft Wheat Flour, peV sack. .81.00 Java and Mocha Coffee (regular 26c). per pouna ic lba. broken Java and Mocha (! to 20o)...... 26c 2 cane Primrose Cream....... 16a Tiger Cream (reeular 10c). Der can.. 6e English Breakfast Tea (reg. 26c). lb. 16c Hootch Oate, per pkg. , .. .. ........ ,10c Tar Soap, 2 bare 6e Fels Naphtha Soap, per bar... ...... 6c Postum Cereal, per pkg ,..20e Boda Crackers, 10-lb. box..... 60c East Side deliveries Tuesdays and Fridays. Woodlawn, North Alblna and Piedmont. Wednesday. . anion bcatst 403. ' . Up-to-Date Men'i and Youth' Suits, Top Coats, Cravenettea, Panu, Hats, Shirt, with a general line of Shoe for Ladies, Men, Misses and Boys. After looking through other stores' prices we ask of you to convince yourself and see ours. We save you from $2.50 to $5.00 on a Suit or Over coat and we save you from 50c to $1.50 ' on a Hat, Pants or Shoes. -You also can do well with u on Trunks, Suit Cases, Valises, Blankets and Comfort ers.. No trouble to show good. Prices' arc marked in plain fig ures.' ! '.." :. . JOHN DELLAR RtrantngTwoStort--Cor. First and YtmhiH Streets & Cor. 3d and Dsvi SuJ EASTEM Right Two good : ones -for tomorrow cvctiing---onc forthe kitchen and one for any place you choose to use it 1 You4 can carry these home' -with-vou. ' '.'"' ' ( I iiii 1 Lin 1 j 1 .I ; ' ' ; a You can use the most . anywhere . in .the house, they'll come in bandy. Yon can't have too many places to hang things. Twenty-lour inches wide, with four 'hook and round minor; pretty golden finish. REGULAR PRICE 80i 43c SPECIAL WITH COLD HANDLE j: jr kcgijlar pMi rTomor row Night Jewesei Vestern Importing Co. 329 WASHINGTON STREET. IMPERIAL HOTEL BUILDING. I a 82'A Third St. ; TA CmUbmtmd v. ..... :.of 6 P.T.1 m 43c Oriental Curios '4- ' ' j If you wish anything la this line, we can givej it to you ft tha very lowest prices. . A large stock now in. Special This Week oa Cottca Crc Cottoa Crepe, regular 3 Sc. SHIRTWAISTS AT HALF PRICES. . We wish to call your attention to our large stock of Lunch Baskets with straps. Large aUa 60, medium 35e and nall lz SSe). These are just the thing for school or traveling. ? -, . ' Before purchasing elsewhere call on us and we will guarantee ou the best attention. , 1 atapaif, tov our mwr 4-ool Dry Fir Uccd I :sa.a '' '.a ' '-''.!' - ' . PER CORD ;, . ', re tk aext ee SATS OBTX.T. i l:l!' buv iwr':Vj:: Phone Main 353 OrgomUt YtrkCcy ,1